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Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 1 of 18



individually and on behalf of
others similarly situated,

Plaintiff, Case Number: 1:22-CV-04498-JPB






COMES NOW Defendants, BAR VEGAN LLC (“Bar Vegan”), AARON


“Defendants”), by and through the undersigned counsel, file this Answer and

Affirmative Defenses (“Answer”) to Plaintiff’s Collective Action Complaint

(“Complaint”) by responding to the specifically numbered allegations and then

raising its affirmative defenses.


1. Defendants admit the Complaint is styled as a collective action for

unpaid minimum and overtime wages pursuant to the Fair Labor

Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 201 et seq. (“FLSA”). Defendants deny

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 2 of 18

violating the FLSA in relation to Plaintiff’s employment and any

purported similarly situated current and former employees, as well as

any remaining allegations set forth in Paragraph 1 of the Complaint.

2. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 2.

3. Defendants admit Bar Vegan treats Named Plaintiff as a tipped

employee. Defendants deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 3.

4. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 4.

5. Defendants admit Named Plaintiff seeks to represent a proposed

collective class of individuals employed by Bar Vegan as servers and

bartenders who worked at a restaurant called Bar Vegan in Atlanta,

Georgia within the three year period preceding the filing of the

Complaint. Defendants deny that adjudication as a collective class is

proper as well as any remaining allegations of Paragraph 5.


6. Defendants admit that Bar Vegan is a foreign limited liability

company, and operates a restaurant and bar of the same name.

Defendants deny the remaining allegations in Paragraph 6.

7. Defendants admit the allegations of Paragraph 7.

8. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 8.

9. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 9.

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 3 of 18

10. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 10.

11. Defendants admit Named Plaintiff Morgan Georgia (“Named

Plaintiff”) has worked as a bartender for Bar Vegan. Defendants deny

the remaining allegations on Paragraph 11.

12. Defendants are without sufficient information to either admit or deny

the allegations of Paragraph 12, and on that basis denies the same.

13. Defendants are without sufficient information to either admit or deny

the allegation that other servers and bartenders are interested in joining

this action, and on that basis deny the same. Defendants deny any

remaining allegations of Paragraph 13, including specifically that other

servers and bartenders are similarly situated and that collective class

adjudication would be proper.

14. Defendants admit that Amber Abney works as a server for Bar Vegan.

Defendants are without sufficient information to admit or deny the

remaining allegations of Paragraph 14, and on that basis deny the same.

15. Defendants admit that Kandus LeBlanc works as a server for Bar

Vegan. Defendants are without sufficient information to admit or deny

the remaining allegations of Paragraph 15, and on that basis deny the


Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 4 of 18


16. Defendants admit Named Plaintiff’s claims raise questions of federal

law and on that basis Named Plaintiff seeks to invoke the jurisdiction

of this Court.

17. Defendants admit venue is proper in the Atlanta Division of the United

States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia pursuant to 28

U.S.C. Sec. 1391(b) and Local Rule 3.1(B). Defendants deny the

remaining allegations of Paragraph 17.

18. Defendants admit the allegations of Paragraph 18.

19. Defendants admit the allegations of Paragraph 19.


20. Defendants admit the allegations of Paragraph 20.

21. Defendants admit the allegations of Paragraph 21.

22. Defendants admit Bar Vegan employs two or more individuals who sell

goods. Defendants deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 22.

23. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 23.

24. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 24.

25. Defendants admit Bar Vegan employees handle and use cleaning

supplies, computers, telephones, and food and beverage products while

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 5 of 18

performing their job duties. Defendants deny the remaining allegations

of Paragraph 25.

26. Defendants admit the allegations of Paragraph 26.

27. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 27.


28. Defendants admit that Bar Vegan employed Named Plaintiff.

Defendants deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 28, including

specifically that other Bar Vegan employees are similarly situated to

Named Plaintiff, which is how Named Plaintiff defines “Plaintiffs” in

Paragraph 2 the Complaint.

29. Defendants admit Bar Vegan has the authority to hire and fire Named

Plaintiff and other individuals it employed/employs. Defendants deny

the remaining allegations of Paragraph 29.

30. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 30, including specifically

that other Bar Vegan employees are similarly situated to Named

Plaintiff, which is how Named Plaintiff defines “Plaintiffs” in

Paragraph 2 the Complaint.

31. Defendants admit Bar Vegan prepared and disseminated an employee

handbook to Named Plaintiff setting forth employment policies

applicable to Bar Vegan employees. Defendants deny the remaining

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 6 of 18

allegations of Paragraph 31, including specifically that other Bar Vegan

employees are similarly situated to Named Plaintiff, which is how

Named Plaintiff defines “Plaintiffs” in Paragraph 2 the Complaint.

32. Defendants admit Bar Vegan has authority to modify employment

policies applicable to Named Plaintiff. Defendants deny the remaining

allegations of Paragraph 32, including specifically that other Bar Vegan

employees are similarly situated to Named Plaintiff, which is how

Named Plaintiff defines “Plaintiffs” in Paragraph 2 the Complaint.

33. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 33, including specifically

that other Bar Vegan employees are similarly situated to Named

Plaintiff, which is how Named Plaintiff defines “Plaintiffs” in

Paragraph 2 the Complaint.

34. Defendants admit Bar Vegan maintains the employment records, such

as time and pay records, for Named Plaintiff. Defendants deny the

remaining allegations of Paragraph 34, including specifically that other

Bar Vegan employees are similarly situated to Named Plaintiff, which

is how Named Plaintiff defines “Plaintiffs” in Paragraph 2 the


35. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 35.

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36. Defendants admit Bar Vegan operates as a restaurant in Atlanta,

Georgia. Defendants deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 36.

37. Defendants admit Named Plaintiff works for Bar Vegan as an hourly

paid bartender. Defendants deny the remaining allegations of

Paragraph 37.

38. Defendants admit Named Plaintiff has worked for Bar Vegan as a

bartender since March 2020. Defendants deny the remaining

allegations of Paragraph 38.

39. Defendants admit Bar Vegan customers leave discretionary tips.

Defendants deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 39.

40. Paragraph 40 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the allegations therein.

41. Defendants admit Bar Vegan classifies certain employees as tipped

employees and takes a tip credit. Defendants deny the remaining

allegations of Paragraph 41.

42. Defendants admit Bar Vegan pays Named Plaintiff $2.13 per hour as a

result of the tip credit it takes. Defendants deny the remaining

allegations of Paragraph 42.

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43. Paragraph 43 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

44. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 44.

45. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 45.

46. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 46.

47. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 47.

48. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 48.

49. Paragraph 49 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same, including

specifically the allegation that Bar Vegan does not provide proper

notice to tipped employees for whom its applies a tip credit.


50. Paragraph 50 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 9 of 18

51. Paragraph 51 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

52. Paragraph 52 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

53. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 53.

54. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 54.

55. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 55.

56. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 56.

57. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 57.

58. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 58.

59. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 59.

60. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 60.

61. Paragraph 61 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

62. Paragraph 62 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 10 of 18

63. Paragraph 63 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

64. Paragraph 64 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.

65. Paragraph 65 constitutes a legal conclusion to which no response is

required, and on that basis Defendants deny the same.


66. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 66.

67. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 67.

68. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 68.

69. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 69, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.

70. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 70, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.

71. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 71, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 11 of 18

72. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 72, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.

73. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 73, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.

74. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 74, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.


75. Defendants admit that Bar Vegan made use of a tip credit for tipped

employees. Defendants deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph

75, including that collective class adjudication is proper.

76. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 76.

77. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 77, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.

78. Defendants admit Named Plaintiff’s hourly rate at Bar Vegan is $2.13

per hour. Defendants deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 78.

79. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 79.

80. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 80.

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 12 of 18

81. Paragraph 81 of the Complaint constitutes a legal conclusion to which

no response is required, and on that basis denies the same.

82. Paragraph 82 of the Complaint constitutes a legal conclusion to which

no response is required, and on that basis denies the same.

83. Paragraph 83 of the Complaint constitutes a legal conclusion to which

no response is required, and on that basis denies the same.

84. Paragraph 84 of the Complaint constitutes a legal conclusion to which

no response is required, and on that basis denies the same.

85. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 85.

86. Defendants deny the allegations of Paragraph 86, including that

collective class adjudication is proper.

In response to the Demand for Judgment following Paragraph 86, Defendants

deny that Named Plaintiff is entitled to relief under the FLSA, or to any other relief

from Defendants whatsoever, and specifically denies that Named Plaintiff is entitled

to any of the relief sought under subparagraphs I through IX in the Demand for

Judgment section of the Complaint.

Any allegations of the Complaint not heretofore answered, responded to,

qualified, admitted or denied, are here and now denied.

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First Defense
The Complaint, and each of its purported causes of action, fails to state a claim

upon which relief can be granted.

Second Defense
Named Plaintiff’s claims and the claims of others allegedly similarly situated

are barred, in whole or in part, by the applicable statute of limitations.

Third Defense
Named Plaintiff’s claims and the claims of others allegedly similarly

situated are barred, in whole or in part, because Named Plaintiff and others

allegedly similarly situated have not sustained any injury or damage by reason of

any act or omission of Defendants.

Fourth Defense

Named Plaintiff’s claims and the claims of others allegedly similarly

situated are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrines of waiver, consent,

estoppel, laches, and/or unclean hands.

Fifth Defense

Named Plaintiff’s FLSA collective class is inappropriate because material

disparities among purported class members would require individual adjudications

and mini-trials, making a class unmanageable and unfair.

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Sixth Defense

Named Plaintiff is not similarly situated to the corresponding proposed

FLSA collective class members (nor to each other), and thus collective class

adjudication under the FLSA is impermissible.

Seventh Defense

Named Plaintiff’s claims and the claims of others allegedly similarly

situated fail, in whole or in part, based on all applicable statutory exemptions,

exclusions, exceptions, off-sets, set-offs, and/or credits under the FLSA.

Eighth Defense

To the extent that Named Plaintiff and others allegedly similarly situated

were paid compensation beyond that to which they were entitled while employed

by Bar Vegan, such additional compensation would satisfy, in whole or in part, any

alleged claim for unpaid minimum wages and/or overtime or other monetary relief.

Ninth Defense

Defendants alleged failure to pay Named Plaintiff and others allegedly

similarly situated minimum and/or overtime wages, if any, was in good faith

and/or in conformity with and in reliance upon an administrative regulation, order,

ruling, approval, interpretation, administrative practice, and/or enforcement policy

of the Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor.

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 15 of 18

Tenth Defense

If Defendants’ alleged failure to pay minimum and/or overtime wages, if

any, was unlawful, Named Plaintiff and other allegedly similarly situated have not

demonstrated and cannot demonstrate facts sufficient to warrant an award of full

liquidated damages under the FLSA.

Eleventh Defense

Named Plaintiff and others allegedly similarly situated cannot establish that

Defendants engaged in willful conduct within the meaning of the FLSA and thus

this matter is subject to a two-year statute of limitations period. Any claims

brought outside the applicable statute of limitations period are time-barred.

Twelfth Defense

Assuming, arguendo, that Named Plaintiff and/or others allegedly similarly

situated is/are entitled to any minimum wage and/or overtime compensation, any

time spent in any noncompensable preliminary or postliminary activities and any

time spent on non-compensable activities must be excluded from compensable

hours of work.

Thirteenth Defense

Named Plaintiff and the others allegedly similarly situated are not entitled to

both prejudgment interest and liquidated damages under the FLSA.

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Fourteenth Defense

The purported claims asserted on behalf of members of the putative FLSA

collective class, are barred as to those individuals who do not give their consent in

writing to become party plaintiffs and/or whose express written consent is not filed

with the Court.

Fifteenth Defense

Named Plaintiff and the others allegedly similarly situated failed to mitigate

any claimed damages (which are expressly denied) by complying with the Bar

Vegan’s policies and internal procedures. Stated another way, any purported

damages that were suffered were avoidable consequences resulting from the

misconduct of Plaintiffs and members of the putative FLSA collective class.

Sixteenth Defense

Named Plaintiff and others allegedly similarly situated cannot establish

factual and/or legal basis for individual liability against Defendants Aaron

Mattison, Jason Crain, and/or Aisha “Pinky” Cole.

WHEREFORE, Defendants respectfully request that the Court:

I. Dismiss the Complaint with prejudice;

II. Award Defendants reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses incurred in

defending against the claims set forth in the Complaint, to the extent permitted by

law; and

Case 1:22-cv-04498-JPB Document 13 Filed 01/11/23 Page 17 of 18

III. Award any other relief the Court deems just and equitable.

Dated this 11th day of January 2023.

/s/ Leonard V. Feigel

Leonard V. Feigel, Esq.1
FL Bar No. 0027752
Email: [email protected]
Foley & Lardner LLP
One Independent Drive, Suite 1300
Jacksonville, FL 32202-5017
Telephone: 904.359.2000
Facsimile: 904.359.8700

John Litchfield, Esq.2

IL Bar No. 6299351
Email: [email protected]
Foley & Lardner LLP
321 North Clark Street
Suite 3000
Chicago, IL 60654-4762
Telephone: 312.832.4500
Facsimile: 312.832.4700

Kenneth G. Menendez, Esq.

GA Bar No: 502045
Email: [email protected]
Freeman Mathis & Garry, LLP
100 Galleria Parkway, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30339

Attorneys for Defendants

Admitted Pro Hac Vice
Will be seeking Pro Hac Vice

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I HEREBY CERTIFY that on January 11, 2023, I electronically filed the

foregoing with the Clerk of the Court by using the CM/ECF system which will send

a notice of electronic filing to all counsel of record as follows:

M. Travis Foust
Dustin L. Crawford
Parks, Chesin & Walbert, P.C.
75 14th Street, N.E., 26th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Telephone: 404.873.8000
Facsimile: 404-873-8050
[email protected]
[email protected]
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Morgan Georgia

/s/ Leonard V. Feigel



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