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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts – Module 10:
Simple Gadgets/ Furniture/
Furnishing at Home and in
TLE – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Industrial Arts – Module 10: Simple Gadgets/ Furniture/ Furnishing at Home and in
First Edition, 2019

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jofel D. Nolasco
Editors and Reviewers: Dr. Jeanalyn L. Jamison, Ana Lee C. Bartolo,
Petronilo R. Bartolo, Dr. Velly P. Seguisa, Ivy Dalisay
Illustrator: Jofel D. Nolasco
Layout Artist: Jofel D. Nolasco, Ana Lee C. Bartolo
Management Team: Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma, Regional Director
Dr. Elena Gonzaga, CLMD Chief
Donald T. Genine, EPS-I, LRMS
Melgar B. Coronel, CID Chief
Ana Lee C. Bartolo, EPS-LRMS
Dr. Jeanalyn L. Jamison, EPS-I, EPP/TLE

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts – Module 10:
Simple Gadgets/ Furniture/
Furnishing at Home and in

Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the EPP- Industrial Arts Grade 6 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
Module on Simple Gadgets/ Furniture/ Furnishing at Home and in School !

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:
Welcome to EPP-Industrial Arts Grade 6 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module
on Simple Gadgets/ Furniture/ Furnishing at Home and in School!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the answers
to the exercises using the Answer Key at the
end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the skills in repairing simple gadgets/furniture/ furnishing
at home and in school. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed
to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This module focuses on the following topics:

• Where to get information about simple repair?

• What simple repairs one can do at home?
• How to assess or check your repaired project?
• How to assess or check your repaired project?

After going through this module, you are expected to:

a. Repair simple gadgets/ furniture/furnishing at home and in

school. (TLE6IA0h-10)
b. Gather data on how to do simple repairs using technology or
other methods.
c. Repair broken furniture (chairs, cabinets and tables), doorknobs,
extension cords, lampshades and other products.
d. Assess repaired gadgets/ furniture/ furnishing as to its
reusability and functionality using rubric.
e. Improves repair undertaken.

What I Know

Directions: Read each question carefully. Chose the letter of your answer
and write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you call an object or something that is use in place of another?

A. replacement C. preventive
B. original D. local

2. Any work makes easy, fast and safe if you use ________________.
A. genuine tools C. appropriate tools
B. imported tools D. localized tools

3. What is the usual cause of squeaking sound every time you close and open
the door?
A. rust formed in door hinges C. door is not fit
B. door is too old D. door hinges is not compatible

4. The first step to do before repairing something is to ______________.

A. determine the tools needed C. collect all the materials
B. determine the damage part D. put a nail to damage part

5. In order to prolong the usefulness of your things, it is a good thing to make

a regular ________________.
A. inventory C. costing
B. replacement D. maintenance

6. Which is NOT the benefit that can be derived in repairing gadgets or

A. save time C. earn extra money
B. additional work D. environmentally friendly

7. Which of the following belongs to finishing materials?

A. nails C. lumber
B. varnish D. glue

8. The following are the sources of information where we can get some ideas.
Which is the most reliable source?
A. videos in YouTube C. from experts
B. other sites in internet D. from your classmates

9. What method in applying finishes is the fastest among other methods?

A. brush method C. dip coating
B. spray method D. roller coating

10. What is the importance of applying finishing materials in our project?

A. it adds elegance C. it gives protection
B. it prolongs usage D. all answers are correct

Simple Gadgets/ Furniture/
1 Furnishings at Home and in

In order to maintain the form, beauty and function of gadgets/

furniture/ furnishing at home and school we need services of the technicians
or carpenters. Thus, it will require us to pay additional or extra expenses for
the family.

For this, it is very important that any member of the family must have
the basic skills and knowledge to do simple repairs to save the cost of repair

What’s In

Directions: Read and analyze each statement. Identify whether the task listed
below should be done, BEFORE, DURING or AFTER. Write the
word in your answer sheet.

1. Cleaning of working area.

2. Determining of damaged part or area.
3. Paying attention in work.
4. Turning off the switch when working with electricity.
5. Replacing the parts with the same size specification.
6. Having an adequate ventilation in working area.
7. Wearing of personal protective equipment.
8. Using of appropriate tools.
9. Seeking assistance from the experts if the task is unfamiliar.
10. Retrieving of all tools.

Notes to the Teacher
To our beloved teachers:
The following words listed below are defined according to
how they are referred to this module.
Please help the pupils understand these words.
We encourage you to provide examples as necessary.

Here are some words related to our lesson. Familiarize them before you
proceed with this module.

1. Repair – to fix or restore something back in good condition.

2. Maintenance – to sustain the upkeep of tools so they stay in good


3. Detach – to separate or disconnect.

4. Replace – to provide something new in place of another.

5. Replica – to copy or to make the same kind.

6. Hinges – a jointed device in which a swinging part turns.

7. Squeaking – high-pitched sound produced usually by friction of door


8. Prevention – to keep from happening, to hold not to happen, to prevent

from happening.

9. Prolong – to continue using for a longer period. To lengthen in duration

10. Strip – to remove insulator or covering of electrical wire.

11. Leaking – dripping of water

What’s New

A responsible family member should acquire basic knowledge and skills

in doing simple repairs. As part of maintenance, repair is necessary in order
to prolong the usefulness of your things at home and in school. There is no
preference, both male and female are encouraged to do simple repairs. There
are countless benefits derived from doing repair all by yourself. The most
important is that you have your money for other expenses instead of paying
it to others.

As member of a family and as a student, have you ever done simple

repair of furniture or fixtures in your home? How about in school?

What is It

Proper care and maintenance of gadgets/ furniture/ furnishing at home

and in school must always be taken into consideration. This is to ensure that
your things are safe to use and in good condition.

Previously we discussed how to construct simple electrical gadget. We

hope you can still recall those simple gadgets.

In this module you will be guided how to do simple repair of your things
at home. We will suggest also some materials where you can gather
information about simple repair and how to improve what you have repaired.

Where to get information about simple repair?

Sources of information about simple repair are available in many forms.

You can use the technology or any other method in gathering information to
further improve your skills.

Nowadays more and more people are using the internet to look for
information and demonstration of skills they wanted to learn. Some are using
books and magazines to get the necessary information or tips for a job.
Others gather tips through research and readings of articles and journals.

While obtaining ideas from these sources is fun and exciting, still the
best method to gather data is by consulting experts and professionals. Tips,
ideas and technique from them are more reliable and competent.

Some of the simple repairs surely you can do at home.

I. Repair of Male Plug (Round and flat)

Materials: Tools:

5-meter wire no. 14 (Duplex) Cutter plier

or 5-meter wire no. 16 (Stranded) Combination plier
1 male plug (round or flat) Wire stripper
(flat or Philipp’s headed)


1. Measure about 10 cm. from the end of the wire and separate the two
2. Strip the insulator cover or skin of each wire about 2 cm. from end.
3. Use a screwdriver to loosen the screw of the male plug to remove the
4. a. For flat male plug, insert the wire in the hole provided at the
end of the plug, then twist to secure connection. If the plug is screw
type, loosen the screw then insert the wire and lock it with the screw
to secure connection.

b. For round male plug, perform the underwriters’ knot to serve as

the lock of the wire to the hole, this is to protect the wire from
loosening when accidentally pulled off.
- After the underwriters’ knot, twist the wire and lock it with the screw
to secure connection.

5. Secure that the wire is properly installed on the plug.

6. Return the cover of the plug. Make sure no wire is exposed to avoid
electric shock.

II. Repair of leaking faucet

Materials: Tools:

New rubber washer (rubber Pipe wrench

gasket) Screwdrivers

1. Cut off the water supply, by turning the gate valve on off position.
2. Detach the faucet using a pipe wrench. Make sure to cover the nut
with a cloth or tape to avoid scratches while applying force on
3. Loosen the nut and remove the valve system of the faucet.
4. Loosen the screw to remove the rubber washer or gasket.
5. Replace the rubber washer or the gasket with the new one of the
same kind and size.
6. Put back the screw of the rubber washer or gasket, make sure it is
installed properly.
7. Return the valve system of the faucet into its proper position.
8. Use the pipe wrench to tighten packing nut.
9. Allow the water to flow by opening the gate valve.
10.Check if the water flows properly and if the leakage has stopped.

III. Repair of a broken chair

Materials: Tools:

Wood brace Claw hammer

Wood glue Cross cut saw
Nails Chisel

1. Gather all the materials needed.
2. Determine the parts of the chair that needs to be repaired. Collect
them if they are still available.
3. Make a replica of the parts which are lost or damaged.
4. Connect the parts to be repaired using nails.
5. Apply wood glue on the parts to be joined or on parts that wiggle.
6. Install braces to make it stronger.

IV. Repair of door hinges

Materials: Tools:

All-purpose oil Screwdriver

Hinges Chisel
Screw Measuring tool

You may observe that your door produces a squeaking sound every time
you close and open it. This sound is sometimes due to rust or the door does
not fit properly on the jamb.

It can be repaired by applying oil to the hinges to eliminate squeaking

sound. Loose screws can also be tightened to fix the hinges.

Steps in replacing damaged hinges

1. Gather all the tools and materials needed.

2. Unscrew the hinges to detach the door from the jamb.
3. Determine the part where the hinges are to be fixed by measuring
the exact position.
4. Chisel the part where the hinges are to be placed.
5. Put the hinges in correct position.
6. Screw the hinges in the jamb and door.
7. Fix all the hinges.

Health Habits and Safety Precautions, to be observed in doing

simple repairs.

1. Make sure that you have the right tools intended for a job to be done.
2. Wear comfortable clothing to allow freedom of movement but make sure
that you have the right personal protective equipment.
3. Work on properly lighted area.
4. Use leather gloves in handling electrical work.
5. Inspect all tools before the start of the job.
6. Repair or replace defective tools before working to avoid accident.
7. Use only appropriate tools for the job to make your work easy, fast, and
8. Seek expert’s advice or guidance before doing the simple repairs so that
you will be guided accordingly.
9. Clean the area after working.
10.Clean and return all tools to its proper places or cabinet.

How to assess finish project?

Make it a habit to always check or assess the project you have repaired.
It is a way of knowing how functional your project is, and to become aware of
hazard or possible accident.

You can use the simple rubric below to check how excellent is your

Rubric for Assessing Repaired Furniture

Excellent Good Fair

Criteria Score
10 9-5 4-1
Materials Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate
and complete materials are materials are
materials are used but one used with two or
used. item is lacking. more items are

All procedures One or two Three or more

Procedure or steps are procedure or procedures or
strictly steps were steps were
observed and skipped. skipped.

Workmanship Project is Project is durable Project is useful

useful, useful but not only.
durable and of properly finished.
Total Score:

In order to make our gadgets and furniture more attractive, durable

and pleasing to the eyes they need finish.

The common types of finishing materials are: paint, varnish and


What is the common way of applying these finishing materials?

Finishing materials can be applied in various way depending on the

materials you are using and the kind of finish you want to achieve.

Here are some methods of applying finishes.

1. Brush method – in this method natural brush or synthetic brush is used

to apply different finishing materials.
2. Spray method – in this method an air compressor and a spray gun is use
to apply finishes. Using this method is much faster than any other method.
3. Dip coating – this is done by dipping the item into the solution of the
finished product. Wooden products are best applied in this method.

4. Roller coating – paint rollers are used in this method with a paint tray
where you put the finishing material and dip the paint roller, then roll it to
the surface you want to apply finishes.

What is the purpose of apply finishing materials?

They are called finishing materials or finishes because they are the last
element we apply on our project. Our main reason here is to protect the
materials we used in constructing the project and to enhance the appearance
of our finished product.

Here are some of the purposes why we apply finishes on our


1. Protection – our product is protected from moist, heat and extreme

temperature when it is covered with finishes.
2. Decoration – finishes and adds elegance to beautify the product.
3. Sanitation – cleaning a well-polished product is easy; such as dust and
dirt can be easily wiped out.
4. Sale ability – pleasing appearance and attractive design are highlighted
by finishing materials that suit to our product, thus, it catches attention
of buyers.
5. Balance – finishing materials allow us to blend the beauty, color and
theme of our product to the different environment producing desirable

What’s More

Instruction: Read, analyze and do each activity. Write your answer on a

separate sheet of paper.

Activity 1: Recall Me

Learning the Skill: Simple recall of lesson

Directions: List down five (5) purposes/ reasons of applying finishing
materials in your project.



Activity 2: You Decide

Learning the Skill: Evaluating of something


1. Look for an ongoing repair (not a structural repair) in your home, in

your neighborhood, or in school.
2. Use the “Rubric for Assessing Repaired Furniture” that you have
learned in this lesson.
3. Use the rubric to assess the work of a person who makes the repair. Do
not forget to ask permission to the person before doing this.
4. Make an interview if needed.
5. Complete the rubric by filling in the score based on your evaluation and
don’t forget to make your own remarks.
6. Show this to your teacher.

Activity 3. Explain to Me

Learning the Skill: Writing an essay.

Instructions: Write a simple essay about “Furniture Restoration: A Help to
Environment”. Write your essay on a separate sheet of paper.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in appropriate word/s to make the statement correct and

complete. Get your answer from the box below and write it on a separate sheet
of paper.

prolong repair proper care and maintenance

considered reliable rubric spray
finishing materials check valve protection

1. ___________ is done to prevent further damage and to improve the efficiency

of the gadget/ furniture/ furnishing at home.

2. In order to extend the usefulness of gadget/ furniture/ furnishing at home,
____________ and ____________ should be done.

3. Experts and professionals are the most ___________ sources of information.

4. _____________ is used to assess a repaired item.

5. Paint, varnish and shellac are called __________________.

6. There are four common methods of applying finishing materials and the
fastest method is _____________.

7. Applying finishing materials to a project is not only for decoration,

sanitation, sale ability and balance. It is also for __________________.

8. Safety measure should be ______________ in doing work to avoid accidents.

9. Turn the ________________ in off position before servicing the leaking


10. Repair is necessary in order to ___________ the usefulness of your things at

home and in school.

What I Can Do

1. Together with group mates, assigned by your teacher, look for a

gadget/ furniture/ furnishing in your school that needs repair.
2. Plan on the repair you are going to do. Gather all the materials and list
down the procedure.
3. Do the repair.
4. Make any documentation (before, during and after your repair). This
will be presented in the class.
5. Don’t put any finishes yet. This will be done in your next activity.
6. Write a reflection on the success of repair you have done.


I. Multiple choice:

Directions: Read each question carefully, then, write the letter of the
correct on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Any work makes easy, fast and safe if you use ________________.
A. genuine tools C. imported tools
B. appropriate tools D. localized tools

2. The first step to do before repairing something is to ______________.

A. determine the tools needed C. collect all the materials
B. put a nail to damage part D. determine the damage part

3. Which is NOT a benefit that can be derived in repairing gadgets or

A. save time C. additional work
B. earn extra money D. environmental friendly

4. Which of the following belongs to finishing materials?

A. nails C. lumber
B. glue D. varnish

5. What is the importance of applying finishing materials in our project?

A. it adds elegance C. it gives protection
B. it prolongs usage D. all answers are correct

II. Sequencing:

Directions: Arrange the following steps according to the correct procedures

in repairing a broken chair. Write number 1 as the first step to be followed
by 2, 3, 4 and 5 as the last procedures. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

Make a replica of the parts of the chair which is lost.

Determine the parts of the chair that need to be repaired. Collect

them if they are still available.

Gather all the materials needed.

Install braces to make it stronger.

Apply wood glue on the parts to be connected and on the parts that

Additional Activities

A. Applying of finishing materials.


1. Take the project you have repaired.

2. Plan on what type of finishing materials to apply on your project.
3. Plan and choose the appropriate method of applying finishing material
on your project.
4. Work out your plan.

B. Use the rubric we have discussed in this lesson to assess your output.

What I Know What's More Assessment
1. A Activity I: I.
2. C 1. B
3. A 1. Protection 2. D
4. B 2. Decoration 3. C
5. D 3. Sanitation 4. D
6. B 4. Sale ability 5. D
7. B 5. Balance II.
8. C Activity 2 & 3 3
9. B
10. D A Note: answer may vary 1
depending on the personal
What’s In: 2
experience of the pupils.
1. After 5
The teacher is encouraged to
2. Before facilitate the checking. 4
3. During
4. During What I have Learned:
5. During
6. During 1. repair
7. Before 2. proper care and
8. During
3. reliable
9. Before 4. rubric
10. After 5. finishing materials
6. spray
7. protection
8. considered
9. check valve
10. prolong
Answer Key

Curriculum Guide 2016, EPP 6, Industrial Arts pages 38-41

MELCs in EPP/TLE Grade 6 Industrial Arts pages 353-354
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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