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Odyssey 1

Answer Key

Introduction 1. sister 2. friend 3. parents
(4) (From left to right, top to bottom) (8) 1. c 2. a 3. a. true b. false c. true
yellow, orange, green, red, blue, black,
purple Unit 1 - Lesson D
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
5. smart
Unit 1 – Lesson A 1. chatty
(1) 1. Good 2. are 3. bad 7. kind
6. funny
(5) Answers may vary. 4. cheerful
8. lazy
2. quiet
Unit 1 - Lesson B
3. friendly
(2) (From left to right)
Korea, Mexico, Thailand, Peru
(2) 1. smart 2. funny 3. cheerful 4. kind
(4) Answers may vary. 5. quiet

(5) Answers may vary. (4)

Hello, Diary.
I’m in a new school. There are 20 kids in
Unit 1 - Lesson C my class. My teacher put us in groups.
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom) There are six people in my group. There’s
1. grandmother Maria. Maria is a little chatty sometimes.
5. grandfather But, it’s OK. I like Maria. Henry is very
6. mother funny. He sits next to Maria. He is always
smiling. Leticia also sits next to Maria. She
2. father
is very cheerful. There’s another girl in my
9. uncle group. Her name is Rosa. She is very kind.
3. aunt She’s also smart! She helps us with our
8. sister homework. Then, there’s Antonio. He’s a
10. me little lazy. He sleeps in class. But, Antonio
4. brother is also really friendly. Then there’s me. I’m
7. cousin a little quiet right now. But, I’m happy to
make friends. I’m excited about my new
(2) 1. sister 2. brother 3. mother 4. father Best,
5. grandmother 6. uncle Miguel

(5) 1. Maria 2. Leticia 3. Henry 4.

(4) 1. mother 2. grandfather 3. brother
Antonio 5. Rosa 6. Miguel
4. sister
(6) 1. true 2. false 3. true 4. false 5. true
Unit 2 - Lesson B
Unit 1 - Lesson E (2) 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b
(1) Answers may vary.
(3) (From left to right, top to bottom)
(2) Answers may vary. doctor, chef, pilot, farmer, police officer

(5) 1. false 2. true 3. false 4. false

Unit 2 - Lesson A
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
6. study
Unit 2 - Lesson C
2. homework (1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
4. student 2. name
1. teacher 3. age
8. classmate 5. birthday
7. principal 6. address
3. class 7. email
5. grade 1. phone number
8. eye
(2) 1. teacher 4. hair
2. class
3. study (2) (From left to right, top to bottom)
4. principal 5. name
4. age
(4) 1. teacher, principal 3. birthday
6. address
2. study, homework
3. classmate, grade 7. email
4. student, class 1. phone number
8. eye
(5) (From left to right) 2. hair
2. the principal, 3. a boy student, 1. the
teacher, 4. a girl student (3) 1. He 2. She 3. He

(6) (From left to right, top to bottom) (9) 1. short vowel

student, homework, class, classmate, 2. long vowel
study, grade 3. short vowel
4. long vowel
(7) 1. teacher, Those 5. long vowel
6. short vowel
2. principal, That
3. student, This 7. long vowel
4. These, classmates 8. short vowel

(8) 1. c
2. d Unit 2 - Lesson D
3. a. true b. false c. true (2) 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a
(3) (Sample Answers) 3. family
1. old, young 4. him
2. big, small
3. smart (4) 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c
4. shy
(6) 1. she 2. they 3. Yes 4. are
(4) 1. am, My uncle is a firefighter.
2. is, My sister’s eyes are blue.
3. are, My father is tall.
4. is, My brother’s phone number is 656-
Unit 3 - Lesson A
2332. (1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
5. They’re, Their address is 3242 Elm e. ruler
Street. i. scissors
6. are, Her name is Julie. a. backpack
f. pen
(6) 1. am c. paper
2. is g. eraser
3. is j. pencil case
4. are h. notebook
5. are d. folder
6. are b. pencils

(7) (Sample Answers) (2) Answers may vary.

1. My grandfather is old. I am young.
2. I am young. (3)
3. My sister is tall. 1. a pencil case
4. I am short. 2. A backpack
5. My dad is smart. 3. a ruler
6. My uncle is funny. 4. scissors

(8) (Sample Answers) (4) (From left to right, top to bottom)

Name: John a ruler, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, scissors
Description: My brother’s name is John.
He is smart. (6) 1. true
2. false
Name: Brianne 3. true
Description: My cousin’s name is Brianne. 4. true
She is funny.
Unit 3 - Lesson B
Unit 2 - Lesson E (1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
(2) (From left to right, top to bottom) 10. wastebasket
sister, father, mother, brother, uncle, 8. board
grandfather 1. bookcase
7. desk
(3) 1. going 2. chair
2. park 6. dictionary
3. clock (7) 1. folders
5. computer 2. art (class)
9. pencil sharpener 3. social studies (class)
4. map 4. (red and black) pens and (some big)
(2) 1. wastebasket 2. desk 5. doesn’t need her notebook
3. dictionary 4. pencil
sharpener (8) (Sample Answers)
5. bookcase 6. map Class: math / Need: notebook and pencil /
7. computer 8. chair Don’t need: map
9. clock 10. board I need a notebook and pencil for math
class. I don’t need a map for math class.
(4) 1. notebooks
2. map Unit 3 - Lesson D
3. wastebasket (1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
4. chairs 5. dance
5. bookcase 8. sports day
1. graduation ceremony
(9) 1. /i/ 3. field trip
2. /ɛ/ 4. open house
3. /ʊ/ 6. festival
4. /u/ 7. talent show
5. /ɛ/ 2. band
6. /i/
7. /ʊ/ (2) 1. band 2. talent show 3. field trip
8. /u/ (school trip) 4. dance 5. sports day 6.
open house
Unit 3 - Lesson C
(2) 1. mathematics (math) (4) 1. What are you doing tonight?
2. physical education (P.E. / phys. ed.) 2. What are you doing tomorrow?
3. English 3. Where are you going next weekend?
4. history
5. language arts (5)
6. geography

(3) 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. e

(4) 1. true 2. false 3. true 4. true

(6) 1. need
2. doesn’t (6) 1. books 2. today 3. not 4. beach
3. don’t 5. this Friday 6. going to the beach
4. needs
5. need (7) (From left to right)
6. don’t concert, festival
(8) 1. c 2. a 3. b (5) 1. The refrigerator is too small.
2. Kim can watch TV in bed. Her TV is on
the dresser.
Unit 3 - Lesson E
(2) (From left to right) 3, 1, 2 (7) (From left to right, top to bottom)
bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen,
(3) (From left to right) robot, music dining room

(4) 1. that 2. need 3. that 4. When (9) 1. tʃ 2. ʃ 3. ʃ 4. ʃ

5. tʃ 6. tʃ 7. ʃ 8. tʃ
(5) 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a

(7) 1. When is it? (When does the club Unit 4 - Lesson B

meet?) (1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
2. Where is it? (Where does the club 3. armchair
8. bed
3. When is it? (What time does the club
5. closet
meet?) 10. clothes
4. What is the name of the club? 2. lamp
4. mirror
(8) 1. are  is 2. at  on
9. shower
3. on  in 4. on  at 6. sink
5. needs  need 6. in  on 1. stove
7. in  at 8. are  is 7. toilet

(2) 1. sink
2. armchair
Unit 4 - Lesson A 3. lamp
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom) 4. stove
10. bathroom 5. closet
2. bedroom 6. bed
9. dining room
4. kitchen (4) 1. in the bathroom, beside the shower
8. living room 2. on the table, in the living room
7. bathtub 3. on the bed, on the floor
6. dresser 4. beside the stove, in the kitchen
5. table
3. refrigerator (5) (From left to right)
1. couch 3. bedroom, 4. kitchen, 1. bathroom, 2.
living room
(2) (Sample Answers)
There is a bathtub in the bathroom. (6) (From left to right, top to bottom)
There is a dresser in the bedroom. armchair, bed, dresser, lamp, bathtub,
mirror, shower, sink, stove, couch
(4) 1. bathtub 2. bedroom 3. refrigerator
(7) 1. beside, shower
2. a lamp, beside 3. door, stairs (Doors and stairs are for
3. on, chair and bed moving from place to place.)
4. sinks, in
(3) (Sample Answers)
(8) 1. a 1. television (TV)
2. b 2. roof
3. a. false b. true c. false 3. stairs
4. garden, yard
5. door, window
Unit 4 - Lesson C
(4) 1. window
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom) 2. There’s
1. boat 3. bathroom
2. inside 4. television
3. ice
4. city (5) 1. There are clothes in the closet.
5. countryside (country) 2. There is a dresser beside the lamp.
6. apartment 3. There is a tree beside the house.
7. outside 4. There are books on the table.
8. farm 5. There is a garden in the yard.
6. There is a door beside the window.
(2) (From top to bottom)
apartment, boat, farm, countryside (6) (Sample Answers)
(country), city 1. Amy’s kitchen is beside the living room.
2. Amy’s clothes are in the closet.
(3) 1. ice 3. There’s a shower in Amy’s bathroom.
2. apartment
3. outside (7) (Sample Answers)
4. farm in the yard: trees, garden
5. inside in the living room :couch, armchair,
(4) 1. a (Ice House) in the kitchen: table, refrigerator, sink,
2. b (A House on the Water) stove
3. f (Living in the Trees) in the dining room: table, chairs
in my bedroom: bed, closet, clothes, lamp
(6) 1. false 2. false 3. true 4. false in the bathroom: bathtub, shower, sink,

Unit 4 - Lesson D I like my house. It has a yard, a living

room, a kitchen, a dining room, my
(2) (Sample Answers) bedroom, and a bathroom. There are trees
1. garden, yard (Yards and gardens are and a garden in the yard. There’s a
outside.) television in the living room. There’s a
2. door, window (Doors and windows open stove and refrigerator in the kitchen. There
and close.) are chairs and a table in the dining room.
There’s a bed and a lamp in my bedroom.
My clothes are in the closet. There’s a Picture 3, A
shower and a toilet in the bathroom.

Unit 4 - Lesson E
(2) (From left to right) 3, 2, 1

(3) (From left to right, top to bottom)

5. bathroom, 3. yard, 6. kitchen, 2. living
room, 1. bedroom, 4. roof

(4) 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b

Unit 5 - Lesson A
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
2. exercise (8) 1. false
3. draw 2. true
4. collect 3. true
8. watch a movie 4. false
7. buy toys 5. false
5. sing
1. swim
6. play soccer
Unit 5 - Lesson B
(2) 1. swim (1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
2. exercise 7. piano
3. watch a movie 9. cartoons
4. play soccer 8. video games
2. guitar
(4) 1. I always exercise in the morning. 1. a newspaper
2. I never go to school on the weekend. 4. books
3. I sometimes get home at 4:00 p.m. 10. basketball
4. I usually have lunch at 1 p.m. 3. comics
5. He sometimes watches a movie in the 5. table tennis
evening. 6. videos
6. I never feel tired in the morning.
(2) I play: video games, piano, guitar,
(6) (From top to bottom) basketball, table tennis
cosplay, collecting robots (robotics, etc.), I watch: cartoons, videos
play kabbadi (play sports). I read: a newspaper, books, comics

(7) (From top to bottom) (5) 1. plays, basketball

Picture 1, B 2. play, table tennis
Picture 2, C 3. reads, comics
4. watch, videos/cartoons
5. reads, books
(2) 1. play baseball
(6) 1. d 2. a 3. b 4.c 2. surf
3. take photos
(7) (From left to right) 4. play tennis
Megan-surfing, Theo-make online videos, 5. snowboard
Ruby-play guitar 6. hiking

(8) 1. always 2. always 3. usually (4) Sample Answer:

Hi Anya,
I am happy to answer your questions. I
Unit 5 - Lesson C always eat breakfast at 8:00 a.m. My
hobby is playing video games. I usually
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom) play video games after school. My brother
7. skateboard sometimes reads comics in his free time.
2. paint He never reads books. He sometimes
3. dance skateboards in the park, too. My favorite
4. listen to music place to play with friends is in my room.
5. rollerblade We always play video games there.
6. run Please tell me about your country, too.
8. go shopping
1. chat Sincerely,
(3) 1. Do you read comic books?
2. What do you do in your free time? (5) 1. Do you play soccer in the park after
3. Do you play basketball? school?
4. What does your best friend do on the 2. Do you usually ride your bike on the
weekend? weekend?
3. Do you play tennis on weekdays?
(6) 1. /ð/ 4. Do you sometimes take photos?
2. /Ɵ/ 5. Do you go to the park?
3. /Ɵ/ 6. Do you have free time on the weekend?
4. /ð/ 7. Do you have free time on weekdays?
5. /ð/

Unit 5 - Lesson E
Unit 5 - Lesson D
(1) (From left to right)
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom) busy-picture 2, passport-picture 4, sad-
6. snowboard picture 1, fun-picture 3
7. surf
1. go hiking (3) 1. fun
5. play baseball 2. At night, Pierre goes to bed on a bench.
3. play tennis 3. He takes a shower where people wash
2. the park the airplanes.
8. the ocean
4. take a photo (4) 1. goes to a café to read a book
2. writes emails
3. watches a movie (9) 1. b 2. a 3. a. F b. F c. T
4. usually eats dinner at a great place /
Unit 6 - Lesson B
(7) 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a
(2) 1. dry 2. repair 3. post 4.
(8) (Sample Answers) department 5. pet
1. eat breakfast at home with my family
2. go shopping with my friends at the mall (4) (From left to right, top to bottom)
dry cleaner, repair shop, swimming pool,
train station

Unit 6 - Lesson A
(1) (From left to right, top to bottom) Unit 6 - Lesson C
5. buy
1. fix (2) 1. Go straight 2. turn right 3.
8. return between 4. across from
3. deliver
10. help (5) 1. art 2. second 3. between 4.
2. send French
6. wash
4. look after
7. drop off Unit 6 - Lesson D
9. meet (1) (From left to right, top to bottom)
4. factory
(2) 1. send 2. help 3. meet 4. return 5. 7. tunnel
fix 6. wash 2. bridge
5. clock tower
(4) 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 1. statue
10. traffic light
(5) (Sample answers) 8. crosswalk
1. She will make a garden with her cousin. 3. building
2. His clothes are too big. 6. parking lot
3. He will go to the library after class. 9. streetlight
4. She has to get eggs, milk, butter, and
cereal. (2) 1. statue 2. crosswalk 3. factory 4.
tunnel 5. parking lot 6. bridge
(6) (From left to right)
4, 3, 1, 2 (3) 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d

(7) (From left to right, top to bottom) (4) 1. up 2. down 3. over 4. through
fix, return, deliver, help, look after, wash, 5. around 6. under
drop off, meet
(5) 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a
(8) 1. look after 2. drop off 3. help 4.
Unit 6 - Lesson E
(2) (From left to right)
1, 3, 2

(3) feed the cat, sweep the floor

(4) 1. feed the cat 2. make the bed 3.

send 4. sweep the floor

(5) 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b

(7) 1. /æ/ 2. /Λ/ 3. /ɛ/ 4. /æ / 5. /æ / 6.

/ɛ/ 7. /ɛ/ 8. /Λ/
Workbook 8. chef

Unit 1 (6) 1. name 2. officer 3. doctor 4. are

5. is
(1) 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b
(7) 1. sister -> shy 2. uncle -> pilot
(2) 1. name 2. birthday 3. old 3. cousin -> short 4. grandmother ->
(3) Answers will vary

(4) 1. Ellen 2. father 3. hair 4. sister,

Sandra Unit 3
(1) 1. a 2. a 3. c
(5) Answers will vary
(2) 1. a 2. c 3. c
(6) mother, artist, father, pilot, uncle.
(3) 1. This is 2. Is this; It is 3. are those;
(7) 1. mother 2. pilot 3. brother 4. artist Those are. 4. that

Unit 2 (4) 1. English 2. Science 3.

(1) 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 4. Physical Education 5. Art

(2) 1. Who is he? (5) 1. in 2. in 3. at 4. at 5. on 6. at 7.

2. Is she a teacher? on
3. She is my classmate.
4. He is not a teacher.
Unit 4
(3) 1. classroom 2. teacher 3. chair 4. (1)
computers 5. dictionary 6. bookcase 1. refrigerator, kitchen
2. bathtub, bathroom
(4) 3. couch, living room
1. Mike: That is our classroom. 4. table, dining room
2. Sarah: Is that our teacher? 5. dresser, bedroom
3. Mike: These are computers for us to
use. (2) 1. in 2. is 3. and 4. are 5.There's
4. Sarah: Can we use those dictionaries
too? (3) first picture : 1, second picture : 3, third
picture : 2

(5) 1. police officer (5) 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c

2. doctor
3. pilot (6) (Answers will vary)
4. singer
5. artist
6. soccer player
7. farmer
Unit 5
(1) 1. draw 2. exercise 3. play soccer 4.
swim 5. watch a movie

(2) 1. exercise 2. draw 3. soccer 4.

watch 5. swim

(3) (Answers will vary)

(4) (From left to right, top to bottom)

listen to music, go shopping, chat, paint,

(5) 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. b 5. a

(6) after, play, before, read

Unit 6
(1) 1. d 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a

(2) 1. turn right 2. turn right 3. in front of

4. between 5. supermarket

(3) (Answers will vary)

(4) 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c

(5) (Possible Answers)

turn left. Go past LC bus station. Go
straight and turn right at the corner. Go
past the Lodestone monument and go
over the bridge. The Lodestone Middle
School is on your left.

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