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For Water Treatment Plant

Provincial Water Supply System and Sanitation Project (PWSSP) for Battambang Province
Date: 12 July, 2021

Amount (US
Bill No Description

1 Access Road & Drainage Bill 5-1 289,195.73

2 Soil excavation for Bill 5-2 1,363,525.59

3 Receiving well, Flocculation, Sadem.Basin Bill 5-3 3,950,679.57

4 Filter Bill 5-4 937,453.38

5 Reservoir Bill 5-5 1,966,370.79

6 Drainage Basin Bill 5-6 298,176.87

7 Sludge Lagoon Bill 5-7 267,025.86

8 Administation building Bill 5-8 343,328.31

9 Chemical Building Bill 5-9 368,953.29

10 Generator House Bill 5-10 66,014.21

11 Gates, Plaque Shelter Bill 5-11 12,632.69

12 WTP internal Road, Drain, Landscap Bill 5-13 928,060.97

TOTAL OF BILLS A= 10,791,417.26

Profit ( A*15% ) B= 1,618,712.59

OCM ( A*5% ) C= 539,570.86

TOTAL OF BILLS 12,949,700.71

Prepared By: Approved By:

.............................................................. ..............................................................
Mr. Vann Sophal
Managing Director
NORAK Engineering Co., Ltd. OBAYASHI Corporation
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount
(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Plant
External Work WTP Bill 5-1 192,322.73 96,873.00 289,195.73
Bill 5-1 – Access Road and Drainage 176,064.50 89,676.00 265,740.50
General Clearance: Demolition and removal of all articles, objects m2 4,670.0
and obstructions which are required to be cleared except the trees 0.80 3,736.00
with diameter > 200mm 3,736.00
Trees: Clearing and Grubbing Diameter >200 mm nr 100 - 5.00 500.00 500.00
Tree Planting replacement of cleared trees (5 per 1 cleared tree) nr 500 25.00 12,500.00 5.00 2,500.00 15,000.00
Stripping of Top Soil and temporary storage, t=30cm m3 1,000 - 6.50 6,500.00 6,500.00
Top Soil trnasportation m3 1,000 - 2.50 2,500.00 2,500.00
Roadway Excavation, Common m3 466 - 6.50 3,029.00 3,029.00
Embankment, 90% MDD m3 2,050 6.50 13,325.00 7.50 15,375.00 28,700.00
Sub-base material, CBR =>30%, 95% MDD, 20cm thickness m3 802 24.00 19,248.00 12.00 9,624.00 28,872.00
Aggregate Base course, CBR=>80%, 98% MDD, 15cm thickness m3 646 24.00 15,504.00 12.00 7,752.00 23,256.00
Sub-base Shoulder, CBR=>30%, 95% MDD, 30cm thickness m3 341 24.00 8,184.00 14.00 4,774.00 12,958.00
Concrete for Pavement -t=200mm m3 589 95.00 55,955.00 28.00 16,492.00 72,447.00
Concrete curing m3 589 2.50 1,472.50 2.00 1,178.00 2,650.50
Wire Mesh t 36.6 1,050.00 38,430.00 280.00 10,248.00 48,678.00
Grade390 Deformed Reinforcement Bar t 3.1 880.00 2,728.00 280.00 868.00 3,596.00
Mastic Joint Sealer(15*25) Kg 463 12.50 5,787.50 5.00 2,315.00 8,102.50
Plastic Sheeting m2 474 2.00 948.00 0.50 237.00 1,185.00
Flexible Filler m2 10 15.00 150.00 3.00 30.00 180.00
PVC ф25 m 109
2.50 272.50 2.00 218.00 490.50
Road Shoulder, Laterite t=400mm m2 300 2.60 780.00 3.00 900.00 1,680.00
Slope Embankment and Sodding for Protection m2 300 2.60 780.00 3.00 900.00 1,680.00
(2) Drainage Structure for Access Road LS 1 7,100.00 2,584.00 9,684.00
Supply and Installation of Drainage Pipe Culvert φ800, Depth not m 30
exceeding 130.00 3,900.00 30.00 900.00
Supply and install drainage manhole1200 x 1400 complete including
RC cover for depth to invert not exceeding 2.3m nr 4 800.00 3,200.00 421.00 1,684.00
Drainage Culvert as specified in the Drawing ls 1 N/A N/A
Other LS 1 9,158.23 4,613.00 13,771.23

Miscellaneous landscaping works specified in the Drawings or the LS 1.00 9,158.2 9,158.2 4,613.0 4,613.00 13,771.23
Specifications but otherwise not included elsewhere in Bill 5.1
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount
(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Plant
Earth Work WTP Bill 5-2 572,040.81 791,484.78 1,363,525.59
Bill 5-2 – Earthwork for Water Treatment Plant LS 1 544,800.78 753,795.03 1,298,595.80
General Clearance: Demolition and removal of all articles, objects
and obstructions which are required to be cleared except the trees
with diameter > 200mm ha 1.6 - 8,000.00 12,800.00 12,800.00

Stripping of Top Soil, t=30cm m³ 200 - 6.50 1,300.00 1,300.00

Transportaion of stripping soil m³ 200 - 6.50 1,300.00 1,300.00
General Excavation below land formation level after stripping of top
soil m³ 53,519 - 6.50 347,870.90 347,870.90
including dewatering
Transportaion of general excavation below land formation m³ 53,519 - 2.50 133,796.50 133,796.50
Filling and Embankment including compaction in 30cm layers
m³ 2,000 6.50 13,000.00 7.50 15,000.00 28,000.00
Backfill including compaction in Well graded sand as specified or
instructed by m3 32,230 16.50 531,800.78 7.50 241,727.63 773,528.40
layers to 95% MDD as specified the Engineer

Other 27,240.04 37,689.75 64,929.79

Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the
drawings or that the Contractor may deem necessary to complete
works in Bill 5-2. ls 1 27,240.04 27,240.04 37,689.75 37,689.75 64,929.79
Date: February 22,2014
KCC Quotation
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)

Water Treatment Facility

Reeceiving Well & Mixing Tank Bill 5-3 39,331.87 17,883.28 57,215.15

Construction of the Foundation slab of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank

complete and including lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all LS 1 6,414.61 2,196.02 8,610.63
contingencies related to construction of
Crushed stone m3 13 24.00 319.68 12.00 159.84 479.52
Lean Concrete C18 m3 6.66 86.00 572.76 28.00 186.48 759.24
Formwork m2 2.89 14.00 40.46 12.00 34.68 75.14
Concrete to base slab and sump C37 cube m3 31.80 95.00 3,021.00 28.00 890.40 3,911.40
Formwork m2 14.25 14.00 199.50 12.00 171.00 370.50
Reinforcement bar kg 2,218.99 0.88 1,952.71 0.28 621.32 2,574.03 140kg/m3
Concrete curing m3 31.80 2.50 79.50 2.00 63.60 143.10
Provision for water-stop,w=200mm m 22.90 10.00 229.00 3.00 68.70 297.70 Outside wall
Construction of the Wall of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete and
LS 1 14,558.86 7,551.00 22,109.86
including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction
Concrete C37 cube m3 65.53 95.00 6,225.35 28.00 1,834.84 8,060.19
Formwork m2 312.04 14.00 4,368.56 12.00 3,744.48 8,113.04
Reinforcement bar kg 3,787.57 0.88 3,333.07 0.28 1,060.52 4,393.59 160kg/m3
Concrete curing m3 65.53 2.50 163.83 2.00 131.06 294.89
Scaffold m2 312.04 1.50 468.06 2.50 780.10 1,248.16
Construction of the slab of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete and
LS 1 1,775.46 940.83 2,716.29
including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction
Concrete slab C37 cube m3 3.17 95.00 301.15 28.00 88.76 389.91
Formwork m2 22.48 14.00 314.72 12.00 269.76 584.48
Reinforcement bar kg 1,132.13 0.88 996.28 0.28 317.00 1,313.27 140kg/m3
Concrete curing m3 3.17 2.50 7.93 2.00 6.34 14.27
Support m3 103.59 1.50 155.39 2.50 258.98 414.36
Construction of the Stair of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete and
LS 1 1,095.39 597.00 1,692.40
including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction
Concrete stair C37 cube m3 3.93 95.00 373.35 28.00 110.04 483.39
Formwork m2 26.83 14.00 375.62 12.00 321.96 697.58
Reinforcement bar kg 340.33 0.88 299.49 0.28 95.29 394.78 140kg/m3
Concrete curing m3 3.93 2.50 9.83 2.00 7.86 17.69
Support m3 24.74 1.50 37.11 2.50 61.85 98.96
Construction of the Internal Wall of Receiving Well and Mixing Tank complete
and including concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to LS 1 15,487.55 6,598.43 22,085.97
Concrete Internal Wall 200mm thk. C37 cube m3 15.62 95.00 1,483.90 28.00 437.36 1,921.26
Formwork m2 122.62 14.00 1,716.68 12.00 1,471.44 3,188.12
Reinforcement bar kg 5,667.46 0.88 4,987.36 0.28 1,586.89 6,574.25
Concrete curing m3 15.62 2.50 39.05 2.00 31.24 70.29
Scaffold m2 122.62 1.50 183.93 2.50 306.55 490.48
PVC hole ф100 L=150 hole 64.00 4.00 256.00 1.00 64.00 320.00
Provision for water-stop,w=200mm m 27.30 10.00 273.00 3.00 81.90 354.90
Waterproof m2 523.81 12.50 6,547.63 5.00 2,619.05 9,166.68
Date: February 22,2014
KCC Quotation
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)

Water Treatment Facility

Flocculation Basin Bill 5-3 2,193,693.94 750,868.71 2,944,562.65

Construction of the Foundation slab of Flocculation Basin complete and

including lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related LS 1 1,763,684.19 543,427.10 2,307,111.28
to construction
Crushed stone m3 86 24.00 2,066.88 12.00 1,033.44 3,100.32
Lean Concrete C18 m3 43.06 86.00 3,703.16 28.00 1,205.68 4,908.84
Formwork m2 3.71 14.00 51.94 12.00 44.52 96.46
Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 17,907.80 95.00 1,701,241.00 28.00 501,418.40 2,202,659.40
Formwork m2 18.35 14.00 256.90 12.00 220.20 477.10
Reinforcement bar kg 13,175.92 0.88 11,594.81 0.28 3,689.26 15,284.06
Concrete curing m3 17,907.80 2.50 44,769.50 2.00 35,815.60 80,585.10
Construction of Flocculation External Wall including concrete pouring, curing
LS 1 305,111.92 157,422.41 462,534.33
and all contingencies related to construction .
Concrete External wall and internal wall C37 cube m3 655.48 95.00 62,270.60 28.00 18,353.44 80,624.04
Formwork m2 5,521.42 14.00 77,299.88 12.00 66,257.04 143,556.92
Reinforcement bar kg 62,704.97 0.88 55,180.38 0.28 17,557.39 72,737.77
Concrete curing m3 655.48 2.50 1,638.70 2.00 1,310.96 2,949.66
Provision for water-stop,w=200mm m 208.00 10.00 2,080.00 3.00 624.00 2,704.00
Scaffold m2 5,521.42 1.50 8,282.13 2.50 13,803.55 22,085.68
PVC hole ф100 L=250 ea 672.00 5.00 3,360.00 1.25 840.00 4,200.00
Concrete Slab C37 cube m3 28.46 95.00 2,703.70 28.00 796.88 3,500.58
Formwork m2 129.60 14.00 1,814.40 12.00 1,555.20 3,369.60
Reinforcement bar kg 2,445.74 0.88 2,152.25 0.28 684.81 2,837.06
Concrete curing m3 28.46 2.50 71.15 2.00 56.92 128.07
Support m3 543.80 1.50 815.70 2.50 1,359.50 2,175.20
Concrete C24 Stair m3 6.22 95.00 590.90 28.00 174.16 765.06
Formwork m2 19.35 14.00 270.90 12.00 232.20 503.10
Reinforcement bar kg 266.70 0.88 234.70 0.28 74.68 309.37
Concrete curing m3 6.22 2.50 15.55 2.00 12.44 27.99
Support m3 28.95 1.50 43.43 2.50 72.38 115.80
Waterproof m2 6,108.43 12.50 76,355.38 5.00 30,542.15 106,897.53
Plain Concrete C18 m3 40.37 86.00 3,471.82 28.00 1,130.36 4,602.18
Stop Gete Embaddet Fram m2 14.92 433.00 6,460.36 133.00 1,984.36 8,444.72
Construction of the Foundation slab of Pit 3200 x 11200 complete and including
lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to LS 1 27,107.60 12,683.78 39,791.38
construction of
Lean Concrete C18 m3 4.66 86.00 400.76 28.00 130.48 531.24
Formwork m2 3.14 14.00 43.96 12.00 37.68 81.64
Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 22.52 95.00 2,139.40 28.00 630.56 2,769.96
Formwork m2 13.22 14.00 185.08 12.00 158.64 343.72
Reinforcement bar kg 2,523.29 0.88 2,220.50 0.28 706.52 2,927.02
Concrete wall C37 cube m3 60.51 95.00 5,748.45 28.00 1,694.28 7,442.73
Formwork m2 298.54 14.00 4,179.56 12.00 3,582.48 7,762.04
Reinforcement bar kg 4,121.51 0.88 3,626.93 0.28 1,154.02 4,780.95
Concrete slab C37 cube m3 5.83 95.00 553.85 28.00 163.24 717.09
Formwork m2 25.56 14.00 357.84 12.00 306.72 664.56
Reinforcement bar kg 1,275.75 0.88 1,122.66 0.28 357.21 1,479.87
Concrete stair C37 cube m3 2.99 95.00 284.05 28.00 83.72 367.77
Formwork m2 24.50 14.00 343.00 12.00 294.00 637.00
Reinforcement bar kg 270.70 0.88 238.22 0.28 75.80 314.01
Concrete curing m3 91.85 2.50 229.63 2.00 183.70 413.33
Scaffold m2 298.54 1.50 447.81 2.50 746.35 1,194.16
Support m3 202.11 1.50 303.17 2.50 505.28 808.44
Waterproof m2 374.62 12.50 4,682.75 5.00 1,873.10 6,555.85
Construction of the Foundation slab of Pit 1400 x 2800 complete and including
lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to LS 1 3,600.99 1,584.02 5,185.01
construction of
Lean Concrete C18 m3 0.61 86.00 52.46 28.00 17.08 69.54
Formwork m2 0.68 14.00 9.52 12.00 8.16 17.68
Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 2.67 95.00 253.65 28.00 74.76 328.41
Formwork m2 3.10 14.00 43.40 12.00 37.20 80.60
Reinforcement bar kg 598.85 0.88 526.99 0.28 167.68 694.67
Concrete wall C37 cube m3 9.27 95.00 880.65 28.00 259.56 1,140.21
Formwork m2 44.16 14.00 618.24 12.00 529.92 1,148.16
Reinforcement bar kg 367.43 0.88 323.34 0.28 102.88 426.22
Concrete slab C37 cube m3 0.25 95.00 23.75 28.00 7.00 30.75
Formwork m2 1.20 14.00 16.80 12.00 14.40 31.20
Reinforcement bar kg 212.95 0.88 187.39 0.28 59.63 247.02
Concrete curing m3 12.19 2.50 30.48 2.00 24.38 54.86
Scaffold m2 9.27 1.50 13.91 2.50 23.18 37.08
Support m3 5.28 1.50 7.92 2.50 13.20 21.12
Waterproof m2 49.00 12.50 612.50 5.00 245.00 857.50
Construction of the Foundation slab of Pit 45400 x 2800 complete and including
lean concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to LS 1 56,236.24 24,119.41 80,355.64
construction of
Lean Concrete C18 m3 14.68 86.00 1,262.48 28.00 411.04 1,673.52
Formwork m2 4.50 14.00 63.00 12.00 54.00 117.00
Concrete base slab C37 cube m3 70.88 95.00 6,733.60 28.00 1,984.64 8,718.24
Formwork m2 22.50 14.00 315.00 12.00 270.00 585.00
Reinforcement bar kg 7,092.72 0.88 6,241.59 0.28 1,985.96 8,227.55
Concrete wall C37 cube m3 85.81 95.00 8,151.95 28.00 2,402.68 10,554.63
Formwork m2 408.60 14.00 5,720.40 12.00 4,903.20 10,623.60
Reinforcement bar kg 4,454.73 0.88 3,920.17 0.28 1,247.33 5,167.49
Concrete slab C37 cube m3 66.74 95.00 6,340.30 28.00 1,868.72 8,209.02
Formwork m2 127.12 14.00 1,779.68 12.00 1,525.44 3,305.12
Reinforcement bar kg 5,000.50 0.88 4,400.44 0.28 1,400.14 5,800.58
Concrete curing m3 223.43 2.50 558.58 2.00 446.86 1,005.44
Scaffold m2 408.60 1.50 612.90 2.50 1,021.50 1,634.40
Support m3 286.02 1.50 429.03 2.50 715.05 1,144.08
Waterproof m2 776.57 12.50 9,707.13 5.00 3,882.85 13,589.98
Civil works for installation of metal works (door, windows, ladders, platform,
LS 1 37,953.00 11,632.00 49,585.00
handrails, manhole cover, etc.)
Double Door (D2)Aluminium (1400x2200) set 1.00 414.00 462.00 114.00 114.00 576.00
Fixed frame Window (W1: 1040x1400) set 3.00 167.00 501.00 60.00 180.00 681.00
Grating Cover G1 : 8.76m2 set 1.00 3,793.00 3,793.00 1,165.00 1,165.00 4,958.00 AISI 304
Grating Cover G2 : 12.98m2 set 1.00 5,620.00 5,620.00 1,726.00 1,726.00 7,346.00 AISI 304
Grating Cover G3 : 8.76m2 set 1.00 3,793.00 3,793.00 1,165.00 1,165.00 4,958.00 AISI 304
Grating Cover G4 : 0.14m2 set 14.00 61.00 854.00 19.00 266.00 1,120.00 AISI 304
Grating Cover G5 : 1.15m2 set 2.00 498.00 996.00 153.00 306.00 1,302.00 AISI 304
Grating Cover G12 : 4.12m2 set 12.00 1,784.00 21,408.00 548.00 6,576.00 27,984.00 AISI 304
Ladder L1 :4270mm set 1.00 175.00 175.00 26.00 26.00 201.00 AISI 304
Manhole Cover 900x900 set 1.00 351.00 351.00 108.00 108.00 459.00
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost
Unit Rate
Water Treatment Facility
Sedimentation Basin Bill 5-3
Construction of the Sedimentation Basin Base slab complete and including lean
LS 1
concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction
Crushed stone bedding m3 390 24.00
Lean Concrete C15 cube m3 195.21 86.00
Formwork m2 12.69 14.00
Concrete base slab and sump C37 cube m3 972.83 95.00
Formwork m2 61.20 14.00
Reinforcement bar kg 60,790.38 0.88
Concrete curing m3 972.83 2.50
Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 45.40 24.50
Construction of Sedimentation Basin External Wall including concrete pouring,
LS 1
curing and all contingencies related to construction .
Concrete External wall and internal wall C37 cube m3 954.64 95.00
Formwork m2 5,208.96 14.00
Reinforcement bar kg 104,363.11 0.88
Concrete curing m3 954.64 2.50
Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 125 24.50
Scaffold m2 5,208.96 1.50
PVC hole ф100 L=300 ea 1,056.00 6.00
Concrete Slab C37 cube m3 36.08 95.00
Formwork m2 293.96 14.00
Reinforcement bar kg 5,140.87 0.88
Concrete curing m3 36.08 2.50
Support m3 1,060.56 1.50
Concrete cubeU-drain C37 cube m3 60.10 95.00
Formwork m2 665.47 14.00
Reinforcement bar kg 3,452.52 0.88
Concrete curing m3 60.10 2.50
Support m3 779.59 1.50
Waterproof m2 8,961.97 12.50
Plain Concrete C18 m3 345.39 86.00
Civil works for installation of metal works (door, windows, ladders, handrails,
LS 1
manhole cover, etc.)
Grating Cover G6 : 0.52m2 set 4.00 225.00
Grating Cover G7 : 0.30m2 set 20.00 130.00
Step iron (Steel Leder) L2 :3990mm set 12.00 164.00
Step iron (Steel Leder) L3 :3690mm set 12.00 151.00
Other LS 1
Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that the
LS 1.00 31,692.29
Contractor may deem necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-5
Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)

665,538.12 283,363.66 948,901.78

176,651.36 57,380.01 234,031.37

9,370.08 12.00 4,685.04 14,055.12

16,788.06 28.00 5,465.88 22,253.94 Concrete
177.66 12.00 152.28 329.94
92,418.85 28.00 27,239.24 119,658.09 Concrete
856.80 12.00 734.40 1,591.20 Form
53,495.53 0.28 17,021.31 70,516.84 Re-Bar
2,432.08 2.00 1,945.66 4,377.74 Curing
1,112.30 3.00 136.20 1,248.50 WPW
449,914.47 210,862.15 660,776.61

90,690.80 28.00 26,729.92 117,420.72 Concrete

72,925.44 12.00 62,507.52 135,432.96 Form
91,839.54 0.28 29,221.67 121,061.21 Re-Bar
2,386.60 2.00 1,909.28 4,295.88 Curing
3,062.50 3.00 1.50 3,064.00 WPW
7,813.44 2.50 13,022.40 20,835.84 Scaffold
6,336.00 1.50 1,584.00 7,920.00
3,427.60 28.00 1,010.24 4,437.84 Concrete
4,115.44 12.00 3,527.52 7,642.96 Form
4,523.97 0.28 1,439.44 5,963.41 Re-Bar
90.20 2.00 72.16 162.36 Curing
1,590.84 2.50 2,651.40 4,242.24 Support
5,709.50 28.00 1,682.80 7,392.30
9,316.58 12.00 7,985.64 17,302.22
3,038.22 0.28 966.71 4,004.93
150.25 2.00 120.20 270.45
1,169.39 2.50 1,948.98 3,118.36
112,024.63 5.00 44,809.85 156,834.48
29,703.54 28.00 9,670.92 39,374.46

7,280.00 1,628.00 8,908.00

900.00 69.00 276.00 1,176.00 Concrete

2,600.00 40.00 800.00 3,400.00 SUS
1,968.00 24.00 288.00 2,256.00 SUS
1,812.00 22.00 264.00 2,076.00
31,692.29 13,493.51 45,185.80

31,692.29 13,493.51 13,493.51 45,185.80

Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Material Cost Labor Cost
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Facility
Filter Basin Bill 5-4 662,109.40 275,343.98 937,453.38
Construction of the Filter Basin slab complete and including lean concrete,
LS 1 108,659.93 36,081.62 144,741.55
concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to construction .
Crushed stone bedding m3 207 24.00 4,957.44 12.00 2,478.72 7,436.16
Lean Concrete C18 m3 103.28 86.00 8,882.08 28.00 2,891.84 11,773.92
Formwork m2 10.96 14.00 153.44 12.00 131.52 284.96
Concrete base slab and sump C37 cube m3 558.33 95.00 53,041.35 28.00 15,633.24 68,674.59
Formwork m2 165.26 14.00 2,313.64 12.00 1,983.12 4,296.76
Reinforcement bar kg 41,822.57 0.88 36,803.86 0.28 11,710.32 48,514.18
Concrete curing m3 558.33 2.50 1,395.83 2.00 1,116.66 2,512.49
Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 45.40 24.50 1,112.30 3.00 136.20 1,248.50
Construction of Filter Basin External Wall including concrete pouring, curing
LS 1 521,920.45 226,150.74 748,071.19
and all contingencies related to construction .
Concrete External wall and internal wall C37 cube m3 766.40 95.00 72,808.00 28.00 21,459.20 94,267.20
Formwork m2 4,142.45 14.00 57,994.30 12.00 49,709.40 107,703.70
Reinforcement bar kg 65,241.46 0.88 57,412.48 0.28 18,267.61 75,680.09
Concrete curing m3 766.40 2.50 1,916.00 2.00 1,532.80 3,448.80
Provision for water-stop,w=300mm m 214.00 24.50 5,243.00 3.00 642.00 5,885.00
Scaffold m2 4,142.45 1.50 6,213.68 2.50 10,356.13 16,569.80
Concrete cube Slab C37 cube m3 131.83 95.00 12,523.85 28.00 3,691.24 16,215.09
Support m3 2,161.21 1.50 3,241.82 2.50 5,403.03 8,644.84
Formwork m2 560.16 14.00 7,842.24 12.00 6,721.92 14,564.16
Concrete curing m3 131.83 2.50 329.58 2.00 263.66 593.24
Reinforcement bar kg 14,083.23 0.88 12,393.24 0.28 3,943.30 16,336.54
Concrete Stair C37 cube m3 5.07 95.00 481.65 28.00 141.96 623.61
Support m3 24.37 1.50 36.56 2.50 60.93 97.48
Formwork m2 29.62 14.00 414.68 12.00 355.44 770.12
Reinforcement bar kg 243.30 0.88 214.10 0.28 68.12 282.22
Concrete curing m3 5.07 2.50 12.68 2.00 10.14 22.82
Concrete Filter Media Support. C37 cube m3 121.68 95.00 11,559.60 28.00 3,407.04 14,966.64
Air Dispersing Pipe t=150 pcs 312.00 3.00 936.00 1.25 390.00 1,326.00
Under Train Block h=241mm m2 405.60 40.00 16,224.00 20.00 8,112.00 24,336.00
Porcus Concrete t=65 m2 26.36 95.00 2,504.58 28.00 738.19 3,242.77
Filter Sand m3 405.60 130.00 52,728.00 32.00 12,979.20 65,707.20
PVC hole ф100 L=300 ea 36.00 6.00 216.00 1.25 45.00 261.00
Stainless Steel Weir Plate set 8.00 69.00 552.00 21.00 168.00 720.00
Stop Gete Embaddet Fram set 16.00 79.00 1,264.00 24.00 384.00 1,648.00
Ladder L4 =2800 set 8.00 115.00 920.00 17.00 136.00 1,056.00 AISI 304
Ladder L5 =2200 set 1.00 90.00 90.00 13.00 13.00 103.00 AISI 304
Ladder L6 =2500 set 8.00 103.00 824.00 15.00 120.00 944.00 AISI 304
Ladder L7 =2500 set 3.00 103.00 309.00 15.00 45.00 354.00 AISI 304
Ladder L8 =2150 set 1.00 88.00 88.00 13.00 13.00 101.00 AISI 304
Grating G8 =72.96m2 set 1.00 31,592.00 31,592.00 9,704.00 9,704.00 41,296.00
Grating G9 =1m2 set 2.00 433.00 866.00 133.00 266.00 1,132.00
Grating G10 =0.48m set 1.00 208.00 208.00 64.00 64.00 272.00
Grating G11 =0.58 set 12.00 251.00 3,012.00 77.00 924.00 3,936.00
Manhole cover 900x900mm set 13.00 351.00 4,563.00 108.00 1,404.00 5,967.00
Waterproof for filter m2 6,216.94 12.50 77,711.75 5.00 31,084.70 108,796.45
Plain Concrete C18 m3 34.08 86.00 2,930.88 28.00 954.24 3,885.12
Single Door (D1)Aluminium (1400x2150) set 1.00 452.00 452.00 111.00 111.00 563.00
Double Door (D2)Aluminium (2000x2150) set 6.00 645.00 3,870.00 159.00 954.00 4,824.00
Fixed frame Window (W1: 1040x1400) set 9.00 167.00 1,503.00 60.00 540.00 2,043.00
Sliding Window (W1: 2200x1400) set 3.00 354.00 1,062.00 126.00 378.00 1,440.00
Concrete block wall for Ventilation m2 5.70 40.00 228.00 9.00 51.30 279.30
Handrail H=1.1m m 1,388.10 48.00 66,628.80 22.00 30,538.20 97,167.00
Other LS 1 31,529.02 13,111.62 44,640.64
Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that the
LS 1.00 31,529.02 31,529.02 13,111.62 13,111.62 44,640.64
Contractor may deem necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-5





Filter M.
Filter M.
Filter M.
Filter M.

Filter M.

Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021

Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Facility
Service Reservoir and Pump Station Bill 5-5 1,374,822.25 591,548.54 1,966,370.79

Construction of the Reservoir Base complete and including lean

concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to LS 1 275,157.38 90,632.11 365,789.50
Crushed Stone compacted 150 mm No shown in drawing m3 323.91 24.00 7,773.91 12.00 3,886.96 11,660.87
Lean Concrete 150mm (C15 Mpa cube) No shown in drawing m3 323.91 86.00 27,856.51 28.00 9,069.56 36,926.07
Formwork for lean con. m2 85.00 14.00 1,190.03 12.00 1,020.02 2,210.05
Concrete base slab (C37 Mpa cube) m3 1,316.08 95.00 125,027.61 28.00 36,850.24 161,877.85
Formwork m2 98.76 14.00 1,382.64 12.00 1,185.12 2,567.76
Reinforcement bar Kg 89,838.50 0.88 79,057.88 0.28 25,154.78 104,212.66
Concrete curing m3 1,316.08 2.50 3,290.20 2.00 2,632.16 5,922.36
Water-stop,w=300mm No shown in drawing m 146.79 24.50 3,596.36 3.00 440.37 4,036.73
Water proofing internal (Hydroepoxy painting) No shown in drawing m2 2,079 12.50 25,982.25 5.00 10,392.90 36,375.15
Construction of Reservoir External Wall including concrete pouring,
LS 1 162,731.17 67,886.57 230,617.74
curing and all contingencies related to construction .
Concrete External wall (C37 Mpa cube) m3 510.04 95.00 48,453.51 28.00 14,281.03 62,734.54
Formwork m2 1,608.60 14.00 22,520.40 12.00 19,303.20 41,823.60
Reinforcement bar Kg 69,010.70 0.88 60,729.42 0.28 19,323.00 80,052.41
Concrete curing m3 510.04 2.50 1,275.09 2.00 1,020.07 2,295.17
Scaffold m2 1,608.60 1.50 2,412.90 2.50 4,021.50 6,434.40
Water-stop,w=300mm No shown in drawing m 146.8 24.50 3,596.36 3.00 440.37 4,036.73
Water proofing external (Bitumen Coating ) No shown in drawing m2 873.8 12.50 10,923.00 5.00 4,369.20 15,292.20
Water proofing internal (Hydroepoxy painting) No shown in drawing m2 1,025.64 12.50 12,820.50 5.00 5,128.20 17,948.70
CW for completion of construction of structure (internal walls,
LS 1 227,819.91 115,656.47 343,476.37
Column, partition wall arrangements, etc.)
Concrete Internal Wall 400mm thk. (C37 Mpa cube) m3 184.80 95.00 17,556.00 28.00 5,174.40 22,730.40
Formwork m2 880.00 14.00 12,320.00 12.00 10,560.00 22,880.00
Reinforcement bar Kg 16,764.50 0.88 14,752.76 0.28 4,694.06 19,446.82
Concrete curing m3 184.80 2.50 462.00 2.00 369.60 831.60
Scaffold m2 880.00 1.50 1,320.00 2.50 2,200.00 3,520.00
Concrete Internal Column 500 x 500mm . (C37 Mpa cube) m3 103.95 95.00 9,875.25 28.00 2,910.60 12,785.85
Formwork m2 792.00 14.00 11,088.00 12.00 9,504.00 20,592.00
Reinforcement bar Kg 19,728.90 0.88 17,361.43 0.28 5,524.09 22,885.52
Concrete curing m3 103.95 2.50 259.88 2.00 207.90 467.78
Scaffold m2 792.00 1.50 1,188.00 2.50 1,980.00 3,168.00
Concrete Partition Wall 200mm thk. (C37 Mpa cube) m3 257.62 95.00 24,474.16 28.00 7,213.44 31,687.60
Formwork m2 2,453.55 14.00 34,349.70 12.00 29,442.60 63,792.30
Reinforcement bar Kg 30,120.60 0.88 26,506.13 0.28 8,433.77 34,939.90
Concrete curing m3 257.62 2.50 644.06 2.00 515.25 1,159.30
Scaffold m2 2,453.55 1.50 3,680.33 2.50 6,133.88 9,814.20
Water proofing internal (Hydroepoxy painting) No shown in drawing m2 4,158.58 12.50 51,982.22 5.00 20,792.89 72,775.11
CW for completion of construction of structure (Roof slab, Manhole
LS 1 211,008.92 104,259.24 315,268.16
Concrete Roof Slab. (C37 Mpa cube) m3 1,072.50 95.00 101,887.84 28.00 30,030.10 131,917.94
Formwork m2 1,952.00 14.00 27,328.00 12.00 23,424.00 50,752.00
Reinforcement bar Kg 61,896.40 0.88 54,468.83 0.28 17,330.99 71,799.82
Concrete curing m3 1,072.50 2.50 2,681.26 2.00 2,145.01 4,826.27
Support m3 10,736.00 1.50 16,104.00 2.50 26,840.00 42,944.00
Concrete all Manholes and Ventilations on top slab (C37 Mpa cube) m3 25.47 95.00 2,419.38 28.00 713.08 3,132.46
Formwork m2 238.32 14.00 3,336.48 12.00 2,859.84 6,196.32
Reinforcement bar Kg 3,090.30 0.88 2,719.46 0.28 865.28 3,584.75
Concrete curing m3 25.47 2.50 63.67 2.00 50.93 114.60
Water proofing external (Bitumen Coating ) No shown in drawing m2 3,807.68 12.50 47,596.00 5.00 19,038.40 66,634.40
Water proofing internal (Hydroepoxy painting) No shown in drawing m2 94.88 12.50 1,185.98 5.00 474.39 1,660.37
Construction of the Pumping Structure complete and including lean
concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to LS 1 317,074.38 128,372.16 445,446.54
Crushed Stone compacted No shown in drawing m3 78.14 24.00 1,875.26 12.00 937.63 2,812.89
Lean Concrete (C15 Mpa cube) No shown in drawing m3 78.14 86.00 6,719.67 28.00 2,187.80 8,907.48
Formwork for lean con. m2 15.93 14.00 223.02 12.00 191.16 414.18
Concrete base slab and sump (C37 Mpa cube) m3 681.90 95.00 64,780.53 28.00 19,093.21 83,873.74
Formwork m2 153.82 14.00 2,153.48 12.00 1,845.84 3,999.32
Reinforcement bar Kg 29,928.90 0.88 26,337.43 0.28 8,380.09 34,717.52
Concrete curing m3 681.90 2.50 1,704.75 2.00 1,363.80 3,068.55
Water-stop,w=300mm No shown in drawing m 104.37 24.50 2,557.07 3.00 313.11 2,870.18
Water proofing internal (Hydroepoxy painting) No shown in drawing m2 373.80 12.50 4,672.50 5.00 1,869.00 6,541.50
Concrete External wall (C37 Mpa cube) m3 700.02 95.00 66,502.05 28.00 19,600.60 86,102.65
Formwork m2 2,070.14 14.00 28,981.96 12.00 24,841.68 53,823.64
Reinforcement bar Kg 56,276.90 0.88 49,523.67 0.28 15,757.53 65,281.20
Concrete curing m3 700.02 2.50 1,750.05 2.00 1,400.04 3,150.10
Scaffold m2 2,070.14 1.50 3,105.21 2.50 5,175.35 8,280.56
Water-stop,w=300mm No shown in drawing m 146.79 24.50 3,596.36 3.00 440.37 4,036.73
Water proofing external (Bitumen Coating ) No shown in drawing m2 546.5 12.50 6,830.75 5.00 2,732.30 9,563.05
Water proofing internal (Hydroepoxy painting) No shown in drawing m2 1,260.00 12.50 15,750.00 5.00 6,300.00 22,050.00
Concrete slab (C37 Mpa cube) m3 112.50 95.00 10,687.22 28.00 3,149.92 13,837.13
Formwork m2 328.27 14.00 4,595.78 12.00 3,939.24 8,535.02
Reinforcement bar Kg 9,796.40 0.88 8,620.83 0.28 2,742.99 11,363.82
Concrete curing m3 112.50 2.50 281.24 2.00 224.99 506.24
support m3 1,871.20 1.50 2,806.80 2.50 4,678.00 7,484.80
Water proofing internal (Hydroepoxy painting) No shown in drawing m2 241.50 12.50 3,018.75 5.00 1,207.50 4,226.25
Manhole Structure No detail in drawing
Concrete Manhole (C37 Mpa cube) No detail in drawing m3 N/A
Formwork No detail in drawing m2 N/A
Reinforcement bar No detail in drawing Kg N/A
Concrete curing No detail in drawing m3 N/A
Construction of the Pumping Station complete from upper ground
including, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies related to 49,393.76 25,826.47 75,220.23
Concrete column (C37 Mpa cube) m3 24.95 95.00 2,370.06 12.00 299.38 2,669.44
Formwork m2 237.60 14.00 3,326.40 12.00 2,851.20 6,177.60
Reinforcement bar Kg 9,003.30 0.88 7,922.90 0.28 2,520.92 10,443.83
Concrete curing m3 24.95 2.50 62.37 2.00 49.90 112.27
Scaffold m2 237.60 1.50 356.40 2.50 594.00 950.40
Concrete Roof Slab. (C37 Mpa cube) m3 162.98 95.00 15,482.90 28.00 4,563.38 20,046.28
Formwork m2 506.86 14.00 7,096.04 12.00 6,082.32 13,178.36
Reinforcement bar Kg 10,176.40 0.88 8,955.23 0.28 2,849.39 11,804.62
Concrete curing m3 162.98 2.50 407.44 2.00 325.96 733.40
Support m3 2,276.01 1.50 3,414.02 2.50 5,690.03 9,104.04
Roof Structure Works of Pumping Station including Steel Structure
Works,Brick Works, Plaster, Roof, Painting and all contingencies LS 1 58,682.60 27,223.34 85,905.94
related to the Works .
Roof sky light m2 84.24 65.00 5,475.60 20.00 1,684.80 7,160.40
Ventilation Brock m2 16.45 18.00 296.10 7.00 115.15 411.25
Masonry brick wall 300 mm thk m2 763.51 13.00 9,925.62 5.00 3,817.55 13,743.17
Plastering 20 mm inside and outsides m2 1,399.86 4.50 6,299.37 5.00 6,999.30 13,298.67
Emulsion Paint m2 1,562.84 4.50 7,032.77 3.00 4,688.51 11,721.28
Discharged Fans No detail in drawing set 2.00 120.00 240.00 40.00 80.00 320.00
Intake Fans No detail in drawing set 2.00 120.00 240.00 40.00 80.00 320.00
Water proofing external (Bitumen Coating ) No shown in drawing m2 490.64 12.50 6,133.05 5.00 2,453.22 8,586.27
Supply, delivery and install Steel Shutter (3000 x 4000) set 1.00 1,370.00 1,370.00 350.00 350.00 1,720.00
Supply, delivery and install Steel Shutter (2500 x 4000) set 1.00 1,145.00 1,145.00 290.00 290.00 1,435.00
Supply, delivery and install Steel Glass Door (1020 x 2050) set 4.00 286.00 1,144.00 72.00 288.00 1,432.00
Supply, delivery and install casement window (2200 x 1400) set 4.00 150.00 600.00 50.00 200.00 800.00
Steel I Beam 200mm for stair case No detail in drawing m 58.67 65.00 3,813.81 27.00 1,584.20 5,398.01
Steel sheet plate for stair case No detail in drawing m2 33.04 453.00 14,967.28 139.00 4,592.61 19,559.89
Civil works for Supply and installation of metal works ( ladders,
LS 1 7,486.40 3,523.20 11,009.60
Grating, handrails, manhole cover, etc.)
Insatallation handrail 1100 mm m 101.80 48.00 4,886.40 24.00 2,443.20 7,329.60
Crane I Beam m 40.00 65.00 2,600.00 27.00 1,080.00 3,680.00
Insatallation for Step iron No detail in drawing pcs N/A
Installation for Ladder No detail in drawing m N/A
Manhole Cover No detail in drawing pcs N/A
Installation for Grating Cover No detail in drawing m2 N/A
Other 65,467.73 28,168.98 93,636.70

Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or

LS 1.00 65,467.73 65,467.73 28,168.98 28,168.98 93,636.70
that the Contractor may deem necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-5

Lean Concrete

wp bitumen


wp bitumen

Lean Concrete
wp bitumen



wp bitumen


Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Facility
Drainage Tank Bill 5-6 213,205.84 84,971.03

Construction of the Drainage Basin Base complete and including lean concrete, concrete pouring,
LS 1 79,910.55 26,364.87
curing and all contingencies related to construction

Crushed Stone compacted m3 77.34 24.00 1,856.13 12.00 928.07

Lean Concrete (Concrete C15 Cube) m3 51.56 86.00 4,434.09 28.00 1,443.66
Formwork m2 8.92 14.00 124.88 12.00 107.04
Concrete base slab (Concrete C37 Cube) m3 509.124 95.00 48,366.78 28.00 14,255.47
Formwork m2 137.60 14.00 1,926.40 12.00 1,651.20
Reinforcement bar Kg 24,126.37 0.88 21,231.20 0.28 6,755.38
Concrete curing m3 509.12 2.50 1,272.81 2.00 1,018.25
Non Reinforce concrete t= 50~ 200 (Concrete C37 Cube) m3 7.35 95.00 698.25 28.00 205.80
CW for completion of construction of structure (External, Internal walls, Slab, and related
LS 1 116,031.74 51,879.52
Concrete External Wall 800mm thk. (Concrete C37 Cube) m3 333.61 95.00 31,693.17 28.00 9,341.14
Formwork m2 998.47 14.00 13,978.58 12.00 11,981.64
Reinforcement bar Kg 37,669.93 0.88 33,149.54 0.28 10,547.58
Scaffold m2 998.47 1.50 1,497.71 2.50 2,496.18
Concrete curing m3 333.61 2.50 834.03 2.00 667.22
Concrete internal Wall 400mm thk. (Concrete C37 Cube) m3 105.82 95.00 10,052.81 28.00 2,962.93
Formwork m2 204.80 14.00 2,867.20 12.00 2,457.60
Reinforcement bar Kg 8,897.68 0.88 7,829.96 0.28 2,491.35
Concrete curing m3 105.82 2.50 264.55 2.00 211.64
Scaffold m2 204.80 1.50 307.20 2.50 512.00
Concrete Slab and stages strutures (Concrete C37 Cube) m3 43.39 95.00 4,122.42 28.00 1,215.03
Formwork m2 199.63 14.00 2,794.86 12.00 2,395.59
Reinforcement bar Kg 5,370.14 0.88 4,725.73 0.28 1,503.64
Support m3 1,203.68 1.50 1,805.51 2.50 3,009.19
Concrete curing m3 43.39 2.50 108.48 2.00 86.79
Civil works for Supply and installation of metal works ( ladders, Grating, handrails, manhole
LS 1 7,110.90 2,680.40
cover, etc.)
Ladder A including : Anchor Bolt M16x120, Plate 150x80x9 4400 mm set 1.00 176.00 176.00 26.00 26.00
Ladder B including : Anchor Bolt M16x120, Plate 150x80x9 2790 mm set 1.90 111.00 210.90 16.00 30.40
Ladder C including : Anchor Bolt M16x120, Plate 150x80x9 4000 mm pcs 2.00 160.00 320.00 23.00 46.00
Ladder D including : Anchor Bolt M16x120, Plate 150x80x9 4100 mm pcs 2.00 164.00 328.00 24.00 48.00
Grating 666 x 666 x40 0.44 set 1.00 190.00 190.00 58.00 58.00
Grating 1100 x 1700 x32 1.87 set 3.00 810.00 2,430.00 248.00 744.00
Handrail H 1.1.m Pipe DN32, Pipe DN20 m 72.00 48.00 3,456.00 24.00 1,728.00
Other Ls 1.00 10,152.66 4,046.24
Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that the Contractor may deem
LS 1.00 10,152.66 10,152.66 4,046.24 4,046.24
necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-6
Amount Remarks



2,784.20 gravel
5,877.75 lean
231.92 lean form
62,622.25 con
3,577.60 form
27,986.59 rebar
2,291.06 curing
904.05 con

41,034.31 con
25,960.22 form
43,697.12 rebar
3,993.88 scaff
1,501.26 curing
13,015.74 con
5,324.80 form
10,321.31 rebar
476.19 curing
819.20 scaff
5,337.45 con
5,190.45 form
6,229.37 rebar
4,814.71 support
195.27 curing

202.00 sus
241.30 sus
366.00 sus
376.00 sus
248.00 sus
3,174.00 sus
5,184.00 sus

Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Facility
Sludge Lagoon Bill 5-7 189,251.08 77,774.78

Earth Works of the Drainage Basin including Site clearance, Excavation, Disposal Soil,
LS 1 18,352.00 9,907.30
Compacting Soil and all contingencies related to Earth Works

Site clearing and grubbing m2 1,631.00 0.80 1,304.80

Sand backfilling BOQ m3 1,147.00 16.00 18,352.00 7.50 8,602.50
Construction of the Sludge Lagoon Base concrete, concrete pouring, curing and all contingencies
LS 1 39,314.87 12,186.43
related to construction
Base Concrete t=150~250 (minimum Reinforced Concrete 37 Mpa cube) m3 309.77 95.00 29,427.85 28.00 8,673.47
Concrete curing m3 309.77 2.50 774.42 2.00 619.53
Reinforcement bar kg 10,062.36 0.88 8,854.88 0.28 2,817.46
Concrete apron (Concrete 37 Mpa cube) m3 2.71 95.00 257.73 28.00 75.96
CW for completion of construction of structure (Footing, External, Internal walls, and Related
LS 1 76,015.57 38,443.55
Crushed Stone compacted m3 94.43 24.00 2,266.32 12.00 1,133.16
Lean Concrete (Concrete 15 Mpa cube) m3 47.22 86.00 4,060.49 28.00 1,322.02
Formwork for Lean con. m2 45.95 14.00 643.30 12.00 551.40
Footing concrete (Concrete 37 Mpa cube) m3 133.02 95.00 12,637.03 28.00 3,724.60
Formwork m2 150.24 14.00 2,103.36 12.00 1,802.88
Reinforcement bar Kg 9,145.01 0.88 8,047.61 0.28 2,560.60
Concrete External Wall, Internal Wall , Approach slab and Related structure (Concrete 37 Mpa cube) m3 173.87 95.00 16,517.91 28.00 4,868.44
Concrete Curing m3 173.87 2.50 434.68 2.00 347.75
Formwork m2 1,328.17 14.00 18,594.31 12.00 15,937.98
Reinforcement bar Kg 9,822.63 0.88 8,643.92 0.28 2,750.34
Scaffold m2 1,328.17 1.50 1,992.25 2.50 3,320.41
Support m3 49.59 1.50 74.38 2.50 123.97
Civil works for Supply and installation works ( Steel Step, Grating, Gravel Layer, and Sand
LS 1 46,556.69 13,533.95
Layer, etc.)
Grating cover (A) (860 x 1120) 1.0 set 2.00 434.00 868.00 133.00 266.00
Grating cover (B) (560 X 9654) 5.4 set 2.00 2,343.00 4,686.00 718.00 1,436.00
Grating cover (B) (560 X 11300) 6.3 set 2.00 2,734.00 5,468.00 837.00 1,674.00
Grating cover (C) (860 x 2370) 2.0 set 3.00 868.00 2,604.00 266.00 798.00
Steel Step SUS 304 dia 20 pcs 170.00 18.00 3,060.00 5.00 850.00
Handrail H1.1 Pipe ND32, ND20 m 44.00 48.00 2,112.00 24.00 1,056.00
Drain Pipe PVC ND100, BOQ m 42.00 20.00 840.00 5.00 210.00
Stop Log (w 2650 x h 1800 x 90) 4.5 set 4.00 436.00 1,744.00 122.00 488.00
Stop Log (w 430 x h 1130 x 90) 0.5 set 8.00 44.50 356.00 12.50 100.00
Perforated Pipe BOQ m 600.00 20.00 12,000.00 5.00 3,000.00
Elastic filler t=20mm BOQ m2 14.00 9.50 133.00 3.00 42.00
Installation of Gravel layer 200mm ~ 300 mm m3 368.77 28.00 10,325.56 7.00 2,581.39
Installation of Sand layer 100mm m3 147.51 16.00 2,360.13 7.00 1,032.56
Other LS 1 9,011.96 3,703.56
Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that the Contractor may deem
LS 1 9,011.96 9,011.96 3,703.56 3,703.56
necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-7

Formwork for Lean con.

Amount Remarks










Project For The Expansion Of Water Supply System In Pursat
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs for Administration Building
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)

Administation Building Bill 5-8 227,178.17 116,150.14 343,328.31

Civil Work of Administration Building including Excavation, Disposal Soil,

Compacting Soil , Concrete Workand all contingencies related to Earth LS 1 52,942.30 13,433.52 66,375.82
Soil excavation for foundation m3 - - -
Transportation soil m3 - - -
Backfilling m3 - - -
Typical Pile Size 300x300 m 792.00 60.0 47,520.00 14.0 11,088.00 58,608.00
Crushed Stone compacted m3 42.74 24.0 1,025.76 12.0 512.88 1,538.64
Formwork for lean concrete m2 5.12 14.0 71.68 12.0 61.44 133.12
Lean concrete thk=50mm m3 2.53 86.0 217.58 28.0 70.84 288.42
Steel Bar kg 1,421.65 0.88 1,251.05 0.28 398.06 1,649.12
Formwork m2 50.40 14.0 705.60 12.0 604.80 1,310.40
Concrete for foundation slab m3 23.25 90.0 2,092.50 28.0 651.00 2,743.50
Curing Concrete m3 23.25 2.5 58.13 2.0 46.50 104.63
Stump Column LS 1 2,392.24 1,046.44 3,438.68
Steel Bar kg 1,555.84 0.88 1,369.14 0.28 435.64 1,804.78
Formwork m2 37.40 14.0 523.60 12.0 448.80 972.40
Concrete m3 5.40 90.0 486.00 28.0 151.20 637.20
Curing Concrete m3 5.40 2.5 13.50 2.0 10.80 24.30
Foundation ground beam LS 1 8,973.43 3,948.47 12,921.90
Steel Bar kg 4,808.76 0.88 4,231.71 0.28 1,346.45 5,578.17
Formwork m2 142.66 14.0 1,997.24 12.0 1,711.92 3,709.16
Concrete m3 29.67 90.0 2,670.30 28.0 830.76 3,501.06
Curing Concrete m3 29.67 2.5 74.18 2.0 59.34 133.52
Ground slab LS 1 12,308.31 4,210.06 16,518.37
Lean concrete thk=50mm m3 11.72 90.0 1,054.80 28.0 328.16 1,382.96
Steel Bar kg 5,828.64 0.88 5,129.20 0.28 1,632.02 6,761.22
Formwork m2 35.34 14.0 494.76 12.0 424.08 918.84
Concrete m3 60.86 90.0 5,477.40 28.0 1,704.08 7,181.48
Curing Concrete m3 60.86 2.5 152.15 2.0 121.72 273.87
Ground floor column LS 1 5,332.21 2,535.16 7,867.36
Steel Bar kg 2,887.25 0.88 2,540.78 0.28 808.43 3,349.21
Formwork m2 109.20 14.0 1,528.80 12.0 1,310.40 2,839.20
Concrete m3 13.65 90.0 1,228.50 28.0 382.20 1,610.70
Curing Concrete m3 13.65 2.5 34.13 2.0 34.13 68.25
Ground floor wall LS 1 4,146.84 3,755.10 7,901.94
Wall 120 m2 239.52 4.50 1,077.84 2.5 598.80 1,676.64
Wall 220 m2 195.87 9.00 1,762.83 5.0 979.35 2,742.18
Scaffolding m2 870.78 1.5 1,306.17 2.5 2,176.95 3,483.12
First floor beam LS 1 9,605.05 4,810.92 14,415.97
Steel Bar kg 4,524.70 0.88 3,981.74 0.28 1,266.92 5,248.66
Formwork m2 189.19 14.0 2,648.66 12.0 2,270.28 4,918.94
Concrete m3 29.67 90.0 2,670.30 28.0 830.76 3,501.06
Curing Concrete m3 29.67 2.5 74.18 2.0 59.34 133.52
Support m3 153.45 1.5 230.18 2.5 383.63 613.80
First slab LS 1.00 10,517.39 6,438.83 16,956.21
Steel Bar kg 3,121.81 0.88 2,747.19 0.28 874.11 3,621.30
Formwork m2 204.21 14.0 2,858.94 12.0 2,450.52 5,309.46
Concrete m3 40.84 90.0 3,675.78 28.0 1,143.58 4,819.36
Curing Concrete m3 40.84 2.5 102.11 2.0 81.68 183.79
Support m3 755.58 1.5 1,133.37 2.5 1,888.94 3,022.31
First floor column LS 1.00 4,981.32 2,416.68 7,398.00
Steel Bar kg 2,488.52 0.88 2,189.90 0.28 696.78 2,886.68
Formwork m2 109.20 14.0 1,528.80 12.0 1,310.40 2,839.20
Concrete m3 13.65 90.0 1,228.50 28.0 382.20 1,610.70
Curing Concrete m3 13.65 2.5 34.13 2.0 27.30 61.43
First floor wall LS 1 4,389.54 4,666.70 9,056.24
Wall 120 m2 269.00 4.50 1,210.50 5.0 1,345.00 2,555.50
Wall 220 m2 197.67 9.00 1,779.03 5.0 988.35 2,767.38
Scaffolding m2 933.34 1.5 1,400.01 2.5 2,333.35 3,733.36
Roof floor beam LS 1 12,518.58 5,974.93 18,493.52
Steel Bar kg 6,442.42 0.88 5,669.33 0.28 1,803.88 7,473.20
Formwork m2 211.93 14.0 2,967.02 12.0 2,543.16 5,510.18
Concrete m3 39.00 90.0 3,510.00 28.0 1,092.00 4,602.00
Curing Concrete m3 39.00 2.5 97.50 2.0 78.00 175.50
Support m3 183.16 1.5 274.74 2.5 457.90 732.63
Roof floor slab LS 1 10,656.79 6,775.91 17,432.70
Steel Bar kg 3,467.90 0.88 3,051.76 0.28 971.01 4,022.77
Formwork m2 222.41 14.0 3,113.74 12.0 2,668.92 5,782.66
Concrete m3 35.03 90.0 3,152.66 28.0 980.83 4,133.49
Curing Concrete m3 35.03 2.5 87.57 2.0 70.06 157.63
Support m3 834.04 1.5 1,251.06 2.5 2,085.09 3,336.15
Roof floor column LS 1 1,416.22 696.49 2,112.71
Steel Bar kg 821.81 0.88 723.19 0.28 230.11 953.29
Formwork m2 32.39 14.0 453.46 12.0 388.68 842.14
Concrete m3 2.59 90.0 233.10 28.0 72.52 305.62
Curing Concrete m3 2.59 2.5 6.48 2.0 5.18 11.66
Stair LS 1 2,526.96 1,274.56 3,801.52
Steel Bar kg 1,115.75 0.88 981.86 0.28 312.41 1,294.27
Formwork m2 49.20 14.0 688.80 12.0 590.40 1,279.20
Concrete m3 8.50 90.0 765.00 28.0 238.00 1,003.00
Curing Concrete m3 8.50 2.5 21.25 2.0 17.00 38.25
Support m3 46.70 1.5 70.05 2.5 116.75 186.80
Hand rail LS 1 1,344.00 672.00 2,016.00
Handrail m 28.00 48.0 1,344.00 24.0 672.00 2,016.00

Masonery and Finishing woork LS 1

40,895.42 24,573.50 65,468.93
Plastic door(750x2050)mm partiton for toilet room men and women set 10.00 250.0 2,500.00 70.0 700.00 3,200.00
Cemet morta t=20 m2 1,804.12 4.5 8,118.54 5.0 9,020.60 17,139.14
panting m2 1,804.12 4.5 8,118.54 3.0 5,412.36 13,530.90
Gypumbaord ceiling GB-R t=9.5 m2 479.00 10.0 4,790.00 8.0 3,832.00 8,622.00
Concrete finish with a trowel ( Porch) m2 80.41 - 3.0 241.23 241.23
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Entrance hall) m2 130.00 22.0 2,860.00 7.0 910.00 3,770.00
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Work Shop) m2 51.35 22.0 1,129.70 7.0 359.45 1,489.15
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Technical Office) m2 14.87 22.0 327.14 7.0 104.09 431.23
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Technical Office) m2 14.87 22.0 327.14 7.0 104.09 431.23
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar (Laboratory) m2 30.58 22.0 672.76 7.0 214.06 886.82
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Administration Room) m2 18.74 22.0 412.28 7.0 131.18 543.46
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Guard Office) m2 11.26 22.0 247.72 7.0 78.82 326.54
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Kitchen Chanteen) m2 16.25 22.0 357.50 7.0 113.75 471.25
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar ( Jnitor Room) m2 11.25 22.0 247.50 7.0 78.75 326.25
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar (Meeting Room) m2 36.64 22.0 806.08 7.0 256.48 1,062.56
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar (Plan Monitor Room) m2 33.44 22.0 735.68 7.0 234.08 969.76
Cermic tile 300x300 on cement mortoar (Office) m2 74.30 22.0 1,634.60 7.0 520.10 2,154.70
Cermic tile 500x500 on cement mortoar (Toilet-M) m2 16.52 22.0 363.44 7.0 115.64 479.08
Cermic tile 500x500 on cement mortoar (Toilet-W) m2 14.86 22.0 326.92 7.0 104.02 430.94
Cermic tile on cement mortoar (Stair Poach) m2 28.43 45.0 1,279.35 7.0 199.01 1,478.36
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Entrance hall) m 106.00 9.0 954.00 3.0 318.00 1,272.00
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Work Shop) m 33.32 9.0 299.88 3.0 99.96 399.84
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm (Technical Office) m 15.42 9.0 138.78 3.0 46.26 185.04
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Laboratory) m 22.32 9.0 200.88 3.0 66.96 267.84
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Administation Room) m 17.42 9.0 156.78 3.0 52.26 209.04
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Guard Office) m 14.32 9.0 128.88 3.0 42.96 171.84
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Kitchen Chanteen) m 16.42 9.0 147.78 3.0 49.26 197.04
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Jnitor Room) m 16.42 9.0 147.78 3.0 49.26 197.04
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm ( Meeting room) m 24.41 9.0 219.69 3.0 73.23 292.92
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm (Plan Monitor Room) m 24.86 9.0 223.74 3.0 74.58 298.32
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=150mm (Office) m 69.00 9.0 621.00 3.0 207.00 828.00
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=2400mm ( Toilet-M) m2 55.78 22.0 1,227.07 7.0 390.43 1,617.50
Cermic skirting tile on cement h=2400mm ( Toilet-W) m2 53.38 22.0 1,174.27 7.0 373.63 1,547.90
Door and Window LS 1 12,032.98 3,514.94 15,547.92
Glass slide window(1100x1800)mm=21pcs m2 41.58 86.0 3,575.88 30.0 1,247.40 4,823.28
Glass slide window(1100x1040)mm=4pcs m2 4.58 86.0 393.54 30.0 137.28 530.82
Glass Fix window(1200x900)mm=6pcs m2 6.48 86.0 557.28 30.0 194.40 751.68
Glass Fix window(600x900)mm=1pcs m2 0.54 86.0 46.44 30.0 16.20 62.64
Double swinging Aluminum door AD/01(2160x2485)=1pcs set 1.00 789.0 789.00 204.0 204.00 993.00
Double swinging Aluminum door AD/04(1840x2100)=3pcs set 3.00 568.0 1,704.00 147.0 441.00 2,145.00
Double swinging Plywood door (900x2100) Plywood set 2.00 376.0 752.00 90.0 180.00 932.00
Single swing Aluminum doorAD/02 (990x2045)mm set 14.00 298.0 4,172.00 77.0 1,078.00 5,250.00
Louver 850x1400 m2 2.38 18.0 42.84 7.0 16.66 59.50
Roof Steel Structure LS 1 19,380.58 19,874.96 39,255.54
Rafter : 40x80x1.5 m 731 4.50 3,290.58 4.00 2,924.96 6,215.54
Slate Batten 20x20x1.2 Space:100mm m 3,410 2.00 6,820.00 4.00 13,640.00 20,460.00
Clay Roof Tile: khmer Round Shape (Tongue) m2 370 19.50 7,215.00 5.00 1,850.00 9,065.00
RC Ridge Roof m 52 12.00 624.00 4.00 208.00 832.00
Wooden Facial 200x25 m 334 2.00 668.00 3.00 1,002.00 1,670.00
khmer Traditional Shape ea 6 20.00 120.00 10.00 60.00 180.00
chain link m 16 28.00 448.00 7.0 112.00 560.00
Rubber asphalt roofing m2 15.60 12.5 195.00 5.0 78.00 273.00
Other LS 1.00 10,818.01 5,530.96 16,348.97
Miscellaneous landscaping works specified in the Drawings or the Specifications
LS 1.00 10,818.0 10,818.0 5,531.0 5,530.96 16,348.97
but otherwise not included elsewhere in Bill 5.8
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Facility
Chemical Building Bill 5-9 248,214.79 120,738.50 368,953.29

Under and ground floor

Ground slab LS 1 48,174.32 17,047.63 65,221.95

Ston 4x6 backfilling and compaction thk=200mm m3 41.56 24.0 997.44 12.0 498.72 1,496.16
Lean concrete thk=50mm m3 20.78 86.0 1,787.08 28.0 581.84 2,368.92
Formwork m2 4.14 14.0 57.92 12.0 49.64 107.56
Steel Bar kg 19,375.85 0.88 17,050.75 0.28 5,425.24 22,475.99
Formwork m2 232.74 14.0 3,258.35 12.0 2,792.87 6,051.23
Concrete m3 256.64 95.0 24,381.16 28.0 7,186.03 31,567.19
Curing Concrete m3 256.64 2.5 641.61 2.0 513.29 1,154.90
Ground floor column LS 1 12,831.80 5,685.15 18,516.94
Steel Bar kg 8,859.09 0.88 7,796.00 0.28 2,480.55 10,276.54
Formwork m2 168.00 14.0 2,352.00 12.0 2,016.00 4,368.00
Concrete m3 25.20 95.0 2,394.00 28.0 705.60 3,099.60
Scaffolding m2 168.00 1.5 252.00 2.5 420.00 672.00
Curing Concrete m3 25.20 1.5 37.80 2.5 63.00 100.80
Stair Case LS 1 1,536.88 1,374.02 2,910.90
Steel Bar kg 442.17 0.88 389.11 0.28 123.81 512.92
Formwork m2 23.12 14.0 323.74 12.0 277.49 601.22
Concrete m3 3.02 95.0 287.28 28.0 84.67 371.95
Curing Concrete m3 3.02 2.5 7.56 2.0 6.05 13.61
Scaffolding for around building (from ground floor to first floor) m2 352.80 1.5 529.20 2.5 882.00 1,411.20
First floor beam LS 1 7,688.91 4,015.78 11,704.70
Steel Bar kg 3,606.44 0.88 3,173.67 0.28 1,009.80 4,183.48
Formwork m2 65.15 14.0 912.07 12.0 781.78 1,693.85
Concrete m3 28.54 95.0 2,710.97 28.0 799.02 3,509.99
Curing Concrete m3 28.54 2.5 71.34 2.0 57.07 128.41
Support m3 547.24 1.5 820.86 2.5 1,368.11 2,188.97
First floor slab LS 1 18,956.45 12,095.46 31,051.91
Steel Bar kg 5,894.34 0.88 5,187.02 0.28 1,650.42 6,837.44
Formwork m2 329.48 14.0 4,612.72 12.0 3,953.76 8,566.49
Concrete m3 66.19 95.00 6,287.84 28.00 1,853.26 8,141.10
Curing Concrete m3 66.19 2.5 165.47 2.0 132.38 297.85
Support m3 1,515.61 1.5 2,273.41 2.5 3,789.02 6,062.44
Scaffolding for around building (from first floor to second floor) m2 286.65 1.5 429.98 2.5 716.63 1,146.60
First floor column LS 1 9,039.10 4,121.36 13,160.46
Steel Bar kg 6,027.17 0.88 5,303.91 0.28 1,687.61 6,991.52
Formwork m2 132.00 14.0 1,848.00 12.0 1,584.00 3,432.00
Concrete m3 17.33 95.0 1,645.88 28.0 485.10 2,130.98
Scaffolding m2 132.00 1.5 198.00 2.5 330.00 528.00
Curing Concrete m3 17.33 2.5 43.31 2.0 34.65 77.96
Second floor beam LS 1 7,116.03 2,946.21 10,062.24
Steel Bar kg 3,703.15 0.88 3,258.77 0.28 1,036.88 4,295.65
Formwork m2 65.15 14.0 912.07 12.0 781.78 1,693.85
Concrete m3 28.54 95.0 2,710.97 28.0 799.02 3,509.99
Curing Concrete m3 28.54 2.5 71.34 2.0 57.07 128.41
Support m3 108.58 1.5 162.87 2.5 271.46 434.33
Second floor slab LS 1 17,487.17 10,445.70 27,932.87
Steel Bar kg 4,932.58 0.88 4,340.67 0.28 1,381.12 5,721.80
Formwork m2 329.48 14.0 4,612.72 12.0 3,953.76 8,566.49
Concrete m3 68.77 95.00 6,533.23 28.00 1,925.58 8,458.81
Curing Concrete m3 68.77 2.5 171.93 2.0 137.54 309.47
Support m3 1,219.08 1.5 1,828.62 2.5 3,047.69 4,876.31
Roof floor column and beam LS 1 13,019.07 7,415.14 20,434.21
Steel Bar kg 4,981.25 0.88 4,383.50 0.28 1,394.75 5,778.25
Formwork m2 339.88 14.0 4,758.25 12.0 4,078.50 8,836.76
Concrete m3 34.12 95.0 3,240.97 28.0 955.23 4,196.21
Curing Concrete m3 34.12 2.5 85.29 2.0 68.23 153.52
Support m3 80.72 1.5 121.08 2.5 201.80 322.88
Scaffolding for around building (from second floor to roof floor) m2 286.65 1.5 429.98 2.5 716.63 1,146.60
Masonery and Finishing Work
Ground floor LS 1 27,100.66 16,530.14 43,630.81
Anti-termite treatment : under ground slab m2 428 8.00 3,422.16 5.0 2,138.85 5,561.01
Plastic Sheet 0.15mm m2 428 2.00 855.54 0.5 213.89 1,069.43
Epoxy coating on concrete surface m2 500 12.50 6,249.28 5.0 2,499.71 8,748.99
External wall brick 220mm m2 273 9.00 2,454.73 5.0 1,363.74 3,818.47
Plaster mortar on external wall m2 545.50 4.5 2,454.73 5.0 2,727.48 5,182.21
Emulsion Paint external wall m2 671.50 4.5 3,021.73 3.0 2,014.49 5,036.22
Partiton wall 120mm m2 118.19 7.0 827.32 5.0 590.94 1,418.26
Plaster mortar on partition wall m2 266.20 4.5 1,197.88 5.0 1,330.98 2,528.86
Emulsion Paint partition wall m2 266.20 4.5 1,197.88 3.0 798.59 1,996.47
Ground floor slab with concrete finish with a trowel m2 407.40 - 3.0 1,222.20 1,222.20
Terracotta Tile 300 x300 20 on stair case m2 9.94 22.0 218.68 7.0 69.58 288.26
Cement mortar for tile on stair case m2 9.94 4.5 44.73 5.0 49.70 94.43
Steel manual shuter (2400 x 2930)mm RD 1 set 2.00 530.0 1,060.00 190.0 380.00 1,440.00
Glass slide window(1754 x 1058)mm AW 1 set 11.00 86.0 946.00 30.0 330.00 1,276.00
Single swing door (1000 x 2400)mm AD 1 set 5.00 350.0 1,750.00 88.0 440.00 2,190.00
Double swing panel door (2000 x 2400)mm AD 2 set 2.00 700.0 1,400.00 180.0 360.00 1,760.00
First floor LS 1 14,258.84 9,820.18 24,079.02
Epoxy coating on concrete surface m2 345.95 12.5 4,324.43 5.0 1,729.77 6,054.20
Emulsion Paint under slab m2 345.95 4.5 1,556.79 3.0 1,037.86 2,594.66
External wall brick 220mm m2 214.30 9.0 1,928.72 5.0 1,071.51 3,000.23
Plaster mortar on external wall m2 428.60 4.5 1,928.72 5.0 2,143.02 4,071.74
Emulsion Paint external wall m2 554.60 4.5 2,495.72 3.0 1,663.81 4,159.53
Partiton wall 120mm m2 36.47 4.5 164.09 5.0 182.33 346.42
Plaster mortar on partition wall m2 72.93 4.5 328.19 5.0 364.65 692.84
Emulsion Paint partition wall m2 72.93 4.5 328.19 3.0 218.79 546.98
First floor slab with concrete finish with a trowel m2 329.48 - 3.0 988.44 988.44
Glass slide window(1754 x 1058)mm AW 1 set 14.00 86.0 1,204.00 30.0 420.00 1,624.00
Second floor LS 1 5,881.22 3,756.07 9,637.30
Epoxy coating on concrete surface m2 345.95 12.5 4,324.43 5.0 1,729.77 6,054.20
Emulsion Paint under slab m2 345.95 4.5 1,556.79 3.0 1,037.86 2,594.66
First floor slab with concrete finish with a trowel m2 329.48 - 3.0 988.44 988.44
Roof floor LS 1 11,310.70 4,992.92 16,303.62
Khmer Traditional shape pcs 6 20.00 120.00 10.0 60.00 180.00
Ridge Roof m 60.40 12.0 724.80 4.0 241.60 966.40
Clay khmer roof tile m2 406.80 19.5 7,932.60 5.0 2,034.00 9,966.60
Roof floor Ceiling m2 80.00 12.0 960.00 8.0 640.00 1,600.00
Steel tube 20x20x1.2 m 302.00 2.0 604.00 4.0 1,208.00 1,812.00
Steel tube 40x80x4 m 176.00 4.5 792.00 4.0 704.00 1,496.00
Water proof on ridge and gable m2 9.06 12.5 113.30 5.0 45.32 158.62
Steel L 80x80x8 150 mm pcs 8.00 2.5 20.00 3.0 24.00 44.00
Bolt M12 150mm 150 mm pcs 8.00 4.0 32.00 3.0 24.00 56.00
Bolt M12 65mm 65 mm pcs 4.00 3.0 12.00 3.0 12.00 24.00
Steel Stair platform ground floor LS 1 41,993.89 14,743.28 56,737.17
I Beam IPE 220 m 74.11 65.0 4,817.15 27.0 2,000.97 6,818.12
H Beam HEA 120 m 33.6 50.0 1,680.00 15.0 504.00 2,184.00
Steel plate 200x200x12 pcs 24 9.5 228.00 3.5 84.00 312.00
Bracing d16 pcs 16 6.5 104.00 3.5 56.00 160.00
M16 400mm pcs 48 20.0 960.00 10.0 480.00 1,440.00
steel grid plate m2 66.79 453.0 30,254.24 139.0 9,283.31 39,537.55
steel plat 220x140x10mm pcs 16 9.5 152.00 3.5 56.00 208.00
Steel L 100x100x8 150mm pcs 63 3.5 220.50 3.0 189.00 409.50
Anchor Bolt M12 45mm pcs 239 3.0 717.00 3.0 717.00 1,434.00
Steel plate 120x120x8 pcs 21 9.5 199.50 3.5 73.50 273.00
Steel plate 220x400x8 pcs 5 9.5 47.50 3.5 17.50 65.00
Steel plate 200x50x8 pcs 20 9.5 190.00 3.5 70.00 260.00
Handrail with chain m 6 48.0 288.00 24.0 144.00 432.00
Handrail H=1100mm m 44.50 48.0 2,136.00 24.0 1,068.00 3,204.00
Other LS 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
Location Map for Facility Name Plate:Stainless plate WH= 2000x1500x30, t=2mm, Hairline
LS 1 - - -
Building/Facility Name Plate: Stainless plate WH= 1200x300, t=1mm, Hairline finish LS 1 - - -
Plaque: Stainless plate WH= 1500x800, t=2mm, Hairline finish LS 1 - - -
Flag Pole: Stainless steel pipe 60-100dia, H=9m, Hairline finish LS 1 - - -
Other LS 1 11,819.75 5,749.45 17,569.20

Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that the
LS 1.00 11,819.8 11,819.8 5,749.5 5,749.45 17,569.20
Contractor may deem necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-9
0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00

Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Unit Rate
Amount (US$) Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Facility
Generator Building Bill 5-10 44,538.08 21,476.13 66,014.21
Under and ground floor
Foundation for Desiel Tank LS 1 1,610.80 747.08 2,357.89
Ston 4x6 backfilling and compaction thk=200mm m3 1.51 24.0 36.29 12.0 18.14 54.43
Lean concrete thk=50mm m3 0.76 86.0 65.02 28.0 21.17 86.18
Formwork m2 0.79 14.0 11.06 12.0 9.48 20.54
Steel Bar kg 576.91 0.88 507.68 0.28 161.53 669.21
Formwork m2 28.88 14.0 404.32 12.0 346.56 750.88
Base Concrete m3 6.34 90.0 570.59 28.0 177.52 748.11
Curing Concrete m3 6.34 2.5 15.85 2.0 12.68 28.53
Ground slab LS 1 12,928.63 5,088.22 17,656.86
Ston 4x6 backfilling and compaction thk=200mm m3 13.09 24.0 314.09 12.0 157.05 471.14
Lean concrete thk=50mm m3 6.54 86.0 562.75 28.0 183.22 745.97
Formwork m2 2.34 14.0 32.76 12.0 28.08 60.84
Steel Bar kg 6,307.54 0.88 5,550.63 0.28 1,766.11 7,316.74
Formwork m2 66.48 14.0 930.72 12.0 797.76 1,728.48
Concrete m3 59.87 90.0 5,388.01 28.0 1,676.27 7,064.28
Concrete trowel finishing m2 120.00 - 3.0 360.00
Curing Concrete m3 59.87 2.5 149.67 2.0 119.73 269.40
Ground floor column LS 1 3,405.86 1,855.10 5,260.96
Steel Bar kg 1,357.51 0.88 1,194.61 0.28 380.10 1,574.71
Formwork m2 80.00 14.0 1,120.00 12.0 960.00 2,080.00
Concrete m3 10.50 90.0 945.00 28.0 294.00 1,239.00
Scaffolding m2 80.00 1.5 120.00 2.5 200.00 320.00
Curing Concrete m3 10.50 2.5 26.25 2.0 21.00 47.25
Top Roof slab LS 1 12,245.02 5,660.65 17,905.67
Steel Bar kg 5,936.32 0.88 5,223.96 0.28 1,662.17 6,886.13
Formwork m2 110.96 14.0 1,553.44 12.0 1,331.52 2,884.96
Concrete m3 51.91 90.00 4,672.08 28.00 1,453.54 6,125.62
Curing Concrete m3 51.91 2.5 129.78 2.0 103.82 233.60
Support m3 443.84 1.5 665.76 2.5 1,109.60 1,775.36
Masonery and Finishing Work
Ground floor LS 1 10,554.40 6,032.00 16,586.40
Anti-termite treatment : under ground slab m2 120 8.00 960.00 5.0 600.00 1,560.00
Plastic Sheet 0.15mm m2 120 2.00 240.00 0.5 60.00 300.00
External wall brick 220mm m2 135 9.00 1,216.80 5.0 676.00 1,892.80
Plaster mortar on external wall m2 270.40 4.5 1,216.80 5.0 1,352.00 2,568.80
Emulsion Paint external wall m2 270.40 4.5 1,216.80 3.0 811.20 2,028.00
Partiton wall 120mm m2 52.80 4.5 237.60 5.0 264.00 501.60
Plaster mortar on partition wall m2 105.60 4.5 475.20 5.0 528.00 1,003.20
Emulsion Paint partition wall m2 105.60 4.5 475.20 3.0 316.80 792.00
Emulsion Paint under slab m2 120.00 4.5 540.00 3.0 360.00 900.00
Air intake louvers m2 12.00 18.0 216.00 7.0 84.00 300.00
Discharge fans set 2.00 120.0 240.00 40.0 80.00 320.00
Single swing door (1000 x 2200)mm AD 1 set 1.00 320.0 320.00 80.0 80.00 400.00
Double swing panel door (3160 x 3500)mm AD 2 set 2.00 1,600.0 3,200.00 410.0 820.00 4,020.00
Top Roof Slab LS 1 1,672.50 1,070.40 2,742.90
Epoxy coating on concrete surface m2 133.80 12.5 1,672.50 5.0 669.00 2,341.50
First floor slab with concrete finish with a trowel m2 133.80 - 3.0 401.40 401.40
Other LS 1 2,120.86 1,022.67 3,143.53

Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the drawings or that the
LS 1.00 2,120.9 2,120.9 1,022.7 1,022.7 3,143.53
Contractor may deem necessary to complete the works in Bill 5-10
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Unit Rate Amount
Amount (US$)
(US$) (US$) (US$)
Water Treatment Plant
External Work WTP Bill 5-11 7,519.07 5,113.62 12,632.69
Bill 5-11 – Gates, Plaque Shelter and Fencing LS 1 7,161.02 4,870.11 12,031.13
Construction of Main/ Side Gates, Plaque Shelter and fencing
including general preparation, formwork, re-bar arrangement,
concrete, interior and exterior finishing for all floors, walls, bases
and ceilings, roofing, windows, doors, shutters, shelves, supply and
installation of Main gate and side gate, Nameplate Panel with
Ls 1.00 7,161.02 7,161.0 4,870.11 4,870.11 12,031.13
BTBWSA logo, and other miscellaneous equipment specified in the
Drawings and Specifications.

Other LS 1.00 358.1 243.51 601.56

Other miscellaneous items that are specified or shown on the
drawings or that the Contractor may deem necessary to complete LS 1.00 358.05 358.05 243.51 243.51 601.56
the works in Bill 5-11
Project For Provicial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP)
Date: July 12, 2021
Construction Costs
Item N° Description Unit Quantity Material Cost Labor Cost Amount Remarks
Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount
(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)
Yard Development Water Treatment Plant Bill 5-13
External Work WTP Table 32, 33 622,187.12 305,873.85 928,060.97
Earth Works including Site clearance, Excavation, Disposal Soil,
LS 1 10,055.50 25,525.50 35,581.00
Compacting Soil and all contingencies related to Earth Works
Cutting Existing Ground 100mm thk. and recompact 95% of MDD BOQ m3 1,547.00 - 6.50 10,055.50 10,055.50
Transportation cutting existing soil m 1,547.00 2.50 3,867.50 3,867.50
Back Fill Selected Material and recompact 95% of MDD BOQ m3 1,547.00 6.50 10,055.50 7.50 11,602.50 21,658.00
Construction of the Internal Road in Water Treatment Plant Area
LS 1 141,127.48 50,841.37 191,968.85
and all contingencies related to construction
Sub Base Layer With Compact 95% of MDD m3 843.60 24.00 20,246.40 12.00 10,123.20 30,369.60
Aggregate Base Course m3 632.70 24.00 15,184.80 12.00 7,592.40 22,777.20
Concrete of Internal Road Pavement m3 632.70 95.00 60,106.50 28.00 17,715.60 77,822.10
Concrete curing m3 632.70 2.50 1,581.75 2.00 1,265.40 2,847.15
Wire Mesh of Internal Road Pavement t 34.41 1,050.00 36,130.03 280.00 9,634.67 45,764.70
Formwork m2 251.00 14.00 3,514.00 12.00 3,012.00 6,526.00
Smooth Dowel Bar, RB18 x 600 @300, One on Paint & Greased t 0.34 880.00 299.20 280.00 95.20 394.40
Deformed Bar, RB16 x 600 @450, One on Paint & Greased t 0.81 880.00 712.80 280.00 226.80 939.60
Mastic Joint Sealer kg 184.00 12.50 2,300.00 5.00 920.00 3,220.00
Flexible Joint Filler m2 9.20 15.00 138.00 3.00 27.60 165.60
Plastic Sheeting m2 457 2.00 914.00 0.50 228.50 1,142.50
Retaining Wall, Wall, and Concrete Post LS 1.00 247,267.50 102,715.53 349,983.03
RC Retainng Wall Type 1 m 144.00 228.46 32,897.92 98.84 14,232.47 47,130.39
Brick wall, column, top beam, plastering, and painting on retaining wall type 1 m 144.00 78.33 11,280.07 56.09 8,077.06 19,357.13
RC Retainng Wall Type 2 m 84.20 299.72 25,236.65 124.44 10,478.16 35,714.80
Brick wall, column, top beam, plastering, and painting on retaining wall type 2 m 84.20 78.33 6,595.71 56.09 4,722.83 11,318.54
RC Retainng Wall Type 3 m 199.00 337.29 67,120.85 127.34 25,340.65 92,461.50
Brick wall, column, top beam, plastering, and painting on retaining wall type 3 m 199.00 78.33 15,588.43 56.09 11,162.04 26,750.47
RC Retainng Wall Type 4 m 245.00 264.19 64,727.27 90.40 22,149.16 86,876.43
Concrete Post 150x150@2000 pcs 101.00 19.61 1,980.60 10.82 1,093.17 3,073.77
Chains Link m 780.00 28.00 21,840.00 7.00 5,460.00 27,300.00
Drainage pipes and chambers LS 1.00 133,915.02 78,143.25 212,058.27
Excavation m3 1,080.00 - 6.50 7,020.00 7,020.00
Back Fill and Compaction m3 695.00 6.50 4,517.50 7.50 5,212.50 9,730.00
U-Drain 300 with concrete cover m 577.30 66.38 38,318.41 39.22 22,639.06 60,957.47
U-Drain 400 with concrete cover m 527.50 126.01 66,469.44 64.22 33,877.47 100,346.91
U-Drain 300 with Grating cover m 52.50 314.13 16,492.01 123.33 6,474.95 22,966.96
Weephole, Dia, 40mm @1200mm m 198.00 2.50 495.00 1.25 247.50 742.50
Connection Chamber Type A nr 5.00 364.46 1,822.29 129.61 648.04 2,470.33
Connection Chamber Type B nr 14.00 414.31 5,800.37 144.55 2,023.73 7,824.09
RC Pipe Drain LS 1.00 46,565.49 25,358.88 71,924.37
Excavation m3 1140.00 - 6.50 7,410.00 7,410.00
Selected Field Material Back Fill and Compaction m3 286.00 6.50 1,859.00 7.50 2,145.00 4,004.00
Lean Concrete, 50mm thk m3 3.00 86.00 258.00 28.00 84.00 342.00
Compcted Stone (4x6) With Sand, 150mm thk m3 6.00 24.00 144.00 12.00 72.00 216.00
RC Pipe 600 installation m 113.00 100.00 11,300.00 30.00 3,390.00 14,690.00
Base concrete included gravel bedding for pipe line 600 m 113.00 73.25 8,276.94 27.02 3,053.16 11,330.10
RC Pipe 800 installation m 85.00 130.00 11,050.00 30.00 2,550.00 13,600.00
Base concrete included gravel bedding for pipe line 800 m 85.00 69.39 5,898.12 29.35 2,494.66 8,392.78
Manhole MH nr 7.00 759.06 5,313.43 404.01 2,828.06 8,141.48
Manhole DMH nr 3.00 822.00 2,466.00 444.00 1,332.00 3,798.00
Landscaping LS 1.00 13,628.18 8,723.90 22,352.08
Construction of Flag poles including general preparation, steel
structural works, concrete, masonry and miscellaneous works LS
specified in the Drawings. 1.00 N/A
Yard Lighting system including Street LED Lighting fixtures, LS
distribution panels, 1.00 N/A
Turfing and Natural Backfill, h=200mm m2 200.00 3.50 700.00 7.50 1,500.00 2,200.00
Lean Concrete, 50mm thk m3 4.00 86.00 344.00 28.00 112.00 456.00
Compcted Stone (4x6) With Sand, 150mm thk m3 11.00 24.00 264.00 12.00 132.00 396.00
Concrete Block Pavment m2 470.00 12.50 5,875.00 5.00 2,350.00 8,225.00
Concrete Curb for Road m 228.00 17.5 3,993.21 12.6 2,868.53 6,861.73
Concrete Curb for Walkway m 140.00 17.5 2,451.97 12.6 1,761.38 4,213.34

Tree Planting with each approved type tree of initial size 2 m high  LS 1.00
& 200 mm
girth including 1 m3 of subsoil and 3 wooden stakes for stabilizing 
tree. Maintain tree till the end of Defects Liability Period. - - -
Tree Type-1 (Champey Tree, H=2.5m) nr 7 N/A
Flower Type-3 (Slakgnan Flower, H=2m) nr 25 N/A
Flower Type-4 (Machul Flower, H=1.2m) nr 3 N/A

Other LS 1.00 29,627.96 14,565.42 44,193.38

Miscellaneous landscaping works specified in the Drawings or the LS 1.00 29,628.0 29,628.0 14,565.4 14,565.42 44,193.38
Specifications but otherwise not included elsewhere in Bill 5.13
Reservoir Drainage
Filter and Pump Tank Total
Soil Excavation 215.14 2,637.36 4,669.69 4,141.42 32,383.46 9471.53 53,518.60
Disposal Soil 215.14 2,637.36 4,669.69 4,141.42 32,383.46 9471.53 53,518.60
Backfilling 266.67 2,507.89 3,825.67 4,022.53 15,507.26 6100.33 32,230.35

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