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Are chalkboards, bulletin boards and other traditional learning equipment also included in the term educational

a. NO, they are just educational media

b. YES, because they are part of instructional

c. YES, because they are human invention and/or discoveries that satisfy educational needs and desire like learning.

d. NO, because they are just tools and devices for teaching

172. Which of the following refers to using learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills?

a. Technology integration

b. Educational Media

c. Instructional Technology

d. Technology Education

173. Are the following terms synonymous: Technology in education, Instructional technology, and Technology
integration in education?

a. Yes all of them refers to technology

b. Yes because all of them refers to education

c. No, they just compliment with one another

d. No, they differ in terms of degree and application to education.

174. Which of the following definitions make educational technology a broad term?

1. It is the application of scientific findings in the method, process or procedure of working in the field of
education in order to effect learning.

2. It embraces curriculum and instructional design, learning environment, and theories of teaching-learning.

3. It is the use of all human inventions for teachers to realize their mission to teach in order that students learn.

a. 1, 2, & 3

b. 2 & 3

c. 1&2

d. 1&3

175. From the etymology of the word technology, which of the following means craft or art?

a. technique

b. technology
c. 'techne

d. technological

176. Integrating technology in the instructional process must be geared to

1. Interactive and meaningful learning

2. the development of creative and critical thinking

3. the development and nurturing of teamwork

4. efficient and effective teaching

a. 1, 2, & 3

b. 1, 2, 3, & 4

c. 2, 3, & 4

d. 1,3&4

177. Educational technology serves as learning tools that help learners understand. This is according to whom?

a. the traditionalist

b. the behaviorist

c. the cognitivist

d. the constructivist

178. The teacher and students interact through a computer. Which paradigm in the school system is this?

a. Computer-mediated communication (CMC)

b. Computer-based teaching (CBT)

c. Computer-based learning (CBL)

d. Computer-aided instruction (CAI)

179. Which of the following is NOT a part of the phases of a systematic approach to instruction?

a. the formulation of instructional objectives

b. the process of instruction itself

c. the assessment of learning

d. the planning of the lesson

180 A teacher who plans for instruction should consider activities and technology that are

1. appropriate to the lesson objectives

2 appropriate to the learners

3. appropriate to the nature of the lesson content.

4. appropriate to the budget of the teacher

a. 1, 2, & 3

b. 1, 2, & 4

c. 2, 3, & 4

d. 1, 2, 3, &4

181. Students learn more in less time when receiving computer-based instruction." Which of the following explains this

1. Students are motivated to learn when they are interested in the subject matter, which can be enhanced by
using technologies in the classroom.

2. Students can study at any time and location they prefer and can obtain the study material very quickly.

3. Students can use their computers to conduct research and participate in social media.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

182 Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience theorized that learners retain more information by what they do as opposed to
what they heard, read or observed. It implies that

1. do not use only one medium of communication in isolation; Rather, use many instructional materials to help
the students conceptualize his experience

2. avoid teaching directly at the symbolic level of thought without adequate foundation of the concrete,
Student's concepts will lack deep roots in direct experience.

3. When teaching, don't get stuck in the concrete. Strive to bring your students to the symbolic or abstract level
to develop their higher order thinking skills.

a. 1

b. 3
c. 2

d. 1, 2, & 3

183. Which of the following is the role of educational technology in learning according to the traditionalist point of view?

a. It engages learners in active, constructive, intentional, authentic and coop- erative learning

b. It serves as a presenter of knowledge, just like teachers.

c. It serves as tools to support knowledge construction.

d. It is a social medium to support learning by conversing.

184.Which theoretical or philosophical framework of educational technology believes the role of teachers is to become
facilitator providing guidance so that learners can construct their own knowledge?


A Behaviorism B. Cognitivism

C. Constructivism D. Pragmatism

Answer C. [Constructivism): Cognitivism - explains brain-based learning Behaviorism-focused on functional analysis of

verbal behavior where programmed instruction was based.

185 Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience gives primary importance on

A. affective experience B. psychomotor experience

C. sensory experience D. cognitive experience

Answer B [Psychomotor experience]: Dale's research led to the development of the Cone of Experience, which also
became the basis of "learning-by-doing' and/or recently known as "experiential learning" or "action learning

186. Jerome Bruner's knowledge representation in teaching is applied when the learners

are taught by A. using the deductive method

B. beginning with the concrete, then uses pictures then finally symbols C. beginning with symbols then ends up relating
lessons to daily life D. generalizes information learned at the end Answer B. [beginning with the concrete, then uses
pictures then finally symbols);

the learners are taught through a sequence of actions, then through a series of

illustrations and through a series of symbols (enactive to iconic to symbolic)

187 Which role of technology in learning is tapped when teachers represent and simulate meaningful real-world
problems, situations and context in teaching?

A Technology as context to support learning-by-doing B. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction

C. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting

D. Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support


Answer A. [Technology as context to support leaming-by-doing.]; B learners produce organized, multimedia knowledge
bases; C technology help learners to articulate and represent what they know; and D-technology for accessing needed

188. What role of technology in learning is used when a teacher encourages her students

to work on their assignments in groups using the social media network?

A Technology as context to support learning-by-doing B. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction

C. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting

D. Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing

Answer D. [Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing]; technology is a tool for collaborating with
others, and for supporting discourse among knowledge-building communities,

189.New approaches to designing and developing teaching and learning are due to the developments in the internet,
and developments in multimedia technology. What are the characteristics of such development?

i. The use of internet technologies to develop knowledge management and col-

laborative learning skills.

ii. The use of multimedia to develop psycho-motor and intellectual skills develop- ment, including problem solving and
decision making iii. Increased flexibility and access to leaming, resulting in new markets being

reached, and in particular, the lifelong learner market.

A. 1& il B. ii, & iii


C. & ill i. ii, & ill

Answer D. [1, 2, & 3]. All the three items characterizes the developments mentioned in the preceding statements.

190. Which of the following may justify the use of technology for teaching and learning?

To improve access to education and training To improve the quality of learning

To reduce the cost of education

iv. To improve the cost effectiveness of education.

A. &

B. i. ii, in & iv
C. &

D. 1& v

Answer B. [1, 2, 3 & 4), the items listed above are four of the most frequent reasons given for using technology for
teaching and learning.

191 Teacher Charisse makes her students play games in a computer to give them a rest period during classes. Is she
integrating technology with her teaching?

A. Yes, because the students used a computer.

B. Yes, because computer games are interesting to students.

C. No, because there is no integrative process involved.

D. No, because computer games are not related to the lesson.

Answer C. [No, because there is no integrative process involved], were use of the computer does not mean technology
has already been integrated in instruction

especially if its use does not relate at all to education

192. Which of the following manifests technology integration in teaching and learning?

A The teacher teaches the students how to install software.

B. The teacher used Power Point presentation with inserted video clips in


C. The teacher instructed the students to troubleshoot a computer problem.

D. The teacher had the students edit a document in Microsoft Word.

Answer B. [The teacher used power point presentation with inserted video clips in teaching): Integrating technology with
teaching means the use of learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills.

193. Which of the following may be considered technology in the classroom?

A Computer in the classroom B. Digital games

C. Class website

D. a, b, & c

Answer D. [a, b, & c]; All of the above mentioned. Technologies can be currently used in traditional classrooms, including
other technologies like class blogs and wikis, wireless microphones, mobile devices, interactive whiteboards, digital
video-on- demand, online media, online study tools, podcasts, etc.

194. Among the following instructional equipment or tools, which is known to be the most traditional but very effective
technology in the classroom?

A Chalkboard/blackboard

B. Slide projector

C. Overhead projector

D. Bulletin board

Answer A. [Chalkboard/blackboard]; Horace Mann, a noted American educator, once said, " no country have I ever
seen a good school without a blackboard, or a successful teacher who did not use it frequently."

195. Which of the following is referred to as vehicles or various ways of information and

A. News print

B. Cable television

C. Mass media

D. Advertising

Answer C. [Mass media]; News print, cable television, advertising are examples

of mass media that serve as medium of information and communication.

196. The use of visual symbols in teaching is important to a teacher to help the student

conceptualize his experience. Which of the following are visual symbols?

1. Drawings

II. Charts

lil. Graphs

Iv. Maps

A. All of them B. 1, il, iii, & iv

v. Cartoons

vi. Diagrams

vil. Strip drawings

C. v, vi, & vil D. I, III, v, & vill

Answer A. [All of them]; As implied in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, a teacher should not use only one medium of
communication in isolation, but rather use many instructional materials. All of the above listed are visual instructional
symbols that can be used in teaching.

197.What instructional material can a science teacher use to show a close representation of the Earth and its location in
the entire solar system?

A. Cartoon B. Diagram

C. Map

D. Model

You sent

Answer D. [Model], Models are three-dimensional objects used to represent real things; a cartoon tells a story
metaphorically; a diagram is a line drawing that shows arrangements and relations as of parts to the whole; and a map is
a representation of some parts of the Earth or some parts of it.

198.A communication arts teacher wants to teach patterns of dialogues among characters

in a story. What visual symbol can she use to represent what the characters of the

story say?

A. Strip drawings B. Chart

C. Diagrams D. Cartoon

Answer A. [Strip drawings]; Strip drawings are commonly called comics or comic strips according to Dale (1969).

199. What kind of chart can be used to show and/or analyze a process from beginning to

A. Gantt Chart

B. Organizational chart

C. Flow chart D. Time chart

Answer C. [Flow chart); Gantt chart - it is an activity time chart: Organizational chart-shows how one part of the
organization relates to the other parts; and time chart - is a tabular time chart that presents data in ordinal sequence.

200.In a mathematics lesson, Teacher Christian wanted to present to his class the number

of male and female in the class in a more concrete way. What visual symbol may be

used by Teacher Christian?

A Bar graph B. Circle or Pie graph

C. Pictorial graph D. Graphic organizer

Answer B. [Circle or Pie graph]. Pie graph-recommended for showing parts of a whole; bar graph - used in comparing the
magnitude of similar items at different entities or seeing relative sizes of the parts of a whole; and pictorial graph -

use of picture symbols. is called

201.A type of graph that illustrates a particular data series through rectangles

A. Bar graph B. Pie graph

C. Line graph D. Pictorial graph

Answer A. [Bar graph]; (Refer to Item number 30 for rationalization)

202. This is a way for students to visit art museums that they may not have access to


A. Social action projects B. Telementoring

C. Virtual field trips D. Keypals project

You sent

Answer C. [Virtual field trips]; Social action projects - a kind of Internet-based project that has kids creating solutions to
local, regional, national, and international problems; Telementoring - Pairing a student with a space scientist so the
student can get first-hand information on recent developments; Keypals project - This is a way to get kids
communicating with their peers to improve communication skills and exchange information.

203 Which of the following rules can help teachers make sure they are complying with copyright laws when they use
materials from Internet sites?

1. Never use copyrighted items unless you credit the source site. 2. Use copyrighted items only with permission from the
site owner. 3. Use as few items as possible from any copyrighted pages.

4. Never use any items that are clearly from copyrighted pages

A. 1 only B. 2 only

C. 1,2, & 3 D. 3&4

Answer A. [1 only]. Never use copyrighted items unless you credit the source site.

204.In the internet, what is meant by WWW?

A. World Wide Web B. we want work

C. wide wide world D. we will win

Answer A. [World Wide Web]; the World Wide Web (WWW) is an interconnected system of electronic pages containing
almost everything.

205. Which of the following is a face-to-face communication that is made possible through

a computer?

A. E-Mail

B. Google

C. Twitter

D. Skype

Answer D. [Skype]; e-Mail an electronic mail sent via the internet through a computer: Google - an internet search
engine; Twitter - a social media network.

206.A term used to refer to a computer program is

A. Desktop B. Hardware

C. Software

D. Courseware

Answer C. (Software): Desktop - a computer unit; Hardware - physical parts of a computer unit; Courseware - a prepared
curricular or course guide.

You sent

207.A location in the internet set-up where a teacher and a student can converse in real time by typing their message to
each other.
A Chat Room B. Browser

C. E-mail address D. Avatar

Answer A. [Chat Room]; Browser - A software package that allows one to look at information on the internet in graphics
rather than just text format; E-mail address -Series of symbols or letters that act as an address for a site on the internet;
and Avatar- a 3-D image that a person can choose to represent himself in virtual reality.

208.What is that three-dimensional (3D) image presentation reproduced from a pattern of interference?

A. GPS B. Audio-visual


D. Hologram

Answer D. [Hologram]: GPS (Global Positioning System) an instrument that uses a satellite to pinpoint exact location;
GUI (Graphic User Interface) - a software that displays option to user in graphic format consisting of menus and icons,

Audio-visual- a material with combined sounds and pictures or sounds and video. 209.A file format that can be used by a
student or teacher if they want to store or send

video sequences on a network is



Answer C. [MPEG): MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group): JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - a file format for
storing and sending graphic images on a network; HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) the primary programming
language used to develop web pages; PDF (Portable Document Format)- a file format invented by Adobe systems to save
documents in smaller file size and retains the original look of the original layout, fonts, and other graphic elements
210.If you download a copy of a document such as an application form, it is usually in this format to make it easier to
transfer with its original format and appearance.

A. bmp B. pdf

C. pict D. html

Answer B. [pdf]: bmp - (bitmap) The BMP format is a commonly used graphic format for saving image files; html - The
primary programming language used to develop web pages

211. You can use this kind of software either to create new web pages or modify existing ones:

A. an HTML editor B. FTP software

C. server software D. a browser editor

You sent

Answer A [an HTML editor]; FTP software - (File Transfer Protocol) A way of transferring file (on the internet) from one
computer to another, server software - A server is a system that responds to requests across a computer network to
provide, or help to provide, a network service, and a browser - A software package that allows one to look at
information on the internet in graphic rather than just text format.

212. What kind of images should be selected or inserted in a slide or page to make the presentation readable?

A. Matching B. Modeling

C. Mixing D. Moving

Answer A. [Match]: Content like text and images on a slide or page must be coherent to make them meaningful and

213.A teacher uses a computer-based Science software, projected to the class using a projector to supplement his
teacher-centered class presentation. What level of technology integration in teaching-learning process is employed?

A Simple or Basic Integration B. Middle level integration

C. High Level integration D. Low level integration

Answer B. [Middle level integration]: Simple / Basic Integration - There is no substantial change in the teaching-learning
process from previous method. While technology helps, it does not play a pivotal role; Middle level Integration there is
purposeful use of technology to support key learning areas; High level Integration - In

these examples, technology is the central instructional tool.

214. Which of the following is classified as a high level of technology integration in teaching and learning? 1. A teacher
wants to show photos in her social studies class, but the pictures are

small. She decides to use the computer, scan the photos for a computer projec- tion to the class.

2. A teacher asks her students to find information on H-Fever in the internet. Stu- dents are to create an information
leaflet giving a family health tips on H-Fever. 3. The Rizal school has a partner school in the U.S. A joint science project
allows the Philippine and U.S. schools to exchange information on indigenous herbal plants in both countries. Video
conferencing is held involving students of both


A. 1,2, & 3 8. 1

C. 2 D. 3

Answer D. [3]; High level Integration technology is the central instructional tool; Middle level Integration - there is
purposeful use of technology to support key learning areas: Simple / Basic Integration - There is no substantial change in
the teaching-learning process from previous method. While technology helps, it does not play a pivotal role.

You sent

215. Which of the following is a conceptual model of learning created by the application of educational technology that
enables students to willingly perform class work to find connections between what they already know and what they
can learn?

A. Meaningful learning B. Generative learning

C. Discovery learning D. Constructivism

Answer A. [Meaningful learning]: Meaningful Learning gives focus to new experiences that are related to what the
learner already knows.

216.Which of the following conceptual models of learning refers to the role of learning to help the individual live or
adapt to his personal world?

A. Meaningful learning B. Generative learning

C. Constructivism D. Discovery learning

Answer C. [Constructivism]; Constructivism - the learner builds a personal

understanding through appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment.

217.In discovery learning, students perform tasks to uncover what is to be leamed. Which statement refers to this
conceptual model of learning due to application of educational technology?

1. New ideas and new decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of the need to move on and depart
from organized set of activities.

2. Students already have some knowledge that is relevant to new learning. 3. The learner builds a personal
understanding through appropriate learning activi-

ties and a good learning environment. 4. The learners gives focus to new experiences that is related to what they already


A. 1 only B. 2, and 4

C. 1, and 2 D. 1, 2, 3, & 4

Answer A. [1 only]; Discovery Learning - students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned.
218. Which of the following is an example of a multimedia?

A. A picture B. video clip

C CAI in Mathematics

D. A book

Answer B. [video clip]; Multimedia - an audiovisual package that includes more than one instructional media (means of
knowing) such as text, graphics, audio animation, and video clip: Hypermedia - is a multimedia packaged as an
educational computer software where information is presented and student activities are integrated in a virtual learning

You sent

219 Which of the following is a characteristic of hypermedia application?

1. It is learner-controlled. 2. Leamer has a wide range of navigation routes.

3. Learner depends on the source of the software.

A. 1 only B. 1,83

C. 1,82 D. 1,2,&3

Answer C. [1, & 2]: Learner controlled- this means the learner makes his own decisions on the path, flow or events of
instruction. The learner has control on such aspects as sequence, pace, content, media, feedback, etc. that he/she may
encounter in the hypermedia learning program; Learner wide range of navigation routes-for the most part, the learner
controls the sequence and pace of his path depending on his ability and motivation.

220 What kind of tool is technology as evidence by its use in word processing, database, spreadsheets, graphics design
and desktop publishing?

A. Analyzing tool
B. Calculating tool

Answer D. Productivity tool.

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