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1. What does your mindset say about you?

My current state of mind is, I'd say ambitious, positive,

and peaceful. I've spent the last few years making bad
life decisions. After suffering the consequences of those
decisions, I concluded that there had to be a better,
softer way of life. I've resolved to make positive
changes in how I perceive and act in the world around
me. I can already see the physical manifestations of
my current state of mind. Peace, I can tell you, sneaks
in through positive thought and action. I really like the
way I think these days. The experience of Finding a
power greater than myself and submitting to that
power. A life of love triumphs over all others.

2. Do you think you can change your mindset? Why do

you think so?

In my opinion , I think everyone has the capability to

change their mindset . But it is not an easy task , since
mindset and behavior are connected , and we as
humans have habits , attitudes , and actions that we
do for a long time , so to suddenly change it , it would
be difficult , but it is not impossible . If one person is
willing to try to change their mindset , everything is
possible .
Complete Me!

Guide Question:
1. What are the two types of mindset?

Growth and Fixed mindset

2. Differentiate the person with a fixed

mindset from a person with a growth

Intelligence, abilities, and talents are viewed as

learnable and capable of improvement through
effort by someone with a growth mindset. A
fixed mindset, on the other hand, regards those
same characteristics as inherently stable and
unchangeable over time.

In a fixed mindset, students believe their basic abilities, their

intelligence, their talents are just fixed traits. They have
a certain amount and that’s that, and their goal becomes to look
smart all the time and never look dumb. In the growth
mindset, students understand that their talents and abilities can be
developed through effort, good teaching and

1. Do you agree or disagree with the saying “We have to be willing

to fail, to be wrong, to start over again with lessons
learned” by Angela Duckworth? How is this significant in
cultivating a growth mindset?

-I agree with the saying by Angela Duckworth which says "

We have to be willing to fail, to be wrong, to start over
again with lessons learned" because failure is essential. It is
a stepping stone to start over again or try again. We must
be willing to accept failure for us to be resilient in life. When
we fail, our mindset grow and mature as human beings.
Failure helps us to develop and progress as people. We
discover deeper meanings and insights into our life and the
motivations behind our actions. This enables us to
contemplate and put things into perspective while giving
harsh circumstances significance.

2. The COVID19 pandemic has significantly impact our lives, hence the term
“new normal”. Social distancing measures
limits the capacity for people to interact with one another and as such schools
are forced to implement flexible learning
modalities such as online learning and modular learning. Among students and
teachers, one of the many concerns is the
resources that is necessary for online class such as having gadget, strong
internet connectivity, etc. Can having a growth
mindset help you achieve your goals despite what we are facing today?

-Due to COVID-19, the whole world is suffering and it has been

affecting every human's life. The Education system has also been
impacted by this pandemic situation. All of the schools, colleges, and
institutions are still close. And the routine of the students is
hampered. Students are not able to attend the physical classes. As a
result, I can say that COVID has changed the way they educate. Now
technology playing a major role - it working a bridge. Schools,
colleges have now increasingly turned to online learning. As per my
observation urban areas are not too much harming but the rural
areas students still facing issues because internet is not working
properly & some area has not internet faculty so students of those
areas are being unable to attend the online classes. The pandemic
has turned just about everyone's world upside down. With all of this
change and uncertainty, it's easy to lose track of the things we'd like
to accomplish. But it doesn't have to be this way. It's believing in
ourselves and knowing that we are getting closer and closer to the
goal which builds up momentum to keep going despite what we are
facing today, it becomes about the journey not the outcome, which
means our emotional state is changed you start to enjoy. Fixed
mindset is telling yourself this is me I can't change and your beliefs
are what makes you decide what actions you take if you don't feel
you deserve or feel you can't learn something you will create your
own reality.
B. How is metacognition, self-efficacy and growth mindset
related to goal setting? Elaborate your answer and provide
an example.
According to my understanding, metacognitive
methods such as planning, for example, goal setting to
direct study activities for a course, assist students in
controlling and executing their learning process. There is a
much better likelihood that students will be motivated to
engage in the sometimes tricky effort involved in learning
if teachers help them connect to classroom goals in a way
that has personal value for them. As they complete
activities, students evaluate their performance and
progress toward their goals. Self-observation, self-
judgment, and self-reaction all have an impact on self-
efficacy and goal setting. Students feel capable of
developing their skills when they see adequate goal
progress; goal achievement, combined with high self-
efficacy, motivates students to set new demanding goals.
When setting goals, people are asked if they believe or
have confidence in completing a task. The higher the goals
people set for themselves, the more likely they are to
reach them, and the stronger their dedication, the better
their perceived self-efficacy. And lastly, setting goals with
a growth mindset is based on the belief that you can
improve many aspects of your life.
When you have a growth mindset, you believe that with
enough effort and drive, you can make significant changes
in areas where you are not "naturally gifted." Those that
have a growth mentality feel they can improve their
abilities and intelligence. People with this perspective are
more willing to take on challenges and learn new things
because they perceive them as stepping stones to
achievement and personal development.

C. How does learning about metacognition, self-efficacy,

growth mindset, and goal setting affects the way you
manage and care for yourself?

Metacognition primarily supports me as a

learner with additional educational demands such as
understanding learning activities, self organizing, and
managing my learning. It enables me to become more
conscious of my thinking and more adept at selecting
proper thinking techniques for various learning activities.
According to research, metacognitive activities, which
help children reflect on their learning and build higher-
order thinking, have been shown to benefit children as
early as three years old. Understanding self-efficacy
allows me to reflect on my belief in exercising control
over my motivation, conduct, and social environment.
Self-efficacy refers to one's perception of control over
one's surroundings and conduct, and it affects how hard
one tries to modify risky behavior. How
persistent one is in pushing through obstacles and
setbacks that can derail motivation. Knowing that I can
have a growth mindset will help me succeed in
school because it empowers learning. It keeps me
focused on progress and sees the effort as a chance to
better my abilities. It aids my understanding of
failure as a necessary part of the learning process.
Finally, learning how to make goals aids in the initiation
of new behaviors, the direction of my focus, and the
maintenance of that momentum in life. Goals also assist
me to focus and build a sense of self-mastery by aligning
my focus. Finally, I can't manage what I don't measure,
and I can't improve what I don't work on properly.

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