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Example 1.

Write down the ratio of the first number to the second one, in the
simplest form:
a. 70 to 210 b. 48 to 244 c. 90 to 180 d. 48 to 108
Example 2. Write down the ratio of the second number to the first one, in the
simplest form:
a. 88 to 132 c. 3500 to 6500
b. 2000 to 2250 d. 1100 to 1540
Example 3: A mathematics class consists of 25 boys and 35 girls.
a. What is the ratio of boys to girls?
b. What is the ratio of girls to boys?
c. What is the ratio of girls to the total number of students in the
d. Wht is the ratio of boys to the total number of students in the class?
Example 4: Divide 800 in the ratio of 3:5.

Example 5: A painter made 28 gallons of paint using white pigment, linseed

oil, dryer, and turpentine in the ratio of 3:2:1:1 respectively. How
many gallons of each material did she use?

Example 7: If a,b and c are numbers such that a:b:c = 3:4:5 and b=20. Find
the sum of a+b+c.
Example 8: Find the ratio of a to b if 2a=3c and 12c =7b.

Exercise 3A
1. Write down the ratio of the first number and the second one in the simplest form.
a. 48 and 80 d 13.6 and 10.2
b. 4.8and 9.6 e.

c. 10.2 and 13.6 f. 2

2. Express the following ratios as fractions in their lowest term:
a. 4 Birr to 16 cents d. 2 Literes to 2250 millilitres
b. 5 days to 100 hrs e. 3 min 54 sec to 2 min 6 sec
c. 3.5 kg to 6500 grams f. 6 litres to 10 c.c
3. Find two numbers whose ratio is 3 to 5 and whose sum is 88.
4. The ratio of two numbers is 7:3 and their sum is 50, find the two numbers.
5. The ratio of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 1:2:3. Find the
measure of each angle.
6. Four friends contribute the sum of money to a charitable organization in the
ratio 1:3:5:7. If the largest amount contributed is Birr 35. Calculate the total
amount contributed by the four people.
7. If 2A:3B =5:6 and 3B:2C =36:15, then find A:C.
8. If a:b =3:2 find the value of .
9. Two numbers have ratio 12:5. Their difference is 49. Find the two numbers.
10. A string of length 160cm is cut into 2 pieces, in the ratio 3:5. Find the length
of each piece.
Challenge Problems
11. The ratio of two numbers is 4:5. After adding 20 to the smaller number
and subtracting 20 from the greater number the ratio becomes 14:13. Find
the numbers.
12. Consider . What is the the

ylargest ratio?
13. Find the ratio of the areas of the squares PQRS to that of ABCD where PQ =
9cm and AB = 5cm.

Example 10: Use cross products to determine whether each pair of ratios forms
a proportion or not.
Example 11: Find the unknown terms in each of the following
terms. a. 15:12 = 35: x (provided x 0) b. 3:6 = x:12
Example 12: Given the proportion 3:15 =12:60 then find the sum of the means.

Solution: 3:15 =12:60………Given proportion

Then since 12 and 15 are means

Therefore, 12+15=27

Example 13: What number should be subtracted from each of the numbers 17,
14, 22, 18 so that the differences would be in proportion?

Exercise 3B

1. If x2, xy, p, y2 are in proportion, find the value of p.

2. Find the unknown terms in each of the following.
a. g.

b. h.

3. Find the fourth proportional to the following:

a. 15,12,35 b. a2, ab, b2
4. Determine whether the numbers 14, 21, 4 and 6 are in proportion.

Challenge Problems
5. Find the means proportional between each of the following:
a. 20 and 45 b. 25 and 16
6. If 48x2, 64x4, x, 36x2 are in proportion, find the value of x.
7. Given the proportional 10:18 =35:63 then find:
a. the sum of the means. c. the sum of the extremes.
b. the product of the means. d. the product of the extremes.

Discuss with your partners (friends).

1. Explain the guidelines for converting a percentage to decimal by your own
2. Convert the percentage to decimals.
a.86 b. 242 c. 0.045 d. 246%

3. Explain the guidelines for converting a percentage to afractions by your own

4. Convert the percentage to fractions.
a. 76 b. 83 c. 226
5. Explain the guidelines for converting a decimals to a percentage, by your own
6.Convert the decimals to percentages.
a. 0.135 b. 0.0035 c. 0.536 d. 0.002

7.Explain the guidelines for converting fractions to a percentage, by your own

8.Convert the fractions to percentages.

a.2 b. c.

Exercise 3C
1. Convert each of the following percentages to decimals.
a. 198 b. 628 c. 777% d. 0.045%
2. Express each of the following percentages as fractions.
a. 58 b. 44 c. 7.8% d. 3.6%
3. Convert each of the decimals below to percentages.
a. 0.96 b. 20.80 c. 0.0088 d. 28.008
4. Write each of the fractions below as percentages.
b. c.

5. Copy and complete this table 3.5 below.

Percentage Decimal Fraction






Challenge Problems
6. Express the first quantity as a percentage of the second.
a. 10m, 200m c. 45 seconds, 5 minutes
b. 6km, 18km d. 12 hours, 1 day
7. Write the ratio of 18:45 in its simplest form and transform it into percentage.
8. Transform the ratio 5 into percentage.
Calculating Base, Amount, Percent and Percentage.
Calculating the Percentage (P)
Activity 3.2
Discuss with your friends or partner
Calculate the percentage of each of the
60of Birr 165d. 25 of 15.2 g. 5of Birr
90of 250 tonese. 4.8 km 31240
h. of Birr
c. 96of 32000mf. 6.8 of 3.6 10 16.80
of Birr
Example 15: Calculate the percenatage of each of the following.
a. 80 of Birr 260 c. 90 of Birr 264
b. 9.6 of 7.2 litres d. 34 of Birr 7000

Calculate the base in each of the following.

a. Birr 36 is 29 of x

b. 15 cents is 5of x

c. 16 minutes is 13 of time T hours

d. 90 cm is 270of y cm.

Discuss with your teacher before starting the lesson

Calculate the rate (percent) in each of the following.
400 gm to 2kgc. 30 minute to 1hr
birr 0.75 to birr 500d. 72 cm to 60m

Example 17: A factory has 1200 workers of which 720 are male and the rest are
female. What percent of the workers are female?

Example 18: Application Involving production

In a certain village where farmers use two different types of fertilizers, fertilizer type A,
and fertilizer type B. 10000 farmers were asked which of the fertilizers they use. It was
found that 2500 farmers use type A, 4550 farmers use type B and the remaining 2950
farmers use both types A and B.
Find the percent of farmers that
a. use fertilizer type A.
b. use fertilizer type B.
c. use both types of fertilizers.

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