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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation*
Site location*
Number of workers
For overall operations, the selected organization's primary functions include Design, Engineering,
Procurement, Fabrication, Construction, QA/QC, HSE, and Logistics. Mobile cranes, overhead cranes, fork
lifters, and pallet trucks are on hand to handle heavy and light production in a variety of materials, including
General description of the
carbon steel, stainless steel, and alloy steel. Typically, activities performed are rolling and bending of plates
and pipes, welding, cutting, machining and drilling, testing, polishing, and painting were all part of the
Work schedule consists of single shift only starting from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm.
Description of the area to be
Metal rolling and bending activities in carbon steel manufacture have been chosen for risk assessment.
included in the risk assessment
A Safety Manager/Safety Officer/Supervisor is in charge of overseeing concerns concerning the worker's
Any other relevant information occupational health and safety. The Chief Executive Officer/CEO reports directly to the Safety Manager.

* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have completed your risk assessment.
I started by looking for relevant rules of practise published by the ILO and other organisations.
The following were the principal instruments discovered:
 ILO Sectoral Activities Programme – Code of practice on safety and health in the iron and
steel industry, 2005
 Health Risks of Working in the UK Steel Industry
Outline how the risk assessment was carried  Management of Occupational Health in Steel Plant Environment, 2015
out this should include:
 sources of information consulted; Following that, I went to the workshop area to examine what existing control measures were in
 who you spoke to; and place and whether there were any flaws. I met with the workers and conducted an interview with
 how you identified: them on OSHA-related hazards. I also went over the accident book to see how many
- the hazards; accidents/incidents there were in the previous year, as well as the severity of major recurrent
- what is already being done; and accidents. According to the survey, protections were installed along the mechanical equipment,
- any additional controls/actions that and workers were using the protective equipment. However, several flaws were discovered, and
may be required. in order to address them, further restrictions were proposed based on the documents studied, as
mentioned in the following section.

In the end, I referred to some of the HSE’s Approved Codes of practice documents and reviewed
the Machine manuals containing manufacturer’s instructions to refine further the list of additional
controls required at site.

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Part 2: Risk Assessment
Organisation name:
Date of assessment:
Scope of risk assessment: Metal rolling and bending activities in carbon steel manufacturing.

Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
1. Slips and Trips All workers, drivers Overall Layout is representing 1. Regular removal of 3 Days CEO in
crane operators, good housekeeping obstructions caused by association with
Poor housekeeping storekeeper, and spread of over-length
was seen due to visitors/public at Single work shift during the day billet cutting pieces Safety Manager
improper stacking of workplace ensured availability of sufficient (2,3,5)
materials. All above may light 2. First aid kits should be
present all time 15 Days
suffer injuries of Workers/Site
minor to serious Supervisor
Workers found using PPEs 3. To ensure regular
nature like cuts, (1, 4,6)
bones fracture etc. clearance of debris – For 10 Days
in case there was Storage area was adequately that a Housekeeping Plan
no proper spaced ensuring the free should be prepared
housekeeping movement of workers and
system, absence vehicles 4. Safe and stable material
of suitable PPEs stacking i.e. material 7 Days
as well as first aid without any bloom/ billet
Safe height of material stacking
facility ends protruding out.
i.e. up to 2 meters
21 Days
5. Anti-Skid flooring tiles to
be provided in oil cellars
to avoid any slip.
6. First aid provisions like
first aid kits, and first aid 1 Week

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
personnel should be
present in case of injuries
from the hazards.
2. Hazardous People/Staff Proper and adequate PPE are 1. Sump pump should be 21 Days Site Supervisor
substance workers/Operators used. installed in Cellar to avoid (1,2,3)
due to gas/ any flooding inside cellar.
Use of mixed/ Coke leakage/ poisoning Safety Data Sheets are Safety Officer
oven gas. Health referred. 2. All the gas line to be 15 days (4)
hazards occur due to Smell of gas insulated and also fill up
emission of toxic gases causing dizziness Use of LOTO (Lockout & Tag water in water seal and
and vapours. and may leads to out) procedure. ensure overflow of water to
unconsciousness. drain.
All chemical substances On-going
Flammable gas included in risk assessment. 3. Regular inspection of gas activity
may give rise to lines to detect leakage if
fire which may any.
further lead to 1 Month
fatality & property 4. Ensure use of Portable
damage. “CO” monitors to detect gas
3. Work Equipment Workers/ Good housekeeping is 1. Routine inspections (Pre- Regular CEO in
Operators while maintained/ Proper pathways Use checks) required and association with
using equipment at provided for safe movement. practiced
Operating equipment
Charging grid,
like Roller Tables, Safety Manager
Reheating 2. Auto siren systems/
Pushers, Air Fans, Machinery maintenance
Furnace Section aannouncement during
Burners, Pumps, Gas program is being established.
and Rolling Mill pusher/ejector/ roughing 1 Week (2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
valves, Stands, Pinch Section. operation/
Roll, Measuring Roll, PPEs provided to workers
Section In-
Flying Shear, Cooling 3. Effective audible and visual
Injuries can occur charge/ Site
Beds, Oil cellars, Scale communication devices 15 Days

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Flume Tunnels, EOT An arm is caught, Trained operators use should be installed on Supervisors
Cranes, Cable cellars compressed, machinery. cranes. (1)
etc. pinched, squeezed
10 Days
or Wearing loose clothes was 4. Heat insulation guards of
crushed between t prohibited. the Furnace be in place
Workers can get caught
wo objects or
in between conveyor 5. Provision of Emergency
more. 1 Week
belts/ other automatic stop of rolling Mill during
machines. cobble.
Bleeding. Bruising
can occur and
even death can 6. Safety guards provided to 10 Days
also occur. avoid material coming in to
contact of workmen.

7. Shears have safety cage. 5 Days

8. Danger sign shall be put 3 Days

near to the shear.

4. Load handling Workers injury / Cranes are operated by 1. The crane operator shall be 15 Days Safety Officer
equipment Material & competent, licensed person. competent, qualified, third (3,4,5,6,7)
Lifting of material by machine damages. party certified and approved
Area properly barricaded. Workers/ Crane
cranes operation. Crane by TRD.
Operators (1-2)
can collapse resulting in Workers may get Training of worker for proper
serious injury to seriously injured methods of lifting. 2. Cranes shall be inspected
workers. through fall events daily by the operator.
Tag lines tied to all loads
during load lifting 1 Week.
operations. Ensured manufacturer’s valid 3. Load chart of the crane
certificate of test for crane must be followed.
No one permitted to work under Daily.
suspended load 4. Ensure Tool Box Talk for

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
manual lifting.
Workers/Crane operators have
2 Weeks.
been given safety instructions 5. Ensure workers use steel
toe shoes as PPE while
Cranes inspected daily by the handling awkward loads.
6. Lifting supervisor/rigger to On-going
counter check the rigging activity.
points before lifting.

7. Communications between
the rigging supervisor and
his deputies including crane
operators shall be ensured
by way of radio and hand

5. Fire Hazard All Workers at Entry & Exit marked for easy 1. Review fire risk 1 Week Safety Officer
project site. escape in case of fire. assessment. (1-8)
A lot of explosive Property damage
Safety signs are displayed. 2. Ensure sufficient fire
materials are present at can also occur.
fighting arrangements/Fire 2 Weeks.
the workplace and they
Fire alarm system installed. extinguishers should be
can catch fire very Any ignition source made available on site.
easily. such as a static
charge, cigarette 1 Week.
Cigarette butts were 3. Ensure proper training of
observed near the site. butt or a deliberate the fire fighting team.
act of fire by 1 Week.
Waste material was
workers may start 4. Fire alarm system shall be
also present there. a fire. checked regularly. On-going

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
The likely health 5. Ensure more than one activity
effects include Entry & Exit in oil cellar.
burn injuries and
1 week
any other injuries 6. Ensure electrode holder
due to inhalation of shall be fully insulated to
smoke. In worst avoid electrocution.
cases of fire death On-going
can occur. 7. The main source of electric activities
supply shall be provided
with Breaker.

8. Ensure that waste materials On-going

are not placed on floors and activity.

6. Electricity Workers/ Use of PPE by workers 1. Ensure Workers use well 3 Days Safety officer
mechanics at site. Electric gloves by electricians insulated tools. (1,3,4,5)
Electrical short circuit Electrocution due are used during repair works. 1 Week. Workers (2)
to sudden contact 2. Area shall be barricaded
while installation of the and warning signs shall be
with the naked
panel box of electricity Different waste materials are displayed.
in the unit. placed on floors and walkways
Electric burn inattentively. 3. Improved housekeeping.
Grid station is providing accidents, cardiac 1 Day.
800 KBA load to the arrest, heart
unit. traumatic
inflammation can 4. Trained and competent
occur in case of 1 Week.
person must be present for
serious electric the required job.

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
5. Ensure all electrical cables activity
are in good condition and
away from hot work area.

7. Noise Workers/ 1. Noise monitoring devices 14 Days Safety officer

Operators at The workers exposure time was be there
Excessive noise site/Co-workers limited at the site.
exposure due to the use that are directly or 2. Noise insulation systems
of jack hammer, in-directly involved Proper awareness training where required as per 30 Days
grinders and cutters in the activities. regarding the hazards and monitoring activity Safety
also. precautions of noise to the outcomes supervisor(4)
All these machines human body was provided.
were producing 3. Provide ear mugs/plugs to 7 Days
high pitched noise workers.
resulting in
temporary or 4. Maintain the machines by
permanent hearing inspection and reduce their
loss. capability to give noise. Daily.

When workers are

not provided with
ear mugs/plugs,
then there are
induced hearing
loss and mental
fatigue in some
cases as well
8. Manual handling Workers involved Workers and operators are 1. The need for manual 1 week Safety Officer
in manually lifting competent to carry out the job. handling should be (1,2,3)
Workers injuries during of loads, other eliminated by using

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
manual shifting of heavy workers and Proper manual handling mechanical aid.
metallic material. visitors working procedure is ensured. Safety
and passing by the 2. Appropriate PPE should be 1 Week supervisor
place. It was being ensured that sharp ensured. (4,5,6)
edges, before any manual lift,
Workers were also were being eliminated. 3. Limit load carrying to 20kg 3 Days
found manually per person.
lifting the heavy If the load is heavy the worker
gets help from co-worker to lift 4. Bent-out, open-ended tools/ On-going
steel blocks (vary
and carry together. hammers/ spanners should routine
in weight from 60- not be used. activity
90 Kg) manually.
5. Provide proper training on
Musculoskeletal manual handling 1 Week.
disorders, Hand techniques to workers.
injuries, cut,
bruises and 6. Avoid the manual handling On-going
broken arms and of weight/load instead use activity.
legs, upper limb load lifting equipment.
disorder, sciatic
pain and stress to
the workers.

9. Work at Height Workers/workers Ladder with firm base being 1. Never try to overreach with On-going HSE Supervisor
working nearby used - of good quality for ladders/ support activities (to ensure)
are at risk. industrial use mechanism. (1-2)
Repair works on ladder
at elevated levels Workers/ Crane
2. Do not carry any materials
related to civil structures Workers may fall Ladders used on levelled operators
in one hand while climbing
and repair of steel re- causing breakage ground.
or getting down from ladder. (1,2)
rolling operations as of bones, injuries
well as with some other and even fatality. Tool box talk was given to

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
processes can cause workers on daily basis. 3. Safety net should be placed 1 Week.
workers and materials Falling materials in case of objects falling
(tools) to fall from from elevated from height.
height. levels may result
4. Provide fall arrestor device 1 Month.
in head injury of
anyone passing to workers.
under the
structure. Falling 5. Ensure that all the workers
material can cause are well trained and
qualified. 1 Week.
death, broken
bones, or disability

10. Health, welfare and Worker/ Operators Employees trained about the 1. Health surveillance 2 Months Site Supervisor
work environment may get seriously safety hazards and should programme needs to be (1,2,3,4)
affected due to understand the risks established to carryout
Heating furnace periodic health reviews and
In Heating furnace, the creating high First aid plan present for other necessary practices.
furnace transfers heat t degrees of heat. emergency and immediate
o air. This warm air may The temperature hospitalization. 2. Ensure proper insulation
cause heat stress. 21 Days
of heating furnace guards are provided at the
is ranges from Workers have been provided furnace openings.
1000-1300°C. with drinking water as coolers
have been installed at the site. 3. Job rotation should be On-going
Workers those are practised for workers activity.
working near the working in hot environment.
furnace and on
rolling machines 4. Workers uniform should be
can suffer from heat resistant. 1 Month.

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Hazard category and Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Time scales
hazard harmed and are required? for further Responsible
how? actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
heat stroke,
regular burns from
contact with hot
surfaces or
materials and eye

Heat stress, Heat

dehydration leads
to serious health

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Matrix engineering (Pvt.) Ltd has a moral obligation to safeguard all employees, workers, operators,
arguments and supervisors who operate in various departments of the company. Workers go to work to make a
living that provides them with social and economic security. Sick health or illnesses that are
provoked in people will have acute to long-term physical and mental health consequences that lead
to absence. Increased frequency of injuries/incidents causes worker injuries, illness, and death.
Workplace health issues are likely to have an impact on employees' families, friends, and co-
workers. Running in an environment where there is a risk of fire might result in onsite fatalities, which
can have a negative impact on the company. People have a fundamental right to be provided with
fire safety precautions and fire safety protection measures, as well as sufficient training. To decrease
workers' exposure to hot environments, a higher level of supervision and process rotation of staff is
required. It is the responsibility of the corporation to ensure their safety during working hours from
any potentially dangerous situation.

Instances of work related injuries, illnesses and unwell fitness could have monetary impacts on the
agency. Fees are related to the following:

• injured workers (unwell pay, first useful resource remedies, medicinal drugs, hiring the
alternative of employees, lost manufacturing time and so on.)
• Replacement or repair of damaged device and gear price. As an instance if a powered device is
broken or slipped from hand of the employee due to poor ergonomic layout then it'd hit the other
employees or site visitors causing extreme non-public accidents.

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• Fees related to enforcement moves for examples fines imposed on corporation with the aid of govt.
• Value of repayment paid to workers having extreme injuries and in a few instances fatalities.
• increase insurance premiums.

The employer must follow all applicable laws and regulations. Legal practises must be implemented
in every organisation. International organisations and agencies have established some norms, and if
an organisation fails to meet those standards, enforcement agencies can take additional action.
They first notify the organisation via a general notice, after which they take other procedures. They
have the authority to halt work that may endanger employees. Enforcement authorities might also
demand that construction begin after specific modifications or control measures have been
implemented to reduce the risk factor. In the event of a serious accident, the supervisory head may
be imprisoned and the firm's licence may be revoked.

Justification for action 1

Action Ensure sufficient fire fighting arrangements/Fire extinguishers should be made available on site.

.(Hazard category ‘Fire’)

Specific legal arguments C174 - Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention, (1993):
“Employer is responsible to take precautionary measures to prevent fire in workplace.”
And “Taking into account the information provided by the employer, the competent authority shall
ensure that emergency plans and procedures containing provisions for the protection of the public
and the environment outside the site of each major hazard installation are established, updated at
Appropriate intervals and coordinated with the relevant authorities and bodies.”
R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988 (No. 175)
“Where necessary to guard against danger, workers should be suitably trained in the action to be
taken in the event of fire, including the use of means of escape”
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of a fire is determined by the type and severity of the fire as well as the burning

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material. If combustible material is present near the welding work, the chances of a fire are
considerably increased. Due to the lack of a fire extinguisher near a hot job site, the chance of a fire
spreading is enhanced, and a small fire can quickly escalate into a larger explosion incident. When
exposed to fire, a person can suffer serious burns, blisters, and unconsciousness from the smoke,
as well as death.
How effective the action is likely to be in
The presence of fire extinguishers within a 4-foot radius of a hot task site must be ensured so that,
controlling the risk. This should include:
in the event of a fire, it may be put out quickly. If properly placed and used, fire extinguishers can
 the intended impact of the action; assist prevent a small fire from expanding and turning into a large-scale explosion. In my study, I
 justification for the timescale that you recommended that portable fire extinguishers be placed near all hot jobs, such as welding, cutting,
indicated in your risk assessment; and even post-weld heat treatment.
and I recommend a two-week timeframe for this task to ensure that a fire extinguisher is present at each
 whether you think the action will fully hot operation.
control the risk.

Justification for action 2

Action First aid provisions like first aid kits, and first aid personnel should be present in case of injuries
from the hazards. (Hazard Category : Slips & Trips)
Specific legal arguments Workplace Safety and Health (First Aid) Regulation No. S137 of 1 March 2006 states that
adequate provision shall be made for prompt first-aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained
during the course of the work.

C062 - Safety Provisions (Building) Convention, 1937 (No. 62) Article 16 states that all
necessary personal safety equipment shall be kept available for the use of the persons employed
on the site and be maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use. The workers shall be
required to use the equipment thus provided and the employer shall take adequate steps to ensure
proper use of the equipment by those concerned.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity If masonry workers experience slips and trips while loading and unloading material, the likelihood is
low because proper housekeeping was present, walkways were cleared of any obstructions, proper

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lighting was also present, but no proper first aid facilities were present, as workers may experience
minor to major injuries while working at the site, including cuts, bruising, and in the worst cases
back injuries, fractures, and paralysis. As a result, the severity of any deadly accident is high.
How effective the action is likely to be in
If given properly, first aid saves lives, reduces harm, and aids in the recovery from an injury or
controlling the risk. This should include:
sickness. If employees are wounded or become unwell at work and receive prompt medical
 the intended impact of the action; assistance, their morale will improve. The proper first aid therapy can prevent the problem from
 justification for the timescale that you worsening. I've set a one-week deadline to ensure that a proper first-aid kit is available and that
indicated in your risk assessment; workers are properly trained in rescue breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and the use
and of an automated external defibrillator (AED). This action will be effective in reducing the danger to
 whether you think the action will fully zero.
control the risk.

Justification for action 3

Action Avoid the manual handling of weight/load instead use load lifting equipment.(Hazard Category:
Manual Handling)
Specific legal arguments The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 are the main piece of legislation dealing with
Manual handling.
R128 - Maximum Weight Recommendation, 1967 (No. 128) states physiological characteristics,
environmental conditions and the nature of the work to be done and any other conditions which
may influence the health and safety of the worker.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Over a third of all job injuries are caused by manual handling. Work-related musculoskeletal
diseases (MSDs), such as discomfort and injuries to the arms, legs, and joints, as well as repetitive
strain injuries of various types, are among them. Lifting, lowering, pushing, tugging, and carrying
are all operations that fall under the category of manual handling. There is a risk of injury if any of
these responsibilities are not completed properly. Because manual handling is a high-risk activity,
sufficient precautions must be taken to avoid injury. In the event of an injury, medical expenditures
must be paid to the worker, and the organization's reputation will be harmed.
How effective the action is likely to be in Using lifting equipment instead of manually managing the load will reduce the number of job-
controlling the risk. This should include: related injuries, improve your workers' physical condition, reduce absenteeism and work time, and
 the intended impact of the action; increase productivity. Workers were witnessed manually handling materials/loads, despite the fact

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 justification for the timescale that you that they were extremely heavy. Workers can avoid manually handling such big weights by using
indicated in your risk assessment; lifting equipment. It was ordered to arrange a dork lifter for loading and unloading such high
and weight materials for the long-term solution, which must be completed within one month. If the
 whether you think the action will fully
steps are followed, I believe the risk will be minimized.
control the risk.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with According to the organization’s policies, the risk assessment should be reviewed after one year of
reasoning its first edition i.e. dated 10th January 2023. However risk assessment can be reviewed earlier if
any accident occurs because after any incident the validity of this report will expire and new risk
assessment will be conducted.
How the risk assessment findings will be By convening a meeting in which all senior and junior health and safety experts were present, I was
communicated AND who you need to tell able to easily educate the senior management of the company about the Risk Assessment that I
had conducted at the work site. These are the employees in charge of increasing and enforcing the
employer's health and safety regulations, as well as ensuring that each and every employee of the
company follows them. I can give a presentation to the control authorities during the meeting to
inform them about the threats that I discovered during my risk assessment and training programme.
Through the use of notice boards, postures, and tool box discussions, I will communicate hazards
and their control measures to all personnel of the organisation. I can easily communicate the
importance of worker protection to the workers by erecting safety signs at the construction site.
How you will follow up on the risk I'll follow up on my suggested activities by setting target dates for all of them and completing them
assessment to check that the actions by the suggested deadline. I'll go out and physically check on the progress of my proposed activity.
have been carried out In addition, I will interact with the employees and inquire about any changes they have noticed over
their term. Supervisors or in-charges will be asked about their work progress rate, and if it is
discovered that it is not achieving the stated objective, I will give them instructions on how to
improve it. If it is discovered that the delay is deliberate, I shall inform senior management,
particularly the Project Manager and Operations Manager, of the current status. If I learn of any
budgetary limits, I shall contact the organization's Finance Department representative to request
budget allocation. This procedure will be followed until all of the indicated actions have been

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