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Lesson 4

Rules and Regulations

• Discuss how the tournaments are being conducted
➢ Conduct of the Tournaments
• State the mechanics of scoring in Arnis
➢ Scoring
• Identify the body points that a player should
➢ Body Points and Penalties
protect in full contact events
• Simulate an event scoring through video analysis

Surf the internet using the link

and study the video presentation. Write down your point of view about the said video.



The conduct of the competition shall be on two-out-of-three-round system. Each

round shall be held for a maximum of two (2) minutes. Upon the initial command of
―Handa for each round, the referee shall allow both players to display artistic Arnis
movements, unique to their styles. The player must continuously perform artistic Arnis
strokes depicting their styles whenever apart during the game.

1. Salutation
At close stance, salutation is done by placing the right hand with the weapon
pointing upward over the left chest, while the left arm is at the side and is followed by a
Nod. Upon entering the playing area, players must do the salute to the officials
together with the referee. Finally, salute must be given to the opponent. This shall be
done before and after every game.

2. Matching & Pairing

Blind matching & pairing of single elimination or knock out system shall be
adopted in most cases where the number of participants will allow it. Otherwise, a
round robin system shall be used. This shall be done at least one day before the
tournament. Representatives from the respective teams concerned shall be invited to
witness the matching & pairing.

3. Scoring
3.1 A score shall mean a strike or thrust with a padded stick using one hand only,
delivered to a specific body point and is counted upon confirmation by the two
(2) or at least one (1) of the judges, simultaneously recorded on the scoreboard.

3.2 A legitimate strike is given a point if it is delivered to a specific body point in

correct form, that is –with power, right timing, with art, distance and intent.

3.2.1 Simultaneous Strike - When the two players deliver strike

simultaneously, it will not be given a point.

11.2.2 Spontaneous strike is allowed, but the judges can only give
maximum three (3) points per encounter per player.

3.3 A thrust to body points C and E (abdominal area and leg area) is a point,
provided that the requirements for a legitimate thrust, which are with power,
right timing, with art, distance (at least one arm length) and intent are met.

3.4 A disarming execution is awarded a point. (refer to rule 16.2)

3.5 Follow-up strike after a legitimate disarming is given a point.

3.6 A score is recorded on the scoreboard by the judges.

4. Declaring a winner of a specific round

A player can win a round through the following manner / condition:

4.1 By gaining five points ahead.

4.2 By disarming the opponent twice.
4.3 If his opponent committed a maximum of three fouls.
4.4 Winning by knock out.
4.5 If none of these conditions are met, and the time allocated for a round
had lapsed, the winner will be based on these particular orders:

4.5.1 Who is ahead in points in general, wins. In case the two judges
gave different set of scores, the player who has the higher points, wins.

4.5.2 In case of a tie in points, a player can win through the following
manner / conditions. One who has less disarming penalty, wins. One who has lesser fouls, wins. Disarming has a heavier weight than fouls.

5. Draw Score
In the event that the scores, disarming and fouls are the same at the
end of the round, the basis for declaring the winner shall be decided through
the following:
a. superiority or aggressiveness
b. major fatal technique
c. artistic delivery

6. Body Points

1. Head and Neck

2. Arms and collars including hands
3. Torso (from chest down to waist)
4. Armpit to thigh
5. Full length of leg including feet

7. Penalties
Players are given penalties for violations of the tournament rules and regulations.

7.1 Violation of DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES of players and delegation officials

shall have the corresponding penalties. (refer to rule 5)

7.1.1 First Offense - Player will be given a foul in a round.

7.1.2 Second Offense - Disqualification of player in the game.

7.2 Fouls (Paglabag)

The following violations are considered as FOULS:
A. Thrust to body point A (head area) and thrust in close
quarter (approximately 30 inches or less).

B. Strike or thrust to the groin and Striking or thrusting using two hands.

C. Blocking with the use of the arm.

D. Clinching, spitting, negative remarks as well as other actions inimical to

the rules and regulations a n d code of sportsmanship.

E. Pushing and Pulling— Any act of pushing and pulling using hand,
head, body, legs, arm, stick and other similar movement. However
pushing and pulling using of hand that is done within 3 seconds is
allowed provided followed by an application to score or disarm.

F. A hold to an opponent. However, a hold or a grab on the padded

stick or arm just below the shoulder down to the hand of the opponent
that is done within 3 seconds is allowed, provided it is immediately
followed by an application to score or disarm.

G. A player who steps on the line or goes out of the playing area.
However if cause by pushing using hand by the opponent is not a foul.

H. Hitting a player at the back area (from the back of the head up to
the buttocks) is considered a foul, unless the opponent intentionally
turns his back.

I. Delaying the game for more than ten (10) seconds.

J. Non-combativeness for ten (10) seconds.

K. Multiple strikes or thrust (three or more) to one body point without

changing the position of the arm.

L. Upon the command of hinto or hiwalay, any player who attacks shall
be given a foul. If the attack falls at the same time with the command,
it is not considered a foul.

M. Non-performance of artistic styles upon the command ― handa‖

and for more than three (3) seconds during the game.

N. Diving or intentionally falling on playing surface to gain a point.

O. Food and drinks during, time out and interval of round.

P. Locking bone breaking, kicking, chopping, elbowing, throwing,

punching, sweeping, butting and kneeing.

7.3 A player who commits fouls shall be given F1, F2, F3 as the case may be
and shall be indicated in the scoreboard.

7.4 A player who commits three (3) fouls is automatically declared the
loser by the referee for that particular round.

8. Disarming (Laglag)
A player who loses grip of the padded stick and a part of it touches the
ground during the game is considered as disarming. However, if the padded
stick was taken away in a split second by the opponent, it is counted as
disarming, even it did not touch the ground.

8.1 A disarming violation shall be given D1 for the first disarming and one
point is given to the player who disarmed. D2 for the second disarming, and
shall be indicated in the scoreboard by the judges.

8. 2 A player who is disarmed twice in a round automatically loses that round.

9. Knockout

A disarmed padded stick used to immediately hit an opponent successfully.

10. Injuries
When an injury occurs during the game and it cannot be continued, the
decision of the judges shall be based on the following grounds :

a.) When an injured player is responsible for the injury, the other player wins.
b.) When the injury is caused by a legal blow, the injured player loses.
However, when the injury is caused by an illegal blow, the injured player wins.

c.) When the responsibility of the injury cannot be determined,

the judges’ decision shall be based on the score.
d.) Only the medical doctor can determine and make a decision as to the
fitness of the injured player.

10. Disqualification
A player is disqualified based on the following conditions.

18.1 A player who commits a dangerous intentional foul that inflicts injury or
not to the other player is a ground for disqualification.

18.2 Butting, kicking, kneeing, elbowing, boxing, sweeping, chop ping, choking
and other action that may inflict injury are grounds for disqualification.

18.3 Any disruptive action or behaviour of the player, of his teammate and
coach which break the spirit of the sportsmanship, shall mean a
disqualification on the player involved. (as per rule 15).

18.4 If for one reason or another, one of the players is disqualified, the other
player shall be declared the winner.

18.5 The player/s, coach/officials or club shall be penalized by i-ARNIS for

all the disqualification violations.

11. Forfeiture
Decision based on forfeiture should be forwarded to the Technical
Committee. The player who forfeits his/her game during a match shall be declared
the loser and will be penalized by i-ARNIS.

12. Default
A player who does not appear at the official’s table after three (3)
consecutive calls shall automatically default the game. The referee shall make the
decision upon confirmation by the Technical Committee. The winner by default in
this match shall enter the playing area and do the salute.

13. Declaring a Winner

13.1 A player who wins two out of three rounds wins the game.

13.2 A player wins the match if his opponent forfeits or defaults the game.

13.3 A player wins the match if his opponent was disqualified in the game.

14. Time-outs
Only the referee may stop the time for the following reasons:
a.) Giving fouls
b.) Injury occurs
c.) Declaring winners
d.) Disarming is executed
e.) Judges request for timeouts
f.) Consultation with judges
g.) Fixing or changing of uniform, broken equipment such as headgear,
padded stick, etc.
h.) End of each round
15. Protests

15.1 Any protests must be made in writing by the COACH addressed to the
Technical Committee and forwarded within ten minutes after the game to the
official’s table. Any action made otherwise shall be nullified. A bond shall be set
for protest (refer to technical committee).

15.2 A solidarity meeting shall be set before the tournament. The coach who
have not attended the solidarity meeting shall waive all his rights to protest. (refer
to rule 5.2.1)

15.3 JUDGEMENT CALL cannot be protested.


The conduct of the competition shall be one Anyo performance. The

performance shall have a minimum time limit of one (1) minute and a maximum time
limit of two (2) minutes.

1. Salutation

1.1 Single Weapon Category

At close stance, salutation is done by placing the right hand with the
weapon pointing upward over the left chest, w h i l e the left arm is at the side
and is followed by a Nod. Upon entering the competition area, players must do
the salute to the officials. this shall be done before and after every performance.

1.2 Double Weapon Category

At close stance, salutation is done by placing the right hand with the
weapon over the left chest, while the simultaneously extending the left hand with
the other weapon horizontally to his/ her left side with both weapons pointing
upward and is followed by a Nod. Upon entering the competition area, players
must do the salute to the officials. This shall be done before and after every

2. Order of Competition
The order of competition shall be made through drawing of lots. This shall
be done at least a day before the competition. Representatives from respective
teams concerned shall be invited to witness the drawing of lots.

3. Scoring

3.1 A score shall be awarded by the judges to the performer/s and shall be
reflected on the score card raised above their heads.

3.2 A score shall have a numerical value from 1-10 with an increment of 0.25.

3.3 The seven Judges shall formulate their judgment and scoring base on
the specified criteria.

4. Criteria

4.1 Coordination of Movements (Individual Event)

Harmonizing and dexterity of the movements of arms, legs, head, body
and weapons of the performers. Well balanced actions, steps, stance and
movements (sense of balance). Precise timing, indistinguishable, identical
harmonic and rhythmic movements of the arms, head, legs, body, and
weapons of the performer during the performance.

4.2 Synchronization (Team Event)

Harmonizing and dexterity of the movements of arms, legs, head, body
and weapons of the performers. Well balanced actions, steps, stance and
movements (sense of balance). Precise timing, indistinguishable, identical
harmonic and rhythmic movements of the arms, head, legs, body, and
weapons of the team during the performance.

11.3 Artistic Execution

Graceful, elegant, refined, stylish and animated execution of the martial
arts movements of the performer/s.

4.4 Bearing and Stage Presence

4.4.1 Manner, composure, costume, poise and posture of the performer/s

during the performance.

4.4.2 Costume
Shall mean all those that form part of the athlete's attire worn in the
competition area during the tournament. It should be ethnic Asian in

4.4.3 Musical Accompaniment (optional)

The player or team may or may not choose to have a musical
accompaniment with their performance. Should they opt to have musical
accompaniment, it should be ethnic Asian in nature, live or recorded on
CD or USB.

4.5 Degree of Difficulty

The magnitude of complicatedness, complexity, intricacy of the
movements of the arms, body and legs in executing martial arts techniques of
the whole performance.

4.6 Creativity
Originality, inventiveness and imaginativeness of the forms and
movements without sacrificing the effectiveness of the martial art movements.

5. Draw Score
In the event that the scores are the same, the basis of declaring the winner
shall be decided through the following:

5.1.Remove highest and lowest scores of the players/teams concerned given by

the 7 judges.

5.2 In case there is still a draw, remove the highest and lowest scores of the
players/teams concerned given by the remaining 5 judges.

5.3 In case there is still a draw, a repeat performance shall be done by the
remaining players/teams who have the highest and the same scores.
Note: This shall be applied only for the first, second and third placers.
Players are also given penalties for violations of the competition rules and

6. Declaring a Winner
The player/team garnering the highest score-First Place, second highest
score– Second Place, and third highest score-Third Place.

7. Penalties
Players are given penalties for violations of the competition rules and
regulations. All deductions are being taken from the total scores of all the judges.

7.1 Violation of Standard Salutation shall cause the performer/s deductions of

five (5) points per violation and per player in a team.

7.2 Violation of Time Limit shall cause the performer/s deductions of two
(2)points in short of the minimum one (1) minute time limit or in excess of the
maximum two (2) minute time limit.

7.3 Stepping or going outside of the playing area will cause the performers a
deduction of two (2) points. Per violations and per players in a team.

7.4 A Performer/s who loses control of the weapon/s shall be given a

deduction of five (5) points per violation.

7.5 Weapon gets destroyed or has any apparent damage to any part of the
weapon will cause the performers a deduction of five (5) points per violation and
per player in a team.

8. Disqualification

8.1 Any disruptive action or behavior of the performer/s and or his

teammates, coach/officials, which breaks the spirit of the sportsmanship shall
mean a disqualification.

8.2 Submission of fraudulent or falsified documents shall mean a

disqualification on the player / team involved.

9. Forfeiture
Decisions based on forfeiture should be forwarded to the technical
committee. The performer / team who forfeit the game automatically lose in that
particular event.

10. Default
A performer / team who does not appear/s to the officials table after three
(3) consecutive calls shall automatically default the game. The officials shall make
the decisions upon confirmation by the Technical Committee.

11. Protests

11.1 Any protests must be made in writing by the COACH addressed to the
Technical Committee and forwarded within ten minutes after the game to the
official’s table. Any action made otherwise shall be nullified. A bond shall be set
for protest (refer to technical committee).

11.2 A solidarity meeting shall be set before the tournament. The coach who
has not attended the solidarity meeting shall waive all his rights to protest. (refer
to rule 5.2.1)
11.3 JUDGES SCORES cannot be protested.

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