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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.

Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686


(Course Code & Description)
Date: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022

The title of the book/ article I have read is: A GENTLE REMINDER BY: BIANCA SPARACINO

AUTHOR’S LOGIC: The author is conveying the message/idea of:

Example: “Green” branding of businesses has gone too far and no longer carries the same sort of impact it once did. Today, so many people
are concerned with the environment that many businesses try to represent themselves as being “green.” They want to have a reputation for
being environmentally conscious.
The right person will know how to hold your love. The right person will choose you just as deeply as you
choose them. You will not have to quiet the way you care, you will never feel like you are too much.
You will not have to beg for the love you deserve. One day, you will be met where you are. One day, you
will be someone’s favorite thing, and you will not be confused — you will not feel like you are fighting
for someone who isn’t fighting for you. because the right people were always going to find you.
The right people were always going to stay.

STUDENT’S LOGIC: Provides learners with an opportunity to reflect and think about how they actually solve problems and
how a particular set of problem solving strategies is appropriate for achieving their goal. What is to be accomplished/learned?
Example: In support of the Supermarket “Green” initiatives, I bring my own shopping bags for grocery shopping and say no to plastic
Remember — even the strongest souls get exhausted. The strongest human beings, the ones who laugh the
loudest and hope the hardest, the ones who are always there for others — those souls often need people there
for them. So, please — check on your kind friends. Check on the people in your life who are tender, the
ones who are always open to give so much of who they are for those who need it. Check on the people
in your life who love with every ounce of their being, who feel deeply and care deeply, and try to fix
and mend and make sure that those around them are okay. Please, just check on the people in your life who
are brave, who are soft for this world.

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
In aligning to the Vision and Mission of the College, I can apply what I have learned from my readings by:
Example: Being more aware about eco-friendly practices you can adopt at home so that we can make a positive difference as socially responsible graduates.
Honesty implies being truthful. Honesty means to develop a practice of speaking truth
throughout life. A person who practices Honesty in his/her life, possess strong moral character.
An Honest person shows good behavior, always follows rules and regulations, maintain
discipline, speak the truth, and is punctual. An honest person is trustworthy as he always tends to
speak the truth.

Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686
(Course Code & Description)

Date: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022

I learned in our prayer that “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

My action today is to Gain more knowledge and techniques that I can use in the near future

In our lessons for today, I have learned about:

1. Histories are taken from historical accounts or sources which Historians study in order to
create their studies of the past.
2. Primary Sources – are accounts which were written or taken from eyewitnesses to the event
or accounts that were written from the time period concerned.
3. Secondary Sources- Accounts taken from primary and other
secondary sources.
4. everyone should consult primary sources. This is important since these accounts have either
come from the time of the event or were made by someone who saw the events being studied.
5. But like all accounts by eyewitnesses, they are limited because they can only give us what
they individually saw. It is their perspective of the events.
6. C. Wright Mills, in a chapter called “The Promise” in the canon of sociology that he wrote,
The sociological Imagination, differentiated “biography” from “history”
7. — biography is the individual lives of people while history is
the life of the society.
8. Primary sources are original, first-hand account of an event or period that are usually written
or made during or close to the event or period.
9. These sources are original and factual, not interpretive.
Their key function is to provide facts.
10. A secondary source analyzes and interprets primary sources. It is an interpretation of second-
hand account of a historical event.
I will memorize the above learning points, explain them in my own words, and apply them in our

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
I can connect my learning today with the vision and mission of our school by:
Punctuality in school life builds the path to success in a student’s life by
enabling them to plan ahead, making an efficient routine, and be prepared for their tasks. A
punctual student is better equipped to deal with their day-to-day tasks than a person who
leaves it for the last moment.
Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686


(Course Code & Description)
Date: OCTOBER 15, 2022

The title of the book/ article I have read is: A GENTLE REMINDER BY: BIANCA SPARACINO

AUTHOR’S LOGIC: The author is conveying the message/idea of:

Example: “Green” branding of businesses has gone too far and no longer carries the same sort of impact it once did. Today, so many people
are concerned with the environment that many businesses try to represent themselves as being “green.” They want to have a reputation for
being environmentally conscious.
The right person will know how to hold your love. The right person will choose you just as deeply as you
choose them. You will not have to quiet the way you care, you will never feel like you are too much.
You will not have to beg for the love you deserve. One day, you will be met where you are. One day, you
will be someone’s favorite thing, and you will not be confused — you will not feel like you are fighting
for someone who isn’t fighting for you. because the right people were always going to find you.
The right people were always going to stay.

STUDENT’S LOGIC: Provides learners with an opportunity to reflect and think about how they actually solve problems and
how a particular set of problem solving strategies is appropriate for achieving their goal. What is to be accomplished/learned?
Example: In support of the Supermarket “Green” initiatives, I bring my own shopping bags for grocery shopping and say no to plastic
Remember — even the strongest souls get exhausted. The strongest human beings, the ones who laugh the
loudest and hope the hardest, the ones who are always there for others — those souls often need people there
for them. So, please — check on your kind friends. Check on the people in your life who are tender, the
ones who are always open to give so much of who they are for those who need it. Check on the people
in your life who love with every ounce of their being, who feel deeply and care deeply, and try to fix
and mend and make sure that those around them are okay. Please, just check on the people in your life who
are brave, who are soft for this world.

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
In aligning to the Vision and Mission of the College, I can apply what I have learned from my readings by:
Example: Being more aware about eco-friendly practices you can adopt at home so that we can make a positive difference as socially responsible graduates.
Honesty implies being truthful. Honesty means to develop a practice of speaking truth
throughout life. A person who practices Honesty in his/her life, possess strong moral character.
An Honest person shows good behavior, always follows rules and regulations, maintain
discipline, speak the truth, and is punctual. An honest person is trustworthy as he always tends to
speak the truth.

Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686
(Course Code & Description)

Date: OCTOBER 15, 2022

I learned in our prayer that “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

My action today is to Gain more knowledge and techniques that I can use in the near future

In our lessons for today, I have learned about:

1. Histories are taken from historical accounts or sources which Historians study in order to
create their studies of the past.
2. Primary Sources – are accounts which were written or taken from eyewitnesses to the event
or accounts that were written from the time period concerned.
3. Secondary Sources- Accounts taken from primary and other
secondary sources.
4. everyone should consult primary sources. This is important since these accounts have either
come from the time of the event or were made by someone who saw the events being studied.
5. But like all accounts by eyewitnesses, they are limited because they can only give us what
they individually saw. It is their perspective of the events.
6. C. Wright Mills, in a chapter called “The Promise” in the canon of sociology that he wrote,
The sociological Imagination, differentiated “biography” from “history”
7. — biography is the individual lives of people while history is
the life of the society.
8. Primary sources are original, first-hand account of an event or period that are usually written
or made during or close to the event or period.
9. These sources are original and factual, not interpretive.
Their key function is to provide facts.
10. A secondary source analyzes and interprets primary sources. It is an interpretation of second-
hand account of a historical event.
I will memorize the above learning points, explain them in my own words, and apply them in our

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
I can connect my learning today with the vision and mission of our school by:
Punctuality in school life builds the path to success in a student’s life by
enabling them to plan ahead, making an efficient routine, and be prepared for their tasks. A
punctual student is better equipped to deal with their day-to-day tasks than a person who
leaves it for the last moment.
Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686


(Course Code & Description)
Date: NOVEMBER 12, 2022

The title of the book/ article I have read is: A GENTLE REMINDER BY: BIANCA SPARACINO

AUTHOR’S LOGIC: The author is conveying the message/idea of:

Example: “Green” branding of businesses has gone too far and no longer carries the same sort of impact it once did. Today, so many people
are concerned with the environment that many businesses try to represent themselves as being “green.” They want to have a reputation for
being environmentally conscious.
The right person will know how to hold your love. The right person will choose you just as deeply as you
choose them. You will not have to quiet the way you care, you will never feel like you are too much.
You will not have to beg for the love you deserve. One day, you will be met where you are. One day, you
will be someone’s favorite thing, and you will not be confused — you will not feel like you are fighting
for someone who isn’t fighting for you. because the right people were always going to find you.
The right people were always going to stay.

STUDENT’S LOGIC: Provides learners with an opportunity to reflect and think about how they actually solve problems and
how a particular set of problem solving strategies is appropriate for achieving their goal. What is to be accomplished/learned?
Example: In support of the Supermarket “Green” initiatives, I bring my own shopping bags for grocery shopping and say no to plastic
Remember — even the strongest souls get exhausted. The strongest human beings, the ones who laugh the
loudest and hope the hardest, the ones who are always there for others — those souls often need people there
for them. So, please — check on your kind friends. Check on the people in your life who are tender, the
ones who are always open to give so much of who they are for those who need it. Check on the people
in your life who love with every ounce of their being, who feel deeply and care deeply, and try to fix
and mend and make sure that those around them are okay. Please, just check on the people in your life who
are brave, who are soft for this world.

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
In aligning to the Vision and Mission of the College, I can apply what I have learned from my readings by:
Example: Being more aware about eco-friendly practices you can adopt at home so that we can make a positive difference as socially responsible graduates.
Honesty implies being truthful. Honesty means to develop a practice of speaking truth
throughout life. A person who practices Honesty in his/her life, possess strong moral character.
An Honest person shows good behavior, always follows rules and regulations, maintain
discipline, speak the truth, and is punctual. An honest person is trustworthy as he always tends to
speak the truth.

Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686
(Course Code & Description)

Date: NOVEMBER 12, 2022

I learned in our prayer that “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

My action today is to Gain more knowledge and techniques that I can use in the near future

In our lessons for today, I have learned about:

1. Histories are taken from historical accounts or sources which Historians study in order to
create their studies of the past.
2. Primary Sources – are accounts which were written or taken from eyewitnesses to the event
or accounts that were written from the time period concerned.
3. Secondary Sources- Accounts taken from primary and other
secondary sources.
4. everyone should consult primary sources. This is important since these accounts have either
come from the time of the event or were made by someone who saw the events being studied.
5. But like all accounts by eyewitnesses, they are limited because they can only give us what
they individually saw. It is their perspective of the events.
6. C. Wright Mills, in a chapter called “The Promise” in the canon of sociology that he wrote,
The sociological Imagination, differentiated “biography” from “history”
7. — biography is the individual lives of people while history is
the life of the society.
8. Primary sources are original, first-hand account of an event or period that are usually written
or made during or close to the event or period.
9. These sources are original and factual, not interpretive.
Their key function is to provide facts.
10. A secondary source analyzes and interprets primary sources. It is an interpretation of second-
hand account of a historical event.
I will memorize the above learning points, explain them in my own words, and apply them in our

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
I can connect my learning today with the vision and mission of our school by:
Punctuality in school life builds the path to success in a student’s life by
enabling them to plan ahead, making an efficient routine, and be prepared for their tasks. A
punctual student is better equipped to deal with their day-to-day tasks than a person who
leaves it for the last moment.
Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686


(Course Code & Description)
Date: DECEMBER 18, 2022

The title of the book/ article I have read is: A GENTLE REMINDER BY: BIANCA SPARACINO

AUTHOR’S LOGIC: The author is conveying the message/idea of:

Example: “Green” branding of businesses has gone too far and no longer carries the same sort of impact it once did. Today, so many people
are concerned with the environment that many businesses try to represent themselves as being “green.” They want to have a reputation for
being environmentally conscious.
The right person will know how to hold your love. The right person will choose you just as deeply as you
choose them. You will not have to quiet the way you care, you will never feel like you are too much.
You will not have to beg for the love you deserve. One day, you will be met where you are. One day, you
will be someone’s favorite thing, and you will not be confused — you will not feel like you are fighting
for someone who isn’t fighting for you. because the right people were always going to find you.
The right people were always going to stay.

STUDENT’S LOGIC: Provides learners with an opportunity to reflect and think about how they actually solve problems and
how a particular set of problem solving strategies is appropriate for achieving their goal. What is to be accomplished/learned?
Example: In support of the Supermarket “Green” initiatives, I bring my own shopping bags for grocery shopping and say no to plastic
Remember — even the strongest souls get exhausted. The strongest human beings, the ones who laugh the
loudest and hope the hardest, the ones who are always there for others — those souls often need people there
for them. So, please — check on your kind friends. Check on the people in your life who are tender, the
ones who are always open to give so much of who they are for those who need it. Check on the people
in your life who love with every ounce of their being, who feel deeply and care deeply, and try to fix
and mend and make sure that those around them are okay. Please, just check on the people in your life who
are brave, who are soft for this world.

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
In aligning to the Vision and Mission of the College, I can apply what I have learned from my readings by:
Example: Being more aware about eco-friendly practices you can adopt at home so that we can make a positive difference as socially responsible graduates.
Honesty implies being truthful. Honesty means to develop a practice of speaking truth
throughout life. A person who practices Honesty in his/her life, possess strong moral character.
An Honest person shows good behavior, always follows rules and regulations, maintain
discipline, speak the truth, and is punctual. An honest person is trustworthy as he always tends to
speak the truth.

Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
🕿 Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / ✆ 0915-810-5686


(Course Code & Description)

Date: DECEMBER 18, 2022

I learned in our prayer that “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

My action today is to Gain more knowledge and techniques that I can use in the near future

In our lessons for today, I have learned about:

1. Histories are taken from historical accounts or sources which Historians study in order to
create their studies of the past.
2. Primary Sources – are accounts which were written or taken from eyewitnesses to the event
or accounts that were written from the time period concerned.
3. Secondary Sources- Accounts taken from primary and other
secondary sources.
4. everyone should consult primary sources. This is important since these accounts have either
come from the time of the event or were made by someone who saw the events being studied.
5. But like all accounts by eyewitnesses, they are limited because they can only give us what
they individually saw. It is their perspective of the events.
6. C. Wright Mills, in a chapter called “The Promise” in the canon of sociology that he wrote,
The sociological Imagination, differentiated “biography” from “history”
7. — biography is the individual lives of people while history is
the life of the society.
8. Primary sources are original, first-hand account of an event or period that are usually written
or made during or close to the event or period.
9. These sources are original and factual, not interpretive.
Their key function is to provide facts.
10. A secondary source analyzes and interprets primary sources. It is an interpretation of second-
hand account of a historical event.
I will memorize the above learning points, explain them in my own words, and apply them in our

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian
Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the
marginalized to thrive in the global community.
I can connect my learning today with the vision and mission of our school by:
Punctuality in school life builds the path to success in a student’s life by
enabling them to plan ahead, making an efficient routine, and be prepared for their tasks. A
punctual student is better equipped to deal with their day-to-day tasks than a person who
leaves it for the last moment.
Prepared by: Checked by:

BSHM 1-4

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