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DXC-Hi tech/RH11781535/292081/Bangalore - Mahadevapura/September/V0


August 25, 2022

Dharmanand Gutta
Bengaluru Rural 560001
Karnataka, India.

Dear Dharmanand Gutta,

Welcome to Mphasis!

It was a pleasure meeting you to explore a career opportunity with Mphasis DXC-Hi tech
Based on our discussions, we are pleased to offer you the position of Software Engineer,
in Band 5, Level 3 with our organization.The gross compensation will be INR 14,00,000/-
(Fourteen Lakhs rupees only) per annum. The details of the terms and conditions of the
offer of employment are detailed in the enclosed annexure.

Mphasis is defined by a strong and intrinsic culture that sets us apart. Our DNA, while
evolving through various transformations, has still fundamentally been driven by the
same core values. Customer centricity has been one such tenet that influences every
Mphasian. We strive to understand our customer’s need, staying ahead of the curve to
deliver best-in-class service. Equally crucial, is our outcome focus, wherein our eyes
stay on the end result without compromising on our quality, ethics and people. We draw
our greatest strength from our people. Hence, empowering our workforce has gone
hand-in-hand with greater accountability, thereby creating responsible citizens of the
world. As we redefine what business success means in the changing landscape, we
believe in inculcating the spirit of experimentation so that established systems and
ways of doing things are constantly tested, questioned and disrupted. Imagination,
innovation and the ability to take risks are fundamental characteristics that make us
shatter boundaries.

These shared values and beliefs are the influencers of everyday work culture at Mphasis
that has eventually built our ethos. It is what integrates us across technologies, platforms
and geographies. We are proud of it and we eagerly welcome you to the Mphasis way of

This offer of employment is contingent upon you fulfilling the background verification
process that the organization will conduct. We look forward to you joining us at our

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
Bangalore - Mahadevapura office on September 01, 2022. The reporting time is 10:00
am. Please keep your recruiter informed, in case of an advancement in the joining date.

Please endorse your acceptance on or before September 01, 2022.

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294

Name Dharmanand Gutta

Band Band 5

Level Level 3

Designation Software Engineer


Basic 46,667 5,60,000

House Rent Allowance 23,333 2,80,000

Leave Travel Allowance 3,000 36,000

Special Allowance 31,650 3,79,800

Ex-Gratia Bonus1 NA NA

TOTAL FIXED CASH 1,04,650 12,55,800

Variable Pay2 5,833 70,000


Employer Provident Fund 5,600 67,200

Medical Insurance Premium 583 7,000

TARGET COST TO COMPANY 1,16,667 14,00,000


1. As per Statutory regulations, if your covered under Payment of Bonus act, this
component will be paid as “Bonus” if not will be paid as “Ex- Gratia”.
2. Variable Pay (if applicable) will be payable on Quarterly basis. Amount shown
is payable on 100% Target achievement. The company and unit/function
performance achievement against the target measured quarterly shall
determine the payout under the Variable Pay Plan. Note: Variable Pay is
governed by the provisions of Variable Pay Plan (available on Mphasis Intranet)
and the same will be reviewed from time to time.

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
Additional Benefits.
 Additionally, you shall be eligible for gratuity as per the gratuity act, subject to
5 years of continuous employment with the organization.
 You are covered under Group Mediclaim Insurance for a sum insured of INR
300,000 per annum. This mandatory coverage also includes your spouse and 2
children. As per the policy, you have an option to enroll your dependents
(parents/parents-in-law) by paying additional premium.
 You are covered under Group Personal Accident Insurance for INR 500,000 per
 You are covered under the Standard Group Term Life insurance for a sum insured
equal to 80% of your Fixed CTC or INR 400,000, whichever is higher. This benefit
is extended only to the employee.
 Meal Card: You will be eligible to enroll for a meal allowance of INR 2,200 per
month. This is a voluntary option and will be adjusted with your special
 As per the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017, women employees are
eligible for Maternity Leave of 26 weeks. Adoption Leave and Paternity Leave
are also applicable as the case may be. Please refer to the Company Policy
for more details.
 NA

You will be eligible for a one time Joining Bonus of INR 1,00,000 subject to the
condition that.
1. You will join us on or before the joining date mentioned.
2. In case you decide to leave the organization, on or before completion of two
years from your date of joining then the entire joining bonus will be recovered
from you in full and final settlement.
3. This payment will be subject to deduction of taxes as applicable.

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294


Your employment at Mphasis (“The Company") will be governed by the Company's

policies as modified from time to time. Copy of the present policy will be made
available to you on your joining the Company. In particular and without prejudice
to the foregoing statement, some of the more significant terms and conditions that
govern your employment, subject to modifications from time to time, are detailed

1) Hours of Work
1.1. A working day shall comprise of nine hours.
1.2. You may be required to work on a shift basis. Shifts may be scheduled
across 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, subject to
applicable laws. The shift timings may change from time to time which you will
be notified of in advance.
1.3. At times you may be required to work beyond eight working
1.4. Employees at the client site shall follow the working hours as applicable at
client site.

2) Place of Employment
2.1. During your employment with the company, you will be liable to be
transferred or deputed to any of the offices, departments of the Company or
its Associates, Subsidiaries or Group Companies, whether in India or abroad.
2.2. In the event of transfer or deputation of your services your salary and
other benefits will be determined in accordance with the Company’s policies
prevalent at that time

3) Travel
You may be required to travel, whether in India or overseas, in connection
with office work at short notice.

4) Salary and Benefits

4.1. Mphasis reviews employee compensation periodically and you may be
eligible for salary increase based on review. However, any salary increase shall
be at Company’s sole and absolute discretion which is dependent on
Organization’s as well as Individual performance.
4.2. In addition to salary, you shall also be entitled to receive other benefits as
applicable under the Company policy. The Company shall, in its sole
discretion, be entitled to amend, vary, and modify any of the terms and
conditions of the policy with regard to the benefits that are offered to you.

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
5) Relocation:
5.1. You are eligible for relocation expenses reimbursement as per the
company policy. In the event of your separation within 12 months of joining
Mphasis, this amount has to be paid back to the company.

6) Leave Entitlement Policy

All employees are eligible for an annual paid vacation. Please refer to the
employee handbook or contact the HR department for further details
regarding the Company’s leave and vacation policy.

7) Termination
7.1. Your employment with the Company is subject to termination on:
7.1.1. Three month's prior notice by either side
7.2. The Company reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, substitute the
notice period by paying you salary in lieu of the notice period.
7.3. For abundant caution, it is hereby clarified that you cannot waive the
notice period requirement in the event you wish to terminate your
employment with the Company, and that your termination/resignation letter
(by whatever name it is called) will be accepted by the Company only on your
satisfying the mandatory Three months notice period as stated in our
Company’s HR handbook. Further, till such time as the Company accepts your
resignation letter, you will be deemed to be an employee of the Company and
the terms and conditions of your employment will still continue to bind you.
7.4. The Company shall have the right to terminate your employment
immediately without notice or payment in lieu of notice if:
7.4.1. You neglect, refuse, fail or for any reason become unable to perform
any of your duties under this agreement or comply with the Company
policies and code of conduct; or
7.4.2. You are guilty of any misconduct whether or not in the performance
of your duties (including but not limited to being an undischarged
insolvent, being convicted by any criminal court, being involved in
fraudulent acts, etc.) or commit any act which in the opinion of the
Company is likely to bring the Company any disrepute whether or not such
act is directly related to the affairs of the Company; or

7.4.3. You commit any breach of any of your duties or obligations under
this agreement or the policies of the Company.
7.4.4. There is a discrepancy in the copies of the documents/certificates
given by you as a proof in support of the information provided by you. In
the event of termination under Clause 7.4.2, you shall not be entitled to
any benefits whatsoever.

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
8) Mode of Communication
For any service of notice or communications of any kind, you will be informed
by email or ordinary post at the address given by you at the time of your
employment or such other address as may be intimated by you to the
management thereafter.

9) Confidentiality
9.1. You agree at all times during the term of your employment and thereafter
(Without limit of time);
9.1.1. To hold the Confidential Information in strictest confidence, and not
to use or attempt to use the same, except for the benefit of the Company,
9.1.2. Not to disclose or divulge the Confidential Information to any person
or entity without written authorization of the Company.
9.1.3. You agree to return to Mphasis all proprietary information, including
copies on paper, hard drive, disk, tape and other media, upon completion
or termination of any project or upon cessation of your employment with
Mphasis IT Services.
9.2. For the purposes of Clause 9.1., “Confidential Information” means any
Company proprietary or confidential information, technical data, trade secrets
or know-how, whether (oral or written or in electronic format and whether
marked confidential or not), including but not limited to; research, business
plans, products, product improvements, processes and process documents,
services, projects, proposals, all work produced by you whether during normal
working hours or not, computer program, documentation, customer lists and
customers (including, but not limited to, customers of the Company with whom
you become acquainted), markets, software, developments, inventions
processes, formulas, technology, designs, drawings, engineering, marketing,
distribution and sales methods, sales and profit figures, finances, techniques,
strategies, discoveries, the title and description of any patents or patent
applications filed by the Company in any country or jurisdiction (until the same
is generally available to the public), and any other business information of the
Company including its business plans, practice methodologies and
technologies (including computer software), training materials, personnel
information, client lists and information regarding the business needs,
strategies and technologies of present and prospective clients and internal
Company publications, whether directly or indirectly, or by drawings or
inspection of documents or other tangible property and all information that
comes to your knowledge which would but for this employment would not

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
have been accessed by you, whether such information is in tangible form or
not, written or otherwise and formal or not. Confidential Information however
shall not include knowledge, skills, or information which is common to the
business of the Company, or which is generally known outside the Company.
9.3. You understand that retaining the confidential nature of the confidential
information is of utmost importance to the business of the Company and in
addition to the terms stipulated in this agreement herein you agree to execute
a Non Disclosure Agreement with the company.

10) Intellectual Property

10.1. You agree that any proprietary rights whatsoever, including but not
limited to, patents, copyright and design rights as a result of the development
of and/or the application of all work produced by you during or as a
consequence of your employment, whether alone or in conjunction with others
and whether during normal working hours or not, including but not limited to
any invention, design, discovery or improvement, computer program,
documentation, confidential information, copyright work or other material
which you conceive, discover or create during or in consequence of this
employment with the Company shall belong to the Company absolutely.
10.2. You agree, at the Company’s expense, to provide, during and after this
employment, all such assistance as the Company reasonably considers
necessary, to secure the vesting of such rights in the Company or Terms of
Employment Mphasis its nominees (including waiver of any such rights
including author’s special rights under Section 57 of the Copyright Act 1957).

11) Data Privacy Compliance Policy

You consent to the terms and conditions of the Data Privacy Compliance Policy
stated below: –
11.1. You consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with
the Company data privacy policy (the "Policy"), a copy of which can be
obtained upon request;
11.2. In particular, you explicitly consent to:
• The collection and processing of sensitive personal data about you to the
limited extent and for the purposes described in the Policy;
• The transfer worldwide of personal data held about you by the Company
to other employees and offices of the Company’s worldwide organization
and to third parties where disclosure to such third parties is required in the
normal course of business or by law; and use of your personal images and
voices in marketing material, videos, etc.
11.3. The reference to information "about you" includes reference to
information about third parties, such as spouse and children (if any), which are

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
provided to the Company by you on their behalf. The reference to “sensitive
personal Data” may be understood to include reference to the various
categories of personal data identified by European and Other applicable data
privacy laws as requiring special treatment, including in some circumstances,
the need to obtain explicit consent. These categories comprise personal data
about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or other similar
beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life or
criminal record.
11.4. In addition, you agree to treat any personal data to which you have
access in the course of your employment strictly in accordance with this Policy
and other Company policies and procedures. In particular, you will not use any
such data other than in connection with and to the extent necessary for the
purposes of your employment.

12) Non-Compete
You will certify to maintain Customer exclusivity and to this end, during the
validity of this agreement and for a minimum of 2 years thereafter, you shall
neither solicit business nor offer product/services and/or conduct any
business, that directly competes with the kind of product/services that is
offered by the Company to such client, either directly or indirectly with any of
‘Mphasis, client or any third party exposed to you,. In case you violate this
provision, a minimum amount of Rs.3 lakhs shall be payable by you to Mphasis
as damages.

13) Non Solicitation of Employees and Clients

You agree that during the period of your employment with the Company, and
for one year after the date of termination of such employment (regardless of
whether this cessation of employment is voluntary or involuntary, or caused
by the breach of this Agreement by either party), other than on behalf of the
Company, you will not, either directly or indirectly:

(A) solicit, divert, take away, hire, or recruit, or attempt to solicit, divert,
take away, hire, or recruit, any employee of the Company; or
(B) solicit, divert, take away, hire, or recruit, or attempt to solicit, divert,
take away, hire, or recruit, the business of any client, customer, potential
client, potential customer, person, or entity with whom Employee had
dealings as an Employee of the Company for any purpose related in any
manner to the business of the Company.
(C) You agree the foregoing restrictions are reasonable both as to time and
extent given the nature and scope of the Company’s present business and
the duties of your employment.

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
14) Warranty
14.1. You warrant that your joining the Company will not violate any
agreement to which you are or have been a party to.
14.2. You warrant that you will not use or disclose any confidential or
proprietary information obtained from a third party prior to your employment
with the Company.
14.3. You warrant that you will comply with all Mphasis applicable policies and
standards and shall perform your services in a manner consistent with the
ethical and professional standards of Mphasis.
14.4. You warrant that you possess all the requisite certificates, licenses,
permits, work visas, clearances to be able to lawfully perform the services.

15) Indemnification
You agree to indemnify the Company for any losses or damages sustained by
the Company caused by or related to your breach of any of the provisions
contained in this Terms of Employment

16) Retirement
Your age of retirement from the service will be on completion of sixty years.
However, you may opt for voluntary retirement at any age before sixty years
during your services in the establishment if you are unable to continue in
service satisfactorily. The actual date of retirement shall be the last working
day of the calendar month in which your 60th birthday falls.

17) General
17.1. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the employee
and Mphasis, and no alteration or variations of the terms of this agreement
shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both the parties here to.
This agreement supersedes any prior agreements or understandings between
the parties relating to the matter of proprietary rights and / or non disclosure
17.2. This agreement is made under and shall be construed according to the
laws of India. Employee agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of
Bangalore (Karnataka).
17.3. This agreement shall remain current and in force, irrespective of
whether you are under employment of Mphasis or not.
17.4. Should any part of this agreement be declared illegal or unenforceable,
the parties hereto will co-operate in all ways open to them to obtain
substantially the same result or as much thereof as may be possible, including

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
taking appropriate steps to amend, modify or alter this agreement. If any term
or provision of this Agreement shall be hereafter declared by a final
adjudication of any tribunal or court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal,
such adjudication shall not alter the validity or enforceability of any other term
or provision unless the terms and provisions so declared are expressly defined
as a conditions precedent or as of the essence of this agreement, or
comprising an integral part of, or inseparable from the remainder of this

18) Background Verification Clause

We are considering all the details given by you in your resume and references
provided are to the best of your knowledge. This offer letter can be withdrawn
anytime if any of the details provided in the resume or reference check
happens to be negative.

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294
Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Appointment with Mphasis

I, Dharmanand Gutta have read and understood the above terms and conditions
governing my employment with the company and hereby accept the above-
mentioned appointment in totality.

I confirm my acceptance of the offer and shall report for work on September 01,

Signature : $Signature

Date : $Date

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294

List of mandatory documents that needs to be uploaded in the tool as part of your offer
release process and to proceed further with your onboarding formalities.

Sl. No Details Description

1. Photograph Soft copy of white background passport size photograph
Highest education; i.e.; degree / post-graduation completion
Education certificate
Documents (Provisional Certificate/ Consolidated Marks sheets/ all semester
marks card)
3. Passport/ PAN Card/ Election ID/ Driving Licence
Current Employment: last 3 months salary slip along with a
Employment copy of the offer letter
Details Previous Employment: Relieving letter/ experience letter
(which captures start date, end date & position details)
5 LOA Signed Scanned copy of - Letter of Authorization (LOA)

Please note, your offer has been made based on the information furnished by you.
However, if there is a discrepancy in the copies of the documents/certificates given by
you as a proof in support of the above, the company reserves the right to revoke the
offer. Being an ISO certified company, it is important for you to submit these documents
on or before your date of joining us. Your joining the Company is subjected to you
furnishing all of the above documents and duly verified by Mphasis.

Digitally signed by DS MPHASIS LIMITED 1

Date: 2022.08.25 08:13:57 GMT
Reason: Authorised by Srikanth Karra
Location: Bangalore

CIN: L3007KA1992PLC025294

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