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20-Oct-15 (Admin : Ashkan Sarabi)


Prof. V.S.Raju
(Formerly: Director, IIT Delhi
& Professor, IIT Madras)

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

 As compared to a full pile solution, pile assisted

raft has a major advantage of substantial reduction
in number of piles, which in turn results in savings
of cost and time.

 It also to some extent removes uncertainties

associated with bored piles and driven cast in-situ

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 2

V.S.Raju Consultants 1

Design Philosophy of Piled Rafts

Conventional Pile Design Method
 Disregards the capacity of Pile caps/Rafts
 Increased number of piles or length of piles
 Very small allowable settlement
 Pile factor of safety (FS ≈ 2)
Piled Raft Design Method
 Raft is the main bearing element
 Design for full utilization of pile capacity (FS ≥1)
 Piles are Settlement reducers
 Consideration of the optimal location of piles to
decrease the differential settlement and bending moment of raft.
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Concept of Piled Raft :

• A very good reference

“The Piled Raft Foundation for The Burj Dubai – Design and
Performance “, IGS-Ferroco Terzaghi Oration – 2008, by Prof.Harry

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 2

Load (t)


Settlement (mm)

Fig. 1 Load settlement curves for piles and Raft on cohesion-less soils
(sands & non plastic silts)

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Schematic Model of Burj Dubai

 World’s tallest building.
 160 storey high rise tower.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 3

Steps involved in Piled Raft Design

Step 1:
The safe bearing capacity of raft from shear consideration is
checked so that raft can transfer the load to soil without failure.
The settlement criterion is also checked.
Commonly the safe bearing capacity (SBC) of raft on
cohesionless soils (sands and non-plastic silts) is very high.
 For Raft size 20 m x 20 m, SBC will be in the range of 75 to
125 t/m2

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Steps involved in Piled Raft Design

Step 2:

The settlements of raft are calculated assuming first that there

are no piles. If the settlements are < 75 mm, then a raft

foundation will suffice.

Step 3:

If the settlements are > 75 mm, then piles are provided to act as

settlement reducers. The number of piles is estimated so that the

settlements of the piled raft foundation system are less than 75

mm. The ultimate capacity of the pile is used in design.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 4

Steps involved in Piled Raft Design

Step 4:
 The load shared by the piles and the raft are estimated.

The load coming on the raft will be shared by raft (directly

transferring to soil layer below) and the piles (transferring the
load to soil through skin friction and end bearing). The load
sharing depends on relative stiffness of piles and soil support to
the raft.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Step 5: The settlements due to load on piles are estimated

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 5

Step 6:
The settlements of the raft due to the load shared by the raft are estimated

Total settlement of the piled raft = Raft contribution + Pile contribution

This should be < 75 mm for cohesionless soils

< 100 mm for cohesive soils

𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑹𝒂𝒇𝒕
S𝐮𝐛𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 modulus of raft 𝒌 = 𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔)
*** More appropriate would be to use net bearing pressure. But in the structural
Analysis of the raft gross bearing pressure (actual loading from superstructure) is

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Current Practice Method 1

Plate Load Test

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 6

Zone of Influence

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Recommended values in literature

Most often used reference is Foundation Analysis and Design book by
Joseph E Bowles

Soil Es (kN/m2)
Sand (Normally 500(N+15)

Silty Sand 300 (N+6)

Clayey sand 320 (N+15)

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 7

Realistic estimation of subgrade modulus:

 Estimate settlements considering all soil layers upto

1.5 times the actual raft width.

 Calculate the k value as ratio of actual bearing on the

raft to the calculated settlement.

 Structural designer to use this value for structural

design of the raft.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 15

Structural analysis of the Piled Raft:

Pile Spring (Ps) upto 4 to 6 cm settlement, Ps = (Pu / 4 to 6) in kg/cm.

If the settlements exceeds 4 to 6 cm, replace springs with Pu.

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Drawbacks of Current Practice:

 In a plate load test, dimensions of the plate are much
smaller than actual raft size.

 Hence k value obtained from plate load test does not

take into account settlement contribution of
all the soil layers upto 1.5 times width of the raft.

 This may lead to over estimation of subgrade modulus

leading to under-design of the raft (unsafe).

 For eg. for a raft size 30 x 60 m, thickness = 2.5 m,

analysis was done for 2 cases with k = 1 kg/cm3 and
k = 0.5 kg/cm3. In the 2nd case, moments were higher by 20%,
resulting in 20% higher reinforcement steel or 10% thicker raft.
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Predicting the Settlements on cohesionless soils

𝑺 = 𝑯
𝑺 = Settlement
H = Thickness of the layer
∆𝝈𝒛 = Pressure increase @ middle of the layer (obtained
from stress distribution curves)
𝑬𝒔 = Soil Modulus
Es is determined by correlating
(a) With SPT N value
(b) Static cone penetration value
(c) Footing / Plate load test (at shallow depth only)
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 18

V.S.Raju Consultants 9

Soil Modulus (Es) Vs SPT N

After Schultze and Muhs:
N Vs Es FOR SAND (After Shultze, 1966)
 This curve gives relation only
upto a N value of 50.

Es kgf/cm2 (Modulus of compressibility)


 For N > 50, we used the 600

following procedure: 500

 Linear extrapolation of slope between 400

N =40 and 50
 Es = (Es for N = 50) + [(N – 50)*87.5] in t/m2
 I have been using this graph for last 40
0 10 20 30 40 50
N - Va l ue f or 3 0 c m Sta nda re d
 For N = 40, Es = 730 kgf / cm2 pe ne tr a ti o n

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Soil Modulus (Es or Ev) Vs SPT N

As per IS – 8009, 1976 (Reaffirmed1998):

 This curve gives relation only up

to a N value of 60.

 For N = 40 and P0 = 0, Ev is
800 kgf/cm2

 For N = 40 and P0 = 1.5 kgf/cm2,

Ev is 400 kgf/cm2 (For ~ 10 m
of soil)

(Remarks: The reduction in Ev

value with overburden pressure is
difficult to explain.)
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 20

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Predicting the settlements on cohesionless soils

As per IS – 8009, Part 1, 1976 (Reaffirmed1998):

(a). Method based on standard penetration test (SPT):

 The observed SPT N values are first corrected for overburden
and dilatancy.
 The average of the corrected SPT N values between the level of
the base of the foundation and a depth equal to1.5 to 2 times the
width of foundation below the base is calculated.
 Settlement of a footing of width B under unit intensity of
pressure can be read from Fig. 9.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

 One can read settlements per

unit pressure as a function
of width of footing and N

 Curves become asymptotic

after a width of 3 to 4 m.

 This cannot certainly be

applied for bigger rafts.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 22

V.S.Raju Consultants 11

Determination of Soil Modulus (Es)

Based on plate load tests (As per IS – 2950, Part 1, 1981


𝟏− 𝝁𝟐
 𝑬𝒔 = 𝒒 𝑩 𝑰𝒘

𝑬𝒔 = Modulus of elasticity (Soil modulus)

𝒒 = Intensity of contact pressure
B = Least lateral dimension of test plate
S = Settlement
𝝁 = Poisson’s ratio
𝑰𝒘 = Influence factor, = 0.82 for a square plate
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 23

Field determination of Es based on footing load test conducted at

“Delhi International Airport (DIAL)”: 1st Footing load test:
Soil type = Sandy silt
Load Vs Settlement Curve for DIAL FLT 1
SPT N = 50
Load Intensity (t/m2)
Size of footing = 1.5 m x 1.5 m 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
For q = 40 t/m2 = 4 Kg/cm2,
Settlement (mm)

Settlement (S) = 4 mm
𝟏− 𝟎.𝟑𝟐
𝑬𝒔 = 𝟒 ∗ 𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝟎.𝟒
* 0.82 15

= 1119 Kg/cm2 20

As per Shultze and Muhs for SPT N = 50 25

Es = 800 Kg/cm2
Ratio = 1119/800 = 1.4 24
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 12

Results from DIAL Project:

2nd Footing load test:
Type of soil = Clayey silt with fine sand
SPT N = 22 Load Vs Settlement Curve for DIAL FLT 2
Load Intensity (t/m2)
Size of footing = 1.5 m x 1.5 m
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
q = 38 t/m2 = 3.8 Kg/cm2 0

Settlement (mm)
Settlement (S) = 5.4 mm 5

𝟏− 𝟎.𝟑𝟐 10
𝑬𝒔 = 𝟑. 𝟖 ∗ 𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝟎.𝟓𝟒
* 0.82
= 787 Kg/cm2
As per Shultze and Muhs for SPT N = 22
Es = 530 Kg/cm2
Ratio = 787/530 = 1.48
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

S. No SPT N Es as Es as Es as per From

per per IS Schultze Footing
Bowles Code and Load test at
book Muhs DIAL

1 50 325 820*** 800 1119

2 22 185 710+++ 530 787

Note: All Es values are in kg/cm2 (multiply by 100 for Kpa)

Es values calculated from Bowles book are for corrected

N values.
***However, for the same N value at a depth of 8 m, the Es
value would be only 400 kg/cm2 as per IS.

+++ However, for the same N value at a depth of 8 m, the

Es value would be only 320 kg/cm2 as per IS.
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 13

Permissible settlements:

As per IS – 1904, 1986 (Reaffirmed1995):

For spread foundation resting on Sand and Hard clay

Maximum settlement (mm)

Isolated Raft
Type of structure
foundation foundation
For reinforced concrete structures 50 75

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 27

Details of piled raft foundation of the buildings in Germany (Katzenbach,, 2000)

Messe DG-Bank
Torhaus Messeturm (Westend American
Structure Strasse 1) Express

Max Height above

130 256.5 208 74.7
ground surface (m)

Basement floors 0 2 3 4
Foundation area (m2) 2 x 430 3457 2940 3570
Foundation level below
-3 -14 -12.0/-14.0 -14
GL (m)
Raft thickness (m) 2.5 3.0-6.0 3.0-4.5 2
Number of piles 2 x 42 64 40 35
Observed pile load
(MN) 1.7-6.9 5.8-20.1 9.2-14.9 2.7-5.1
Observed Max.
150 144 110 55
settlements (mm)
Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

V.S.Raju Consultants 14

Structure Taunustor centre Main Tower Eurotheum
and pollux)
Japan- Messe
Centre Frankfurt

Max Height above ground

115.3 94/130 51.6 198 110
surface (m)
Basement floors 4 3 2 5 3
Foundation area (m2) 1920 14000 10200 3800 1830
Foundation level below
-15.8 -13.5 -8 -21 -13
GL (m)
Raft thickness (m) 1.0-3.5 1.0-3.0 0.8-2.7 3.0-3.8 1.0-2.5
Number of piles 25 26/22 141 112 25

Observed pile load (MN) 7.4-11.7/5.0-

7.9-13.8 12.6 4.2-6.5 1.4-8.0 1.8-6.1
Observed Max.
60 80 40-60 25 32
settlements (mm)

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants

Settlement of the piled raft foundation of the Burj Dubai:

 160 storey high rise tower

 Founded on 3.7 m thick raft supported on bored piles (1.5 m
diameter, 50 m long).
 Estimated total settlement is 45 mm to 75 mm.
 Settlements under dead load (February 2008) 43 mm.
 Extrapolated to full load is 55 mm to 60 mm
 Predicted final settlement is 70 to 75 mm

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 30

V.S.Raju Consultants 15

Examples in Delhi Region –Settlements of Rafts

1. DIAL – Terminal 3 on Raft
 Settlements measured and reported as not significant.

2. Sector 58, Gurgaon

Structure : Residential building 2B+30 floor on Raft.
Frame completed
Dead load settlements = 26 mm
Estimated total settlement = 40 mm

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 31

 Settlements observations are being carried out for

about 6 structures

 One structure in Noida is fully instrumented, where

load on the piles, reactions of the base raft and the
settlements are being measured.

 For one more structure in Noida, pile loads and

settlements are planned to be observed.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 32

V.S.Raju Consultants 16

We need number of settlement observations:


 Any precision leveling will be O.K

 Fix plates on the floor or to the columns ( basement is

ideal), ground floor level is also adequate.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 33

Execution: The following points are crucial in particular

for Rafts and Pile assisted rafts:

1. Flooding of the excavation from surface water during

monsoon to be avoided. This can be done by proper bunding
and sand bagging around the excavation and providing surface
drainage away from the excavation.
2. The last 50cm of the excavation should be done just prior to
placement of the mud mat.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 34

V.S.Raju Consultants 17

3. The excavated surface should be thoroughly compacted:

 For Rafts : Heavy duty vibratory roller or plate vibrator
 For Pile assisted Rafts: Heavy duty plate vibrator
which passes in between the piles
4. Flooding should not be used for compaction.
5. For dust control, if required water sprinkling can be done.
6. Desirable to place 125 mm thick soling stones on the compacted
surface. The soling stones should be well compacted.
7. The mud mat for the raft will come on the soling stones.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 35

In case of high Ground Water Table (GWT):

1.Prior to the excavation, GWT has to be lowered to 1 m below

the bottom of the excavation. This level has to be maintained
till the foundations are cast.
2.The ground water lowering has to be done by a specialist
contractor. This is especially difficult in case of Silts, Sandy
silts and Silty sands.
3.There must be 100 % standby power for the dewatering system
to ensure that the GWT is below the bottom of the excavation
at all times.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 36

V.S.Raju Consultants 18


Sector Area Number of storeys Ground Foundation
Water Recommendations
Table (m)

103 Gurgaon 1B + S + 14 2 Raft Foundations

68 Gurgaon 1B + G+ 13 to 25 21 Raft Foundations

2B + G+ 25 to 33
86 Gurgaon 1B + G+ 13 to 17 28 Raft Foundations
16 B Gurgaon 3B + G+ 17 to 39 11 Pile Assisted Raft,
Raft Foundations
67 Gurgaon 2B + G+ 18 to 33 20 Raft Foundations

62 Gurgaon 3B + G+ 29 to 37 8 Pile Assisted Raft

102 Gurgaon 1B + G+ 26 1.5 Pile Foundations

128 Noida 2B + G+ 35 to 38 8 Pile Assisted Raft


Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 37


Sector Area Number of Ground Foundation

storeys Water Recommendations
Table (m)
16 Noida G + 22 to 34 18 Pile Assisted Raft,
Raft Foundations
Gwalpahari Gurgaon 3B + G+ 17 21 Raft Foundations

48 Gurgaon 2B + G+ 34 21 Pile Assisted Raft

58 Gurgaon 2B + G+ 23 7 Raft Foundations
to 30

Gwalpahari Gurgaon 2B + G+ 28 Not met Raft Foundations

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 38

V.S.Raju Consultants 19

The take aways from this presentation:

 Piled raft is very effective and economic solution in most

situations for high rise towers and heavily loaded structures.

 Reduction in number of piles being between 50 to 75%

resulting in savings of cost and time.

 We need to improve on estimation of soil moduli in case of

cohesion-less soils and over consolidated clays.

 We should carry out many systematic settlement observations

on all types of structures to improve our predictions.

 Lastly and most importantly, our geo-technical investigation

practices have to reach global standards at the earliest.

Prof. V.S.Raju Consultants 39


We wish to express our sincere thanks to:

 Prof. Harry Poulos for the very good reference of his IGS-Ferroco

Terzaghi Oration – 2008, “The Piled Raft Foundation for The Burj Dubai

– Design and Performance”.

 L&T Construction team at DIAL for carrying out the tests and sharing

the information.

Prof. V.S. Raju Consultants 40

V.S.Raju Consultants 20

 Katzenbach R, Arslan V and Moorman ch (2000 b), piled raft foundation

Projects in Germany, Design application of raft foundations, Ed,

by J.A. Hersley Telford Ltd. PP 323-391

 All our Clients and many others who are in the process of executing the

foundations based on our recommendations and also monitor the settlements.

Prof. V.S. Raju Consultants 41


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