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Starlight 3rd Class: Fortnightly Plans

Note: This document suggests two specific learning experiences per strand for each fortnightly plan. However, as
the majority of the learning outcomes are covered in every unit, teachers may prefer to select their own learning
experiences. In this case, detailed mapping for all learning outcomes for every unit is also available on Folensonline.
3rd Class Fortnightly Plans
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3 Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language: Key Learning Experiences Reading: Key Learning Experiences Writing: Key Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Actively listen to and extract meaning from a  Develop their interest in and enjoyment of literature by  Critically select an appropriate event or
poster story about different types of outdoor reading and understanding recounts about adventures. experience to write a recount about. (LO2)
adventure activities. (LO1) (LO1)  Use conventions of print (e.g. capital letters
 Develop vocabulary on the topic of outdoor  Use comprehension strategies including making and full stops) accurately in their own writing.
adventure activities and feelings of excitement connections, inferring and visualising to engage with a (LO3)
(e.g. thrilled, ecstatic, exhilarated). text. (LO9)
Explore the internal structure (morphology) of
words (e.g. surf(ing)(er)).
 Explore idioms relating to thrills and risk (e.g. on
cloud nine, nerves of steel, hang in there). (LO5)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral recount ‘I didn’t go camping’ by Ken Recount Making connections 1a: Capital 1a: Time words 1a: Planning a
Nesbitt Inferring letters 1b: Who? recount
Visualising 1b: Capital What? When? 1b: Writing a
letters Where? recount
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary

Tier 1 examples: folk story, magical, buckle, rainbow, Text 1a: resort, activity, delight, view, energy, surprisingly,
jolly, mean, tricky, kidnap attempts, frustrated, eventually, obstacle, involves, murky
Tier 2 examples: folklore, leprechaun, superstitious Text 1b: scenery, waded, rugged, slightly, foaming, gully, vast,
cunning, lure, jovial, gruesome, cackle, high-pitched, urged, plunged, finally, swirling, definitely
shriek, wailing, chaos
Tier 3 examples: banshee, merrow, Far Darrig
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1 Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Text 1a: Our Adventure Weekend (p. 6 – 8) Grammar: Capital letters (p.10)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.9) Writing skills: Time words (p.11)
Pair talking task: Don’t say a word! Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.9) Writing genre: Planning a recount (p.11)
Vocabulary activity (p.9-10)
Lesson 2
Week 2
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap
Week 2 Grammar: Capital letters (p.16)
Digital poster (Question mode) Text 1b: My Coasteering Adventure (p. 12 – 14) Writing skills: Who? What? When? Where? (p.17)
Word study: Homonyms Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.15-16) Writing genre: Writing a recount (p.17)
Pair talking task: Homonyms Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.15)
Week 2 Vocabulary activity (p.15)
Lesson 3
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion
Small group talking task: Show the feeling
Digital poster (Let’s talk mode): Podcast
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘I Didn’t Go Camping’
Oral recount: An amazing adventure
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their recount
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their recount
Teacher observation to an assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 11 and
poster p. 17). Writing is differentiated by outcome.

SESE – Geography – Natural environments
Children locate Kerry and Kenmare on map of Ireland.
Children look at and discuss a range of photographs of Ireland’s Atlantic coastline and discuss features such as cliffs, beaches, rocks and caves.
Arts – Drama
A child in the hot-seat imagines the moment before he or she is about to take a new challenge such as a zip-wire, high-ropes course or cliff-jump. The class ask questions about how he or
she is feeling.
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO9, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Use complex sentences when reporting  Use word identification strategies (e.g. breaking  Engage positively while creating a report text.
information (e.g. Leprechaun lore; ‘I found this words down and breaking words into syllables). Use writing as a tool to clarify and structure
interesting because…’) (LO4) Understand the derivations of words from old Irish thought and express individuality while writing a
 Manipulate language creatively, e.g. Tricky (e.g. bean sidhe/fairy woman/banshee). (LO 5) report text. (LO 1)
Talk, Riddle Me This.  Identify and discuss the features of the report genre  Use the appropriate text structures and language
 Respond to the poem, ‘The Witch’. (LO 10) including use of headings, clear openings and use of features when writing a report including
topic sentences to open paragraphs. headings, sub-headings, clear openings and
Understand that the purpose of reports is to give endings, topic sentences and paragraphs. (LO 6)
information. (LO 7)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral report The Witch by Percy H. IIot Report Making connections 2a: Question 2a: Researching 2a: Planning a
Inferring marks, with a KWL report
Questioning exclamation marks chart 2b: Writing a
Summarising and full stops 2b: Paragraphs report
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary 2b: Capital letters and topic
and end sentences
Tier 1 examples: folk story, magical, buckle, rainbow, Text 2a: fascinating, mischief, wailing, appearance, cobblers, punctuation
jolly, mean, tricky, kidnap vanish, mischievous, chaos, destroy, terrify, sleek
Tier 2 examples: folklore, leprechaun, superstitious Text 2b: supernatural, ancient, characters, tradition, organise,
cunning, lure, jovial, gruesome, cackle, high-pitched, warrior, knowledge, rivalry, challenged, remain, original
shriek, wailing, chaos
Tier 3 examples: banshee, merrow, Far Darrig
Content Content Content
Week 1 rd
Starlight 3 Class Combined Reading and Skills Book rd
Starlight 3 Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 2a: Irish Folktale Creatures (p.18 – 20) Grammar: Question marks, exclamation marks and full
Oral report: Leprechaun lore
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.21) stops (p.22)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.21) Writing skills: Researching with a KWL chart (p.23)
Digital poster (Question mode) Vocabulary activity (p.21 – 22) Writing genre: Planning a report (p.23)
True or false?
Amazing adjectives Week 2 Week 2
Text 2b: Irish Myths and Legends (p.24 - 26) Grammar: Capital letters and end punctuation (p.28)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.27) Writing skills: Paragraphs and topic sentences (p.29)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.27) Writing genre: Writing a report (p.29)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Vocabulary activity (p.27 - 28)
Tricky talk
Riddle me this: Can I trick you?
Digital poster (Explore mode): Circle time teasers
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘The Witch’
Pair talking task (Barrier game): Let’s draw
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their report using
Questioning: Use the prompts. smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their report to an
Teacher observation assessment portfolio.

Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation

Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 23 and p. 29).
poster Writing is differentiated by outcome.

SESE – History – Early people and ancient stories
Children explore the history of early Celts through a study of their own locality. Children collect related local ballads, stories and traditions.
Children read and compare various retellings of the legends of Fionn Mac Cumhaill and Cúchulainn, and stories about leprechauns and other creatures from Irish folktales. Encourage
children to discuss the difference between a myth and a legend. (Example: A myth is a story that is not based on fact, but which might explain local beliefs or ideas. A legend is a story
with some basis in historical fact, which mentions some real people or true facts, even if much of the story is exaggerated or embellished.)
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Actively listen and speak confidently when  Analyse and compare conventions of procedural  Use conventions of a procedure (e.g. numbered
working collaboratively, especially in partner and texts including the use of numbered instructions and points) when writing a procedural text.
small group tasks. imperative (command) verbs. Understand the use of Use appropriately structured sentences with
Be co-operative when making group decisions, commas in lists and the formation of plural nouns. correct sentence punctuation, and including
e.g. Let’s Animate! (LO 3) imperative verbs, when writing a procedure.
Speak slowly and clearly when giving  Acquire new vocabulary appropriate to a procedural (LO 3)
instructions; listen carefully and ask for text (e.g. evaluate, prepare, consider, variety). Use  Analyse how letter-sound correspondences,
clarification when listening to instructions. knowledge of prefixes ('de') to discuss the meaning common spelling patterns and meaningful word
Adapt tone of voice, body language and choice of of new and related vocabulary. (LO 6) parts and roots impact on spelling, using this
vocabulary when presenting to the class. (LO3) knowledge to correctly spell words in their
 Generate instructions explaining how to make a writing. Understand how to use the prefix 'de'.
birdhouse or wrap, i.e. Pair talking task: Giving (LO 4)
As part of a group, draw and explain a diagram of
Michael’s bicycle to the class. (LO11)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Giving instructions ‘Michael Built a Bicycle’ by Procedure Making connections 3a: Commas in 3a: Bossy verbs 3a: Planning a
Jack Prelutsky Clarifying lists 3b: Drafting procedure
Inferring 3b: Plurals and editing 3b: Writing a
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary procedure

Tier 1 examples: team, useful, bird house, snuggle, Text 3a: delicious, contain, ingredients, plentiful, cinnamon,
entrance, scissors, paintbrush, spread, fold core, aside, separate, combined, aroma, waft, evaluate,
Tier 2 examples: positive, relationship, required, defrosted
instructions, constructing, diagram, typically, Text 3b: struggled, collections, expensive, recycled, prepare,
condiments, cutlery, crockery, assemble, tongs, spatula consider, variety, rectangle, correctly, measurement, length,
Content Content Content
Week 1 rd
Starlight 3 Class Combined Reading and Skills Book rd
Starlight 3 Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 3a: Warming Autumn Recipes (p.30 – 32) Grammar: Commas in lists (p.34)
Word study: ‘Cook’ Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.33) Writing skills: Bossy verbs (p.35)
Pair talking task: Chef charades Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.33) Writing genre: Planning a procedure (p.35)
Lesson 2 Vocabulary activity (p.33 - 34)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Week 2
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Week 2 Grammar: Plurals (p.40)
Digital poster (Question mode) Text 3b: How to Make a Bedroom Storage Unit (p.26 - 38) Writing skills: Drafting and editing (p.41)
Group talking task: Let’s animate! Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.39) Writing genre: Writing a procedure (p.41)
Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.39)
Week 2 Vocabulary activity (p.39 - 40)
Lesson 3
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion
Kitchen connections
Pair talking task: Giving instructions
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘Michael Built a Bicycle’
Small group talking task
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their procedure
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their procedure to
Teacher observation an assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 35 and p. 41).
poster Writing is differentiated by outcome.
SPHE – Myself
Children learn about and discuss the need for a healthy, balanced diet.
Visual Arts – Construction
When the final draft of their procedure has been written, children follow it to build whatever craft they have selected (e.g. puppet theatre, bird box, model house, storage unit for
stationery). Alternatively, children could swap procedures with a partner and test out and evaluate their partner’s ideas.
Review imperative verbs as Gaeilge (‘scríobh’, ‘éist’, ‘bain’, ‘tabhair’, ‘suí’, ‘cuir’, ‘measc’, ‘doirt’, ‘fág’,
‘bain’, etc.).
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO9, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Actively listen and speak confidently when  Compare words using 'ci' as /sh/ (e.g. suspicious)  Engage positively and purposefully when writing
working collaboratively, especially in partner and 'y' as long /i/ (e.g. hysterics). (LO 4) their own narrative text, bringing in their own
and small group tasks.  Read narrative texts with the appropriate pace, ideas.
Practice making eye contact, adopting accuracy and expression. (LO 10) Use writing their own stories as a tool to clarify
confident body language, using a sincere tone and structure thought and to express
of voice and speaking clearly without individuality. (LO 1)
mumbling, i.e. I owe you an apology.  Use conventions of print (e.g. speech marks for
Adapt tone of voice, body language and choice direct speech) in their own writing.
of vocabulary when presenting a narrative to Use a clear beginning, middle and end including a
the class. (LO 3) problem to be solved and use a variety of
 Actively listen and speak confidently when sentence structures including direct speech
working collaboratively, especially in partner when creating a narrative story. (LO 3)
and small group tasks.
Practice making eye contact, adopting
confident body language, using a sincere tone
of voice and speaking clearly without
mumbling, i.e. I owe you an apology.
Adapt tone of voice, body language and choice
of vocabulary when presenting a narrative to
the class. (LO 9)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral storytelling ‘The Quarrel’ by Eleanor Narrative Making connections 4a: ‘a’, ‘an’ and 4a: Making a 4a: Planning a
Farjeon Inferring ‘the’ mind map narrative
Predicting 4b: Speech marks 4b: Using 4b: Writing a story
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary different words
for ‘said’
Tier 1 examples: friends, jealous, scooter, cross, argue, Text 4a: decided, unable, rummaging, muttered, pouted,
fighting, calm, rules removed, revolting, suspiciously, pursed,
Tier 2 examples: frequently, frustrated, furiously, flicked, replaced, effect, instant
increasingly, boisterous, bickering, enraged, Text 4b: suspended, hysterics, hero, prepared, entire, gleefully,
exasperated, cooperate, competitive, deafening, rowdy, expert, several, glided, barely, motionless, intended
shrill, piercing, tranquil apologise
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 4a: The Tasting Game (p.42 - 44) Grammar: ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ (p.46)
Word study: ‘Friend’ Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.45) Writing skills: Making a mind map (p.47)
Pair talking task: Can you tell me? Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.45) Writing genre: Planning a narrative (p.47)
Lesson 2 Vocabulary activity (p.45 - 46)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Week 2
Digital poster (Question mode) Week 2 Grammar: Speech marks (p.52)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 4b: Brothers in the Library (p.48 - 50) Writing skills: Using different words for ‘said’ (p.53)
Pair talking task: I owe you an apology Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.51) Writing genre: Writing a story (p.53)
Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.51)
Week 2 Vocabulary activity (p.51 - 52)
Lesson 3
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion
Small group talking task: What’s the story?
Digital poster (Let’s talk mode): Podcast
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘The Quarrel’
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their story using
Questioning: Use the prompts. smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their story to an
Teacher observation assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 47 and p. 53).
poster Writing is differentiated by outcome.

Arts – Drama – Exploring and making drama
Children role play in groups of four, taking on the roles of Ben, Steve, Mum and Dad. Dad wants the brothers to explain what happened during the ‘tasting game’ and why the brothers
acted as they did.
Children read other stories (or extracts from other stories) about sibling and family relationships and friendship. These could include The Legend of Captain Crow’s Teeth by Eoin
Colfer, My Brother is a Superhero by David Solomons, I Swapped My Brother on the Internet by Jo Simmons, The Clubhouse Mystery by Erika McGann, The Suitcase Kid by
Jacqueline Wilson and The Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Actively listen to and extract meaning from a  Discuss author’s intent in writing explanation texts  Create an explanation text to answer the
poster story about space and technology. and form an opinion on how effective the texts are. question: Why do astronauts wear spacesuits
(LO 1) (LO 8) outside in space? (Thinking about how to explain
 Reflect on the life and responsibilities of an  Use comprehension strategies including inferring, a process clearly to the reader.) (LO 6)
astronaut and use descriptive language to clarifying and summarising to engage with an  Write legibly and fluently in a chosen script and
introduce the Expedition 59 crew in the form of explanation text. (LO 9) present their text in a format appropriate for an
an oral report. (LO 12) explanation text. (LO 9)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral report ‘Message from a Mouse, Explanation Inferring 5a: Common 5a: 5a: Planning an
Ascending in a Rocket’ by Clarifying nouns Subheadings explanation
Patricia Hubbell Summarising 5b: Proper nouns 5b: Cause and 5b: Writing an
effect explanation
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary
Tier 1 examples: space, rocket, spacecraft, space station, Text 5a: soared, fuel, exhaust, opposite, oxygen, atmosphere,
fireworks, astronaut, space suit, planet, Jupiter, Saturn, containing, satellites, boost, invention, improving, launch
countdown, lift off Text 5b: gravity, speck, distance, orbit, force, formed, cycle,
Tier 2 examples: technology, solar system, warfare, massive, pulse, layers, collapse, dense
launched, satellite, exploration protective, visor,
mission, shuttle, probe, propel, galaxy, lunar
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Countdown Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Text 5a: How Do Rockets Work? (p.54 - 56) Grammar: Common nouns (p.58)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.57) Writing skills: Subheadings (p.59)
Word study: ‘Astronaut’ Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.57) Writing genre: Planning an explanation (p.59)
Pair talking task: Which one am I?
Lesson 2 Vocabulary activity (p.57 - 58)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Week 2
Digital poster (Question mode) Week 2 Grammar: Proper nouns (p.64)
Over and out Text 5b: Space Questions (p.60 - 62) Writing skills: Cause and effect (p.65)
Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.63) Writing genre: Writing an explanation (p.65)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.63)
Lesson 3 Vocabulary activity (p.63 - 64)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion
Group talking task (Oral report): Calling Expedition 59
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘Message from a Mouse,
Ascending in a Rocket’
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their explanation
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their explanation
Teacher observation to an assessment portfolio.

Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation

Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 59 and p. 65).
poster Writing is differentiated by outcome.

SESE – Science – Materials
Children discuss how materials can be solid, liquid or gas and investigate how materials can be changed by heating and cooling.
SESE – Science – Energy, light and heat
Children discuss how the Sun gives us heat and light and why we need fuel for energy.
Visual Arts – Art – Construction
Children make a model of a rocket and label the rocket’s parts.
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO8, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Use sentences of varying length, structure and  Choose, read and critically respond to a variety of  Engage positively and purposefully when creating
complexity when discussing various types of adverts and persuasive texts for pleasure, interest a persuasive text. Use writing as a tool to clarify
robots and what distinguishes one from and to understand the features, structure and and structure thought and to express
another. language of persuasive texts. (LO 2) individuality when writing persuasive texts.
Use short sentences, strong, positive  Identify and discuss features of persuasive texts with (LO 1)
adjectives, interesting verbs and adverbs, and a focus on advertisements to understand why they  Create text for an authentic advert,
catchy slogans when making a pitch, i.e. Buy are effective. Recognise the importance of demonstrating an understanding of the influence
our robot! (LO 4) understanding the target audience. (LO 7) of the audience on their work. (Planning and
 Use language to express and justify opinions, structuring a persuasive text to appeal to a
e.g. to explain if they look forward to having specific audience.) (LO 6)
more robots in the future, or if they are afraid
robots will take over the world. (LO 11)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Argument and Debate; n/a Persuasive Inferring 6a: Verbs and the 6a: Audience 6a: Planning a
Giving Instructions Synthesising past tense 6b: Persuasive persuasive
6b: Verbs and the language advertisement
future tense 6b: Writing an
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary advertisement

Tier 1 examples: computer, remote control, head set, Text 6a: incredible, technology, motion, extending, flexible,
command, factories bionic, customise, emotions, adapt, sprint, lurking, loyal, action
Tier 2 examples: design, artificial, technology, terrain, Text 6b: exhibition, slither, elderly, relative, solution, less,
mechanical, perform, complicated, manipulate, recognise, companion, ideal, command, obedient, respond,
accurately, rigid, flexible, dynamic, innovation, dexterity detect
Tier 3 examples: humanoid, bionic, sensors, prototype
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Week 1 Week 1
Word study Text 6a: Cogmos – Your Amazing Robot Friend (p.66 - 68) Grammar: Verbs and the past tense (p.70)
Pair talking task: Robotalk Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.69) Writing skills: Audience (p.71)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.69) Writing genre: Planning a persuasive (p.71)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Vocabulary activity (p.69 - 70)
Digital poster (Question mode) Week 2
Pair talking task (Giving instructions): On my command Week 2 Grammar: Verbs and the future tense (p.76)
Text 6b: The Robotic Animals Exhibition (p.72 - 74) Writing skills: Persuasive language (p.77)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.75) Writing genre: Writing an advertisement (p.77)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.75)
Pair talking task: Which one am I? Vocabulary activity (p.75 - 76)
Digital poster (Let’s Talk! mode): Podcast
Oral presentation (Argument and debate): Robot or not
Lesson 4
Oral presentation (Argument and debate): Buy our
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their persuasive text
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their persuasive
Teacher observation text to an assessment portfolio.

Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation

Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 71 and p. 77).
poster Writing is differentiated by outcome.
Literacy – Ask children to bring in advertisements from magazines and newspapers. Discuss what the advertisements persuade people to do and the techniques used (e.g. headings,
straplines, questions to draw the reader in, pictures). Discuss with children how we can avoid being persuaded by advertisements. (Example: By understanding how companies try to
persuade us, we can avoid falling for ‘tricks’ such as catchy straplines or logos and fun, exciting images.)
Arts – Drama – Exploring and making drama
Partners role play a situation in which one person tries to persuade the other to attend an event such as a party or cinema trip. The second person is reluctant to go.
Visual Arts – Drawing
Children design their own robot. Encourage children to think imaginatively about what their robot could do. Children label parts of their robot.


STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Through talk and discussion, demonstrate  Use a range of word identification strategies,  Evaluate and critically choose appropriate
understanding of the topic by responding including context clues, to work out word meanings. strategies and content to create an effective
appropriately, particularly during partner and (LO 5) story.
small group talking tasks. (LO 6)  Use comprehension strategies including inferring, Use story writing as a tool to clarify and structure
 Develop categorical vocabulary related to questioning and visualising to engage with a text. thought and to express individuality. (LO 2)
Christmastime, including various Christmas (LO 9)  Plan, write and review a narrative text about a
symbols and decorations. (LO 8) Christmas story. (LO 7)

Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral storytelling ‘This year I will stay awake’ Narrative Inferring 7a: Adjectives 7a: Writing 7a: Planning a
by Paul Cookson Questioning 7b: Comparative descriptions Christmas story
Visualising adjectives 7b: Creating 7b: Writing a
Oral Vocabulary good characters Christmas story
Reading vocabulary
Tier 1 examples: countries, barbeque, cool box, stall, Text 7a: distant, normally, anxiety, glanced, fl ickered, hustle,
Christmas market, Christmas carol, decorations bustle, wistfully, ornament, eager, gazed, triumphantly
Tier 2 examples: customs, cultures, traditions, festive, Text 7b: mighty, expect, exactly, explained, genuine, believed,
scorching, essential, illuminated, browse, procession, re- tumble, deliver, solid, impressed, invisible, shining
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 7a: A Special Place for Christmas (p.78 - 80) Grammar: Adjectives (p.82)
Children around the world Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.81) Writing skills: Writing descriptions (p.83)
Pair talking task: Same and different Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.81) Writing genre: Planning a Christmas story (p.83)
Lesson 2 Vocabulary activity (p.81 - 82)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Week 2
Digital poster (Question mode) Week 2 Grammar: Comparative adjectives (p.88)
Pair talking task: Word tennis
Text 7b: Rover Saves Christmas (p.84 - 86) Writing skills: Creating good characters (p.89)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.87) Writing genre: Writing a Christmas story (p.89)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.87)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Vocabulary activity (p.87 - 88)
Pair-talking task (storytelling): A Christmas tale
Small group talking task: Festive Christmas table quiz
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): This year I will stay awake
Barrier game (Giving instructions): Decorate a
gingerbread man
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their Christmas story
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their Christmas
Teacher observation story to an assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 83 and p. 89).
poster Writing is differentiated by outcome.

Visual Arts – Construction/Paint and colour
Children design and make a Christmas tree decoration. Alternatively, children design and paint a Christmas card.
Literacy – Children discuss their favourite Christmas stories. Ask children to bring in their favourite Christmas books if possible. These might be books they have read recently or
stories they enjoyed as a younger child.
Gaeilge – Review some common adjectives with children as Gaeilge (‘mór’, ‘beag’, ‘ard’, ‘fada’, ‘gear’, ‘caol’, ‘leathan’, ‘olc’, ‘glan’, ‘salach’, ‘éasca’, ‘deacair’, ‘folamh’,
‘tapaidh’, ‘mall’, ‘daor’, ‘saor’, ‘trom’, ‘éadrom’, ‘tirim’, ‘fl iuch’, etc.).
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO8, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Listen and respond to the poster story.  Read two poems about winter developing their  Analyse how letter-sound correspondences,
Choose a winter activity to be the topic of a interest in and enjoyment of poetry. (LO 1) common spelling patterns and meaningful word
group debate. (LO 2)  Understand some of the ways in which conventions parts and roots impact on spelling, using this
 Use language flexibly to work collaboratively of print and sentence structure may be different in knowledge to correctly spell words in their
with partners and groups. poetry from narrative text, e.g. use of verse, line writing. (LO 4)
Adapt language style such as tone, pace, choice lengths, rhyme.  Analyse how letter-sound correspondences,
of vocabulary, gestures, facial expressions and Understand the use of prepositions in sentences. common spelling patterns and meaningful word
body language for a range of audiences during (LO 3) parts and roots impact on spelling, using this
a debate, while giving instructions and while knowledge to correctly spell words in their
reciting a poem. (LO 3) writing. (LO 5)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
n/a ‘Bob’s Sled’ by Kenn Nesbitt Poetry Inferring 8a: Prepositions 8a: Word web 8a: Planning a
Visualising of place 8b: Rhyme poem
Making connections 8b: Prepositions 8b: Writing a
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary of time poem

Tier 1 examples: snowflake, igloo, slope, slippery, Text 8a: silent, clothed, veils, patient, capture, patterns.
snowball, shades, activity bird-feeder, snow angel, ice- (Vocabulary revision: delight, surprisingly,
skating, sledding/sledging, sleigh scenery, wailing, terrify, consider.)
Tier 2 examples: transformed, scrambles, delicate, Text 8b: prancing, shimmering, glittering, sunbeam, nipped,
challenging, exhilarating, thrilling, smashed, glides, hunted. (Vocabulary revision: barely,
craze, luckily, nutritious, toboggan motionless, containing, distance, incredible, remain.)
Tier 3 examples: tubing
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Winter word game Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Story mode)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 8a: ‘Cobweb Morning’ (p.90) Grammar: Prepositions of place (p.92)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.91) Writing skills: Word web (p.93)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.91) Writing genre: Planning a poem (p.93)
Digital poster (Question mode) Vocabulary activity (p.91 - 92)
Pair talking task: Tell me how! Week 2
Week 2 Grammar: Prepositions of time (p.96)
Week 2 Text 8b: ‘Jack Frost in the Garden’ (p.94) Writing skills: Rhyme (p.97)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.95) Writing genre: Writing a poem (p.97)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.95)
Pair talking task (Argument and debate): The greatest Vocabulary activity (p.95 - 96)
winter activity
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘Bob’s Sled’
Winter movement poem
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their poem using
Questioning: Use the prompts. smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their poem to an
Teacher observation assessment portfolio.

Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation

Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 93 and p. 97).
poster Writing is differentiated by outcome.

Literacy – Children read and compare other poems about winter: ‘The Snowman’ by Wes Magee, ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost, ‘Winter’ by Walter de la
Mare, etc.
Gaeilge – Review winter weather words and phrases with children (‘ag cur sneachta’, ‘bán’, ‘sioc’, ‘ag plúcadh sneachta’, ‘liathróidí’, ‘leach oighir’, ‘fear sneachta’, etc.).
SESE – Weather, climate and atmosphere – Weather and climate
Discuss the effects of cold weather and snow on animals in wintertime.
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Choose, read and critically respond to recounts for  Plan, draft, edit, rewrite and review a recount
pleasure, interest and to understand and compare text. (LO 7)
two different kinds of recount. (LO 2)  Write legibly and fluently in a chosen script and
 Read recount texts with the appropriate pace, present their text in a format appropriate to a
accuracy and expression. (LO 10) recount. (LO 9)

Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Recount ‘Boy’s Game’ by Eric Finney Recount Making connections 9a: Apostrophes – 9a: Paragraphs 9a: Planning a
Predicting contractions 9b: Building recount
Inferring 9b: Apostrophes – details 9b: Writing a
possession recount
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary
Tier 1: whistle, goalkeeper, hurling, sliotar, balance, Text 9a: display, routines, nervous, gulped, fl uttering, honest,
cones, balance, viewing, perfectly, excellent,
control embarrassed, absolute
Tier 2: practicing, indicate, shooting, struggling, Text 9b: coach, blog, disappointed, grid, furious, dribble,
wobbles, topples, frustrating, improving, technique, totally, fewest, immediately, impossible,
whacking, triumphantly, grip and swing, jab-lift gathered, confident
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster: Talk and discussion Text 9a: The Gymnastics Show (p.98 - 100) Grammar: Apostrophes – contractions (p.102)
Pair Talking Task: Can you tell me? Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.101) Writing skills: Paragraphs (p.103)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.101) Writing genre: Planning a recount (p.103)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Vocabulary activity (p.101 - 102)
Digital poster (Question mode) Week 2
Pair talking task: Be my cheerleader! Week 2 Grammar: Apostrophes – possession (p.108)
Text 9b: Hurling Skills (p.104 - 106) Writing skills: Building details (p.109)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.107) Writing genre: Writing a recount (p.109)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.107)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Vocabulary activity (p.107 - 108)
Pair talking task: An alien on earth
Oral recount: When I learned something new
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): Boy’s game?
Argument and Debate: Gender stereotypes
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their recount using
Questioning: Use the prompts. smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their recount to an
Teacher observation assessment portfolio.

Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation

Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 103 and p.
poster 109). Writing is differentiated by outcome.

Drama – Exploring and making drama
Children create a series of freeze-frames showing the different stages of the gymnastics show: a nervous Amy getting ready, Amy’s mam taking photos of her with her grandparents,
waiting while Devlina has her turn on the beam, falling off the beam, and taking a bow afterwards. You could expand on this and have children create freeze-frames for other sports
scenarios (e.g. a football team winning or losing an important match).
PE – Gymnastics/games
Children devise a short, simple gymnastics sequence to display to others. This could be done individually or in groups. Or hold a PE session in which children play a team game or
practise skills for team games. Children then discuss and reflect on what they have learned.
UNIT: 10
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Listen and respond to the poster story and  Acquire new vocabulary related to sporting activities  Evaluate and critically choose appropriate tools,
podcast. (e.g. grasps, ramps, ceremony, opponent). Use strategies, content and topics to write an
Choose and share with the class a person who knowledge of root words and other strategies to effective report. (LO 2)
has been an inspiration to them. help work out unfamiliar words (e.g. work out the  Create a report about skiing, demonstrating an
Select questions to ask in an interview setting, meaning of 'Alpine' from knowledge of the Alps). increasing understanding of the influence of the
i.e. My life as a pro athlete. (LO 2) (LO 6) audience on their work (e.g. planning how to
 Ask and respond to a range of open and closed  Understand author's intent in writing a report (e.g. write a clear and interesting report). (LO 6)
questions relating to winter sports. to convey information on a topic by grouping similar
Generate appropriate questions to ask in a information together in clear subsections, etc.).
fictional interview and use the answers to (LO 8)
these questions as the basis of a report. (LO 7)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral report n/a Report Summarising 10a: Pronouns 10a: Captions 10a: Planning a
Inferring 10b: Pronouns and labels report
Determining importance 10b: Fact boxes 10b: Writing a
Synthesising and bullet report
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary points

Tier 1 examples: sled, sleigh, snowboarder, skier, goal, Text 10a: perform, Alpine, glide, Freestyle, grasps, ramps,
downhill, uphill, pilot, glide, fast-moving, thrilling, bolted, surfing, protect, injured, competition, include,
competitor, awesome, athlete ceremony, amazing
Tier 2 examples: opponent, dense, wind resistance, Text 10b: exciting, surface, opponent, brilliant, popular, special,
awe-inspiring, adjustments, faint-hearted, powdery guard, assist, central, fantastic, high-quality, risky
Tier 3 examples: skeleton, bobsleigh, puck
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode)
Whole class talking task: My inspiration Week 1 Week 1
Lesson 2 Text 10a: Snowboarding (p.110 - 112) Grammar: Pronouns (p.114)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.113) Writing skills: Captions and labels (p.115)
Digital poster (Question mode) Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.113) Writing genre: Planning a report (p.115)
True or false? Vocabulary activity (p.113 - 114)
Week 2
Week 2 Week 2 Grammar: Pronouns (p.120)
Lesson 3 Text 10b: Ice Hockey (p.116 - 117) Writing skills: Fact boxes and bullet points (p.121)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.119) Writing genre: Writing a report (p.121)
Group talking task: Talk like a snowboarder Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.119)
Lesson 4 Vocabulary activity (p.119 - 120)
Digital poster (Let’s Talk! mode): Why I love
Pair talking task (Oral report): My life as a pro athlete
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their report using
Questioning: Use the prompts. smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their report to an
Teacher observation assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 115 and p.
poster 121). Writing is differentiated by outcome.
SESE – Geography – Maps, globes and geographical skills
Ask children to locate the following countries on a world map: South Korea, Canada, Russia, Italy and the United States. Explain that all these are countries in which the Winter
Olympics have been held in the twenty-first century.
SESE – Science – Energy and forces
Investigate friction by asking children to push objects over rough and smooth surfaces. Which surfaces have most and least friction? How much friction do they think ice has? Explore
wind resistance by investigating how objects can be slowed with parachutes.
UNIT: 11
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Demonstrate understanding of the topic by  Acquire increasingly challenging vocabulary (e.g.  Use interesting and appropriate vocabulary when
responding appropriately in discussion, ferocious, spluttered, dismay, declared). writing a fantasy story, including effective use of
particularly during partner and small group Draw on an increasing knowledge of synonyms, similes. (LO 5)
talking tasks. (LO 6) antonyms and etymology to work out the meaning  Create an exciting fantasy story, demonstrating
 Elaborate on elements of the poster story when of unfamiliar words in narrative. an increasing understanding of plot development
inventing a fairy tale of their own based around Use appropriate reference materials, including a and the influence of the audience on their work
one of the poster characters. (LO 9) dictionary and a thesaurus, to uncover the meaning (e.g. planning how to make a story interesting for
of unknown words. (LO 6) the reader). (LO 6)
 Respond to the aesthetic, creative, and imaginative
aspects of narrative fantasy texts and defend their
preferences and opinions (e.g. explaining their views
about a story). (LO 7)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral storytelling ‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel’ by Narrative Summarising 11a: Dictionary 11a: Similes 11a: Planning a
Kenn Nesbitt Making connections skills 11b: Story plot story
Inferring 11b: Thesaurus 11b: Writing a
Visualising skills fantasy story
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary
Tier 1 examples: fantasy, character, brave, knight, Text 11a: ferocious, scorched, livestock, declared, lair, peasant,
princess, beast, roar, fairy story, sword, beanstalk, troll, spluttered, mysterious, slay, muttering, massive
bridge, hero Text 11b: concerned, disgusting, gathering, wandering,
Tier 2 examples: stereotype, traditional, mischievous, absolutely, terrified, stammered, allowed, snout, dismay,
hideous, revolting, lair, considerate, ferocious, disappointed, suggested, diet
courageous, brandishing, slay, heroic, polite, jealous,
gleefully, gruesome, confident, cunning, poisonous,
meek, encouraging, bewitch, predictable
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Class discussion Week 1 Week 1
Shrek trailer Text 11a: The Dragon of Duma (p.122 - 124) Grammar: Dictionary skills (p.126)
Digital poster (Story mode) Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.125) Writing skills: Similes (p.127)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.125) Writing genre: Planning a story (p.127)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Vocabulary activity (p.125 - 126)
Digital poster (Question mode) Week 2
Create a character Week 2 Grammar: Thesaurus skills (p.132)
Text 11b: Billy Beast (p.128 - 130) Writing skills: Story plot (p.133)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.131) Writing genre: Writing a fantasy story (p.133)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.131)
Digital poster (Explore mode) – Talk and discussion Vocabulary activity (p.131 - 132)
Fabricate a fairy-tale
Digital poster (Let’s Talk! mode): Stereotypes
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel’
Group improvisation: What happened next?
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their fantasy story
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their fantasy story
Teacher observation to an assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 127 and p.
poster 133). Writing is differentiated by outcome.
Drama – Exploring and making drama
Children take on the role of villagers and discuss whether or not to trust the woman.
Children take turns to be placed in the hot-seat in the role of the woman. The class ask who she is and where she came from.
Visual Arts – Paint, draw and clay
Children draw or paint a picture of the dragon, using the description in the text.
SESE – Living things – Plant and animal life
Children discuss and compare the habitat the dragon might need, with the habitat Billy Beast and his parents might need.
Read other Seriously Silly Stories by Laurence Anholt.
UNIT: 12
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO10, LO11 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Use language flexibly to work collaboratively  Develop their interest in and enjoyment of reading  Create an authentic procedural text,
with partners and groups. procedural texts. demonstrating an increasing understanding of
Adapt language style such as tone, pace, choice Engage with procedural texts of increasing the influence of the audience on their work (e.g.
of vocabulary, gestures, facial expressions and complexity. (LO 1) planning and writing a clear procedure with
body language when giving instructions in  Analyse and identify the print conventions precise language). (LO 6)
order to be as clearly understood as possible. commonly used in procedural texts, e.g. sequentially  Write legibly and fluently in a chosen script using
(LO 3) numbered instructions; diagrams with labels. a personal style and present text in a layout and
 Use language clearly and precisely to deliver a Analyse sentence structures including understanding format appropriate for a procedural text. (LO 9)
set of instructions, e.g. Origami how-to. the role of conjunctions in sentences. (LO 3)
Give relevant, clear, simple information in a set
of instructions, using adverbs and adjectives to
add clarity where possible. (LO 11)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Giving instructions ‘A Dragon in the Classroom’ Procedure Inferring 12a: Conjunctions 12a: Using 12a: Planning a
by Charles Thomson Determining importance 12b: Conjunctions precise procedure
Clarifying language 12b: Writing a
12b: procedure
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary Sequencing
Tier 1 examples: activities, inspired, cutting, pastime, Text 12a: sculptures, materials, leadership, courage, wisdom,
painting, sewing, snipping, creatures, pipe cleaners, curiosity, represents, loyalty, sketch,
wonderful, imaginations similar, magnificent
Tier 2 examples: cylinder, coil, Native American, Text 12b: imagine, twine, reel, design, symmetrical, roughly,
engaging, intricate, totem poles, persevere, vivid, vivid, frame, width, secure, tow,awesome
Tier 3 examples: cylinder, putty
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion (part Week 1 Week 1
1) Text 12a: How to Make a Totem Pole (p.134 - 136) Grammar: Conjunctions (p.138)
Digital poster (Story mode) Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.137) Writing skills: Using precise language (p.139)
Digital poster: Talk and discussion (part 2) Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.137) Writing genre: Planning a procedure (p.139)
Word study: ‘Craft’ Vocabulary activity (p.137 - 138)
Lesson 2 Week 2
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Week 2 Grammar: Conjunctions (p.144)
Digital poster (Question mode) Text 12b: How to Make a Fantastic Creature Kite (p.140 - 142) Writing skills: Sequencing instructions (p.145)
Whole class talking task: Odd one out Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.143) Writing genre: Writing a procedure (p.145)
Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.143)
Week 2 Vocabulary activity (p.143 - 144)
Lesson 3
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion
Pair talking task (Giving instructions): Origami how-to
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘A Dragon in the Classroom’
Pair talking task: Building a classroom dragon
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their procedure
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their procedure to
Teacher observation an assessment portfolio.

Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation

Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 139 and p.
poster 145). Writing is differentiated by outcome.

Visual Arts – Construction
Children make totem poles or fantastic creatures by following the instructions in the texts. Children could also make pipe cleaner crocodiles prior to writing their own
SESE – History
Children research the culture and lifestyle of the Native American peoples of America, focusing on how they lived in the past and on their cultural traditions.


UNIT: 13
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Actively listen to and extract meaning from an oral  Compare sounds and patterns in words ending with  Evaluate and critically choose appropriate tools,
report about the human body. 'gue' (e.g. tongue) and in words containing a soft 'g' strategies, content and topics to write an
(LO 1) sound (e.g. average). (LO 4) effective explanation text. (LO 2)
 Develop vocabulary on the topic of the human  Use a range of word identification strategies flexibly  Use a variety of sentence structures in an
body.mUse newly acquired vocabulary in an oral and with confidence, to work out unfamiliar words explanation text, ensuring clarity. (LO 3)
report on either the liver or the kidneys. in a text. (LO 5)
Explore and develop an understanding of complex
scientific and medical vocabulary (e.g. The Secret
Language of Doctors).
Explore the Latin root words of medical terms (e.g.
cardio, osteo, etc.). (LO 5)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral report ‘Be Glad Your Nose Is on Explanation Inferring 13a: 13a: KWL charts 13a: Planning an
Your Face’ by Jack Prelutsky Summarising Homophones for explanation text
Clarifying 13b: explanations 13b: Writing an
Homophones 13b: Drafting explanation
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary and editing

Tier 1 examples: heart, lungs, kidneys, oxygen, transfer, Text 13a: enable, moist, average, prevent, examine,
organ, digest, muscles transparent, sensitive, images, adjusts, focus, sense, messages
Tier 2 examples: diagram, signals, fascinating Text 13b: substances, digests, stored, vitamins, system, acids,
Tier 3 examples: epidermis, follicle, nervous system absorb, muscles, expands, bacteria, squelch, nutrients
Content Content Content
Week 1 rd
Starlight 3 Class Combined Reading and Skills Book rd
Starlight 3 Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and Discussion Text 13a: How Does the Human Eye Work? (p.146 - 148) Grammar: Homophones (p.150)
Word study: ‘Vital’ Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.149) Writing skills: KWL charts for explanations (p.151)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.149) Writing genre: Planning an explanation text (p.151)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap
Digital poster (Question mode) Vocabulary activity (p.149 - 150)
Pair talking task: Brain to body Week 2
The Secret Language of Doctors Week 2 Grammar: Homophones (p.156)
Text 13b: How Do Humans Digest a Tuna Sandwich? (p. 152 – Writing skills: Drafting and editing (p.157)
Week 2 154) Writing genre: Writing an explanation (p.157)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.155)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.155)
Digital poster (Let’s Talk! mode): Microscopic images Vocabulary activity (p.155 - 156)
Group talking task (Oral report): Our kidneys/Our liver
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘Be Glad Your Nose Is on
Your Face’
Group talking task: Body part poem
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their explanation
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their explanation
Teacher observation to an assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 151 and p.
poster 157). Writing is differentiated by outcome.

SESE – Science – Living things – Human life
Children look at a diagram or picture of the human body and locate major organs such as the heart, lungs, brain, stomach, intestines, liver. Children discuss how the body is supported
by a skeleton and learn about the actions of muscles, bones and joints.
Children use different activities to explore how we see. They look at each other’s pupils to see if they are small or large – how much light is hitting the eye? They look through a pin-
hole in card to understand how someone with tunnel vision sees. They look at objects through coloured acetates.
SPHE – Taking care of my body – Food and nutrition
Children learn about the need for a healthy, balanced diet. They group food they ate for breakfast or lunch into categories (e.g. protein, fat, carbohydrate). Children design a healthy
packed lunch.


UNIT: 14
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO9, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Create and tell an oral story using imaginative  Compare, contrast and critically reflect on the intent  Analyse how letter-sound correspondences,
language. of different authors and discuss various common spelling patterns and meaningful word
Summarise the story using appropriate interpretations of narrative texts. (LO 8) parts and roots impact on spelling, using this
sequencing and language. (LO 9)  Use comprehension strategies including inferring, knowledge to correctly spell words in their
 Respond to the poem, ‘The Old Brown Horse’. questioning, synthesising and predicting to engage writing. (LO 4)
Manipulate language creatively when with narrative texts. (LO 9)  Plan, draft, edit and write an effective story with
constructing their own role play conversations. a powerful opening. (LO 7)
(LO 10)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral storytelling ‘The Old Brown Horse’ by Narrative Questioning 14a: Its and it’s 14a: Story 14a: Planning a
W. F. Holmes Inferring 14b: Revision – openings story
Synthesising capital letters and 14b: Varying 14b: Writing a
Predicting punctuation sentences story
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary
Tier 1 examples: bright, dashed, shrieked, shock, gasp, Text 14a: grim, stunned, unfortunately, sanctuary, devoted,
recovered, slammed, struggling, sloppy, friend, slipped, frail, gnawed, savaged, released, solution, volunteers,
delighted desperate
Tier 2 examples: stroll, excitable, precious, trembling, Text 14b: cautiously, biding, thunderous, unaware, pedestrian,
horrified, quivered, whimpered, unconscious, anxiously, feverishly, wrenched, rump, catapulted, recalled, dismounted,
reassured, relieved, thorough, headlong, oncoming, halt dazedly, deserted
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 14a: Save Our Sanctuary! (p.158 - 160) Grammar: Its and it’s (p.162)
Small group talking task: Show the feeling Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.161) Writing skills: Story openings (p.163)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.161) Writing genre: Planning a story (p.163)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Vocabulary activity (p.162)
Digital poster (Question mode) Week 2
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion
Hot seat: Was it my fault? Week 2 Grammar: Revision – capital letters and punctuation
Text 14b: The Hodgeheg (p.164 - 166) (p.168)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.167) Writing skills: Varying sentences (p.169)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.167) Writing genre: Writing a story (p.169)
Class discussion: Vet Ranch Vocabulary activity (p.167 - 168)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion
Group talking task: Oral storytelling
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘The Old Brown Horse’
Pair talking task: Young and old
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their story using
Questioning: Use the prompts. smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their story to an
Teacher observation assessment portfolio.

Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation

Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 163 and p.
poster 169). Writing is differentiated by outcome.
Children read the complete novel: The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith. Children read and compare other stories by Dick King-Smith.
Children work in pairs to role play the characters of Aoife and Natasha from the fi rst story. Aoife questions Natasha about what exactly happened when the car hit the fox, how she felt
when she saw the injured fox and how she felt when the fox was saved.
SESE – Science – Living things – Plant and animal life
Children research hedgehogs, including their habitats, what they eat and why they hibernate.
Review the names of animals with children (‘gráinneog’/hedgehog, ‘péist ’/worm, ‘madra rua ’/fox, ‘fia’/deer, ‘coinín’/rabbit, etc.).
UNIT: 15
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO9, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO8, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Use language flexibly and with empathy to  Acquire vocabulary of words linked to reviews (e.g.  Create an authentic book review, demonstrating
work collaboratively with partners and groups recommend, hilarious, superb, professional). an understanding of fact and opinion and an
and in class debate. Draw on an increasing knowledge of word structure increasing understanding of the influence of the
Adapt language style such as tone, pace, choice and word parts, including the prefix ‘multi’, to audience on their work (e.g. planning and writing
of vocabulary, gestures, facial expressions and independently uncover the meaning of words a convincing review for a specific audience).
body language for a range of audiences whilst encountered in texts. (LO 6)
improvising conversations and debating. (LO 3) Use knowledge of synonyms (e.g. glimmer – glow,  Discuss and evaluate a partner’s review of their
 Select information to communicate ideas and shine etc.) to clarify and discuss the meaning of new texts. (LO 8)
opinions for purposes such as debating, and familiar vocabulary. (LO 5)
explaining, justifying and persuading. (LO 11)  Understand the author's intent in persuasive texts
and evaluate how well the text supports it. (LO 8)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Argument and debate n/a Persuasive (personal Inferring 15a: Revision – 15a: Fact and 15a: Planning a
response) Visualising apostrophes opinion book review
Synthesising 15b: Revision – 15b: Powerful 15b: Writing a
Summarising nouns, verbs and language book review
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary adjectives

Tier 1 examples: commands, shouts, bravely, roar, Text 15a: humour, glimmer, teases, realistic, recommend,
captain, action, pirate, battle, dancer, wicked invented, imaginary, clambering, swarming, gasoline engine,
Tier 2 examples: aside, menacing, tense, ominous, information, old-fashioned
gripped, pursued, finale, impressive, sneering, swirling, Text 15b: suffering, haunting, revenge, modern, highlight,
galaxy, stunning, illuminate, courageous, utterly, definitely, comedy, superb, hilarious, outstanding,
victorious professional, talented
Tier 3: lightsaber, props
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode)
Digital poste (Explore mode): Talk and discussion) Week 1 Week 1
Word study: ‘Finale’ Text 15a: Read This! (p.170 - 172) Grammar: Revision – apostrophes (p.174)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.173) Writing skills: Fact and opinion (p.175)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.173) Writing genre: Planning a book review (p.175)
Digital poster (Question mode) Vocabulary activity (p.173 - 174)
Pair talking task: Can you tell me? Week 2
Pair talking task: Let me persuade you Week 2 Grammar: Revision – nouns, verbs and adjectives (p.180)
Text 15b: Watch This! (p.176 - 178) Writing skills: Powerful language (p.181)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.179) Writing genre: Writing a book review (p.181)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.179)
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Vocabulary activity (p.179 - 180)
Group talking task: Let’s talk about it
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Let’s Talk! mode): Book or movie?
Class debate: Book or movie?
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their book review
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their book review
Teacher observation to an assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 175 and p.
poster 181). Writing is differentiated by outcome.
Children read the novels Captain Crow’s Teeth by Eoin Colfer or The Firework-Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman.
Children discuss their favourite book from what they have read this year. In groups, children take turns to talk about their favourite book while other group members question
them about why they like it.
Children read the poem ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’. Children could read the poem aloud, with different children/groups reading each verse.
In groups, children act out the story of the Pied Piper. Two children play the parts of the Pied Piper and the Mayor, while others play the parts of townspeople.


UNIT: 16
STRAND: Oral Language STRAND: Reading STRAND: Writing
Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered Learning Outcomes Covered
Elements Elements Elements
Communicating: LO1, LO2, LO3, Communicating: LO1, LO2 Communicating: LO1, LO2
Understanding: LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Understanding: LO3, LO4, LO5,
Exploring and Using: LO7, LO9, LO10, LO11, LO12 Exploring and Using: LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10 Exploring and Using: LO6, LO7, LO9
Oral Language Learning Experiences Reading Learning Experiences Writing Learning Experiences
The child should be able to: The child should be able to: The child should be able to:
 Use sentences of varying length, structure and  Develop their interest in and enjoyment of poetry.  Engage positively and purposefully while creating
complexity when describing characters and Engage with poems of increasing complexity. (LO 1) a poem about a teacher who steals sounds.
musical instruments, when discussing  Identify and discuss the features of shape and Use writing poetry as a tool to clarify and
performances and when telling an oral story. rhyming poems. Understand the use of alliteration structure thought and to express individuality.
(LO 4) and onomatopoeia in poems. Respond to the (LO 1)
 Listen and respond to the poem, ‘Sound aesthetic, creative, and imaginative aspects of  Use, analyse and evaluate the typical text
Countdown’. poems and defend their preferences and opinions. structure and language features associated with
Manipulate language creatively and playfully to (LO 7) poetry, including rhyme, alliteration and
create a sound poem. (LO 10) onomatopoeia. (LO 6)
Oral language text type Oral language poem Reading Genre Comprehension Strategy Grammar Writing skills Writing genre
Oral storytelling ‘Sound Countdown’ by Poetry Inferring 16a: Proofreading 16a: 16a: Planning a
Robert Hull Visualising 16b: Revision – Onomatopoeia sound poem
proofreading 16b: 16b: Writing a
Alliteration sound poem
Oral Vocabulary Reading vocabulary
Tier 1 examples: beginning, sweet, blasts, trumpet, Text 16a: mellow, frantic, chirpy, jangling, twanging, bass.
disaster, forgotten, yawn, punchy, concentrate, raises, (Vocabulary revision: display, confident,
notes, completely protect, fantastic, mysterious, stammered.)
Tier 2 examples: passionate, devotion, classical, Text 16b: crunching, hissing, bubbling, gurgle, swishing,
enthusiastically, melody, resolutely, request, engrossed, creaking. (Vocabulary revision: magnificent, awesome,
soulful, mellow, entire, triumphantly, flourish stunned, desperate, highlight, feverishly.)
Content Content Content
Week 1 Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book Starlight 3rd Class Combined Reading and Skills Book
Lesson 1
Digital poster (Story mode) Week 1 Week 1
Digital poster (Explore mode): Talk and discussion Text 16a: ‘Electric Guitars’ (p.182) Grammar: Proofreading (p.184)
Word study: ‘onomatopoeia’ Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.183) Writing skills: Onomatopoeia (p.185)
Lesson 2 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.183) Writing genre: Planning a sound poem (p.185)
Digital poster (Story mode): Recap
Digital poster (Question mode) Vocabulary activity (p.183 - 184)
Pair talking task: Which one am I? Week 2
Group talking task: Which musical instrument? Week 2 Grammar: Revision – proofreading (p.188)
Text 16b: ‘The Sound Collector’ (p.186) Writing skills: Alliteration (p.189)
Week 2 Comprehension questions: Fact finding (p.187) Writing genre: Writing a sound poem (p.189)
Lesson 3 Comprehension questions: Read between the lines (p.187)
Whole class: Talk and discussion Vocabulary activity (p.187 - 188)
Pair talking task: Perform a poem or story
Group talking task: Oral story
Lesson 4
Digital poster (Poem mode): ‘Sound Countdown’
Group task: Create a short oral sound poem
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Oral language assessment checklist Reading assessment checklist Writing assessment checklist
Teacher-designed tests and tasks Self-assessment: Children self-assess their sound poem
Questioning: Use the prompts. using smiley faces.
Conferencing Portfolio assessment: Children can add their sound poem
Teacher observation to an assessment portfolio.
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Starters and flyers modes in the digital poster Challenge questions in combined reading and skills book All children carry out the same writing tasks (Starlight 3rd
Below-, on- and above-level questions in the digital Early finishers/Alternative questions worksheets Class Combined Reading and Skills Book p. 185 and p.
poster 189). Writing is differentiated by outcome.
Children read other shape poems by James Carter, such as ‘The Moon Speaks’ or ‘Tree’. Children read other poems that celebrate sounds, such as ‘Splish! Splash! Splosh!’ by James
Music and SESE – Science
Children explore how sound can be made by making different materials vibrate (e.g. skin of drums, plastic rulers on table, strings of instruments). Children design and make simple
string instruments and explore how changes in the length, thickness or tension of strings affect sound.
Children listen to a piece of music and identify the different instruments they can hear.

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