Phos Dip BZP 7

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Phos Dip BZP 7 is a black pre-dip system used by immersion prior to zinc phosphating. Phos
Dip BZP 7 provides a matte-black, uniform finish. Phos Dip BZP 7 is highly concentrated.
When used with Hydrochloric Acid, very small incremental additions are needed to maintain
consistently dark coatings.


Phos Dip BZP 7 is a liquid product weighing 11.2 lbs./gallon, shipped in 50 lb. containers and
600 lb. drums.


The Phos Dip BZP 7 tank should be constructed of polypropylene, PVC or similar acid resistant


Phos Dip BZP 7 is an acidic liquid containing Hydrochloric Acid.

Read the current Safety Data Sheet thoroughly before using this product.


Bath Parameters

Concentration: 12 – 15 % by vol. Hydrochloric Acid 20Be

0.5 - 0.75% Phos Dip BZP 7
Time: 30 seconds - 3 minutes
Temperature: Ambient - 110F
Free Acid: 25 - 35 points

Phos Dip BZP 7, continued Page 2

Fill tank ¾ full with water. Carefully add 12 gallons of Hydrochloric Acid for every 100 gallons
of tank volume. Mix well. Add Phos Dip BZP 7 at 0.1% increments, mix thoroughly. If the
processed work is not black enough, increase immersion time or operating temperatures.
Agitation may also help accomplish the desired color. Maintain the free acid level with additions
of Hydrochloric Acid when Phos Dip BZP 7 is being used.

CAUTION: Over additions of Phos Dip BZP 7 will result in black rub-off on finished work.
Make small additions of Phos Dip BZP 7 as needed by observing the work being


1. Measure 2 mls. of Phos Dip BZP 7 bath into a clean beaker.

2. Add 4 - 6 drops of Bromphenol Blue Indicator.
3. Titrate sample with 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide to blue endpoint.
4. mls. of 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide = Free Acid Points.

Maintain a Free Acid of 25 - 35 Points with additions of Hydrochloric Acid. An addition of 2

1/2 gallons of Hydrochloric Acid to 100 gallons of working bath will increase the Free Acid by 5


Consult local, state and federal authorities for waste disposal requirements.


The data contained in this bulletin is believed by Heatbath Corporation to be accurate, true and
complete. Recommended parameters are based on a typical process and may be altered to
accommodate specific requirements. Since, however, final use of the product is beyond our
control, no warranty of results is expressed or should be implied.

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