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Yearly Examination, 2010-2011

Mathematics Paper II
Secondary 5 Date: 23 June, 2011.
Time: 8:30-9:30
Full Marks: 80

1. Write down the information required in the spaces provided on the Answer Sheet.
2. When told to open this question paper, check that all the questions are there. Look for the
words “END OF PAPER” after the last question.
3. Answer all questions. All the answers should be marked on the answer sheet provided.
4. You should mark only ONE answer for each question. Two or more answers will score no
5. There are 40 questions in this paper. All questions carry equal marks.
6. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

1. Which of the following graphs shows that y is
partly constant and partly varies directly as x? Which of the following is true?

A. B.
A. y x

B. y

C. y x
D. y (x + 1)

C. D.

4. Find the minimum value of k

such that the simultaneous
have real solutions.
A. –10
B. 10
2. Suppose (2x – y) (x + y). Which of the
C. –5
following is true? D. 5

A. y x 5. Which of the following points

lie(s) inside the circle C : x2 + y2
B. y
+ 4x + 16y + 28 = 0?
C. y x 2
I. P(0, 14)
D. y II. Q(4,2)
III. R(3, 4)
3. The following table shows several pairs of IV. S(4, 2)
x and y.
A. II only
x 1 2 4 6 B. III only
y 3 12 48 108 C. II and III only
D. I and IV only

6. In the figure, the graph of y =

g(x) is obtained by translating
the graph of y = x2 – 2x in the
direction of the x-axis. If A(0, 3)
lies on the graph of y = g(x),
find the symbolic representation

of g(x).

The plastic bottle is cut and unfolded

as a flat surface. Which of the
A. g(x) = x2 – 1 following figures shows the locus of
B. g(x) = x + 4x + 3
the insect?
C. g(x) = x2 – 8x + 15 A. B.
D. g(x) = x2 – 4x + 3

7. Solve .
A. x=2
B. x=3
C. x=
D. x= C. D.


In the figure, the circle touches the y-axis,

the equation of the circle is
A. x2 + y2 + 14x + 12y – 36 = 0.
10. A shopkeeper has 10 keys,
B. x2 + y2 – 14x – 12y + 36 = 0.
only one of which can open
C. x2 + y2 + 7x – 6y + 18 = 0.
the shop. If the keys are
D. x2 + y2 – 7x + 6y – 18 = 0.
chosen at random one by one
without repetition, find the
9. An insect crawls on the inner surface of a
probability that he can open
cylindrical plastic bottle from point A to point B
the door in less than 3 trials.
with the shortest path.

B. C.




13. In the figure, ,

, BD bisects
The equations of lines L1 and L2 are y = .
–1 and x = 1 respectively. A moving
point P(x , y) maintains an equal
distance from L1 and L2. Which of the
following is the equation of the locus of
I. x–y=0
II. x+y=0
III. x–y=2

A. .
A. II only B. .
B. III only C. .
C. I and III only D. .
D. II and III only
12. Which of the following box-and-whisker
diagrams may represent the data 17, 13, 19, 21,
17, 23?
A. 14.



Find ∠PSR.
A. 79.6, cor. to 3 sig. fig.
B. 82.3, cor. to 3 sig. fig.
C. 84.8, cor. to 3 sig. fig. In the figure, the bearings of B and C
D. 90 from A are 140 and 200
respectively, and the bearing of C
15. from B is 245. Given that B and C
are 10 km apart, find the distance
between A and C, correct to 3
significant figures.
A. 9.43 km
B. 9.73 km
C. 11.2 km
D. 12.0 km

In the figure, AB is a flagpole with 17.

height 10 m vertically erected on an
inclined plane with an inclination of
15. Given that the angle between sun
rays and the horizontal plane is 65, find
the length of the shadow BF, correct to
3 significant figures.

A. 4.29 m In the figure, VABCD is a pyramid

B. 4.66 m whose base is a rectangle. M is the
C. 5.52 m mid-point of AB and VM is
D. 7.09 m perpendicular to the plane ABCD.
Given that AB = 10 cm, BC = 6 cm and
VM = 8 cm, find the angle between VC
and the plane ABCD, correct to the
nearest degree.

II. Range of A > range of B.
A. 44 III. Inter-quartile range of A =
B. 46 inter-quartile
C. 58 range of B.
D. 61 A. I and II only
18. B. I and III only
A B C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
E 20. The mean and the standard deviation of
35 cm
the lengths of the rolls of toilet paper
of a brand are 2 400 cm and 17.2 cm
respectively. If the lengths of the rolls
15 cm
of toilet paper of this brand are
15 cm
normally distributed, find the
F percentage of the rolls of toilet paper
The dimension of a card is 15 cm  35 with lengths less than 2 365.6 cm.
cm. When two identical cards stand (Assume that in a normal distribution,
on a table as shown in the diagram, 68%, 95% and 99.7% of the data lie
the angle between them is . within one, two and three standard
Calculate the angle between plane deviations respectively from the mean.)
FAD and the table. A. 2.35%
B. 2.5%
A. 63.6
C. 97.5%
B. 66.6
D. 100%
C. 69.6
D. 72.6 21. Given two groups of numbers:
19. Group A: a + 1, a + 2, a + 3
Group B: b + 1, b + 2, b + 3
where m1 and m2 are the means of the
group A and B respectively, s1 and s2
are the standard deviations of group A
and B respectively. If a > b, which of
the following is true ?

A. and
The figure shows the cumulative B. and
frequency curve of two data sets, A and B. C. and
Which of the following must be correct? D. and
I. Median of A > median of B.

22. Suppose z varies jointly as x and the
square root of y. If x increases by 8% and y
decreases by 19%, find the percentage change
of z. 25. If the straight line y = mx + 6 is a
tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = 12,
A. Decreased by 2.8% find the possible values of m.
B. Decreased by 7.2% A. or
B. or
C. Decreased by 11%
D. Decreased by 10.2% C. or
23. Suppose y varies directly as x. Which of
D. or
the following must be true?
I. y will be increased by 10 when x is 26. In the figure, C is a moving point.
increased by 10. OACB is a quadrilateral. Which of the
II. y will be decreased by 10% if x is following dotted lines shows the locus
decreased by 10%. of C such that the area of OACB is
III. y varies directly as x . fixed?

A. II only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

24. In the figure, the circle C : x2 + y2  8x  A. B.

6y + 12 = 0 and the straight line L intersect
at A and B. If the straight line L divides the
circle C into two equal parts, find the
equation of L.

C. D.




correct to 3 significant figures.

A. 50.6
B. 52.0
C. 54.9
D. 58.1
G(0 , 3) and H(5 , 0) are two points in a
rectangular coordinate plane. Point P(x , y) moves
such that PG  PH. Find the equation of the locus
of P.
A. 3x + 5y – 15 = 0
B. 5x – 3y – 8 = 0
C. x2 + y2 – 5x – 3y = 0
D. x2 + y2 – 10x – 6y = 0

Find ∠CDA.
In the figure, ABCDEFGH is a cube
A. 77.4, cor. to 3 sig. fig. and the diagonals BE and CF
B. 77.6, cor. to 3 sig. fig. intersect at X. If ∠BXC =  , find
C. 78
D. 78.2, cor. to 3 sig. fig.





31. The box-and whisker diagram shows

In the figure, ABD is a triangle. Find , the marks distribution of students in

Chinese and English examination. I. New mean < 98
II. New standard deviation < c
III. New range = 83

A. I only
B. III only
From the diagram above, which of the following C. I and II only
are correct? D. I and III only
I. The ranges of marks of the students in
both examinations are the same.
II. The inter-quartile range of marks of the
students in Chinese examination is less
than that of English examination.
III. The median mark of the students in
Chinese examination is higher than that in
English examination
A. I and II only
B. II and III only 34. The figure shows the histograms of
C. I and III only three frequency distributions.
D. I, II and III Arrange their standard deviations in
ascending order of magnitude.
32. Wai Ming scores p in a singing contest.
(1) Frequency (2) Frequency (3
Given that the mean mark of the contest
is 65, the standard deviation is 6.2 while
his standard score is –1.4. Find the value
of p, correct to the nearest integer.
x x
A. 52 (3) Frequency
B. 56
C. 66
D. 74

33. It is given that the data 50, 69, a, 101, 129, A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (3),
b, and 133 are arranged in ascending
order. Their mean is 98 and their standard
C. (2), (1), (3) D. (3), (2),
deviation is c, where a, b and c are
constants. If the datum 101 is deleted, (1)
which of the following must be correct?

35. D.

37. The mean, the range and the

inter-quartile range of a set of
data are x, y and z respectively.
If each datum is first multiplied
by 4 and 3 is then added to
In the figure, the circle passes through O(0 , 0), each, find the new mean, range
P(0 , 3) and Q(–4 , 0) with the centre R. Which and inter-quartile range.
of the following must be correct? Mean Range Inter-
I. The coordinates of the centre are (–2 , 1.5). quartile range
A. 4x + 3 4y 4z
II. R lies on the straight line .
B. 3y – 4 4z + 3
III. OR is perpendicular to PQ.

C. 4x + 3 4z
A. I only
B. I and II only +3
C. I and III only D. 3x + 4 y z
D. II and III only

5 cm

12 cm 30
38. F(k , 0) is a point on the x-axis.
When the point P(x , y) moves, it
B 100
maintains an equal distance from
point F and the y-axis. If the
C equation of the locus of P is y2 =
A tetrahedron ABCD with A, B and 4x – 4, find k.
C on the horizontal plane and D A. 0
vertically above A has volume of B. 1
Given that AB = 12 cm, C. 2
AD = 5 cm, and D. 4
calculate BDC.

A. 39.

area of (area of

Find the minimum value of MN.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
In the figure, a triangular board ABC D. 5
stands vertically on the horizontal ground
along the east-west direction. F is a point
on BC such that AF BC, where BC = END OF PAPER
3 m, AF = 1 m. When the sun shines from
N40W with an angle of elevation 25,
the shadow of the board on the horizontal
ground is △BDC. Find the area of the
shadow △BDC, correct to 3 significant

A. 2.07 m2
B. 2.46 m2
C. 2.72 m2
D. 3.22 m2



C y B

In right-angled ,
A moving line L cuts AB and BC at M and N
respectively. It is given that

Yearly Examination, 2010-2011
Form 5 Mathematics Paper II
Answer Sheet

Question Question
Number A B C D Number A B C D
1 √ 21 √
2 √ 22 √
3 √ 23 √
4 √ 24 √
5 √ 25 √
6 √ 26 √
7 √ 27 √
8 √ 28 √
9 √ 29 √
10 √ 30 √
11 √ 31 √
12 √ 32 √
13 √ 33 √
14 √ 34 √ √
15 √ 35 √
16 √ 36 √
17 √ 37 √
18 √ 38 √
19 √ 39 √
20 √ 40 √


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