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Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 – Module 9
Conceptual Framework

Practical Research 2 – SHS

Quarter 2 – Module 9: Conceptual Framework

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: JOJIM B. CORDOVA, MT 2, Ligao National HS
Editor: LILLI ANN O. HERMOGENES, EPS Mathematics, SDO-Ligao City
Reviewer: DIOLETA B. BORAIS, EPS Mathematics, SDO-Tabaco City
LOYD H. BOTOR, EPS Mathematics, RO-Bicol

I. Title of Material/Introduction:
In the previous modules, you were able to present your research
questions together with the scope and delimitation of the study where you
determined the phenomenon and area to be studied and analyzed and those
which you will not consider. In this module, you will be required to illustrate
and explain conceptual framework. Activities are provided in order to
strengthen the mastery of the topic. You are also encouraged to submit any
outputs to your teacher depending on the agreed manner of submission. The
final outputs in this module are conceptual paradigm and framework.

II. Objectives:
Upon completion of this module, the learners are able to:
• illustrate and explain conceptual framework of the study.

III. Vocabulary List

1. Conceptual Framework– used to illustrate what researcher expect to
find through research, including how the variables relate to each other.

IV. Pre-Test:

Multiple Choice:
Instructions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. It is the researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have to be
A. Conceptual framework
B. Research Protocol
C. Statement of the problem
D. Theoretical Framework

2. Which of the following components of conceptual framework denotes

connection or correlation?
A. Box
B. Circle
C. Arrow
D. Line

3. The following may be included in constructing conceptual paradigm

A. Independent Variable
B. Dependent variable
C. Moderating Variable
D. Abstract

V. Learning Activities:

Activity 1. Interpret It!

Instructions:Write your interpretation of the diagram below. Include

everything you see in the diagram.

Number of hours in
social media Number of study


The activities presented and performed in the previous modules were of

great significance in accomplishing the activities in this module. Also, activity
1 provided you an experience similar to writing conceptual framework. The
ideas on how the research topic will be explored will also be done in this
module through conceptual framework.

First let us clarify things, conceptual framework and conceptual paradigm
pertains to one thing. Only that, in some references, the paradigm pertains to
the figure that would illustrate the framework. The illustrative representation of
the framework is the paradigm while the narrative discussion is the
framework. So, whether you use framework or paradigm, they just mean the
It is said that a conceptual framework is the researcher’s idea on how the
research problem will have to be explored. It is used to illustrate what
researchers expect to find through research, including how the variables

relate to each other. Therefore, it is a must that you are able to correctly
identify the variables involved in your study. Dependent and independent
variables are the major concerns of conceptual frameworks. These must be
first identified. To create a paradigm, you need to consider the three
components. These are boxes, lines and arrows. Boxes means variables,
lines pertain to connection or correlation, and arrow denotes causal influence
or cause-effect relationship. These three components are commonly seen in
a conceptual paradigm.

Box arrow line

Components of Conceptual Paradigm

Here is a sample conceptual framework that represents the relationship

between the independent variable of “amount of organic fertilizer” and the
dependent variable of “height of the plant.”

Amount of Organic
Fertilizer Height of the Plant

Sample Conceptual Paradigm

Framework is not limited to dependent and independent variables. If you

decide to include other facets, you may introduce other variables involved in
your study. The framework may only highlight moderator variables, mediator
variables, control variable, and others. But as much as possible, make a
paradigm that is simple. The research paper should also present a thorough
discussion of the conceptual paradigm. This will provide clarifications which
are not clearly shown on the paradigm.
Below is the conceptual framework fundamental by John Latham. He
emphasized that all the components of the research methodology should be
consistent with the variables, relationships, context, and so forth identified in
the conceptual framework. Anytime you make a change in the conceptual
framework all other components should be reviewed and revised as
necessary to maintain an internally congruent design. In addition, any time

you make changes in the other components of the methodology, you should
revisit the conceptual framework to ensure it is consistent and congruent.

Here is another example of conceptual framework. The paradigm shows

the conceptual framework of the study on Coffee Shops. The study would like
to determine which of the four variables correlate most with customer’s



Service Speed


Here is another example of conceptual framework. This time it follows IPO
format. IPO means Input-Process-Output. This paradigm clearly shows how
the researcher will go through with the study. The data needed, the processes
involved, and the output of the study are specified.


1. Demographic
a. Age
b. Gender 1. Profiling
c. Family 2. Survey
Income Intervention Program
2. Academic 3. Document
Performance in analysis
a. Core
4. Data analysis
b. Specialized
c. Applied

Steps in Making an Effective Conceptual Framework

• Do a literature review.

• Identify the varaibles in the study.

• Generate the conceptual paradigm.

• Write you narrative

Activity 2. Conceptual Framework

Instructions: Construct the Conceptual Paradigm of your study. See to it

that all variables involved are included. Provide a discussion after.

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

VI. Post- Test:
Multiple Choice:
Instructions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following components of conceptual framework denotes
A. Box B. Circle C. Arrow D. Line
2. It is used to illustrate what researchers expect to find through research,
including how the variables relate to each other.
A. Conceptual framework
B. Research Protocol
C. Statement of the problem
D. Theoretical Framework

3. Which of the following may be included in constructing conceptual

i. Abstract ii. Dependent variable
iii. Independent Variable iv. Moderating Variable
A. ii and iii only
B. i and iv only
C. ii, iii, and iv only
D. i, ii, iii, and iv

For items 4 and 5, refer to the figure below.

Number of hours in
social media Number of study

4. Which illustrates cause-effect relationship?

A. Box B. Arrow C. Side D. None of these
5. What best explains the paradigm?
A. The study would like to determine if the number of hours in social
media depends on the number of study hours.
B. The study aims to determine if the number of study hours depends
on the number of hours in social media.
C. The output of the number of hours in social media is the number of
study hours.
D. Cannot be explained.

VI. Assignments
Finalize with your groupmates the conceptual framework/paradigm for
your study and then submit it to your teacher.

Answer Key
1. A
2. D
3. D

Activity 1. Interpret It!

Answers may vary. A contextualized rubric must be crafted to assess students’

Activity 2. Conceptual Framework

Answers may vary. A contextualized rubric must be crafted toassess

students’ outputs.

Post- Test:
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
The teacher must facilitate the submission of the outputs. Rubrics must also be
contextualized in grading the students’ outputs.

Violeta L. Jerusalem, et al. Practical Research 2: Exploring Quantitative
Research First edition, Fastbook Educational Supply Inc. Philippines, 2017.
Faltado III, Ruben E., et al. Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for
SHS). Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines, 2016., July 26, 2020
framework/conceptual-framework/ July 26, 2020
July 27, 2020.


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