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The only feasible purpose of financial management is

a) Wealth Maximization
b) Sales Maximization
c) Profit Maximization
d) Assets maximization

2. Financial management process deals with

a) Investments
b) Financing decisions
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

3. Agency cost consists of

a) Binding
b) Monitoring
c) Opportunity and structure cost
d) All of the above

4. Finance Function comprises

a) Safe custody of funds only

b) Expenditure of funds only
c) Procurement of finance only
d) Procurement & effective use of funds

5. The objective of wealth maximization takes into account

a) Amount of returns expected

b) Timing of anticipated returns
c) Risk associated with uncertainty of returns
d) All of the above

6. Financial management mainly focuses on

a) Efficient management of every business

b) Brand dimension
c) Arrangement of funds
d) All elements of acquiring and using means of financial resources for financial

7. Time value of money indicates that

a) A unit of money obtained today is worth more than a unit of money obtained in
b) A unit of money obtained today is worth less than a unit of money obtained in
c) There is no difference in the value of money obtained today and tomorrow
d) None of the above

8. Time value of money supports the comparison of cash flows recorded at different
time period by

a) Discounting all cash flows to a common point of time

b) Compounding all cash flows to a common point of time
c) Using either a or b
d) None of the above.

9. If the nominal rate of interest is 10% per annum and there is quarterly
compounding, the effective rate of interest will be:

a) 10% per annum

b) 10.10 per annum
c) 10.25%per annum
d) 10.38% per annum

10. Relationship between annual nominal rate of interest and annual effective rate
of interest, if frequency of compounding is greater than one:

a) Effective rate > Nominal rate

b) Effective rate < Nominal rate
c) Effective rate = Nominal rate
d) None of the above

11. Mr. X takes a loan of Rs 50,000 from HDFC Bank. The rate of interest is 10% per
annum. The first installment will be paid at the end of year 5. Determine the
amount of equal annual installments if Mr. X wishes to repay the amount in five

a) Rs 19500
b) Rs 19400
c) Rs 19310
d) None of the above

12. If nominal rate of return is 10% per annum and annual effective rate of
interest is 10.25% per annum, determine the frequency of compounding:

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) None of the above

13. Present value tables for annuity cannot be straight away applied to varied
stream of cash flows.

a) True
b) False

14. Heterogeneous cash flows can be made comparable by

a) Discounting technique
b) Compounding technique
c) Either a or b
d) None of the above

15. Risk of two securities with different expected return can be compared with:

a) Coefficient of variation
b) Standard deviation of securities
c) Variance of Securities
d) None of the above

16. A portfolio having two risky securities can be turned risk less if

a) The securities are completely positively correlated

b) If the correlation ranges between zero and one
c) The securities are completely negatively correlated
d) None of the above.

17. Efficient frontier comprises of

a) Portfolios that have negatively correlated securities

b) Portfolios that have positively correlated securities
c) Inefficient portfolios
d) Efficient portfolios

18. Efficient portfolios can be defined as those portfolios which for a given level
of risk provides

a) Maximum return
b) Average return
c) Minimum return
d) None of the above

19. Capital market line is:

a) Capital allocation line of a market portfolio

b) Capital allocation line of a risk free asset
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

20. CAPM accounts for:

a) Unsystematic risk
b) Systematic risk
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

21. The point of tangency between risk return indifferences curves and efficient
frontier highlights:

a) Optimal portfolio
b) Efficient portfolio
c) Sub-optimal portfolio
d) None of the above

22. A portfolio comprises two securities and the expected return on them is 12% and
16% respectively. Determine return of portfolio if first security constitutes 40%
of total portfolio.
a) 12.4%
b) 13.4%
c) 14.4%
d) 15.4%

23. A risk free security has zero variance.

a) True
b) False

24. Return on any financial asset consists of capital yield and current yield.
a) True
b) False

25. There is no difference between the capital market line and security market line
as both the terms are same.
a) True
b) False

26. The value of a bond and debenture is

a) Present value of interest payments it gets

b) Present value of contractual payments it gets till maturity
c) Present value of redemption amount
d) None of the above

27. Required rate of return>Coupon rate, the bond will be valued at

a) Premium
b) Par value
c) Discount
d) None of the above.

28. If the coupon rate is constant, the value of bond when close to maturity will

a) Issued value
b) Par value
c) Redemption value
d) All of the above

29. A bond is said to be issued at premium when

a) Coupon rate>Required returns

b) Coupon rate=Required returns
c) Coupon rated) None of the above

30. Value of a bond just depends on the interest payment is offers.

a) True
b) False

31. In a variable growth model, the dividend is believed to grow at a constant pace
forever after an initial growth period.

a) True
b) False

32. For a bond YTM is always equal to coupon rate.

a) True
b) False

33. When the concept of ratio is defined in respected to the items shown in the
financial statements, it is termed as

a) Accounting ratio
b) Financial ratio
c) Costing ratio
d) None of the above

34. The definition, �The term accounting ratio is used to describe significant
relationship which exist between figures shown in a balance sheet, in a profit and
loss account, in a budgetary control system or in a any part of the accounting
organization� is given by

a) Biramn and Dribin

b) Lord Keynes
c) J. Betty
d) None of the above.

35. The relationship between two financial variables can be expressed in:

a) Pure ratio
b) Percentage
c) Rate or time
d) Either of the above

36. Liquidity ratios are expressed in

a) Pure ratio form

b) Percentage
c) Rate or time
d) None of the above

37. Which of the following statements are true about Ratio Analysis?

A) Ratio analysis is useful in financial analysis.

B) Ratio analysis is helpful in communication and coordination
C) Ratio Analysis is not helpful in identifying weak spots of the business.
D) Ratio Analysis is helpful in financial planning and forecasting.

a) A, B and D
b) A, C and D
c) A, B and C
d) A, B , C, D

38. The ratio analysis is helpful to management in taking several decisions, but as
a mechanical substitute for judgment and thinking, it is worse than useless.

a) True
b) False

39. Profit for the objective of calculating a ratio may be taken as

a) Profit before tax but after interest

b) Profit before interest and tax
c) Profit after interest and tax
d) All of the above

40. Which of the following are limitations of ratio analysis?

A) Ratio analysis may result in false results if variations in price levels are not
B) Ratio analysis ignores qualitative factors
C) Ratio Analysis ignores quantitative factors
D) Ratio Analysis is historical analysis.

a) A, B and D
b) A, C and D
c) A, B and C
d) A, B , C, D
41. Which of the following falls under Profitability ratios?

A) General Profitability ratios

B) Overall Profitability ratios
C) Comprehensive Profitability ratios

a) A and B
b) A and C
c) B and C
d) None of the above

42. General Profitability ratios are based on

a) Investments
b) Sales
c) a & B
d) None of the above

43. Gross Profit ratio is also termed as

a) Gross Profit Margin

b) Gross Margin to net sales
c) Both a and b
d) All of the above

44. While calculating Gross Profit ratio,

a) Closing stock is deducted from cost of goods sold

b) Closing stock is added to cost of goods sold
c) Closing stock is ignored
d) None of the above

45. While calculating Gross Profit, if net profit is given,

a) It can be converted into gross profit by adding interest to it

b) It can be converted into Gross profit by adding indirect expenses to it
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

46. Gross profit ratio is calculated by

a) (Gross Profit/Gross sales)*100

b) (Gross Profit/Net sales)*100
c) (Net Profit/Gross sales)*100
d) None of the above

47. Given Sales is 1, 20,000 and Gross Profit is 30,000, the gross profit ratio is

a) 24%
b) 25%
c) 40%
d) 44%%

48. What will be the Gross Profit if, total sales is Rs 2,60,000 Cost of net goods
sold is Rs 2,00,000 and Sales return is Rs 10,000?

a) 13%
b) 28%
c) 26%
d) 20%

49. If selling price is fixed 25% above the cost, the Gross Profit ratio is

a) 13%
b) 28%
c) 26%
d) 20%

50. Gross Profit ratio should be adequate to cover

a) Selling expenses
b) Administrative expenses
c) Dividends
d) All of the above

51. Net Profit ratio is calculated by

a) (Gross Profit/Gross sales)*100

b) (Gross Profit/Net sales)*100
c) (Net Profit/Net sales)*100
d) None of the above

52. If sales is Rs 5, 00,000 and net profit is Rs 1, 20,000 Net Profit ratio is

a) 24%
b) 416%
c) 60%
d) None of the above

53. If sales is Rs 10,00,000, sales returns is Rs 50,000, Profit Before Tax is Rs

2,00,000, Income tax is 40%, Net profit ratio is

a) 12.63%
b) 20%
c) 10%
d) 50%

54. Net operating profit ratio determines ___________ while net profit ratio

a) Overall efficiency of the business, working efficiency of the management

b) Working efficiency of the management, overll efficiency of the business
c) Overall efficiency of the external market, working efficiency of the internal
d) None of the above

55. Operating ratio is calculated by

a) (Operating Cost/Gross sales)*100

b) (Operating Cost/Gross sales)*100
c) (Operating cost/Net sales)*100
d) None of the above

56. Determine Operating ratio, if operating expenses is Rs 60,000, Sales is Rs

9,40,000, Sales Return is Rs 40,000 and Cost of net goods sold is Rs 6,60,000.
a) 80%
b) 15%
c) 25%
d) 11%

57. Which of the following is expenses ratio?

A) Administrative expenses ratio

B) Selling and Distribution expenses ratio
C) Factory expenses ratio
D) Finance Expenses ratio

a) A, B and D
b) A, C and D
c) A, B and C
d) A, B , C, D

58. Overall Profitability ratios are based on

a) Investments
b) Sales
c) a & B
d) None of the above

59. Return on Proprietors� funds is also known as:

a) Return on net worth

b) Return on Shareholders� fund
c) Return on Shareholders� Investment
d) All of the above

60. Return on equity capital is calculated on basis of:

a) Funds of equity shareholders

b) Equity capital only
c) Either a or b
d) None of the above

61. While calculating Earnings per share, if both equity and preference share
capitals are there, then

a) Preference share is deducted from the net profit

b) Equity share capital is deducted from the net profit
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

62. Turnover ratios are also known as

a) Activity ratios
b) Performance ratios
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

63. The lower turnover ratio highlights the under utilizations of the resources
accessible at the disposal of the firm.

a) True
b) False
64. Stock velocity established a relationship between

a) Cost of goods sold in a given period and the average amount of inventory held
during that period.
b) Cost of goods sold in a given period and the average amount of stock held during
that period.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

65. Determine stock turnover ratio if, Opening stock is Rs 31,000, Closing stock is
Rs 29,000, Sales is Rs 3,20,000 and Gross profit ratio is 25% on sales.

a) 31 times
b) 11 times
c) 8 times
d) 32 times

66. Debtors Turnover ratio is also known as

A) Receivables turnover ratio

B) Debtors velocity
C) Stock velocity
D) Payable turnover ratio

a) A and B
b) A and C
c) B and C
d) C and D

67. Determine Debtors turnover ratio if, closing debtors is Rs 40,000, Cash sales
is 25% of credit sales and excess of closing debtors over opening debtors is Rs

a) 4 times
b) 2 times
c) 6 times
d) 8 times

68. Working capital turnover ratio can be determined by:

a) (Gross Profit/Working capital)

b) (Cost of goods sold/Net sales)
c) (Cost of goods sold/Working capital)
d) None of the above

69. Determine Working capital turnover ratio if, Current assets is Rs 1,50,000,
current liabilities is Rs 1,00,000 and Cost of goods sold is Rs 3,00,000.

a) 5 times
b) 6 times
c) 3 times
d) 1.5 times

71. Which ratio is considered as safe margin of solvency?

a) Liquid ratio
b) Quick ratio
c) Current ratio
d) None of the above

72. The ideal level of current ratio is

a) 4:2
b) 2:1
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

73. Current ratio is stated as a crude ratio because

a) It measures only the quantity of current assets

b) It measures only the quality of current assets
c) Both a and b
d) Offerings dimension

74. Liquid ratio is also known as

a) Quick ratio
b) Acid test ratio
c) Working capital ratio
d) Stock turnover ratio

a) A and B
b) A and C
c) B and C
d) C and D

75. Stock is considered as a liquid asset as anytime it can be converted into cash

a) Yes
b) No

76. The ideal level of liquid ratio is

a) 3:3
b) 4:4
c) 5:5
d) All of the above
77. Debt-equity ratio is a sub-part of

a) Short-term solvency ratio

b) Long-term solvency ratio
c) Debtors turnover ratio
d) None of the above

78. Liquid assets is determined by

a) Current assets-stock-Prepaid expenses

b) Current assets +stock+ prepaid expenses
c) Current assets +Prepaid expenses
d) None of the above

79. Which of the following is not included in current assets?

a) Debtors
b) Stock
c) Cash at bank
d) Cash in hand

80. Higher the ratio, the more favorable it is, doesn�t stands true for

a) Operating ratio
b) Liquidity ratio
c) Net profit ratio
d) Stock turnover ratio

81. The most precise test of liquidity is

a) Quick ratio
b) Current ratio
c) Absolute Liquid ratio
d) None of the above

82. Quick ratio is 1.8:1, current ratio is 2.7:1 and current liabilities are Rs
60,000. Determine value of stock.

a) Rs 54,000
b) Rs 60,000
c) Rs 1, 62,000
d) None of the above

83. Collection of debtors

a) Decreases current ratio

b) Increases current ratio
c) Has no effect on current ratio
d) None of the above

84. Which of the following statement is true about Funds Flow Statement?

A) It highlights change in funds of a firm at different point

B) It highlights change in funds of different firms at a single point
C) It highlights change in funds of different firms at different point
D) It doesn�t highlights change in funds

a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Only D
d) A, B , C, D

85. In the context of Funds Flow Analysis, the word �funds� is used to define

a) Net Working capital

b) Total current assets-Total current liabilities
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above.

86. Which of the following is/are examples of Funds Flow Statement?

A) Collection of debtors
B) Shares issued for cash
C) Shares issued against the purchase of machinery
D) Shares issued for property

a) A and B
b) A and C
c) A and D
d) A, B, C and D

87. Which of the following statement/s are true about movement of funds?

A) Funds flow in a transaction between current assets and fixed assets.

B) Funds flow in a transaction between current asset and capital
C) Funds flow in a transaction between fixed assets and current liabilities
D) Funds flow in a transaction between current liabilities and capital

a) A and B
b) A and C
c) A and D
d) A, B, C and D

88. Which of the following transactions will result in inflow of funds?

A) Issue of debentures
B) Conversion of debentures into equity shares
C) Redemption of long term loan
D) Creation of General Reserve

a) Only A
b) Only D
c) A and D
d) A, B, C and D

89. During the year, a business was bought by issue of Rs 25,000 debentures and Rs
25,000 shares. The business bought had machine worth Rs 20,000, Debtors Rs 15,000,
Stock Rs 5,000 and Creditors Rs 5,000. Determine the effect of this transaction on
flow of funds.

a) Net outflow of Rs 15,000

b) Net inflow of Rs 15,000
c) Neither inflow nor outflow
d) None of the above

90. Which of the following are current assets?

A) Fixed investments
B) Trade Payables
C) Short-term loans and advances
D) Furniture

a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Only C
d) A, B, C and D

91. Which of the following are Non-current assets?

a) Land, Building and plant

b) Leasehold property
c) Computer software
d) All of the above

92. Bond, debentures and term loans falls under:

a) Current assets
b) Non-current assets
c) Non-current liabilities
d) Current liabilities

93. Funds flow statements are prepared so as to

a) To identify the changes in working capital

b) To identify reasons behind change in working capital
c) To know the item-wise outflow of funds during given period
d) All of the above

94. Funds Flow Statement holds significance for

a) Shareholders
b) Financiers
c) Government
d) All of the above

95. Which statement is prepared in the process of funds flow analysis?

a) Schedule of changes in working capital

b) Funds Flow Statement
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

96. Funds Flow Statement is prepared on the basis of data of P&L statement and two
consecutive balance sheets.

a) True
b) False
c) Value delivery
d) None of the above

97. Which of the following rules stands true while preparation of Schedule of
changes in working capital?

A) An increase in current assets increases working capital.

B) An increase in current assets decreases working capital.
C) An increase in current liabilities decreases working capital.
D) An increase in current liabilities increases working capital

a) A and C
b) A and D
c) B and D
d) A, B, C and D

98. If reserve for bad and doubtful debts is mentioned in the question of Funds
Flow Statement Preparation, it can be shown as

a) In the schedule by deducting from total debtors under current assets

b) In the schedule separately under the heading of capital liabilities
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above

99. Funds Flow Statement is also known as

a) Statement of Funds Flow

b) Statement of Sources and Application of Funds
c) Statement of Sources and Uses of Funds
d) All of the above

100. Given Net profit for the year Rs 2, 50,000 Transferred to general reserves Rs
40,000 and old machinery bought for Rs 50,000 was sold for Rs 20,000. Calculate
funds from operations.

a) Rs 2, 80,000
b) Rs 2, 20,000
c) Rs 2, 90,000
d) Rs 3, 00,000

101. Which of the following are sources of funds?

A) Issue of bonus shares

B) Issue of shares against the purchase of fixed assets
C) Conversion of debentures into shares
D) Conversion of loans into shares

a) A and C
b) A and D
c) A, B, C and D
d) None of the above

102. The share capital of A Ltd. stood at Rs 20,00,000 in 2013 and at Rs 26 lac in
2014. As per records, the company bought asset of another company for Rs 6 lac
payable in fully paid shares. These assets included Goodwill Rs 2,00,000 Machinery
Rs 1, 83, 600 and Stock Rs 2,16,400. What is the fund from issue of shares?

a) Rs 2,15,600
b) Rs 2,16,400
c) Rs 2,00,000
d) None of the above

102. Debentures are Rs 2,50,000 and Rs 3,50,000 in the balance sheet of 2013 and
2014. 1000 of the debentures of Rs 100 each were issued at par in 2014 of which 400
debentures were issued to a supplier for the purchase of a machine. Determine
amount of issue for debentures for the purpose of funds flow statement.

a) Rs 60,000
b) Rs 40,000
c) RS 10,000
d) None of the above

103. In the balance sheet of Praveen for 2013 and 2014, 4% debentures are Rs
5,00,000 and Rs 4,00,000, respectively. Profit on redemption of debentures in 2013
is nil while in 2014 is Rs 4,000. What is the amount of redemption for the purpose
of funds flow statement?

a) Rs 96,000
b) Rs 1,04,000
c) Rs 9,00,000
d) Rs 9,04,000

104. The balance of property at cost has been RS 20,000 and Rs 17,000 in 2013 and
2014 respectively. The profit on sale of property of Rs 2000 is credited to Capital
Reserves Account. New property costing Rs 5000 bought in 2014. Determine sale of
proceeds from land.
a) Rs 3000
b) Rs 10,000
c) Rs 7000
d) Rs 15,000

105. The Balance sheet of Ram at end of 2013 and 2014 disclose investments in
shares of Rs 2000 and Rs 3000, respectively. Rs 100 as pre-acquisition dividend has
been credited to investments account. Determine purchase of investments.

a) RS 5000
b) Rs 1000
c) Rs 1,100
d) None of the above

106. The balance of fixed assets of Y Ltd. at cost at the end of 2013 and 2014 were
Rs 5,70,800 and Rs 6,15,300. During the year 2014 a machinery costing Rs 60,000 was
sold. Determine the purchase of fixed assets.

a) Rs 1,04,500
b) Rs 1,40,500
c) Rs 1,64,500
d) None of the above

107. Which of the following are applications of funds?

a) Payment of dividend on share capital

b) Payment of tax
c) Increase in working capital
d) All of above

108. Which of the following are treated as long term investments?

a) Non-current investments
b) Trade Investments
c) Sinking fund investments
d) All of the above

109. Provision of taxation is treated as

a) As a current liability
b) As an appropriation of profits
c) Either a or b
d) None of the above

110. As per accounting standard AS3, provision for taxation should be treated as

a) As a current liability
b) As an appropriation of profits
c) Either a or b
d) None of the above

111. Which of the following statement is true?

a) If the amount of good will increases during current year, the difference is
treated as purchase of goodwill.
b) If the amount of good will decreases during current year, It will treated as
written off.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
112. The opening and closing balance of general reserves are Rs 10,000 and Rs
9,000, respectively. It is stated in addition information that a loss of Rs 1000
has been written off in general reserves. In such a case, decline in reserve and
loss on investment will be adjusted in P&L account.

a) True
b) False

113. As per Accounting Standard-3, Cash Flow is classified into

a) Operating activities and investing activities

b) Investing activities and financing activities
c) Operating activities and financing activities
d) Operating activities, financing activities and investing activities

114. Cash Flow Statement is also known as

a) Statement of Changes in Financial Position on Cash basis

b) Statement accounting for variation in cash
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above.

115. The objectives of Cash Flow Statement are

A) Analysis of cash position

B) Short-term cash planning
C) Evaluation of liquidity
D) Comparison of operating Performance

a) Both A and B
b) Both A and C
c) Both B and D
d) A, B, C, D

116. In cash flow statement, the item of interest is shown in

A) Operating Activities
B) Financing Activities
C) Investing Activities

a) Both A and B
b) Both A and C
c) Both B and C
d) A, B, C

117. Cash Flow Statement is based upon

a) Cash basis of accounting

b) Accrual basis of accounting
c) Credit basis of accounting
d) None of the above

118. Which of the following statements are false?

A) Cash Flow Statement is helpful in the formation of policies.

B) Cash Flow Statement is useful for external analysis
C) Cash Flow Statement is helpful in estimating future cash flow
a) Both A and B
b) Both A and C
c) Both B and C
d) None of the above

119. Which of the following statements are true?

A) Cash flow reveals only the inflow of cash

B) Cash flow reveals only the outflow of cash
C) Cash flow is a substitute for income statement
D) Cash flow statement is not a replacement of funds flow statement.

a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Both B and C
d) Only D

120. With continuous compounding at 10 percent for 30 years, the future value of an
initial investment of $2,000 is closest to

a). $40,171.
b). $164,500.
c. $328,282.
d). $34,898.

Financial Management - MCQs With Answers

Prepared By: Muhammad Riaz Khan 0313-95331230Page 21

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