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2 hid FDA. Wea Th 21 of the ade of Fsorl Regulations (CF Bi (3h 4 hd. 0 ib, HOM, 6 Kulm. CS. Nae Dep Applications Fagg lcs” prerel t echoing Inet Serna Ane fem CA, Soper 23 7, 98a. Fedor Drug tl Commie At, ston), 28 USC. 1. Divs} S868 “GMP Apacs of Stabe rage” Drage lit td Phorm aes, | TOA, Gomer for ug Brafuton an Restarch May, 12 Guide lows on Gone! Pion Preseli, 10 A. ‘p90 Tie 2 of the Cada of Fedral Regalos (C78, 2 Goldens op Refers 22 bid pa 18 Bid 8 fd a 13 Hodson.) and Slenmons L198, "lidton of Tackage Sel Teipin Pocedings of Corfrenca an Vldobon of Pere lea! Peden Aon Communications, PO. Ht 9 Stuthampton. Pa ee. 1 tal 18. Zapoocky. A.W “Unersaig so Complying with USP ‘lag Sunn FOP Peck prt Pt 2: I. .185- 2 pp 1-7, 22. th pp. 8, 28 eller WM. 100g ntl ond hn, Pham pe 228 ‘cuarren HOUR Drug Packaging Materials ‘This chapoe elcome the four ln class of materials used in primary drug package ase, met, lass el laa Weill ones how then nals aa de and beso horctvsten, Duper «widely wed packaging mata, il nt temard,bocie ie slmostnaver used asthe ok commoner Tine patiary package te only applies nthe pay pack {She tbe omm compen of label ad of mallee pe ie We have alse chon not o dicate the once pops clke its Hime cane they have been almost completly repisced by pluses in dry poskesng spies Clas, cugoaly the ost widely used dog pscaning teal til vod or aay dus malas bacase fh as paws acl esto w lack By most Iai a its {ol smpernenly10 gses Composition and Manulactare (clase ade bp melting, at emperatres ae high 50°C, 3 satura morgan nies, aa SiO, and alkalland alo ‘th onde Uuing ade) which tower ho milli polo the tls, aking it arn Siete. As un allrative shane Mx. Ing ove, 8,0, ean be tnd tredce al ican fo tren tion purpeses.Bovn-cortaning gles hava higho ling pint fd a lover coeflen! of themel expension, mating ere duvsbe and beatgslatant. i ln nore inst lac it dows mat ‘nin the atchabie ove of al nd laos earth ots ‘Whee cided, malen pass soidifen thos ersallzing. foring samo structure that clear Stor of PHO, ‘rAOyar ade help pron dev fstion. ho ow ete {importa craton process hat gradually educes clarity. ‘Glas colored by alding or vies aod ul 9 o> ‘doo an ener i wich mclucel light talents below ‘50pm, or nide of cabal or chromium to prodace eda uch {blued prom, oe tleatum 0 produce & ruby exe "The typeof lee are used fo dey contalnars. Thess ae mated by USP 5 feos Typed ‘ype {gat i bose glass conning about 80% SiO, fant 10% Bi, with seallor nmauals of ALOy and NoxO) hie {ss athe most net a te owes coco f tora Jpoeion Thus eet hy to crack when subj Ios 9a ‘Se tempat diferrta.scoramon uso nthe sanutr= {tof ampules and was fr avr "ype! pes i refered fer soations which ca dissolve basic ‘oxide eausing a nero pl rhc ould alte Oh oesoy ‘orpotoney atthe drt Type ‘type gles ede alain soto lam wit igher lls ‘of NO09- 17%) apd CaO (ote) Hest esi eae than Type but mores ant than Type i Yype ss and the ‘hr tnpue wll, coe be ade more tert tac by trating the sure wt SO, whch oom sac ods oo Ublesais which ca then be washed of with wale This soos totint iffesive fr ontsoers thal are word only once bat Tes so for conta tat ae repeat expose to et fin ‘epost strianton) that estsoe neste cai oie The ures of te contanee| “Type gles hos lower melting pont than Type Tan ths ‘nso © fbricste Isla har = higher een of tet ec fasion. Ie culable for dru solutions that can be buted nota thir pt blot ine nble dos am soe oly Feaced out by solutions of high pH nm ett tng capheenictntart nt te Sai rin Ge eM los has many advange: "niet me ema smart eerie 1 dfsion through the casaner walle ion te Eoin aan ‘SESE Peete ata irae tanpecanacad ST See EEE vnunet oan nase Eee ewe eet i ede oc Seer. secon as - Stn ae sso has same maior disdntaps ben com mt nd lasts = ™e + ua dene 2-25 ge and etchant tenis thet cee ax oon de ss i a ea + Wes i bres, gs share inky muir abaep Sem Te ci ce littl nd carly besa eS pee “Senet sways the dg tha is lagen iene atepak be ag + Breet rt le tines ne aly lotion hoop ius tea eaeiony se Saco (Glu ontuiners ay now aed for drug pecan suations ‘shat Ines and poe! bear ar paramo nda Yam Tg av pda tas In es ‘hug packaging applications because paste conto monet {etc igh rate ls ar ar satpro “The oaly aa wad in primary dug packaging ae tnplite sn las. The poor carom reve of uncut lest {iii woo galvanized or plastic inet drums fer bulk rod “Toplaefmety apgying tn coating to shee tel by ee roping or ise fer by dip in mola tin The hikes ‘tn types slcropland in eotig is Tess tay 01 rll Aer ‘keopiting the eng ark eid wo rise sy su {ten The tin costing impos crrorion rnstnee od ats ‘ning by soldering Saco ixseroly ta, seally hae ie Foley ruauly aes th oqo or amet bes fn svioer payer eye ald, vas. pos or 9B ‘tyr tings are applied aftr tie conse orming spo ‘suid experog than a sodeciaglempentures Tne in ‘np apication in dg pachagng 2 the mata of con ‘Shucton fe serosa ana Aluminum $ produced ty the slectmee of bute The lie tal ret fp cn ig ch Shall amount of illo mals fron, cope pase) ot ‘fico are alded fa incma rong Cast gol are the bot Sed eald lad ape about teas thik tor orn ito Pid ‘entire 3-8 mila thick for sol fll cosine 1 {hel fortis constructions and 09 mile tk for foi wed fn laminas i provide gr aie ‘Aluminam work hardone when i rollod but ea be maton ‘by nneling. Unasneaed (hard) fl 8 wie ts blister peckages eit rile ait plage wey. nected of) ol {Ete fn bverlnminaons brea af hve fe pi Fle than ard fl Pols ate formed during the filling operations Ue {hicks eden ber tall Dxidepstles oy the surees {eam sel sper sehen ty a ilo snag sce ‘qunnt rolling tho tl team wep fom thee spe, Typaly tha ae bout 200 pilot” whieh sw atl r= of only IMGO! square inces in ate inch el. Boca of se inhale fl blow 1 lo nots prec beer bt he aes ‘let of plots amaonved toa great Goes Oy ling the fell ta plastic such ae polsethytnn the the ‘tc fl tne than il ously ad tas as Drug Packaging Materials Anes and Up aw many advange ea sane tages i como + Both ac song and sate, maki them the ‘otras of cole auto cao + Both so ty Inpermeabla pases {AS tubo muon ats ae fesibe ae lon ead chances. Ben =o, the Laer ety ad Tower cst of past lsminste ts forsng mt ly lumi oof the appison + Te songih and deci ehacter of metals make them tho only paca material for uae asthe wey an vee ‘lose wlan elasersrie topper + Gortin container shes, such to ylides, ge ly Ibrested fm metas, but owl, bth the eal as be lassi Tos ficable than plane, particany tr ‘mpl shapes ace on by praccsny sch a Bow ‘oldie + Both mei ne esty decor wih ay atti Baise + Metals can provide te eltnate in amper idence or frag coninem This poesia hast we ape a ‘aie of weasons steal wennomt, but mai Posi i tampering aor bcomns act prelen “+ Hoth are mutually cpoqu, which canbe thor Shastgrose or daring. + oth condi at wel In gener. tale condact act ‘hoot 10 Unoe bi tha ss and 4 tn eter than plastic hie elites ht sterlzation of package “Taplat has sve disadvantage when compared w al +t sor sect aed must be eared weave Comings which aide o soe Alumnus i less active bat Sl mare 30 tha gas and many plastics ‘Altuugh fet ap dsc Can glass, tote tongth and “fet allow the Eaton of containers wih ieee Sells tan posi wth glans Tus slo cntinrs, witha any of abou 2.2 xm be mac Tight tae else coursapars and epproach th igh ‘weight of pli costes. Tina «dons of ever lace ot compote wll this eo “The lower comity o alurieom mans that slunioum {octnnosat lowar cnt han howe ade of plate Ultinatly, matale so be used only for saosols_ where strength and dutty nae them the test coat and a3 fll In ainstes or ister al tip packaging and in other compe: Mostoctiros suc aera netranes en eap nos that = ‘jlo a barr comport, Plsts wil dav mata ut ofall. tir de packaging applications primarily because eae. The Tela) higher costo! teal couinrs stems dey fom tetrhigher ney cones ur ample shout 20000 BTUs ae ‘nquind to makes pounc a plate Sim. while 90.0006 100009, [isa conaurd a making s pound of mel strpos 0). When the eightfold dens difference toring plato i factord Inthe eaormous perconainr enuy advantage of paste ‘cotos ede Plats ave ths fastest going packaging mate or food rags and courts ther prods In drug pecking 81S Mec 108 ster product cag plates ar seadiy replacing more te ‘igo! sats The mea wbich hs weplaremen’ proc Is teking pce slower inde paca tha or ter oct ‘There ay good sons Ff adver heath cosequonces of a dug beg coe toh phage we sen tha fo non oor rods, Seca, {God processors concontate fo are intensely on pchaging Coat al packaging fantom than do dug antares re ‘eral the pce of change drag pecking. need ln Captor ‘sb tha i 006 pacagl rts int dg postage catpories. pastes wer + Seventy-five percon: ofthe tis oa from old saps forma a laste, se of thas, abut Be imac of high densi pagel + Eighty prcen ofthe betas ar OTC lids and 0% of {i ute fo prescription bgeide ar plastic “+ Minty poroot of tn olstnent be ate malo late ‘or muliapoe structures bad on psi + Airpost lf bt cleueer are made plate: incressingly of hermoplstie atch as polypropylene, an smny of te ‘ber pram uaod fr paren! val ave tee ‘eplaod by rathete lester whew local Stucturo and ato of mantel ake pies + Ponchos, bags blister pocks, and arp packs ae ster 10 pao a inion sig aay In summary itis sfo to sy that plastic ae ay the most soe used trap pacha material mal total cena ‘iss purontral vik eth only pot esas ule peste nt fod ay ner da Plastics as Drug Packaging Materials “The dominant pontonof suis a dug peal mite fom a moje ber Sane et pts te ‘tless and otal ‘ee 1 Te density plates a 1-5 pec vs alas at 2-25, lam snumal 2? oa tinplate hw plate container pat eutarly hose ade frm plastic nr any tne Uhr than theo ana of gla on et. A lightweight om lari nes expensive Ip maniac becuse {eso matical hana raver one Aca alg plac ‘Suore et laa 20% hover in cot than Selo [ensin glas plete and Ue very heat fle si ctin nge blierncn Thi o feage mapied bythe lower fight costs alone Tighe blasts contain the or tason foe pli? ‘dominasc inte packaging wl. 2. lightweight plage fast or consumer to handle if {ng eaying and dapeesing a ll slapd 2. Pla hee th whic opin con lar coufigastions car be manta This lis "emus the fcedon toca shapes and sy tha na fro bul sr datinudntion se such as egseem bates, Sopra st 4. Cloly sel o design from is «wig aptlon that flee fer the designe: using thin deible Sli esto he imate cost Parkes, Dias container ae abt Ao and ecoterop hat can be ta fo lass conor fkopped from wet bends 6. Uke la aed woe mt, lacs am be cet le of ‘i pas Ths combination sf) a tna stcy ered only by pti 2. el eating pateviny of past fas. provides a sly ‘pons tai hvu at we ot th haga Ad plan cloves or he sled tal eam whieh re qe bal m apen hen, ‘0, Pastis ca be ray tose Scent printing ks and ane eal tallies othe graphic stant ty Sr superior gas meals 9, Aluminum in ly compa dn pean materia ‘tat pniced ln Siew ken, He alumni Imich os sxperive tha lt: Rn ad irr i toughest and strength Fll ein packaging drugs to rom ear ut coed pase Hm can vio ally eecinDurer ewer co Pastis have some dnwbicks which la thee pensteton of te drug pecking mart 1. No peasing material can mich ype sass for chemo Inetoes ano pic paclasing raver ean meh for fs inpermosilty (2, Although plastica sf the orca fon nmi rv more ier then las yar on expensive to bo used in parking. Asa paca mater owen te Inwtnes ane steer of lower cnt plats aduete fc packaging ist nates sald drugs a mang ey 2 Some plastics ar surceptble o tse caching in th pes ‘nce ofaleuols oman cs shee wel any oly. TAn {inns problom whic canbe ewerome a nadine] ‘at by choosing the right plasic. ulypogslene, or ec ple isa Tow cast vate paasing pet: that ents Fett oustonentl ates ck 2. No plastic can at glace or mmuny to hos, suki and ooygon. Dlstis makrs sees tht agro tis ‘essa oftheir goducts to cvoamentalbeakdonn tt fds can be leached froze place by corn slvr ‘hed in dg fomustions, 4. As ectemely pooe conductors of elt, plastics tee ously rol clcnatatie change tat tec wnderlo ‘lst partctes. This tendeey ca be dinaiabed Uy incor Doratig ants adios during macwtactu, bt thay does can lad Lnleracton problems similar thos od town 5. malin to addons which can by nach out by some selves. plastics aio contain ssa oy lela ght ‘ols Fagen that are roe le Ea slvete than te che very bik slp weight plymar hat com, tte rot fhe plate met ce, this publ cro Iniimized duiog te paler maentuing proses tr Frocuce a “pharmaceutical grade pric Sees he fe {les ext eae onde thi ieops thehowa st ‘oe rnutetuen may ext pooes ara ho wis ‘may inary Yo shipped wo dr packager Not only ‘da this gut constant wigan by rg companin She concer FHA offclle sso med propared let ‘Be rockapee wits pricy tise Sri, This tom rqates ore ert by drug compantes to qualify & lst pcdage “Tho cautious attude of tho FDA and drug manetacteres nan plate containers fr Taald products does net arse fetaly from the possiblity shat platen anthro sey be ‘iting corpus o making mistakes bu tis neces hat at {id und ered in the mote volomnons procures ot The by the TOA to uate peste drug contaner materia Inthe packaging world baal, paper i sed mone often han any oto tori ut on for bal, paper ei 9 aga ‘ant role In primary drag pacing eee plastics IAW, Papar would he used t tome degea asa Paxble pacaging ‘nia or dae, bt the superar oltre esstance and i fw pastation bari af plat fms rable Det no oy Yo ‘dominntsrspplicatins bat laa etabish Meco pacha ing es an important altertatifor pharnaceutical packages Rc ‘ample he ltr pace wocld ot ext paper and slum hum fo were te oly fx puckaginy auras able ‘pero out, val the bet for eccdmy and etary og, packs the carton tht cansin te primary package end the ongtnd shipping conaie hat cots Plate Materals—Theie Naare nd Matar ‘This section wil cowrpate sing, ins and composts. the thove principal staring mains or plac conta mat facure The nox chaper wll ovr the making of enters on {hose tris ed fo ss ond met. Plate Resins Generel Poaicresins consist of polymer motels formed by wins small molecates (nonomas| nd of forma log can or plshglone, theatre ail chin leg e100 mensmer Chie Tse molecular weit ef commirsaly useful polymers {tke rangeat 11000 tsp milion. Theprnepal denon of plyameproperting aot nec weigh, de tro ofthe ‘monomers ured to make be polymer andthe plymoe manlac Teing procae. Polymers sot in dove packaging anual, ‘nade fom a singe moremes, But copter eomtaning ere than one manomer ae eemmon in othe panies appicatons Palvetivone (PE) Potytylene (PH) dominates drug packaging cause it ors ‘ho eseatel properties rel Ly fs geal he Lowest et. ‘DE cones of» long eatin of peting OH, at eames Rene and is made by te polyization ofan H ‘thyene ie polymeri st high presses an pettus sound’ 20°F ta the pagere of «fon mda prmaler & polymer comaining many branche aod ade chalet lormed. Toeding oles elliot wolmculer picking and low dont {©91-003) [nthe sold vein Ths plaice cll lew donsty Dolythyone (LDPE). ts lay cost ant gad combination of pop ‘mos make ft tho worlds most foquotly use plot etnko is polymerized at lows resus ane lanperstrer Ina salut with a cordnaion erat athe ha fl als spy er molacule wih ie brneharand sidechains 1 fom leeding to a higher density rsin Thi ota called [igh density polyethylene [HDPE and Is he most whey used plastic esa in du pachging ‘OF thon to forma of PE LDPE setter, ore Reb, moe roadly steched and hae beter elas HDPE ir tonger fe, {es clea Iss pride guoon mre restart tl che ‘an solves ean bo sid y ateleing a Is 5 20% ‘Toble 4.1. Comparisn of LPS and HDPE 3), ei ore id a ou0s Tene bigher incest (00 Table 4:1, Both forms of Pare widely com lle with gs and ae aceepble tot FA frm ths stad polstaltiooghsaity mus be demanded na NOM since PE [Esomri! perodil o maitre ad one ‘The greater srength ais. nn rane brie of DPE ‘a al oe widespren! isn in bole fo s014 dongs forms ‘ANbugh as coniines do at have LDPE clay thls not tgback inf, HDPE bots are suey pigmtad o fs white block ight nena dpa abel lar [LDPE is usually tho plate of choi for squeeze hotles ‘ecto of st eile chanctor and lower co ros the drag packaging standpoit, bot forms of FE have ceculachs any of whan lato Yo permeabity + Tho havo igh permet to foo elogens, precluding {hol se for solitons contauing foie or ehorina + They t poemsbl to chlrform aa! hts and cannot bo tse war chlonadyoe + They am softened by ear ol an parable to ceont Gland earain essential ols wd i pbarnsoetens ft Aavorng or fo he aero aromas, such as ll of peppermint 4 Ther cannat be and to pockage Sighs x prosues + They hiv a pour odor ber so any’ pradetpackapod in them ard stoned near an odorous aerial ay be ‘ale. “Their eer drawbacks alae te tir endoncy lo abaoe cain seta or elton tras “Thay wil oe corto ctrcdes pheralmecunc ala, ‘enaaonivm chloride. benzyl lecol, phoned ‘hol smal concentrations o staid and eo [ald pllacapion.Rywetos, soupbabtho, oust: Sad vegtable nud oho colsing mute om vegetable ‘Sg pepartions such os tntoes of beladonns, Isecimus, ae pine, This sorption endency wll ry (with moloclar gt sad can bo mitaod by ong ore “Thee resistance to strong adiing aids par ‘The endeney tose ch the presen of corbin ‘olyats must be oft by usa more oxpens, Rigor moll woight low melt en gees Linear Law Density Peltier fucore} When smiatuticl comonomer such a lens hexane none oad te eine inthe HDPE process at presses ttovnd 00 pet and with clad action coetlons and cxay, ‘han oof Pit prodacod ts density athe samo rage as LUBPE but the dogo of se-cinin branching i grey rd, Uahich scons for a ae. Tho Tel sa ean tm combines the ln of LDPE withthe toughness of HDPE. CLDPI wen tag packaging tr due to snotherstibte it male wry stom teat sce at ow tmapertes wih, ie th ono eet la ‘Ton blo hue god ot nck the wy of tesa = Tamiya i ols dona fom i seling apr, Ioemers hon ethylene is polymerized with other snetuntad Iya comonemer te aly of ethylna copelymen is hata On ofthe, am ienomatradonamed Surly ef ius ‘drag oclaging oe heat sal coating os LOPE a ener Plsproprlese (OPP) for pouches and other apoliainns whe: 2 Song. Hermetic wal waco hit ack import onough tasty the nda en. onosman ap athe rshaeyic acid (EMA) copalmes that hv some fe byogen sls on the erboel grows we ‘acai by either sodium” steels Thlscan bo done ithe 9 Siting 4 sodtom or sine compocod to the high essa polyineriaton mactr slong with ethene and th appropie id comonomor or by partially novinizng the wid topelyner ‘vith sodlum arsine compound tas aco saps te cel ser ade. Tho cul te ssuctte ah nse 3 nip Ae. Thy Mgh co of hs seciniod atrito!the noe ‘hat f LDP int it use thee drug paclasin splications that demand exeletsoal nly or rly enbanced pete Palyring Chovido ‘hie plastie, universally called why! ane abhrovitod PME ext to DPE, the mist fount wed pase or dro parka ing, consuming abot 90 milion Ise lovin annual te ths ‘ot which used id pochages td One In lesble pace ge, the ltr blag lly 1V bags [5] Tiss about 13 a the ‘al annual PVG fm and shot proton bu las thaw Tf Us tal PVC producti ithe US [The sons for PVCs widspmad use in drug packaging ae laity Tow cost, goa fabiston Sesbility and aon “Te Tatar isthe wazon OP tae not pense the fexble ving ‘nate. which Is vulnenble beens of the vinyl chloride ‘monomer problem dicassed bw. Manasictuto ond Proper PVG is made moder pressures by the fro sulical mrt wy chloride Fe 44) erst a wale q to form the long chain pyar shown In Figure 45 LUnpasticuod PACs a ry coe sit material with alow ear vepor tenemission rte (WYTI, eampercble te LDPE bat ie ‘Senet ty aboot than PE boca of Ir chovine conten ‘These propectis ot unplsticized PVC along wiih We exelent {Bermotarmaility, high evutlstngth good cherie rei {ances Lo pertwabily lls, td Casing need try intlity aed low cat make the mar of eho for Sina wth hgh barr pasts sto ply iene ehloridn (PVD) and ACLAR® (6 to provide «package with ple "tance 0 pnetatln by ath anys and a? por Fossble competes forthe biz apaliation oe pulothylene ‘unplihalas [PET and palypropstoae (PP). These are ow nek tet and in Europe bu used vor ie ey. Tw dif Bist feckage fr lamnge proc nw lcorporae PDs sub forew PACs uno in clea hotes rater than FET or HOPE when the ckager needs bc clant than HDPE ofr nd want to id {he enpenoo of tho easy oelentaon roeas at PET ong For opaque bles, PVC ( HDPE) ged a beter or bai Sivoo Mss components aed mas losin be or oxo ore sho appearance HDPE, on the oer hak cx be clan sels dows get ogi PVC extonsve aay of 28. luvs and Is meet lowe cos Pore a ole Bits nT elation bags, PVC plsticind vst doc pala, etl apts or dat lg pth ‘tesla up to Lalo plaeor this igh mata ease PICs permeability t wat sapor and mako err gener Il norpus about te pesto hese low moi wg ‘paells eching lo the bg caste orth rason on o- Scere a plaatctne tse om = cre eld wtf ‘od bags but it ing plasters te 1V bps 1 clams tht no migation occurs with sonfity fide euch os tale ot glucose sls Pp ar prozeting nlm ov shel PVC mst be bus salir sally wih ongaosia compounds, se mun alo ona ‘i On top of al his, tae ol wey chloe moana {VEN} always presen! This compound len human eartangen 99 ‘SCM lets no ales ep below SO ppb and usually law ‘ppb. The 5 ppb en sot special regula neverthe: Jeg arty hoe to by ll PVC manufactures “The major dig packaiog appiation fr egad PVE with lowe plastica cota sa bitter pacaglng leiblo PVC with i DPlstelor ccoteais‘used oa da IV action tags PAC ominaes thse two aplietons spe of gs evel ‘ud the VOM prblem. Fortes, Bare thers bility and comtabil For T bap It bas ood eebinaton of tnechimizal propectne aed it ore Palyopstong Is {reining to appear ara enmpatit serial or as, ts DI eppamal procs has been completed he bg sake wil ‘indy shift PP because of th plasticionradie ue in Foc [nthe bisesappisntion, an the aber heads PVCS pa {ton asthe dominaat pantie eso fr Uachallenged Fotypropstone (PP) “hls pli is widely sed a ln fred paca and ay coer nari une ee a dug pcan caus ad tba remand or salon allo whore The bakbiiy of las tsar rowbach Monegcture and Propertie Although similar w PE, PP haa mone comple satu, ‘when propyata molecules shown in Figure 40 cambio > PP at abut 20 ps ns hydroarbon sot inte rosence of

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