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A Question of Trust

- Victor Canning

Words and their meanings from the TB

Honour among thieves is an example of a/n

a) idiom
b) slogan
c) proverb
d) lyric

Short Question and Answers in 50-60 words (3M)

Q. What was Horace Danby’s passion and how did he satisfy it?
good and respectable citizen
was not completely honest
had a passion for rare and expensive books
To satisfy his passion, he used to rob a safe every year
Each year he planned the robbery carefully and then would steal enough to
buy the books secretly through an agent and thus satisfy himself

Q. How did Danby prepare for the robbery at Shotover Grange? [CBSE
How did Horace Danby plan his robberies? [CBSE2012]
Danby always planned his robberies meticulously
prepared for the robbery by studying the house, the electric wiring, paths
and garden
gathered information about
movement of the servants
kept his tools ready packed in a bag

Q. Where was the safe at Shotover Grange? What was there inside it?
What did Horace expect to get if he sold them one by one? [CBSE 2012]

safe at Shotover Grange was kept in the drawing room behind a painting
had jewels worth about fifteen thousand pounds

had a poorly built burglar alarm

could be opened only through a specific code

Horace expected to get five thousand pounds by selling the jewels

Q. Why was Horace Danby arrested although he failed to rob at

Shotover Grange?
- Horace was deceived by the lady in red came who claimed to be the
owner of the house
- She tricked Horace to take off his gloves to hold the lighter to light her
- he broke open the safe bare handed to give the lady in red the jewels,
thinking her to be the wife of the owner who had forgotten the number
combination to open the safe
- his fingerprints were found on the safe
- he failed to profit from the robbery at Shotover
- he was arrested two days later

Long Answers in 100-120 words (6M)

Q. Give the character sketch of Horace Danby.
Horace Dunby is the main protagonist in the story ‘A Question of Trust’
written by Victor Canning.
- fifty year old bachelor
- Everybody thought him to be a good and honest citizen
- He was usually healthy and happy except for the attacks of hay fever
in summer
- He made locks and was successful enough in his business
- Lived with a house keeper who worried over his health
- Horace was good and respectable – but not completely honest
- He was very fond of rare and expensive books
- He was a very good planner, who planned his robbery in a very
systematic manner, he studied every minute detail
- Horace was never caught for stealing
- He stole only the rich people and never hurt anyone
- He also never carried any weapon with him
- He loved rare and expensive books for that he robbed one safe each
year which lasted him for twelve months
- secretly bought the books he loved through an agent
- got fooled by the deceptive looks of the lady in red who was also a thief
- got framed for the robbery and got jailed
- was annoyed that the lady in red didn’t maintain the honour among
- learnt his lesson
Q. Based on the story, would it be fair to say that deception is a crucial
aspect of robbery. Do you agree? Why/why not?
Intro – name of the lesson + author + theme or connect to the question
what is deception? How is it important in pulling off any con or theft?
Give your opinion (2-3 value points)
Give evidence from the text
- how did her mannerisms/composed behaviour/ dress deceive Horace
Q. Horace was clever but the lady in red was cleverer. Do you agree
with this statement? Justify your answer.

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