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Classification: Internal Use


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Plant / Department Hadeed / Quality Lab. Date : 15/01/2022 JSA Number

Activity / Task Installation of New Hydraulic New Revised

Shearing Machine
1. Area Occupation, barricading and place sign boards. Safe hand over of working area
Job Steps (Sub-Task) 2. Jacking and skidding.
3. Lifting, rigging and loading on trailer.
4. Loading and unloading the equipment from the Trailer
5. Concrete chipping, cutting. Dust Control
6. Manual excavation for foundation
7. Form and Rebar work
8. concreting and finishing
9. Scaffolding erection for Jib crane.
10. Jib crane dismantle and assemble.
11. Installation of equipment
12. House keeping
Job Step Initial Risk Residual Risk Responsibility
Hazard Control Measures
SN Probability Severity Risk Probability Severity Risk Responsible Person
Area Occupation, barricading and place
sign boards. Safe hand over of work area
Work is started without permit & L3 C4 3  Prior approval from area owner / concerned L5 C5 4 Permit Receiver and
unauthorized Permit. dept. & proper work permit to be signed supervisor/safety supervisor.
before start-up the task.
 Work will be started after taking the
appropriate permit from operation
department, Term & condition must be
followed at site as per permit requirement.
 Barricade the area with signage
Physical injury L4 C5 4  Use appropriate personnel protective L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
equipment’s such as safety helmet, Safety safety officer and permit
glass, safety shoes, Coverall and Leather receiver.
 Provide proper walk way and material
storage area
 All floor are in dry condition and uniform.

L4 C5 4  Work in safe manner and materials shall be L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
Tripping and slipping hazard. arranged to avoid tripping and slipping safety officer and permit
hazard. receiver.
 Must be housekeeping.
Risk of injury due to low awareness of L4 C5 4  All employees must have attended basic L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
work activities Safety orientation / Awareness. safety officer and permit
 TBT shall be conducted with Working crew receiver.
prior for job execution every day.
Classification: Internal Use

2 Jacking and skidding.

L3 C4 3 L4 C5 4 Permit Receiver and

Work is started without permit &  Prior approval from area owner / concerned supervisor/safety supervisor.
unauthorized Permit. dept. & proper work permit to be signed
before start-up the task.
 Work will be started after taking the
appropriate permit from operation
department, Term & condition must be
followed at site as per permit requirement.
 Barricade the area with signage
Assembling Hydraulic System. L4 C5 4  Use appropriate personnel protective L5 C5 4 Rigging crew, site supervisor
equipment’s such as safety helmet, Safety and safety officer and permit
(Personnel Injury and Pinch point.) glass, safety shoes, Coverall and Leather receiver.
 Provide proper walk way and material
storage area
 All floor are in dry condition and uniform.
 Avoid body parts such as Hand or leg being
trap between load and jack
Operating Hydraulic system. L3 C4 3  Barricade the working area with signage L3 C5 4 Rigging crew, site supervisor
 All equipment must be certified by third party and safety officer and permit
(Oil leak, slip & trip, and fire hazard.) and Hadeed inspection receiver.
 Ensure the fire blanket available at site.
 Monitor work permit requirements.
 Assign trained and authorized fire
 Equipment to be inspected prior to use.
 Fire extinguisher to be available at site.
 Hoses connections should be clean, in good
condition and secured properly
 Use cotton cloths for cleaning spilled oil

Jacking Up / Down L4 C5 4  Jacks to be inspected for any deformation L5 C5 4 Rigging crew, site supervisor
before use and safety officer and permit
(Uncontrolled motion)  Selected jacks must be with safe margin receiver.
from its maximum capacity (50-70%)
 Safety gripping should not be kept with
maximum gape of 15 cm
 Continues monitoring of line pressure
Jacking Up / Down L4 C5 4  PPE is require as per job condition. L5 C5 4 Rigging crew, site supervisor
and safety officer and permit
(Pinch point)  Proper focus on the job receiver.
 Use long stick for adjusting rollers
 Use leather gloves.
 Proper communication with concerned
Skidding, turning the load and Sliding on L4 C5 4  Assure the proper leveling of sliding system L5 C5 4 Rigging crew, site supervisor
steel plate  Place support under weak points and safety officer and permit
 Place rubber / plywood between load and receiver.
(Uncontrolled motion) roller
 Use chain blocks with long web sling for
holding and pulling the load
 Use wedge for stopping the load
3 Lifting, rigging and loading on trailer.
Classification: Internal Use

Crane and trailer hazard L3 C4 3  Crane to be inspected prior to use L3 C5 4

 Crane and trailer must be parked on firm
and level ground
 Barricade the area with signage
 Crane outrigger pad must be as required
 Crane must not exceed its rated capacity
 Assign flagman for any movement of crane
and trailer
L3 C4 3 L3 C5 4 Rigging crew, rigging supervisor
Incorrect rigging gears  Competent person and Riggers shall and safety officer and permit
determine the rigging gears according to receiver.
load condition.
 Rigging gears to be inspected prior to each
use and color code according to hadeed
color coding system.
 Defective rigging gears to be removed from
the service immediately.
L3 C4 3  Authorized signalman / rigger should give L3 C5 4 Rigging crew, rigging supervisor
Falling load signal to the crane operator. and safety officer and permit
 Universal hand and radio signal for receiver.
communication between crane operator and
 Nobody should stand under the suspended
load in any circumstances.
 All Loading and unloading operations shall
be supervise by a certified riggers.
 Barricade the area and place signage.
 Use tag line for control the direction of load
during lifting.
 Secured the load on trailer with proper

L4 C5 4  Must be inspect before start the work. L5 C5 4 Operator, site supervisor and
Crane, fork lift, Telehandler failure safety officer and permit
 Third party and Hadeed inspection sticker receiver.
must be required.
 Set the crane, Fork lift, Telehandler on firm,
uniform and level ground, close to the load.
 Assign flagman for any movement of the
 Crane, Forklift and telehandler must not
exceed the rated capacity
4 Loading and unloading the equipment
from the Trailer with crane
A defective lifting device or crane L4 C5 4  Inspection of equipment must be done by client L5 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
Crane Inspection Unit every ninety (90) days or Permit Receiver
after major repairs. Crane shall have valid test Safety Officer
stickers. CRANE operator

 All cranes shall be possession of documents and

shall be made available to any representation
during inspection
Unqualified equipment operator  Only licensed, qualified persons will be Site Engineer Supervisor
permitted to operate cranes or other lifting Permit Receiver
Classification: Internal Use Safety Officer
equipment per
CRANE operator
 Only trained a Certified Riggers shall be
allowed to attach slings to loads being lifted.
This shall be strictly enforced per client
 While cranes are traveling, loads shall not be
permitted to be attached to the hook.
Defective lifting accessories, clamps, hooks, L4 C5 4  Special custom designed hook, clamp or other L5 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
slings, etc lifting accessories shall undergo Inspection from Permit Receiver
a person authorized by client requirements. Safety Officer
CRANE operator
 The safety requirement which pertains to the
crane operator daily inspection checklist to
 Conduct frequent and periodic inspection of
lifting equipment, lifting accessories and slings.
Damaged or unsafe accessories and slings shall
be immediately removed from the site. When
slings are not in use, they shall be stored in a
location safe from possible damage or misuse.
 Crane Operator’s daily inspection checklist.
 Crane maintenance inspection log book.
 Rigging gear log book to be provided at job site
Non – use of PPEs, i.e. hard hats, gloves, goggles, L4 C5 4  Enforce use of personal protective equipment. L5 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
safety harnesses, etc. Permit Receiver
Safety Officer
CRANE operator
Improper rigging L4 C5 4  Open mouthed hooks, e.g., “C,” “S” or half link L5 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
hooks are prohibited Permit Receiver
Safety Officer
 from the site. CRANE operator
Improper signaling between the rigger guiding the L4 C5 4  Only Certified Rigger shall be allowed to signal L5 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
load and the lifting operator the crane operator when loads are being lifted Permit Receiver
and moved into place. The crane operator shall Safety Officer
be made aware exactly who the rigger is and CRANE operator
shall not take instructions from anyone else
No warning L4 C5 4  Provide warning signs of clearance limit. L5 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
signs Permit Receiver
 Barricade the area during lifting operation and Safety Officer
redirect CRANE operator
 traffic/personnel.
5 Concrete chipping, cutting, Dust Control 
Personnel L4 C5 4  All power tools should be dead man switch type L5 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
Injury / Material Permit Receiver
Damage  All workers shall wear proper PPE such as, Safety Officer
safety shoes, safety glasses, hand gloves,
earplugs, etc. during the use of hand/power
 Employees using hand tools, power tools and
equipment shall be trained to use them safely.
 All Power tools shall be double insulated and
properly grounded; voltage shall not exceed
120V AC.
 All power tools shall be connected through
 All power tools will have the proper safety
guards. No tools will be used without safety
guards installed.
Classification: Internal Use

 6.1.7 All power tools shall be inspected on
monthly basis by using color code system for
each month and regular checks will be done to
prior to use.
Poor visibility, nuisance & /or Personnel  Try to remove or reduce the dust by using
illness (Asthma etc.) different materials, less powerful tools or other
work methods.
 Use on-tool extraction equipment where
 Use water sprays to damp and control the dust
where it cannot be avoided to generate.
 Limit the number of people near the work.
 Rotate those doing the task.
 Enclose the work to stop dust escaping. Use
sheeting or temporary screens.
 Provide general mechanical ventilation to
remove dusty air from the work area (e.g. in
enclosed spaces such as indoors);
 Select the work clothes that do not keep hold of
the dust.
 Use Full/half face dust masks as required and
change the same after each shift.
6 Manual excavation for foundation

L3 C4 3  Site in charge is responsible to provide L4 C5 4 Civil engineer, site supervisor

Improper excavation site walkways or bridges with standard handrails and safety officer and permit
where employees or equipment are required receiver.
to cross over excavations
 Site in charge must inspect excavation for
presence of groundwater, change in soil
condition and effects of weather such as rain
or wind.
 Ensure safe means of continuing the work at
any condition changes.
 Proper access / egress shall be prepared for
the excavations.
 Excavations area shall be properly hard
barricaded and signboards must be place for
 All shoring activities must be under the
supervision of a Hadeed plant civil
engineering with their recommendation
High Noise and dust from jack hammering L4 C5 4  Ear plug, dust mask and other PPE must be L5 C5 4 Site supervisor and safety officer
in use before starting the work and permit receiver.
L3 C4 3  Precise plot plan Drawing, Clearly mark the L4 C5 4 Civil engineer, site supervisor
Damage of Underground utilities Existing piping, electrical and civil drawing and safety officer and permit
and highlighting the underground utilities, receiver.
trail pit to avoid contact with underground
 Any utilities which is not identified during
joint site visit and engineering review shall
be informed immediately to department
concerned before proceeding
L4 C5 4  In case of Water accumulation all activities L5 C5 4 Site supervisor and safety officer
Water accumulation. shall be suspend until it is clear. and permit receiver.
 Confirm and get clearance from Operations
and engineering team about the
Classification: Internal Use Underground utilities before trenching.
 Water accumulation shall be monitor and
need to notify Operations ASAP.
Rebar cutting sparks L3 C4 3  PPE must be complied before starting the L4 C5 4 Site supervisor and safety officer
work and permit receiver.
 Enclose the work location with wet fire
blankets and observe hot work permit
 Assign authorized fire watchman to monitor
the hot work and follow the procedure.

7 Form and Rebar work

Rebar cutting sparks L3 C4 3  PPE must be complied before starting the L4 C5 4 Site supervisor and safety officer
work and permit receiver.
 Enclose the work location with wet fire
blankets and observe hot work permit
 Assign authorized fire watchman to monitor
the hot work and follow the procedure.

Placement Procedure L3 C4 3  Mixer equipped with 0.75 cm. or larger L4 C5 4 Site Engineer Supervisor
loading skips shall be equipped with Permit Receiver
Erection of form work Safety Officer
mechanical device to clear the skip of
Removal of form work concrete.

Working over rebar protrusions

Hazards of the operation  Form work and shoring shall be

designed, erected, supported braced
and maintained.

 Remove and stockpile form work

promptly after stripping.
 Area for de nailing the form shall be
designated and de-nail all dismantled
from work materials to maintain good
 Chains, gears, revolving shafts and
other moving parts shall be properly
 Empty cement bags shall not be
allowed to accumulate in the work

 Employees shall not be permitted to

work above vertically protruding
reinforcing steel unless it has been
bent over or capped or otherwise
protected. Rebar caps shall be used for
this purpose
 Use only ANSI approved personal
Classification: Internal Use protective equipment.

 Review hazards of the operation with

all involved personnel
 Use only ANSI approved personal
protective equipment.
 Wire mesh rolls will be secured at each
end to prevent recoiling.
 When using mixer truck, proper
personal protective equipment such as
respirators, hearing protection and
 Safety chains, catches and lifting
mechanisms shall be in good operating

 When using telescopic mixer truck, ensure

all connections are in good condition and
also safety warning signs shall be used to
keep nonrelated personnel away from
working areas.
8 concreting and finishing

Skin and Eye irritation L4 C5 4  Use of hand, ear and eye protection devices. L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
 Use of boots to protect feet. safety officer and permit
 Use of warning signs at fresh placed receiver.
 Proper handling of concrete and avoiding
random application.
 Removal of spilled concrete
9 Scaffolding erection for Jib crane

Falling hazards (Personnel and L3 C4 3  Full body harness shall be used and 100% L4 C5 4 Worker, scaffolding supervisor
materials) tie off and area to be barricaded with caution and safety officer and permit
sign. receiver.
 Scaffold materials and tools to be secured
with lanyards.
 Ensure proper Guard rail system should be
 Materials to be elevated by bucket and
manila rope.
 Ensure 3-point contact while accessing
Unauthorized erection of scaffold L3 C4 3  General work permit shall be obtained prior L4 C4 4 Scaffolding supervisor and
to work. safety officer and permit
 Scaffolding erection shall be done by receiver.
competent erector, supervisor and inspector
with valid 3rd party certificate and approved
Scaffolding collapse L3 C4 3  Scaffolding materials to be inspected by L4 C4 4 Scaffolding supervisor and
competent person and approved by safety officer and permit
HADEED. receiver.
 Scaffolding plan to be prepared by
competent person and approved by
HADEED prior to use.
 Scaffolding shall not be overloaded and shall
follow the rated load duty as per scaffold tag.
Classification: Internal Use  Tagging system for scaffolding to be
implemented (Red, yellow, and green).
 Scaffolding shall be erected in even and
leveled ground and to be provided with base
plate if erected in soil.

Manual handling L4 C5 4  Hand gloves to be use as per the job L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
condition. safety officer and permit
 Manual handling shall be limited to 23 kg receiver.
and use of third party certified mechanical
aid shall be used above 23 kg.
 Never bend at the waist instead bend the
knees, grip the load with both hands.
 While manual handling, keep the load close
to your body.
Overhead Utilities L3 C4 3  Scaffolding shall maintain safe distance to L3 C5 4 Site supervisor and safety officer
overhead utilities. and permit receiver.
10 Jib crane dismantle and assemble.

Physical injury L4 C5 4  Use appropriate personnel protective L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
equipment’s such as safety helmet, Safety safety officer and permit
glass, safety shoes, Coverall and Leather receiver.
 Provide proper walk way and material
storage area
 All floor are in dry condition and uniform.

L4 C5 4  Work in safe manner and materials shall be L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
Tripping and slipping hazard. arranged to avoid tripping and slipping safety officer and permit
hazard. Must be housekeeping. receiver.
Lack of training, uncertified and L4 C5 4  All the Operators must trained and L5 C5 4 Site supervisor and safety officer
Incompetency experienced. and permit receiver.
 In case of Boom truck, Forklift or crane
utilization, third party certified and competent
operator must execute the operations.
 All Loading and unloading operations shall
be supervise by a certified riggers.
 All the crew members shall be aware about
the task and Hazards.
 All the activities shall be executed under the
supervision of an experienced and
competent Supervisor.
 The supervisor must check all the required
documents together with HSE officer
assigned prior to start the any activities.
L4 C5 4  Must be inspect before start the work. L5 C5 4 Operator, site supervisor and
Fork lift, Telehandler failure safety officer and permit
 Third party and Hadeed inspection sticker receiver.
must be required.
 Set the crane, Fork lift, Telehandler on firm,
uniform and level ground, close to the load.
Manual handling L4 C5 4  Hand gloves to be use as per the job L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
condition. safety officer and permit
 Manual handling shall be limited to 23 kg receiver.
and use of third party certified mechanical
aid shall be used above 23 kg.
 Never bend at the waist instead bend the
Classification: Internal Use knees, grip the load with both hands.
 While manual handling, keep the load close
to your body.

11 Installation of equipment

12 House keeping

Physical injury L4 C5 4  Use appropriate personnel protective L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
equipment’s such as safety helmet, Safety safety officer and permit
glass, safety shoes, Coverall and Leather receiver.
 Provide proper walk way and material
storage area
 All floor are in dry condition and uniform.

Tripping and slipping hazard. L4 C5 4  Work in safe manner and materials shall be L5 C5 4 Site supervisor and safety officer
arranged to avoid tripping and slipping and permit receiver.
 Prior to unload the materials & tools,
Supervisor shall assign storage area.
 All the materials must be stack and store
 Do not store in any unauthorized area.
 Hard barricade and place signage.
Manual handling L4 C5 4  Hand gloves to be use as per the job L5 C5 4 Worker, site supervisor and
condition. safety officer and permit
 Manual handling shall be limited to 23 kg receiver.
and use of third party certified mechanical
aid shall be used above 23 kg.
 Never bend at the waist instead bend the
knees, grip the load with both hands.
 While manual handling, keep the load close
to your body.
L4 C5 4  Must be inspect before start the work. L5 C5 4 Operator, site supervisor and
Fork lift, Telehandler failure safety officer and permit
 Third party and Hadeed inspection sticker receiver.
must be required.
 Set the crane, Fork lift, Telehandler on firm,
uniform and level ground, close to the load.
Classification: Internal Use

Prepared by: JSA Team Leader

Prepared by: JSA Team Leader Acknowledged by Maintenance Manager:

Name:__________________ _________________________Signature:__________________________ Badge:__________

JSA Team Members

Team members include area owner,maintenance,EHSS,Technical sup or engineer if needed, contractor (if job is to done through the contractor)
Name ID Department Signature Date
Name:________________Signature:_________________ Badge: ______

Note: For risks cannot be reduced or mitigate after formal JSA study,
then approval shall be obtained as per SHEM-02 SAFER requirement.
Approved by Unit Owner/Operation Manager:

Name:____________________________________ Signature:______________________________ Badge: ___________

Approved By
SN Area Owner Sr.Manager (Minor Residual Risk) Department Signature Date
Note: If Residual Risk is, Significant and above SAFER Approval Required.

ENDORSEMENT SECTION (This section shall be filled incase this document use for same scope of work in future)

Date Unit Manager (Sig) Maint.Manager (Sig) Validity Date

Classification: Internal Use

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