Sharma (2018)

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International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences

ISSN: 2321-3272 (Print), ISSN: 2230-7605 (Online)
IJPBSTM | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | OCT-DEC | 2018 | 889-903
Research Article | Biological Sciences | Open Access | MCI Approved|
|UGC Approved Journal |


Rahul Sharma, Masochon Zimik, Neelakantan Arumugam*

Department of Biotechnology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-605014, India

*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]

Spilanthes ciliata, commonly known as toothache plant, is a traditional medicinal plant. In the present study an
attempt was made to analyze the oil obtained after solvent extraction of flowers of the plant. GCMS of the extract
revealed presence of 15 different compounds in the oil. 11-tridecene-1-ol (18.72%), 2R-acetoxymethyl-1,3,3-
trimethyl-4T-(3-methyl-2-buten-1-yl)-1T-cyclohexanol (12.66%), Pentadecanoic acid (8.36%,), 1-hexacosanol
(8.32%,), Nonadecane (7.35%) and Hexatriacontane (7.014%) were found to be the major constituents and the
remaining were in trace amounts. Most of the compounds identified are found associated with various biological
activities. The study presents a large-scale isolation of major compounds for their characterization and medicinal

GCMS; Fatty acids; sesquiterpenoid; Spilanthes ciliata

1. INTRODUCTION radicans, S. ciliata, S. uliginosa and S. oleracea are found

Plants have been used as a reliable source of clinically in India [4,5]. Reports on occurrence of Spilanthes ciliata
important compounds that confer health benefits to (syn: Acmella ciliata) indicate their distribution in
humans since a long time. The plants continued to serve Chhattisgarh, Kerala and some parts of Tamil Nadu [6].
as cheap and best source of biomedicine, supplements Often the whole plant is used in the treatment of
and chemical entities to serve as source of drugs. Their dysentery and rheumatism, while flowers in particular
mechanism of action generally imparts synergistic served as spice in Japanese food habits [7]. Though the
effects on human body making them efficient and safer phyto-constituents of many of the species of Spilanthes
as compared to the drugs that are synthetic ones. is described, the information on Spilanthes ciliata has
Recent reports from WHO estimate reveals nearly 80% not been completely described so far. Here we present
of population rely on herbal medicines as primary our results on GCMS of the hexane fraction of the
healthcare in developing countries [1]. Genus Spilanthes flowers extract of this important medicinal plant.
is one such plant known since antiquity for several
medicinal properties. Members of this genus, 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
commonly known as toothache plants contain various 2.1 Plant Material
bioactive molecules including alkaloids, Fresh flower heads of Spilanthes ciliata were collected
sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, from the plants that we maintain in the experimental
saponins, glycosides, phenolics, lignans, steroids etc. garden of our department. The flower heads harvested
[2,3]. There are 300 species of Spilanthes, reported to were dried at 40oC in hot air oven until consecutive
be distributed widely in tropics and subtropics among similar dry weight was achieved. The dry flowers were
which 6 species namely S. calva, S. paniculata, S.

International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Neelakantan Arumugam* et al 889 or
ISSN: 2230-7605 (Online); ISSN: 2321-3272 (Print)
Int J Pharm Biol Sci.

made into powder in a warring blender to yield S. ciliata 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
floral powder. A picture of the plant used in the current study is
2.2 Preparation of hexane fraction presented (Figure 1). The plant has several features
200g of floral powder was extracted with methanol (2L, common to its close relatives Spilanthes paniculata and
100%) by incubatiing for 72h at 28±2oC temperature. Spilanthes calva [8]. Several species cultivated under
The methanol solution was then filtered through the name of Spilanthes were differentially identified.
Whatman No.1 filter paper and the filtrate obtained was For example based on phenotypic details and
rotary evaporated to obtain the crude extract. The description, S. ciliata has been used as synonym for S.
crude extract was then subjected to normal phase acmella, S. mauritiana and S.calva [8]. Similarly, S.
chromatography using silica (200-400) gel column with oleracea is used as a synonym for A. oleracea and S.
hexane as mobile phase. The hexane extract was acmella [9]. We propose a systematic study of all the
evaporated, and a yellow oil was obtained. An aliquot of species under Spilanthes/Acmella at molecular and
the oil was mixed with fresh hexane and subjected to phytochemical level is needed for fine tuning the
GCMS. species confirmation. Nevertheless, the crop of the
2.3 GCMS Analysis cultivated Spilanthes species is mostly used as
The mass analysis of the extracted oil was performed toothache plants and the determination of
using Perkin Elmer GCMS (Model: Clarus 680). GC used phytoconstituents of the plant and their biological
in the analysis employed a fused silica column (30m x properties is a subject of extensive research in many
0.25mm, ID: 250μm) packed with Elite-5MS (5% labs around the globe [10,11].
biphenyl 95% dimethylpolysiloxane) and the
components were separated using helium as carrier gas
set at a constant flow of 1 ml/min. The injector
temperature was set at 260°C during the
chromatographic run. 1μL of the sample was injected
into the instrument and oven temperature varied from
60°C (2 min) to 300°C with increment set at 10°C/min
and a hold of 6 min at 300°C. The mass detector
parameters include transfer line and ion source
temperature both set at 240°C, ionization mode
electron impact at 70 eV and a scan time 0.2 sec with a
scan interval of 0.1 sec. The spectrums of the
components were compared with the database of
spectrum of known compounds available in
the GCMS NIST (2008) library.

International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Neelakantan Arumugam* et al 890 or
ISSN: 2230-7605 (Online); ISSN: 2321-3272 (Print)
Int J Pharm Biol Sci.

Figure 1: Spilanthes ciliata crop at flowering stage growing in the experimental garden of Department of
Biotechnology, Pondicherry University

Figure 2: GC chromatogram showing peaks for different compounds present in hexane fraction of flower extract
of S. ciliata

A picture of chromatogram obtained after GC analysis is terpenoids were present in the extract. Barring
presented (Figure 2). An observation of the eicosanoic acid all other compounds are new report for
chromatogram reveals presence of many distinct peaks S. ciliata. 11-tridece-1-ol constituted the most abundant
indicating presence of several compounds in the hexane (18.72%) component in the extract. This was followed
fraction of the flower extract. Using GCMS coupled with by 2R-acetoxymethyl-1,3,3-trimethyl-4T-(3-methyl-2-
NIST library search a total of 15 different compounds buten-1-yl)-1T-cyclohexanol, Pentadecanoic acid, 1-
could be identified. The fragmentation pattern of the hexacosanol, Nonadecane, Hexatriacontane,
individual compounds along with their deduced 4,4,6a,6b,8a,11,11,14b-Octamethyl-
structure is presented (Figure 3). The compounds 1,4,4a,5,6,6a,6b,7,8,8a,9,10,11,12,12a,14,14a,14b-
identified by GCMS followed by library search with octadecahydro-2H-picen-3-one, Sulfurous acid, 2-
name, molecular formula, molecular weight and their propyl tridecyl ester, 3-O-Acetyl-6-methoxy-
potential biological properties is presented (Table 1). cycloartenol and 2,4,4-Trimethyl-3-hydroxymethyl-5A-
Among the compounds identified there were a number (3-methyl-but-2-enyl)-cyclohexene while others were in
of fatty acids, esters, fatty alcohols, higher alkanes and trace amount. This study revealed 14 new compounds

International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Neelakantan Arumugam* et al 891 or
ISSN: 2230-7605 (Online); ISSN: 2321-3272 (Print)
Int J Pharm Biol Sci.

in S. ciliata of which 12 were oxygenated. Earlier in S. appear to be associated with antineoplastic, anti-
acmella, there were 20 compounds identified in the inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-cancerous and other
essential oil with only terpen-4-ol being oxygenated biological properties (Table 1). The sesquiterpenoid (2R-
[12]. Later on, in S. acmella 44 compounds and in A. acetoxymethyl-1,3,3-trimethyl-4t-(3-methyl-2-buten-1-
oleracea 71 compounds were identified [8,9]. In another yl)-1tcyclohexanol) found in the oil is a potential
study the hexane fraction of A. oleracea obtained anticancer agent [17]. Another compound identified in
following a similar procedure as ours was found to the oil sample namely 2,4,4-Trimethyl-3-
contain several fatty acids as is reported here [13]. But hydroxymethyl-5A-(3-methyl-but-2-enyl)-cyclohexene
there were differences in number and type of satisfies the rule of five and indicates favorable
compounds identified in the present and other studies bioavailability as determined by molinspiration
cited above which might be attributed to the difference calculation and is predicted to be a substrate for
in isolation procedures followed. We infer that applying Cytochrome P450 2J (CYP2J) enzyme which are expressed
different procedures for isolation and fractionation in heart tissues [18,19]. Moreover, similar esters have
would facilitate identification of diverse array of also been also reported in members of Malvaceae [20].
compounds with some of them becoming potential lead Thus, our study paves the way for large scale isolation
for developing new drugs. Often hydro-distillation of these compounds and subjecting them to validation
method [7,8, 14-16] or gradient elution [13] have been for clinical application.
used. The new compounds identified in our study
Table 1: List of compounds identified from flower extract of S. ciliata and their associated biological properties
Area Chemical Molecular Molecular Bioactivity
S.No RT Compound Name Reference
(%) Nature Formula Weight Properties
1 18.53 2.720 onic acid, Ester C21H37O2F5 416 NR NA
octadecyl ester
2 19.4 1.850 Eicosanoic acid Fatty acid C20H40O2 312 delta, alpha 21
and gamma
3 19.5 8.368 Fatty acid C15H30O2 242 receptor 22
4 19.84 8.320 1-hexacosanol Fatty alcohol C26H54O 382 23
5 19.94 2.446 Lauroyl peroxide Peroxide C24H46O4 398 Polymerizati 24
on catalyst,
Tetratetracontan Higher Anti-
6 20.58 2.849 C44H90 618 25
e alkane microbial

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ISSN: 2230-7605 (Online); ISSN: 2321-3272 (Print)
Int J Pharm Biol Sci.

Area Chemical Molecular Molecular Bioactivity

S.No RT Compound Name Reference
(%) Nature Formula Weight Properties
7 20.88 18.724 11-tridecen-1-ol Fatty alcohol C13H26O 198 26
Source of n-
8 21.99 7.358 Nonadecane Alkane C19H40 268 27
Sulfurous acid, 2-
9 23.50 2.853 propyl tetradecyl Ester C17H36O3S 320 NR NA
Higher Anti-
10 24.78 7.014 Hexatriacontane C36H74 506 28
alkane microbial
Sulfurous acid, 2-
11 26.02 6.608 propyl tridecyl Ester C16H34O3S 306 NR NA
1. 4,4,6a,6b,8a,11,1
12 29.68 6.850 ,8,8a,9,10,11,12,1 Triterpenoid C30H48O 424 29
1,3,3-trimethyl- Sesquiterpe Anti-
13 30.22 12.662 C17H30O3 282 30
4T-(3-methyl-2- noid cancerous
14 30.52 6.327 methoxy- Triterpenoid C33H54O3 498 31
y, anti-
Organic Antibacteria
15 31.62 5.051 5A-(3-methyl-but- C15H26O 222 32
Compound l
• NR – Not Reported, NA – Not Available

Figure 3: GCMS fragmentation pattern and deduced chemical structure of the identified compounds

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CONCLUSION Chemistry Division for GCMS analysis, Vellore, India for

Traditional medicines have played vital role and remain providing technical support for GCMS instrument used
as high value drugs even in the era of modern medicine. during the study.
Phyto-constituents are responsible for medicinal value
of any plant hence, in this regard a study on phyto- REFERENCES
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Received:04.08.18, Accepted: 07.09.18, Published:01.10.2018

*Corresponding Author:
Neelakantan Arumugam*
Email: [email protected]

International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Neelakantan Arumugam* et al 903 or

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