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Republic of the Philippines a. metal vise b. steel file c.

utility knife
Department of Education d. chalk line
Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental Republic of the Philippines
District of Don Salvador Benedicto Department of Education
SCHOOL-BUNGA CAMPUS Division of Negros Occidental
SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021 District of Don Salvador Benedicto
Carpentry 7/8 SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021
First Summative Test
Carpentry 7/8
I. Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose First Summative Test
the letter of the best answer.
1. You need to mark a line on a floor that is to be
I. Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose
10 meters (32’ 10”). Which is the best layout
the letter of the best answer.
tool to use?
1. You need to mark a line on a floor that is to be
a. Rip saw b. Level bar c. Pull-push-rule
10 meters (32’ 10”). Which is the best layout
d. Cross-cut-saw
tool to use?
2. Which are used as parts or components of a
a. Rip saw b. Level bar c. Pull-push-rule
d. Cross-cut-saw
a. tools b .materials c. equipment
2. Which are used as parts or components of a
d. hardware
3. Which of the following does the term plumb
a. tools b .materials c. equipment
refers to?
d. hardware
a. horizontal plane b. vertical plane c. both
3. Which of the following does the term plumb
d. none of the above
refers to?
4. Architectural drawings are not drawn full size.
a. horizontal plane b. vertical plane c. both
Which is used to allow the building views to be
d. none of the above
drawn on a smaller paper?
4. Architectural drawings are not drawn full size.
a. measuring tape b. ruler c. scale d. pencil
Which is used to allow the building views to be
5. Which type of leveling tool is used to check
drawn on a smaller paper?
walls for plumb and is hung from a string?
a. measuring tape b. ruler c. scale d. pencil
a. plumb b. chalk line c. string line
5. Which type of leveling tool is used to check
d. level line
walls for plumb and is hung from a string?
6. Which shop tool can be used to rip materials,
a. plumb b. chalk line c. string line
make meter cuts and grooves?
d. level line
a. circular saw b. chop saw c. table saw
6. Which shop tool can be used to rip materials,
d. jointer
make meter cuts and grooves?
7. Which tool is often kept on a carpenter’s belt
a. circular saw b. chop saw c. table saw
and used to take measurements?
d. jointer
a. chalk line b. speed square c. speed square
7. Which tool is often kept on a carpenter’s belt
d. T-belt
and used to take measurements?
8. The term level refers to the____________.
a. chalk line b. speed square c. speed square
a. horizontal plane b. vertical plane c. both
d. T-belt
d. both a and b
8. The term level refers to the____________.
9. Which equipment is manipulated by hand to
a. horizontal plane b. vertical plane c. both
facilitate carpentry tools?
d. both a and b
a. tools b. materials c. equipment
9. Which equipment is manipulated by hand to
d. hardware
facilitate carpentry tools?
10. Which of the following is a sawn timber?
a. tools b. materials c. equipment
a. plywood b. lumber c. gravel d. cement
d. hardware
11. Which of these is a steel hand tool with small
10. Which of the following is a sawn timber?
sharp teeth used for sharpening or shaping?
a. plywood b. lumber c. gravel d. cement
a. metal vise b. steel file c. chalk line
11. Which of these is a steel hand tool with small
d. speed square
sharp teeth used for sharpening or shaping?
12. Which of these is an all-purpose knife used for
a. metal vise b. steel file c. chalk line
d. speed square
12. Which of these is an all-purpose knife used for
a. metal vise b. steel file c. utility knife
d. chalk line 13. Which of these is a double screw clamp with
13. Which of these is a double screw clamp with wooden jaws and useful for furniture for
wooden jaws and useful for furniture for construction and repair?
construction and repair? a. quick clamp b. bar clamp c. wood chisel
a. quick clamp b. bar clamp c. wood chisel d. wood clamp
d. wood clamp 14. Which of these is a tool used to put in
14. Which of these is a tool used to put in crosshead screws?
crosshead screws? a. Philips head screwdriver b. architect ruler
a. Philips head screwdriver b. architect ruler c. flat head screw d. ball peen hammer
c. flat head screw d. ball peen hammer 15. Which carpenter’s tool is used to drive and pull
15. Which carpenter’s tool is used to drive and pull nails?
nails? a. claw hammer b. sawhorse c. rubber
a. claw hammer b. sawhorse c. rubber hammer d. tack hammer
hammer d. tack hammer
II. Directions: Classify the following whether they are
II. Directions: Classify the following whether they are tools or materials in carpentry by writing letter. Write
tools or materials in carpentry by writing letter. Write letter T for tools and M for materials.
letter T for tools and M for materials.
1. Cement
1. Cement 2. Claw hammer
2. Claw hammer 3. Gravel
3. Gravel 4. Hacksaw
4. Hacksaw 5. Lumber
5. Lumber 6. Mallet
6. Mallet 7. Nails
7. Nails 8. Plump bob
8. Plump bob 9. Plywood
9. Plywood 10. Pull-push rule
10. Pull-push rule 11. Sand
11. Sand 12. Shovel
12. Shovel 13. Spirit level/level bar
13. Spirit level/level bar 14. Try square
14. Try square 15. water
15. water

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