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Deployments, Jobs, and


Welcome to the Deployment, Jobs, and Scaling module. GKE works with
containerized applications: applications packaged into hardware-independent,
isolated user-space instances. In GKE and Kubernetes, these containers, whether for
applications or batch jobs, are collectively called workloads. In this module you will
learn about Deployments and Jobs, two of the main types of workload. You will also
learn about the mechanisms that are used to scale the GKE clusters where you run
your applications.
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Learn how to ...

Create and use Deployments.

Create and run Jobs and

Scale clusters manually and
Configure Node and Pod affinity.
Get software into your cluster.

In this module, you’ll learn how to create and use Deployments, including scaling
them, create and run Jobs and CronJobs, scale GKE clusters manually and
automatically, control on which Nodes Pods may and may not run, and explore ways
to get software into your cluster.
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Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

Deployments describe a desired state of Pods. For example, a desired state could be
that you want to make sure that 5 nginx pods are running at all times. Its declarative
stance means that Kubernetes will continuously make sure the configuration is
running across your cluster. Kubernetes also supports various update mechanisms for
Deployments, which I’ll tell you about later in this module.
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Deployments declare the state of of Pods

Roll out updates to Roll back Pods to Scale or autoscale Well-suited for
the Pods previous revision Pods stateless applications

Every time you update the specification of the pods, for example, updating them to
use a newer container image, a new ReplicaSet is created that matches the altered
version of the Deployment. This is how deployments roll out updated Pods in a
controlled manner: old Pods from the old ReplicaSet are replaced with newer Pods in
a new ReplicaSet.

If the updated Pods are not stable, the administrator can roll back the Pod to a
previous Deployment revision.

You can scale Pods manually by modifying the Deployment configuration. You can
also configure the Deployment to manage the workload automatically.

Deployments are designed for stateless applications. Stateless applications don’t

store data or application state to a cluster or to persistent storage. A typical example
of a stateless application is a Web front end. Some backend owns the problem of
making sure that data gets stored durably, and you’ll use Kubernetes objects other
than Deployments to manage these back ends.
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Deployment is a two-part process

.yaml file

Deployment object

Deployment controller

Pod Pod Pod

The desired state is described in a Deployment YAML file containing the

characteristics of the pods, coupled with how to operationally run these pods and
handle their lifecycle events. After you submit this file to the Kubernetes control plane,
it creates a deployment controller, which is responsible for converting the desired
state into reality and keeping that desired state over time. Remember what a
controller is: it’s a loop process created by Kubernetes that takes care of routine tasks
to ensure the desired state of an object, or set of objects, running on the cluster
matches the observed state.

During this process, a ReplicaSet is created. A ReplicaSet is a controller that ensures

that a certain number of Pod replicas are running at any given time. The Deployment
is a high level controller for a Pod that declares its state. The Deployment configures
a ReplicaSet controller to instantiate and maintain a specific version of the Pods
specified in the Deployment.
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Deployment object file in YAML format

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-app
replicas: 3
app: my-app
- name: my-app
- containerPort: 8080

Here is a simple example of a Deployment object file in YAML format.

The Deployment named my-app is created with 3 replicated Pods.

In the spec.template section, a Pod template defines the metadata and specification
of each of the Pods in this ReplicaSet.

In the Pod specification, an image is pulled from Google Container Registry, and port
8080 is exposed to send and accept traffic for the container.
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Deployment has three different lifecycle states

Progressing Complete Failed

State State State

Any Deployment has three different lifecycle states.

The Deployment’s Progressing state indicates that a task is being performed. What
tasks? Creating a new ReplicaSet... or scaling up or scaling down a ReplicaSet.

The Deployment’s Complete state indicates that all new replicas have been updated
to the latest version and are available, and no old replicas are running.

Finally, the Failed state occurs when the creation of a new ReplicaSet could not be
completed. Why might that happen? Maybe Kubernetes couldn’t pull images for the
new Pods. Or maybe there wasn’t enough of some resource quota to complete the
operation. Or maybe the user who launched the operation lacks permissions.

When you apply many small fixes across many rollouts, that translates to a large
number of revisions, and to management complexity. You have to remember which
small fix was applied with which rollout, which can make it challenging to figure out
which revision to roll back to when issues arise. Remember, earlier in this
specialization, we recommended that you keep your YAML files in a source code
repository? That will help you manage some of this complexity.
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There are three ways to create a Deployment

1 $ kubectl apply –f [DEPLOYMENT_FILE]

2 $ kubectl create deployment \

--image [IMAGE]:[TAG] \
--replicas 3 \
--labels [KEY]=[VALUE] \
--port 8080 \
--generator deployment/apps.v1 \

You can create a Deployment in three different ways. First, you create the
Deployment declaratively using a manifest file, such as the YAML file you’ve just
seen, and a kubectl apply command.

The second method creates a Deployment imperatively using a kubectl create

deployment command that specifies the parameters inline. Here, the image and tag
specifies which image and image version to run in the container. This Deployment will
launch 3 replicas and expose port 8080. Labels are defined using key and value.
--generator specifies the API version to be used, and --save-config saves the
configuration for future use.
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There are three ways to create a Deployment

Your third option is to use the GKE Workloads menu in the Cloud Console. Here, you
can specify the container image and version, or even select it directly from Container
Registry. You can specify environment variables and initialization commands. You can
also add an application name and namespace along with labels. You can use the
View YAML button on the last page of the Deployment wizard to view the Deployment
specification in YAML format.
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Use kubectl to inspect your Deployment, or output

the Deployment config in a YAML format

$ kubectl get deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

$ kubectl get deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] -o yaml > this.yaml

The ReplicaSet created by the Deployment ensures that the desired number of Pods
are running and always available at any given time. If a Pod fails or is evicted, the
ReplicaSet automatically launches a new Pod. You can use the kubectl ‘get’ and
‘describe’ commands to inspect the state and details of the Deployment.

As shown here, you can get the desired, current, up-to-date, and available status of
all the replicas within a Deployment, along with their ages, using the kubectl ‘get
deployment’ command.

‘Desired’ shows the desired number of replicas in the Deployment specification.

‘Current’ is the number of replicas currently running.
‘Up-to-date’ shows the number of replicas that are fully up to date as per the current
Deployment specification.
‘Available’ displays the number of replicas available to the users.

You can also output the Deployment configuration in a YAML format. Maybe you
originally created a Deployment with kubectl run, and then you decide you’d like to
make it a permanent, managed part of your infrastructure. Edit that YAML file to
remove the unique details of the Deployment you created it from, and then you can
add it to your repository of YAML files for future Deployments.
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Use the ‘describe’ command to get detailed info

$ kubectl describe deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

For more detailed information about the Deployment, use the kubectl ‘describe’
command. You’ll learn more about this command in the lab.
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Or use the Cloud Console

Another way to inspect a Deployment is to use the Cloud Console. Here you can see
detailed information about the Deployment, revision history, the Pods, events, and
also view the live configuration in YAML format.
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You can scale the Deployment manually

$ kubectl scale deployment
[DEPLOYMENT_NAME] --replicas=5

You now understand that a Deployment will maintain the desired number of replicas
for an application. However, at some point you’ll probably need to scale the
Deployment. Maybe you need more web front end instances, for example. You can
scale the Deployment manually using a kubectl command, or in the Cloud Console by
defining the total number of replicas. Also, manually changing the manifest will scale
the Deployment.
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You can also autoscale the Deployment

$ kubectl autoscale deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] --min=5 --max=15

You can also autoscale the Deployment by specifying the minimum and maximum
number of desired Pods along with a CPU utilization threshold. Again, you can
perform autoscaling by using the kubectl autoscale command, or from the Cloud
Console directly. This leads to the creation of a Kubernetes object called
HorizontalPodAutoscaler. This object performs the actual scaling to match the target
CPU utilization. Keep in mind that we’re not scaling the cluster as a whole, just a
particular Deployment within that cluster. Later in this module you’ll learn how to scale
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Thrashing is a problem with any type of autoscaling

Cooldown/delay support:


Thrashing sounds bad, and it is bad. It’s a phenomenon where the number of
deployed replicas frequently fluctuates, because the metric you used to control
scaling also frequently fluctuates. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler supports a
cooldown, or delay, feature. It allows you to specify a wait period before performing
another scale-down action. The default value is 5 minutes.
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You can update a Deployment in different ways

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
metadata: $ kubectl apply –f [DEPLOYMENT_FILE]
name: my-app
spec: $ kubectl set image deployment
containers: $ kubectl edit \
- name: my-app deployment/[DEPLOYMENT_NAME]
- containerPort: 8080

When you make a change to a Deployment’s Pod specification, such as changing the
image version, an automatic update rollout happens. Again, note that these automatic
updates are only applicable to the changes in Pod specifications.

You can update a Deployment in different ways. One way is to use the kubectl ‘apply’
command with an updated Deployment specification YAML file. This method allows
you to update other specifications of a Deployment, such as the number of replicas,
outside the Pod template.

You can also use a kubectl ‘set’ command. This allows you to change the Pod
template specifications for the Deployment, such as the image, resources, and
selector values.

Another way is to use a kubectl ‘edit’ command. This opens the specification file using
the vim editor that allows you to make changes directly. Once you exit and save the
file, kubectl automatically applies the updated file.
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You can update a Deployment in different ways

The last option for you to update a Deployment is through the Cloud Console. You
can edit the Deployment manifest from the Cloud Console and perform a rolling
update along with its additional options. Rolling updates are discussed next.
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The process behind updating a Deployment

Deployment Deployment Deployment Deployment

OLD ReplicaSet OLD ReplicaSet OLD ReplicaSet

Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod

NEW ReplicaSet NEW ReplicaSet NEW ReplicaSet NEW ReplicaSet

Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod

When a Deployment is updated, it launches a new ReplicaSet and creates a new set
of Pods in a controlled fashion.

First, new Pods are launched in a new ReplicaSet.

Next, old Pods are deleted from the old ReplicaSet.

This is an example of a rolling update strategy also known as a ramped strategy.

Its advantage is that updates are slowly released, which ensures the availability of the
application. However, this process can take time, and there’s no control over how the
traffic is directed to the old and new Pods.
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Set parameters for your rolling update strategy

Max unavailable = 2

Old ReplicaSet
Pod Pod

Pod Pod

Max unavailable = 25%

Old ReplicaSet
Pod Pod

Pod Pod

In a rolling update strategy, the max unavailable and max surge fields can be used to
control how the Pods are updated. These fields define a range for the total number of
running Pods within the Deployment, regardless of whether they are in the old or new

The max unavailable field lets you specify the maximum number of Pods that can be
unavailable during the rollout process. This number can be either absolute or a
percentage. For example, you can say you want to have no more than 2 Pods
unavailable during the upgrade process.

Specifying max unavailable at 25% means you want to have at least 75% of the total
desired number of Pods running at the same time. The default max unavailable is
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Set parameters for your rolling update strategy

Max surge = 2

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Pod Pod Pod Pod

Pod Pod

Max surge = 25%

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Pod Pod Pod

Pod Pod

Max surge allows you to specify the maximum number of extra Pods that can be
created concurrently in a new ReplicaSet. For example, you can specify that you want
to add up to two new Pods at a time in a new ReplicaSet, and the Deployment
controller will do exactly that.

You can also set max surge as a percentage. The Deployment controller looks at the
total number of running Pods in both ReplicaSets, Old and New.

In this example, a Deployment with the desired number of Pods as 4 and a max surge
of 25% will allow a maximum total of 5 Pods running at any given time between the
old and new ReplicaSets. In other words, it’ll allow 125% of the desired number of
Pods, which is 5. Again, the default max surge is 25%.
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An example of a rolling update strategy

kind: deployment
replicas: 10
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 5
maxUnavailable: 10%

Let’s look at a Deployment with a desired number of Pods set to 10, max unavailable
set to 10%, and max surge set to 5.
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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 10

Old ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 10

The Old ReplicaSet has 10 Pods.

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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 10

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 10 Number of Pods = 5

The Deployment will begin by creating 5 new Pods in a new ReplicaSet based on
max surge.
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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 15 (Max)

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 10 Number of Pods = 5

When those new Pods are ready, the total number of Pods changes to 15.
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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 15 (Max)

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 10 - 6 = 4 Number of Pods = 5

With max unavailable set to 10%, the minimum number of Pods running, regardless
of old or new ReplicaSet, is 10 minus 10%, which equates to 9 Pods. So the rollout
can remove old Pods until the overall total is no lower than 9 Pods. This means that 6
Pods can be removed from the old ReplicaSet at this stage.
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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 9 (Min)

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 10 - 6 = 4 Number of Pods = 5

This keeps the minimum total at 9 Pods: 5 in the new ReplicaSet, and 4 in the old
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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 9 (Min)

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 10 - 6 = 4 Number of Pods = 5 + 5 = 10

Next, 5 more Pods are launched in the new ReplicaSet.

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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 14

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 10 - 6 = 4 Number of Pods = 5 + 5 = 10

This creates a total of 10 Pods in a new ReplicaSet and a total of 14 across all
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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 10

Old ReplicaSet New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 4 - 4 = 0 Number of Pods = 5 + 5 = 10

Finally, the remaining 4Pods in the old set are deleted. The old ReplicaSet is retained
for rollback even though it is now empty.
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An example of a rolling update strategy


Desired Pods = 10 Pods

Max unavailable = 10% of desired Pods
Max surge = 5 Pods

Total Pods = 10

New ReplicaSet

Number of Pods = 5 + 5 = 10

This leaves 10 Pods in a new ReplicaSet.

There are a few additional options, such as ‘Min Ready Seconds’ and ‘Progress
Deadline Seconds.’ ‘Min Ready Seconds’ defines the number of seconds to wait
before a Pod is considered Available, without crashing any of its containers.

The default for minReadySeconds is 0, meaning that as soon as the Pod is ready, it’s
made available.

Another option is ‘progressDeadlineSeconds,’ where you specify the wait period

before a Deployment reports that it has failed to progress.
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Applying a Recreate strategy

kind: deployment
replicas: 10
type: Recreate

‘Recreate’ is a strategy type where all the old Pods are deleted before new Pods are
created. This clearly affects the availability of your application, because the new Pods
must be created and will not all be available instantly. For example, what if the
contract of communication between parts of your application is changing, and you
need to make a clean break? In such situations a continuous deployment strategy
doesn’t make sense. All the replicas need to change at once. That’s when the
Recreate strategy is recommended.
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Resource management for Pods and Containers

Important that containers have enough resources to run.

Applications could use more resources than they should.

CPU and memory (RAM) resources are the most common resources specified.

When Kubernetes schedules a Pod, it’s important that the containers have enough
resources to actually run. If you schedule a large application on a node with limited
resources, it is possible for the node to run out of memory or CPU resources and for
things to stop working!

It’s also possible for applications to take up more resources than they should. This
could be caused by a team spinning up more replicas than they need,possibly to
artificially decrease latency, or to a bad configuration change that causes a program
to go out of control and use 100% of the available CPU. Regardless of whether the
issue is caused by a bad developer, bad code, or bad luck, what’s important is that
you are in control.

When you specify a Pod, you can optionally specify how much of each resource a
container needs. The most common resources to specify are CPU and memory
(RAM); however, there are others. Let's take a look at the mechanisms Kubernetes
uses to control these resources.
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Resource requests and limits

150 Mb memory
1.0 CPU

100 Mb memory
0.5 CPU

Requests and limits are the mechanisms Kubernetes uses to control resources such
as CPU and memory.

Requests are what the container is guaranteed to get. If a container requests a

resource, Kubernetes will only schedule it on a node that can give it that resource.

Limits, on the other hand, make sure a container never goes above a certain value.
The container is only allowed to go up to the limit, and then it is restricted. It is
important to remember that the limit can never be lower than the request. If you try
this, Kubernetes will throw an error and won’t let you run the container.

Requests and limits are on a per-container basis. While Pods usually contain a single
container, it’s common to see Pods with multiple containers as well. Each container in
the Pod gets its own individual limit and request, but because Pods are always
scheduled as a group, you need to add the limits and requests for each container
together to get an aggregate value for the Pod.

To control what requests and limits a container can have, you can set quotas at the
Container level and at the Namespace level.
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Container settings

- name: container1
image: busybox
memory: “32Mi”
cpu: “250m”
memory: “64Mi”
cpu: “500m”

When you specify the resource request for containers in a Pod, the kube-scheduler
uses this information to decide which node to place the Pod on. When you specify a
resource limit for a container, the kubelet enforces those limits so that the running
container is not allowed to use more of that resource than the limit you set. The
kubelet also reserves at least the request amount of that system resource specifically
for that container to use.

A typical spec for a Pod for resources is shown here. Each container in the Pod can
set its own request and limits and these are all additive. CPU resources are defined in
millicores. If your container needs two full cores to run, you would specify the value as
2000m. If your container only needs one quarter of a core, you would specify the
value of 250m.

If you specify a CPU value that is larger than the core count of your biggest node,
then your Pod will never be scheduled.

Memory resources are defined in bytes. Normally, you specify a mebibyte value for
memory, but you can specify anything from bytes to petabytes. As with CPU, if you
specify a value that is larger than the amount of memory on your nodes, than the Pod
will never be scheduled.
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Service is a stable network representation of

a set of pods


Backend Backend Backend

Pod Pod Pod

We haven’t yet discussed how to locate and connect to the applications running in
these Pods, especially as new Pods are created or updated by your Deployments.
While you can connect to individual Pods directly, Pods themselves are transient. A
Kubernetes Service is a static IP address that represents a Service, or a function, in
your infrastructure. It’s a stable network abstraction for a set of Pods that deliver that
Service and, and it hides the ephemeral nature of the individual Pods. Services will be
covered in detail in the Networking module.
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A blue/green deployment strategy ensures app

services remain available

= version: v1 Service = version: v2

Deployment (my-app-v1) Deployment (my-app-v2)

ReplicaSet ReplicaSet
Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod

A blue/green deployment strategy is useful when you want to deploy a new version of
an application and also ensure that application services remain available while the
Deployment is updated.

With a blue/green update strategy, a completely new Deployment is created with a

newer version of the application. In this case, it’s my-app-v2.

When the Pods in the new Deployment are ready, the traffic can be switched from the
old blue version to the new green version. But how can you do this?

This is where a Kubernetes Service is used. Services allow you to manage the
network traffic flows to a selection of Pods. This set of Pods is selected using a label
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Applying a blue/green deployment strategy

kind: Service
selector: $ kubectl apply -f my-app-v2.yaml
app: my-app
version: v1
kind: Service
spec: $ kubectl patch service my-app-service –p \
selector: '{"spec":{"selector":{"version":"v2"}}}
app: my-app
version: v2

Here, in the Service definition, Pods are selected based on the label selector, where
Pods in this example belong to my-app and to version v1.

When a new Deployment, labelled v2 in this case, is created and is ready, the version
label in the Service is changed to the newer version, labeled v2 in this example. Now,
the traffic will be directed to the newer set of Pods, the green deployment with the v2
version label, instead of to the old blue deployment Pods that have the v1 version
label. The blue Deployment with the older version can then be deleted.

The advantage of this update strategy is that the rollouts can be instantaneous, and
the newer versions can be tested internally before releasing them to the entire user
base, for example by using a separate service definition for test user access.

The disadvantage is that resource usage is doubled during the Deployment process.
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Canary deployment is an update strategy where

traffic is gradually shifted to the new version

100% 100%
66% 33%
Deployment (my-app-v1) Deployment (my-app-v2)
ReplicaSet ReplicaSet
Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod

The canary method is another update strategy based on the blue/green method, but
traffic is gradually shifted to the new version. The main advantages of using canary
deployments are that you can minimize excess resource usage during the update,
and because the rollout is gradual, issues can be identified before they affect all
instances of the application.

In this example, 100% of the application traffic is directed initially to my-app-v1 .

When the canary deployment starts, a subset of the traffic, 33% in this case, or a
single pod, is redirected to the new version, my-app-v2, while 66%, or two pods, from
the older version, my-app-v1, remain running.

When the stability of the new version is confirmed, 100% of the traffic can be routed to
this new version. How is this done?
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Applying a canary deployment

kind: Service
app: my-app

$ kubectl apply -f my-app-v2.yaml

$ kubectl scale deploy/my-app-v2 –replicas=10

$ kubectl delete -f my-app-v1.yaml

In the blue/green update strategy covered previously, both the app and version labels
were selected by the Service, so traffic would only be sent to the Pods that are
running the version defined in the Service.

In a Canary update strategy, the Service selector is based only on the application
label and does not specify the version. The selector in this example covers all Pods
with the app:my-app label. This means that with this Canary update strategy version
of the Service, traffic is sent to all Pods, regardless of the version label.

This setting allows the Service to select and direct the traffic to the Pods from both
Deployments. Initially, the new version of the Deployment will start with zero replicas
running. Over time, as the new version is scaled up, the old version of the
Deployment can be scaled down and eventually deleted.

With the canary update strategy, a subset of users will be directed to the new version.
This allows you to monitor for errors and performance issues as these users use the
new version, and you can roll back quickly, minimizing the impact on your overall user
base, if any issues arise.

However, the complete rollout of a Deployment using the canary strategy can be a
slow process and may require tools such as Istio to accurately shift the traffic. There
are other deployment strategies, such as A/B testing and shadow testing. These
strategies are outside the scope of this course.
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Session affinity ensures that all client requests

are sent to the same Pod


Deployment (my-app-v1) Deployment (my-app-v2)

ReplicaSet ReplicaSet
Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod

A Service configuration does not normally ensure that all requests from a single client
will always connect to the same Pod. Each request is treated separately and can
connect to any Pod deployment. This potential can cause issues if there are
significant changes in functionality between Pods as may happen with a canary
deployment. To prevent this you can set the sessionAffinity field to ClientIP in the
specification of the service if you need a client's first request to determine which Pod
will be used for all subsequent connections.
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A/B testing is used to measure the effectiveness

of functionality in an application

User traffic

Load balancer

Filter traffic based on conditions

(for example, HTTP headers, geolocation)

Version 1 Version 2

With A/B testing, you test a hypothesis by using variant implementations. A/B testing
is used to make business decisions (not only predictions) based on the results
derived from data.

When you perform an A/B test, you route a subset of users to new functionality based
on routing rules as shown in the example here. Routing rules often include factors
such as browser version, user agent, geolocation, and operating system. After you
measure and compare the versions, you update the production environment with the
version that yielded better results.

A/B testing is best used to measure the effectiveness of functionality in an application.

Use cases for the deployment patterns discussed earlier focus on releasing new
software safely and rolling back predictably. In A/B testing, you control your target
audience for the new features and monitor any statistically significant differences in
user behavior.
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Shadow testing allows you to run a new,

hidden version

User traffic

Load balancer

Production traffic Mirrored traffic

Version 1 Version 2

Sequential experiment techniques like canary testing can potentially expose

customers to an inferior application version during the early stages of the test. You
can manage this risk by using offline techniques like simulation. However, offline
techniques do not validate the application's improvements because there is no user
interaction with the new versions.

With shadow testing, you deploy and run a new version alongside the current version,
but in such a way that the new version is hidden from the users, as the diagram
shown illustrates. An incoming request is mirrored and replayed in a test environment.
This process can happen either in real time or asynchronously after a copy of the
previously captured production traffic is replayed against the newly deployed service.

You need to ensure that the shadow tests do not trigger side effects that can alter the
existing production environment or the user state.

Shadow testing has many key benefits. Because traffic is duplicated, any bugs in
services that are processing shadow data have no impact on production. When used
with tools such as Diffy, traffic shadowing lets you measure the behavior of your
service against live production traffic. This ability lets you test for errors, exceptions,
performance, and result parity between application versions. Finally, there is a
reduced deployment risk. Traffic shadowing is typically combined with other
approaches like canary testing. After testing a new feature by using traffic shadowing,
you then test the user experience by gradually releasing the feature to an increasing
number of users over time. No full rollout occurs until the application meets stability
and performance requirements.
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Choosing the right strategy

Real Releasing to
Zero Rollback Impact on hardware and
Deployment or testing pattern production users based
downtime duration cloud costs
traffic testing on conditions

Recreate Fast but disruptive

Version 1 is terminated, and Version 2 is rolled out.
✘ ✘ ✘ due to downtime
No extra setup required

Rolling update Can require extra setup for surge

Version 2 is gradually rolled out and replaces Version 1.
✓ ✘ ✘ Slow

Need to maintain blue and green
Version 2 is released alongside version 1; the traffic is ✓ ✘ ✘ Instant
environments simultaneously
switched to Version 2 after it is tested.

Version 2 is released to a subset of users, followed by a ✓ ✓ ✘ Fast No extra setup required
full rollout.

Version 2 is released, under specific conditions, to a ✓ ✓ ✓ Fast No extra setup required
subset of users.

Shadow Need to maintain parallel

Version 2 receives real-world traffic without impacting ✓ ✓ ✘ Does not apply environments in order to capture
user requests. and replay user requests

You can deploy and release your application in several ways. Each approach has
advantages and disadvantages. The best choice comes down to the needs and
constraints of your business. You should consider the following when choosing the
right approach.

What are your most critical considerations? For example, is downtime acceptable?

Do costs constrain you? Does your team have the right skills to undertake complex
rollout and rollback setups? Do you have tight testing controls in place, or do you
want to test the new releases against production traffic to ensure the stability of the
release and limit any negative impact? Do you want to test features among a pool of
users to cross-verify certain business hypotheses? Can you control whether targeted
users accept the update? For example, updates on mobile devices require explicit
user action and might require extra permissions.

Are microservices in your environment fully autonomous? Or, do you have a hybrid of
microservice-style applications working alongside traditional, difficult-to-change
applications? For more information, refer to deployment patterns on hybrid and
multi-cloud environments. Does the new release involve any schema changes? If yes,
are the schema changes too complex to decouple from the code changes?

The table shown here summarizes the salient characteristics of the deployment and
testing patterns. When you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of various
deployment and testing approaches, consider your business needs and technological
resources, and then select the option that benefits you the most.
Proprietary + Confidential

Rolling back a Deployment

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] --to-revision=2

$ kubectl rollout history deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] --revision=2

Clean up Policy:

● Default: 10 Revision
● Change: .spec.revisionHistoryLimit

So that’s ‘rollout.’ Next we’ll discuss how to roll back updates, especially in rolling
update and recreate strategies.

You roll back using a kubectl ‘rollout undo’ command. A simple ‘rollout undo’
command will revert the Deployment to its previous revision.

You roll back to a specific version by specifying the revision number.

If you’re not sure of the changes, you can inspect the rollout history using the kubectl
‘rollout history’ command.
The Cloud Console doesn’t have a direct rollback feature; however, you can start
Cloud Shell from your Console and use these commands. The Cloud Console also
shows you the revision list with summaries and creation dates.

By default, the details of 10 previous ReplicaSets are retained, so that you can roll
back to them. You can change this default by specifying a revision history limit under
the Deployment specification.
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Different actions can be applied to a Deployment

Pause $ kubectl rollout pause deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

Resume $ kubectl rollout resume deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

Monitor $ kubectl rollout status deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

When you edit a deployment, your action normally triggers an automatic rollout. But if
you have an environment where small fixes are released frequently, you’ll have a
large number of rollouts. In a situation like that, you’ll find it more difficult to link issues
with specific rollouts. To help, you can temporarily pause this rollout by using the
kubectl rollout pause command. The initial state of the Deployment prior to pausing it
will continue its function, but new updates to the Deployment will not have any effect
while the rollout is paused. The changes will only be implemented once the rollout is

When you resume the rollout, all these new changes will be rolled out with a single

You can also monitor the rollout status by using the kubectl ‘rollout status’ command.
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Delete a Deployment
$ kubectl delete deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME]

What if you’re done with a Deployment? You can delete it easily by using the kubectl
‘delete’ command, and you can also delete it from the Cloud Console. Either way,
Kubernetes will delete all resources managed by the Deployment, especially running
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

Proprietary + Confidential

Lab Intro
Creating Google Kubernetes
Engine Deployments

In this lab, you’ll explore the basics of using deployment manifests.

The first task that you’ll learn to perform is to create a deployment manifest for a Pod
inside the cluster. You’ll then use both the Cloud Console and Cloud Shell to manually
scale Pods up and down. The next task will be to trigger a deployment rollout and a
deployment rollback. Various types of service types (ClusterIP, NodePort,
LoadBalancer) can be used with deployments to manage connectivity and availability
during updates. You’ll perform a task where you define service types in the manifest
and verify LoadBalancer creation. In your final task, you’ll create a new canary
deployment for the release of your application.
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

In this lesson, we’ll explore Jobs and CronJobs in more detail. Let’s start with Jobs.

A Job is a Kubernetes object like a Deployment. A Job creates one or more Pods to
run a specific task reliably. In its simplest form, a Job will create one Pod and track the
task completion within that Pod. When the task is completed, it will terminate the Pod
and report that the Job has successfully finished.
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A scenario where Job provides the solution

video files

Cluster Cluster Cluster

Control plane Job controller Control plane Job controller Control plane Job controller

Node Node Node Node Node Node

Job Pod Job Pod
Container Container

Consider a scenario where you’re transcoding some video files using a single,
standalone Pod. What if the node that Pod is running on suddenly shuts down? What
will happen to the task that was being performed? It’ll be lost. When the Pod is
terminated for any reason, it won’t be restarted. Jobs provide a mechanism to handle
this type of failure. Unlike other Kubernetes controllers, Jobs manage a task up to its
completion, rather than to an open-ended desired state. In a way, the desired state of
a job is its completion. Kubernetes will make sure it reaches that state successfully.

● In this scenario, the first step in the process involves a user uploading a video
file to a web server for conversion, or transcoding.
● The web server creates a Job object manifest for this transcoding task.
● A Job is created on the cluster.
● The Job controller schedules a Pod for the Job on a node.
● The Job controller monitors the Pod.
● If a node failure occurs and the Pod is lost, the Job Controller is aware that the
task has not completed.
● The Job controller reschedules the Job Pod to run on a different node.
● The Job controller continues to monitor the Pod until the task completes.
● When the task has completed, the Job controller removes the finished Job and
any Pods associated with it.
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Jobs can be defined as non-parallel or parallel

apiVersion: batch/v1 apiVersion: batch/v1

kind: Job kind: Job
metadata: metadata:
name: my-app-job name: my-app-job
spec: spec:
completions: 3 completions: 3
template: parallelism: 2
spec: template:
[…] spec:

There are two main ways to define a Job: non-parallel and parallel. Non-parallel Jobs
create only one Pod at a time. Of course, that Pod is recreated if it terminates
unsuccessfully. These Jobs are completed when the Pod terminates successfully,
or—if a completion count is defined—when the required number of completions is

Parallel Jobs are Jobs that have a parallelism value defined, where multiple Pods are
scheduled to work on the Job at the same time. If they also have a completion count
defined, they are used for tasks that must be completed more than once. Kubernetes
considers Parallel Jobs complete when the number of Pods that have terminated
successfully reaches the completion count.

A second type of parallel Job for processing work queues can also be defined, which
you will see later. Let’s start by looking at how to create a simple non-parallel Job.
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A Job computing π to 2000 places

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: pi
- name: pi
image: perl
command: ["perl", "-Mbignum=bpi", "-wle", "print bpi(2000)"]
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 4

$ kubectl apply –f [JOB_FILE]

$ kubectl run pi --image perl --restart Never -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'

Here’s a simple example of a Job which computes pi to 2000 decimal places.

A Job object is specified through its Kind.

Within a Job spec, there’s a Pod template. This is where a Pod’s specifications and its
restartPolicy are defined.

In this example, the restartPolicy is set to Never. This means that if a container in a
Pod fails for any reason, the entire Pod fails, and the Job controller will respond to this
Pod failure by launching a new Pod. The other restartPolicy option that can be used
for Jobs is to set the restartPolicy to OnFailure. In this case, the Pod remains on the
node, but the Container is re-started.

Where application failures are possible or expected, the backOffLimit field can be
used. backOffLimit specifies the number of retries before a Job is considered to have
failed entirely. The default is 6. This allows you to halt Jobs that would otherwise get
stuck in a restart loop. Failed Pods are recreated with an exponentially increasing
delay—10 seconds, 20 seconds, 40 seconds, and so on—up to a maximum of 6
minutes. In this example, if the Pods continue to fail 4 times, the Job will fail, with
BackoffLimitExceeded given as the reason. If the Pods succeed before the
backOffLimit is reached, the counter is reset.
Like other Kubernetes objects, the Job object can be created using a kubectl ‘apply’

Alternatively, a Job can be created using the kubectl ‘run’ command.

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The role of a non-parallel Job

.yaml file .yaml file .yaml file

Job object Job object Job object

Job controller Job controller Job controller

Pod Pod Pod

A non-parallel Job is where a single Pod is created to start the Job or task. The Pod is
created as usual and the Job or task finishes successfully.

If the Pod fails for any reason it’s restarted ensuring that the Job gets another
opportunity to finish successfully.
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Parallel Job with fixed completion count

apiVersion: batch/v1 .yaml file
kind: Job
name: my-app-job Job object
completions: 3
parallelism: 2
template: Job controller

Pod1 Pod2

Now let’s discuss parallel Jobs. The Parallel Job type creates multiple Pods that work
on the same task at the same time. Parallel Job types are specified by setting the
spec.parallelism value for a Job greater than 1. There are two types of parallel Jobs:
one with a fixed task completion count, and the other which processes a work queue.

If you want to launch multiple Pods at the same time for parallel Jobs along with a
fixed completion count, you can add completions along with parallelism. The Job
controller will only launch the maximum number of Pods at the same time specified by
the parallelism value and will continue restarting Pods until the completions count is

In this example, the controller will launch up to two Pods in parallel to process tasks
until three Pods have terminated successfully and the controller will wait for one of the
running Pods to complete successfully,
Proprietary + Confidential

Parallel Job with fixed completion count

apiVersion: batch/v1 .yaml file
kind: Job
name: my-app-job Job object
completions: 3
parallelism: 2
template: Job controller

Pod3 Pod2

before launching the next Pod.

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Parallel Job with fixed completion count

apiVersion: batch/v1 .yaml file
kind: Job
name: my-app-job Job object
completions: 3
parallelism: 2
template: Job controller

Pod3 Pod2

The Job controller will track successful completions.

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Parallel Job with fixed completion count

apiVersion: batch/v1 .yaml file
kind: Job
name: my-app-job Job object
completions: 3
parallelism: 2
template: Job controller
[…] Job finished

When the specified number of completions has been reached, the Job is considered
complete. If the remaining number of completions is less than the parallelism value,
the controller will not schedule new Pods as there are sufficient remaining Pods
running at that point to complete the desired total for the Job.
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Parallel Job with a worker queue

apiVersion: batch/v1 .yaml file
kind: Job
name: my-app-job Job object
parallelism: 3
spec: Job controller

Pod Pod Pod

In a worker queue parallel Job, each Pod works on several items from a queue and
then exits when there are no more items. Because the workers, the Pods themselves
detect when the workqueue is empty, and the Job controller does not know about the
workqueue. It relies on the workers to signal when they are done working by
terminating. You create a parallel Job to process a worker queue by specifying a
parallelism value and leaving spec.completions unset.

In this example, with parallelism set to 3, the Job controller will launch 3 Pods
simultaneously. The Job will consider all tasks complete as soon as any of these three
Pods successfully finishes its task.

At some point, one of the Pods terminates successfully. The applications running in
the remaining Pods detect this completion state and finish, causing the remaining
Pods to shut themselves down.

One Pod terminating the Job successfully is considered to be ‘finished successfully.’

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Inspecting a Job

$ kubectl describe job [JOB_NAME]

$ kubectl get pod –l [job-name=my-app-job]

Like other objects, Jobs can be inspected using a kubectl ‘describe’ command. The
Pods can be filtered using the kubectl ‘get’ command and label selector. Job details
can also be viewed from the Cloud Console.
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Scaling a Job

$ kubectl scale job [JOB_NAME]

--replicas [VALUE]

Jobs can be scaled either from a command-line or the Cloud Console. This is done by
changing the parallelism value.
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Failing a Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: my-app-job
backoffLimit: 4
activeDeadlineSeconds: 300

Pods can fail all the time. One way to limit Pod failure is through the ‘backoffLimit’
described earlier.

Another option is to use the activeDeadlineSeconds setting, where you set an active
deadline period for the Job to finish. If the Job fails to complete within this limit the Job
and all its Pods are terminated with a ‘deadline exceeded’ reason. The deadline count
starts when the Job starts. Active deadline seconds has precedence over
Proprietary + Confidential

Deleting a Job

$ kubectl delete -f [JOB_FILE]

$ kubectl delete job [JOB_NAME]

$ kubectl delete job [JOB_NAME]

--cascade false

You can use either one of these kubectl ‘delete’ commands to delete a Job. When you
delete a Job, all of its Pods are also deleted.

If you want to retain the Job Pods, set the cascade flag to false during the deletion.

Jobs can also be deleted directly from the Cloud Console.

Proprietary + Confidential

Cron format is a simple, yet powerful and flexible way

to define a schedule


0 * * * * Every hour

*/15 * * * * Every 15 minutes

0 */6 * * * Every 6 hours

0 20 * * 1-5 Every week Mon-Fri at 8pm

0 0 1 */2 * At 00:00 on day 1 of every

other month

Cron format is a commonly adopted syntax used to specify the date and time at which
a job should be executed and repeated.

Cron is defined by a plain string, consisting of fields separated by spaces and a

command to be executed.

An asterisk (*) stands for the entire range of the possible values, i.e. each minute,
each hour, etc.

Any field may contain a list of values separated by commas, (e.g. 1,3,7); or a range of
values (two integers separated by a hyphen, e.g. 1-5).

After an asterisk (*) or a range of values, you can use the slash character (/) to
specify that values are repeated over and over with a certain interval between them.
Proprietary + Confidential

Setting up a cron schedule under the CronJob spec

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
name: my-app-job
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"

CronJob is a Kubernetes object that creates Jobs in a repeatable manner to a defined

schedule. CronJobs are called that because they are named after cron, the standard
Unix/Linux mechanism for scheduling a process.

The schedule field accepts a time in the Unix/Linux standard format for specifying a
cron job. In this example, a cron schedule has been set up under the CronJob
specification to run every 1 minute. The JobTemplate defines the Job specifications,
just as I told you about in the previous lesson about Jobs.
Proprietary + Confidential

Setting up a cron schedule under the CronJob spec

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
name: my-app-job
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
startingDeadlineSeconds: 100

If the Job defined in this manifest is scheduled to start every minute, what happens if
the Job isn’t started at the scheduled time?

By default, the CronJob looks at how many times the Job has failed to run since it
was last scheduled. If that failure count exceeds 100, an error is logged and the Job is
not scheduled, This will prevent an error with a CronJob resulting in an endless
accumulation of failed attempts over time.

This behavior can be controlled using the startingDeadlineSeconds value. Instead of

looking at the number of failed attempts to run the job since it was last successfully
run, you can define the startingDeadlineSeconds attribute which defines the
maximum number of seconds the CronJob can take to start if it misses its scheduled
time for any reason.

For example, the manifest displayed specifies that the CronJob has 100 seconds to
Proprietary + Confidential

Setting up a cron schedule under the CronJob spec

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
name: my-app-job
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
startingDeadlineSeconds: 100
concurrencyPolicy: Forbid

Depending on how frequently Jobs are scheduled, and how long it takes to finish the
defined task, the CronJob might end up executing more than one Job concurrently.

You use the concurrencyPolicy value to define whether concurrent executions are
permitted, with the values ‘Allow,’ ‘Forbid,’ or ‘Replace’. In the case of Forbid, if the
existing Job hasn’t finished, the CronJob won’t execute a new Job. With Replace, the
existing Job will be replaced by the new Job. This policy only applies to Jobs that
were created using the same CronJob. Other CronJobs and their Jobs aren’t
considered or affected.
Proprietary + Confidential

Setting up a cron schedule under the CronJob spec

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
name: my-app-job
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
startingDeadlineSeconds: 100
concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
suspend: True
successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3
failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1

You can stop execution of individual Jobs by a CronJob by setting the suspend
property to True. When this is set, all new Job executions are suspended.
Suspended executions are still counted as missed Jobs.

The limit to the number of successful and failed Jobs to be retained in history is
configured by the fields ‘successfulJobsHistoryLimit’ and ‘failedJobsHistoryLimit.’
Proprietary + Confidential

CronJobs can be managed using kubectl

Create a CronJob

$ kubectl apply –f [FILE]

Inspect a CronJob

$ kubectl describe cronjob [NAME]

Delete a CronJob

$ kubectl delete cronjob [NAME]

CronJobs operate in the same manner as the Job itself. You can create, inspect, and
delete CronJobs using the kubectl commands shown. You’ll learn how to execute a
CronJob in the Labs.
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

Proprietary + Confidential

Lab Intro
Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine

In this lab, you’ll define and run Jobs and CronJobs. In GKE, a Job is a controller
object that represents a finite task. Your first task will be to create a GKE cluster,
create a Job, inspect its status, and then remove it.

You can create CronJobs to perform finite, time-related tasks that run once or
repeatedly at a time that you specify. For your second task, you’ll create and run a
CronJob. In order to stop the CronJob and clean up the Jobs associated with it, you
will then delete the CronJob.
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

In this lesson, we look at how you manage cluster scaling in GKE. I will review the
concept of node pools. You’ll learn how you can modify the capacity of your entire
cluster… either by manually changing the number of nodes in node pools, or by
configuring additional node pools. You will then learn how the GKE cluster autoscaler
works, and how you can configure it to manage the size of your cluster automatically.
Proprietary + Confidential

Scaling down a cluster using the gcloud command

gcloud container clusters resize

projectdemo --node-pool default-pool \
--num_nodes 6

You can also resize a cluster manually from the command line using the ‘resize’
gcloud command. As with the Cloud Console, if you reduce the size of the cluster,
then nodes that are running Pods and nodes without Pods aren’t differentiated.
Resize will pick instances to remove at random, and any running Pods will be
terminated gracefully. If your Pods aren’t managed by a replication controller, they
won’t be restarted.
Proprietary + Confidential

Scaling a cluster from the Cloud Console

The level of resources your applications need will vary over time. If you need to
change the amount of resources available in your Kubernetes Engine clusters, you
can increase or decrease the number of Google Kubernetes Engine nodes in your
cluster directly from the Cloud Console. New nodes created during the process
automatically self-register to the cluster within the Google Cloud environment. A node
pool is a subset of node instances within a cluster that all have the same

A node pool is a subset of node instances within a cluster that all have the same
configuration. Node pools use a NodeConfig specification. Each node in the pool has
a Kubernetes node label which has the node pool's name as its value. When you
create a container cluster, the number and type of nodes that you specify becomes
the default node pool. Then, you can add additional custom node pools of different
sizes and types to your cluster. All nodes in any given node pool are identical to one

In the Cloud Console, you can manually increase the size of the cluster by increasing
the size of the node pools in the cluster. The Node Pool size represents the number of
nodes in the node pool per zone. For example, if this particular pool spans two
compute zones, and you increase the node size from 3 to 6, each zone will have 6
nodes registered, and the total number of nodes in this pool will be 12. Existing Pods
are not moved to the newer nodes when the cluster size is increased.
Proprietary + Confidential

Manual Cluster Scale down selects nodes randomly

Control plane

Node Node Node Node

Pod Pod Pod Pod
Container Container Container Container

Pod Pod
Container Container

You can also manually decrease the cluster size. When you reduce the size of a
cluster, the nodes to be removed are selected randomly. The resize process doesn’t
differentiate between nodes that are running Pods and ones that are empty.

When you remove a node from the cluster, all the Pods within that node will be
terminated gracefully. Graceful termination means that a TERM signal is first sent to
the main process in each container. A grace period is then allowed before a KILL
signal is sent and the Pod is deleted. This grace period is defined for each Pod.

If these Pods are managed by a replication controller such as a ReplicaSet or

StatefulSet, they’ll be rescheduled on the remaining nodes. Otherwise, the Pods won’t
be restarted elsewhere.
Proprietary + Confidential

Scale up a cluster with autoscaling

Cluster Cluster Cluster

Control plane Control plane Control plane

Node Node Node Node

Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod
Container Container Container Container Container

Pod Pod Pod

Container Container Container

Cluster autoscaler controls the number of worker nodes in response to workload

demands. GKE’s cluster autoscaler can automatically resize a cluster based on the
resource demands of your workload. By default, the cluster autoscaler is disabled.
Cluster autoscaling allows you to pay only for resources that are needed at any given
moment and to automatically get additional resources when demand increases. When
autoscaling is enabled, GKE automatically adds a new node to your cluster if you've
created new Pods that don't have enough capacity to run. If a node in your cluster is
underutilized and its Pods can be run on other nodes, GKE can delete the node. Keep
in mind that when nodes are deleted, your applications can experience some
disruption. Before enabling autoscaling, you should make sure that your services can
tolerate the potential disruption.

Pods have their own CPU and memory resource requirements, based on the
resource requests and limits of their containers. When it schedules a Pod, the
Kubernetes scheduler must allocate that Pod to a node that can meet the demands of
all of the Pod’s containers.

If there isn’t enough resource capacity across any of the node pools, the Pod will
have to wait until either other Pods terminate and free up capacity or additional nodes
are added. When the Pod has to wait for resource capacity, the scheduler marks the
Pod as unschedulable by setting its ‘schedulable’ Pod Condition to false with the
reason – Unschedulable.

If you enabled autoscaling, the GKE autoscaler checks whether a scale-up action will
help the situation as soon as it detects that any Pod is considered unschedulable. If
so, it adds a new node to the node pool where the Pod is waiting for resources to
become available, and the Pod is then scheduled on that node. However, this
requires a new VM instance to be deployed, which will need to start up and initialize
before it can be used to schedule Pods. Also note that while the autoscaler ensures
that all nodes in a single node pool have the same set of labels applied, labels that
have been manually added after initial cluster or node pool creation are not
automatically carried over to the new nodes when the cluster autoscales.
Proprietary + Confidential

Scale down a cluster with autoscaling

● There can be no scale-up events pending.
● Can the node be deleted safely?

Deploying a Pod to an existing running node may only take a few seconds, but it
might take minutes before the new node added by the autoscaler can be used. And
adding nodes means spending money, too. So you should think of cluster scaling as a
coarse-grained operation that should happen infrequently, and Pod scaling with
Deployments as a fine-grained operation that should happen frequently. You can use
both kinds of scaling together to balance your performance and your spending. The
GKE cluster autoscaler can also scale down nodes. Let’s look at how the autoscaler
manages scale-down.

First, the cluster autoscaler ensures that there’s no scale-up event pending. If a
scale-up event happens during the scale-down process, the scale-down is not
executed. Second, it checks that the node can be deleted safely.
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Pod conditions that prevent node deletion

● Not run by a controller.
● Has local storage.
● Restricted by constraint rules.

If the node contains Pods that meet any of the following conditions, then the node
cannot be deleted ...

● Pods that are not managed by a controller. These are any Pods that are not in
a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Job, StatefulSet, etc.
● Pods that have local storage.
● Pods that are restricted by constraint rules that prevent them from running on
any other node, which will be explained in detail later in this module.
Proprietary + Confidential

Pod conditions that prevent node deletion

● cluster-autoscaler. is set to False
● Restrictive PodDisruptionBudget
● set to True

There are a number of non-default settings that can be explicitly set to prevent node

Pods that have the safe-to-evict annotation set to ‘False.’ The safe-to-evict annotation
provides a direct setting at the Pod level that tells the autoscaler that the Pod cannot
be evicted. As a result, the node that it’s running on won’t be selected for deletion
when the cluster is scaled down.

Pods that have a restricted PodDisruptionBudget can also prevent a node from being
deleted. You can define PodDisruptionBudget to specify the number of controller
replicas that must be available at any given time. For example, in a Deployment with
3 replicas, and PodDisruptionBudget set to 2, only one replica can be evicted or
disrupted at a time.

At the node level, if the node’s scale-down-disabled annotation is set to ‘True,’ that
node will always be excluded from scale-down actions.
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The Autoscaler removes nodes that remain below

50% utilization
Control plane

Node Node Node Node

Pod Pod Pod
Container Container Container

Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity

>50% >50% <50% >50%

If no scale-up is needed, cluster autoscaler checks which nodes are unneeded. This
is performed every 10 seconds. A node is considered for removal if all of the following
conditions hold:

● If the sum total of cpu and memory total is less than 50% of a node’s
allocatable capacity.
● All of the pods that are running on the node can be moved to other nodes.
● If the cluster does not have scale-down disabled annotation.

Cluster autoscaler will monitor unneeded nodes for more than 10 minutes and will
terminate them if unneeded.

For more information, see: How does scale-down work?

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Best practices for working with autoscaled clusters

Don’t run Compute Engine Specify correct resource requests

autoscaling for Pods
Don’t manually resize a node Use PodDisruptionBudget to
using the gcloud command maintain the app’s availability
Don’t manually modify a node

Let’s look at some best practices for working with autoscaled clusters.

First, don’t run Compute Engine autoscaling for managed instance groups on these
nodes. The GKE autoscaler is separate from Compute Engine autoscaling.

Don’t manually resize a node pool using a gcloud command when the cluster
autoscaler is enabled. This might lead to cluster instability and result in the cluster
having wrong node pool sizes.

Don’t modify autoscaled nodes manually. All nodes in a node pool should have the
same capacity, labels, and system Pods. In addition, if you change the labels for one
node directly using kubectl, the changes won’t be propagated to the other nodes in
the node pool.

Do specify correct resource requests for Pods. This will allow Pods to work efficiently
with the cluster autoscaler. If you don’t know the resource needs of Pods, measure
them under a test load.

Finally, do use PodDisruptionBudgets. It’s expected that the Pods belonging to the
controller can be safely terminated and relocated. If your application cannot tolerate
such disruption, maintain your application’s availability using PodDisruptionBudgets.
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Setting a node pool size


Node pool = 0
Cluster size ≠ 0

MAX = 5,000 nodes x 30 Pods

Increase quota limits to avoid disruption

A cluster will contain one or more node pools. The node pool size can be set by
specifying a minimum and maximum size.

You can scale down some of the node pools in a cluster to 0; however, the overall
cluster size can never be scaled to 0. At least one node is required within a cluster to
have system Pods running.

The cluster autoscaler has been tested up to a maximum of 5000 nodes, with each
running 30 Pods.

However, standard Google Cloud quota limits for your total number of Compute
Engine instances will apply. If you haven’t increased your default quota, you’ll
eventually see disruption, and new VMs won’t be started until the quota limit is raised.
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gcloud commands for autoscaling

Create a cluster with Enable autoscaling for an
autoscaling enabled existing node pool
gcloud container clusters create gcloud container clusters update
[CLUSTER_NAME] --num-nodes 30 \ [CLUSTER_NAME] --enable-autoscaling \
--enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 15 --min-nodes 1 --max-nodes 10 --zone
--max-nodes 50 [--zone COMPUTE_ZONE] [COMPUTE_ZONE] --node-pool [POOL_NAME]

Add a node pool with Disable autoscaling for an

autoscaling enabled existing node pool
gcloud container node-pools create gcloud container clusters update
[POOL_NAME] --cluster [CLUSTER_NAME] [CLUSTER_NAME] --no-enable-autoscaling \
--enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 15 --node-pool [POOL_NAME] [--zone
--max-nodes 50 [--zone COMPUTE_ZONE] [COMPUTE_ZONE] --project [PROJECT_ID]]

Here are some gcloud commands for autoscaling. You can start a cluster with
autoscaling enabled for the default pool.

You can add a new pool with autoscaling enabled, or enable autoscaling for an
existing node pool.

You can also disable autoscaling for an existing node pool. If autoscaling is disabled,
the node pool size will be fixed at the cluster’s current node pool size.

You can carry out all of these actions from the Cloud Console also.

By default with zonal clusters all resources (nodes and the control plane) are created
in the same zone. If you enable secondary zones then all node pools are duplicated in
the secondary zone similar to the way pools are duplicated for regional clusters.
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

In this lesson, we’ll look at controlling Pod placement. In Kubernetes, Pod placement
can be controlled with labels and taints on nodes, and node affinity rules and
tolerations in the deployment specifications.
Proprietary + Confidential

Controlled scheduling
Control plane

CPU Memory
limit limit

CPU Memory
request request

When you specify a Pod, you can optionally specify how much CPU and memory
(RAM) each Container needs. When Containers have resource requests specified,
the scheduler can make better decisions about which nodes to place Pods on. And
when Containers have their limits specified, contention for resources on a node can
be handled in a specified manner.

A Pod sums each container’s resource requests/limits and sets up it own requests
and limits, depending on the number of containers it’s running.

A scheduler assigns a Pod to a node based on resource requests and limits set by the
containers within the Pod.

The scheduler ensures that a Pod’s requests and limits are within a node’s capacity. It
also spreads Pods across nodes automatically. These nodes can be set up across
different compute zones.

When nodes are started, the kubelet automatically adds labels to them with zone
Kubernetes will automatically spread the pods in a replication controller or service
across nodes in a single-zone cluster, to reduce the impact of failures. With
multiple-zone clusters, this spreading behavior is extended across zones to reduce
the impact of zone failures.
But what if you want to run certain types of applications on a specific node? For
example, if you want run a database server on a node with an SSD.
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Nodes must match all the labels present under the

nodeSelector field
apiVersion: v1 apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod kind: Node
metadata: metadata:
name: mysql name: node1
labels: labels:
env: test disktype: ssd
spec: […]
- name: mysql
image: mysql
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
disktype: ssd

For a Pod to run on a specific node, that node must match all the labels present under
the nodeSelector field in a Pod. NodeSelector is a Pod specification field that
specifies one or more labels.
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Nodes must match all the labels present under the

nodeSelector field
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mysql
env: test
- name: mysql
image: mysql
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

The node labels may be automatically assigned, for example the label is automatically created by GKE and contains the
name of the node pool, or you may need to add labels directly to identify nodes that
meet specific criteria.

For example, this Pod will only run on a node that has a label that indicates the node
is a member of the GKE node pool called ssd. If the node’s labels are changed,
running Pods are not affected. NodeSelector is only used during Pod scheduling.
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Node affinity is conceptually similar to nodeSelector

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-node-affinity
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- n1-highmem-4
- n1-highmem-8

Next, let’s look at node affinity and anti-affinity features.

Like NodeSelectors, node affinity also allows you to constrain which nodes your Pod
can be scheduled on, based on labels, but the features are more expressive and can
be used to constrain against the labels of both nodes and other Pods running on

Unlike NodeSelector, where a Pod won’t be scheduled if the NodeSelector

requirements aren’t met, it’s possible to define node affinity and node anti-affinity rules
as preferences rather than requirements so that they won’t prevent a Pod from being
launched if the preferences cannot be met. Think of these as allowing you to set soft
preferences in addition to hard requirements.
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Affinity and anti-affinity rules

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-node-affinity
- matchExpressions:
- key: accelerator-type
operator: In
- gpu
- tpu

Affinity and anti-affinity rules are denoted by the

‘requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution’ and
‘preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution’ rules.

The keywords contain the string ‘IgnoredDuringExecution’ part to remind us that if the
labels change, Pods already running aren’t affected.

The ‘requiredDuringScheduling’ rule shown here is the hard requirement, similar to

NodeSelector, that must be met for the Pod to be scheduled. The
‘preferredDuringScheduling’ format of this rule defines a soft preference that is
covered in the next slide.

In this hard-requirements example, the Pod can only run on nodes with a label whose
key is accelerator-type, and whose value is either gpu or tpu. These can be any labels
you want to use. In this case, the Pod runs an application that can benefit from either
a GPU or TPU accelerator. Those labels must have been added to compute nodes

Note that a single NodeSelectorTerms is used here. You can use multiple
NodeSelectorTerms, but only one is required for scheduling.
In this example, only one matchExpression is mentioned; but you can add multiple
matchExpressions. The node must satisfy all the listed matchExpressions in each
nodeSelector. Logically they are joined using boolean AND.

With the In operator you can have multiple values, but only one is required to match.
Two values are noted here for a single key. Logically the In operator acts as a boolean

You can use other operators, such as NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist, Gt (for
greater-than) and Lt (for less than). For example, if the NotIn operator was used in
this example, you would be configuring a node anti-affinity rule.
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Defining the intensity of preference

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-node-affinity
- weight: 90
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- n1-highmem-4
- n1-highmem-8

Specifying ‘preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution’ creates a soft

preference rule. The value for the weight of this preference ranges from 1, the
weakest preference level, to 100 for the highest preference. In this example, the soft
preference is also given a weight set to 1. What makes it a soft preference, rather
than a hard requirement, is our use of the “preferred” keyword instead of the
“required” keyword.

When the scheduler evaluates these preferences, each node that the Pod might be
scheduled on receives a total weight score based on all the requirements it meets,
such as resource requests, resource limits, and other nodeAffinity rules, such as
‘RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.’ The weight of
‘preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution’ is also added to this total score.
The scheduler then assigns the Pod to the node with the highest total score. The
weight defines the intensity of preference.

In the example shown here a pod with a heavy duty workload is configured with node
affinity rules that configure a strong preference for nodes containing labels that
indicate they are members of GKE node pools called either n1-highmem-4 or
n1-highmem-8. The node pools could have any name but it is useful to give them
names that reflect the type of compute instance used to create the nodes since all
members of a node-pool are identical and this allows you to create preferences for
specific types of hardware using the node-pool names, which are automatically
configured as labels on all nodes by GKE.
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Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity features are built

on the node affinity concept
name: with-pod-affinity
- weight: 100
- key: app
operator: In
- webserver

Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity features extend the node affinity concept to include
rules based on Pod labels that are already running on the node, instead of only on
labels on the nodes themselves.

A Pod that is required or prefers to run on the same node as other Pods can be
configured with podAffinity rules. Pods that must not, or should not, be scheduled on
the same node as other Pods can be configured with podAntiAffinity rules. You can
see this is similar to node affinity with the addition of some extra fields. Notice in this
case that this Pod strongly prefers not to be scheduled on the same node as Pods
with label key: value of app:webserver. This is a strong but still soft preference,
because the weight of this podAntiAffinity rule has the highest possible value of 100,
but the rule is still preferredDuringScheduling.

Using topologyKeys, you can also specify affinity and non-affinity rules at a higher
level than just specific nodes. For example, to ensure that Pods are not co-located in
the same zone, not just the same node, you define a topologyKey to specify that a
podAntiAffinity rule should apply at the zone topology level.
You can use topologyKey to specify topology domains, such as node, zone, and

The Pod shown here has a podAntiAffinity rule with topologyKey set so that it prefers
not to be scheduled in the same zone that’s already running at least one Pod with
label key: and value of app:webserver.
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Combining inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity

Pod (#1) Pod (#2)

(Label – app:webserver) (Label – app:webserver)
Requirement: No app:webserver Requirement: No app:webserver
on the same zone on the same zone

Preference: Prefer app:cache Preference:Prefer app:cache

on the same node on the same node

Pod (#3) Pod (#4)

(Label – app:cache) (Label – app:cache)
Requirement: No app:cache Requirement No app:cache
on the same zone on the same zone

Preference: Prefer app:webserver Preference: Prefer app:webserver

on the same node on the same node

Here’s an example that combines Pod affinity and anti-affinity. Pod number 1, with
label app:webserver, has both a hard requirement and a soft preference. In this Pod,
the hard requirement has an anti-affinity rule saying that other Pods with the label
app:webserver aren’t allowed in the same zone. On the other hand, the soft
preference has an affinity rule where it prefers to have other Pods with label
app:cache on the same node.

The cache Pods, however, prefer to be scheduled on the same node as a web server
but have a hard requirement that prevents multiple cache Pods from being deployed
in the same zone.

The resulting distribution has the two web server Pods repelling each other at the
zone level, and attracting cache Pods at the node level. Both cache Pods also repel
each other at the zone level and attract web server Pods at the node level.
Proprietary + Confidential

Combining inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity

Zone 1 Zone 2
Node Node
Pod (#1) Pod (#2)
(Label – app:webserver) (Label – app:webserver)
Requirement: No app:webserver Requirement: No app:webserver
on the same zone on the same zone

Preference: Prefer app:cache Preference: Prefer app:cache

on the same node on the same node

Pod (#3) Pod (#4)

(Label – app:cache) (Label – app:cache)
Requirement: No app:cache Requirement: No app:cache
on the same zone on the same zone

Preference: Prefer app:webserver Preference: Prefer app:webserver

on the same node on the same node

Pod #1, which is a web server, is already running on a node in zone 1.

Pod #2, a second web server, is scheduled.
Pods #1 and #2 repel each other based on the hard requirement.
Therefore, Pod #2 is scheduled to run in a different zone: zone 2...
And on a different node.
Pod #3, which is a cache server, has a soft preference to run on the same node as
web server Pods; so it can be scheduled on the same node as either of the web
servers in Pod #1 or Pod #2.
It’s scheduled to run alongside the web server in Pod #1.
Finally, the the second cache server in Pod #4 has to be scheduled.
It will be repelled from the cache server in Pod #3 with its hard requirement, ...
But can run on a different zone along with the web server in Pod #2. Additionally,
there is a soft preference for the cache server Pods to run on the same node as a
web server Pod, instead of on a different node.

This type of pattern allows you to specify affinity and anti-affinity rules to co-locate
Pods at different topological layers and control the distribution of Pods across
topological layers.
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Taints allow a node to repel Pods


$ kubectl taint nodes node1


Tainted with:
Key=Value: NoSchedule

Node affinity attracts Pods, and anti-affinity repels them. You can also use taints to
prevent Pods from being scheduled on specific nodes. You are probably wondering,
“Why do we need both Taints and affinity settings?” Having the choice gives you more
management flexibility. You configure NodeSelector, affinity, and anti-affinity rules on
Pods. By contrast, you configure Taints on nodes, and they apply to all Pods in the
cluster. You should use whichever mechanism lets you express the behavior you want
most economically.

To taint a nodes, use the kubectl taint command.

The taint has a key with a value and a taint effect.

This taint with the NoSchedule effect limits all Pods from scheduling on this particular
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You can apply multiple taints to a node


Tainted with:
Key=Value: NoSchedule
Key2=Value2: NoExecute

You can apply multiple taints to a node. In this case, no Pods can be scheduled, and
all running Pods will be evicted.
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You can configure Pods to tolerate taints

Tainted with:
Key=Value: NoSchedule

Pod Pod Pod

tolerations: tolerations: tolerations:
- key: "key" - key: "key" - key: "key"
operator: "Equal" operator: "Exists" operator: "Exists"
value: "value" effect: "NoSchedule" effect:
effect: "NoSchedule" "PreferNoSchedule"

So how can you schedule a node here? Tolerations enable this.

Tolerations are applied to Pods. A Toleration is a mechanism that allows a Pod to

counteract the effect of a taint that would otherwise prevent the Pod from being
scheduled or continue to run on a Node. A toleration field consists of a key, value,
effect, and operator. A Pod’s toleration will match a taint if the keys in the toleration
and the taint are the same, the effects are the same, and the operator accepts the

The operator field allows some flexibility. When an operator field is Equal, the value
must also be equal.
However, when an operator field is set to Exists, only the keys and effects must match
for the Toleration to apply, even if the value field isn’t specified.

Three effect settings can be applied:

- NoSchedule is a scheduling hard limit that prevents scheduling of Pods unless
there is a Pod toleration with the NoSchedule effect that matches.
- PreferNoSchedule tells the scheduler to try to not place a Pod that doesn’t
have a matching Pod toleration for the node’s taint, but this is only a soft limit,
and the Pod might still be scheduled.
- NoExecute will evict running Pods from the nodes unless the Pods each have
- at least one matching toleration with the NoExecute effect.
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Use node pools to manage different kinds of nodes

Node pool “High CPU” Node pool “High Memory”

n1-highcpu-8 n1-highcpu-8 n1-highmem-16 n1-highmem-16 n1-highmem-16

n1-highcpu-8 n1-highcpu-8

You’ve learned a lot of techniques for constraining Pods to particular nodes. You may
be wondering, “What’s the simplest way to manage this situation?” In GKE, the
concept of node pools allows us to abstract away a lot of the complexity, because one
of the most common reasons to manage where Pods run is to get them onto the right
hardware. Remember that the nodes in a node pool always have the same hardware.
So, for example, you can use NodeSelectors to direct Pods to the right node pool.

In this example, this GKE cluster has two node pools. One node pool is called “High
CPU” because the nodes that make it up are machines with a high CPU to memory
ratio, with 8 virtual CPUs and 7.2 gigabytes of memory. The other pool is called “High
Memory” because its virtual machines have a much higher ratio of memory with with
16 virtual CPUs and 104 gigabytes of memory in each node.
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Direct Pods to desired nodes using nodeSelectors

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
nodeSelector: HighCPU

GKE automatically labels the nodes in each node pool with the node pool name you
supply. You can use the full logical power of nodeSelectors to direct Pods to nodes
using these names. For example, if you have a fleet of frontend web servers that
require require a moderate increase of vCPUs relative to memory, constrain those
Pods to the “High CPU” node pool. In this example, the nginx Pod named by the
YAML template must run on a node in the “HighCPU” node pool.
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Or use node pool names with affinity,

anti-affinity rules
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: rendering-engine
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: NotIn
- HighCPU

If nodeSelectors are not expressive enough, you can also use the affinity
specifications we learned in this module with node pool names. In this example, we’ve
specified that this pod, which performs a memory-intensive activity, can be scheduled
onto any node pool other than the one named “HighCPU.”

In this lesson, you saw how to control the scheduling of Pods based on node selector,
node affinity, Pod affinity, Pod anti-affinity, and taints with tolerations. Using these,
Pods can be distributed across the zones, co-located with Pods they need to remain
close to, scheduled on nodes with certain features, or prevented from running on
nodes that are unsuitable.
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

You have now learned several useful and expressive ways to manage your workloads
in your Kubernetes clusters. But what about the software that those workloads run?
Where do you get it?
Proprietary + Confidential

How to get software

● Build it yourself, and supply your own YAML.
● Use Helm to install software into your cluster.

An earlier module in this specialization discussed packaging software into containers,

with tools such as Cloud Build. You can use Container Registry to store private
container images, and Kubernetes can fetch these images from the registry and run
them in Pods. But it’s up to you to define the deployment patterns and services that
make them run reliably and usefully. You’ll create your own YAML manifests and
maintain them yourself in a source-control system of your choice.

You are probably thinking, “Writing YAML files is not much fun. And haven’t other
people already figured out the best patterns for deploying popular open-source
software into Kubernetes clusters? Why do I have to figure all that out starting from
scratch?” You don’t. This problem is what Helm helps us solve.
Proprietary + Confidential

Organize Kubernetes objects in packages and

deploy complex packages


Create Version Share Publish Download Configure Release

Helm is an open-source package manager for Kubernetes in the same way that
apt-get and yum are package managers for Linux.
Helm lets developers organize Kubernetes objects in packages called “charts.” Charts
are easily created, versioned, shared, and published.

Charts manage the deployment of complex applications. You can think of a chart as a
parameterized YAML template. Helm charts know what parameters are needed to
make them work. For example, how many instances of each component do you need,
and what resource constraints should they work under? Developers of Helm charts
define these parameters, and even supply helpful defaults.

When you install a Helm chart, Helm fills in the parameters you supply and deploys a
release, which is a specific instance of the chart, to the cluster.
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There are two components in the Helm architecture

Helm client Helm server Kubernetes

(helm) (Tiller) APIserver

Kubernetes cluster

First, there’s a command-line client, which is also called helm, that allows you to
develop new charts and manage chart repositories.

The second component is the Helm server, called Tiller, which runs within the
Kubernetes cluster.

Tiller interacts with the Kubernetes APIserver to install, upgrade, query, and remove
Kubernetes resources. It also stores the objects that represent Helm chart releases.
Proprietary + Confidential

How to get software

● Build it yourself, and supply your own YAML.
● Use Helm to install software into your cluster.
● Use Google Cloud Marketplace to install both open-source and
commercial software.

Using Helm lets us deploy open-source software into our Kubernetes cluster with less
work and less risk of error. But you still must manage Helm itself, and you still must
find the tools you want to use. What if there were something even simpler?

Google Cloud Marketplace offers ready-to-go development stacks, solutions, and

services to accelerate development for popular open-source and commercial software
packages. Marketplace contains many Kubernetes-based tools that are ready to
install into your existing GKE clusters. You don’t have to set up Helm to use it.
Instead, you just click a package you want, specify any needed parameters, and
launch its installation into your cluster. Google Cloud Marketplace uses kubectl
commands or Helm charts to automate the installation.
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

Proprietary + Confidential

Lab Intro
Configuring Pod Autoscaling and
Node Pools

In this lab, you’ll set up an application in GKE, and then use a

HorizontalPodAutoscaler to autoscale the web application. You’ll then work with
multiple node pools of different types, and apply taints and tolerances to control the
scheduling of Pods with respect to the underlying node pool. Your first task will be to
create a GKE cluster and a deployment manifest for a set of Pods within the cluster
that you’ll then use to test DNS resolution of Pod and service names. In the next task
, you will configure the cluster to automatically scale the sample application that you
deployed earlier. Finally, you’ll create a new pool of nodes using preemptible
instances, and then you’ll constrain the web deployment to run only on the
preemptible nodes.
Proprietary + Confidential

Deployments Getting Software into Your Cluster

Lab: Creating Google Kubernetes Lab: Configuring Pod Autoscaling

Engine Deployments and Node Pools
Jobs and CronJobs Summary
Lab: Deploying Jobs on Google
Kubernetes Engine
Cluster Scaling

Controlling Pod Placement

Proprietary + Confidential

Create and use Deployments.

Create and run Jobs and CronJobs.

Use Helm Charts.

Scale clusters manually and automatically.

Configure Node and Pod affinity.

That completes Deployment, Jobs and Scaling. In this module you learned how to
create and use Deployments, create and run Jobs and CronJobs, use Helm Charts,
how to scale clusters manually and automatically, and how to configure node and Pod
Proprietary + Confidential

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