1.04 - Describing People

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\ Warm Up

Who is who?

A. Listen to the teacher give six descriptions of people. Write the person's name next to the correct
picture. Check your answers with a partner.

B. Pair work Ask and answer the following questions with a partner.
1. Which of these people do you think are friendly? Which don't look friendly? Why?
2. Which of these people look smart? Why?
3. Do you like men / women with long hair I short hair I facial hair I glasses / earrings? Why /Why not?
4. Do you know anyone who looks like one of these people?

• Listening
Let's just sit and watch people. " TOB

Jan and Marsha are talking in an outdoor cafe.

M =Marsha J =Jan
M: Jan, this sure is a lovely afternoon!
J : There are a lot of people out today.
Oh, hey, look at this lady! She is really tall.
M: And beautiful. Wow. Is that her boyfriend?
I think that's her boyfriend.
A. Pair work Ask and answer the
J Mrnrn-Hmmm. He has a nice beard. But he's
following questions with a partner.
short ... and he has a potbelly. He's a little
overweight, I think ... 1. What do Marsha and Jan say about
the first woman?
M: Well, appearance isn' t everything. 2. Who is that lady with? How do
J : Of course. Oh, what about that man? Over there ... they describe him?
3. How do they describe the second
M: Which one? man they see?
J : Over that way ... He has thick black hair and a 4. Who else do they talk about?
mustache. He looks handsome.
M: Oh, him. His hair is thick, huh? He has a suntan, B. Pair work Ask and answer the
too. following questions with a partner.

J : Yeah, I'll say. And he's muscular. He's fit. 1. Do you like people watching?
Why / Why not?
M: Nice, but not my type. He looks like a cop.
2. Where is a good place to go people
J : I guess so. Hey, how about this young mother watching?
with her two children? 3. What kinds of people can you see
there? What do they look like?
M: Oh, they're so cute. Especially her daughter - she
has pigtails. 4. Do you like it when people watch
you? Why / Why not?
J : Don't you mean, "She has a ponytail"?
M: o, she has pigtails. The son has a ponytail. And
he has earrings. Put on your glasses, Jan.
J : I have them on. Wait! Shh! Shh! Listen to them
M: Uh-huh.
J : Marsha, he's not her son. He's ... he's her husband.

•• Language Focus
Descriptive adjectives describing appearance and personality

A. With a partner, ask and answer the questions below.


you tall.
your parents He's short and thin.
What do
your friends She's tall and athletic.
soccer players beautiful.
look like?

long hair.
he/she I have short black hair.
your brother He has blue eyes.
What does
your best friend She has curly hair and brown eyes.
Kim Jeong Il They have a beard/moustache.

you friendly.
What are your grandparents outgoing.
your coworkers I'm
quiet and shy.
like? positive and kind.
he/she cold and mean.
What is your wife/husband smart.
your sister thoughtful and polite.

B. Pair work Discuss the following with your partner.

1. What is your best friend like?
2. What does your best friend look like?
3. Describe a boss I teacher I classmate I coworker.
What are they like? What do they look like?
4. What is (famous person) like?
Describe his / her personality and appearance.

~ Communication
Know your own personality!

A. Put the words below on the right place in the line. Then write the name of someone who has each
personality below those words. Check your answers with a partner.

\ .._/

My brother

. b y but my
My brother is very balanced. My tatner IS ass ,
mother is very sott.

B. Pair work You will give your partner a personality survey. Take turns asking and answering the
questions your teacher gives you. Then, add up the scores and tell your partner their results.

Over46 Bossy, very tough, a "cowboy"

40-45 A fighter, a strong leader
34-39 Bold, tough
29-33 A good manager
23-28 Balanced
17-22 Shy, quiet
Got it?
11-16 Caring, a little soft
6-10 A very soft person OK here? .
Below 6 Are you scared now?

Could Yo ~
S orry co u repeat th at?
C. Group work Discuss your results. Join another pair Wh atw , rne again?
as that? ·
and take turns asking these questions. Sorry ·
, sayagai n.?
1. What's your personality like?
2. Who in your group is similar I different?
3. Do you agree with the survey result?

Unit 4
be+ descriptive adjective
1. If someone asks "What does ... look like?" use descriptive adjectives for appearance.

be descriptive adjective
He tall chubby long-haired
She average fit curly-haired
short skinny bald

2. If someone asks "What is ... like?" use descriptive adjectives for personality.

be descriptive adjective
kind w arm-hearted
is smart cute
She cold shy outgoing

Unit 5
this, that, these, those
• Use this, that, these, those to talk about specific things or people.

Singular Plural
Near This shirt looks nice. These shirts are expensive.
Far How much is that skirt? Are those skirts on sale?

• This, that, these, those can also be used as pronouns.

That looks expensive.
How much are these ?


Unit 4
1 Expressions UsinJ,! Eye and See
* eyes popped out of m y head =showing surprise
My eyes popped out of my head when he gave me the ring .

*have eyes in the back of someone's head = to sense things out of sight
My teacher has eyes in the back of his head . He always sees when I'm playing wi t h my phone.

* keep an eye on = to direct your attention to someone I something

Please keep an eye on the children while I'm gone.

* see eye to eye = to agree about someone I something with another person
We see eye to eye on the new Seoul Plaza plan.

1 Talk Related Expressions

* make small talk = to talk about minor things
Everyone at the party was making small talk with each other.

* speak of the devil =when talking about someone, they appear

Here comes Alan now. Speak of the devil.

* sweet talk = to convince someone using flattery

She didn 't want to help, but I sweet-talked her into it.

* straight talk = direct and honest talk

It's about time we had some straight talk around here .

1 More Expressions

Write down any new expressions you learned in class.


A Objectives listening A conversation between two friends at an outdoor cafe

Pronunciation Contracted forms of have and be
Grammar Descriptive adjectives describing appearance and personality
Speaking Simple descriptions of appearance and personality

\\ Warm Up: Who is w h o ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aim: To prompt awareness of descriptive adjective SCRIPT
use for appearance 1. Joan has blonde hair and earrings.
2. Erica has short black hair and earrings.
A. 3. John has long hair, earrings, and a mustache.
• Pre-teach the words blond, beard, and mustache. 4. Ron has thin hair and glasses.
• Review the exercise instructions, and read the 5. Eric has dark hair. He has a beard, a mustache, and
Script provided in this section. an earring.
• Have students write down the person's name in 6. Sue has short, dark hair.
the blank spaces beside the pictures on p.l6 of the
Student's Book.
• Form pairs and have students check their partner's a- John b-Eric c- Ron d-Joan e-Erica f-Sue
work, and review the answers as a whole class.
• Students may have difficulty with the similarity B. Pair work
between the names "John" I "Joan", as well as • Put students into pairs and read through the
"Eric" I "Erica". questions. Instruct students to take turns asking
and answering the questions.
• For weaker classes: Write the first letter of the six
names on the board as a clue. Read the Script • Model possible responses to the questions.
twice. • As a class, review any language difficulties and I or
• For stronger classes: Put students into new vocabulary encountered during the Warm Up.
pairs / groups and have one student read the activities.
Script (provided by teacher) while the other(s)
listen and match the names to the correct pictures.

\ \ Listening: Let's just sit and watch people.

Aim: To contextually expose students to the use • Encourage students to circle any unfamiliar I
of predicative adjectives (be + adjective) in problematic vocabulary items and discuss what
describing appearance and personality they could mean with their partner.
Synopsis: Two friends people-watching at an • Review by eliciting answers from several students,
outdoor cafe and working through the vocabulary items as a
A. Pair work
• {) Read through the comprehension questions as
a class. Play the recording (Track 08) and have
students compare their answers with a partner.

*HiM¥1 » Optional Activity
I. What do Marsha and Jan say about the fi rst woman? 1. Photocopy the Listening script with missing words
They say that she is really tall and beautiful. below (one per student).
2. Who is that lady with? How do they describe h im? 2. Have students listen to the dialogue a third time,
The lady is with her boyfriend. They say he has a nice beard, but filling in the blank spaces on the bonus listening
that he's a little short and overweight.
3. How do they describe the second man they see?
3. Collect the scripts and write some sample answers on
They say he has thick black hair and a mustache, that he is
the board.
suntanned and muscular. They say he is handsome and fit, and
4. Play the recording again and have students choose
he looks like a cop.
4. Who else do they talk about? the correct answer:
They talk about a f.unily with two children.

I . sure is 2. potbelly 3. fit 4. cop 5. pigtails 6. Put on

Marsha: Jan, this sure is a lovely afternoon ! Marsha: Oh, him. His hair is_thick, huh? He has a suntan, too.
Jan: There are a lot of people out today. Oh, hey, look at this Jan: Yeah, I'll say. And he's muscular. He's fit.
lady! She is really tall. Marsha: Nice, but not my type. He looks like a cop.
Marsha: And beautiful. Wow. Is that her boyfriend? I think that's Jan: I guess so. Hey, how about this young mother with her
her boyfriend. two children?
Jan: Mmm-Hmmm. He has a nice beard. But he's short ... and Marsha: Oh, they're so cute. Especially her daughter- she has
he has a potbelly. He's a little overweight, I think ... pigtails.
Marsha: Well, appearance isn't everything. Jan: Don't you mean, "She has a ponytail"?
Jan: Of course. Oh, what about that man? Marsha: No, she has pigtails. The son has a ponytail. And he has
Over there ... earrings. Put on your glasses, Jan.
Marsha: Which one? Jan : I have them on. Wait! Shh! Shh! Listen to them talk.
Jan: Over that way ... He has thick black hair and a mustache. Marsha: Uh-huh.
He looks handsome. Jan: Marsha, he's not her son. He's ... he's her husband.

~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Listening script with missing words

Marsha: Jan, this (1) a lovely afternoon! Jan: Yeah , I'll say. And he's muscular. He's
_ __ (3).
Jan: There are a lot of people out today.
Oh, hey, look at th is lady! She is really tall. Marsha: Nice, but not my type. He looks like a
Marsha: And beautiful. Wow. Is that her boyfriend? _ _ _ (4) .

I think that's her boyfrie nd. Jan: I guess so . Hey, how about this you ng mother
Jan: Mmm-Hmmm. He has a nice beard. But he's with her two children?
short ... and he has a (2). Marsha: Oh, they're so cute. Especially her daughter-
He's a little overweight, I think . she has (5)
Marsha: W ell, appearance isn't everything . Jan: Don't you mean, "She has a ponytail"?
Jan: Of course. Oh, what about that man? Marsha: No, she has pigtails. The son has a ponytail.
Over there ... And he has earrings.
Marsha: Which one? _ _ _ _ (6) your glasses, Jan .
Jan: Over that way ... He has t hick black hair and a Jan: I have them on. Wait! Shh! Shh! Listen to
mustache. He looks handsome. them talk.
Marsha: Oh, him. His hair is thick, huh? He has a Marsha: Uh-huh.
suntan, too. Jan: Marsha, he's not her son. He's ... he's her

B. Pair work • Have pairs I groups report back to the class on
• Form pairs or small groups and read through the some of their discussion points and answer any
discussion questions as a class. Model some of the questions students might have.
exchanges with students, encouraging them to use • As a class, review any language difficulties and I or
follow-up questions. new vocabulary encountered during the Listening

Pronunciation: Contractions and blending with have and b e - - - - - - - - -

Aim: To produce [z] in reduced forms of has a and I • {) Draw students' attention to the sample
contracted forms of be dialogue in the Pronunciation box. Have them
listen as you play the recording (Track 09), or
model the [z] in the contracted forms of be and the
blending of has a.
Reduced form of has a [hreza] • Have students repeat the sentences individually,
in pairs, and / or chorally. Provide corrective
• When speaking at a rapid rate, speakers make
feedback w hen needed .
consonant to vowel blends/links in conversa tion
(e.g. is a, has a), reducing the vowel. This means
that the vowel is not stressed.
• A common reduction is to a [;J] sound,
produced by relaxing the lips and saying "uh."
• Remind students of the [s] and [z] sounds
produced when contracting be.
• Point out that like is a, has a uses the [z] sound
linked to a [;J] when speaking at a rapid rate of
\\ Language Focus: Descriptive adjectives describing appearance and personality

Aim: To facilitate understanding and accurate separated by commas (e.g. "The hen was young,
use of predicative adjectives in describing plump, and tasty").
appearance and personality
• There is a prescribed order to adjectives when
more than one is used. Although there are
exceptions, generally speaking the order of
adjectives is graded adjectives, adjectives of
be + adjectives color, and then ungraded adjectives (e.g. "The
old yellow wooden shed").
• Adjectives are words which describe the quality
of a noun. Unlike some other languages, their • In the case of multiple graded adjectives, the
form remains the same regardless of gender, order is as follows: opinions, size, quality, age
person , and number. They can take on and shape (e.g. "She had beautiful, long, shiny
comparative and superlative inflections (-er and black hair").
-est), however, when u sed to compare something • When more than one ungraded adjective is used,
to something else or to a group of things. the order is age, shape, nationality, ma terial (e.g.
• Adjectives can be graded or ungrad ed. Graded "It was an old Arabian lamp").
adjectives express that something / someone has
more or less of a particular quality (e.g. "He was Refer students to the Grammar Reference
.,.. [> .,..

a sad child"), while ungraded adj ectives indicate on p.54 of the Student's Book.
that someone I something is of a particular type
(e.g. a Polynesian mask).
• Graded adjectives can take comparative and
• Read through the exercise instructions and
superlative forms while ungraded adjectives
Language Focus box as a class.
• Have pairs of students take turns asking and
• Adjectives can also be classified by their position
answering the questions, substituting their own
within a sentence. Attributive adjectives occur
before nouns (e.g. ''The old man seems tired"),
while predicative adjectives are placed after • Model the exchanges with students and then
copular / linking verbs such as be, seem, and look monitor discussions. Review any language
(e.g. "The dinner was perfect"). difficulties as a class.

• Most adjectives can take either the attributive or

predicative positions, but some are exclusively B. Pair work
one or the other. • Form pairs and read through the discussion
questions as a class.
• Adjectives that refer to the main / head noun (e.g.
the same man I was looking for), indications of • Encourage students to ask follow-up questions to
rank (e.g. the main problem), and adjectives their partner's responses. Review by calling on
which express the main noun has legal random pairs for answers to the questions.
recognition (e.g. the true king) only serve in the
attribu tive position of a sentence.
• Adjectives with the prefix a- (e.g. "She's asleep
now"), those indicating a measure of health (e.g.
"He's not looking well"), and adjectives that must
be followed by a prepositional phrase or
infinitive (e.g. "She is worried about me," "I was
happy to see her") serve in the predicative
• When two predicative adjectives are used as a
complement to a verb , they are connected by the
conjunction and (e.g. "Wayne is smart and
strong"). When three or more are used, and
connects the last two, and the others are

~ Communication: Know your own personality! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aim: To develop fluent use of predicative B. Pair work
adjectives in taking a personality survey and • Form new pairs and read through the exercise
discussing the results instructions and Communication Helpers box as a
Activities: Brainstorming; pair discussions; group class. Have students choose to be either A or B
discussions students.
Materials: Photocopiable Personality Survey (one per
• Distribute the photocopied Personality Survey to
students and have them scan the questions to
• Preview the Communication activities by telling check for words or phrases they aren't familiar
students they will be taking a personality survey with. Answer vocabulary questions individually.
and discussing their results (parts B and C). To • Students should take turns asking and answering
prepare for this they will discuss some of the the survey questions, asking
people they know, and what type of personality confirmation / clarification questions w hen needed.
they have (part A).
• After completing the survey, students should tally
• Point out that students should be aware of their their partner's score and direct them to the results
use of predicative adjectives. Monitor discussions section in the Student's Book.
for problems with these and other language • Monitor students' progress and provide assistance
structures, and review them as a class after part C when called upon.
has been completed.
• For pairs who finish quickly, encourage them to
examine their answers (on their partner's sheet) to
A. see what they received the score they did .
• Read through the exercise instructions, text box,
and speech bubbles as a class. Point out the C. Group work
scale I continuum in the box is being used to
• Separate the pairs from part Band form small
indicate "shy" at one end and "tough / aggressive"
groups. Read through the discussion questions as a
at the other.
• Have students place the adjectives in the text box
• Model some of the exchanges with students,
on the appropriate place in the continuum, and
encouraging them to use follow-up questions to
then write the name of someone they know who
extend and give depth to their discussions .
has that personality type.
• Have pairs I groups report back to the class on
• Monitor students' progress and provide assistance
some of their discussion points and answer any
when called upon. As students finish, have them
questions students might have.
compare and discuss their answers with a partner.
• As a class, review any language difficulties and/ or
• Have pairs report back to the class with some of
new vocabulary encountered during the
their discussion points, and answer any questions
Communication activities.
other students may have.

~-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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k·:· • ;. ..·.' • ~!.i: :": ~
Yes Not sure No
1. Do you like big parties? 2 1 0

2. Do you read romantic novels? 0 1 2

3. Are you sometimes shy when you first meet people? 0 1 2

4. Do you th ink politicians are usually sincere? 0 1 2

5. Are you sometimes jealous of your friend's success? 2 1 0

6. Do you enjoy your job or major? 0 1 2

7 . Are you afraid of spiders or worms? 0 1 2

8. Are you easi ly bored? 2 1 0

9. Do you dislike foreigners? 0 1 2

10. Are you often lazy? 0 1 2

11. Do you dislike spicy food? 0 1 2

12. Do you think before you speak? 2 1 0

13. Are you often angry with other people? 2 1 0

14. Do you like a peaceful life? 0 1 2

1 5. Do you read science fiction? 2 1 0

16. Do you like gambling? 2 1 0

17. Are you a leader in a group of people? 2 1 0

18. Do you dislike snakes? 0 1 2

19. Do you always study hard for tests? 2 1 0

20 . Do you think about falling in love? 0 1 2

21. Do you like buying things? 0 1 2

22. Do you like Hong Kong action movies? 2 1 0

23 . Are you emotional when watching a movie? 0 1 2

24. Do you sing in a choir? 0 1 2

Phonetic syntbols

[i:] eve [i:v] week [wi:k]

[p] pump [pAmp] play [plei]
[i] inn [in] give [giv]
[b] book [buk] club [k!Ab]
[e] end [end] fell [fel]
[t] table [teibl] tent [tent]
[ce] act [cekt] apple [;:Epl]
[d] deep [di:p] did [did]
[a:] palm [pa:m] father [fa:llar]
[k] cook [kuk] skin [skin]
[a:r] art [a:rt] star [sta:r]
[g] good [gud] sugar [\O.gar]
[a] box [baks]
[m] camp [kcemp] money [mA.ni]
[:>] stop [st:>p]
[n] net [net] nose [nouz]
[:>:] all [:>:!] tall [t:>:l]
[uJ angle [;:Eugl] sing [siu]
[u] look [luk] wool [wul]
[1] little [lit!] flat [fleet]
[u:] moon [mu:n] two [tu:]
[f] foot [fut] fifth [fif8]
[A] dove [dAv] up [Ap]
[v] visit [vlzit] shovel [IA.vl]
[a:r] birth [ba:r8] shirt [la:rt]
[8] think [8iuk] truth [tru:8]
[a] about [abaut] album [;:Elbam]
[II] that [llcet] other [Allar]
[ar] runner [rA.nar]
[s] sea [si:] west [west]

[z] zoo [zu:] zigzag [zlgz.:Eg] DiphtHongs < ~

' • ""~

m ship [lip] bishop [bl\ap]

[ei] day [dei] lake [leik]
[3] vision [vi3an] fusion [fj0.:3;m]
[ou] coat [kout] photo [f6utou]
[h] hand [hrend] ahead [ahed]
[ai] life [laif] side [said]
[r] rain [rein] cream [kri:m]
[au] house [haus] loud [laud]
[j] young [jAD] new [nju:]
[:>i] oil [:>il] toy [t:>i]
[w] wet [wet] twice [twais]
[iar] ear [iar] clear [kliar]
[tl] chair [t\Ear] kitchen [kitlin]
[Ear] air [Ear] bear [bEar]
[d3] judge [d3Ad3] danger [deind3ar]
[uar] poor [puar] sure [luar]

Lesson Plan
Professor: Course:
Gibbons GE 1805

Textbook: Unit:
Talk! Talk! English 1 Unit 04 - Describing People

Target Learner Level: Location:

A - Beginner




Procedure Phase Timing Interaction

Page 1
Procedure Phase Timing Interaction


Objective Observations Thoughts, Analysis, Questions

Page 2

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