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1st Quarter Examination

English 8

Test 1. Context Clues

Direction: Read each sentence or paragraph and circle the correct answer.

1. The archaeologist carefully removed the tome from its ancient resting place and proceeded to read
the pages related to marriage in ancient Greece.
a. pen b. weapon c. book d. sausage
2. The Navajo language is an unwritten language of extreme complexity with no alphabet or symbols,
and is spoken only on the lands of the Navajo Nation in the American Southwest. During World War II a
Navajo code was created for the U.S. Navy. This code was virtually undecipherable to anyone except
Navajo speaking persons.
a. pleasant b. almost c. never d. always
3. Lakes occupy less than two percent of the Earth's surface, yet they help sustain life. For instance,
lakes give us fish to eat, irrigate crops, and generate electrical power.
a. support b. obstruct c. prolong d. destroy
4. The ancient Greeks pioneered many of the kinds of writing we consider standard today. They wrote
speeches, plays, poems, books about science and learning, and long histories of things that happened to
a. complicated b. developed c. destroyed d. explored
5. Fifty-five mostly prominent, male delegates attended the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. About
seventy-five percent of the delegates had served in Congress and others were important people in their
home states. These men are often referred to as the Framers of the Constitution.
a. unimportant b. unknown c. common d. important
6. Bats that eat fruit and nectar spread seeds and help flowers grow. Without bats many important
plants would not thrive.
a. flourish b. die c. wither d. deteriorate
7. My brother said, “I just freed myself from a very loquacious history professor. All he seemed to want
was an audience.”
a. pretentious b. grouchy c. talkative d. worried
8. There is no doubt that the idea of living in such a benign climate was appealing. The islanders seemed
to keep their vitality and live longer than Europeans.
a. tropical b. not malignant c. kind d. favorable
9. It is difficult to imagine a surfeit of talent in one individual, yet Leonard Bernstein simply does not
have the time to make complete use of his talent as conductor, performer, writer, and lecturer.
a. excess b. variety c. superiority d. lack
10. There is a large demand all over the United States for plants indigenous to the desert. Many people
in Arizona have made a good business of growing and selling cacti and other local plants.
a. native b. necessary c. foreign d. alien

Test 2. Modal Verbs

Direction: Encircle the modal verbs used in each sentence.

1. We might/may be able to win, but I don’t think we have a good chance.

2. That can’t be John. He said he was going to travel to Australia.
3. When I was younger, I could sing very well.
4. I think you should relax more. You have been working too much lately.
5. I may/might ask you to help me later.
6. She must have left the house quietly. I didn’t hear her.
7. You don’t need to go shopping this weekend. We’ve got everything at home.
8. You can’t go in without a ticket. All seats are reserved.
9. All passengers must put on their seatbelts during take-off and landing.
10.At what age can you get a driving license in your country?
Test 3. Transition/Signal Words
Direction: Underline the correct transition word in the following sentences.
1. (Because, Before) it was raining, I didn’t walk my dog this evening.
2. I love chocolate, (although, so) I eat chocolate candy whenever I can.
3. The test was really hard. (Therefore, Then), only five students passed it.
4. First, you have to answer the questions. (Next, So), you hand in your paper.
5. Ben needs to go to bed early. (Although, Otherwise), he will be late for school.
6. You will see a big tree; (further on, however) you will see a fork in the road.
7. He really loves reading. (Despite, In fact), he reads almost all the time.
8. That would not be smart. (Despite, In other words), that would be idiotic.
9. (Over, Among) the trees of the forest, the deer ran gracefully.
10. You are always late. (On the other hand, Like), you can be trusted.

Fill in the blanks with the transitional word or phrase that fits best.
after all finally despite in front of in any event
We need a meeting place. the fountain is a good spot.
We have been waiting in line for 45 minutes. , we can buy our tickets.
the high cost of the ticket, I am going to the concert.
I am his biggest fan; , I have all of his albums.
, I will thoroughly enjoy the show.

Test 4. Stative Verbs

Direction: Select the verbs in each sentence then write them in the appropriate column in the table below.
1.I disagree that everyone is forced to take the COVID 19 vaccines.
2.Being healthy is the best way to avoid sickness.
3.Work from home is more stressful. You should know how to divide your time properly.
4.Parents must instill a sense of responsibility in their children. They must be involved in doing
household chores.
5.According to medical experts, you ought to eat healthy foods and do exercise at least 30
minutes daily to avoid health-related illnesses.

Direction: Complete each sentence by arranging the jumbled letters of the

1. Social distancing ____ (s, i) the new trend in gatherings and events from now
2. Everyone _____ (m e e s s) upset about the new lockdown.
3. Most employees _____ (k o o l) exhausted of the new work scheme.
4. We _____ (d l u o c) plant vegetables in the backyard while staying home.
5. We ____ (u s m t) follow the health protocols at all times

Test 5. Subject and Verb

Construct five (5) sentences. Underline and subject and encircle and verb.

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