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The following blood vessels are listed in the The meaning of the root word in the term

proper direction of blood flow from the heart: hyperglycemia:

arteries, arterioles, capillaries Sugar

(capillary, venule, vein) The proper vein order of selection for

The antecubital fossa is located at:
Median cubital, cephalic, basilic
anterior side of the elbow
The correct order for using a fire
The most common sample analyzed in the extinguisher:
hematology section:
Pull the pin in the handle, aim the
Whole Blood nozzle at the base of the fire, squeeze the lever
slowly, sweep from side to side
The thin fluid-filled sac that surrounds the
heart: Gauge numbers are ________ related
to the bore size
The plural form or lumen:
Not considered as PSTs (Plasma
Separator Tubes):
The function of the circulatory system:
Orange Tubes
carrying Oxygen to the tissue cells
Common combustible material: paper,
The standard gauge for routine venipuncture: wood, etc

21 Class A fire

Heparin, Thrombin, and Diatomite are classified Flammable liquids: alcohols, solvents,
as: plastics (furniture)

Tube Anticoagulants Class B fire

The pacemaker of the heart: Electrical: wiring, equipment

sinoatrial node Class C fire

An abnormal finding in the blood: Chemicals/materials: magnesium,

sodium, titanium
Class D fire
The force exerted by the blood on the walls of safety. This statement best describes what
the blood vessels is called: characteristics of a phlebotomist.

Blood Pressure Honesty

Recommended antiseptic for routine Recommended color of the container for wet,
venipuncture: non-infectious waste:

Isopropanol Black

Using a 25-gauge needle is not recommended in The cycle of one complete contraction and
routine venipuncture because_____. subsequent relaxation of the heart:

it fills more slowly Cardiac cycle

The right atrioventricular valve is also known as: Structures prevent the AV valves from flipping
back into the atria:
tricuspid valve
Chordae tendinae
The main cell that destroys bacteria by
phagocytosis: The basilic vein is the last choice for
venipuncture because:
it is located close to a major nerve.
Tubes for coagulation testing must be filled to
the correct level to maintain a ______ratio of The tourniquet should not be left in the
anticoagulant to blood. patient’s arm for more than:

1:9 1 minute

A word that has a root means “vessel” Improper or not correct policies in handling
mislabeled specimens:
Never assume any information about the
Gray-top Tubes are generally used for glucose specimen
measurements and its common anticoagulant:
The blood vessels that carry blood away from
Oxalate the heart:
Oxygen and nutrients diffuse through the walls Arteries
of the:
OSHA stands for:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The phlebotomist should never hesitate to
admit a mistake because a misidentified patient The structures of the heart that delivers
or mislabeled sample can be critical to patient Oxygen-rich blood to the ascending aorta:
Left ventricle

Keeps the blood moving through the venous

Not an acceptable reason for specimen
rejection: Skeletal muscle movement and valves in the
Improper disposal of collection materials
The medical term myalgia, means:

muscle pain
Blood cells increases in allergic reactions and
hookworm infestations: A needle that has the smallest diameter:

Neutrophils 23 gauze

The most important step in routine The characteristic normal color of systemic
venipuncture: arterial blood:

Identifying the patient bright red

A form of communication: To protect the hand from the possibility of

coming in contact with blood/OPIM:
Listening skills, Body language, Verbal skills
The proper tourniquet application:
To provide a barrier to splashes, splatters,
3-4 inches above the venipuncture site aerosols, or sprays:
A pathologist is: Eye and Face protection items
 The director of the laboratory To protect parts of the body not covered by
 Liaison between the medical staff and gloves or eye and face guards from the threat of
laboratory staff contamination:
 A physician who has completed a 4- to
5- year pathology residency Body clothing (e.g. lab gowns, surgical caps,
 Works in clinical pathology and scrub, shoe cover)
anatomical pathology
The word parts mean “blood condition”:
The prefix that means “outside”
Flammability – Red
Incorrect guidelines for segregation of
Reactivity/Instability – Yellow
laboratory waste:
Health Hazard – Blue
Acid should be added first to water and not
water to acid Special Hazard - White
More preferred needle length by K2 EDTA is also known as:
Dipotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
All of the above
The prefixes word part:
A policy of treating ALL blood, tissue, body
fluids and as INFECTIOUS: Iso, neo, tachy

“STAT” comes from the Latin word “statim”

Universal Precautions
which translates to:
Describes chemical wastes:
These are discarded solids, liquids, and gaseous
chemicals from laboratory procedures including The recommendation of CLSI modification for
the blood collection tubes:
laboratory reagents

The event that describes systolic pressure: Color Coding

The temperature required for burning

Contracting phase of the heart
hazardous materials into ashes:
The word means a “large cell”:
980 deg. Celsius
Heart structures normally carry deoxygenated
The recommended order of draw when the blood from a ventricle:
evacuated tube system is used:
Pulmonary artery
Blood culture, coagulation, nonadditive, and
According to CLSI, venipuncture should not be
other additives
performed on the leg, ankle, or foot veins
The heart has: unless:

4 chambers; upper chambers, the right and left permission of the patient's physician is obtained
atria, receive incoming blood. Lower chambers,
A tube that does not contain EDTA as an
the more muscular right, and left ventricles
pump blood out of the heart. anticoagulant:

Gray-Orange Speckled Tube

An anticoagulant is an additive placed in
evacuated tubes to: Erythrocytes are produced in the:
prevent the blood from clotting Bone Marrow
NOT a serum sample: The first to play a role in sealing an injury to a
blood vessel:
Can be collected in a tube with a lavender
stopper. Platelet
The blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood: The chambers of the heart receive blood from
systemic circulation:
Pulmonary vein
Right atrium
An artery that gives oxygen to the heart is
called: Contains the summary of the information on
exposure and the hazardous nature of
coronary artery chemicals used in the workplace:
A type or classification of cells that give rise to MSDS
plasma cells:
An increase in the number of circulating
Lymphocytes platelets:
Statement 1: The CLSI recommends spray- Thrombocytosis
coated EDTA for the hematologic test than
K3EDTA.  Statement 2: EDTA is an anticoagulant A decrease in the number of circulating
commonly used for molecular testing. platelets, frequently seen in patients receiving
chemotherapy; spontaneous bleeding can
Both statements are false/ fallacious result:
The vein of choice for performing routine Thrombocytopenia
An abnormal increase in the number of normal
Median cubital leukocytes in the circulating blood, as seen in
The terms used to describe the breakdown of infections:
red blood cells: Leukocytosis
Hemolysis A consistent increase in the number of
The CORRECT problem - reason pair in selecting erythrocytes and other formed elements causes
a phlebotomy site: blood to have a viscous consistency:

Edema: fluid contamination Polycythemia

The major traditional duties and responsibilities A decrease below normal values in the number
of the phlebotomist: of leukocytes, often caused by exposure to
radiation or chemotherapy:
 Collection of the appropriate amount of
blood Leukopenia
 Selection of the appropriate sample A decrease in the number of erythrocytes or the
containers amount of hemoglobin in the circulating blood:
 Correct identification and preparation
of the patient before sample collection. Anemia
 Correct labeling of all samples with the
required information
A marked increase in the number of WBCs in The correct needle position for venipuncture is
the bone marrow and circulating blood; a ______ degree angle with the bevel facing:
leukemias are named for the increased type of
15-30*, up

Leukemia Tourniquets applied to the arm during

venipuncture should provide enough tension to
Hardening of the artery walls contributing to compress the artery but not the vein:
aneurysm or stroke:
The last step performed in the phlebotomy
A bulge formed by a weakness in the wall of a procedure is to remove the tourniquet:
blood vessel, usually an artery, that can burst
and cause severe hemorrhaging: FALSE

Part of identifying a patient in a hospital setting

is to ask them to state their name
The middle layer of the heart is called the:
For most clinical examinations the blood is
This heart chamber delivers oxygen-rich blood obtained:
to the ascending aorta:
by venipuncture
Left ventricle
The vacuum (evacuated) tube system
The structure that separates the right and left (vacutainer) requires the following components:
ventricles of the heart is called the:
The evacuated sample tube, a plastic holder
Interventricular septum adapter, and a double-pointed needle

The use of a tourniquet during a venipuncture The healthcare worker needs essential items for
procedure makes: either venipuncture or micro collection. These
items include:
Veins more prominent and easier to puncture
70% isopropyl alcohol
The tourniquet should not be left on a patient collection device
for more than 1 minute when performing a sterile gauze pads
venipuncture because it is uncomfortable and
causes: Common causes of hematomas that form
during a venipuncture include:
excessive probing with the needle
The needle should always be inserted at the the needle is only partially in the vein
puncture site with the:

Bevel upward
A sharps container is identified by its bright Drugs for angina should be dispensed in its
____ color: original amber glass container:
RED Nitroglycerin
Conditions should prevent a site from being
selected for venipuncture: The thin membrane lining the heart that is
Edema continuous with the lining of the blood vessels
Hematoma is the:
Scarring Endocardium

Needles are sterile until: Normal size (large) for normal erythrocyte:
the seal is broken 7 to 8 um

A site that can affect the results of Described as an unclear, biconcave disk:
venipuncture: Erythrocyte
Near a tattoo
The ECG shows P waves due to:
Needles are used once and then: atrial contractions
placed in the sharp’s container
The purpose of the pulmonary system is to:
The maximum number of times an individual carry blood to and from the lungs
should attempt a venipuncture on a patient is
two: When taking blood pressure, the systolic
TRUE pressure is the pressure reading when the:
first heart sounds are heard as the cuff is
The tourniquet applied prior to venipuncture is deflated
After all specimens have been collected The internal space of blood vessels is called the:
Not a common type of equipment used for
Lancet The longest vein and the largest artery in the
body in that order are:
Best describes systolic blood pressure:
The pressure when the heart ejects blood great saphenous and aorta

The preferred vein for venipuncture in the H

Not a therapeutic indication for ACE inhibitors:
pattern is the:
Blood clots
median cubital
Antiarrhythmic drugs may cause leukopenia
(low white blood cell count):
The major difference between plasma and The bicuspid valve in the heart is also called the:
serum is that plasma:
mitral valve
contains fibrinogen while serum does not
The function of the right ventricle is to:
An individual's blood type (A, B, AB, OR O) is
determined but the presence or absence of - deliver blood to the pulmonary artery
____ in the RBC: The fast heart rate is called:
Antigens Tachycardia
The correct sequence of events after blood The sound of the heartbeat comes from:
vessel injury:
opening and closing of valves (LUB DUM)
vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation fibrin clot
formation Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure in the
arteries during:
Lymph originates from:
ventricular relaxation
tissue fluid
A vein is defined as any blood vessel that
A heart disorder characterized by fluid buildup carries:
in the lungs is called:
blood back to the heart
congestive heart failure
When selecting a vein for venipuncture, you
The basilic vein is the last choice for feel a distinct pulse. What you are feeling is
venipuncture because it is: a/an:
located close to a major nerve Artery
The medical term for a blood clot circulating in The major structural difference between veins
the bloodstream: and arteries is:
Embolus veins have valves
The normal composition f blood is The outer layer of a blood vessel is called the
approximately: tunica:
55% plasma, 45% formed elements Adventitia
Partitions that separate the right and left Are veins that are most commonly used for
chambers of the heart are called: venipuncture:
Septa median cubital and cephalic
A part of a bone marrow cell called a This is an abbreviation for a test that traces the
megakaryocytic: electrical impulses of the heart:

Thrombocyte ECG

Whole blood does not consist of: These are tiny blood vessels that are only one
cell think:
A person's blood type is determined by antigens
on the surface of the: The antecubital fossa is located:

RBC Anterior and distal to the elbow

The third response of the coagulation process Lipid accumulation on the intima of an artery is
is: called:

hemostatic plug formation Atherosclerosis

The structure in the heart that starts the

heartbeat is the: RBCs are produced in the:

AV node Bone marrow

An erythrocyte's main function is to: Normal adult blood volume is approximately:

carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells 5L

A laboratory test that is ordered to evaluate the The normal composition of blood is
hemostatic process is: approximately:

prothrombin time 55% plasma, 45% formed elements

An abbreviation for an immature RBC:

Retic The popliteal vein is found in the:

After a wound has healed, an enzyme called Leg

________ is secreted to dissolve the clot:
The medical term for inflammation of a vein is:
Long protein strands that form a web that traps
Platelets are also called:
blood cells and platelets to form a clot are
called ________. Thrombocytes
A coagulation test: Prevents clotting by inhibiting the formation of
thrombin, which is necessary to convert
Protime fibrinogen to fibrin in the coagulation process:
The method used most frequently for Heparin
venipuncture. You collect blood directly into the
evaluated tube, eliminating the need for the The three most common anticoagulants that
transfer of specimens and minimizing the risk of work by binding calcium:
biohazard exposure:
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA),
Evacuated tube system (ETS) citrates, and oxalates

Venipuncture needles include:

Multisampling needles, hypodermic needles, The protective equipment that should be

and winged blood collection set needles. removed first during doffing:

Although a 20-gauge needle allows blood to Gloves

flow more quickly into the tube, it is:
Post-exposure prophylaxis of any accidental
NOT recommended for routine blood collection. exposure to blood through needlestick, mucous
Many patients are taking blood thinners, and membranes, or non-intact skin should be
initiated within how many hours:
the use of a 20-gauge needle can result in post-
puncture bleeding and hematomas because of 24 hrs.
the larger opening in the patient's vein.

Blood or bleeding under the skin due to trauma Ensures safe and healthful working conditions
of any kind: for workers by setting and enforcing standards
and by providing training, outreach, education,
and assistance:
The rupture or destruction of red blood cells.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Tests requiring whole blood or plasma are

collected in:

Tubes containing an anticoagulant to prevent

clotting of the specimen. Anticoagulants
prevent clotting by binding calcium or inhibiting
thrombin in the coagulation cascade.

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