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OmniStudio Student  
Take Home Guide 
Job Aids 
Version 1.0.0 

OmniStudio Student Take Home Guide 
Job Aids 

FlexCards Elements Reference 3 

FlexCards Element Properties Reference 4 

LWC OmniScript Element References 22 

Integration Procedure Element References 29 

Data Decision Flowcharts 33 

FlexCard Data Best Practices 34 
OmniScript: Data Outputs 36 
OmniScript: Data Outputs - DocuSign 37 
DataRaptor: Functional Venn Diagram 37 
Integration Procedures: Data Input 38 

OmniStudio Naming Conventions 40 

Troubleshooting Guide 43 


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Job Aids 

FlexCards Elements Reference 


Element  Function 
Renders text or a button that executes an action when 

Block  Enables grouping elements inside a collapsible container. 

Chart  Displays data as a chart. 

Custom LWC  Embeds a Custom LWC inside a FlexCard state. 

Datatable  Creates a tabular structure from the data provided. 

Field  Displays the output from a data field. 

FlexCard  Embeds a FlexCard inside a state. 

Displays a custom or Salesforce SVG icon. The icon can be 

linked to an action. 

Displays a custom image from a given URL. Upload an 

Image  image, use an image from your org's library, or use an 
external source. The image can be linked to an action. 

Menu  Displays a list of actions as a dropdown menu. 

State  Adds a state to a FlexCard. 

Renders text and parses merge fields with a rich text 


Trigger an action when a user selects a Toggle element. 

Toggle  The value is sent as a parameter to the action as true or 
false, or a comma-separated list of user-selected options. 


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FlexCards Element Properties Reference 


Action Properties 

Property  Description   
Common Action Type 
Properties shared by all Action Types 

Action Type  Select the type of action to execute. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


Display As Button  Check to display the action as a button. 

The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Enable click-based event tracking through OmniAnalytics. 

Enable Tracking 
Track the UI Action event. 

Hide Icon  Check to hide the icon and only show the label. 

Enter the name of the icon, as such as ​utility:down,​  or click 

into the field to search for an icon. 

Label  Enter a visible label for the element. 

Show Only Icon  Check to show an icon without a label. 

Select from predefined SLDS styles to change the 

appearance of the element. 

Card Action  Properties unique to the Card Action 

Set Values  Enter key/value pairs to update field values. 

Select the type of action to launch. 

● Reload – Reloads the FlexCard. 

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● Remove – Removes all or specific records from the 
FlexCard, such as alerts and notifications. 
● Set Values – Updates a field value. 
● Update Data Source – Changes the data source, or 
updates the parameters of an existing data source. 

Event Action  Properties unique to the Event Action 

Check to enable the event to bubble up through the 


Channel Name  Enter a channel name for the pubsub event. 

Check to enable the event to pass through the shadow 


Event Name  Enter the name of the custom event. 

Event Type  Select an event type. 

Enter parameters to pass contextual data to the event as 

Input Parameters 
key/value pairs. 

Flyout Action  Properties unique to the Flyout Action 

Attributes  Set attributes available from the flyout’s component. 

To pass parent data to the Child FlexCard, select a data 

Data Node 

Flyout  Select the component to display in the flyout. 

Flyout Type  Select the type of component to display. 

Layout Type  Select a theme for the flyout. 

Select the flyout's container type. When enabling a flyout 

as a clickable event on an element such as a Block 
Open Flyout In 
element, this feature defaults to modal and is disabled 
because popover positioning cannot be controlled. 

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Resets the component to its on load state when the flyout 
Reset Component On Close 

Navigate Action  Properties unique to the Navigate Action  Target 

Action Name  Enter the name of the action.  App 

Api Name  Enter the API name of the app.  App 

The app that you are navigating to. Pass 

App Target  either the appId or appDeveloperName to  App 
the appTarget. 

The standard or custom app available from 

App Type  App 
the App Launcher. 

The value of the urlName field on the 

Article Url  target KnowledgeArticleVersion record. The 
urlName is the article's URL. 

The unique name of the Lightning 

Community Page Name  community page. The value for name is 
Named Page 
the API Name value for a supported page. 

The Lightning component name in the 

Component Name  Component 
format ​namespace__componentName​. 

Custom Tab Name  The unique name of the custom tab. 

Enter parameters to pass contextual data  Login, 
Input Parameters 
to the action as key/value pairs.  Navigation 

The API name of the standard or custom 

Object API Name  object. For custom objects that are part of a  Object 
managed package, prefix the custom object 

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with ​ns__​, where ​ns​ is your org's 

Select whether to open the target page in 

Open Target In  All 
the current window or a new tab/window. 

Page Name  The unique name of the page.  Named Page 

Record Object API Name  The API name of the record’s object.  Record 

Enter the record Id of the record to 

RecordId  App 
navigate to. 

Relationship Object API  The API name of the object that defines  Record 
Name  the relationship.  Relationship 

Target  Select the PageReference type.  All 

Target Action  Enter a valid action name to call.  Record, 

Target Article Type  Enter the API name of the article type. 

Target Id  Select a ContextId from the data source.  Record 

The API name of the object’s relationship  Record 

Target Relationship 
field.  Relationship 

URL  The URL of the page you are navigating to.  Web Page 

Update OmniScript Action  Properties unique to the Update OmniScript Action 

Input Parameters  Enter the OmniScript data fields to update. 

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Point to a specific data node in OmniScript JSON to 
Parent Node  update. Select from the merge fields available from the 
data source or enter a data node manually. 

OmniStudio Action  Properties unique to the OmniStudio Action 

Action Name  Enter a visible name for the action. 

Select a data field to use as the ContextId, such as 

Context ID 

Fetch Action Name from 

Select the action name from a data source field. 

Enter parameters to pass contextual data to the action as 

Input Parameters 
key/value pairs. 

Object  Select the sObject. 

(Disabled by default) Opens target in the current window 

Open Target In 
or a new tab/window. 

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FlexCards Block Properties 

Property  Description   
Add Action  Make the element a clickable action. 

Collapsed By Default  If selected, the block element is collapsed by default. 

Collapsible  Makes the block collapsible, hiding its content. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Label  Displays a visible label for the collapsible block element. 



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FlexCards Chart Properties 

Property  Description 
Color Palette  Select a predefined color scheme. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


Cutout Percentage  Enter the size of the donut chart hold by percentage. 

The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. 

Used to distinguish one element from another as you 
Element Name 
build your FlexCard in the designer. Is used only 
within the designer. 

Hide Header  Show or hide the chart’s title. 

Select the field whose values are used to categorize 

Label Node 
the data, such as​ ​Name ​ ​of Accounts. 

Displays a title above the chart when ​Hide Header​ is 


Type  Select the type of chart to display. 

Select the values to populate the chart, such 

Value Node 
as ​AnnualRevenue​ for Accounts. 


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FlexCards Custom LWC Properties 

Property  Description 
Set the values for attributes defined in the selected custom 

Enter the name of the attribute defined in the selected 

custom LWC. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


Custom LWC Name  Select the custom LWC to embed. 

The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Value  Enter the value of the ​Attribute​. 


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FlexCards Datatable Properties 

Property  Notes 
Update the data fields to populate the table and set 
options for columns, such as type, selectability, and so on. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Specify the record data that populates the table. Defaults 

to​ ​{records}.​  


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FlexCards Field Properties 

Property  Description 
Add a condition that must be met for the element to 

The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Field Type  Select the type of Field element to display. 

Label  Enter a visible label for the element. 

Output  Select the data field to display. 

Placeholder  Enter placeholder text. 

Field Type Properties   

Currency  Enter a currency code to update the supported currency. 

Select a format for the date, or date and time if the ​Field 
Type​ is ​Date Time​. 

Locale  Enter a locale code to update the supported language. 

Mask  Enter a string expression to limit the user's input. 


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(Child) FlexCard Properties 

Property  Description 
Attribute  Define a key that represents an attribute. 

Pass data from the parent to the Child FlexCard by 

Attributes  creating an attribute and assigning it a value, such as a 
data merge field. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


To use the data source from the parent FlexCard, select a 

Data Node 
data node. 

The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Enable event tracking through OmniAnalytics. Track Card 

Enable Tracking 
Load, Card Unload and State Load events. 

FlexCard Name  Select the Child FlexCard to display. 

Select State  View a state from the ​FlexCard Name​ selected. 

Value  Select the data to pass for the defined ​Attribute​. 


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Icon Properties 

Property  Description 
Add Action  Make the element a clickable action. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Extra Class  Add an additional class to the element. 

Icon  Enter the name of the Salesforce Icon. 

Image Source  Enter the URL of a custom icon. 

Size  Select the size of the icon. 

Type  Select the type of icon to display. 

Select from predefined SLDS styles to change the 

appearance of the element. 


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FlexCards Image Properties 

Property  Description 
Add Action  Make the element a clickable action. 

For accessibility, enter text describing the image, which 

Alternative Text 
displays when the image is not available. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Enter a class appended to the container of the element. 

Select from a class defined in the ​Add Custom CSS​ feature 
Extra Class 
of the FlexCard Designer or any stylesheet available to the 

Enter a value available to the ​height​ ​CSS 

Height  property, such as​ ​100px​, ​4rem​, or 
a ​calc() ​ ​function. 

Enter the image source for the icon. Upload the icon here, 
Image Source  select an image from your org’s libraries, or enter a secure 
absolute URL from an external source. 

Update the size of the image relative to the Canvas size. By 
Size  default, ​Fit Content i​ s selected, enabling the image to fill 
the container of the image element. 

Title  Enter an image caption. 

Title Class  Enter a class for the image caption. 

Enter a value available to the width CSS property, such 

as ​100px​,​ ​4rem​, or a ​calc()​ ​function. 

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FlexCards Menu Properties 

Property  Notes 
Add New Action  Make the element a clickable action. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


Select the position of the dropdown relative to the menu 

Dropdown Position 

Dropdown Size  Select the size of the dropdown. 

The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

To disable scrolling in the dropdown when there are more 

Enable Overflow  than 5 menu items, disable this feature. Enabled by 

Icon  Select the icon to display. 

Icon Position  Select position of the icon relative to the label. 

Icon Size  Select the size of the icon. 

Label  Enter a visible label for the element. 

Status  Select an SLDS style for your menu item. 

Select from predefined SLDS styles to change the 

appearance of the element. 


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FlexCards State Properties 

Property  Notes 
Display this state when there is no data returned from a 
Blank Card State 
data source. 

Enter a descriptive name for the state. The state ​Name​ is 
Name  for reference only and does not appear on the generated 
LWC or in Preview. 

Set when and how a state displayed based on specified 



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FlexCards Text Properties 

Property  Notes 
Add a condition that must be met for the element to 

The name of the element as seen on Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 


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FlexCards Toggle Properties 

Property  Description 
Common Toggle Element  Properties shared by all Toggle element types 

Add an action that gets triggered when a user clicks the 

Add Action 
toggle element. 

Add a condition that must be met for the element to 


The name of the element as seen on the Canvas. Used to 

Element Name  distinguish one element from another as you build your 
FlexCard in the designer. Is used only within the designer. 

Enter a class appended to the container of the element. 

Select from a class defined in the ​Add Custom CSS​ feature 
Extra Class 
of the FlexCard Designer or any stylesheet available to the 

Toggle Type  Set the type of toggle element to display. 

Toggle Element Properties   

Select whether to align each checkbox horizontally or 


Enter text for accessibility, visible when image is not 

Alternative Text 

Checked  Set the toggle element to be checked by default. 

Checked Icon Name  Select the icon visible when the element is checked. 

Checked Label  Select the label visible when the element is checked. 

Disable the toggle element. Or disable the toggle element 

based on the value of a data field whose value returns true 
or false. The field must have a Boolean value. If the value 
returns a string, ​Disabled ​is false. 

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Help Text  Add text visible when user hovers over the help ​i​ icon. 

Icon Name  Select the icon. 

Icon On Hover  Select the icon visible on hover of the element. 

Label  Enter a visible label for the element. 

Label On Hover  Select the label visible on hover of the element. 

Options  Enter a key/value pair for each checkbox option. 

Make the toggle element a required field. Adds an asterisk 

next to the element. 

Required Label  Add text next to the asterisk when ​Require​ is enabled. 

Unchecked Icon Name  Select the icon visible when the element is unchecked. 

Unchecked Label  Select the label visible when the element is unchecked. 

Updates the data source with the value of the selected 

Update Data Source 
state of the toggle element. 

Add default value. For example, set a value as true or 

enter a comma-separated list of selected options. 

Select from predefined SLDS styles to change the 

appearance of the element. 


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LWC OmniScript Element References 


Element  Function 

Calculation Action  Call a Calculation Procedure and return the results to the 
Integration Procedure. This enables both DataRaptors to 
run in a single Apex call. 

DataRaptor Extract Action  Call a DataRaptor Extract. 

DataRaptor Post Action  Call a DataRaptor Load. 

DataRaptor Transform  Call a DataRaptor Transform. 


DataRaptor Turbo Action  Invoke a DataRaptor Turbo to retrieve data from a single 
Salesforce object. Doesn't support formulas or complex 
field mappings. 

Delete Action  Enables users to delete Salesforce records. Use an Object's 

Record Id to determine which record to delete. 
Recommended to use a merge field in the Path to Id field 
that refers to an Id or a list of Ids in the data JSON. 

DocuSign Envelope Action  Send DocuSign emails for signature. 

● Uses DocuSign Template. 
● Requires DataRatpro Transform. 

DocuSign Signature Action  Sign documents with DocuSign. 

● Uses DocuSign Template. 
● Requires DataRaptor Transform. 

Email Action  Populate and send emails. 

● Salesforce email template. 

HTTP Action  Get, save or delete data through a web API. 

● Methods available: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT 

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Matrix Action  Enables retrieval of a value from a calculation matrix by 
specifying the required input parameters. 

Navigate Action  Enables the OmniScript to open different Salesforce 

experiences and external endpoints. (Redirects the user at 
the end of the OmniScript. 

PDF Action  Fill a PDF form.  

● Must have a DataRaptor Transform. 

Integration Procedure  Call an Integration Procedure. 


Remote Action  Do anything that can be done with an Apex class. 

● Calls an Apex class and method. 
● May need a DataRaptor Transform. 

Set Errors  Apply error or validation messaging to elements in a 

previous step based on inputs of a future step. 

Set Values  Set default values. Simple transforms, functions and 

mapping within the OmniScript. 


Line Break  Line break for formatting purposes. 

Text Block  Display text, images, links, and data. 


Aggregate  Perform aggregation functions. 

Formula  Perform functions and algebraic calculations. 

Messaging  Display a banner message based on a condition. 


Block  Group elements together within the page/view. 

Action Block  Groups Action elements together to enable backend calls 

to fire asynchronously using the same configuration 

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Edit Block  Add, edit or delete records in real time. 
● Can use standard Apex classes in Remote Actions. 

Radio Group  A group of radio buttons with common choices, such as a 


Step  Create a page/view for the interaction. 

Type Ahead Block  Auto-search and auto-complete dropdown. 

● Must have a data source (DR Extract, Remote or 
HTTP action). 
● Google Maps API is built in. 


Checkbox  Display a checkbox. Boolean true/false output. 

Currency  Input field for currency input. 

● Configurable currency symbol 

Custom LWC  Enable custom components that do not extend an 

OmniScript element to exist in OmniScript. 

Date  Date picker for one or more dates. 

● Calendar UI 

Date/Time  Date/time picker for one or more dates/times. 

● Calendar UI and scrolling time UI 

Disclosure  Display Disclosure text and has a checkbox for the user to 
select whether or not they agree with the disclosure. 

Email  Input field for email address. Format: [email protected] 

File  Upload a file as an sObject attachment. 

Image  Upload an image with preview in the OmniScript. 

Lookup  Get data from Salesforce one field at a time. 

Multi-select  Pick one or more present values from a checklist. 

● Displays as checklist. 

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Number  Input field for numbers. 

Password  Input field for hidden text. 

● Format enforced with JS RegEx. 
● Not encrypted! 

Range  Numeric slidebar. User chooses one value. 

Select  Pick one preset value from a dropdown list. 

Radio  Pick one preset value from list of options. 

● Can be displayed horizontally, vertically, as an image 
with or without text, or as buttons. 

Telephone  Phone number format input. 

● Use for Salesforce’s phone field. 

Text  Input field for one line of text. 

● Use for Salesforce’s text field. 

Text Area  Input field for multiple lines of text. 

● Use for Salesforce’s text area (long) field 

Time  Input field to select a time. 

● Scrolling time UI 

URL  Input field for a URL. Requires http:// or https:// 


(Reusable LWC OmniScript  LWC OmniScript that has been marked as reusable. 


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OmniScript Properties 

Feature  Function 
Script Configuration   

Hard Coded language 

Create a different version for each language. 

Multi Language  Automatically translate OmniScript. 

Right to left language  Display a language right to left. 

Element Type To LWC  Change look and feel with a custom Lightning web 
Component Mapping  component for all instances of the indicated element type. 

Enable LWC  Enable as a Lightning web component. 

Allow this OmniScript to be embedded in another 


Fetch Picklist Values At  Get Salesforce Picklist Values at runtime instead of design 
Script Load  time. 

Enable Unload Warning  Warn the user if navigating away from the script. 

Enable Tracking  Track page view data. 

Enable SEO  Make the OmniScript's URL available to search engines. 

Currency Code  Hard coded currency code, specific to the OmniScript. 

Customize the title of the console tab the OmniScript 

Console Tab Title 
displays on. 

Select the Salesforce icon to display on the console tab the 

Console Tab Icon 
OmniScript displays on. 

Seed Data JSON  Use to seed basic data in the OmniScript when it loads. 

Display Salesforce Knowledge article. 

● API Driven 

CANCEL OPTIONS  Options for when a user cancels an interaction. 

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SAVE OPTIONS  Save an incomplete OmniScript to resume later. 

STEP CHART OPTIONS  Options to display the Step Chart. 

ERROR MESSAGES  Options for error messages within the OmniScript. 

Options for Window, Pub/Sub, and temporary data 


STYLING OPTIONS  Options for the styling used on this OmniScript. 

Common Properties   

Control Width  Set the display width of an element with dynamic spacing. 

Label  Display label for the field. 

Default Value  Display a default value instead of a blank field. 

Help Text  Show help text. 

Set format for user input. For example, a U.S. phone 

number would display as (999)999-9999. 

Maximum Length  Check maximum length of entry. 

Minimum Length  Check minimum length of entry. 

Set input values for dropdown, multi-select, and radio 

Options  button controls. 
● Can use Salesforce picklist values. 

Pattern  Enter the RegEx pattern required for the field. 

Pattern Error Text  Enter an example of the correct pattern. 

Required  Set the completion of a field as required. 

Read-only  Make field display only, not editable. 

Enable a user to add one or more fields. 

● Adds an array to the data JSON. 

ERROR MESSAGE  Create a custom error message. 

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USER MESSAGES  Configure what appears in failure modals. 

Internal Notes  Leave notes for developers. 

Limit, map, or rename data via JSON path. 

Extra Payload  Limit, map, or rename data as key/value pairs. 

CONDITIONAL VIEW  Show or hide element based on logical expression(s). 


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Integration Procedure Element References 


Element  Function 

Cache Block  Cache data for specific actions with cache keys. 

Conditional Block  Group elements with common conditions. 

Loop Block  Iterate actions over items in a data array. 

Return specified output or call an Apex class if an element 

Try Catch Block 


Batch Actions  Run a scheduled job. 

Call a Calculation Action 

Calculation Action 
● May require a DataRaptor Transform. 

DataRaptor Extract Action  Call a DataRaptor Extract. 

DataRaptor Post Action  Call a DataRaptor Load. 

DataRaptor Transform 
Call a DataRaptor Transform. 

DataRaptor Turbo Action  Call a DataRaptor Turbo. 

Delete Action  Delete Salesforce records. 

DocuSign Envelope Action  Send DocuSign emails for signature. 

Email Action  Populate and send emails. 

Integration Procedure 
Call an Integration Procedure. 

List Action  Merge lists. 

Matrix Action  Call a Calculation Matrix. 

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Most things you can do with an Apex class and method. 
Remote Action 
● May require a DataRaptor Transform. 

Response Action  Pass data back to launching object. 

Get, save or delete data through a web API. 

HTTP Action 

Set default values. Perform simple transforms, functions 

Set Values 
and mapping. 


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Integration Procedure Properties 

Element  Function 
Procedure Configuration   

Tracking Custom Data  Define data passed to tracking 

Include All Actions in 

Write all action responses to the root JSON 

Rollback On Error  Undo anything that changed if there is an error 

Require Permission 
Use Salesforce Permissions set 

Control how long-running procedures are executed 

CACHE CONFIGURATION  Control when and where cache is stored 

Control how long-running elements are executed 

TEST CONFIGURATION  Control if the procedure is a test. 

Common Element 

Transform data 

Additional Input  Transform data 

Additional Output  Transform data 

Failure Response  Custom error messages 

Execution Conditional 
Create a branch in a workflow 

Failure Conditional Formula  Data validation 

Fail On Step Error  Data validation 

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Chain On Step  Control how long-running elements are executed 

Action Message  Define user message for batch processing 

Internal Notes  Leave notes for developers 


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Data Decision Flowcharts 


OmniScript: Data Inputs 

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FlexCard Data Best Practices 

OmniScript: Data Inputs – Type Ahead 

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OmniScript: Data Outputs 

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OmniScript: Data Outputs - DocuSign 

DataRaptor: Functional Venn Diagram 

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Integration Procedures: Data Input 


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Integration Procedures: Data Output 

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OmniStudio Naming Conventions 


Application  Convention  Examples 

● Must be unique within the org. 
● No spaces 
DataRaptor  Best Practices 
Names  ● Use camelCase – prefix, Verb, Object and 
● Use an action verb and descriptive nouns 
● Use abbreviations 

● Unique in the DataRaptor 
● Use ASCII characters 
● No spaces (some exceptions for XML)  
● To parse to OmniScript elements the node 
name must match the element name 
DataRaptor  OwnerName 
Best Practices 
JSON Paths  AcctBillingStreet 
● Use PascalCase 
● Short, descriptive names 
● Abbreviate 
● For Ids, Specify the object – if there is 
more than one extract from an object type, 
assign a label to each object 

● The combination of Name and Author  Name = 
must be unique.  AccountActive 
● Names and Authors can only contain  Author = 
underscores and alphanumeric characters.  CustomerSales 
● Must begin with a letter, have no spaces,   
Names and 
not end with an underscore, and can’t have  Name = 
two consecutive underscores.  AccountClosed 
● Especially avoid the apostrophe ( ‘ ) such  Author = 
as in a name (e.g. D’Angelo)  CustomerSales 
● FlexCard and Author names can be   
changed by cloning the FlexCard 

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Application  Convention  Examples 

● Combination of Type/Sub 
Type/Language is unique in an org 
● Type must start with a lower-case letter 
OmniScript  (LWC) 
Type & Sub  ● No special characters 
Type  Best Practices 
● Use camelCase – prefix, Verb, Object and 
● Use an action verb and descriptive nouns 
● Use abbreviations 

● Unique in the script 
● Use ASCII characters 
● No spaces (no exceptions)  
Best Practices 
● See DataRaptor JSON Paths above 
● Examples for Actions – VerbObjectDetails 
OmniScript &  ReadCaseDetails 
with standard verbs 
Integration  GetWeatherFcast 
○ DataRaptor: Read, Update, Create, 
Procedure  SetErrorProduct 
Elements  CalcServicePrice 
○ HTTP: Get, Post 
○ Set Values/Errors: Set 
○ DocuSign: DocuSend, DocuSign 
○ Email: Send 
○ PDF: PDFGen 
○ Remote: Invoke 
○ Calculation:  


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Merge Code Syntax 

Application  Convention  Merge Code Syntax  Array Notation 

FlexCard  recordId  {recordId}  {{Contact[1].ContactName}} 

OmniScript & 
Integration  ContextId  %Step:Block:Element%  %Parent|2:Child% 


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Troubleshooting Guide 
● Activate everything! 
● Is Salesforce hanging up? Reload the Chrome page. 
● Is Salesforce acting odd? Try closing out your browser window and logging in from a 
fresh window. This clears your browser cache. 
● Use OmniScript Action Debugger to trace your data flow. 
● Check the spelling of element names and JSON nodes. 
● Check that abbreviations in variable and component names are always abbreviated 
and not spelled out in full. For example, ReadAcctData instead of ReadAccountData. 
● Boolean values are case sensitive; check that true and false are all lower case. Do not 
use quotation marks when using a Boolean value. 
● When troubleshooting in Preview mode, ​Refresh ​or ​Clear Logs ​in LWC OmniScript 
Designer and​ Add Test Params​ in FlexCards. 
● If you are having problems with populating data; check that the names of variables 
in your OmniScript or Layout match those in the associated DataRaptor nodes. 
● For Calculation Matrices and Calculation Procedures check that there is an effective 
version based on Start Date Time, End Date Time, and Priority. 
Best Practices for Vlocity 
● Use Integration Procedures as the default data source for most cases and instead of 
Apex for REST and SOAP calls. 
● Enable Vlocity Metadata Platform Cache. This significantly speeds up DataRaptor 
and Integration Procedure performance. 
● Plan your naming conventions and follow your team’s guidelines. 
● Plan your data flows. Use SEND/RESPONSE TRANSFORMS, Extra Payload, and 
Additional Input/Output to trim transferred data. 
● Start small. Build your flows with a few fields first, then add the rest after you have 
tested the process. 
● Use best practices from your team. 
● Review the Success Community for documentation and training on any functionality 
in your project that is new to you. 

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Yay! All done! 

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