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Second edition

Cranes — Classification —
Part 3:
Tower cranes
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Classification —
Partie 3: Grues à tour


ISO 4301-3:2021

Reference number
ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

© ISO 2021
ISO 4301-3:2021(E)


ISO 4301-3:2021


© ISO 2021
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ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative reerences ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Classification o tower cranes ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Classification o tower cranes erected rom parts .................................................................................................... 4
5.3 Classification o sel-erecting tower cranes ................................................................................................................... 5
5.4 Classification o mobile sel-erecting tower cranes ................................................................................................ 6
Annex A (informative) Inormation on the system o group classifications or cranes ................................... 7
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9


ISO 4301-3:2021

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ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 7, Tower
cranes. ISO 4301-3:2021
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 4301-3:1993), which has been technically
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— new approach or the classification o tower cranes and its components has been introduced, based
on ISO 4301-1:2016;
— the classification has been limited on three dierent types o tower cranes or construction works,
as defined in ISO 4306-3:2016.
A list of all parts in the ISO 4301 series can be found on the ISO website.
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iv © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved


Cranes — Classification —
Part 3:
Tower cranes

1 Scope
This document provides the classification o tower cranes or construction work as defined in
ISO 4306-3, and gives specific requirements or steel supporting structure, mechanisms, ropes and
urther components basing on standard service conditions, mainly expressed by the ollowing:
— the number o working cycles;
— the load spectrum factor;
— the average displacements; and
— additional values for factors to be used at the structural or mechanical calculation.
Tower cranes or construction work are exclusively equipped with a hook as load-handling device.
For tower cranes intended to be used or other purposes and/or equipped with other load handling
devices, other values according to the specified usage o the tower crane may result.

ISO 4301-3:2021
2 Normative reerences
The ollowing documents are reerred695b36b348dd/iso-4301-3-2021
to in the text in such a way that some or all o their content
constitutes requirements o this document. For dated reerences, only the edition cited applies. For
undated reerences, the latest edition o the reerenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 4301-1:2016, Cranes — Classification — Part 1: General
ISO 4306-3, Cranes — Vocabulary — Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 20332:2016, Cranes — Proo o competence o steel structures

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes o this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 4301-1:2016 and ISO 4306-3
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at

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ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

4 Symbols
For the purposes o this document, the symbols given in ISO 4301-1:2016, ISO 20332:2016 and Table 1

Table 1 — Main symbols

Symbol Description
A Classes or group classification o cranes
Ac Classes or group classification o components and mechanisms
C Total number o working cycles
Dl Classes for average linear displacementsa
Da Classes for average angular displacements
Kp Load spectrum factor of crane
Kcp Load effect spectrum factor of component and mechanism
km Stress spectrum factor of detail under consideration
lr Number of ropes used during design life of crane
Q Classes Q or group classification o load or stress spectrum actorb
S Classes S or group classification o stress history parameter
Classes U or group classification o total number o working or stress cycles
For unambiguous use o the classes D, the subscript l has been added to indicate all kinds o linear motions.
ISO 4301-1:2016, 6.5.2 and Table 6, apply.
b To allow or a general use o the Q-classes or group ISO
classification o load and stress spectrum actors the subscript p
used in ISO 4301-1:2016 has been omitted.
5 Classification o tower cranes

5.1 General
According to ISO 4306-3, tower cranes can be divided into three dierent types based on their general
— tower cranes erected from parts;
— self-erecting tower cranes;
— mobile self-erecting tower cranes.
Even if Tables 2 to 4 show similar or identical classifications today, these crane types should be displayed
separately in order to identiy known dierences and to allow or taking uture findings into account.
Thereore, it is essential to classiy the crane type as a whole to speciy the intended design lie at first.
The classification o the cranes' structural parts, mechanisms, ropes or components is then derived
from this basic assumption considering statistical effects with the usage of those.
In addition, not only the A-class is specified, but also the minimum load spectrum actor (expressed
by the Q-class) together with the corresponding total number o working cycles (expressed by the
U-class) of the crane. These parameters describe the permissible design space and limit the use of a
load spectrum factor deemed too low at the crane design (see Figure 1).
The crane classifications given in Tables 2 to 4 are appropriate or defining the minimum design
requirements or the proo o atigue strength o tower cranes or construction work and its components
according to the state o the art. However, in a ew special cases, it can be necessary to adjust the

2 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

classification o the crane or its components given in this document or some types or sizes o tower
cranes, due to a deviation o their service parameter compared to average values. Sel-erecting tower
cranes with a rated load moment greater than 1 000 kNm can be aected by such an adjustment or
It shall be emphasized that only the crane classification is to be considered as a minimum design
requirement. The classification o the cranes structural parts, mechanisms, ropes or components
is a result derived rom this, in which various parameters o the crane design are incorporated. This
inormation is thus a recommendation only.


X number o work cycles C ISO 4301-3:2021
Y load spectrum factor Kp
Z admissible design space

Figure 1 — Admissible design space or tower cranes erected rom parts

In case of better knowledge of the service conditions of the structural detail or component under
consideration, a specific classification or average displacement can be calculated. Thereore, statistical
eects can also be taken into account, e.g. usage and position o a tower section inside a tower build o
a tower crane erected rom parts. However, this value shall always be correlated with the classification
of the crane as a whole.
The average displacement in Tables 2 to 4 is considered to be the same at all levels of loading. If there
are significant dierences in the displacements at dierent load levels, e.g. short displacements under
high loads and longer displacements under low loads, this may be taken into account at the estimation
o the stress spectrum actor o the part or detail under verification.
Auxiliary mechanisms or ropes used or assembly or maintenance operations have a wide range
o operating conditions. Especially or mobile sel-erecting tower cranes, a critical review o these
components is required, due to the requency o assemblies. Hence, only the minimum component
classification is given together with the U- and Q-class, but no average displacement. This value shall be
specified by the designer.
A general overview on the system o group classifications including design values o spectrum actors
and class limits is given in Annex A.

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ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

5.2 Classification o tower cranes erected rom parts

Table 2 gives the minimum design requirement or the classification o tower cranes erected rom
parts together with the recommended classification o its structural parts, mechanisms, ropes and

Table 2 — Classification o tower cranes erected rom parts

Design Spectrum Cycle
ment Remark
class class class
Crane A3 Q3 U3
Structural crane part
General S2 Q3 U4
Parts o the jib mainly loaded by hoist
S1 Q3 U3
Hoisting mechanism Ac 3 Q3 U3 Dl6
Lufing mechanism Ac 3 Q3 U3 Da 1
Slewing mechanism Ac 4 Q4 U3 Da 2
Trolley travelling mechanism iTeh STANDARD
c U3 D5 l
Crane travelling mechanism A2 Q4 U1 D4
Crane travelling mechanism
c l

Ac 0 Q4 U01 Dl4
(quasi-stationary use)c
ISO 4301-3:2021 a
Auxiliary mechanism Ac 0 Q4 U01
Ropes 695b36b348dd/iso-4301-3-2021
Hoisting rope Ac 3 Q3 U3 Dl6 lr = 4 b
Lufing rope Ac 3 Q3 U3 Dl5 lr = 4b
Trolley travelling rope Ac 2 Q2 U3 Dl5 lr = 4b
Erection rope Ac 0 Q4 U01 a lr = 2b
Stationary rope Ac 3 Q3 U3
Rail wheels
Rail wheels trolley travelling Ac 3 Q3 U3
Rail wheels crane travelling Ac 3 Q3 U3
Hook Ac 3 Q3 U3
a Displacement class to be defined by the manuacturer.
b Recommended number of ropes used during design life of the crane.
c This crane travelling mechanism classification is related to inrequent use, e.g. only to change the position o the crane.

Table 2 gives requirements or two crane travelling mechanisms or dierent purposes. This
information shall be given to the user.

4 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

5.3 Classification o sel-erecting tower cranes

Table 3 gives the minimum design requirement or the classification o sel-erecting tower cranes
together with the recommended classification o its structural parts, mechanisms, ropes and

Table 3 — Classification o sel-erecting tower cranes

Design Spectrum Cycle
ment Remark
class class class
Crane A2 Q2 U3
Structural crane part
General S1 Q2 U4
Parts o the jib, tower and tie bars main-
S0 Q2 U3
ly loaded by hoist load
Hoisting mechanism Ac 2 Q2 U3 Dl5
Slewing mechanism Ac 3 Q3 U3 Da 2
Trolley travelling mechanism Ac1 Q1 U3 Dl5
Crane travelling mechanism A2 PREVIEW
Q4 U1 c Dl4
Crane travelling mechanism
(quasi-stationary use) c (
A 0 Q4 U01 c Dl4

Auxiliary mechanism Ac 0 Q4 U01 a

ISO 4301-3:2021
Hoisting rope Ac 2
695b36b348dd/iso-4301-3-2021 Q2 U3 Dl5 lr = 4b
Trolley travelling rope Ac1 Q1 U3 Dl5 lr = 4b
Erection rope Ac 0 Q4 U01 a lr = 2 b
Stationary rope Ac 2 Q2 U3
Rail wheels
Rail wheels trolley travelling Ac 2 Q2 U3
Rail wheels crane travelling Ac 2 Q2 U3
Hook Ac 2 Q2 U3
a Displacement class to be defined by the manuacturer.
b Recommended number of ropes used during design life of the crane.
c This crane travelling mechanism classification is related to inrequent use, e.g. only to change the position o the crane.

Table 3 gives requirements or two crane travelling mechanisms or dierent purposes. This
information shall be given to the user.

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ISO 4301-3:2021(E)

5.4 Classification o mobile sel-erecting tower cranes

Table 4 gives the minimum design requirement or the classification o mobile sel-erecting tower
cranes together with the recommended classification o its structural parts, mechanisms, ropes and

Table 4 — Classification o mobile sel-erecting tower cranes

Design Spectrum Cycle
ment Remark
class class class
Crane A2 Q3 U2
Structural crane part
General S1 Q3 U3
Parts o the jib, tower and tie bars main-
S0 Q3 U2
ly loaded by hoist load
Hoisting mechanism Ac 2 Q3 U2 Dl5
Slewing mechanism Ac 3 Q4 U2 Da 2
Trolley travelling mechanism Ac1 Q2 U2 Dl5
Auxiliary mechanism iTeh STANDARD
c U0 a

Hoisting rope
A2 Q3 c U2 D5 l lr = 4b
Trolley travelling rope Ac1 ISO 4301-3:2021
Q2 U2 Dl5 lr = 4 b
Erection rope Ac1 Q4 U0 a lr = 2b
Stationary rope Ac 2 Q3
695b36b348dd/iso-4301-3-2021 U2
Rail wheels
Rail wheels trolley travelling Ac 2 Q3 U2
Hook Ac 2 Q3 U2
a Displacement class to be defined by the manuacturer.
b Recommended number of ropes used during design life of the crane.

6 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

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