Emotional Development and Building Relationship Report

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Emotional Development

Children in this stage show improved emotional understanding

Explanation: so, in this stage children has the ability to recognize, express, and manage
feelings at different stages of life and have empathy for the feelings of others. These
development can be negative or positive.

They may also show greater ability to show or conceal emotions.

 Explanation: so, the children has also the ability to show conceal emotions, when
we say conceal emotions it describes as the act of hiding or covering an item to
prevent discovery or which we say the hiding of feelings-- They’re gradually able
to hide certain emotions when it feels necessary. If they make a mistake, for
example, they may try to hide their embarrassment to avoid unwanted attention.

Another milestone, is the development of their EQ or emotional intelligence that

involves the ability to monitor oneself or others feelings.
 Through these, they develop EQ or Emotional intelligence wherein they have the
ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions.
 If they pocessed these they have the few skills wherein they develop self-
awareness, manage their own emotions, be able to read their own emotions and
others emotions and they have the ability to resolve their own

Building Friendship

As children go through their late childhood, there peer interaction increases. So, the
peer interaction occur when children are Playing, sharing, taking turns, and/or
communicating with each other through both verbal (talking) and nonverbal (smiling,
waving) means. So, for them the most important thing is to have positive interactions or
relationships within each other.
The approval and belongingness they receive contribute to the stability and security of
their emotional development. So, for them good peer interactions are very important for
At this stage also, children prefer more same sex friendship.
So, there are 5 types of peer status we have here:


 Popular – frequently nominated as the bestfriend and who is rarely
dislike by peers.

Explanation: popular. So here, popular children are most-viewed as well-adjusted.

These individuals are skilled at social interactions and maintain positive peer
relationships. They tend to be cooperative, friendly, sociable, and sensitive to

 Average – receives an average number of positive and negative

nominations from peers

Explanation: so, here individuals is which someone is liked and disliked by their

 Neglected – very seldom nominated as a best friend but it is not really


Explanation: so, these children were very seldom nominated because they
lacked group cooperation and leadership abilities. These children are not
especially liked or disliked by peers, and they tend to go unnoticed.

 Rejected – infrequently nominated as a best friend but one who is also

disliked by peers

Explanation: here, children were left out and disliked by his or her peers. They
usually receives negative nominations instead the positive ones.

 Controversial – frequently nominated as a best friend but at the same

time is disliked by peers.

Explanation: so here, the youngsters did well, and their peers saw them as
having both good positive and poor interpersonal skills. These individuals tend
to be aggressive, disruptive, and prone to anger. However, they may also be
cooperative and social.

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