Rcs I Sample Size Guide 2018

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The RCSI Sample size handbook

Technical Report · April 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30497.51043


25 30,267

1 author:

Ronán Michael Conroy

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland


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The RCSI Sample size handbook
How to use this guide 3
A rough guide Introduction : sample size and why it’s important 4
May 2018 version 1. Sample size for percentages or proportions 8
1.2 Sample sizes for studies comparing a prevalence with a hypothesised value
Ronán M Conroy 11
[email protected] 1.3 Sample sizes for studies comparing proportions between two groups 15
1.4a Sample sizes for population case-control studies 19
1.4b Sample sizes for matched case-control studies 24
Effect size for a two-sample means test 1.5 Sample size for logistic regression with a continuous predictor variable 29
t test assuming σ1 = σ2 = σ 1.6 Sample sizes for logistic or Cox regression with multiple predictors 32
H0: µ2 = µ1 versus Ha: µ2 ≠ µ1 2: Sample sizes and powers for comparing two means where the variable is
1 measured on a continuous scale that is (more or less) normally distributed. 36
2.1 Comparing the means of two groups 36
2.2 Sample sizes for comparing means in the same people under two conditions
.8 2.3 Calculating sample sizes for comparing two means: a rule of thumb 49
Effect size (δ)

3. Sample size for correlations or regressions between two variables measured

on a numeric scale 50
4. Sample size for reliability studies 52
5. Sample size calculation for agreement between two raters using a present/
.6 absent rating scale using Cohen’s Kappa 55
6. Sample size for pilot studies 59
7. Sample size for animal experiments in which not enough is known to calculate
statistical power 61
.4 8. Sample size for qualitative research 63
4654 68 88 120 172 266 9. Resources for animal experiments 67
Total sample size (N) 9. Computer and online resources 68
Parameters: α = .05, 1-β = .9, µ1 = 0, σ = 1

Stata command
. power twomeans 0 (.4(.1)1), power(0.9) graph(ydimension(delta)

Sample Size: introduction Sample Size: introduction

!1 !2
How to use this guide Introduction : sample size and why it’s important
Sample size is an important issue in research. Ethics committees and funding
This guide has sample size ready-reckoners for many common research
agencies are aware that if a research project is too small, it misses failing to
designs. Each section is self-contained You need only read the section that
find what it set out to detect. Not only does this waste the input of the study
applies to you.
participants (and frequently, in the case of animal research, their lives) but by
If you are new to sample size calculation, read the first section first. producing a false negative result a study may do a disservice to research by
discouraging further exploration of the area.
And, of course, if a study is too large it will waste resources that could have
There are examples in each section, aimed at helping you to describe your been spent on something else.
sample size calculation in a research proposal or ethics committee submission.
So the ideal sample size is one that collects sufficient data to have a good
They are largely non-specialist. If you have useful examples, I welcome
chance of measuring what you set out to measure.
Feedback Key issues: representativeness and precision
When choosing a sample, there are two important issues:
If you have trouble following this guide, please email me. Your comments help
to improve it. If you spot an error, please let me know. • will the sample be representative of the population, and

Support • will the sample be precise enough.

The first criterion of a good sample is sample representativeness. An
This guide has slowly percolated around the internet. I’m pleased to handle
unrepresentative sample will result in biased conclusions, and the bias cannot
queries from staff and students of RCSI and affiliated institutions. However, I
cannot deal with queries from elsewhere. I’m sorry. be eliminated by taking a larger sample. For this reason, sampling methodology
is the first thing to get right.
Warranty? The second criterion is sample precision. The larger the sample, the smaller
This document is provided as a guide. While every attempt has been made to the margin of uncertainty (confidence interval) around the results. However,
ensure its accuracy, neither the author nor the Royal College of Surgeons in there is another factor that also affects precision: the variability of the thing
Ireland takes any responsibility for errors contained in it. being measured. The more something that varies from person to person the
bigger your sample needs to be to achieve the same degree of certainty about
What’s new your results.
This version May 2018. Updated text with more useful code in Stata and, to a
This guide deals with the issue of sample size. Remember, however, that sample
lesser extent, R, updated web links.

size is of secondary importance to sample representativeness.
Key terms used in this sample size calculation
Precision – what it is, what determines it
Precision is the amount of potential error in a finding. Low-precision studies
have wide margins of error around their findings, while high-precision studies
have narrow margins of error. The degree of precision is partly determined
by the sample size. In some sample size calculations, you will need to begin
by deciding how much precision you require or, equivalently, the degree of
uncertainty you are prepared to tolerate in your findings.
Precision is also determined by the variability in the thing you are
studying. If something has little variation, such as body temperature, then you

Sample Size: introduction Sample Size: introduction

!3 !4
will require a smaller sample than for something that varies quite a lot, like For example, if you are planning to compare two treatments, you have to
blood pressure. decide how big a difference between two groups should be before it would be
You can easily imagine variability when it comes to things measured on a regarded as clinically important. You might define it as the smallest effect that
numeric scale. But what about things that are measured on a simple would be noticed by the person being treated, or the smallest effect that would
dichotomous scale – present/absent, true/false for example. Years ago, a alter the management of the patient, or the smallest effect required to change
colleague came up with an excellent example. Imagine a crowd of spectators the person’s diagnosis.
where the supporters of one team wore white and supporters of the other team The whole question of what constitutes a clinically significant finding is outside
wore black. If one team had 100% support, the crowd would be all one colour – the scope of statistics. However, you will see from the tables that I have tried to
no variability. The maximum variability would occur where there was 50% help out by translating the rather abstract language of effect size into terms of
support for each team. This is exactly what happens with dichotomous patient benefit or differences between people.
variables. The closer the prevalence is to 50%, the higher the variability. At 0% What effect size isn’t
and 100% there's no variability at all. It is important to realise what effect size is not. Effect size is not the effect that
Prevalence you think is there. We tend to have high hopes for our theories, and therefore
Prevalence is how frequently a characteristic is found is in the population you hope that the treatment or risk factor we are interested in will have a very
are studying. Although we speak of prevalences every time we say something important effect. However, in sample size calculation, effect size is always the
like “ten percent of people” or “a third of new admissions”, we rarely use the smallest effect that would be clinically significant. Not the one that you hope is
word prevalence for these fractions or percentages. This guide will use there.
‘prevalence’ as a general term for proportions, fractions and percentages. Importantly, too, effect size is not what was published by someone else. Again,
Variability this is an estimate of the actual effect size, but research must have adequate
power to detect the smallest clinically significant effect size. Often the early
The more variable is the thing we are studying, the more data we will have to
publications in a field are biased towards larger effect sizes. This is not just
gather in order to achieve a given level of precision. This makes sense
because of publication bias, but also because methodologies will improve and
intuitively when we are measuring something on a numeric scale. But it also
things will always work less well when they leave the lab for the real world.
applies to other types of measurement too, even to percentages.
Looking at the tables that show sample sizes for different prevalences, you will
see that the required sample size rises as the prevalence approaches 50%. This Power if the chance that what you are looking for will be detected in your
is because when 50% of people have a characteristic and 50% do not, that sample, if it actually exists. No sample, however big, is a guarantee that you
characteristic has the highest person-to-person variability. As the prevalence will detect what you are looking for. However, it is foolish to do research
nears zero or 100%, variability decreases, and so the required sample size will without a reasonable chance that your study will detect it if it exists. And that
also decrease. “if it exists” is very important. The power of a study is its chance of
detecting an effect of a given size, if an effect of at least that size exists.
For continuous variables, the standard deviation is used as a measure of
variability. This is sometimes known, or guessable, from previously published Decades ago, studies were often run with 80% power. That is to say, there was
work, and this guide will tell you how to do this. But even if it is unknown, the an 80% chance that they would detect the effect if it existed but was the
guide will show you how to make an informed guess. smallest clinically significant effect. And, therefore, there was a 20% chance –
one in five – that they would fail to detect it and come to a false-negative
Effect size
Many sample size calculations require you to stipulate an effect size. This is
A 20% probability of a false-negative conclusion is now regarded as
the smallest effect that is clinically significant (as opposed to statistically
unacceptable by ethics committees. Why waste the time (and lives) of research
significant). Clinical significance is a health research term that is used to mean
participants on projects that have a built-in 20% chance of failure? The sample
“practical significance” or “real life significance”. The task of deciding on the
sizes in this guide assume that you want 90% or even 95% power to detect
smallest effect that would be clinically significant requires knowledge of the
what you are looking for.
purpose of the research and the current state of knowledge and practice.

Sample Size: introduction Sample Size: introduction

!5 !6
1. Sample size for percentages or proportions
Things that are not sample size calculations
This section give guidelines for sample sizes for
Before going on to cover specific research scenarios, I should mention some • studies that measure the proportion or percentage of people who have some
things appear in ethics submissions and grant applications that are not characteristic,
acceptable as sample size calculations. • and for studies that compare this proportion with either a known population
The following are the most usual offenders: or with another group.
The characteristic being measured can be a disease, an opinion, a behaviour :
Everyone else used six animals per group
anything that can be measured as present or absent.
The legal advisor to RCSI’s research ethics committee has advised us that there
is no legal defence that runs Well, everyone else did it too. So the fact that Prevalence
someone else used this sample size does not justify it, whether or not the
research was published. There are grounds for using 6 animals per group, but Prevalence is the technical term for the proportion of people who have some
feature. You should note that for a prevalence to be measured accurately, the
they are laid out below under comparing the means of two groups.
study sample should be a valid sample. That is, it should not contain any
We did another study that used 10 patients and it was significant/got significant source of bias.
It’s important, too, to emphasise here the point made above, that sample size 1.1 Sample size for simple prevalence studies
should be set to detect the minimum effect that would be clinically significant, The sample size needed for a prevalence study depends on how precisely you
not the effect that someone else found or that the researcher thinks is there. want to measure the prevalence. (Precision is the amount of error in a
Small studies are only likely to be published if they find something interesting. measurement.) The bigger your sample, the less error you are likely to make in
So they are likely to be misleading about the potential effect size. measuring the prevalence, and therefore the better the chance that the
prevalence you find in your sample will be close to the real prevalence in the
We have limited funding/the student is only available for x weeks
population. You can calculate the margin of uncertainty around the findings of
Limited funding and limited time are not excuses for doing bad research. If you your study using confidence intervals. A confidence interval gives you a
spend your resources on a research project that has no reasonable chance of maximum and minimum plausible estimate for the true value you were trying to
being able to answer the research question because it is simply too small, then measure.
you have wasted your limited resources.
Step 1: decide on an acceptable margin of error
This is just a student project
The larger your sample, the less uncertainty you will have about the true
Finally, student projects often lack the time and resources to recruit a sample prevalence. However, you do not necessarily need a tiny margin of uncertainty.
big enough to have decent statistical power. Ethics committees understand that For an exploratory study, for example, a margin of error of ±10% might be
student research is where students learn research methods. So long as the perfectly acceptable. A 10% margin of uncertainty can be achieved with a
application is accompanied by a calculation that shows the applicant is aware sample of only 100. However, to get to a 5% margin of error will require a
of the power of the proposed sample size, and the potential effect that this will sample of 384 (four times as large).
have on the analysis and interpretation of the data, small sample size is not in
itself an obstacle to receiving ethical approval – though it will probably be an Step 2: Is your population finite?
obstacle to publication. Are you sampling a population which has a defined number of members? Such
populations might include all the physiotherapists in private practice in Ireland,
or all the pharmacies in Ireland. If you have a finite population, the sample size
you need can be significantly smaller.
Step 3: Simply read off your required sample size from table 1.1. 

Sample Size: introduction Sample Size: studies measuring a percentage or proportion

!7 !8
Frequently asked questions
Suppose my study involves analysing subgroups, how do I calculate
Table 1.1 Sample sizes for prevalence studies sample size?
margin of
Size of population In some cases, you may be interested in percentages or prevalences within
subgroups of your sample. In this case, you should check that they sample size
error Large 5000 2500 1000 500 200 will have enough power to give you an acceptable margin of error within the
smallest subgroup of interest.
±20% 24 24 24 23 23 22
For example, you may be interested in the percentage of mobile phone users
±15% 43 42 42 41 39 35
who are worried about the effects of radiation. A sample of 384 will allow you
±10% 96 94 93 88 81 65 to measure this percentage with a margin of error of no more than ±5% of its
±7.5% 171 165 160 146 127 92 true value.
±5% 384 357 333 278 217 132 However, you are also interested in subgroups, such as men and women, older
and younger people, people with different levels of education etc. You reckon
±3% 1067 880 748 516 341 169
that the smallest subgroup will be older men, who will probably make up only
10% of the sample. This would give you about 38 men, slightly fewer than you
need for a margin of error of ±20%. If this is not acceptable, you might
Example 1: Sample size for a study of the prevalence of burnout in students at a large increase the overall sample size, use stratified sampling (where a fixed number
university of each subgroup is recruited) or decide not to analyse rarer subgroups.
A researcher is interested in carrying out a prevalence study using simple
If you want to compare subgroups, however, go to section 1.3
random sampling from a population of over 11,000 university students. She
would like to estimate the prevalence to within 5% of its true value. What if I can only survey a fixed number of people?
Since the population is large (more than 5,000) she should use the first column You can use the table to find the approximate margin of error of your study. You
in the table. A sample size of 384 students will allow the study to determine the will then have to ask yourself if this margin of error is acceptable. You may
prevalence of anxiety disorders with a confidence interval of ±5%. Note that if decide not to go ahead with the study because it will not give precise enough
she wants increase precision so that her margin of error is just ±3%, she will results to be useful.
have to sample over 1,000 participants. Sample sizes increase rapidly when How can I calculate sample size for a different margin of error?
very high precision is needed.
All these calculations were done on a simple web page at
Example 2: Sample size for a study of a finite population
A researcher wants to study the prevalence of bullying in registrars and senior
registrars working in Ireland. There are roughly 500 doctors in her population.
She is willing to accept a margin of uncertainty of ±7.5%.
Here, the population is finite, with roughly 500 registrars and senior registrars,
so the sample size will be smaller than she would need for a study of a large
population. A representative sample of 127 will give the study a margin of error
(confidence interval) of ±7.5% in determining the prevalence of bullying in the
workplace, and 341 will narrow that margin of error to ±3%.

Sample Size: studies measuring a percentage or proportion Sample Size: studies measuring a percentage or proportion
!9 !10
1.2 Sample sizes for studies comparing a prevalence Step 2: Prevalence: How common is the feature that you are studying in
the population?
with a hypothesised value Sample sizes are bigger when the feature has a prevalence of 50% in the
This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that measure the population. As the prevalence in the population group goes towards 0% or
proportion or percentage of people who have some characteristic with the 100%, the sample size requirement falls. If you do not know how common the
intention of comparing it with a percentage that is already known from feature is, you should use the sample size for a 50% prevalence as being the
research or hypothesised. worst-case estimate. The required sample size will be no larger than this, no
matter what the prevalence turns out to be.
Step 3: what power do you want to detect a difference between the study
This characteristic can be a disease, and opinion, a behaviour, anything that group and the population?
can be measured as present or absent. You may want to demonstrate that the
A study with 90% power is 90% likely to discover the difference between
population you are studying has a higher (or lower) prevalence than some other
population that you already know about. For example, you might want to see if the groups if such a difference exists. And 95% power increases this likelihood
to 95%. So if a study with 95% power fails to detect a difference, the difference
medical students have a lower prevalence of smoking than other third level
is unlikely to exist. You should aim for 95% power, and certainly accept nothing
students, whose prevalence is already known from previous work.
less than 90% power. Why run a study that has more than a 10% chance of
Effect size failing to detect the very thing it is looking for?
To begin with, you need to ask what is the smallest difference between
the prevalence in the population you are studying and the prevalence in the
reference population that would be considered meaningful in real life terms?
This difference is often called a clinically significant difference in medicine,
to draw attention to the fact that it is the smallest difference that would be
important enough to have practical implications.
The bigger your study, the greater the chance that you will detect such a
difference. And, of course, the smaller the difference that you consider to be
clinically significant, the bigger the study you need to detect it.
Step 1: Effect size: Decide on the smallest difference the study should be
capable of detecting
You will have to decide what is the smallest difference between the group that
you are studying and the general population that would constitute a 'clinically
significant difference' – that is, a difference that would have real-life
implications. If you found a difference of 5%, would that have real-life
implications? If not, would 10%? There is a certain amount of guesswork
involved, and you might do well to see what the norm was in the literature.
For instance, if you were studying burnout in medical students and discovered
that the rate was 5% higher than the rate for the general student population,
would that have important real-life implications? How about if it was 10%
lower? 10% higher? At what point would we decide that burnout in medical
students was a problem that needed to be tackled?

Sample Size: studies measuring a percentage or proportion Sample Size: studies measuring a percentage or proportion
!11 !12
Step 4: Use table 1.2 to get an idea of sample size Example: Study investigating whether depression is more common in elderly people in
nursing homes than in the general elderly population, using a limited number of available
Population Population Population Depression has a prevalence of roughly 10% in the general elderly population.
prevalence 50% prevalence 25% prevalence 10% There are approximately 70 persons two nursing homes who will all be invited
Power Power Power to participate in the research. A sample size of 69 would give the study 95%
power to detect a 20% higher prevalence of depression in these participants
prevalences 90% 95% 90% 95% 90% 95%* compared with the general population.

+5% 1041 1287 883 1092 536 663

Example: Study recruiting patients with low HDL cholesterol levels to see if there is a
+10% 253 312 240 296 169 208
higher frequency of an allele suspected of being involved in low HDL. The population
+15% 107 132 113 139 88 109 frequency of the allele is known to be 25%
+20% 56 69 66 81 56 69 The researchers decide that to be clinically significant, the prevalence of the
allele would have to be twice as high in patients with low HDL cholesterol. A
+25% 32 39 43 52 39 48
sample of 36 patients will give them a 90% chance of detecting a difference this
+30% 19 24 29 36 29 35 big or bigger, while 45 patients will give them a 95% chance of detecting it.
-5% 1041 1287 673 832 13 16 These calculations were carried out using Stata Version 13 using the power
-10% 253 312 134 166 command. 

-15% 107 132 43 52
-20% 56 69 13 16
–25% 32 39
–30% 19 24

Table 1.2 Comparing a sample with a known population

The table gives sample sizes for 90% and 95% power in three situations: when
the population prevalence is 50%, 25% and 10%.
If in doubt about the prevalence, err on the high side.
*Sample Stata code for column
. power oneproportion .1 (.15(.05).4), test(wald) power(.95)
The bit that says (.15(.05).4) is a neat way of passing Stata a list of values.
This one says “start at .15, increment by .05 and finish at .4”.

Sample Size: studies measuring a percentage or proportion Sample Size: studies measuring a percentage or proportion
!13 !14
1.3 Sample sizes for studies comparing proportions Step 4: Use table 1.3 to get an idea of sample size
The table gives sample sizes for 90% and 95% power in three situations: when
between two groups the prevalence in the comparison group is 50%, 25% and 10%. If in doubt, err
This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that measure the on the high side. The table shows the number in each group, so the total
proportion or percentage of people who have some characteristic with the number is twice the figure in the table!
intention of comparing two groups sampled separately, or two subgroups within
the same sample.

This is a common study design in which two groups are compared. In some Prevalence in Prevalence in Prevalence in
cases, the two groups will be got by taking samples from two populations. one group 50% one group 25% one group 10%
However, in many cases the two groups may actually be subgroups of the same Difference Power Power Power
sample. If you plan on comparing two groups within the same sample, the between the
sample size will have to be increased. Instructions for doing this are at the end groups 90%* 95% 90% 95% 90% 95%
of the section. 5% 2095 2590 1674 2070 918 1135
Step 1: Effect size: Decide on the difference the study should be capable 10% 519 641 440 543 266 329
of detecting 15% 227 280 203 251 133 164
You will have to decide what is the smallest difference between the two groups 20% 124 153 118 145 82 101
that you are studying that would constitute a 'clinically significant difference' –
25% 77 95 77 95 57 70
that is, a difference that would have real-life implications. If you found a
difference of 5%, would that have real-life implications? If not, would 10%? 30% 52 63 54 67 42 52
There is a certain amount of guesswork involved, and you might do well to see Table 1.3 Numbers needed in each group
what the norm is in the literature. *Sample Stata command that generated the figures in this column
Step 2: Prevalence: How common is the feature that you are studying in . power twoproportion .5 (.45(-.05).2), power(.9)
the comparison group?
The notation .5 (.45(-.05).2) is a way of telling Stata to generate a list of
Sample sizes are bigger when the feature has a prevalence of 50% in one of the
values starting with 0·5, decreasing in units of 0·05 and ending with 0·2)
groups. As the prevalence in one group goes towards 0% or 100%, the sample
size requirement falls. If you do not know how common the feature is, you
should use the sample size for a 50% prevalence as being the worst-case
Example: Study investigating the effect of a support programme on smoking quit rates
estimate. The required sample size will be no larger than this no matter what
the prevalence turns out to be. The investigator is planning a study of the effect of a telephone support line in
improving smoking quit rates in patients post-stroke. She knows that about
Step 3: Power: what power do you want to detect a difference between 25% of smokers will have quit at the end of the first year after discharge. She
the two groups? feels that the support line would make a clinically important contribution to
A study with 90% power is 90% likely to discover the difference between management if it improved this this to 35%. The programme would not be
the groups if such a difference exists. And 95% power increases this likelihood justifiable from the cost point of view if the reduction were smaller than this.
to 95%. So if a study with 95% power fails to detect a difference, the difference So a 10% increase is the smallest effect that would be clinically significant.
is unlikely to exist. You should aim for 95% power, and certainly accept nothing
From the table she can see that two groups of 440 patients would be needed to
less than 90% power. Why run a study that has more than a 10% chance of
have a 90% power of detecting a difference of at least 10%, and two groups of
failing to detect the very thing it is looking for?
543 patients would be needed for 95% power. She writes in her ethics

Sample Size: comparing proportions between groups Sample Size: comparing proportions between groups
!15 !16
Previous studies in the area suggest that as few as 25% of smokers are still not Frequently-asked questions
smoking a year after discharge. The proposed sample size of 500 patients in
each group (intervention and control) will give the study a power to detect a
What is 90% or 95% power?
10% increase in smoking cessation rate that is between 90% and 95%. Just because a difference really exists in the population you are studying does
not mean it will appear in every sample you take. Your sample may not show
Example: Study comparing risk of hypertension in women who continue to work and
the difference, even though it is there. To be ethical and value for money, a
those who stop working during a first pregnancy.
research study should have a reasonable chance of detecting the smallest
Women in their first pregnancy have roughly a 10% risk of developing
difference that would be of clinical significance (if this difference actually
hypertension. The investigator wishes to compare risk in women who stop
exists, of course). If you do a study and fail to find a difference, even though it
working and women who continue. She decides to give the study sufficient
exists, you may discourage further research, or delay the discovery of
power to have a 90% chance of detecting a doubling of risk associated with
something useful. For this reason, you study should have a reasonable chance
continued working. The sample size, from the table, is two groups of 266
of finding a difference, if such a difference exists.
women. She decides to increase this to 300 in each group to account for drop-
outs. She writes in her ethics submission: A study with 90% power is 90% likely to discover the smallest clinically
significant difference between the groups if such a difference exists. And 95%
Women in their first pregnancy have roughly a 10% risk of developing
power increases this likelihood to 95%. So if a study with 95% power fails to
hypertension. We propose to recruit 300 women in each group (work cessation
detect a difference, the difference is unlikely to exist. You should aim for 95%
and working). The proposed sample size has a 90% power to detect a twofold
power, and certainly accept nothing less than 90% power. Why run a study that
increase in risk, from 10% to 20%.
has more than a 10% chance of failing to detect the very thing it is looking for?
What if I can only study a certain number of people?
Comparing subgroups within the same sample You can use the table to get a rough idea of the sort of difference you study
This often happens when the two groups being compared are subgroups of a might be able to detect. Look up the number of people you have available.
larger sample. For example, if you are comparing men and women coronary
patients and you know that two thirds of patients are men.
A detailed answer is beyond the scope of a ready-reckoner table, because the
final sample size will depend on the relative sizes of the groups being These calculations were carried out using Stata release 13 power command

compared. Roughly, if one group is twice as big as the other, the total sample
size will be 20% higher, if one is three times as big as the other, 30% higher. In
the case of the coronary patients, if two thirds of patients are men, one group
will be twice the size of the other. In this case, you would calculate a total
sample size based on the table and then increase it by 20%.
Stata code
Suppose you are comparing two groups from the same sample. You are
expecting the two groups to have a 20% and 80% prevalence. In this case, the
ratio of the two groups is 80:20 which is 4:1. The Stata code for 90% power
that gives the first column in the table above now reads
power twoproportions .5 (.45(-.05).2), test(chi2) power(0.9)

You can see that you simply have to specify nratio() to get the appropriate

Sample Size: comparing proportions between groups Sample Size: comparing proportions between groups
!17 !18
increase the margin of uncertainty around the estimate of the risk factor's odds
1.4a Sample sizes for population case-control studies
ratio. If you don't understand the last bit, don't worry. The important thing is
This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that measure the effect that you have to gather extra data in a case control study to allow you sufficient
of a risk factor by comparing a sample of people with the disease with a control statistical power to adjust for confounding variables. How much extra data
sample of disease-free individuals drawn from the same population. The depends on how strongly the confounding factor is associated with the risk
effect of the risk factor is measured using the odds ratio. factor and the disease. Cousens and colleagues (see references) recommend
Population case-control studies have the disadvantage that the controls and increasing the sample size by 25%, based on simulation studies. The sample
cases may differ on variables that will have an effect on disease risk sizes in the tables in this section are inflated by 25% in line with this
(confounding variables), so a multivariable analysis will have to be carried out recommendation.
to adjust for these variables. The sample sizes shown here are inflated by 25% Step 1: Prevalence: What is the probable prevalence of the risk factor in
to allow for the loss of statistical power that will typically result from adjusting your population?
for confounding variables.
The prevalence of the risk factor will affect your ability to detect its effect. If
If you are controlling for confounding variables by carrying out a matched
most of the population is exposed to the risk factor, it will be common in your
case-control study, see section 1.4b.
control group, making it hard to detect its effect, for example. If you are unsure
about the prevalence of the risk factor in the population, err on the extreme
A case-control study looks for risk factors for a disease or disorder by side – that is, if it is rare, use the lowest estimate you have as the basis for
recruiting two groups of participants: cases of the disease or disorder, and calculations, and if it is common use the highest estimate.
controls, who are drawn from the same population as the cases but who did not Step 2: Effect Size: What is the smallest odds ratio that would be regarded
develop the disease. as clinically significant?
Case-control studies are observational studies. In experimental studies, we The odds ratio expresses the impact of the factor on the risk of the disease or
can hold conditions constant so that the only difference between the two disorder. Usually we are only interested in risk factors that have a sizeable
groups we are comparing is that one group was exposed to the risk factor and impact on risk – and odds ratio of 2, for example – but if you are studying a
the other was not. In observational studies, however, there can be other common, serious condition you might be interested in detecting an odds ratio
differences between those exposed to the risk factor and those not exposed. For as low as 1.5, because even a 50% increase in risk of something common or
example, if you are looking at the relationship between diarrhoeal disease in serious will be important at the public health level.
children and household water supply, households with high quality water will Step 3: Power: What statistical power do you want?
differ in other ways from households with low quality water. They are more
likely to be higher social class, wealthier, and more likely to have better With 90% power, you have a 90% chance of being able to detect a clinically
significant odds ratio. That is, though, a 10% chance of doing the study and
sanitation. These factors, which are associated with both the disease and the
failing to detect it. With 95% power, you have only a 5% chance of failing to
risk factor, are called confounding factors.
detect a clinically significant odds ratio, if it exists.
Understanding confounding factors is important in designing and analysing
case-control studies. Confounding factors can distort the apparent relationship
Step 4: Look up the number of cases from table 1.4
between a risk factor and a disease, so their effects have to be adjusted for
statistically during the analysis. In the diarrhoeal disease example, you might
need to adjust your estimate of the effect of good water quality in the
household for the association between good water quality and presence of a
toilet. Any case-control study must identify and measure potential confounding
Sample size and adjustment for confounding factors
Allowing for confounding factors in the analysis of case-control studies
increases the required sample size, because the statistical adjustment will

Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!19 !20
Example: A study to detect the effect of smoking on insomnia in elderly.
Step 1 is to estimate how common smoking is in the elderly. The current
Smallest odds ratio that would be population estimate is that about 27% of the elderly smoke.
clinically significant
Step 2 is to specify the minimum odds ratio that would be clinically significant.
1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 In this case, we might decide that an odds ratio of 2.5 would be the smallest
one that would be of real importance.
Prevalence 90% Power to detect the odds ratio
of the risk The table gives a sample size of 140 cases and 140 controls for 90% power to
factor detect an odds ratio of at least 2.5 with a smoking prevalence of 30%. This is
probably close enough to 27% to be taken as it is.
10% 1581 493 264 175 103 73
When analysing the data, the effect of smoking may be confounded by the fact
20% 929 300 165 113 69 50 that smoking is more common in men, and insomnia is also more common in
men. So the apparent relationship between insomnia and smoking could be
30% 739 246 140 98 61 46
partly due to the fact that both are associated with male sex. We can adjust the
40% 674 231 134 95 63 49 odds ratio for sex, and for other confounding factors during the analysis.
Although this will reduce the study power, the sample size table has a built-in
50% 674 239 141 103 69 55
allowance of 25% extra to deal with the loss of power due to confounding.
60% 730 265 161 118 81 65 In an ethics submission, you would write
70% 869 324 200 149 105 85 The sample size was calculated in order to have 90% power to detect an odds
80% 1184 453 284 215 154 128
ratio of 2.5 or greater associated with smoking, given that the prevalence of
smoking is approximately 30% in the target population. The sample size was
90% 2186 855 546 416 304 254 inflated by 25% to allow for the calculation of an odds ratio adjusted for
95% Power to detect the odds ratio confounding variables such as gender, giving a planned sample size of 140
cases and 140 controls.
10% 1988 619 331 220 129 91
Frequently-asked questions
20% 1168 376 208 141 86 64
I only have 30 cases available to me – what can I do?
30% 929 309 175 121 78 59
Looking at the table, it is clear that you cannot do a lot. You have a 90% chance
40% 848 291 169 120 79 61 of detecting a ten-fold increase in risk associated with a risk factor that is
present in at least 20% of the population and at most 40%. Sample sizes for
50% 848 300 178 129 86 69
case-control studies are generally larger than people think, so it’s a good idea
60% 919 334 203 149 103 83 to look at the table and consider whether you have enough cases to go ahead.
70% 1091 408 251 188 131 108 Is there any way I can increase the power of my study by recruiting more
80% 1489 569 358 270 194 160
Yes. If you have a limited number of cases, you can increase the power of your
90% 2749 1075 686 524 383 320 study by recruiting more controls.
Step 1 : Look up the number of cases you need from table 1.4
Table 1.4a Number of cases required for a case control study
Step 2: Use table 1.5 to look up an adjustment factor based on the number of
Note 1: This assumes a study that recruits an equal number of controls.
controls per case that you plan on recruiting. Multiply the original number of
Note 2: The table has an allowance of 25% extra participants to adjust for cases by the adjustment factor.
Step 3: the number of controls you require is based on this adjusted number.
Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!21 !22
Example: An obstetrician is interested in the relationship between manual
1.4b Sample sizes for matched case-control studies
work during pregnancy and risk of pre-eclampsia. She does some preliminary
research and finds that about 20% of her patients do manual work during their This section gives sample sizes for studies that compare cases of a disease or
pregnancy. She is interested in being able to detect an odds ratio of 3 or more disorder with matched controls drawn from the same population.
associated with manual work. Since pre-eclampsia is comparatively rare, she
plans to recruit three controls for each case. Introduction
Case-control studies are widely used to establish the strength of the
relationship between a risk factor and a health outcome. Case-control studies
Number of Multiply the are observational studies. In experimental studies, we can hold conditions
constant so that the only difference between the two groups we are comparing
controls per number of is that one was exposed to the risk factor and one was not. In observational
case cases by studies, however, there can be other differences between those exposed to the
risk factor and those not exposed. For example, if you are looking at the effect
2 0.75
of diet on mild cognitive impairment, you would be aware that the main risk
3 0.67 factor for cognitive impairment is age. Diet also varies with age. Age, then, is a
factor which is associated with both the disease and the risk factor. These
4 0.63 factors are called confounding factors. Confounding factors can distort the
true relationship between a risk factor and a disease unless we take them into
5 0.60
account in the design or the analysis of our study.
Table 1.4a1 Effect of multiple controls per case on sample We can deal with the presence of confounding variables in the design of our
size study by matching the cases and controls on key confounders. In matched case-
control designs, healthy controls are matched to cases using one or more
From table 1.4, she needs 113 patients with pre-eclampsia for 90% power. variables. In practice, the most efficient matching strategy is to match
Recruiting three controls per case, she can reduce this by a third (0.67), giving on at most two variables. Matching on many variables makes it very difficult
113 x 0.67 = 75.7 cases (76 in round figures). However, she will have to recruit to locate and recruit controls. And although matching on many variables is
three controls per case, giving 228 controls (76 x 3). Although this is pretty intuitively attractive, it doesn’t actually increase statistical efficiency – in fact,
close to the size of study she would have had to do with a 1:1 case-control ratio, matching on more than three variables actually reduces the power of your
it will be quicker to carry out, because recruiting the cases will be the slowest study to detect risk factor relationships. Altman recommends that “in a large
part of the study. study with many variables it is easier to take an unmatched control group and
adjust in the analysis for the variables on which we would have matched, using
Reference ordinary regression methods. Matching is particularly useful in small studies,
The calculations in this section were carried out with Stata, using formulas in where we might not have sufficient subjects to adjust for several variables at
Cousens SN, Feachem RG, Kirkwood B, Mertens TE and Smith PG. Case-control once.” (Bland & Altman, 1994).
studies of childhood diarrhoea: II Sample size.World Health Organization. CDD/ Matching cases and controls will produce a correlation between the probability
EDP/88.3 Undated. of exposure within each case-control pair. This increases the statistical power
A scanned version may be downloaded here: http://www.ircwash.org/resources/ of the study. The sample size will depend on the degree of correlation between
case-control-studies-childhood-diarrhoea the cases and controls. This is rarely possible to estimate, so these calculations
are based on a case-control correlation of phi=0·2. This is the recommended
action where the correlation is unknown (Dupont 1980).
It is important to note that when you analyse a matched case-control study, you
must incorporate the matching into the analysis using procedures like
conditional logistic regression. Analysing it as an unmatched case-control study
Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!23 !24
biases the estimates of the risk factor effects in the directly of 1. In other 40% 794 266 151 104 66 49
words, calculated risk factor effects will be smaller than they really are.
50% 794 274 158 111 71 54
Sample size calculation
1. What is the prevalence of the risk factor in the controls? The tables give 60% 860 304 179 127 83 64
possibilities of 10%, 20% 25%, 50% and 75%. If in doubt, select the estimate 70% 1020 369 221 159 105 81
furthest from 50%. For example, if you think that the prevalence is somewhere
between 10% and 20%, estimate sample size based on a 10% prevalence. 80% 1389 513 311 226 151 118
2. What is the smallest odds ratio that would be of real life importance 90% 2557 963 589 432 292 229
(clinically significant)?
3. Look up the sample size for 90% and 95% power in the table. Table 1.4b Number of cases required for a matched case
control study
Smallest odds ratio that would be
clinically significant Multiple controls per case
1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 Where there are multiple controls per case, you can get greater statistical
power. If you don’t have enough cases, you could consider this strategy.
Prevalence 90% Power to detect the odds ratio Recruiting two controls per case will reduce your case sample size by roughly
of the risk 25% for the same statistical power, and recruiting three controls per case will
factor reduce it by roughly a third. However, the total size of your study will increase
10% 1501 454 236 152 86 59 because of the extra controls.

20% 885 279 150 100 59 43

30% 705 230 128 87 54 40 Number of Multiply the
40% 644 217 124 86 55 41 controls per number of
case cases by
50% 644 223 130 92 59 45
2 0.75
60% 697 248 147 105 69 54
3 0.67
70% 827 301 181 131 88 68
4 0.63
80% 1126 418 254 186 126 99
5 0.60
90% 2072 784 482 355 243 192
95% Power to detect the odds ratio Table 1.4b1 Effect of multiple controls per case on sample
10% 1851 557 289 185 103 70 size
20% 1091 342 184 122 71 51
30% 869 283 156 106 65 47

Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!25 !26
Example References
A researcher wishes to conduct a matched case-control study of the effect of
regular alcohol consumption on risk of falls in older people. She estimates that Bland J M, Altman D G. Statistics notes: Matching BMJ 1994; 309 :1128
20% to 30% of the elderly population consume alcohol regularly. She decides
that an odds ratio of 2.5 would be regarded as clinically significant. Stürmer, T., and H. Brenner. "Potential gain in precision and power by matching
on strong risk factors in case-control studies: the example of laryngeal cancer."
She uses the lower estimate of prevalence – 20% – for sample size calculation. Journal of epidemiology and biostatistics 5.2 (2000): 125-131.
She will require 150 case-control pairs to achieve 90% power. This is a very
These calculations were carried out using the Stata command sampsi_mcc,
large number of falls patients, and she will only have a maximum of 60 patients
available to her, so she realises that she will only reach 90% power to detect an written by Adrian Mander, of the MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge,
odds ratio of 4. UK.
A typical command is
Recruiting 60 patients would take a long time, so she considers recruiting two
controls for each patient, which would reduce the number of patients from 60 sampsi_mcc , p0(.1) power(.9) solve(n) alt(4) phi(.2) m(1)
to 45, though increasing the number of controls to 90. which sets the prevalence at .1, the power at 90%, the hypothesised odds ratio
(alternative odds ratio) at 4 and asks Stata to solve the problem for N, the
sample size. The command also includes two options that are not actually
Should you use a matched design? needed, since they are the defaults: phi, the correlation between case-control
Matched designs seem to offer advantages in being able to control for pairs, is set at 0.2 and the matching (m) is set to one control per case.
confounding variables. However, there are two points to be considered. The
The formulas are drawn from
first is that a matched design will under-estimate the strength of the risk factor
effect if it is analysed without taking the matching into account, so it is Dupont W.D. (1988) Power calculations for matched case-control studies.
important to use an appropriate statistical technique (such as conditional Biometrics 44: 1157-1168.
logistic regression).
More importantly, matching can make it hard to find controls. In many
situations it is probably better to adjust for confounding variables statistically
and use an unmatched case-control design.
However, there are two cases where matching can be beneficial:
1. There are strong, known risk factors that are not of interest. Variables like
age, smoking, diabetes are well-studied and have strong effects on risk of many
diseases. Matching on these variables can greatly increase study power
(Stürmer 2000). However, one-to-one matching may be less efficient than
frequency matching, and the paper by Stürmer et al is a useful read before you
decide on a matching strategy.
2. Matching may be used to control for background variables that are hard to
measure or are unknown. For example, in hospital studies time of admission
may have a considerable effect on patient outcomes – patients admitted when
the hospital is very busy may receive different treatment to those admitted
when it is quiet. Matching cases and controls by time of admission can be used
to control for these contextual variables.

Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!27 !28
average weight to 25% one standard deviation higher, it would certainly be of
1.5 Sample size for logistic regression with a
clinical importance. Would an increase from 10% to 20% be clinically
continuous predictor variable important? Probably. But any smaller increase probably would not. So in this
case, we would set 10% and 20% as the prevalence at the mean and the
This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that measure the effect
smallest increase the be detected one standard deviation higher.
of a continuous predictor (for example, body mass index) on the risk of an
endpoint (for example ankle injury). The data may come from a cross-sectional, Step 4. Read off the required sample size from the table.
case-control or cohort study.
Table 1.5 Sample size for logistic regression
Introduction Prevalence at Prevalence 1 SD Odds ratio N for 90% power
Logistic regression allows you to calculate the effect that a predictor variable mean value higher
has on the occurrence of an outcome. It can be used with cross-sectional data, 5% 10% 2.1 333
case-control data and longitudinal (cohort) data. The effect of the predictor 10% 15% 1.6 484
variable is measured by the odds ratio. A researcher may be interested, for
example, on the effect that body weight has on the probability of a patient not 10% 20% 2.3 172
having a complete clinical response to a standard 70mg dose of enteric aspirin, 20% 25% 1.3 734
or the effect that depression scores have on the probability that the patient will
20% 30% 1.7 220
not adhere to prescribed treatment.
20% 40% 2.7 98
Step 1: Variability : Estimate the mean and standard deviation of the
predictor variable 20% 50% 4.0 143
You will probably be able to estimate the mean value quite easily. If you cannot 25% 30% 1.3 825
find an estimate for the standard deviation, you can use the rule of thumb
25% 35% 1.6 238
that the typical range of the variable is four standard deviations. By asking
yourself what an unusually low and an unusually high value would be, you can 25% 40% 2.0 128
work out the typical range. Dividing by four gives a rough standard deviation. 25% 50% 3.0 93
For example, adult weight averages at about 70 kilos, and weights under 50 or 30% 35% 1.3 889
over 100 would be unusual, so the ‘typical range’ is about 50 kilos. This gives
30% 40% 1.6 249
us a ‘guesstimate’ standard deviation of 12.5 kilos (50÷4).
30% 50% 2.3 93
Step 2: Baseline: What is the probability of the outcome at the average
value of the predictor? 30% 60% 3.5 106
A good rule of thumb is that the probability of the outcome at the average value 40% 45% 1.2 933
of the predictor is the same as the probability of the outcome in the whole 40% 50% 1.5 250
sample. So if about 20% of patients have poor adherence to prescribed
treatment, this will do as an estimate of the probability of poor adherence at 40% 60% 2.3 87
the average value of the predictor. 40% 80% 6.0 499
Step 3: Effect size: what is the smallest increase in the probability of the 50% 55% 1.2 865
outcome associated with an increase of one standard deviation of the
50% 60% 1.5 225
predictor that would be clinically significant?
Clinical significance, or real-life significance, means that an effect is important 50% 75% 3.0 81
enough to have real-life consequences. In the case of treatment failure with 50% 80% 4.0 133
aspirin, if the probability of treatment failure increased from 10% at the

Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!29 !30
1.6 Sample sizes for logistic or Cox regression with
Example multiple predictors
A researcher wishes to look at the effect of stigma on the risk of depression in
medical patients. Previous research suggests that the prevalence of depression This section reviews guidelines on the number of cases required for studies in
is about 20%. We can take this as the prevalence at the mean stigma score. The which logistic regression or Cox regression are used to measure the effects of
researcher wishes to be able to detect an increase in prevalence of 10% at one risk factors on the occurrence of an endpoint. Earlier recommendations stated
standard deviation above the mean value. She will need 172 patients to have a that you needed ten events (endpoints) per predictor variable. Subsequent
90% chance of detecting a relationship this strong. work suggested that this isn’t strictly true, and that 5–9 events per predictor
may be yield estimates that are just as good. However, the jury is still out.
The section includes guidelines on designing studies with multiple predictors.
Reference: There isn’t a table because the number of potential scenarios is impossibly big.
These calculations were carried out using the powerlog command written for
Stata by Philip B. Ender, UCLA Institut for Digital Research and Education.
Logistic regression builds a model the estimate the probability of an event
The command is supported by an online tutorial at the IDRE website: http://
occurring. To use logistic regression, we need data in which each participant’s

status is known: the event of interest has either occurred or has not occurred.
For example, we might be analysing a case-control study of stress fractures in
athletes. Stress fractures are either present (in the cases) or absent (in the
controls). We can use logistic regression to analyse the data.
However, in follow-up studies, we often have data on people who might
experience the event but they have not experienced it yet. For example, in a
cancer follow-up study, some patients have experienced a recurrence of the
disease, while others are still being followed up and are disease free. We
cannot say that those who are disease free will not recur, but we know that
their time to recurrence must be greater than their follow-up time. This kind of
data is called censored data.
In this case, we can use Cox regression (sometimes called a proportional
hazards general linear model, which is what Cox himself called it. You can see
why people refer to it as Cox regression!).

The ten events per predictor rule

There was a very influential paper published in the 1990s by Peduzzi et al
(1996) based on simulation studies which concluded that for logistic regression
you needed ten events (not patients) per predictor variable if you were
calculating a multivariate model.
Example: a researcher wants to look at factors affecting the development of
hypertension in first-time pregnancies. If the researcher has 5 explanatory
variables, they will need to recruit a sample big enough to yield 50 cases of
hypertension. Around 20% of first-time mothers will develop hypertension, so
these 50 cases will be 20% of the required sample. So a total sample of 250 will
be required so that there will be the required 50 cases

Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!31 !32
using simulation studies, report that the problem is especially significant in
More recent research has cast doubt on this rule small samples.

More recently, bigger and more comprehensive simulation studies have cast One solution to the problem is to design the analysis carefully.
doubt on this hard-and-fast rule. Vittinghoff and McCulloch (2007), in a very 1. Choose predictor variables based on theory, not availability. It is better to use
widely-cited paper, concluded that “problems are fairly frequent with 2–4 a small set of predictors that test an interesting hypothesis than to have a large
events per predictor variable, uncommon with 5–9 events per predictor number of predictors that were chosen simply because the data were there.
variable, and still observed with 10–16 events per predictor variable. Cox
2. Make sure that predictors don’t overlap. If you put education and social class
models appear to be slightly more susceptible than logistic. The worst into a prediction model, they measure overlapping constructs. The well-
instances of each problem were not severe with 5–9 events per predictor educated tend to have higher social class. Does your hypothesis really state
variable and usually comparable to those with 10–16 events per predictor that the two constructs have different effects? Choose one good measure of
variable.” each construct rather than having multiple overlapping measures.
In other words, with between 5 and 9 events per predictor variable, their
models performed more or less as well as models with 10-16 events per
variable. As a safe minimum, then, it appears that there should be at least 5 Frequently asked questions
events per predictor variable. That’s all very well but I have only 30 patients
Since then, further simulation studies where prediction models are validated That’s health research. I worked on what was, at the time, one of the world’s
against new datasets tend to confirm that 10 events per variable is a minimum largest studies of a rare endocrine disorder. It has 16 patients. We are often
requirement (see Wynants 2015) for logistic regression. These studies are faced with a lack of participants because we are dealing with rare problems or
important because they are concerned with the generalisability of findings. rare events. In such a case, we do what we can. What this section is warning is
The importance of the number and type of predictor variables is that with rare conditions our statistical power is low. The only strategy in this
case is the one outlined above: keep to a small, theoretically-justified set of
The second factor that will influence sample size is the nature of the study.
predictors that have as little overlap as possible. And try and collaborate with
Where the predictor variables have low prevalence and you intend running a
multivariable model with several predictors, then the number of events per other centres to pool data.
variable required for Cox regression is of the order of 20. As you might
imagine, increasing the number of predictor variables and decreasing their
prevalence both require increases in the number of events per variable.
Courvoisier, D.S. et al., 2011. Performance of logistic regression modeling:
Sample size requirements beyond the number of events per variable, the role of data structure. Journal of
Based on current research, the sample should have at least 5 events per Clinical Epidemiology, 64(9), pp.993–1000.
predictor variable ideally 10. Sample sizes will need to be larger than this if Kocak M, Onar-Thomas A. A Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Asymptotic
you are performing a multivariate analysis with predictor variables that have Power Formulas for Cox Models in Small Sample Cases. The American
low prevalences. In this case, you may require up to 20 events per variable, and Statistician. 2012 Aug 1;66(3):173-9.
should probably read the paper by Ogundimu et al.
Ogundimu EO, Altman DG, Collins GS. Adequate sample size for developing
Correlated predictors – a potential source of problems prediction models is not simply related to events per variable. Journal of
One consideration needs to be mentioned: correlations between your predictor Clinical Epidemiology. Elsevier Inc; 2016 Aug 1;76(C):175–82.
variables. If your predictor variables are uncorrelated, the required sample size Peduzzi, P. et al., 1996. A simulation study of the number of events per variable
will be smaller than if they are correlated. And the stronger the correlation, the in logistic regression analysis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 49(12), pp.
larger the required sample size. Courvoisier (2011) points out that the size of 1373–1379.
the effect associated with the predictor and the correlations between the
predictors all affect the statistical power of a study. And Kocak and colleagues,

Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: case control studies
!33 !34
Vittinghoff, E. & McCulloch, C.E., 2007. Relaxing the rule of ten events per
2: Sample sizes and powers for comparing two
variable in logistic and Cox regression. American Journal of Epidemiology,
165(6), pp.710–718. means where the variable is measured on a
continuous scale that is (more or less) normally
Wynants L, Bouwmeester W, Moons KGM, Moerbeek M, Timmerman D, Van distributed.
Huffel S, et al. A simulation study of sample size demonstrated the importance
This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that measure the
of the number of events per variable to develop prediction models in clustered
difference between the means of two groups, or that compare the means of the
data. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Elsevier Inc; 2015 Dec 1;68(12):1406–
same group measured under two different conditions (often before and after an

2.1 Comparing the means of two groups
Studies frequently compare a group of interest with a control group or
comparison group. If your study involved measuring something on the same
people twice, once under each of two conditions, you need the next section.
Step 1: Effect size: decide on the difference that you want to be able to
The first step in calculating a sample size is to decide on the smallest difference
between the two groups that would be 'clinically significant' or 'scientifically
significant'. For example, a difference in birth weight of 250 grammes between
babies whose mothers smoked and babies whose mothers did not smoke would
be certainly regarded as clinically significant, as it represents the weight gain
of a whole week of gestation. However, a smaller difference – say 75 grammes –
probably would not be.
It is hard to define the smallest difference that would be clinically
significant. An element of guesswork in involved. What is the smallest
reduction in cholesterol that would be regarded as clinically worthwhile? It
may be useful to search the literature and see what other investigators have
done. And bear in mind that an expensive intervention will need to be
associated with quite a large difference before it would be considered
NB: Effect size should not be based on your hopes or expectations!
Note, however, that the sample size depends on the smallest clinically
significant difference, not on the size of the difference you expect to find. You
may have high hopes, but your obligation as a researcher is to give your study
enough power to detect the smallest difference that would be clinically

Sample Size: case control studies Sample Size: comparing means of two groups
!35 !36
Step 2: Convert the smallest clinically significant difference to standard Step 3. What is the smallest difference between the two groups in the
deviation units. study that would be considered of scientific or clinical importance?
Step 2.1. What is the expected mean value for the control or comparison group? This is the minimum difference which should be detectable by the study. You
Step 2.2. What is the standard deviation of the control or comparison group? will have to decide what is the smallest difference between the two groups that
How to get an approximate standard deviation you are studying that would constitute a 'clinically significant difference' – that
If you do not know this exactly, you can get a reasonable guess by identifying is, a difference that would have real-life implications.
the highest and lowest values that would typically occur. Since most values will In the case of the foetal heart rate example, a researcher might decide that a
be within ±2 standard deviations of the average, then the highest typical value difference of 5 beats per minute would be clinically significant.
(2 standard deviations above average) and lowest typical value (2 below) will Note again that the study should be designed to have a reasonable chance of
span a range of four standard deviations. detecting the minimum clinically significant difference, and not the difference
An approximate standard deviation is therefore that you think is actually there.
Step 4. Convert the minimum difference to be detected to standard
deviation units by dividing it by the standard deviation
Approximate Highest typical value – Lowest typical value
SD =
4 Minimum difference to be detected
For example: a researcher is measuring fœtal heart rate, to see if mothers who Standard deviation
smoke have babies with slower heart rates. A typical rate is 160 beats per
minute, and normally the rate would not be below 135 or above 175. The
variation in 'typical' heart rates is 175–135 = 30 beats. This is about 4 standard Following our example, the minimum difference is 5 beats, and the standard
deviations, so the standard deviation is about 7.5 beats per minute. (This deviation is 7.5 beats. The difference to be detected is therefore two thirds of a
example is real, and the approximate standard deviation is pretty close to the standard deviation (0.67)
real one!)
Step 5: Use table 2.1 to get an idea of the number of participants you need in each group
How to get an approximate standard deviation from a published confidence interval to detect a difference of this size.
Another potential source of standard deviation information is from published Following the example, the nearest value in the table to 0.67 is 0.7. The
research. Although the paper may not include a standard deviation, it may researcher will need two groups of 43 babies each to have a 90% chance of
include a confidence interval. The Cochrane Handbook has a useful formula for detecting a difference of 5 beats per minute between smoking and non-smoking
converting this to a standard deviation: mothers' babies. To have a 95% chance of detecting this difference, the
researcher will need 54 babies in each group.

Standard Upper CI limit – Lower CI limit

= √N

where N is the number of cases.

Sample Size: comparing means of two groups Sample Size: comparing means of two groups
!37 !38
Table 2.1 Sample size for comparing the means of two something useful. For this reason, you study should have a reasonable chance
of finding a difference, if such a difference exists.
A study with 90% power is 90% likely to discover the difference between
Difference to N in each N in each Chance that someone in the groups if such a difference exists. And 95% power increases this likelihood
be detected group 90% group 95% group 1 will score higher to 95%. So if a study with 95% power fails to detect a difference, the difference
(SD units) power* power than someone in group 2 is unlikely to exist. You should aim for 95% power, and certainly accept nothing
less than 90% power. Why run a study that has more than a 10% chance of
2 7 8 92% failing to detect the very thing it is looking for?
1.5 11 13 86% How do I interpret the column that shows the chance that a person in one
1.4 12 15 84% group will have a higher score than a person in another group?
1.3 14 17 82% Some scales have measuring units that are hard to imagine. We can imagine
1.25 15 18 81% fœtal heart rate, which is in beats per minute, but how do you imagine scores
1.2 16 20 80% on a depression scale? What constitutes a 'clinically significant' change in
1.1 19 23 78% depression score?

1 23 27 76% One way of thinking of differences between groups is to ask what

proportion of the people in one group have scores that are higher than average
0.9 27 34 74%
for the other group. For example we could ask what proportion of smoking
0.8 34 42 71% mothers have babies with heart rates that are below the average for non-
0.75 39 48 70% smoking mothers? Continuing the example, if we decide that a difference of 5
0.7 44 55 69% beats per minute is clinically significant (which corresponds to just about 0.7
0.6 60 74 66% SD), this means that there is a 69% chance that a non-smoking mother's baby
will have a higher heart rate than a smoking mother's baby. (Of course, if there
0.5 86 105 64%
is no effect of smoking on heart rate, then the chances are 50% – a smoking
0.4 133 164 61% mothers' baby is just as likely to have higher heart rate as a lower heart rate).
0.3 235 290 58%
This information is useful for planning clinical trials. We might decide
0.25 338 417 57% that a new treatment would be superior if 75% of the people would do better on
0.2 527 651 55% it. (If it was just the same, then 50% of people would do better and 50% worse.)
Sample Stata code for the first entries in this column: This means that the study needs to detect a difference of about 1 standard
power twomeans 0 (2 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.1 1), power(0.9) deviation (from the table). And the required size is two groups of 26 people for
95% power.
If you intend using the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test,
multiply the sample size by 1.16 The technical name for this percentage, incidentally, is the Mann-Whitney
statistic. You will also encounter it as the c statistic, Harrell’s c, and even as the
Frequently-asked questions area under the ROC curve.
What is 90% or 95% power? I have a limited number of potential participants. How can I find out power
Just because a difference really exists in the population you are studying does for a particular sample size?
not mean it will appear in every sample you take. Your sample may not show You may be limited to a particular sample size because of the limitations of
the difference, even though it is there. To be ethical and value for money, a your data. There may only be 20 patients available, or your project time scale
research study should have a reasonable chance of detecting the smallest only allows for collecting data on a certain number of participants. You can use
difference that would be of clinical significance (if this difference actually the table to get a rough idea of the power of your study. For example, with only
exists, of course). If you do a study and fail to find a difference, even though it 20 participants in each group, you have more than 95% power to detect a
exists, you may discourage further research, or delay the discovery of difference of 1.25 standard deviations (which only needs two groups of 17) and
Sample Size: comparing means of two groups Sample Size: comparing means of two groups
!39 !40
slightly less than 90% power to detect a difference of 1 standard deviation (you never higher than 8% in even the most extreme situations. However, when the
would really need 2 groups of 22). samples differed markedly in the shape of their score distribution, the Wilcoxon
But what if the difference between the groups is bigger than I think? Mann-Whitney test outperformed the t-test (J. C. de Winter & Dodou, 2010).

Sample sizes are calculated to detect the smallest clinically significant Methods in Stata and R
difference. If the difference is greater than this, the study's power to detect it is The sample sizes were calculated using Stata Release 14, using the power
higher. For instance, a study of two groups of 43 babies has a 90% power to command. The Mann-Whitney statistic was calculated using the mwstati
detect a difference of 0.7 standard deviations, which corresponded (roughly) to command for Stata written by Rich Goldstein, and based on formulas in Colditz
5 beats per minute, the smallest clinically significant difference. If the real et al (1988) above.
difference were bigger – say, 7.5 beats per minute (1 standard deviation) then You can also use the package pwr in R. The R code for the fœtal heart rate
the power of the study would actually be 99.6%. (This is just an example, and I example, where we want to detect a difference of 0.67 standard deviations is
had to calculate this power specifically; it's not in the table.) So if your study
> pwr.t.test(n=NULL, d=.67,power=.9,type="two.sample")
has adequate power to detect the smallest clinically significant difference, it
has more than adequate power to detect bigger differences. Two-sample t test power calculation

I intend using a Wilcoxon (Mann Whitney) test because I don't think my n = 47.79517
data will be normally distributed d = 0.67
sig.level = 0.05
The first important point is that the idea that the data should be normally power = 0.9
distributed before using a t-test, or linear regression, is a myth. It is the alternative = two.sided
measurement errors that need to be normally distributed. But even more NOTE: n is number in *each* group
important, studies with non-normal data have shown that the t-test is extremely
robust to departures from normality (Fagerland, 2012; Fagerland, Sandvik, &
Mowinckel, 2011; Rasch & Teuscher, 2007). References and useful reading
A second persistent misconception is that you cannot use the t-test on small These calculations were carried out using Stata release 12
samples (when pressed, people mutter something about “less than 30” but
Altman, D. G., & Bland, J. M. (2009). Parametric v non-parametric methods for
aren’t sure). Actually, you can. And the t-test performs well in samples as small
as N=2! (J. de Winter, 2013) Indeed, with very small samples indeed, the data analysis. Bmj, 338(apr02 1), a3167–a3167. doi:10.1136/bmj.a3167
Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test is unable to detect a significant difference, while Conroy, R. M. (2012). What hypotheses do “nonparametric” two-group tests
the t-test is (Altman & Bland, 2009). actually test? The Stata Journal, 12(2), 1–9.
Relative to a t-test or regression, the Wilcoxon test (also called the Wilcoxon Higgins JPT. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. The
Mann-Whitney U test) can be less efficient if your data are close to normally Cochrane Collaboration; 2011. Available from: www.handbook.cochrane.org.
distributed. However, a statistician called Pitman showed that the test was
de Winter, J. (2013). Using the Student’s t-test with extremely small sample
never less than 86.4% as efficient. So inflating your sample by 1.16 should give
you at least the same power that you would have using a t-test with normally sizes. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 18(10), 1–12.
distributed data. With data with skewed distributions, or data in which the de Winter, J. C., & Dodou, D. (2010). Five-point Likert items: t test versus Mann-
distributions are different in the two groups, the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test Whitney-Wilcoxon. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 15(11),
can be more powerful than a t-test, so 1–12.
My data are on 5-point Likert scales and my supervisor says I cannot use a Fagerland, M. W. (2012). t-tests, non-parametric tests, and large studies--a
t-test because my data are ordinal paradox of statistical practice? BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12,
Simulation studies comparing the t-test and the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test on 78. doi:10.1186/1471-2288-12-78
items scored on 5-point scales have given heartening results. In most scenarios,
the two tests had a similar power to detect differences between groups. The Fagerland, M. W., Sandvik, L., & Mowinckel, P. (2011). Parametric methods
false-positive error rate for both tests was near to 5% for most situations, and outperformed non-parametric methods in comparisons of discrete

Sample Size: comparing means of two groups Sample Size: comparing means of two groups
!41 !42
numerical variables. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11(1), 44. doi:
2.2 Sample sizes for comparing means in the same
people under two conditions
Colditz, G. A., J. N. Miller, and F. Mosteller. (1988). Measuring Gain in the
One common experimental design is to measure the same thing twice, once
Evaluation of Medical Technology. International Journal of
under each of two conditions. This sort of data are often analysed with the
TechnologyAssessment. 4, 637-42. paired t-test. However, the paired t-test doesn't actually use the two values you
Rasch, D., & TEUSCHER, F. (2007). How robust are tests for two independent measured; it subtracts one from the other and gets the average difference. The
samples? Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137(8), 2706– null hypothesis is that this average difference is zero.
2720. So the sample size for paired measurements doesn't involve specifying the
Wilcoxon, F. (1945). Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics means for each condition but specifying the mean difference.
Bulletin, 1(6), 80–83. Step 1: decide on the difference that you want to be able to detect.
Zimmerman, D. W. (2004). A note on preliminary tests of equality of variances. The first step in calculating a sample size is to decide on the smallest difference
The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 57(Pt 1), between the two measurements that would be 'clinically significant' or
'scientifically significant'. For example, if you wanted to see how effective an
173–181. doi:10.1348/000711004849222
exercise programme was in reducing weight in people who were overweight,
you might decide that losing two kilos over the one-month trial period would be
the minimum weight loss that would count as a 'significant' weight loss..
It is often hard to define the smallest difference that would be clinically
significant. An element of guesswork in involved. What is the smallest
reduction in cholesterol that would be regarded as clinically worthwhile? It
may be useful to search the literature and see what other investigators have
Effect size should not be based on your expectations!
Note, however, that the sample size depends on the smallest clinically
significant difference, not, on the size of the difference you expect to find.
Step 2: Convert the smallest clinically significant difference to standard
deviation units.
Step 2.1. What is the standard deviation of the differences?
This is often very hard to ascertain. You may find some published data. Even if
you cannot you can get a reasonable guess by identifying the biggest positive
and biggest negative differences that would typically occur. The biggest
positive difference is the biggest difference in the expected direction that
would typically occur. The biggest negative difference is the biggest difference
in the opposite direction that would be expected to occur. Since most values
will be within ±2 standard deviations of the average, then the biggest positive
difference (2 standard deviations above average) and biggest negative (2
below) will span a range of four standard deviations. An approximate standard
deviation is therefore

Sample Size: comparing means of two groups Sample Size: comparing means of same people measured twice
!43 !44
Biggest typical Biggest typical Table 2.2 Sample sizes for comparing means in the same
Approximate –
positive difference negative difference people under two conditions
SD of =
differences 4 Difference Percentage of people
N required N required
to be who will change in
for 90% for 95%
detected the hypothesised
power* power
For example: though we are hoping for at least a two kilo weight loss following (SD units) direction
exercise, some people may lose up to five kilos. However, others might actually 2 5 6 98%
gain as much as a kilo, perhaps because of the effect of exercise on appetite. So 1.5 7 8 93%
the change in weight can vary from plus five kilos to minus one, a range of six
kilos. The standard deviation is a quarter of that range: one and a half kilos. 1.4 8 9 92%

Step 2.2. Convert the minimum difference to be detected to standard deviation units by 1.3 9 10 90%
dividing it by the standard deviation 1.25 9 11 89%
1.2 10 12 88%

Minimum difference to be detected 1.1 11 13 86%

1 13 16 84%
Standard deviation of the difference 0.9 16 19 82%
Following our example, the minimum difference is 2 kilos, and the standard 0.8 19 23 79%
deviation is 1.5 kilos. The difference to be detected is therefore one and a third 0.75 21 26 77%
standard deviations (1.33).
0.7 24 29 76%
Step 3: Use table 2.2 to get an idea of the number of participants you
need in each group to detect a difference of this size. 0.6 32 39 73%
Following the example, the nearest value in the table to 1.33 is 1.3. The 0.5 44 54 69%
researcher will need to study seven people to have a 90% chance of detecting a 0.4 68 84 66%
weight loss of 2 kilos following the exercise programme. To have a 95% chance
0.3 119 147 62%
of detecting this difference, the researcher will need 8 people.
0.25 171 210 60%
0.2 265 327 58%
Sample sizes for studies which compare mean values on the same people measured under
two different conditions

*Stata code for this column:

power pairedmeans, sddiff(1) altdiff( 2 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.1 1
0.9 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2) power(0.9)
Note that the Stata code includes a list of values for the alternative hypothesis
difference. Note also that you can run this command from the Stata menus and

Sample Size: comparing means of same people measured twice Sample Size: comparing means of same people measured twice
!45 !46
Frequently-asked questions standard deviations (which only needs two groups of 17) and slightly less than
What is 90% or 95% power? 95% power to detect a difference of 0.8 standard deviations (you would really
Just because a difference really exists in the population you are studying does need 21 participants).
not mean it will appear in every sample you take. Your sample may not show But what if the difference is bigger than I think?
the difference, even though it is there. To be ethical and value for money, a Sample sizes are calculated to detect the smallest clinically significant
research study should have a reasonable chance of detecting the smallest difference. If the actual difference is greater than this, the study's power to
difference that would be of clinical significance (if this difference actually detect it is higher.
exists, of course). If you do a study and fail to find a difference, even though it
exists, you may discourage further research, or delay the discovery of Reference and methods
something useful. For this reason, you study should have a reasonable chance These calculations were carried out using Stata release 15 with the power
of finding a difference, if such a difference exists. command
A study with 90% power is 90% likely to discover the difference between You can also use the pwr package in R. Here is the calculation for a difference
the two measurement conditions if such a difference exists. And 95% power of 0.5 standard deviations with 90% power.
increases this likelihood to 95%. So if a study with 95% power fails to detect a
difference, the difference is unlikely to exist. You should aim for 95% power,
pwr.t.test(n=NULL, d=.5,power=.9,type="paired")
and certainly accept nothing less than 90% power. Why run a study that has
more than a 10% chance of failing to detect the very thing it is looking for? Paired t test power calculation

How do I interpret the column that shows the percentage of people who will change in n = 43.99548
the hypothesised direction? d = 0.5
sig.level = 0.05
Some scales have measuring units that are hard to imagine. We can imagine power = 0.9
foetal heart rate, which is in beats per minute, but how do you imagine scores alternative = two.sided
on a depression scale? What constitutes a 'clinically significant' change in NOTE: n is number of *pairs*

depression score?
One way of thinking of differences between groups is to ask what
proportion of the people will change in the hypothesised direction. For example
we could ask what proportion of depressed patients on an exercise programme
would have to show improved mood scores before we would consider making
the programme a regular feature of the management of depression. If we
decide that a we would like to see improvements in at least 75% of patients,
then depression scores have to fall by 0.7 standard deviation units. The sample
size we need is 22 patients for 90% power, 27 for 95% power (the table doesn't
give 75%, I've used the column for 76%, which is close enough).
The technical name for this percentage, incidentally, is the Mann-Whitney
I have a limited number of potential participants. How can I find out power for a particular
sample size?
You may be limited to a particular sample size because of the limitations of
your data. There may only be 20 patients available, or your project time scale
only allows for collecting data on a certain number of participants. You can use
the table to get a rough idea of the power of your study. For example, with only
20 participants, you have more than 90% power to detect a difference of 0.75

Sample Size: comparing means of same people measured twice Sample Size: comparing means of same people measured twice
!47 !48
3. Sample size for correlations or regressions
2.3 Calculating sample sizes for comparing two between two variables measured on a numeric scale
means: a rule of thumb This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that measure the
Sample size for comparing two groups relationship between two numeric variables. Although these sample sizes are
Gerald van Belle gives a good rule of thumb for calculating sample size for often based on correlations, they can also be applied to linear regression, and
both types of measure are shown in the table.
comparing two groups. You do it like this:
1. Calculate the smallest difference between the two groups that would be of
Introduction : correlation and regression
scientific interest.
Correlations are not widely used in medicine, because they are hard to
2. Divide this by the standard deviation to convert it to standard deviation units interpret. On interpretation of a Pearson correlation (r) can be got by squaring
(this is the same two steps as before)
it: this gives the proportion of variation in one variable that is linked to
3. Square the difference variation in another variable. For example, there is a correlation of 0.7 between
4. For 90% power to detect this difference in studies comparing two groups, illness-related stigma and depression, which means that just about half the
the number you need in each group will be variation in depression (0.49, which is 0.72) is linked to variation in illness-
related stigma.
Regressions are much more widely used, since they allow us to express the
21 relationship between two variables in natural units – for example, the effect of
a one-year increase in age on blood pressure. Because regressions are
(Difference)2 calculated in natural units, people often cite the proportion of variation shared
between the two variables.
Round up the answer to the nearest whole number. In fact, correlation is just an alternative form of reporting the results of a
5. For 95% power, change the number above the line to 26. regression, so the p-value for a regression will be the same as the p-value for a
Despite being an approximation, this formula is very accurate. Pearson correlation.

Studies comparing one mean with a known value Steps in calculating sample size for correlation or regression
If you are only collecting one sample and comparing their mean to a known Step 1: How much variation in one variable should be linked to variation in
population value, you may also use the formula above. In this case, the formula the other variable for the relationship to be clinically important?
for 90% power is This is hard to decide, but it is hard to imagine a correlation being of 'real life'
importance if less than 20% of the variation in one variable is linked to
11 variation in the other variable.
Step 2: Use the table to look up the corresponding correlation and sample
(Difference)2 size

Round up the answer to the nearest whole number.

For 95% power, replace the number 11 above the line by 13.
See the links page at the end of this guide for the source of these rules of

Sample Size: comparing means: rule of thumb Sample Size: correlation

!49 !50
4. Sample size for reliability studies
% Shared Correlation Sample size 90% Sample size 95%
variation power* power This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that measure
10% 0.32 99 122 Cronbach’s alpha, an index of the reliability – strictly speaking the internal
consistency – of a set of items designed to measure a trait. The topic of scale
15% 0.39 65 80
development is a complex one, so the section gives guidance on the
20% 0.45 48 59
methodology of analysis and the interpretation of alpha.
25% 0.5 38 47
30% 0.55 31 37 Introduction : An apology
35% 0.59 26 32 I wish there were a simple answer to this problem, and there isn’t. Please read
40% 0.63 23 27 the following carefully.
45% 0.67 19 23
Cronbach’s alpha
50% 0.71 17 20
The reliability of a measurement scale is the degree to which all the items
*Stata command for this column: measure the same thing. Reliability is specific: it describes the performance of
power onecorrelation 0 (0.32 0.39 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.59 0.63 0.67 a scale in a specific population tested under specific conditions. So it is
0.71), power(0.9) important to make sure that scales are reliable when used in realistic
conditions with realistic participants.
In developing a new measurement scale, or showing that a measurement scale
Reference works in a new setting, it is useful to measure its reliability. Reliability is
usually measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which is scaled between
These calculations were carried out in Stata 15 with the command power
zero and one, with zero meaning that the items in the scale have nothing in
common and one meaning that they are all perfectly correlated. In practice, it
is wildly unlikely that anyone would develop a scale in which all the items were
unrelated, so there is no point in testing whether your reliability is greater than
zero. Instead, you have to specify a minimum value for the reliability

Myths about Cronbach’s alpha

A mythology has grown up around the interpretation of Cronbach’s alpha,
based, apparently, on the published work of Nunally (1978). According to this
myth, Nunally advocated an alpha of 0·7 as indicating a scale that was
acceptable for use in research. In fact, it’s worth quoting Nunally’s paper,
which offers a much more nuanced and thoughtful approach to the question:

“What a satisfactory level of reliability is depends on how a measure is being

used. In the early stages of research … one saves time and energy by working
with instruments that have only modest reliability, for which purpose
reliabilities of .70 or higher will suffice… In contrast to the standards in basic
research, in many applied settings a reliability of .80 is not nearly high enough.
In basic research, the concern is with the size of correlations and with the

Sample Size: correlation Sample Size: reliability studies

!51 !52
interpretation when scales combine items that measure different constructs.
differences in means for different experimental treatments, for which purposes
The first principal component measures the degree to which the items measure
a reliability of .80 for the different measures is adequate.”
the same construct.
“In many applied problems, a great deal hinges on the exact score made by a
Samuels, summarising the literature, makes these recommendations
person on a test… In such instances it is frightening to think that any
measurement error is permitted. Even with a reliability of .90, the standard 1. Don’t run reliability analysis with less than 30 participants
error of measurement is almost one-third as large as the standard deviation of 2. If you have between 30 and 50 participants, remove items that have loadings
the test scores. In those applied settings where important decisions are made of less than 0·4 on the first principal component. This means that that very
with respect to specific test scores, a reliability of .90 is the minimum that little of the variation in the responses to that item are shared with the other
should be tolerated, and a reliability of .95 should be considered the desirable scale items.
3. Rerun the principal components analysis and examine the first eigenvalue
This extensive quotation is from Lance, C.E., Butts, M.M. & Michels, L.C., 2006. (the eigenvalue for the first principal component). If this is less than 6, do not
The Sources of Four Commonly Reported Cutoff Criteria: What Did They Really attempt a reliability analysis; the items just don’t show enough homogeneity to
Say? Organizational Research Methods, 9(2), pp.202–220. yield a reliable estimate of alpha.
So bear in mind that mindlessly setting a desired alpha of 0·7 and citing 4. Ideally, scale items should have a loading of 0·8 or more on the first principal
Nunally’s original paper is wrong. He didn’t say anything like that. And, component. Items between 0·4 and 0·8 need to be considered carefully as
second, that you need to consider carefully the context of your research in candidates for inclusion.
setting a minimum alpha. 5. If your sample size is between 50 and 100, then follow the same steps, but if
your eigenvalue falls between 3 and 6, then only perform a reliability analysis if
Alpha only applies to unidimensional scales the sample size is at least 75. See Yurdugül for details of how these figures are
One of the statistical assumptions underlying alpha is that the scale is arrived at.
unidimensional. That is to say, that all the items measure the same thing, and
that their failure to correlate perfectly is due to measurement error. So an
important part of scale development is making sure that your items are indeed References
Lance, C.E., Butts, M.M. & Michels, L.C., 2006. The Sources of Four Commonly
How many cases should a reliability study have? Reported Cutoff Criteria: What Did They Really Say? Organizational Research
Methods, 9(2), pp.202–220.
The standard advice is to have at least 10 participants per item on your scale.
However, this should be regarded as the bare minimum.
There are surprising differences of opinion in the literature, however, on how Samuels, P., 2015. Statistical Methods – Scale reliability analysis with small
small your sample can be. The best current advice is based on simulation samples, Birmingham City University, Centre for Academic Success. DOI:
studies where authors have studied the power of samples of various sizes to 10.13140/RG.2.1.1495.5364. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/
detect a given alpha. 280936182_Advice_on_Reliability_Analysis_with_Small_Samples
Simulation studies indicate that sample size depends on the structure of your
scale. Sample sizes as small as 30 can measure alpha reliably so long as the Yurdugül, H., 2008. Minimum sample size for Cronbach's coefficient alpha : a
scale items have strong inter-correlations. Monte-Carlo study. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 35, pp.397–405.
First step : principal components analysis http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr/200835HALİL%20YURDUGÜL.pdf
Your analysis should begin with a principal components analysis. A principal
components analysis identifies underlying ‘dimensions’ that account for the
variation in a set of items. In the case of reliability, you should only examine the
first principal component. There is a good reason for this: alpha has no

Sample Size: reliability studies Sample Size: reliability studies

!53 !54
In the calculations below, we assume that there is no systematic difference
5. Sample size calculation for agreement between
between the raters. In other words, that each rater gives more or less the same
two raters using a present/absent rating scale using prevalence of the feature. Where you suspect that raters will give different
Cohen’s Kappa prevalences, the sample size calculation needs to take this into account, and is
well beyond the scope of this guide. However, the R package I used will
This section give guidelines for sample sizes for studies that use the kappa perform the calculation (see below).
coefficient to measure the agreement between two raters who make ratings of
Step 2 : Definition of an unacceptably low level of agreement (null value)
It would be astonishing if two raters could not agree any more than you would
Introduction expect by chance. So in designing the study we have to stipulate what would be
an unacceptably low level of agreement. This will act as a baseline against
Studies looking at the agreement between raters come in many shapes and
which we can assess the actual level of agreement. Because this is the level of
sizes. The most basic design is where two raters are asked to rate the presence agreement that we wish to outrule, the value is often called the null value, or
or absence of a particular feature or quality. Kappa is a statistic that measures
null hypothesis value.
the degree of agreement over and above the agreement you would expect by
chance. You can see why just measuring percentage agreement is not enough. In practice, a kappa of 0.2–0.40 is regarded as a fair level of agreement, 0.41–
If you toss two coins, they will agree 50% of the time just by chance. Likewise, 0.60 as moderate, 0.61–0.80 as substantial and anything above 0·8 as excellent.
two raters, each of whom rates a feature as present 50% of the time will agree That said, these cutpoints have a sort of folkloric status, and the interpretation
with each other by chance 50% of the time. of kappa is probably best done in the context of the decision that it supports.

When we are studying agreement, we have to choose a null hypothesis. In the tables that follow I will tabulate sample sizes for kappa in cases where
Normally, the null hypothesis says that the data arose by chance – that there is you want to demonstrate that kappa is better than 0·4 (so agreement is better
no actual relationship between the variables we are studying. However, this than ‘fair’), better than 0·5 or 0·6 (better than ‘moderate’) and better than 0·7
makes no sense at all when we are studying agreement. It would be ridiculous and 0·8 (better than ‘substantial).
to set up a scientific study to determine whether the agreement between two Step 3 : Effect size - what is a clinically acceptable level of agreement?
pathologists was better than chance! When two raters rate the same thing, it What is the level of agreement that you think should be present if the test is a
would be unusual to find that they didn’t agree any more than you would reliable test? This value is often called the alternative value or alternative
expect by chance, even in psychiatry.
hypothesis value, in contrast with the null value.
So in studies of agreement, we have to set a minimum level of agreement that For example, if the test would require substantial agreement between
we want to outrule in our study. Usually we would like to outrule a level of assessors rather than simply being moderate, then you might set up your
agreement that would suggest that there was a significant problem with the sample size to detect a kappa of 0·75 against a null hypothesis that kappa is
reliability of the rating. So unlike other sample size methods, the researcher
0·6. This would require 199 ratings made by the two raters to achieve 90%
will have to base sample size calculation for kappa on two figures: the value of
power. However, if you hypothesised that kappa was 0·75, as before, but
kappa to be outruled and the likely true value of kappa. In addition, the wanted to outrule a kappa of 0·5, the required sample size drops to a very
prevalence of the feature will affect sample size. manageable 78.

Estimating sample size for kappa

The sample size will depend on three factors:
Step 1: Prevalence of the feature
What is the approximate prevalence of the feature that is being rated? Sample
sizes will be smallest when there is a 50% prevalence, and will get very large
when the prevalence drops much below 25%.

Sample Size: pilot studies Sample Size: pilot studies

!55 !56
Sample sizes for kappa for two raters Prevalence of Hypothesised Kappa to be 90% 95%
feature kappa outruled (null power power
Prevalence of Hypothesised Kappa to be 90% 95% hypothesis kappa)
feature kappa outruled (null power power
hypothesis kappa) 0.8 0.6 292 382

0·5 0.6 0.4 156 200 0.7 0.45 242 313

0.7 0.5 131 169 0.8 0.55 194 255

0.8 0.6 102 133 0.8 0.5 139 183

0.7 0.45 87 112

0.8 0.55 68 90

0.8 0.5 49 65 Example

A researcher wishes to study the agreement between family doctors on
whether or not to prescribe an antibiotic for uncomplicated rhinitis. The
0·4 or 0·6 0.6 0.4 162 208 prevalence of antibiotic prescribing is about 25%. She would like to show that
the kappa value for agreement is better than 0·5. She hypothesises that the
0.7 0.5 137 177
true kappa might be between 0·7 and 0·8.
0.8 0.6 106 139 Looking at the table, if the true kappa is 0·7, she will need to compare the
0.7 0.45 90 117 doctors’ ratings for 176 patients to have a 90% power to outrule a kappa as low
as 0·5. On the other hand, if the true kappa is 0·75, she would have 90% power
0.8 0.55 71 94 to outrule a kappa as low as 0·45 with a sample of 116.

0.8 0.5 51 68
Limitations of these tables
There are so many potential combinations of prevalence, kappa-to-be-outruled
0·25 or 0·75 0.6 0.4 207 265 and hypothesised kappa that these tables can only give an approximate idea of
0.7 0.5 176 227 the numbers involved. And they don’t cover cases where the two raters have
different prevalences (which would indicate systematic disagreement!), or
0.8 0.6 137 180 where there are more than two raters etc. To get precise calculations for a
wide variety of scenarios, I recommend using the R package irr.
0.7 0.45 116 150
0.8 0.55 92 121
These sample sizes were calculated with the N.cohen.kappa command in the
0.8 0.5 66 87 irr package in R. The command uses a formula published in
Cantor, A. B. (1996) Sample-size calculation for Cohen's kappa. Psychological
Methods, 1, 150-153.
0·1 to 0·9 0.6 0.4 427 546

0.7 0.5 371 479 The sample sizes in the table were produced using variations on this command:
N.cohen.kappa(0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8,power=.95)

Sample Size: pilot studies Sample Size: pilot studies

!57 !58
6. Sample size for pilot studies Method
Calculate the sample size from section 2.1.
The sample size methods used so far presuppose that the investigator has some Use 9% of this sample size or 20 participants, whichever is the greater
kind of knowledge that can be used to make informed guesses about such If, when you analyse the pilot study, there is no significant difference between
things as prevalences, effect sizes etc. However, by their very essence pilot the groups, it is unlikely that the effect size reaches clinical significance.
studies are carried out when the researcher is facing the unknown. Even so,
there are some general principles which can be applied to ensure that enough
data are captured by a pilot study to inform subsequent study design with the References
smallest use of resources. Cocks, K. & Torgerson, D.J., 2013. Sample size calculations for pilot randomized
Sample size: the law of diminishing returns trials: a confidence interval approach. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66(2),
Sample size for pilot studies starts with the observation that each participant
that you recruit into a study yields less information than the last one. This law Julious, S.A., 2005. Sample size of 12 per group rule of thumb for a pilot study.
of diminishing returns can be used to define a point beyond which recruiting Pharmaceutical Statistics, 4(4), pp.287–291. Available at: http://
additional participant will yield minimal improvement in estimating effects.
Calculations by Julious (2005) and Van Belle (2008) both show that in studies van Belle, G., 2008. Sample Size. In Statistical Rules of Thumb. Wiley,
that compare the means of two groups, if you carry on recruitment beyond a Chichester. pp. 27–51. Download from http://vanbelle.org/chapters/
sample size of 12 per group the effect of each additional participant on the webchapter2.pdf
precision is minimal. If your pilot study is purely exploratory and your aim is to
get a preliminary estimate of the difference between two groups, then a sample
size of 12 per group can be justified on the basis of these references.
Sample size to justify carrying out a full study
Sometimes there are cases when the investigator will have a preliminary
estimate of the minimum difference between groups that would constitute a
clinically significant difference. The purpose of the pilot study is to justify
carrying out a full study. For example, before conducting a study of the effects
of a physiotherapy programme on balance in the elderly, the investigators
might be required to do a pilot to show that there were grounds for believing
that such a programme would produce a clinically significant improvement in
Cocks et al (2013) provide an algorithm for estimating the size of a pilot study
that will give the ‘go-ahead’ to a main study. Their rule of thumb, based on
calculated sample sizes for various scenarios, is to recruit 9% of of the
projected final sample, or 20 participants, whichever is the greater, as a pilot. If
there is no difference between the groups, then it is unlikely that the true effect
size is as large as the one specified by the investigators. Note that this
conclusion is based on an 80% confidence interval, not the usual 95%. If you
are using this method, please read Cocks’ paper for further detail and worked

Sample Size: pilot studies Sample Size: pilot studies

!59 !60
In this case, T (treatments) is 4 and C (covariates) is zero. So the sample size is
7. Sample size for animal experiments in which not
at least 10 + (T–1) which is 10 + 3, which is 13. However, 13 animals will have
enough is known to calculate statistical power to be done in at least 3 batches (assuming that the lab could manage a batch of
In animal experiments, the investigator may have no prior literature to turn to. five). This means that the experiment will probably have a minimum of 3
The potential means and standard deviations of the outcomes are unknown, blocks, and more likely four. So, taking the blocks into consideration, the
and there is no reasonable way of guessing them. In a case like this, sample minimum sample size will be 10 + (T–1) + (B–1), which is 10 + 3 + 3, which is
size calculations cannot be applied. 16 animals.

The resource equation method The experimenter might like to aim for the maximum number of animals, to
reduce the possibility that the experiment will come to a false-negative
The resource equation method can be used for minimising the number of
conclusion. In this case, 20 + (T–1) suggests 23 animals, which will have to be
animals committed to an exploratory study. It is based on the law of diminishing
done in 6 blocks of four. 20 + (T–1) + (B–1) is 28, which means running 7
returns: each additional animal committed to a study tells us less than the one
blocks of four, which requires another adjustment: an extra animal is needed
to reach the threshold where adding further animals will be uninformative. It because the number of blocks is now 7. The final maximum sample size is 29.
should only be used for pilot studies or proof-of-concept studies.
As you can see, when you are running an experiment in blocks, the sample size
Applying the resource equation method will depend on the number of blocks, which, in turn, may necessitate a small
1. How many treatment groups will be involved? Call this T. adjustment to the sample size.
2. Will the experiment be run in blocks? If so, how many blocks will be used? Why do investigators use groups of 6 animals?
Call this B
In early-stage research, most of the effects discovered will be dead ends. For
A block is a batch of animals that are tested at the same time. Each block may this reason, researchers are only interested in pursuing differences between
have a different response because of the particular conditions at the time they groups that are very large indeed. As can be seen from the table under
were tested. Incorporating this information into a statistical analysis will “comparing the means of two groups”, two groups of 6 animals will detect a
increase statistical power by removing variability between experimental situation in which the scores of one group are almost entirely distinct from the
conditions on different days. scores of the other – there is a 92% chance that an animal in the high-scoring
3. Will the results be adjusted for any covariates? If so, how many? Call this C group will score higher than an animal in the low-scoring group.
Covariates are variables that are measured on a continuous scale, such as the “Everyone else used 6” is not a sample size calculation
weight of the animal or the initial size of the tumour. Results can be adjusted Researchers should remember that this precludes the power to detect smaller
for such variables, which increases statistical power. differences, and justify their sample sizes based on the statistical power and
4. Combine these three figures: the requirement for clinically significant effects to be very large. It’s not
(T–1) + (B+C–1) = D enough to say that everyone else used groups of 6. 

5. Add at least 10 and at most 20

The sample size should be at least (D+10) and at most (D+20).
Example of the resource equation method
An investigator wishes to examine the effect of a new delivery vehicle for an
anti-inflammatory drug. The experiment will involve four treatments: a control,
a group receiving a saline injection, a group receiving the vehicle alone and a
group receiving the vehicle plus drug. Because of laboratory limitations, only
four animals can be done on one day. The experimenter doesn't plan on
adjusting the results for factors like the weight of the animal.

Sample Size: when nothing is known in advance Sample Size: when nothing is known in advance
!61 !62
amounts of data from each interview. Where interviews are likely to be lower in
8. Sample size for qualitative research
information, larger sample sizes are needed.
Issues On the other hand, when participants are being interviewed several times, this
Qualitative researchers often regard sample size calculations as something that will generate more data, and sample sizes will be smaller.
is only needed for quantitative research. However, qualitative research
Variability and sample size
protocols typically contain statements like "participants will be recruited until
data saturation occurs". So there is already an appreciation that a certain The more variable the experiences, perceptions and meanings of the
number of participants will be "enough participants". participants, the more participants will be needed to achieve the same degree
of saturation.
Clearly, it is important when planning (and especially budgeting) a qualitative
research project to know how many participants will be needed. These Shadowed data and sample size
guidelines are partly derived from an excellent paper by Morse1 ‑ This is a term coined by Morse for situations in which participants talk about
the experiences of others. You might call it 'secondhand data'. Collecting such
General guidance data can make interviews more information rich and make better use of each
Over-estimate your sample size when writing a proposal and budgeting it. This participant, reducing the total sample size required. In particular, encouraging
gives you some insurance against difficulties in recruitment, participants whose participants to compare and contrast their experiences, views and meanings
data is not very useful and other unanticipated snags. with those of others can throw important light on variability in the domain you
are studying. However, shadowing is no substitute for collecting first hand
Specific factors affecting sample size data, and may introduce bias.
Scope of study and nature of the topic
If the scope of the study is broad, then more participants will be needed to
reach saturation. Indeed, broad topics are more likely to require data from So how many?
multiple data sources. Doing justice to a broad topic requires a large Morse recommends that semi-structured interviews with relatively small
commitment of time and resources, including large amounts of data. Broad amounts of data per person should have 30 to 60 interviews. On the other
studies should not be undertaken unless they are well-supported and have a hand, grounded theory research, with two to three unstructured interviews per
good chance of achieving what they set out to do. person, should need 20 to 30 participants. In either case, the final choice of
If the study addresses an obvious, clear topic, and the information will be easily number should be guided by the other factors above.
obtained from the participants, then fewer participants will be needed. Topics
A failsafe approach based on failure to detect
that are harder to grasp and formulate are often more important, but require
greater skill and experience from the researcher, and will require more data. One question that a qualitative researcher should think about is this: if
something doesn't emerge in my research (an attitude, an experience etc) then
If they study topic is one about which people will have trouble talking (because how common could it be in the population I am researching? Research, to be
it is complex, or embarrassing, or may depend on experiences which not
valid, must have a reasonable chance of detecting things that are common
everyone has) you will need more participants.
enough to matter. Failure to detect something important is a risk in all
Quality of data and sample size research, qualitative and quantitative. While you cannot guarantee that your
The ability of participants to devote time and thought to the interview, and to research will absolutely detect everything important, you can at least make an
articulate their experiences and perceptions, and to reflect on them, will all estimate of the likelihood that your sample will fail to include at least one
affect the richness of the data. In particular, in some studies, participants may important topic/view/meaning etc.
not be able to devote time to a long interview, or may not be physically or
psychologically capable of taking part in a long interview, resulting in smaller

Sample Size: qualitative research Sample Size: qualitative research

!63 !64
The table shows numbers of participants and, for each number, shows how rare References and further reading
a theme, experience or meaning would have to be so that it was unlikely to be
Boddy CR. Sample size for qualitative research. Qualitative Mrkt Res: An Int J.
detected by the study.
2016 Sep 12;19(4):426–32.
Size of If you don't find That's roughly Marshall B, Cardon P, Poddar A, Fontenot R. Does sample size matter in
study something, the maximum qualitative research: a review of qualitative interviews in is research. Journal of
likely prevalence is Computer Information Systems 2013.
60 6% 1 person in 20 Morse JM. Determining Sample Size. Qual Health Res. 2000 January 1,
40 9% 1 person in 10 2000;10(1):3-5.
30 13% 1 person in 8 Morse JM. Analytic Strategies and Sample Size. Qual Health Res. SAGE
Publications; 2015 Oct;25(10):1317–8.
20 18% 1 person in 6
Thomson SB. Sample Size and Grounded Theory. JOAAG. 2011 Mar 9;5(6):45–
15 25% 1 person in 4
10 37% 1 person in 3
van Rijnsoever FJ. (I Can’t Get No) Saturation: A simulation and guidelines for
8 46% 1 person in 2 sample sizes in qualitative research. Derrick GE, editor. PLoS ONE. 2017 Jul
5 74% 3 people in 4 26;12(7):e0181689–17.

Table 8.1 Sample size and likelihood of missing something important in

qualitative research

As you can see, if a study of 60 people fails to identify a theme, experience or

issue, that issue is probably rare – present in about one person in 20 or fewer.
However, a study of 15 participants can fail to identify something which is
present in one person in every four! And a study of 8 participants is quite likely
to fail to find out things that affect half of the study population.
Clearly, shadowing (second hand data) can reduce these error rates by getting
participants to talk about others, but this is no substitute for including the
others in the research. Part of this is trying to chose a sample in such a way as
to span the population, but this relies on knowing the factors that make for
diversity in the population – something that may only become clear after the
research is well under way.
However, both expert opinion in the area of qualitative research and the table
above suggest that samples of less than 20 participants have to be justified on
the grounds that they are unusually rich in data and representative.

The table was calculated based on Poisson confidence intervals for zero
observed frequencies at the given sample sizes, using Stata Release 14.1

Sample Size: qualitative research Sample Size: qualitative research

!65 !66
9. Resources for animal experiments 9. Computer and online resources
Free, highly recommended package: G*Power
Festing, Michael FW, and Douglas G. Altman. "Guidelines for the design and
statistical analysis of experiments using laboratory animals." ILAR journal 43.4
(2002): 244-258. http://ilarjournal.oxfordjournals.org/content/43/4/244.full

! http://gpower.hhu.de/
This paper appears as part of a collection which you can peruse here: http:// For applications that go beyond the ones described here, including multiple
ilarjournal.oxfordjournals.org/content/43/4.toc regression, I can strongly recommend G*Power, which is free and multi-
platform. There is an excellent manual.
Festing, Michael FW. "Design and statistical methods in studies using animal Standard statistical packages
models of development." Ilar Journal 47.1 (2006): 5-14. http://
ilarjournal.oxfordjournals.org/content/47/1/5.full? Stata also has a powerful set of sample size routines, and there are many user-
written routines to calculate sample sizes for various types of study. Use the
command findit sample size to get a listing of user-written commands that you
can install.
The free professional package R includes sample size calculation (but requires
a bit of learning). I recommend using software called RStudio as an interface
to R. It makes R far easier to learn and use.
And no; SPSS will sell you a sample size package, but it isn't included with
SPSS itself. If you use SPSS, my advice is to use G*Power and save money.
Sample size calculators and Online resources
You can look for sample size software to download at
The Graph Pad website has a lot of helpful resources
They make an excellent sample-size calculator application called StatMate
which gets high scores for a simple, intelligent interface and very useful
explanations of the process. It has a tutorial that walks you through.
The OpenEpi website, which you can download to your computer for offline
use, has some power calculations
There is a free Windows power calculation program at Vanderbilt Medical
Center http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/Main/PowerSampleSize
GPower is a very comprehensive package for both Windows and Mac, available
from http://gpower.hhu.de/

Sample Size: Resources on the internet Sample Size: Resources on the internet
!67 !68
Online sample size calculators
A splendid site that also offers an R package. It has a very comprehensive suite
of power and sample size calculation methods. It also allows you to create a
user ID so that you can save your work. There is a comprehensive manual.
Manual, which has lots of useful reading, here:
Power and sample size
Excellent site with well-designed and validated calculators for a wide variety of
study designs. Recommended.
Sealed Envelope power calculators
Calculations for clinical trials (the company provides support for clinical trials)
including equivalence and non-inferiority trials
Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis (SISA)
Easy-to-use with good explanations but a smaller selection of study designs.
The survey system and Survey Monkey
Sample sizes for surveys. Survey Monkey has a very readable web page on
sample size considerations.
Harvard sample size calculators
A small selection, but clearly organised by study type.
Rules of thumb
Gerard van Belle's chapter on rules of thumb for sample size calculation can be
downloaded from his website (http://www.vanbelle.org/) It's extracted from his

Sample Size: Resources on the internet


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