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I hereby accept to become a LEARNING SITE FOR AGRICULTURE of the Department of Agriculture –
Agricultural Training Institute - Regional Training Center III.

As such, I fully understand that my major responsibilities include the following:

● ( For LSA with fund support:

o Prepare a development plant for the establishment of LSA I;
o Provides a counterpart in the establishment of LSA I;
o Implements the development plan as approved and complete such on the agreed time
o Notifies the ATI upon completion of the development plan through an LSA project
completion report);
● (For the Farming LSA: Practices diversified and integrated farming system/specialized
farming/technology in agriculture);
● (For the Agri-Processing LSA: Practices and promotes agri-processing);
● Make the farm/agri-processing enterprise available as a demonstration area for hands-on
● Provide lectures/orientations to on-site training participants, visiting groups, ATI’s scholarship
grantees, 4-H youth trainees, and other groups arranged by the ATI;
● Share the technologies applied to fellow farmers/agri-processors;
● Attend ATI-required monitoring and capability building interventions/activities;
● Adopt small brothers who shall become partners in agribusiness, and consolidator of farm
products at fair and reasonable prices using the “buy-back scheme”;
● Maintain operation records such as production and sales data, technologies developed/shared,
farm/processing enterprise activities undertaken, visitors and trainees served, and other
relevant accomplishments;
● Allow the ATI personnel to conduct field monitoring and visit and provide honest information to
questions raised;
● Submit semestral accomplishment report to the ATI which contains the operations records
maintained, among others; and
● Sustain the operations as LSA I for five (5) years.

That my incentives/benefits are the following:

● The ATI will provide continuous capability-building interventions in the form of training,
coaching, exposure to various learning activities and other learning modalities;
● I will be paid for my services by the ATI on a per activity basis, subject to government accounting
and auditing rules and regulations;
● I can avail of calamity assistance from the ATI for rehabilitation if affected by natural
● I may accept other clients to serve provided that ATI shall be given priority in my schedule;
● I may accept assistance from other agencies/entities to further improve my operations;
● If organized with other successful farmers, maybe accredited as Private Agriculture and Fisheries
– Extension Service Provider of the ATI provided we meet the requirements.

Signature over printed name
Date: __________________________

ATI-QF/PAD-71 Rev. 01 Effectivity Date: August 2, 2022

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