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Which of the following is primarily 

not determined when performing a pedigree


- The DNA sequence of a gene

Which of the following refers to an application of pedigree analysis, wherein a couple is given
advice regarding possible recurrence of a genetic disorder in their family?

Genetic Counseling

A mother, who is affected with a genetic condition, married a carrier man who is
phenotypically unaffected. Their first child is not affected. What is the probability of
having an affected child in the next pregnancy?


A child has an autosomal dominant trait, which is not present in both of his biological
parents. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?

The mutation spontaneously appeared in the child.

Evaluate the given pedigree below. Individuals II-3 and II-4 had a miscarriage in their
first child. Should they lose hope about having a baby that does not have the same
disorder that caused the miscarriage?

No, they have 75% chance of having a child that does not have the disorder.

Which of the following statements is correct about the inheritance of the trait in the
given pedigree below?

The trait autosomal recessive because an affected child (III-3) appears given the phenotypes of his

Analyze the given pedigree below. Which of the following is most likely the relationship
between III-1 and III-2?

First-degree cousin

Which of the following statements correctly describes a pedigree?

It shows how a traith is being transmitted in families.

In a given pedigree, two unaffected parents had five children. All except one of the
children do not have the condition. What is the probability of having an affected child in
the next pregnancy?


Which of the following correctly describes the study of human inheritance?

A relatively small sample size is usually available.

Which of the following refers to the group of inheritance patterns that do not follow all
of the assumptions of Mendel?

Extensions of Mendelism

In a paternity dispute, it has come to light that the mother of the child is color-blind.
The presumed father has normal vision and the daughter in question is color-blind. Is it
possible to rule out whether the presumed father is truly the biological father?

No, the Father should be color-blinded to have a color blind daughter.

Trait A is an established sex-linked trait. Abi, a female, and Steven, a male, both have
this trait. Which is the most likely conclusion based on the preceding statements?

Trait A is inherited from X chromosome.

What is the probability that a color-blind woman who marries a man with normal vision
will have a color-blind son?


Which sex is more likely to inherit X-linked conditions?

Males are more likely to inherit ……chromosomes will lead to the manifestation of the X-link condition.

What type of sex-related inheritance are hemophilia and color blindness?


Rommel is bald but his wife Lorna is non-bald. Rommel’s father is non-bald, while
Lorna’s mother is bald. What is the probability that their son is bald?


Which of the following explains the occurrence of roan coat color among cattle?


Which of the following statements is not an assumption of Mendelian inheritance?

The characteristic dihybrid cross-ratio is 9:3:4.

Is it possible for a son to have hemophilia even if the parents are both normal?

Yes, it is possible if the mother is a carrier of the trait.

Which of the following statements is true about Y-linked traits? It is inherited only by

Males that inherited father’s Y choromosomes.

Which of the following correctly explains the occurrence of palomino coats in horses?

The alleles for the chestnuts coat does not completely mask the allele for the cremello coat.

Brylle submitted a report about his plant breeding experiment involving cactus spines.
He crossed two-parent cacti. The first parent has one-pronged spines, while the second
parent has two-pronged spines. He generated three phenotypes in the offspring: 12 with
one-pronged spines, 12 with two-pronged spines, and 24 with a mixture of both spines.
Which of the following modes of inheritance will best explain his results?


What is the probability of having a type B child if both parents are heterozygous for B
blood type?


Which of the following statements correctly justifies the interaction between two genes
to control fur color in mice?

The recessive allele for the production……for the degree of pigmentation.

The loci for ABO and MN blood groups are independently assorting. What is the
probability of having a type A, N child from the cross IAAIBB MN × IBBi NN?

A cross between two doubly heterozygous ornamental plants yields 36 violet-flowered,

12 yellow-flowered, and 16 red-flowered offspring. Which of the following is the most
probable mode of inheritance in this flowering plant?

Recessive epistasis

If an animal breeder is choosing between incomplete dominance and codominance as

the mode of inheritance of a poorly studied trait, which of the following features should
he or she be evaluating?

The phenotype of the heterozygous individual

Hypertrichosis pinnae auris is a Y-linked trait. Can the mother pass this trait to her
sons or daughters?

No, only fatter can pass this Y-linked trait to their sons.

Which of the following describes recombination incorrectly?

It is limited to eukaryotes

What do you call the process by which gas turns into a solid without going through the
liquid phase?

Mothballs are used to protect clothes from damage caused by insects. The active
ingredient is naphthalene, which turns into a toxic gas that kills and repels insects. Over
time, naphthalene is depleted. Which phase change explains this phenomenon?


Water beads form outside a cold bottle of soft drinks. What phase change happened


In what type of phase change does molecular order decrease?

Liquid – gas

Which of the following scenarios would happen during an endothermic process?

Heat is absorbed.

Calculate the amount of heat, in kJ, needed to convert 5.00 moles of liquid Freon to gas
at its boiling point, which is 23.8 ℃. The heat of vaporization for liquid Freon is 24.8

After being poured into a pan, 10.0 moles of water were heated on an electric stove. During this
time, the temperature of the liquid rose from 26 ℃ to 38 ℃. How much heat, in J, was absorbed
by the water? Use c=75.32Jmol×Kc=75.32Jmol×K

Which of the following provides an overview of the microscopic properties of molecules
or atoms and their interactions?

Kinetic molecular theory of matter

Which of the following statements is not true?

Molecules do not interact with one another.

What happens to the particles of a substance when it evaporates?

The particles move farther away from one another.

Which of the following processes will occur if the temperature is increased?


Which of the following processes is depicted by the image below?

A given DNA helix is 20 bp long. How many phosphate molecules are expected to be
present in this double-stranded molecule?


Specific enzymes are able to cut the double-helical DNA segments from its source
genome. If a laboratory student was able to isolate a 500 bp long DNA, what is the
expected number of deoxyribose molecules in this sample?


After separating DNA into monomeric units, which of the following should be broken to
isolate nucleosides?

The ester bond between the phosphate and sugar.

A given DNA helix is 50 bp long. If there are 12 adenine molecules in this segment, how
many guanine bases are present in this molecule?


Which among the following is not a base that is found in DNA?


What bond allows the polymerization of nucleotides to form a polynucleotide chain?

Phosphodiester bond

A certain mutation resulted in an impaired scaffold protein synthesis in a stem cell.

Which of the following processes is most likely affected by this mutation?

Cellular division

You are able to synthesize in vitro an RNA with a sequence 5′-AUGCGAGAGAGUCG-3′.

In this sequence alone, how many carbon atoms from the sugars alone are expected to
be present?


Upon acquiring various amino acid units in your laboratory, you are able to duplicate
the machinery that results in protein synthesis. Which of the following would
you not expect during the polymerization of amino acids into proteins?

The peptide bonds of the folded or twisted amino acid chains are further
combined via van der waals interactions.
You are trying to synthesize protein molecules with tertiary structure. Which of the
following bonds is least expected to maintain the structure of your product?

Peptide bond

Which of the following proposed mechanisms of replication produces DNA molecules

with both strands being newly synthesized?


Which of the following enzymes in humans is responsible for relieving the tension ahead
of the replication fork as the DNA molecule is continuously being unwound?


Which of the following represents the correct arrangement of the steps in DNA

A. unwinding by helicase

B. binding at replication origin

C. elongation by polymerase

D. priming

E. sealing nicks by ligase


Which of the following factors explains why replication and transcription are initiated in
DNA regions that are rich in A-T base pairs?

Number of bonds

Given the mRNA sequence 5’-AUGCGGGUCAGCCGC-3’, what is the corresponding

amino acid sequence?


Given the non-template DNA strand of 5’-ATGGCATGCTAG-3’, which of the following is

the corresponding mRNA transcript?

Which of the following correctly describes a similarity between the replication and

The primary polymerase enzyme synthesizes the nucleotide chain in 5 to 3


Which of the following statements correctly describes the TATA box?

It is the promoter during transcription

A cell has been exposed to a certain lethal chemical that results in the translation
machinery to start reading the transcripts in either the 5’ or 3’ end. Which of the
properties of the genetic code is affected after this chemical exposure?


A certain mutation results in the production of abnormal proteins that will make up the
spliceosome. Which of the following is most likely the consequence of this event in

A complete altered amino acid sequence

Which among the following is true about meiosis?

Recombination of genetic material occurs.

What will happen after fertilization if the reduction of the genetic material does not
occur during the cell’s m-phase?

There will be an abnormal chromosomes count.

You want to create a tree that bears different fruits. Using your knowledge of plant
breeding, how will you do this?


Your experiment requires you to extract a plasmid from a cell. Which among the
following organisms should you use as your specimen?


You want to examine the structure of the nuclear membrane. Which among the
following organisms should you not examine?

Which of the following was the initial source of the foreign genes that are responsible for
the creation of the Golden rice?

- Daffodil

Which of the following best explains why some bacterial species are genetically
engineered for the purpose of bioremediation?

These bacterial species have the innate ability to degrade environmental contaminants.

Insulin is the first pharmaceutical product that was produced from recombinant DNA
technology. Which of the following is the commercial name of this commercialized
recombinant insulin?


Rice is one of the leading global food crops. Many attempts were made to improve rice
by introducing genes for beta carotene production. If normal, non-GM rice can naturally
produce beta-carotene, why is there still a need for genetic modification?

Does not synthesize

You are attempting to genetically modify an aquatic species of salmon to increase its
growth rate. In addition to the growth hormone gene present in its genome, you
introduce another growth hormone gene in its embryo. However, upon the maturity of
the GM salmon, no significant change in its growth was observable. How would you
improve this method?

Different promoter

An individual with a genetic disorder often has all of his or her cells bearing the mutated
gene. How can recombinant DNA technology aid in the treatment of such an individual?

Infect and transform

Various forms of genetic modification resulted in an environment where GMOs and

non-GMOs live with each other. How can GMOs become a threat to biodiversity?

Non-GM crops resulting in hybrid

Many claims have been made about the negative health effects of genetically modified
crops. Which of the following can be best done to evaluate these claims?

Consult published scientific journals

In a tobacco plantation, a few blocks were allotted to planting GM tobacco with
antibiotic resistance. Your friend told you about the risk of some microorganisms
acquiring this form of resistance. Is his claim valid? Why?

Horizontal gene transfer

You have been tasked to maintain a soybean plantation for a year. The former caretaker
claimed that all the planted soybeans are glyphosate-resistant, thus you treat them
regularly with the herbicide. However, to your surprise, half of the population died a few
days after glyphosate treatment. You analyzed the chemical composition of the soybeans
and found out that surviving plants have greater phenylalanine and tyrosine compared
with the wilted ones. Which of the following best explains the 50% survival rate of the
GM soybeans?

Genetically modified

Who among the following worked with Stanley Cohen to develop the first genetically
modified organism?

Herbert boyer

Which of the following incorrectly describes recombinant DNA technology?

It allows organism to undergo induced mutation to express a desirable trait.

Which of the following is the gene of interest in the Bt corn project?

Cry gene

Which of the following best describes the importance of restriction endonucleases in

recombinant DNA technology?

DNA segment that they will cut

Restriction reaction involves the use of specific restriction enzymes to cut the DNA of
the source organism into fragments. The resulting mixture of DNA segments including
the gene of interest. How will you locate the gene of interest in this mixture?

DNA probe

Brylle successfully isolated his gene of interest, which he intends to incorporate into the
genome of a host plant cell. In a reaction vessel, he combined multiple copies of the gene
and the cultured cell of the plant. Thereafter, he regenerated the cells into a mature
plant. However, it did not express the desirable trait. Which of the following could have
made his research more successful?

Vector DNA
In the 1980s, the application of genetic engineering to both plants and animals was
successfully performed. Which of the following statements correctly differentiates the
methods of making transgenic mice from that of transgenic corn?

Vector-harboring bacterial cell

You have learned that in the genetic modification of bacterial cells and plants, the gene
of interest must be inserted into a vector DNA, usually a bacterial plasmid. In a reaction
vessel containing restriction enzymes, you have mixed multiple copies of the gene of
interest and plasmid. However, upon checking, no recombinant DNA is formed. Which
of the following statements best concludes the experiment?

An enzyme is needed to insert the gene of interest into the plasmid

An attempt to create a transgenic mouse was made. Multiple copies of the foreign gene
from the sea jelly Aequorea victoria were introduced to a mouse zygote through
microinjection. This gene, when expressed, produces a fluorescent protein that will
make the transgenic mouse “glow” upon exposure to ultraviolet light. The GM zygote
was then stimulated to undergo repeated mitotic division. However, upon the maturity
of the mouse, not all of its cells express the foreign gene. Which of the following
statements best explains the result of this attempt?

Embryonic development

A new corn variety was genetically modified to possess the Bt toxin gene. After the
successful introduction of the foreign gene from Bacillus thuringiensis and consequent
regeneration of the cultured corn cells, a large fraction of the mature GM corn fails to
reach sexual maturity in repeated field trials. Which of the following best interprets the
result of the experiment?

Superior varieties

What branch of agriculture is concerned about the application of various breeding

methods to improve the traits of livestock?

Animal husbandry

Which of the following traits of crops is not expected to be bred for in plant breeding?

Increased sensitivity to stress

Which of the following special breeding techniques is performed when an organism is

under the threat of being extinct?

Captive breeding

Which of the following statements is not correct about the domestication of crops?

Conservation purposes
You have inherited a herd of cattle from your parents, and your primary goal is to
continue to provide high volumes of milk to your immediate market. If only a pair of
male and female cattle possess the superior trait for milk production in your herd, which
of the following breeding techniques will help you make the superior trait more
pronounced in your cattle population?


Two different plant species, one with natural variants that are resistant against drought,
and the other have variants that are resistant against frost. Several attempts were made
to crossbreed these species through pollination. However, all attempts failed. Which of
the following methods could be the best alternative to successfully cross these two

Somatic hybridization

Which of the following correctly differentiates selective breeding from crossbreeding?

Into an offspring

You have two different varieties of tomatoes, one of which produces large fruits while
the other has a high tolerance to freezing temperature. When crossing these two tomato
varieties, why is it important to emasculate (or remove the anthers) of one of the plants
after designating specific sex to each?


Inbreeding of animals aids in the accumulation of desirable traits in their population.

However, this practice may also result in the reduction of their fertility and other genetic
lethalities. What is the genetic basis of these drawbacks of inbreeding?

Frequency of homozygous

A farmer successfully established a pure-line breed of a fruit-bearing vine that produces

a relatively high number of fruits. However, this established superior breed ends up
becoming seedless. Should the farmer become completely hopeless about further
cultivating this crop?

Vegetative propagation

describes the phase of a substance at a particular temperature and pressure.

Phase diagram

Which of the following pair of phase changes is in dynamic equilibrium at the boiling

Condensation and evaporation

Which of the following temperatures does the distinction between liquid and gas

Critical temperature

Which of the following molar enthalpies has a positive value?

Molar heat of fusion

True or False: Two phases coexist at a point that directly lies in a curve or a line in any
phase diagram.

trueThe vapor pressure of isopropyl alcohol at 273.15 K is 1.235 atm. What is its vapor
pressure, in atm, at 483.35 K? The molar heat of vaporization of isopropyl alcohol is
20.10 kJ/mol.


Given the graph below, which is the best estimate of the normal boiling point of


The phase diagram of CO2CO2 is provided below. Suppose you have a sample
containing CO2CO2 (g) and CO2CO2 (s) at equilibrium at –78 ºC and 1 atm. What will
happen if the sample is heated to –30 ºC at the pressure is increased to 12 atm?

All of the CO2 will be converted to its liquid form.

A certain substance, M, has a triple-point temperature of 20 ºC at a pressure of 2.0 atm.

Which of the following statements can be possibly false?

Liquid M can exist as a stable phase at 25 C, 1 atm.

The phase diagram of water is provided below.

The solid has a higher density than the liquid

Which of the following plots is used to track heat absorbed or released in successive
phase changes?

Heating curve

Which of the following formula is used to calculate the heat required to melt a mole of

Which of the following formula is used to calculate the heat required to decrease the
temperature of steam from 125 ºC to 100 ºC?


Fill in the blanks.

In a cooling curve, the ____________________________ is plotted

against ____________________________.

Temperature, heat

Which of the following molar enthalpies is useful in calculating the heat required to
completely transform steam to liquid water?

Molar heat of vaporization

Consider the heating curve below.

Which segment represents that the substance is melting?


Which of the following segments represents an increase in temperature of the gaseous



If 1 mol of ice at -25 ºC requires 56 069.9 J of heat to be converted to steam at 125 ºC,
how much heat is required to convert 36 g of ice from -25 ºC to 125 ºC?

112 139.8 J

Which of the following is true regarding segments BC and DE in the heating curve
shown below?


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