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A Project Report

Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in
Department of Computer Science Engineering

190031064 MD.Sameena Kousar

190031568 T.Shreya
190040131 E.Vidya Mahathi

under the supervision of

Mr.Samudra Vijaya K

Department of Computer Science Engineering

K L E F, Green Fields,
Vaddeswaram- 522502, Guntur(Dist), Andhra Pradesh, India.

November , 2022

The Term paper Report entitled “Text to Speech Synthesis “ is a record of bonafide work of
190031064,190031568,190040131 submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of B.Tech in
Computer Science Engineering to the K L University. The results embodied in this report have not
been copied from any other departments/University/Institution.

This is to certify that the Term Paper Report entitled “Text to Speech Synthesis” is being
submitted by 190031064,190031568,190040131 submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of
B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering to the K L University is a record of bonafide work carried
out under our guidance and supervision.

The results embodied in this report have not been copied from any other departments/

Signature of the Co-Supervisor (If Available) Signature of the Supervisor

Name and Designation Name and Designation

Our sincere thanks to Mr. Samudra Vijaya K for rendering outstanding support
throughout the project for the successful completion of the work.
We express our gratitude to Mr. V. Harikiran, Head of the Department for
Computer Science and Engineering for providing us with adequate facilities, ways and
means by which we are able to complete this term project. We would like to place on
record the deep sense of gratitude to the honorable Vice Chancellor, K L University for
providing the necessary facilities to carry the concluded Project.


190031064 MD. sameena Kousar
190031568 T.Sherya
190040131 E.Vidya Mahathi
A Text-to-speech synthesizer is an application that converts text into spoken word, by analyzing and
processing the text using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and then using Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) technology to convert this processed text into synthesized speech representation of
the text. Here, we developed a useful text-to-speech synthesizer in the form of a simple application
that converts inputted text into synthesized speech and reads out to the user. The development of a text
to speech synthesizer will be of great help to people with visual impairment and make making through
large volume of text easier.

Arrangements of Chapters
1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
3. Theoretical Analysis
4. Problem statement and its benefits to the society
5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations(Original Contribution to be highlighted)
6. Reference/bibliography
7. Appendices (if any)

Text to speech converters convert text into speech using various algorithms. They have multiple applications and are
especially useful when you have a sore throat. Generally, python Text to speech converters operate via CLI only if you
have an active internet connection, but for this project, we will create a GUI python Text to speech converter which you
can operate from your computer offline as well.

Text-to-speech synthesis -TTS - is the automatic conversion of a text into speech that resembles, as closely as possible, a
native speaker of the language reading that text. Text-to speech synthesizer (TTS) is the technology which lets computer
speak out the text given. The TTS system gets the text as the input and then a computer algorithm which called TTS
engine analyses the text, pre-processes the text and synthesizes the speech with some mathematical models. The TTS
engine usually generates sound data in an audio format as the output
2.Problem Statement

To design an automatic text to speech synthesizer that converts the given text into audio and Speech to text convertor
which record the audio and converts it into text.

The objective of this is to create a GUI-based text to speech converter. To build this, we need to have basic understanding
on Tkinter, pyttsx3, and speech recognition libraries.

1. Tkinter – To create a GUI for the project.

2. pyttsx3 – To convert text to speech; it will be used as TTS Conversion engine.
3. Speech Recognition – To convert speech to text; it is STT Conversion API.

Text to speech converters convert text into speech using various algorithms. They have multiple applications
and are especially useful when you have a sore throat. Generally, python Text to speech converters operate via
CLI only if you have an active internet connection, but for this project, we will create a GUI python Text to
speech converter which you can operate from your computer offline as well.
Proposed reading is obviously essential in today’s society. Printed text is everywhere in the form of reports, receipts, bank
statements. But a big limitation is that it is very hard for blind users to understand the text. A computer system used for
this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware. A text-to-speech (TTS)
system converts normal language text into speech . Synthesized speech can be created by concatenating pieces of recorded
speech that are stored in a database. Systems differ in the size of the stored speech units; a system that stores phones or
diphones provides the largest output range, but may lack clarity.

For specific usage domains, the storage of entire words or sentences allows for high-quality output. Alternatively, a
synthesizer can incorporate a model of the vocal tract and other human voice characteristics to create a completely
"synthetic" voice output . The quality of a speech synthesizer is judged by its similarity to the human voice and by its
ability to be understood.

An intelligible text-to-speech program allows people with visual impairments or reading disabilities to listen to written
works on a home computer. . First, it converts raw text containing symbols like numbers and abbreviations into the
equivalent of written-out words. This process is often called text normalization, preprocessing, or tokenization. There are
different ways to perform speech synthesis. The choice depends on the task they are used for.
3.Theoretical Analysis

This project has theoretical, practical, and methodological significance:

The speech synthesizer will be very useful to any researcher who may wish to venture into the “Impact of using
Computer speech program for brain enhancement and assimilation process in human beings”.

This text-to-speech synthesizing system will enable the semi-illiterates assess and read through electronic
documents, thus bridging the digital divide. The technology will also find applicability in systems such as
banking, telecommunications (Automatic system voice output), transport, Internet portals, accessing PC,
emailing, administrative and public services, cultural centres and many others. The system will be very useful to
computer manufacturers and software developers as they will have a speech synthesis engine in their
4. Problem statement and its benefits to the society

The development of a text to speech synthesizer will be of great help to people with visual impairment and make making
through large volume of text easier
The precise objectives are
To enable the deaf and dumb to speak and contribute to the growth of an organisation through
synthesized voice.
To permit the blind and aged humans friendly user interface.

To create contemporary technology appreciation and consciousness via laptop operators.

To enforce an isolated entire phrase speech synthesizer that is capable of changing text and responding
with speech.
To validate the automated speech synthesizer developed throughout the look at.

Speech synthesis is the transformation of text to speech. This transformation converts the text to synthetic speech that is as
close to real speech as possible in compliance with the communication norms of special languages. A computer system is
used for the purpose of automatically generating speech output from data input which may include plain text, formatted
text, or binary objects called a Speech Synthesizer and which can be implemented in software or hardware. The quality of
a speech synthesizer is judged by its similarity to the human voice and by its ability to be understood, which can be
simplified as two parameters, naturalness of sounding and intelligibility of speech.

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