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First Semester-MIDTERM

Name : ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Grade & Section: _________________________________ Strand: ______________
Specialization: ___________________________________ Score: _______________

Direction: Encircle the correct letter of your choice .

1. Management has how many basic functions?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
2. Which of the following is not considered as a feature of management?
a. a systematic way of doing things c. Achieves stated goal
b. It utilizes the resources efficiently d. Waste of time and effort
3. It is a management function that aims to visualize with the help of
vision and mission.
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
4. It is a management function that unify that human and non-human
resources in the organization.
b. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
5. It is a management function that deals with the motivation and
guidance of people.
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. leading
6. It is a characteristic of organizations where everyone has a role or
a.Division of labor c. command goal
b. coordination d. command level
7. It is a characteristic of organizations where authority is recognized.
a.Division of labor c. command goal
b.coordination d. command level
8. It is a characteristic of organizations where harmony is considered as
a. Division of labor c. command goal
b. coordination d. command level
9. Which of the following is a type of organization.
a. Corporate b. non-corporate c. profit-seeking d. all of the above
10. It is a management function where the regulation of results of the
implemented plans are analyzed and evaluated.
a. Planning b. staffing c. controlling d. all of the above
11. What is a major function of management that deals with deciding in what to do in advance?
a. planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
12. What involves bringing together physical, financial & human resources to achieve the goals
and objective of the firm?
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
13. What management function involves measuring the organization’s performance against
standards set by the industry or by the organization?
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. controlling
14. What function of management involves inspiring people to a common goal?
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
15. What involves the provision of qualified personnel for the organization, through reliable
hiring practices, training and development ?
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
16.The following statements are correct about business environment, except
a. It is confronted with changes in the environment such as introduction of new
b. It presents opportunities which organizations can take advantage of and threats that
the organization should avoid.
c. The business environment is a set of forces and conditions outside the organization’s
boundaries that have the potential to affect the way the organization operates.
d. It is the scanning of the environment to identify the changes or trends that have the
potential to generate opportunities and threats to the organization’s current or future intended
17. An organization’s internal environment consists of conditions and forces within
the organization which consists of the following, except
a. owners b. customers c. employees d. board of directors
18. These sets of people are being supervised and managed by the managers of an
a. suppliers b. employees c. distributors d. board of directors
19. They may be an individual, an institution such as school, hospital and other
organizations or government agency that buy the goods and services of an
a. owners b. suppliers c. customers d. distributors
20. They are organizations that produce similar goods and services to a organization
that compete for the same customers.
a. customers b. competitors c. distributors d. board of directors
21. This environment is primarily concerned with complex laws, regulations and
government agencies and their actions which affect all kinds of enterprises in
varying degrees.
a. economic environment c. technological environment
b. political legal environment d. socio-cultural environment
22. These are made up of attitudes, desires, expectations, beliefs, degree of education
and customs of the people.
a. economic environment c. technological environment
b. political legal environment d. socio-cultural environment
23. This compromises the innovations and improvements in methods, machines and
a. economic environment c. technological environment
b. political legal environment d. socio-cultural environment
24. This refers to the extra-organizational environment.
a. internal environment c. macro-level environment
b. external environment d. micro-level environment
25. This refers to the intra-organizational environment.
a. internal environment c. macro-level environment
b. external environment d. micro-level environment
26. It is a business that is carried out in more than one country.
a. partnership c. local business
b. joint venture d. international business
27. A firm can start its _____________ by reviewing its internal strengths and
weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats.
a. forecasting c. PEST Analysis
b. benchmarking d. SWOT Analysis
28 It is the making of a product or service in the firm’s domestic marketplace and
selling it another country.
a. exporting c. franchising
b. importing d. joint venture
29. It is sometimes called global sourcing, means engaging in the international
division of labor so that manufacturing can be done in countries with the cheapest
sources of labor and supplies.
a. exporting c. outsourcing
b. importing d. joint venture
30. It involves partnership between an organization and a foreign company in which
both share resources and knowledge in developing new products or building
production facilities.
a. exporting c. outsourcing
b. importing d. joint venture
31. What is a major function of management that deals with deciding in what to do in advance?
a. planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
32. What involves bringing together physical, financial & human resources to achieve the goals
and objective of the firm?
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
33. What management function involves measuring the organization’s
performance against standards set by the industry or by the
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. controlling.
34.What function of management involves inspiring people to a common goal?
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
35. What involves the provision of qualified personnel for the
organization, through reliable hiring practices, training and development?
a.planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
36. It is a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose.
a. organizational culture c. business organization
b. organization d. simple business
37. It is a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose in
relation to their organization’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives,
sharing a common organizational culture.
a. organization c. organizational culture
b. simple business d. business organization
38.It is the set of beliefs and values shared by organization members which
guide them as they work together to achieve their common purpose.
a. business organization c. organization
b. organizational culture d. simple business
39.It is where the organization as a whole is made up of work teams (small,
but focused) that work together to achieve the organization’s purpose;
popular in collectivist culture.
a. team structures c. project business structure
b. matrix business organizations d. boundaryless business organization
40.It is a business owned by one person only.
a. sole/single proprietorship c. corporation
b. partnership d. cooperative
41.It is a business formed when two or more partners formally agree to be joint
owners of a business.
a. sole/single proprietorship c. corporation
b. partnership d. cooperative
42.It is a business entity involving five or more persons owning it.
a. sole/single proprietorship c. corporation
b. partnership d. cooperative
43.This pertains to business organizations that group together those with similar or related
specialized duties that introduce the concept of delegation of authority to functional managers.
a. simple business organizations c. divisional business organizations
b. functional business organizations d. profit business organizations
44. These are formed to meet today’s changing work environment.
a. simple business organizations c. divisional business organizations
b. functional business organizations d. open/flexible organizations
45. Made up of a small group of full-time workers and outside experts who are hired on a
temporary basis to work on assigned projects; members usually communicate online.
a. simple business organizations c. divisional business organizations
b. Virtual business organization d. profit business organizations
II. Instruction: Use the graphic organizer to show the different characteristics of
the three types of business organizations. 47-65 (20pts)

Business Type Advantages Disadvantages

Sole Proprietorship



Instruction: Read the selection and answer the questions below and write your answers
on the space provided.

Jasper, Justin, and Jovert have been close friends since high school, and
even went to college together. All three boys graduated last year; Jasper with a degree
in Computer Science, Justin with a degree in Graphic Design, and Jovert with a degree
in Business Administration. All three are “computer geeks” and have worked part-time
through high school and college fixing computer problems. Each has approximately
P1,000,000 in savings for this business venture. They have been talking about starting
a computer company (3J’s Computer Solutions) in their local town to help businesses
and individuals with computer problems or those who need help developing and
designing web sites. In doing research, Jasper found that there are only two other
computer companies in their town of 100,000 people, and neither one will do both web
design and computer hardware/software troubleshooting.

1. Which business organization would you choose?


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