PoliEcon Curriculum

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International Political Economy TOPICS PRELIMS- 1ST TO 4TH WEEK 1. Differentiate the Perspectives on IPE 1.1 Realism 1.2 Liberalism 1.3 Marxism 1.4 Neo Liberalism 1.5 Mercantilism 2. Global Trade System: Roles 2.1 GATT 2.2 WTO 3. International Monetary System 3.1 Gold Standard 3.2 Bretton Woods System 3.3 Establishment of the IMF 3.4 Bretton Woods II MIDTERM EXAMINATION. - 5TH TO 8TH WEEK 4, Regional Integration: The Case of the European Union Discuss and critique the establishment of regional ties vis-a-vis the global politics and economy 4.1 History and Membership 4.2 Governance and Legal system 4.3 Economic Development 5. Aid and Financial Flows: Identify the popular financial international institutions that provide aids in various forms 5.1 USAID 5.2 AUSAID 5.3 JICA 5.4 IME 5.5 World Bank 5.6 The effect of financial flows to local economies SEMI-FINAL EXAMINATION - 9TH TO 12TH WEEK 6. Multinational Corporations and their Foreign Direct Investment 6.1 Nature/form/structure of Multinational corporations 6.2 Role of MNC in globalization 6.3 Micro-multinationals 7. Oil. The international politics of Energy 7.1 Energy and its importance for human Development 7.2 Implications of Oil-civilizations 73 The future of Energy and Alternative Sources 8. The poorest/richest countries in the World. Reasons 8.1 The gross domestic product of the poorest/richest countries 8.2 The per capita income of the poorest/richest countries in the world FINAL EXAMINATION -13TH TO 16TH WEEK 9. The China Challenge. Make an inquiry into the case of China and the role it plays as an emerging global political-economic player 9.1 China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) 9.2 The role of foreign-invested enterprises (FIE's) in fuelling China's economic growth 9.3 The future of China's relations with the Region and the West References: Smith, Roy,, International Political Economy., 2011, England., Pearson Education Stilwell, Frank., The Political Economy of Inequality, 2019 Edkins, Jenny., Global Politics: A New Introduction, 3rd Ed., 2019

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