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IELTS Exam Training Courses Members Academy   

Writing Task 2 Advanced Course  
IELTS Collocations - ‘words that go together’  
In this lesson, a selection of useful collocations for IELTS is divided into simple 

1. Adjective + noun 

There is a​ widespread belief​ that living in a rural area is preferable to life as a city-dweller. 

2. Adverb + verb 

It is w
​ ell known ​that living in a village has many advantages. 

3. Adverb + adjective 

Living in a city is ​incredibly stressful​. 

4. Noun + verb 

A lot of ​research​ has been c

​ arried out ​into the benefits of country life. 

5. Noun + noun 

Yet ​market forces​ are pushing people to live in cities. 

Task 1:  
Simple! Just check your understanding of ​noun/verb/adjective/adverbs​ forms by identifying 
which one is which below! e
​ .g. 

widespread = ​adjective  belief = ​noun 

well =   known =  

incredibly =   stressful = 

carry out =  research = 

Market =  forces = 

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Task 1 Answers: 

widespread = ​adjective  belief = ​noun 

well = ​adverb (irregular)  known = v​ erb (3rd form, passive) 

incredibly = a
​ dverb  stressful = a
​ djective 

carry out = ​verb (+ preposition)  research = ​noun (uncountable) 

market = ​noun  forces = n

​ oun (plural) 
1. Adjective + noun collocations 
a) To describe size and impact 

Adjective  Nouns 

considerable  amount, degree, difference, doubt, extent, impact, influence, interest, number, 
power, risk 

important  aspect, contribution, decision, difference, point, question, reason 

major  change, concern, contribution, difference, factor, issue, problem, role, theme 

significant  difference, effect, impact, increase, number, part, proportion, reduction 

widespread  assumption, belief, destruction, opposition, practice, protests, support, use 

b) To limit adjectives 

Adjective  Nouns 

local  area, authorities, business, community, economy, government, people 

relevant  data, details, example, factor, information, point 

specific  case, characteristic, conditions, context, example, information, purpose, type 


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c) to define areas of influence e.g. economic, political, social, financial 


economic  conditions, decline, difficulties, factors, hardship, policies, prosperity, status, 


financial  burden, controls, crisis, data, implications, institutions, position, risks, security, 
support, world 

political  agenda, factors, landscape, party, power, reform, rights, stability, system 

social  class, factor, mobility, network, policy, problems, relationships 


2. Verb + noun/adverb collocations 
Here are some common verbs shown with their noun and adverb collocations. 
Your task​ - memorise them! 

Noun  Adverb 

To analyse 

the data, the evidence  closely, in depth, in detail, systematically 

To carry out 

an analysis, an assessment, an experiment,  fully, systematically 

an investigation, a survey, a task 

To consider 

the evidence, the options  carefully, seriously 

To demonstrate 

the importance (of) the need (for)  clearly, conclusively 

To deny 

the accusation, the allegation  categorically, strenuously 

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To discuss 

an idea, an issue, a problem, a question  at length, briefly, thoroughly 

To establish 

the connection, the relationship (between)  conclusively, firmly 

To examine 

the evidence, the facts  critically, thoroughly 

To identify 

the causes (of), the factors (leading to)  clearly, straightaway 


To raise 

awareness, funds, morale, questions,  considerably, gradually,  


To respond to 

an idea, a plan, a proposal, criticism  favourably, negatively, positively 

To result in 

failure, success  automatically, inevitably 

To resolve 

an argument, a conflict, a dispute, an issue, a  eventually, speedily 


To study 

conclusions, data, results, the situation  closely, in depth, in detail, thoroughly 

To suppress 

Evidence, personal freedom, protests, a  Brutally, ruthlessly 

rebellion, social unrest 

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3. Adverb + adjective 

I​n adverb + adjective collocations, the adverb either  

● intensifies the adjective ​(e.g. e

​ xtremely​ stressful) o
​ r  
● adds meaning (​ e.g. ​recently​ published) 

They can either stand on their own after the verbs be/appear/become/look/seem: 

e.g. The workers need to be ​highly​ ​skilled. 

or come before a noun: 

e.g. A h
​ ighly-skilled​ workforce is needed. 

I’ve put these in a table like this so you can cover one half of the collocation and test yourself! 

Intensifying the adjective  Adding meaning 

barely  adequate  casually  employed 

generously  compensated  evenly  matched 

fiercely   competitive  falsely  accused 

strictly  confidential  justifiably  proud 

severely  delayed  largely  justified 

carefully  documented  mainly  theoretical 

highly  experienced  newly  appointed 

deeply  offensive/offended  privately  financed 

meticulously   planned  publicly  financed 

highly  qualified/skilled  recently  published 

strictly  regulated  wrongfully  accused 

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Noun + Noun collocations 

Combining nouns allows for the concise expression of complex ideas. 

You can combine nouns to suggest a variety of relationships 

1. Source (​shale gas = gas that comes from shale​) 

2. Purpose (​defence systems = systems that are used for defenc​e) 
3. Specialisation (​marketing manager = a manager who is in charge of marketing) 
4. Composition (​lead pipes = pipes that are made of lead​) 
5. Content (​maths essay = an essay about maths​) 
6. Location (​neck pain = pain in the neck​) 
7. Time (​night shift = a shift that takes place at night​) 

Below are some common noun collocations in academic writing.  

Task - cover the words on the right and see how many collocations you can think of before you 
check. Add more of your own as you find them. 

business  community, interests, objectives, opportunities, relationships, trips 

computer  age, error, software, studies, graphics 

family  background, problems, event 

government  approval, control decision, grant, minister, official, policy, regulation 

health  advice, concern, cuts, industry, issue, policy, scare, service, treatment, worker 

market  crash, economy, forces, growth, potential, rate, research, saturation, 

research  centre, data, evidence, findings, funding, grant, interests, methods, project, 
proposal, scientist 

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Test Yourself! 

What could you put in the spaces?  

The purpose of the exercise is to encourage you to increase the variety and range of 
your vocab. Don’t worry if you don’t get the exact same answer as me! 

1. Transport infrastructure is a ______________ theme in town planning these days. 

2. I would like to give a _______________ example of how acid rain causes serious damage. 
3. _______________ stability is a prerequisite for a strong economy. 
4. Parents have _____________________ influence on school policy. 
5. There is a _________________ belief that social mobility is dependent on educational 
6. The behaviour of some tourists is often considered to be ________________ offensive. 
7. Most immigrant workers are _______________ employed and have no contractual benefits. 
8. The work carried out on artificial intelligence was ______________________ theoretical. 
9. The purpose of the campaign was to ______________ awareness about the dangers of 
10. The regime _____________________ suppressed all protests by opposition groups. 
11. We need to __________________ the evidence before we make recommendations. 
12. The company _______________________ denied any wrongdoing. 
13. A child’s family ___________________ and social __________________ play a key role in their 
educational success. 
14. There is a ________________ connection between smoking and diabetes. 
15. Universities have to adapt to the competitive world of market ________________. 
16. A ____________- __________________ study suggests that stress decreases life expectancy. 
17. Online shopping will _____________________ lead to the decline of high-street shopping. 
18. _____________ authorities could do more to reduce town centre rates for small retailers. 
19. It is in our long-term interests to respond __________________ to the crisis facing the high 
street in order to preserve the ___________________ networks that local shopping 
20. A ________________________ reduction in commercial town centre activity can lead to an 
increase in social isolation. 

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Some suggested answers (there may be more than one possibility!) 

1. Transport infrastructure is a ​major​ theme in town planning these days. 

2. I would like to give a s
​ pecific ​example of how acid rain causes serious damage. 
3. Political​ stability is a prerequisite for a strong economy. 
4. Parents have ​considerable​ influence on school policy. 
5. There is a w
​ idespread​ belief that social mobility is dependent on educational 
6. The behaviour of some tourists is often considered to be e
​ xtremely​ offensive. 
7. Most immigrant workers are c
​ asually​ employed and have no contractual benefits. 
8. The work carried out on artificial intelligence was ​mainly t​ heoretical. 
9. The purpose of the campaign was to a ​raise ​awareness about the dangers of 
10. The regime ​ruthlessly s
​ uppressed all protests by opposition groups. 
11. We need to ​consider ​the evidence before we make recommendations. 
12. The company ​categorically d
​ enied any wrongdoing. 
13. A child’s family ​background a
​ nd social c
​ lass ​ play a key role in their educational 
14. There is a c
​ lear ​connection between smoking and diabetes. 
15. Universities have to adapt to the competitive world of market f​ orces. 
16. A ​recently-published s
​ tudy suggests that stress decreases life expectancy. 
17. Online shopping will i​ nevitably​ lead to the decline of high-street shopping. 
18. Local ​authorities could do more to reduce town centre rates for small retailers. 
19. It is in our long-term interests to respond ​positively ​to the crisis facing the high street 
in order to preserve the ​social ​networks that local shopping promotes. 
20. A ​significant ​reduction in commercial town centre activity can lead to an increase in 
social isolation. 

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Other resources for practice: 

Academic Collocations​ - 4
​ 2-page alphabetical list 

Collocations dictionary​ - a small sample taken from the full dictionary 

EAP Academic Collocation List​ - detailed list 

ITALKI 50 collocations list​ - nice list of 50 useful collocations 

IELTS Buddy Exercises​ - lots of practice on words taken from the Academic 
Word List. I’ve checked the quizzes out and they are REALLY good. 

Ludwig guru ​- a place to check collocations 

Academic Word List exercises 

More academic word list exercises 

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