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Predictive Modelling

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List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Problem Statement 1: Linear Regression ............................................................................................................................ 4
Data Description ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1: .................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
EDA ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Univariate Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Bivariate Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Multivariate analysis................................................................................................................................................... 7
Outlier Detection & Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2:........................................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Null value treatment, Feature Engineering................................................................................................................ 10
1.3:........................................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Encoding ........................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Train – Test split & Model Building............................................................................................................................ 11
Model Performance .................................................................................................................................................. 12
1.4:........................................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Business Insights .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
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Problem Statement 2: Classification ................................................................................................................................. 17
Data Description............................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.1......................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
EDA .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Univariate Analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Bivariate Analysis.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.2......................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Encoding ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Train-Test split.............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Model Building ................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Logistic Regression Model ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Optimized Logistic Regression Model ........................................................................................................................... 27
LDA Model.................................................................................................................................................................... 29
CART Model.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
2.3......................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Model Evaluation and Performance .............................................................................................................................. 32
2.4......................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Business Insights & Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 35

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List of Tables

Table 1: Data Description - Dataset 1 .................................................................................................................................. 4

Table 2: Data Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 3: Encoded data ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 4: Data description .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Table 5: Encoded data ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Table 6: Classification report - Logistic regression model 1 - Train .................................................................................... 26
Table 7: Classification report - Logistic Regression model 1 - Test ..................................................................................... 26
Table 8: Classification report - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Train ..................................................................... 28
Table 9: Classification report - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Test ...................................................................... 28
Table 10: Classification report - LDA model - Train ............................................................................................................ 29
Table 11: Classification report - LDA model – Test ............................................................................................................ 29
Table 12: Classification report - CART model - Train .......................................................................................................... 31
Table 13: Classification report - CART model - Test ........................................................................................................... 31
Table 14: Important features from CART model ................................................................................................................ 32
Table 15: Different model parameters .............................................................................................................................. 34

List of Figures
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Figure 1: Univariate Analysis (Usr) ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: Univariate Analysis (lread).................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Univariate Analysis (lwrite) .................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 4: Univariate Analysis (srw rate) ............................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5: Bivariate analysis (usr vs lread) ............................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 6: Bivariate analysis (usr vs lwrite) ........................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 7: Pairplot ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 8: Correlation Heatmap ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 9: Boxplot for outlier detection .............................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 10: Statsmodel Model 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 11: Statsmodel model 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12: Statsmodel model 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 13: Scatterplot- Actual vs predicted ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 14: Histogram (wife age) ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 15: Histogram (No. of children born) ...................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16: Countplot (Wife education) .............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 17: Husband education .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 18: Countplot Wife religion .................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 19: Countplot (wife working) ................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 20: Countplot (Standard of living index) ................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 21: Countplot (Contraceptive method used) .......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 22: Contraceptives used vs Wife age ...................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23: Contraceptives used vs wife education ............................................................................................................. 21

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Figure 24: Contraceptives used vs Husband education ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 25: Contraceptives used vs No.of children.............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 26: Contraceptives used vs Wife religion ................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 27: Contraceptives used vs Wife working ............................................................................................................... 23
Figure 28: Contraceptive used vs Husband occupation ..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 29: Contraceptives used vs Standard of living index ............................................................................................... 23
Figure 30: Contraceptives used vs Media Exposure ........................................................................................................... 24
Figure 31: Pairplot ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 32: ROC Curve - Logistic regression model - Train ................................................................................................... 26
Figure 33: ROC Curve - Logistic regression model - Test .................................................................................................... 26
Figure 34: Important features ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 35: ROC Curve - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Train ................................................................................ 28
Figure 36: ROC Curve - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Test .................................................................................. 28
Figure 37: ROC Curve - LDA model – Train ........................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 38: ROC Curve - LDA model - Test .......................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 39: ROC Curve - CART model – Train ...................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 40: ROC Curve - CART model – Test ........................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 41: Confusion matrices of all models (Train data) ................................................................................................... 33
Figure 42: Confusion matrices of all models (Test data) .................................................................................................... 34

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Problem Statement 1: Linear Regression
The comp-activ databases is a collection of a computer systems activity measures .
The data was collected from a Sun Sparcstation 20/712 with 128 Mbytes of memory running in
a multi-user university department. Users would typically be doing a large variety of tasks ranging
from accessing the internet, editing files or running very cpu-bound programs.

As you are a budding data scientist you thought to find out a linear equation to build a model to
predict 'usr'(Portion of time (%) that cpus run in user mode) and to find out how each attribute
affects the system to be in 'usr' mode using a list of system attributes.

Data Description

Column Data
Name Type
lread Reads (transfers per second) between system memory and user memory Integer
lwrite writes (transfers per second) between system memory and user memory Integer
scall Number of system calls of all types per second Integer
sread Number of system read calls per second Integer
swrite Number of system write calls per second Integer
fork Number of system fork calls per second. Integer
exec Number of system exec calls per second. Integer
rchar Number of characters transferred per second by system read calls Integer
wchar Number of characters transferred per second by system write calls Integer
pgout Number of page-out requests per second
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ppgout Number of pages, paged out per second Integer
pgfree Number of pages per second placed on the free list. Integer
pgscan Number of pages checked if they can be freed per second Integer
atch Number of page attaches (satisfying a page fault by reclaiming a page in memory) per second Integer
pgin Number of page-in requests per second Integer
ppgin Number of pages paged in per second Integer
pflt Number of page faults caused by protection errors (copy Integer
vflt Number of page faults caused by address translation. Integer
Process run queue size (The number of kernel threads in memory that are waiting for a CPU to Integer
run. Typically, this value should be less than 2. Consistently higher values mean that the system
runqsz might be CPU
freemem Number of memory pages available to user processes Integer
freeswap Number of disk blocks available for page swapping. Integer
Table 1: Data Description - Dataset 1

1.1. Read the data and do exploratory data analysis. Describe the data briefly. (Check the
Data types, shape, EDA, 5 point summary). Perform Univariate, Bivariate Analysis,
Multivariate Analysis.

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The data is imported, and the following are the observations:
 The data has 8192 rows and 22 columns. There is 1 object type data types and rest are float 7 int data types.

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Table 2: Data Summary

 Majority of the times the process run queue size was Not CPU Bound.
 On an average 83.9% of times the cpus run in user mode.
 There are no duplicate rows present in the data.
 There are few missing values in variables ‘rchar’ & ‘wchar’. These will be treated later.
 A new feature can be calculated which is the ‘System Read-Write rate’ by the features Number of
system read and write calls per second. So these features can be replaced by the newly created one.

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Univariate Analysis

Figure 1: Univariate Analysis (Usr)

 The CPU runs in user mode 80 to 99% of the times or it stays idle.

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Figure 3: Univariate Analysis (lwrite)

Figure 4: Univariate Analysis (srw rate)

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 The transfers per seconds for read and write is pretty fast as majority of the transfers are happening
 The System read-write rate is also quick and majority of the transactions happen to be under 5%.
 It seems that there are not many activities that are happening.

Bivariate Analysis

Figure 5: Bivariate analysis (usr vs lread)

 Two unusual spikes can be seen when comparing the number of reads per second with the CPUs
running in user mode.
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Figure 6: Bivariate analysis (usr vs lwrite)

 Similarly for the write, when the number or writes is high, only 2% of the CPU runs in user mode.
 This indicates that when the read/write is high, the majority of the CPU does not run in user mode.

Multivariate analysis
 From the pairplot shown below, we can see correlation between a few variables:

o Linear correlation can be seen between ‘vflt’, ‘pflt’ & ‘fork’. If the fork calls increase, number of
page faults also tend to increase.

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o Similarly, Number of page out requests per second is also highly correlated to the number of
pages, paged out per second.

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Figure 7: Pairplot

 Similar correlations can be observed from the heatmap

 Majority of the times ‘pgscan’ i.e the number of pages checked if they can be freed per second is 0.

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Figure 8: Correlation Heatmap

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 As observed before, number of page out requests per second is also highly correlated to the number of
pages, paged out per second variable.
 Similarly, both the page fault variables – pflt & vflt are highly correlated with the fork variable.
 We can try to drop these variables from the model and check the performance.
 We will also drop pgscan variable as it is 0, before building the models.

Outlier Detection & Treatment

 The red dots boxplots show that there is presence of outliers in all the variables.
 Majority of the variables are highly skewed as well.
 All the outliers are treated by adjusting them to the lower and upper bound values calculated by the
IQR value.

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Figure 9: Boxplot for outlier detection

1.2 Impute null values if present, also check for the values which are equal to zero. Do they
have any meaning or do we need to change them or drop them? Check for the possibility of
creating new features if required. Also check for outliers and duplicates if there.

The data is imported, and the following are the observations:

 As observed before, there were null values present in the variables ‘rchar’ & ‘wchar’.
 Since there are only a few values missing, these null values are replaced with the median value.
 It has also been observed that there are 0s present for many dimensions. These are all valid values as a
it is related to the activities in the computer system.
 No ordinal variables are available in the data hence an option to combine the sub-ordinal variables is
not there.
 Instead, as described above; a new feature is generated i.e. ‘srw_rate’ (System Read-Write rate) which
will be useful in model building and reducing multi-collinearity in the data.
 New features - number of page rate & page requests rate have also been created with the variables
pgin, pgout, ppgin & ppgout.

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 However these new features are not giving any significant output as majority of the values are 0 or inf.

1.3 Encode the data (having string values) for Modelling. Split the data into train and test
(70:30). Apply Linear regression using scikit learn. Perform checks for significant variables
using appropriate method from statsmodel. Create multiple models and check the
performance of Predictions on Train and Test sets using Rsquare, RMSE & Adj Rsquare.
Compare these models and select the best one with appropriate reasoning.

One Hot encoding is done on the only ‘Object’ types variable i.e ‘runqsz’.
A new column is created, with 1 indicating that variable as True and 0 as False and this is how the extended
variable’s data looks.

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JV65UCK2AH Table 3: Encoded data

Train – Test split & Model Building

The data set is split into training and testing data in the ratio of 70:30.
The Linear Regression model is built and fitted into the Training dataset.
The coefficients of all the variables are calculated, and it clearly shows that features like
‘runqsz_CPU_Bound’,’pgout’ will directly impact the value of the target variable if all the other variables are 0.
Similarly, is the case for the variables with negative coefficients.
The coefficient for lread is 0.03817618209248563
The coefficient for lwrite is -0.057922437287160726
The coefficient for scall is -0.0015063430043030404
The coefficient for fork is -0.4614891114963575
The coefficient for exec is -0.005118212759306604
The coefficient for rchar is -5.026192047489768e-06
The coefficient for wchar is -2.904685746643218e-06
The coefficient for pgout is 0.32735781004518383
The coefficient for ppgout is -0.24684549271472117
The coefficient for pgfree is -0.02942222087076294
The coefficient for pgscan is 3.608224830031759e-16
The coefficient for atch is 0.3356025437366802
The coefficient for pgin is 0.03680316328903658
The coefficient for ppgin is -0.12302670402364305
The coefficient for pflt is -0.02241295261454668

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The coefficient for vflt is -0.010443658418113646
The coefficient for freemem is 0.00013337885817554004
The coefficient for freeswap is -1.3445222133921218e-06
The coefficient for srw_rate is 0.22499316904760963
The coefficient for runqsz_CPU_Bound is 0.37779909857991506
The coefficient for runqsz_Not_CPU_Bound is -0.3777990985799155

Model Performance

Model 1 – Sklearn method

To check the model’s performance, we calculate the Rsquare values or the Coefficient of Determinants for both
Train and test data.

Rsquare for Train data: 0.722

RMSE for Train data: 2.47
This is a good value. This shows that almost 72% of the variance of the training dataset was captured by the
Now evaluating the Rsquare and RMSE for test data.
Rsquare for Test data: 0.708
RMSE for Test data: 2.54
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This is also a good value. This shows that almost 70% of the variance of the testing dataset was captured by the

The model seems to be neither overfitting nor under-fitting, therefore this is a good model to go with.
However, let’s see if there is any improvement with the statsmodel approach.

Model 1- Statsmodel method

If we build the model using stats model and OLS method, we see that the Adjusted Rsquare is equal to the
Rsqaure value which is 0.72.
This shows that there is no statistical fluke or sampling error present.
Looking at the p-values of the predictors, we see that variables like ‘exec’, ‘pgout’, ‘ppgout’ etc. have a p-value
greater than 0.05. This shows that there is no relation between this variable and the target variable, hence
these are not useful in prediction.
Rsquare for Train data: 0.72
OLS Output:

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Figure 10: Statsmodel Model 2

Model 2
Building another model using Statsmodel without the Page variables:
Also using the newly created srw_rate feature.
Rsquare for Train data: 0.70

RMSE for Train data: 2.57

Rsquare for Test data: 0.68

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RMSE for Test data: 2.62

OLS Output:

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Figure 11: Statsmodel model 2

There seems not much of a difference in the Rsqaure values for the 2 models above. We can try to remove
more non-significant variables, and build more models.
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Model 3

Building another model using Statsmodel without the variables: "fork","exec","atch","pgfree","freemem" which
have very high p-value.

Rsquare for Train data: 0.70

RMSE for Train data: 2.57

Rsquare for Test data: 0.68

RMSE for Test data: 2.63

OLS Output:

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Figure 12: Statsmodel model 3

There seems to be no major improvement in the R Square and RMSE values after removing the not so
significant variables.
It would be better to go with the SKlearn model for prediction and Statsmodel model for interpretation and
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understand which variables are playing a major role in the model.

NOTE: The VIF method can also be used for identifying important variables and eliminating the ones that are
not significant and have high multicollinearity.

1.4 Inference: Basis on these predictions, what are the business insights and

Business Insights
The following are the observations for the predictions made by the model:

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Figure 13: Scatterplot- Actual vs predicted

 Since this is regression model, we have plotted the predicted y values vs the actual y values for the test
dataset. This is the plot obtained.
 From the plot, it is visible that the actual and the predicted values are close enough, except for a few.
This shows that the model performed good as per the data.
 We get the following Linear Regression equation from the final model:

Usr = (66.2) * Intercept + (0.04) * lread + (-0.06) * lwrite + (-0.0) * scall + (-0.46) * fork + (-0.01) * exec + (-0.0) * rchar + (-0
.0) * wchar + (0.33) * pgout + (-0.25) * ppgout + (-0.03) * pgfree + (0.0) * pgscan + (0.34) * atch + (0.04) * pgin + (-0.12) *
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JV65UCK2AH ppgin + (-0.02) * pflt + (-0.01) * vflt + (0.0) * freemem + (-0.0) * freeswap + (0.22) * srw_rate + (33.48) * runqsz_CPU_Bou
nd + (32.72) * runqsz_Not_CPU_Bound

 We see that CPU run in user mode is highly influenced by the Process run queue size
 If the CPU bound queue size is increased by 1 unit, the % of time the CPU will run in user mode will
increase by 33.5 times, keeping all other features constant.
 Similarly, if the non-CPU bound queue size is increased by 1 unit, the % of time the CPU will run in user
mode will increase by 32.7 times, keeping all other features constant.
 Together the Process run queue size variable affects the % of time the CPU will run in user mode by a
value of approx. 132 times, including the Intercept.
 All the other features are not impacting the CPU runtime too significantly.

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Problem Statement 2: Classification
You are a statistician at the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health and you are provided with a data of 1473
females collected from a Contraceptive Prevalence Survey. The samples are married women who were either
not pregnant or do not know if they were at the time of the survey.

The problem is to predict do/don't they use a contraceptive method of choice based on their demographic and
socio-economic characteristics.

Data Description
Column Name Description Data Type
Wife_age Wife's age numerical
Wife_ education 1=uneducated, 2, 3, Categorical
Husband_education 1=uneducated, 2, 3, Categorical
No_of_children_born numerical
Wife_religion Non-Scientology, Scientology Binary
Wife_Working Yes, No Binary
Husband_Occupation 1, 2, 3, 4(random) Categorical
Standard_of_living_index 1=very low, 2, 3, 4=high Categorical
Media_exposure Good, Not good Binary
Contraceptive_method_used Target
Table 4: Data description: Dataset 2

2.1 Data Ingestion: Read the dataset. Do the descriptive statistics and do null value condition
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check, check for duplicates
JV65UCK2AH and outliers and write an inference on it. Perform Univariate and
Bivariate Analysis and Multivariate Analysis.

The data is imported, and the following are the observations:

 The data has 1473 rows and 10 variables. There are 5 variables that have object data types and rest are
int data types.
 There are a few missing values in the dataset in the variables ‘wife_age’ and ‘No_of_children_born’.
These are replaced by the median values to remove the null entries.
 There are 80 duplicate rows which can be dropped from the dataset. The number for rows is 1393 now.
 The variable ‘Husband_Occupation’ has been also changed to Object data type as it is a categorical

count unique top freq

Wife_ education 1393 4 Tertiary 515

Husband_education 1393 4 Tertiary 827

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count unique top freq

Wife_religion 1393 2 Scientology 1186

Wife_Working 1393 2 No 1043

Husband_Occupation 1393 4 3 570

Standard_of_living_index 1393 4 Very High 618

Media_exposure 1393 2 Exposed 1284

Contraceptive_method_used 1393 2 Yes 779

Table 5: Data description

 From the 5-point summary of the object type variables, we can see that Tertiary is the most frequent
education level of both Husband and Wife.
 Scientology is the most frequent religion that is followed by the women and majority of them are not
 Majority of the Husbands Occupation is of level 3.
 The Standard of living index is very high amongst the people and majority of them are exposed to
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 This means that the people might be from a city or an urban area.
 Majority of the women have used a contraceptive method.

Figure 14: Histogram (wife age)

 The age of the wives ranges from 18 to 49 years where most of them are in their 30’s and mid 20’s early
 Majority of the people had 1 or 2 children but a few have more than 15 children as well.

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Figure 15: Histogram (No. of children born)

Univariate Analysis

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Figure 16: Countplot (Wife education)

Figure 17: Husband education

 As mentioned, Tertiary is the most frequent education level of both Husband and Wife.
 Fewer Husbands are uneducated as compared to the wives.

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Figure 18: Countplot Wife religion

 Also, Scientology is followed the most.

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Figure 19: Countplot (wife working)

 Majority of the wives are not working.

Figure 20: Countplot (Standard of living index)

 Major portion of the people are from the areas where the standard of living is Very High and High.
 In total around 350 people are from the areas with Low and Very low standard of living index.

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Figure 21: Countplot (Contraceptive method used)

 We already know that the majority of the women have used a contraceptive method, however
there is a good proportion as well who have not used any.

Bivariate Analysis

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Figure 22: Contraceptives used vs Wife age

 Looks like females at an age of 25 to 35 have used contraceptive methods, with some extreme values.
 Many females from 25 to 43 have not used any contraceptive methods as well.

Figure 23: Contraceptives used vs wife education

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Figure 24: Contraceptives used vs Husband education

 Females who have completed their secondary and Tertiary education have used contraceptive
methods more as compared to the others.
 Whereas, Females who are not educated or only completed Primary education tend not to use any
contraceptive methods.
 Similar finding can be seen based on the Husband’s education level.

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Figure 25: Contraceptives used vs No.of children

 It is interesting to see that the majority of women are using contraceptives after 3 childern.
 Majority Women who have only 1 child are not taking any contraceptives. This indicates that they have
intentions to have more children.
 However, a very few women also take contraceptives even though they have no children.

Figure 26: Contraceptives used vs Wife religion

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 Religion does not seem to affect the use of Contraceptives.

Figure 27: Contraceptives used vs Wife working

 The proportion of non-working women taking contraceptives as more as compared to the women
who are working.

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Figure 28: Contraceptive used vs Husband occupation

 Since we do not have clear definitions of the Husbands Occupation levels, assuming level 1 to be the
lowest and 4 being the highest.
 The proportion of females using contraceptives as more for occupation level 1,2 & 3 as compared to 4.

Figure 29: Contraceptives used vs Standard of living index

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 As seen before, women from area with high and very high standard of living use contraceptive methods

Figure 30: Contraceptives used vs Media Exposure

 Women with the exposure to media use contraceptives more as compared to the others.

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Figure 31: Pairplot

 The pairplot does not indicate any major trend/correlation between the variables.
 Some of the variables available in the pairplot, do not have the classes well separated. They will not be
considered as good predictors.

2.2 Do not scale the data. Encode the data (having string values) for Modelling. Data Split:
Split the data into train and test (70:30). Apply Logistic Regression and LDA (linear
discriminant analysis) and CART.


 Since the data has string & categorical type variables, these variables must be encoded so that the
Machine Learning model understands the data.
 In the target variable, "No" is replaced by 0 and "Yes" is replaced by 1 first.
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 Similarly, ordinal numbers are given to the values in variables Wife_ education, Husband_education &
 After this dummy encoding us used to encode the data for the rest of the columns.
 The dataset looks like this.

Wif e_ Husban No_of_c Standard_ Wife_religi Wife_W Husband_ Husband_ Husband_
e_a edu d_educa hildren_ of_living_i on_Sciento orking_ Occupatio Occupatio Occupatio
ge cati tion born ndex logy Yes n_2 n_3 n_4

0 2 3 3.0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0

1 1 3 10.0 4 1 0 0 1 0 0

2 2 3 7.0 4 1 0 0 1 0 0
Table 6: Encoded data

Train-Test split

 To build the Machine Learning models, we split the entire data set into a ratio of 70:30 into Training
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dataset and Testing dataset.
 Since there are 1 and 0 values in the dependent variable, we need to ensure that an equal number of 1
and 0 are split into both Training and Testing datasets.
 This will ensure a balance in the data and will not cause biasness while Training or Testing the model.
Therefore, a function stratify=target is used while splitting.

Model Building
Logistic Regression Model

After the data preprocessing Logistic Regression model is applied to the Train and Test datasets with default
hyper-parameters and solver considered as to be ‘newton-cg’.
Performance metrics

 Classification report – Train Data

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Table 7: Classification report - Logistic regression model 1 - Train

 Classification report – Test Data

Table 8: Classification report - Logistic Regression model 1 - Test

 AUC and ROC Curve – Train Data

o AUC: 0.722

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Figure 32: ROC Curve - Logistic regression model - Train

 AUC and ROC Curve – Test Data

o AUC: 0.665

Figure 33: ROC Curve - Logistic regression model - Test

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From the Accuracy and Recall values, the model seems to be performing fine. However, from the AUC
values & ROC curve for Test data shows that it is not covering a large area as compared to the train data.
Therefore, there is a need to optimize this model.
Feature importance:

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Figure 34: Important features

 The model also shows that features like Wife education, Husband Occupation 4 and highly important as
they are directly correlated to the dependent variable.
 The variables Wife_religion_Scientology and Media_exposure_Not-Exposed are also very important

Optimized Logistic Regression Model

To optimize the Logistic Regression model, the best parameters are found using Grid Search Cross Validation
These are the best parameters obtained:
'penalty': 'l1'
'solver': 'saga'
'tol': 0.0001

Another Logistic Regression model is built with these best parameters

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The model evaluation score is calculated, along with the confusion matrix. The AUC-ROC curve is also plotted
for both the versions of the model to check their performance. This will be described later.
Performance metrics

 Classification report – Train Data

Table 9: Classification report - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Train

 Classification report – Test Data

Table 10: Classification report - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Test

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JV65UCK2AH  AUC and ROC Curve – Train Data
o AUC: 0.722

Figure 35: ROC Curve - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Train

 AUC and ROC Curve – Test Data

o AUC: 0.722

Figure 36: ROC Curve - Optimized Logistic Regression model – Test

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The Accuracy, Recall and Precision seems to be the same as per the previous model, however there are slight
variation in the AUC score.
There does not seem to be much of an improvement in the figures, therefore let us try to build an LDA model
to get better performance.

LDA Model

The LDA model is also built with default parameters. The default cut-off value of 0.5 is considered for

This model is also further evaluated with Accuracy score, along with the confusion matrix. The AUC-ROC curve
is plotted for both the Train and Test data.

Performance metrics

 Classification report – Train Data

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Table 11: Classification report - LDA model - Train

 Classification report – Test Data

Table 12: Classification report - LDA model – Test

 AUC and ROC Curve – Train Data

o AUC: 0.722

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Figure 37: ROC Curve - LDA model – Train

 AUC and ROC Curve – Test Data

o AUC: 0.662

Figure 38: ROC Curve - LDA model - Test

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The LDA model looks a bit better than the Logistic Regression models in terms of the Recall value for Train and
test data. However, the Accuracy for the test data has taken a hit. The AUC and ROC curves also do not show a
significant difference compared to the other models built.

CART Model

A CART model is also built using the following parameters:

criterion = 'gini',
max_depth = 7,

This model is also further evaluated with Accuracy score, along with the confusion matrix. The AUC-ROC curve
is plotted for both the Train and Test data.

 Classification report – Train Data

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Table 13: Classification report - CART model - Train

 Classification report – Test Data

Table 14: Classification report - CART model - Test

 AUC and ROC Curve – Train Data

o AUC: 0.821

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Figure 39: ROC Curve - CART model – Train

 AUC and ROC Curve – Test Data

o AUC: 0.721

Figure 40: ROC Curve - CART model – Test

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The CART model from all the other models seems to be performing the best in terms of Accuracy, Recall and
Precision values.
Feature Importance:

Table 15: Important features from CART model

The CART model also gives the most important features according to which the split in the Decision Tree was
Wife_age, Wife_ education & No_of_children_born are the important features. These are not the same as the
Logistic Regression model suggested.

2.3 Performance Metrics: Check the performance of Predictions on Train and Test sets using
Accuracy, Confusion Matrix, Plot ROC curve and get ROC_AUC score for each model Final
Model: Compare Both the models and write inference which model is best/optimized.
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Model Evaluation and Performance

To check performance of Predictions of every model built on Train and Test datasets, Accuracy score is
A Confusion Matrix, ROC curve and AUC-ROC score has been devised as well.
We have considered the ‘Contraceptive method used’ i.e both 0, 1 as the interest classes. Therefore, we will
also look at the Accuracy scores of all models.
Comparing Confusion matrix of all models (Train data)
Logistic Regression Tuned Logistic Regression Model

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LDA Model CART Model

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Figure 41: Confusion matrices of all models (Train data)

Comparing Confusion matrix of all models (Test data)

Logistic Regression Tuned Logistic Regression Model

LDA Model CART Model

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Figure 42: Confusion matrices of all models (Test data)

Model Accuracy Recall Precision AUC

Name Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test
Logistic 0.68 0.65 0.79 0.80 0.68 0.65 0.72 0.66
Tuned 0.67 0.65 0.79 0.80 0.68 0.66 0.72 0.72
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JV65UCK2AH LDA Model 0.67 0.64 0.80 0.80 0.67 0.64 0.72 0.66
CART 0.74 0.68 0.85 0.8 0.73 0.68 0.82 0.72
Table 16: Different model parameters

From all the inferences above, we see that mostly all the models have similar performance.
The Accuracy score for all the models are above 65% for both test and train data.

Best model selection:

With this, it is also very clear that the CART model has performed above all the rest of the models. With an
Accuracy value of 68%, it is predicting the highest percentage of both our classes of interest.
If we still look at the Recall value, the CART model is able to identify 80% of the true positives correctly. The
LDA model also gives a similar Recall value, however the Accuracy of the CART model is slightly higher
therefore it would be better to consider the CART model for doing the prediction.
Similarly, we see that the Area Under the Curve (AUC) captured is 82% for train data and 72% for the test data.
It is not the best however; it still supersedes all the other models.
Therefore, it is safe to say that this model can be used for making predictions on any unseen data that is fed to
the model.

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2.4 Inference: Basis on these predictions, what are the insights and recommendations.

Business Insights & Recommendations

From the important features from Logistic Regression Model & CART Model
 As per the Logistic Regression model, the wife’s education, no. of children born is very important in
deciding whether the women will use contraceptive methods or not.
 The CART model also indicates that the wife’s education, no. of children born are important. Therefore,
these features are highly important.
 Both the models also indicated that the Husband’s education is also important, and in real life that makes
sense. This feature can influence the wife’s decision to use contraceptive methods.

 Women from area with high and very high standard of living are more likely to use contraceptive methods.
 Women between the age of 25 to 35 years are more likely to use contraceptives which have a good
education level.
 The education level of the husband also plays a major role in contributing to the fact that the wife will use
contraceptive methods or not.
 It would be helpful to get the viewpoint of the women who do not have any children and are still using
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 The exposure to media also plays a key role.
 Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health can reach out to women who do not use contraceptive and can
educate them about its usage, affects etc.
 Wives who have 8, 10, 11 & 12 do not use contraceptives. It would be interesting to see if why this situation
is there.

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