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Dear Lakota Board of Education,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my decision to resign from Lakota Local Schools
effective January 31, 2023. It should come as no surprise that, when faced with a chance to
take another position outside the school system, I had no alternative but to take it because of
the increasingly hostile work environment caused by Ms. Boddy. Her crusade to force me to
resign is direct retaliation for my efforts to protect Lakota students of all genders and races from
her destructive efforts.

While the rest of the Board does not share Ms. Boddy’s views, the fact remains that she has
succeeded in her efforts and destroyed my career in the bargain. I remain frustrated that the
Board as a whole did not protect me and my family from Ms. Boddy and her harassment, which
has continued to this day. She has outright lied about me in public meetings, executive
sessions, and in official interactions with citizens. The efforts to which she and others went to
achieve my resignation have terrified me and my family. Multiple death threats were made
against me as a result of her campaign, and I have good reason to believe that Ms. Boddy was
behind an attempt by one of her cohorts to gain access inside my home. The Board was made
aware of all of this. Yet despite some members’ private and public expressions of support, no
action was ultimately taken to protect me or my family. Perhaps the most unfortunate part is that
because Ms. Boddy has been permitted to succeed, the students, parents and staff of Lakota
are likely to be impacted by her and her supporters’ troubling agenda for months and years to

I remain extremely proud of all that WE at Lakota - the amazing teachers, staff and
administrators - have accomplished together during my tenure. Everything I did was with our
mission statement in mind: to provide a future-ready, student-centered learning experience for
every single child. The collective accomplishments are even greater when one fully understands
the challenging times we’ve all faced over the last few years.

I will always appreciate the overwhelming support I have had from parents, the community,
teachers, and staff through this ordeal. Having to leave Lakota is incredibly difficult for me, but I
have to protect myself and my family. Taking this new opportunity will remove me from this
nightmare, and given the damage done to my reputation, I cannot afford to pass it up.

Please know, I will still be in our community, cheering all of our students and staff on and
continuing to support Lakota Local Schools.

Matthew Miller

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