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SS 148 : 2012

(ICS 67.100.10) 


Specification for reconstituted or

recombined milk

Published by
SS 148 : 2012
(ICS 67.100.10)

Specification for reconstituted or recombined milk

ISBN 978-981-4353-46-5
SS 148 : 2012

This Singapore Standard was approved by the Food Standards Committee on behalf of the Singapore
Standards Council on 11 October 2012.

First published, 1976

First revision, 2012

The Food Standards Committee appointed by the Standards Council consists of the following

Name Capacity

Chairman : Mr Tan Khieng Sin Member, Standards Council

1 Deputy
Chairman : Dr Chew Siang Thai Member, Standards Council
2 Deputy
Chairman : Mr Lim Kay Kong Prima Limited (Flour Mills)
Secretary : Ms Elynn Hooi Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards
Development Organisation
Advisor : Dr Chua Sin Bin Individual Capacity
Members : Mr Anthony Kin Tong Say The Restaurant Association of Singapore
Mr Sunny Koh Lai Hong Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Ms Kow Ree Na Economic Development Board
Mrs Ku-Chong Lee Fong Singapore Polytechnic
Dr Lionel Lau Chin Leon Institute of Technical Education
Ms Linda Leong-Quek S C Individual Capacity
Dr Allan Lim Singapore Institute of Food Science and Technology
Mr Lim Bak Seah Individual Capacity
Ms Jesline Lim SPRING Singapore
Ms Loh Soi Min SPRING Singapore
Dr Ong Mei Horng Fraser & Neave Limited
Ms Rosyati Mohamed Said GS1 Singapore Limited
Ms Seah Peik Ching Health Promotion Board
Mr Seah Seng Choon Consumer Association of Singapore
Ms Tan Boon Teng National Environment Agency
Mr Wong Mong Hong Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association
Ms Yeo Ai Lin International Enterprise Singapore
Dr Zhou Weibiao National University of Singapore

SS 148 : 2012

The Technical Committee on Milk and Milk Products appointed by the Food Standards Committee and
responsible for the preparation of this standard consists of representatives from the following

Name Capacity

Chairman : Dr Ong Mei Horng Fraser & Neave Limited

Secretary : Mr Loh June Jett Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards
Development Organisation
Members : Ms Joanne Chan Sheot Harn Health Sciences Authority
Mr Gan Seow Peng Individual Capacity
Dr Kelvin Goh Individual Capacity
Mr Richard Khaw Min Cheh Nanyang Polytechnic
Dr Jasmine Leong Woon Ying Singapore Polytechnic
Dr Liu Shao Quan National University of Singapore
Mrs Tay-Chan Su Chin Temasek Polytechnic
Ms Teo Siok Lay Malaysia Dairy Industries Pte Ltd
Dr Wong Kwok Onn Agri-food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore

SS 148 : 2012

(blank page)

SS 148 : 2012


Foreword 6


1 Scope 7
2 Normative references 7
3 Definitions 7
4 Requirements 7
5 Sampling and preparation of test sample 9
6 Tests 9
7 Packaging 9
8 Marking 10


1 Composition limits of the product 8

Bibliography 11

SS 148 : 2012


This Singapore Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Milk and Milk Products under
the direction of the Food Standards Committee.

The main updates in this version are in the methods of test which are found in Table 1 ‒ Composition
limits of the product and the Bibliography.

The footnote of Table 1 is reproduced from CODEX STAN 207-1999 : ‘Standard for milk powders and
cream powder’ and acknowledgement is made to the Food and Agriculture Organization of United
Nations for the use of materials from the standard.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Singapore Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. Enterprise Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all of
such patent rights.

SS 148 : 2012

Specification for reconstituted or recombined milk

1 Scope
This standard covers the requirements and methods of test for reconstituted or recombined milk that
has been subjected to heat treatment process.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

AOAC 948.27 Sediment in dairy products

AOAC 960.49 Filth in dairy products

AOAC 2002.07 Detection and quantification of total aerobic microorganisms

ISO 1736:2008 (IDF 9: 2008) Dried milk and dried milk products – Determination of fat content –
Gravimetric method (Reference method)

ISO 6091:2010 (IDF 86:2010) Dried milk – Determination of titratable acidity (Reference method)

ISO 6734:2010 (IDF 15:2010) Sweetened condensed milk – Determination of total solids content
(Reference method)

ISO 8968-1:2001 (IDF 20-1: 2001) Milk – Determination of nitrogen content – Part 1: Kjeldahl

ISO/TS 27265:2009 (IDF/RM 228:2009) Dried milk – Enumeration of the specially thermoresistant
spores of thermophilic bacteria


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