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Semester-1 Introduction to International Relations 03 Cr. Hrs.

The course is designed to acquaint students with the early
history and core concepts of international relations. The
developments in the discipline of international relations are
essentially intertwined with the world events at a particular
The course is designed to focus on the dynamics of
International Relations, national interests, power factor
and state behavior as a guide to understand the nature of
real politick. The course will enable the students to
analyze the basic approaches and fundamental concepts of
International Relations.
Course Outline:

1. (Week 1)
Introduction, Nature and Scope of International Relations
2. (Week 2-4)
Approaches to the Study of International Relations:
a) Realism, neo realism
b) Idealism (Liberalism)
c) Behaviouralism
3. (Week 5)
Concept of Nationalism
4. (Week 6-8)
Origion and causes of World Wars I & II

 Presentation, Assignment and Mid Term

5. (Week 9&10)
International Relations between the two World Wars I & II
6) (Week 11)
Balance of Power.
7). (Week 12-13)
National Interests in International Relations
8. (Week 14)
Concept of Diplomacy
9. (Week 15-16)
Huntington theory of Clash of civilization
Fukuyama theory of End of History

 Presentation, Assignment and Final Exam

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