Iskander Mirza

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Iskander Mirza (1955-58)

1955 Iskander Mirza acting GG, Bogra Dismissed as PM
5 Oct 1955 Formation of One Unit
23 March 1956 Constitution announced
12 Sep 1956 Ch. Muhammad Ali resigns, Suhrawardy new PM
8 Oct 1957 Suhrawardy dismissed, I.I. Chundrigar PM
Dec 1957 I.I. Chundrigar dismissed, Feroze Khan Noon PM
7 Oct 1958 Mirza proclaimed Martial Law. Mirza President, Ayub
Khan PM

Iskander Mirza (1955-58)

• Governor of East Pakistan

• Took charge as acting GG
• Dismissed Muhammad Ali Bogra and appointed Ch. Muhammad Ali PM
• New constitution on 23 March 1956
• Pakistan declared as Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Rights Guaranteed by the Constitution

Free speech and assembly Right to security

Right to vote Right to move any where
Right to form political parties Right to marry
Right to criticize Right to Education
Freedom from unlawful arrest Right to own Property
Freedom of religion Right to choose trade or profession
Equality as a citizen Freedom of culture
1956 Constitution: Government Structure
Federal Powers: Chooses
and President Prime Minister,
Provincial Emergency Powers,
Courts Can Dissolve NA.
Muslim, over 40,
PM from NA,
Dissolution of NA
Prime Minister after PM advice

Powers: Choses Cabinet

Restriction: Cabinet
Islamic Cabinet Must be from NA
Right of Veto
on Legislation Powers:
NA and PA Advises
NA: House of President.
Parliament, Restriction:
One Unit.
300 members only Advice
EP and WP
over 21 years

The One Unit Policy

On 5 Oct 1955 Mirza announced policy of one unit

• He claimed it would bring efficiency and rapid development

• Significant step for unity of the country
• Equal representation for both wings
• To draft constitution for the country

Rejected by the Majority

• East Pakistan rejected because its majority had been converted into
• Reservations from smaller provinces
• Independent status of states came to an end
• Cultural and social diversity of the regions

Expected Questions

Q How successful have governments been in the Islamisation of Pakistan between 1947 and
1988? Explain your answer. [14]
Q Why did Pakistan face so many problems in the provision of education between 1947 and
1988? [7]
Q Why did educational reform become such an important issue between 1947 and 1988? [7]
Q The low rate of literacy was the most important social problem facing Pakistan between 1947
and 1988.' Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
Q How successful have governments been in the Islamisation of Pakistan between 1947 and
1956? Explain your answer. [14]
Q Why was it so difficult to agree on a new Constitution in 1950? [7]

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