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Certified Professional in

Healthcare Quality
International Candidate Handbook
Effective March 15, 2023

Table of Contents

Affiliation ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Accreditation ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Statement of Nondiscrimination...................................................................................................... 4
PROGRAM OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction to the CPHQ Program ............................................................................................ 5
Examination Services........................................................................................................................ 5
Objectives of Certification ............................................................................................................... 6
Definition of the Quality Professional ......................................................................................... 6
CPHQ Statistics ................................................................................................................................... 7
Certification .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Recertification ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Eligibility Requirements .................................................................................................................. 9
About the Examination .................................................................................................................. 11
Pretest Questions on the Examination .................................................................................... 11
THE CPHQ INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATION.............................................................................. 11
Examination Administration ........................................................................................................ 12
Assessment Center Locations ..................................................................................................... 12
Special Arrangements for Candidates with Disabilities ..................................................... 12
Attestation .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Exam Eligibility.................................................................................................................................. 14
Applying for and Scheduling an Examination....................................................................... 14
Rescheduling an Examination .................................................................................................... 15
Requesting Additional Time to Schedule and Take the Exam ........................................ 15
Missed Appointments .................................................................................................................... 16
No Refunds or Transfers................................................................................................................. 16
Inclement Weather, Power Failure, or Emergency at an Assessment Center........... 16
RULES FOR COMPUTERIZED TESTING ........................................................................................ 17
Taking the Examination................................................................................................................. 17
Identification ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Assessment Center and Online Security ................................................................................. 18

Personal Belongings ....................................................................................................................... 18
Examination Restrictions .............................................................................................................. 19
Misconduct ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Candidate Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 20
Copyrighted Examination Questions........................................................................................ 21
System and Equipment Testing ................................................................................................. 21
Practice Examination...................................................................................................................... 21
Timed Examination ......................................................................................................................... 21
Candidate Comments .................................................................................................................... 23
Following the Examination .......................................................................................................... 23
GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................................................................................. 24
Fees ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Scores Canceled by HQCC or PSI ............................................................................................... 24
Disciplinary Policy ............................................................................................................................ 24
Pass or Fail Score Determination ............................................................................................... 25
If You Pass the Examination......................................................................................................... 26
Continuing Education Credit ....................................................................................................... 26
Verification of CPHQ Status.......................................................................................................... 26
If You Fail the Examination ........................................................................................................... 26
Appeals ................................................................................................................................................ 27
Verification of Scores ...................................................................................................................... 27
Preparation for the CPHQ Certification Examination ......................................................... 27
CPHQ EXAMINATION CONTENT OUTLINE ................................................................................. 30

It is the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand
the contents of this handbook before applying for the
This handbook contains current information about the Certified Professional in
Healthcare Quality® (CPHQ) certification examination developed by the Healthcare
Quality Certification Commission (HQCC). It is essential that you keep it readily
available for reference until you are notified of your performance on the
examination. All previous versions of this handbook are null and void.

For address changes, requests for a current candidate handbook, and information
about the development and administration of the CPHQ examination, certification
program, and recertification, direct correspondence to:

HQCC/NAHQ Headquarters
8600 West Bryn Mawr Ave.
Suite 710 N.
Chicago, IL 60631, USA

For general inquiries and questions about the exam or recertification, contact HQCC
by phone at 847.375.4720 or e-mail [email protected].

Candidates can register for the examination online at

HQCC, previously known as the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB), is the
certifying arm of the not- for-profit National Association for Healthcare Quality
(NAHQ), which was formed in 1976 to advance the profession of healthcare quality
through the development of a certification program. HQCC establishes policies,
procedures, and standards for certification and recertification in the field of
healthcare quality. The granting of CPHQ status by HQCC recognizes professional
and academic achievement through the individual’s participation in this voluntary
certification program.

The CPHQ certification program is fully accredited by the National Commission for
Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the accrediting arm of the Institute for Credentialing
Excellence (ICE), Washington, DC.

Statement of Nondiscrimination
The certification examination is offered to all eligible candidates, regardless of age,
gender, race, religion, national origin, marital status, or disability. Neither
NAHQ/HQCC nor PSI, the examination service provider, discriminates on the basis of
age, gender, race, religion, national origin, marital status, gender identity, sexual
orientation, or disability.

Introduction to the CPHQ Program
The purpose of certification in the healthcare quality field is to promote excellence
and professionalism. The program certifies individuals who demonstrate their
knowledge and expertise in this field by passing a written examination. The CPHQ
designation provides the healthcare employer and the public with the assurance
that certified individuals possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience in
healthcare quality to perform competently.

The high standards of the certification program are ensured by the close working
relationships among NAHQ, HQCC, healthcare quality professionals, and testing
experts. HQCC adheres to NCCA standards in the development and implementation
of its certification program.

The certification program is not designed to determine who is qualified or who shall
engage in healthcare quality activities. The goal is to promote excellence and
professionalism by documenting individual performance as measured against a
predetermined level of knowledge about quality. All CPHQ’s are expected to comply
with NAHQ’s code of ethics in spirit and action. A cooperative effort by HQCC, PSI,
and practicing healthcare quality professionals has resulted in the definition of tasks
significant to the practice of quality. These competencies are included in the
certification examination. The examination materials are developed by practicing
healthcare quality professionals and HQCC.

Examination Services
NAHQ contracts with PSI to provide examination services in—person or online
internationally or outside of the United States and its territories. PSI carefully adheres
to industry standards for development of practice-related, criterion-referenced
examinations to assess competency and is responsible for administering the
certification exam and scoring and reporting examination results. PSI, which serves
as NAHQ’s online proctor, maintains a privacy policy and terms and conditions of use
that candidates will be subject to in completing the exam online. PSI requires
candidates to log onto its Remote Proctoring platform to complete the exam while
being monitored through your webcam, microphone and through your computer’s
desktop, which are all accessible to PSI’s remote examiner. PSI collects that
information for identity verification, conducting the examination, for fraud
prevention, security and integrity, and as otherwise required by law. Before
registering to take the CPHQ exam with online proctoring, you are encouraged to
read PSI’s privacy policy and other applicable terms and conditions, which are
available on its website.

Questions related to the examination should be referred to:

CPHQ Examination
18000 W. 105th Street

Olathe, KS 66061-7543

USA 877.714.5686
International 858.875.3688
Email: [email protected]

Objectives of Certification
The objectives of the certification program for quality professionals are to
1. Promote professional standards and improve the practice of quality
2. Give special recognition to those professionals who demonstrate an acquired
body of knowledge and expertise in the field through successful completion
of the examination process
3. Identify acceptable knowledge of the principles and practice of healthcare
quality for employers, the public, and members of allied professions
4. Foster continuing competence and maintain the professional standard in
healthcare quality through the recertification program.

Definition of the Quality Professional

The practice of quality occurs in all healthcare settings, is performed by professionals
with diverse clinical and nonclinical educational and experience backgrounds, and
involves the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the tasks significant
to practice in the CPHQ examination content outline. (Refer to the Examination
Content Outline at the end of the handbook)

A Certified Professional in Healthcare

Quality (CPHQ) is

An individual who passed the accredited

examination, demonstrating competent
knowledge, skill, and understanding of
program development and management,
quality improvement concepts,
coordination of survey processes,
communication and education techniques,
and departmental management.

HQCC’s goal is to produce examinations that test generic concepts that can be
applied to any healthcare setting. Candidates who pass the CPHQ examination must
also understand how all of these important elements of quality and
case/care/disease/utilization/risk management, as well as data and general
management skills, integrate to produce an effective and efficient system to
monitor and improve care

CPHQ Statistics

Total CPHQ
12000 11,244





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Total Candidates
4000 3,778

3500 3,331

3000 2,771
2500 2,308





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Total CPHQ Pass Rate

70% 67%
62% 62%





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

International Pass Rate



50% 46%

39% 40%




2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

To become certified, each quality professional must pass the CPHQ examination. The
examination is available in computer-based format online, or at assessment centers
in the United States and multiple international locations.

International certificants will receive a copy of their unofficial score report from PSI
typically within 8-12 weeks following the close of the testing window. Access to the
CPHQ digital badge will be provided approximately 3–4 weeks after scores are

The credential is valid from the time you receive your digital badge through a 2-year
period, which begins on January 1 of the year following the date you pass the
examination. Certified professionals are entitled to use the designation “CPHQ” after
their names, and add the digital badge to emails signatures.

Candidates who do not achieve a passing score or whose cycle of eligibility has
expired must submit a new application.

Following successful completion of the certification examination, the CPHQ is
required to maintain certification by fulfilling continuing education (CE)
requirements, which are reviewed and established annually by HQCC. The current
requirements include:
• Obtaining and maintaining documentation of 30 CE hours, 8 of which are
NAHQ-approved* CE activities over the 2-year recertification cycle—
beginning January 1 of the year following the date you passed the exam
• Complete the Professional Assessment at least once during your 2-year
recertification cycle
• Payment of a recertification fee.

All CE must relate to areas covered in the most current examination content outline.
Current employment in the quality field is not required to maintain active CPHQ
status. The process for obtaining recertification can be found in the Recertification

*A NAHQ-approved activity is defined as an activity that has been approved by

NAHQ through the CPHQ CE Approval Program.

Eligibility Requirements
All candidates residing in non-sanctioned countries* and China** have complete
access to the examination process. Those who aspire to excel and demonstrate their
competency in the field of healthcare quality have a chance to do so and achieve

After years of extensive experience in testing research and development, and after
observing the extraordinarily diverse backgrounds of exceptional candidates who
have been successful on the examination and as CPHQs, the commission is
confident that the carefully crafted CPHQ examination will differentiate between
candidates who are able to demonstrate competence and those who are not. It is
with this confidence that HQCC celebrates the elimination of barriers such as
minimum education and experience requirements that are not objectively linked to
success on the examination and effectiveness as a healthcare quality professional.

Candidates must take time to assess and judge their own readiness to apply to take
the CPHQ examination, particularly if they have not worked in the field for at least 2
years. A careful review of all available information about the tasks covered in the
CPHQ examination content outline, sample examination questions, reference list,
and any other available data is essential before making the decision to apply for the

The examination committee develops and writes the examination to test the
knowledge, skills, and abilities of effective quality professionals who have been
performing a majority of the tasks on the examination outline for at least 2 years. The
examination does not test at the entry level and is not appropriate for entry-level
candidates. If the candidate is new to healthcare quality, has worked in the field less
than 2 years, or his or her experience as a quality manager was not specifically
related to healthcare, HQCC cautions that the candidate may not be ready to
attempt the examination. Refer to the content outline later in this handbook for
detailed content information and other tools to assess readiness.

*The U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control administers and
enforces economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. against foreign countries. PSI may
not engage in business transactions nor provide testing services to any person or
entity located in or having residence in the following currently sanctioned countries:

• Crimea Region of Ukraine

• Cuba***
• Iran
• North Korea
• Syria
• Sudan

**Educational activity transactions, including those directly incident to the provision

of standardized testing services, professional certificate examinations, university
entrance examinations, language examinations, and related preparatory services for
such exams, are authorized for Cuban nationals, wherever located. Talent and other
non-educational assessment related activity is not authorized in Cuba at this time.

** The Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality® (CPHQ) certification examination

will no longer be offered in China, for either in-person or online test takers, effective
August 1, 2021. This decision was reached after careful consideration by the National
Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) and the Healthcare Quality Certification

10 | P a g e
Commission (HQCC). The CPHQ is central to NAHQ’s mission of developing a
competent, qualified healthcare workforce to advance quality and safe patient care.
NAHQ is dedicated to maintaining the security and integrity of the CPHQ
examination, and ensuring all candidates take the examination under comparable
conditions. As interest in the CPHQ examination continues to grow internationally,
NAHQ plans to reassess in the future whether the examination can be securely
offered in China in the future consistent with NAHQ’s and HQCC’s policies and

About the Examination

The CPHQ examination is the only fully accredited, standardized measurement of
the knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of competent healthcare quality
professionals. The examination is available in a computerized format on a daily basis
at PSI Test Centers, or online.

The certification examination is an objective, multiple-choice examination consisting

of 140 questions. Of these questions, 125 are used in computing the score, as
discussed later in this handbook. The following percentage guidelines are used in
selecting the three types of questions that appear on each examination:
approximately 23% recall, 57% application, and 20% analysis. Recall questions test the
candidate’s knowledge of specific facts and concepts. Application questions require
the candidate to interpret or apply information to a situation. Analysis questions test
the candidate’s ability to evaluate, problem solve, or integrate a variety of
information and judgment into a meaningful whole.

Pretest Questions on the Examination

In addition to the 125 scored questions, CPHQ examinations also include an
additional 15 pretest questions. You will be asked to answer these questions;
however, they will not be included in the scored examination result. Pretest
questions will be disbursed within the examination, and you will not be able to
determine which of the questions are being pretested and which will be included in
your score. This is necessary to ensure that candidates answer pretest questions in
the same manner as they do scored questions. This allows the question to be
validated as accurate and appropriate before it is included as a measure of
candidate competency.

The examination content is based upon a practice analysis conducted every 3-5
years to ensure the content is current, practice-related, and representative of the
responsibilities of healthcare quality professionals. Participants in the practice
analysis survey must have completed a minimum of 1 year working in healthcare
quality, case/care/disease/utilization/ risk management for their responses to be
included in the research.


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Examination Administration
The CPHQ exam is offered internationally four times during the year.
• February 27 – March 14, 2023
• May 14 – June 3, 2023*
• August 20 – September 9, 2023
• October 29 – November 18, 2023

*This examination window will be the first window in 2023 that is on the NEW
content outline.

Assessment Center Locations

PSI Test Centers have been selected as CPHQ testing sites to provide accessibility to
the most candidates in all states and major metropolitan areas. A current listing of
PSI Test Centers may be viewed online here, which displays real-time availability and
test center addresses. Test center availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. We
cannot guarantee the availability of your preferred test date/time/location will be
available when you review this link prior to scheduling.

Special Arrangements for Candidates with Disabilities

PSI complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and strives to ensure that no
individual with a disability—as defined by the ADA as a person who has a physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a
person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is
perceived by others as having such an impairment—is deprived of the opportunity
to take the examination solely by reason of that disability. PSI will provide reasonable
accommodations for candidates with disabilities. Candidates requesting special
accommodations must notify PSI at the time of application and scheduling.

1. Candidates must advise PSI at the time of scheduling that wheelchair access
is necessary.
2. Candidates with visual, sensory, physical, or learning disabilities that would
prevent them from taking the examination under standard conditions may
request special accommodations and arrangements and will be reviewed by

Verification of the disability and a statement of the specific type of assistance

needed must be made in writing to PSI at least 45 calendar days prior to your
desired examination date by completing this form. PSI will review the submitted
forms and will contact you regarding the decision for accommodations. You can also
contact PSI’s accommodations department directly at
[email protected] or 1.800.733.9267 ext 6750.

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If you choose to apply for the CPHQ Examination, you will be required to attest to
the candidate declaration statement. Please take a moment to read the full
declaration statement below:

 I authorize the Healthcare Quality Certification Commission

(HQCC)/National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) to make
whatever inquiries and investigations that it deems necessary to verify my
credentials and professional standing. Further, I understand that the
HQCC/NAHQ will treat the contents of this application as well as all
documents relating to certification as confidential, except when required
by legal compulsory process, with the following exception. If I successfully
pass the examination and attain the CPHQ designation, I authorize the
HQCC/NAHQ to release my name and address to HQCC/NAHQ and
affiliated organizations for the purpose of mailing me association
information. I also authorize HQCC/NAHQ to use information from my
application and subsequent examination for the purpose of statistical
analysis, provided my personal identification with the information has been
deleted. I understand that the initial certification period is two calendar
years following successfully passing the examination and agree to meet
current requirements if I wish to maintain active certification status
thereafter. I further understand that the governing body has the authority
to change requirements to attain and maintain certification from time to
 I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and abide by the code of
ethics of my professional practice.
 I have read and understand the information provided in the applicable
Candidate Handbook. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the
foregoing statements are true.
 I understand that false information may be cause for denial or loss of the
credential. I understand that I can be disqualified from taking or continuing
to sit for an examination or from receiving examination scores if the
HQCC/NAHQ determines through either proctor observation or statistical
analysis that I engaged in collaborative, disruptive, or other prohibited
behavior during the administration of the examination.
 I understand that all examination questions are the copyrighted property of
NAHQ. I will not reproduce, record, distribute, or display these examination
questions by any means, in whole or in part. This includes posting exam
questions to social media or other networking sites/ internet sites. I
understand that doing so may subject me to severe civil and criminal
penalties and jeopardize my credential or my opportunity to take the
 I understand that I will be recorded by video and audit during my
examination with NAHQs testing partner, PSI.

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Exam Eligibility
After submitting your application and completing payment, you will be eligible for
the testing window in which you applied for to schedule and take your CPHQ exam.
No additional time will be provided, however there are some circumstances where
you may request additional time. Please review the section “Requesting Additional
Time to Take the Exam” for further information.

Applying for and Scheduling an Examination

Exam Window Application Period*

February 27 – March 14, 2023 November 15, 2022 – February 20, 2023
May 14 – June 3, 2023** February 21, 2023 – April 13, 2023
August 20 – September 9, 2023 April 14, 2023 – July 19, 2023
October 29 – November 18, 2023 July 20, 2023 – October 1, 2023
*Applications must be submitted by no later than 11:59pm Central Time by the
deadlines listed above.
** This examination window will be the first window in 2023 that is on the NEW
content outline.

1. Apply and Pay for Exam

Pay by Credit Card:

1. You may complete the application process online by visiting
2. Select Login
3. Sign in with your e-mail address and password or, if you are a new customer,
create an account. Then, select My NAHQ.
4. In the navigation panel on the left, select My Certification and then select
Enroll Now.
5. Follow guided instructions to complete the application process.
6. Complete payment for the CPHQ exam. NAHQ accepts VISA, MasterCard,
American Express, and Discover. Once you have submitted payment, you will
be eligible for the one testing window you applied for to schedule and take
your exam. In approximately 10 business days, you will receive an e-mail from
PSI with instructions on how to schedule your exam.

Pay by Check:
1. If you are paying by check, you will need to fill out the application form.
2. Mail the application form and your check for appropriate fees to HQCC/NAHQ.
Please note that there is an additional $25 fee for payment by check.
3. Once the application and payment is received, you will receive an order
confirmation email from NAHQ. If there are any there are any issues
processing your application or payment, NAHQ will reach out to you via email
or phone.

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4. At the time your application is processed, you will be eligible for the one
testing window you applied for to schedule and take your exam. In
approximately 10 business days, you will receive an e-mail from PSI with
instructions on how to schedule your exam.

All fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

2. Schedule Exam

After your application and payment have been received, you can schedule your
exam directly within your NAHQ account. You will be required to schedule and sit for
your exam within the testing window in which you applied for. To schedule your
exam, please complete the following steps:
a. Visit
b. From the top of the page select My Account then My Certification
c. Within the My Certification card, you should see a button labeled Schedule
Exam. Select this to schedule your exam.
d. A new tab will open and you can begin scheduling your exam by selecting the
Schedule button.

If you prefer to schedule your exam by phone, please contact PSI at 858.875.3688.
When you schedule your examination appointment, be prepared to confirm a
location and preferred date and time for testing. You will be asked to provide your
unique identification number.

After you've scheduled your examination, you will be notified of the time to report to
the assessment center and if an e-mail address is provided you will be sent an e-mail
confirmation notice.

If special accommodations are being requested, complete the Request for Special
Examination Accommodations form included in this handbook and submit it to PSI
at least 45 days prior to the desired examination date.

Rescheduling an Examination
You may reschedule your date/time as many times as you would like within your
eligibility window in which you applied for. You can reschedule your exam online by
logging into your NAHQ account and re-scheduling your exam. You must
reschedule your examination at least 48 hours in advance of your exam date.

Requesting Additional Time to Schedule and Take the Exam

The circumstances where an extension may be requested, are due to the following:
• If you have received a positive COVID-19 result within the past 14-days of your
exam eligibility timeframe
• Within the last 30-days are impacted by a natural disaster
• Within the last 30-days experienced a major life-event (death in the family,

15 | P a g e
unplanned surgery, etc)
In order to be considered for additional time to take your exam, your request must
be received within your exam eligibility timeframe. If you fit within one of the
criteria’s above, you may request a maximum extension to the testing window
immediately following the testing window you are eligible for using this form. You
must complete this form at least 5 business days before your scheduled exam and/or
before your exam eligibility expires. If you do not submit this form within the
designated timeframe, your request will be denied. Submitting an extension request
form can only be submitted ONCE per paid application.

All fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

Missed Appointments
You will forfeit your examination registration and all fees paid to take the
examination under the following circumstances:
• You cancel your examination after confirmation of eligibility is received.
• You do not secure a testing date/time before your eligibility expires.
• You wish to reschedule an examination but fail to contact PSI at least 2
business days prior to the scheduled testing session.
• You appear more than 15 minutes late for an examination.
• You fail to report for an examination appointment.

A new, complete application and examination fee are required to reapply for the

No Refunds or Transfers
Fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

Inclement Weather, Power Failure, or Emergency at an

Assessment Center
In the event of inclement weather or unforeseen emergencies on the day of an
examination at the assessment center, PSI will determine whether circumstances
warrant the cancellation, and subsequent rescheduling, of an examination. The
examination will usually not be rescheduled if the assessment center personnel are
able to open the assessment center.

Visit PSI’s website at prior to the examination to

determine if PSI has been advised that any assessment centers are closed. Every
attempt is made to administer the examination as scheduled; however, should an
examination be canceled at an assessment center, all scheduled candidates will
receive notification following the examination regarding rescheduling or
reapplication procedures.

If power to an assessment center is temporarily interrupted during an

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administration, your examination will be restarted. The responses provided up to the
point of interruption will be intact, but for security reasons the questions will be


Taking the Examination
Examination rules are the same regardless of what format you are taking the exam
in. All of the information below applies, expect where it indicates the difference of
online vs in person. Candidates must listen and adhere to the proctors instructions
throughout their examination.

In Person
Your examination will be given by computer at a PSI assessment center. You do not
need any computer experience or typing skills to take your examination. On the day
of your examination appointment, report to the assessment center no later than
your scheduled testing time. Look for signs indicating PSI assessment center check-
in. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled testing time, you will not
be admitted.

Your examination will be taken on your personal computer that has both a webcam
and microphone capabilities. You do not need any computer experience or typing
skills to take your examination. It is recommended to test your computer prior to
your examination date. On the day of your examination appointment, launch your
exam at least 30 minutes before your exam, or no later than your scheduled testing
time. You can launch your exam by going to your NAHQ account then Schedule
Exam and launch from within there. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after the
scheduled testing time, you will not be admitted.

To gain admission to the assessment center or begin your exam online, you must
present two forms of identification, one with a current photograph. Both forms of
identification must be valid and include your current name and signature. No forms
of temporary identification will be accepted. You will also be required to sign a roster
for verification of identity. You MUST bring one of the following:
• driver’s license with photograph
• state identification card with photograph
• passport
• military identification card with photograph

The second form of identification must display your name and signature for
signature verification (e.g., credit card with signature, social security card with
signature, employment or student ID card with signature). If your name on these
documents is different than it appears on your identification, you must bring proof of

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your name change (e.g., marriage license, divorce decree, or court order).

You submit your legal name at the time of your application for the CPHQ exam. If
you do not submit your correct legal name on your application, you may contact
NAHQ to request a name change by providing a copy of your legal identification at
least 72 hours prior to your scheduled exam. If you do not submit this request at
least 72 hours prior to your scheduled exam, you may be subject to a name change

Assessment Center and Online Security

PSI administration and security standards are designed to ensure all candidates are
provided the same opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. The assessment center
is continuously monitored by audio and video surveillance equipment for security

The following security procedures apply during the examination:

• Examinations are proprietary. No cameras, notes, tape recorders, or cellular
phones are allowed in the testing room or while testing online. Possession of a
cellular phone or other electronic devices is strictly prohibited and will result
in dismissal from the examination.
• Calculators are not necessary as all calculations found on the examination can
be performed without the aid of a calculator. A calculator will be provided
within the computer application. You are NOT permitted to bring a personal
calculator and use it during the examination.
• No guests, visitors, or family members are allowed in the testing room,
reception areas or should be visible while taking the examination online.
• Candidates may be subjected to a metal detection scan upon entering the
examination room.

Personal Belongings

In person
No personal items, valuables, or weapons should be brought to the assessment
center. Only wallets and keys are permitted. Coats must be left outside the testing
room. You will be provided a soft locker to store your wallet and/or keys with you in
the testing room. You will not have access to these items until after the examination
is completed. Please note the following items will not be allowed in the testing room
except securely locked in the soft locker:
• watches
• hats
Once you have placed everything into the soft locker, you will be asked to pull out
your pockets to ensure they are empty. If all personal items will not fit in the soft
locker you will not be able to test. The site will not store any personal belongings.

If any personal items are observed in the testing room after the examination is
started, the administration will be forfeited.

18 | P a g e
No personal items should be observed while taking the examination online. Please
be sure your workplace is free of any and all personal belongings. A clear glass with
water is permitted while taking the examination. If any personal items are observed
after the examination has started ,the administration will be forfeited and you will
lose your examination testing fees. Examples of personal items are, but not limited
to, the following:
• cell phone
• sticky notes
• food
• drink coaster
• headphones/earbuds
• eyewear case
• plant
• laptop stand
• books and/or magazines

Examination Restrictions

In Person
• No documents or notes of any kind may be removed from the assessment
• No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked
during the examination.
• Eating, drinking, or smoking will not be permitted in the assessment center.
• You may take a break whenever you wish, but you will not be allowed
additional time to make up for time lost during breaks.

• No documents or notes of any kind may be removed after your online
• No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked
during the examination.
• While testing online, you will not be permitted a break. If you wish to schedule
a break, you will need to complete an accommodation form at the end of this
handbook and submit to PSI. If your accommodation is approved, during your
examination you will not be allowed review any previous questions you
answered prior to the break.
• Eating, smoking or chewing gum will not be permitted while taking your
examination online. Doing so may result in your exam being terminated.
• You may have one (1) clear glass of water to show the proctor before starting
the examination.
• While testing online, you are not permitted to read the questions and answers
out loud. Doing so may result in your exam being terminated.


19 | P a g e
If you engage in any of the following conduct during the examination you may be
dismissed, your scores will not be reported, and examination fees will not be
refunded. Examples of misconduct are when you
• create a disturbance, are abusive, or otherwise uncooperative
• display or use electronic communications equipment such as cellular phones
• talk or participate in conversation with other examination candidates
• using instant messenger tool, talking or participate in conversation with
someone while taking the exam online
• give or receive help or are suspected of doing so
• leave the assessment center during the administration
• leave the webcam while taking the exam online
• using another computer while testing online
• attempt to record examination questions or make notes
• attempt to take the examination for someone else
• are observed with personal belongings
• are observed with notes, books, or other aids without it being noted on the
• failure to comply with proctor requests
• while testing online, browsing other websites during/throughout exam
• do not adhere to proctor instructions
• taking exam online in a noisy environment, public location or dark room

Candidate Responsibility
As a CPHQ candidate, it is your responsibility and duty to report suspicious or
inappropriate activity both inside and outside of the testing center. Suspicious
activity includes, but is not limited to
• the dissemination of exam questions or other copyrighted works either in the
testing center, electronically, or through other channels (including the
memorization and subsequent distribution of items)
• attempting to steal content from the testing center
• sharing information or answers to the exam at the testing site, electronically,
or through other channels after the exam
• obtaining the questions in advance of the examination
• providing the questions to other candidates in advance of the examination
• taking, or trying to take, an exam for someone else
• allowing someone to take an exam on your behalf
• taking unauthorized notes or study aids into the examination
• using your cell phone or other devices to store or receive information and
referring to this information during the examination
• conferring with candidates during the examination
• allowing another candidate to look at your exam
• attempting to cheat on the exam in any other way

Alerting NAHQ and HQCC of this activity protects the integrity of the credential you
have worked hard to achieve. Breaches of copyright and conduct impact the value
that the CPHQ holds, and it is your responsibility to report such breaches to maintain
the high standards of the credential. Exam content is the copyrighted work of

20 | P a g e
NAHQ, and breach of copyright is illegal and punishable by law.

Report all incidents of breach of conduct to NAHQ by mail at 8600 West Bryn Mawr
Ave., Suite 710 N., Chicago, IL 60631, USA, by e-mail at [email protected], or call

Copyrighted Examination Questions

All examination questions are the copyrighted property of NAHQ. It is forbidden
under federal copyright law to copy, reproduce, record, distribute, or display these
examination questions by any means, in whole or in part. This includes posting
exam questions to social media or other networking sites/ internet sites. This
constitutes a test security and copyright violation. Doing so may subject the
candidate to severe civil and criminal penalties and jeopardize your credential. See
pg. H for the full disciplinary policy.

System and Equipment Testing

In Person
Prior to attempting the timed examination, you will be given the opportunity to
practice taking an examination on the computer. The time used for this practice
examination is NOT counted as part of the examination time or score. When you are
comfortable with the computer testing process, you may quit the practice session
and begin the timed examination.

For an updated list of the technical requirements, please visit this webpage.

Prior to starting your examination, you will need to download the appropriate PSI
testing system. You can test your system to ensure it has the appropriate capabilities
using this link:

Practice Examination
Prior to attempting the timed examination, you will be given the opportunity to
practice taking an examination on the computer. The time used for this practice
examination is NOT counted as part of the examination time or score. When you are
comfortable with the computer testing process, you may quit the practice session
and begin the timed examination.

Timed Examination
Following the practice examination, the actual examination will begin. Before
beginning, instructions for taking the examination are provided on-screen.

21 | P a g e
The computer monitors the time spent on the examination. You will have 3 hours to
complete the examination. The examination will terminate if testing exceeds the
time allowed. Click on the “Time” box in the lower right portion of the screen to
monitor testing time. A digital clock indicates the time remaining to complete the
examination. The time feature may be turned off during the examination.

Only one examination question is presented at a time. The question number appears
in the lower right portion of the screen. Choices of answers to the examination
questions are identified as A, B, C, or D. You must indicate your choice by either
typing in the letter in the response box in the lower left portion of the computer
screen or clicking on the option using the mouse. To change an answer, enter a
different option by typing A, B, C, or D or by clicking on the option using the mouse.
You may change your answer as many times as you wish during the examination,
within the time limit.

To move to the next question, click on the forward arrow (>) in the lower right
portion of the screen. This action will move you forward through the examination
question by question. To review any question, click the backward arrow (<) or use the
left arrow key to move backward through the examination.

An examination question may be left unanswered for return later in the examination
session*. Questions may also be bookmarked for later review by using the mouse
and clicking in the blank square to the right of the “Time” box. Click on the double
arrow (>>) to advance to the next unanswered or bookmarked question on the
examination. To identify all unanswered and bookmarked questions, repeatedly click
on the double arrow (>>). When the examination is completed, the number of
examination questions answered is reported. If not all questions have been
answered and there is time remaining, return to the examination and answer those
questions. Be sure to provide an answer for each examination question before
ending the examination. There is no penalty for guessing.

*if you do not have an accommodation while testing online to have a scheduled

22 | P a g e

Candidate Comments
During the examination, comments may be provided for any question by clicking on
the button displaying an exclamation point (!) to the left of the “Time” box. This
opens a dialogue box where comments may be entered. Comments will be
reviewed, but individual responses will not be provided.

Following the Examination

After you finish the examination, you are asked to complete a short evaluation of
your testing experience. If you are testing at a testing center, you will be instructed
to report to the examination proctor to complete your examination. Scores are not
provided onsite. They will be available in your PSI account approximately 8-12 weeks
after the close of the examination window. Neither HQCC nor the testing agency will
release a copy of individual score reports to employers, schools, or other individuals
or organizations without your written authorization.

Information regarding on-line access will be sent via e-mail at the time scores are
released. This is an unofficial score report. You may not use the CPHQ credential until
you receive your official CPHQ digital badge from NAHQ. The score report will
indicate if you have passed or if you have not achieved the score required to pass the
examination, followed by a raw score indicating the number of questions you
answered correctly. Additional detail is provided in the form of raw scores by each of
the four major content categories. This information is provided as feedback to help
you understand your performance within the major content categories.

Your pass or fail status is determined by your overall raw score for the entire
examination. Even though the examination consists of 140 questions, your score is
based on 125 scored questions.
Fifteen of the questions on the examination are pretest questions and are not
included in the final score.

The content category scores on the score report are not used to determine pass-fail
decision outcomes. They are only provided to offer a general indication regarding
candidate your performance in each content category. The examination is designed
to provide a consistent and precise determination of your overall performance and is
not designed to provide complete information regarding your performance in each
content category. You should remember that areas with a larger number of items
(questions) will affect the overall score more than areas with a fewer number of
items. The precision and consistency of scores diminishes with fewer items, and
therefore, sub-scores should be interpreted with caution, especially those that
correspond to content categories with very few items.

To ensure confidentiality, no candidate examination scores will be reported by

telephone, electronic mail, or facsimile. Neither HQCC nor the testing agency will
release individual score reports to employers, schools, or other individuals or
organizations without your written authorization.

23 | P a g e
For information regarding failing the examination, see If you Fail the Examination.

Fees for the CPHQ examination are shown in the table that follows

All Examinations: Online by credit card

NAHQ Member Fee (USD) $529

Nonmember Fee (USD) $629

If you wish to join NAHQ, contact NAHQ at 847.375.4720 or visit

Exam fees may be paid by credit card, personal check, or money order for the total
amount, payable to HQCC/NAHQ. Please write the name of the candidate taking the
exam on the face of your check. An additional $25 charge will be added for any
returned checks or rejected credit cards to cover additional handling fees and
service charges imposed by the bank or Credit Card Company. Your canceled check
or credit card receipt serves to document payment for the examination.

Scores Canceled by HQCC or PSI

HQCC and PSI are responsible for the integrity of the scores they report. On
occasion, occurrences such as technical malfunction or misconduct by a candidate
may cause a score to be suspect. HQCC and PSI are committed to rectifying such
discrepancies as expeditiously as possible. Examination results may be voided if,
upon investigation, violation of regulations is discovered.

Disciplinary Policy
HQCC grants the CPHQ certification to qualified healthcare quality professionals as a
means of promoting excellence and professionalism in the healthcare quality field.
The Certification program is a voluntary process. The Commission, in accordance
with its policies and procedures, determines whether individuals are qualified for
Certification, and issues said Certification when applicable. The Commission does
not determine, monitor, or otherwise become involved in the manner employers
and other third parties apply the Certification.

Applications for initial Certification or renewal of the same are determined by HQCC
at its sole discretion. Without limiting the foregoing, applications may be refused,
candidates may be barred from future examinations, or candidates or individuals
already Certified may be sanctioned, including revocation of the Certification, for, but
not limited to, the following conduct (“Improper Conduct”):

24 | P a g e
• Including and/or otherwise providing false, misleading, or incomplete
information on any application for Certification or renewal, or other CPHQ
related document.
• Failing to complete or provide proof of completion of the any Certification or
renewal requirements.
• The Commissions’ determination that Certification or renewal was improperly
• Cheating or assisting others to cheat on any CPHQ exam.
• Purchasing, sharing, and/or reviewing preparatory materials that have, or
claim to have, actual questions, answers, or other materials from prior CPHQ
• Removing or attempting to remove examination materials or information
from a test site or live remote proctored examination.
• Unauthorized possession or distribution of any official testing or examination
materials via social media sites, text messaging, or other medium, and/or
reproduced in any format.
• Causing, creating, or participating in an examination irregularity.
• Assisting others to wrongfully obtain Certification or renew their Certification.
• Failure to comply with the code of ethics in which Certification is held.
• Any conduct unbecoming of the healthcare quality profession and/or failure
to comply with HQCC’s policies and procedures regarding Certification.

The definitions of any and all terms (e.g., misleading, incomplete, cheating,
irregularity, unbecoming, spirit, and action, etc.) included in the above example
violations shall be determined by the Commission in its sole discretion, and are not
subject to other interpretation. All CPHQs must read and agree to abide by HQCC’s
Disciplinary Policies and Procedures prior to sitting to the exam.

Pass or Fail Score Determination

Neither HQCC nor PSI is able to release or discuss individual questions with
candidates following the examination. To do so would require elimination of that
question from the item bank of pretested questions and deplete the number of
pretested questions required to develop future versions of the examination.

The methodology used to set the minimum passing score is the Angoff method,
applied during the performance of a Passing Point Study by a panel of experts in the
The experts evaluated each question on the examination to determine how many
correct answers are necessary to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to
pass this examination portion. Your ability to pass the examination depends on the
knowledge and skill you display, not on the performance of other candidates.

Passing scores may vary slightly for each version of the examination. To ensure
fairness to all candidates, a process of statistical equating is used. This involves
selecting an appropriate mix of individual questions for each version of the
examination that meet the content distribution requirements of the examination
content blueprint. Because each question has been pretested, a difficulty level can

25 | P a g e
be assigned. The process then considers the difficulty level of each question selected
for each version of the examination, attempting to match the difficulty level of each
version as closely as possible. To ensure fairness, slight variations in difficulty level are
addressed by adjusting the passing score up or down, depending on the overall
difficulty level statistics for the group of scored questions that appear on a particular
version of the examination.

If You Pass the Examination

If you pass the CPHQ examination, you will receive by email a copy of your CPHQ
digital badge approximately 3-4 weeks after scores are released. Your name, as
stated on the application, will appear on the digital badge and printable certificate.
The digital badge will be sent to the primary email address on file. Learn more about
the digital badge process here.

Certified professionals are entitled to use the designation Certified Professional in

Healthcare Quality® and acronym “CPHQ” with your name on letterheads, business
cards, and all forms of address once you receive your official digital badge from
HQCC. The credential is valid from the time you receive your digital badge through a
2-year period, which begins on January 1 of the year following the date you pass the
examination. Certification is for individuals only. The CPHQ designation may not be
used to imply that an organization, association, or private firm is certified.

HQCC reserves the right to recognize publicly any candidate who has successfully
completed a CPHQ certification examination, thereby earning the certification

Continuing Education Credit

Some organizations accept successful completion of a certification examination for
continuing education (CE) credit. Check with your licensure or registration board or
association for acceptance and CE credits allowed.

Refer to the Recertification section of this handbook for details about CE

requirements to maintain CPHQ status after passing the examination.

Verification of CPHQ Status

Information on the current certification status of an individual can be obtained at Employers who request verification of CPHQ status must provide the
individual’s name and CPHQ Certification number to ensure correct identification in
the CPHQ database. Annually, a listing of successful candidates will be published on
the CPHQ website at

If You Fail the Examination

If you do not pass the certification examination, you may reapply for the
examination. You cannot test in consecutive windows. For example, if you fail the
examination in the first window, you may apply for the third window of the year.

26 | P a g e
Repeat candidates must submit a new application and full examination fee. Names
of candidates who do not pass the examination are confidential and are not revealed
under any circumstances except by legal compulsory process.

Because the performance of each question on the examination that is included in
the final score has been pretested, there are no appeal procedures to challenge
individual examination questions, answers, or a failing score.

Actions by the commission affecting eligibility of a candidate to take the

examination may be appealed. Additionally, appeals may be considered for alleged
inappropriate examination administration procedures or environmental testing
conditions severe enough to cause a major disruption of the examination process
and which could have been avoided.

Appeals may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] or in writing by mail to the

attention of the HQCC chair at the address below:

HQCC Headquarters
8600 West Bryn Mawr Ave.
Suite 710 N.
Chicago, IL 60631, USA

Equivalency eligibility appeals must be received within 30 days of the initial HQCC
action. Appeals for alleged inappropriate administration procedures or severe
adverse environmental testing conditions must be received within 60 days of the
release of examination results.

The HQCC Chair will respond within 30 days of receipt of the appeal. If this decision is
adverse, the candidate may file a second-level appeal within 30 days. A three-
member panel of HQCC will review the chair’s decision and respond with a final
decision within 45 days of receipt.

Verification of Scores
In computer-based testing, the computer accepts responses from a keyboard or
mouse in digitized form. Computer- based testing eliminates problems that may
have previously arisen with scanning paper-and-pencil answer sheets, because all
responses are recorded by candidates during their examinations. However,
verification of examination scores from electronic responses can be requested. For
more information about the process and fee for this service, contact NAHQ at
847.375.4720 within 90 days after the examination.

Preparation for the CPHQ Certification Examination

HQCC neither sponsors, endorses, nor financially benefits from any review courses or
published preparation materials for the CPHQ certification examination. We are
aware of organizations that claim to have real exam items; please be aware that it is
illegal for them to possess real exam items since the items are the copyrighted

27 | P a g e
property of NAHQ. If an organization or individual does have real exam items these
are stolen property of NAHQ and the organization or individual can face severe civil
and criminal penalties.

If a candidate is found to be utilizing materials from a company or individual

claiming to have real exam items HQCC retains the right to prevent the candidate
from testing, revoke their credential and bar from future testing. See section titled
Disciplinary Policy for the full disciplinary policy.

Examination questions are written from a wide variety of publications and resources
in the field. Some suggested preparation for the examination might include but
should not be limited to the following resources:

1. HQ Solutions: Resource for the Healthcare Quality Professional 4th Edition, Luc R.
Pelletier & Christy L Beaudin, Eds. (2018)
2. The Janet A. Brown Healthcare Quality Handbook: A Professional Resource and
Study Guide 29th Edition, Brown, Janet A. and Mellott, Susan (2018)
3. The Janet A. Brown Healthcare Quality Handbook: A Professional Resource and
Study Guide 30th Edition, Brown, Janet A. and Mellott, Susan (2018)
4. Facilitating with Ease Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members,
Managers, Consultants and Trainers, 4th edition, Ingrid Bens (2018)
5. Understanding Patient Safety, 3rd edition, Robert M. Wacther, Kiran Gupta (2018)
6. Storytelling with Data, Cole N. Knaflic (2015)
7. The Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools (3rd ed.) Maulik S Joshi,
and Elizabeth R. Ransom (2014)
8. Essentials of Managed Health Care 6th edition, Peter R. Kongstvedt (2013)
9. The Lean Enterprises Memory Jogger, Richard L. Macinnes & Carolann Scherer
10. The Memory Jogger™ 2 2nd edition, Michael Brassard, (2010)
11. The Quality Toolbox, Nancy Tague. (2005)
12. Facilitating with Ease 2nd Edition, Ingrid Bens (2008)
13. Preventing Medication Errors, Institute of Medicine (2007)
14. Clinical Governance: A Guide to Implementation for Healthcare Professionals 2nd
Edition, Rob McSheerry, Paddy Pearce (2007)
15. The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Handbook 3rd
Edition, Russell T. Westcott (2006)
16. Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations: Business Risk 5th
Edition, Roberta Carroll, Glenn T. Troyer (2006)
17. Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations: The Essentials 5th
Edition, Roberta Carroll, Peggy L.B. Nakamura (2006)
18. Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations: Clinical Risk
Management 5th Edition, Roberta Carroll, Sylvia M. Brown (2006)
19. Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, Michael George, David Rowlans, Mark Price, &
John Maxey (2005)
20. Quality Chasm Series: Patient Safety—Achieving a New Standard for Care,
Institute of Medicine. (2004)

28 | P a g e
21. Quality Health Care: A Guide to Understanding Patient Saftey, Third Edition by
Robert Watcher, Kiran Gupta (2017)
22. Population Health: Principles and Applications for Management 1st edition by
Rosemary Caron (2017)
23. Developing and Using Indicators, Robert Lloyd (2004)
24. The Team Handbook, 3rd edition, Peter Scholtes, Brian Joiner, & Barbara Streibel.
25. The Lean Enterprise Memory Jogger Create Value and Eliminate Waste
Throughout Your Company, Richard L. Macinnes, Carolann Scherer (2002)
26. The Medical Staff Services Handbook: Fundamentals and Beyond 2nd Edition,
Cindy A. Gassiot, Vicki L. Serarcy, Christina W. Giles
27. The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook, Peter S. Pande, Robert P. Neuman, Roland
R. Cavanagh (2002)
28. The Six Sigma Memory Jogger II, Michael Brassard, Lynda Finn, Dana Ginn, Diane
Ritter (2002)
29. Measuring Quality Improvement in Healthcare: A Guide to Statistical Process
Control Applications, Raymond G. Carey, Robert C. Lloyd (2001)
30. Crossing the Quality Chasm, Institute of Medicine (2001)
31. Population Health: A Primer by Richard Riegelman (2020)
32. Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals 1st
Edition (2015)
33. Understanding Patient Saftey, Third Edition by Robert Watcher, Kiran Gupta
34. Population health: Principles and Applications for Management 1st edition by
Rosemary Caron (2017)
35. Institute for Healthcare Improvement:
36. Institute for Safe Medication Practices:
37. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality:

29 | P a g e
The content validity of the CPHQ examination is based on a practice analysis which
surveyed healthcare quality professionals on the tasks they perform. Each question
on the examination is linked directly to one of the tasks listed below. In other words,
each question is designed to test whether the candidate possesses the knowledge
necessary to perform the task or has the ability to apply it to a job situation.

Each of the tasks below was rated as significant to practice by healthcare quality
professionals who responded to the survey. One rule used by the exam committee
requires that a task be significant to practice in the major types and sizes of
healthcare facilities, including those employed in managed care. Thus the
examination content is valid for this segment of healthcare quality professionals and
those employed in hospital, clinic, home care, behavioral and mental health, or other
care settings.

The following is a list of tasks that forms the content outline of the CPHQ
examination and to which the examination questions are linked.

30 | P a g e
Effective March 15, 2023

1. Advise leadership on organizational improvement opportunities
2. Assist with the development of action plans or projects
3. Assist with establishing priorities
4. Participate in activities that support the quality governance
5. Align quality and safety activities with strategic goals

1. Identify resource needs to improve quality

2. Assess the organization's culture of quality and safety
3. Engage stakeholders to promote quality and safety
4. Provide consultative support to the governing body and key
stakeholders regarding their roles and responsibilities related to
quality improvement
5. Promote engagement and inter-professional teamwork

A. Implement quality improvement training

B. Communicate quality improvement information within the organization
C. Identify quality improvement opportunities
D. Establish teams, roles, responsibilities, and scope
E. Participate in activities to identify innovative or evidence-based practices
F. Lead and facilitate change
G. Use performance improvement methods (e.g., Lean, PDSA, Six Sigma)
H. Use quality tools and techniques (e.g., fishbone diagram, FMEA, process map)
I. Participate in monitoring of project timelines and deliverables
J. Evaluate team effectiveness
K. Evaluate the success of performance improvement projects and solutions

¹ Approximately 23% of the items will require recall on the part of the candidate, 57% will require application of
knowledge, and 20% will require analysis. Each test form will include 15 unscored pretest items in addition to the 125
scored items.

Effective March 15., 2023

A. Identify data and resources that are important in determining the health status of
defined populations
B. Identify population health management strategies to integrate
into improvement initiatives
C. Incorporate prevention, wellness, and disease management solutions
into improvement initiatives
D. Incorporate techniques to address health disparities and promote equity
into improvement initiatives
E. Analyze and use clinical, cost, equity, and social determinants of health
data to drive and monitor improvement efforts
F. Identify opportunities for improvement in care transitions
G. Collaborate with stakeholders to improve and optimize care processes
and transitions
H. Incorporate concepts of social determinants of health into
improvement activities

1. Identify resource needs to improve quality

2. Assess the organization's culture of quality and safety
3. Engage stakeholders to promote quality and safety
4. Provide consultative support to the governing body and key stakeholders
regarding their roles and responsibilities related to quality improvement
5. Promote engagement and inter-professional teamwork

1. Use data management systems for organization, analysis, and reporting of data
2. Use data visualization and display techniques
3. Use measurement tools to evaluate process improvement
4. Use statistics to describe data and examine relationships (e.g.,
measures of central tendency, standard deviation, correlation,
regression, t-test)
5. Use statistical process control techniques and tools (e.g., common
and special cause variation, control charts, trend analysis)
6. Compare data sources to establish benchmarks
7. Interpret data to support decision-making

¹ Approximately 23% of the items will require recall on the part of the candidate, 57% will require application of
knowledge, and 20% will require analysis. Each test form will include 15 unscored pretest items in addition to the 125
scored items.
Effective March 15, 2023

A. Identify technology solutions to enhance patient safety

B. Facilitate the ongoing evaluation of safety activities
C. Apply techniques to enhance the culture of safety within the organization
D. Integrate safety concepts throughout the organization
E. Use safety principles (e.g., human factors engineering, high
reliability, high-performance teams, systems thinking)
F. Participate in safety and risk management activities related to:
1. Safety event/incident reporting
2. Sentinel/unexpected event review
3. Root cause analysis
4. Proactive risk assessment

A. Apply standards, best practices, and other information from quality-related

B. Evaluate compliance with internal and external requirements for:
1. Clinical practice guidelines, pathways, and outcomes
2. Quality-based payment programs
3. Documentation
4. Practitioner performance evaluation
5. Patient experience
6. Identification of reportable events for accreditation and regulatory bodies
C. Maintain confidentiality of performance/quality improvement records and reports
D. Implement and evaluate quality initiatives that impact reimbursement

A. Evaluate appropriate accreditation, certification, and recognition options

B. Promote awareness of statutory and regulatory requirements within the organization
C. Support processes for evaluating, monitoring, and improving compliance with
organizational, state, and federal requirements
D. Maintain survey or accreditation readiness

¹ Approximately 23% of the items will require recall on the part of the candidate, 57% will require application of
knowledge, and 20% will require analysis. Each test form will include 15 unscored pretest items in addition to the 125
scored items.

Directions: You may use this form to ask PSI/AMP, the testing agency, to send you a duplicate copy of your score report. This request
must be postmarked no later than one year after the examination administration. Proper fees and information must be included with the
request. Please print or type all information in the form below. Be sure to provide all information and include the correct fee, or the
request will be returned.

Fees: $25 U.S. Dollars per copy. Please enclose a check or money order payable in U.S. Dollars to PSI/AMP. Do not send cash.
Write your candidate identification number on the face of your payment.

Mail to: PSI/AMP Amount enclosed: $

CPHQ Examination
18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061-7543, USA Examination Date:

Print your current name and address:

Name Candidate ID

Street City

State/Prov. Zip/Postal Code Country

Daytime Telephone (_ ) Fax ( )


If the above information was different at the time you tested, please write the original information below:

Name Candidate ID

Street City

State/Prov. Zip/Postal Code Country

Daytime Telephone ( ) Fax ( )


Examination Date Test Site

I hereby request PSI/AMP to send a duplicate copy of my score report to the first address shown above.

Candidate’s Signature Date

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