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Managerial Accounting

Quiz 1


1. Which of the following statements regarding accounting is incorrect?

a. All business transactions and events are recorded in the accounting books. b. Although
bookkeeping and accounting are interrelated, they are not the same. c. The purpose of accounting
is to provide information that is useful in making economic decisions.
d. A transaction or event is recorded in the accounting records only if it has an effect on the
assets, liabilities, equity, income or expenses of the business.

2. Which of the following is not one of the necessary processes performed in accounting in order to
provide information that is useful to interested users?
a. Identifying
b. Summarizing
c. Recording
d. Counting

3. Accounting is described in various ways. Which of the following is not one of those descriptions?
a. Accounting is a process and a service activity.
b. Accounting is a social science and a practical art.
c. Accounting is the “language of business” because it is fundamental to the communication of
financial information.
d. Accounting is the art of professionally stealing money and other evil purposes.
4. Accounting has a long history. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the history of
a. Accounting can be traced as far back as the prehistoric times.
b. Accounting is as old as civilization and has evolved in response to economic and social needs
of men.
c. Fra Luca Pacioli is the mama of modern accounting.
d. All of these are correct.

5. The main purpose of accounting is

a. to account for money so it will not be lost.
b. to provide information that is useful in making economic decisions.
c. to safeguard the assets of a company.
d. to provide a clear view of the state of the industry’s economy.

6. In accounting, the term “recording” is also called

a. journalizing.
b. communicating.
c. debiting.
d. videoing.

7. This process refers to the reporting of the information processed in the accounting system to
interested users.
a. Measuring
b. Identifying
c. Communicating
d. Classifying

8. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Financial accounting is the branch of accounting that deals with the specific needs of an
entity’s management.
b. The internal users of accounting information include management, owners and creditors. c.
The external users of accounting information include potential and existing investors and
lenders and other creditors.
d. Government accounting is the branch of accounting that deals with the analysis of the costs of
products and services.

9. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a. Erroneous financial statements can lead to bad financial decisions.
b. Internal users of financial information refer to the entity’s management personnel. c. Tax
accounting refers to the branch of accounting that deals with tax computations, filing of tax
returns, and tax planning.
d. Accounting education is the branch of accounting that deals with the teaching of accounting
and related subjects in order to produce competent and responsible business professionals.

10. The most common form of business organization is

a. corporation.
b. sole proprietorship.
c. partnership.
d. cell phone stand.

11. This branch of accounting focuses on catering to the information needs of external users.
a. Management accounting
b. Financial accounting
c. Auditing
d. External accounting

12. These users need accounting information in order to regulate businesses that are within the scope
of their legal authority.
a. Employees
b. Creditors
c. Auditors
d. Government regulatory bodies or agencies

13. These users need accounting information in evaluating the stability of the business in so far as
their job security, future remuneration, and career growth and opportunities are concerned. a.
b. Creditors
c. Auditors
d. Regulatory authorities
14. The following are decisions made by external users except
a. whether to hold or sell investments in stocks.
b. whether or not to extend a loan to the business.
c. whether to sell goods on credit to the business.
d. whether to obtain additional capital from outside creditors or to generate it internally.

15. Which of the following users of financial information is not considered a creditor of the
business? a. A loan provider, such as a bank
b. A supplier that sells goods to the entity on credit
c. A customer that buys goods from the entity on credit
d. A financing company that provides the entity with machineries on a “rent-to-own” basis

16. It is the branch of accounting that involves the careful analysis of economic events and other
variables to understand their impact on decisions.
a. Accounting education
b. Cost accounting
c. Accounting research
d. Tax accounting

17. It is the process of objectively evaluating evidence and expressing an opinion regarding the
correspondence between management’s assertions and established criteria.
a. Accounting education
b. Auditing
c. Accounting research
d. Tax accounting

18. You own a business. Your business is engaged in buying goods at a wholesale price and reselling
them at retail prices on Facebook. Your business is a
a. service business.
b. manufacturing business.
c. merchandising business.
d. monkey business.

19. An advantage of a sole proprietorship over the other forms of a business organization is
a. you are the only boss and you keep all the profits.
b. although it is easier to form, it may be more difficult to raise financing.
c. it has unlimited life.
d. it has limited liability.

20. Which of the following is not an advantage of a partnership over the other forms of business
a. Compared to a sole proprietorship, risks are spread out over more than one owner.

b. Compared to a cooperative, the business organization is driven more towards the earning of
c. Compared to a corporation, it is easier to form because of fewer legal requirements.
d. Compared to a corporation, it has an unlimited life and an unlimited liability.

21. Which of the following is an application of the concept of prudence or conservatism?

a. Choosing a potentially unfavorable outcome over a potentially favorable one. b.
Choosing a potentially favorable outcome over a potentially unfavorable one.
c. Deliberately understating assets and income and deliberately overstating liabilities and
d. Doing nothing in cases of uncertainty.

22. The cost of providing or using information should not exceed the information’s usefulness.
a. Materiality
b. Cost-benefit or Cost constraint
c. Going concern
d. Relevance

23. Under this concept, some costs are initially recognized as assets and recognized only as expenses
when the related revenue is recognized.
a. Separate entity concept
b. Historical cost concept
c. Going concern
d. Matching principle

24. Businesses are required by law to file tax returns with this government agency.
a. Security and Exchange Commission
b. Bureau of Internal Revenue
c. Cooperative Development Authority
d. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

25. The accounting standards that are currently used in the Philippines are referred to as the
a. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS).
b. Philippine GAAP.
c. Filipino Accounting Standards (FAS).
d. Juan’s GAAP.

26. The usefulness of information is assessed in terms of its

a. qualitative characteristics.
b. verifiability.
c. timeliness.
d. size.

27. Which of the following is one of the fundamental qualitative characteristics?

a. Comparability
b. Relevance
c. Timeliness
d. Verifiability

28. Which of the following is correct concerning the qualitative characteristics? a. Free from error
means the information contained in the financial statements is perfectly accurate in all respects.
b. Neutrality means information is selected or presented with bias to increase the probability
that the information will be received favorably by the users.
c. Information that is not capable of affecting the decisions of users is considered irrelevant. d.
The enhancing qualitative characteristics can convert non-useful information to useful

29. A business purchased equipment for ₱10,000 but deliberately reported it as ₱100,000. Which of
the following principles is most likely not violated?
a. Faithful representation
b. Free from error
c. Historical cost
d. Materiality

30. This qualitative characteristic requires at least two items.

a. Comparability
b. Timeliness
c. Verifiability
d. Understandability

31. A business owner’s contribution to the business results in

a. an increase in assets and an increase in income.
b. a decrease in assets and an increase in owner’s equity.
c. an increase in assets and an increase in liabilities.
d. an increase in assets and an increase in owner’s equity.

32. Indicating to others, through your past action, that you will accept and discharge certain
responsibilities, thereby creating an expectation on them that you will do so, creates an obligation
a. legal obligation.
b. construction obligation.
c. indicative obligation.
d. constructive obligation.

33. A decrease in the economic benefits of a resource would be treated as

a. asset. c. expense.
b. liability. d. income.

34. Which of the following would not give rise to income?

a. enhancement in the value of an asset
b. decrease in liabilities
c. investment by the business owner to the business
d. all of these

35. In which of the following did a loss occur?
a. ₱920,000 ₱710,000 ₱290,000 ₱440,000 ₱520,000
b. ₱870,000 ₱310,000 ₱240,000 ₱470,000 ₱150,000
c. ₱890,000 ₱240,000 ₱240,000 ₱600,000 ₱190,000
d. ₱740,000 ₱530,000 ₱170,000 ₱1,900,000 ₱1,860,000

36. In accounting, a negative amount is normally presented

a. beginning with a minus sign.
b. as a squeezed amount.
c. in parentheses.
d. negatively.

37. Assets and liabilities result from

a. past events.
b. future events.
c. income and expenses.
d. life events.

38. Which of the following is incorrect regarding profit?

a. Profit is measured only indirectly as an arithmetical difference.
b. Profit is the excess of total income over total expenses.
c. Profit increases equity.
d. Profit is earned if total income is less than total expenses.

39. A business incurs total expenses of ₱630,000 and reports loss of ₱270,000. How much is the total
a. 900,000
b. 320,000
c. 380,000
d. 360,000

40. Which of the following would result to total expenses of ₱480,000?

a. Total income of ₱360,000 and profit ₱120,000
b. Total income of ₱580,000 and loss of ₱100,000
c. Total income of ₱630,000 and profit of ₱150,000
d. Total income of ₱630,000 and loss of ₱150,000

41. Which of the following is a correct accounting equation?


a. ₱460,000 ₱190,000 ₱170,000

b. ₱230,000 ₱150,000 ₱70,000

c. ₱1,120,000 ₱990,000 ₱130,000

d. ₱1,020,000 ₱510,000 ₱410,000

42. Which of the following is a correct accounting equation?

a. ₱920,000 ₱710,000 ₱290,000 ₱440,000 ₱420,000

b. ₱870,000 ₱310,000 ₱240,000 ₱570,000 ₱150,000

c. ₱890,000 ₱240,000 ₱340,000 ₱600,000 ₱190,000

d. ₱740,000 ₱530,000 ₱170,000 ₱1,900,000 ₱1,860,000

43. Entity A had total assets, liabilities, and equity of ₱130M, ₱80M and ₱50M, respectively, at the
beginning of the period. During the period, Entity A’s total liabilities decreased by ₱20M, while
its profit was ₱25M. There were no other transactions or events that affected equity during the
period. How much is Entity A’s ending total assets?
a. ₱95M
b. ₱135M
c. ₱85M
d. ₱125M

44. Entity A had total assets, liabilities, and equity of ₱150M, ₱90M and ₱60M, respectively, at the
beginning of the period. During the period, Entity A’s total liabilities decreased to ₱40M, while
its profit was ₱25M. There were no other transactions or events that affected equity during the
period. How much is Entity A’s ending total assets?
a. ₱75M
b. ₱115M
c. ₱95M
d. ₱125M

45. Entity A had total assets of ₱120M and total liabilities of ₱80M at the beginning of the period. If at
the end of the period, total assets increased by ₱30M, while total liabilities remained the same,
Entity A’s total equity at the end of the period would be
a. ₱70M
b. ₱90M
c. ₱60M
d. ₱80M

46. Entity A had total assets and total liabilities of ₱120M and ₱85M, respectively, at the beginning of
the period. During the period, Entity A earned total income of ₱60 and incurred total expenses of
₱45. How much is Entity A’s ending total equity?
a. ₱60M
b. ₱90M
c. ₱50M
d. ₱120M

47. Entity A had total assets and total liabilities of ₱150M and ₱80M, respectively, at the beginning of
the period. During the period, Entity A earned total income of ₱60 and incurred total expenses of
₱40. Entity A’s total assets decreased to ₱130M by year-end. There were no additional
contributions by, or distributions to, the owner during the period. How much is Entity A’s
ending total liabilities?
a. ₱60M
b. ₱80M
c. ₱70M
d. ₱40M

48. Entity A has ending total assets of ₱90M and ending total liabilities of ₱60M. Entity A had a
beginning equity of ₱10M. If Entity A earned total income of ₱45M during the year, how much
were the total expenses?
a. ₱0
b. ₱20M
c. ₱15M
d. ₱25M

49. Entity A has ending total assets of ₱150M and ending total liabilities of ₱90M. Entity A had a
beginning equity of ₱30M. If Entity A incurred total expenses of ₱50M during the year, how
much was the total income?
a. ₱90M
b. ₱40M
c. ₱50M
d. ₱80M

50. At year-end, Entity A’s total assets and total liabilities are ₱190M and ₱70M, respectively. If
Entity A had a beginning equity of ₱145M and there were no contributions from, or
distributions to, the owner during the period, how much profit (loss) did Entity A earn (incur)
during the year? a. ₱35M
b. ₱25M
c. (₱35M)
d. (₱25M)

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

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