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Chapter 4 : Descriptive Text

Concept Map

Descriptive text about tourism

destination and historical building

Generic Language features



Description paragraph

Simple present tense

Order of adjectives



De sc ri pt ion : a s ta te m en t t ha t g i v es
d e ta i ls a b ou t s om eo n e or
som et h in g.
Id e n t ifi cat ion : in tr od u c in g t h e r ea d e r
a b ou t t h e ob j e ct o r
som et h in g t hat w e h av e
d es cr ib ed b ef o re w e t el l
a b ou t i ts p ro p er ti es
Ord e r of ad j ec ti v e : a d j e ct i v es t hat mu s t a pp e ar in a s p ec ia l ord e r t o
ex pr e ss th e m ean in g th at w e wan t to e x p re ss


Basic Competence

Dis tin g u is h in g s oc i a l fu n ct io n s, t ex t st ru c tu r e s, an d lin gu is ti c

e l em en t s som e s ho rt a n d simp l e or al an d writ t en d e sc ri p ti v e te x ts b y
gi vin g and a s ki n g for in fo rma ti on re la t ed to fam ou s tou ris t
d es tin a t ion a n d hi st or ica l b u il d in g , in a cc ord an c e w it h t h e con t ex t
of th e ir u s e.

Re sp on d i n g t h e c on t ex tu al m ean in g r e lat ed t o s oc ial fu n c ti o n s, t ex t

stru ct u r es , a n d l in gu is ti c e l em en ts of sho rt a n d sim p l e ora l an d
wri tt en d esc ri p ti v e te x ts r e lat ed t o fa mou s tou r ist d est i n ati on an d
hi st or ica l b u i ld in g.

Com po sin g s h or t a n d si mp l e or al an d wr it te n d es cr i pt iv e t ex ts r el at e d
to fa m ou s tou ri st d es tin at ion an d h is to ri cal b u i ld in g, ta kin g in to
acc ou n t t o so cia l f u n ct ion s, t ex t s tru ctu r e, an d lan gu ag e el em en ts
th a t a r e co rr e ct a n d in con t ex t .

Learning Objectives

Th e stu d en ts a r e a b l e to d is tin gu is h s oc ial fu n c ti o n s, t ex t

stru ct u r es , a n d li n g u ist ic e l em en t s of d es cr ip ti v e t ex ts b y g iv in g an d
ask in g fo r in f or m a t ion r e la te d to fam ou s to u r ist d es tin a tio n an d
hi st or ica l b u i ld in g.
Th e s tu d en ts a r e a b le to an a lyz e th e so cia l fu n ct ion s , t ex t
stru ct u r es , a n d li n g u ist ic e l em en t s of d es cr ip ti v e t ex ts b y g iv in g an d
ask in g fo r in f or m a t ion r e la te d to fam ou s to u r ist d es tin a tio n an d
hi st or ica l b u i ld in g.
Th e stu d en ts a r e a b l e to d et e rm in e t h e c on t ex tu a l m ean in g r e lat ed t o
soc ia l fu n c ti on s , te x t s t ru c tu r es , a n d lin gu i st ic e l em en ts of
d es cr i pt iv e t ex ts b y gi vin g a n d as kin g for in fo rma tio n r e lat ed t o
fam ou s t ou r is t d es ti n a ti on an d his to ri ca l b u i ld in g.
Th e s tu d en ts a r e a b l e t o ma k e s ho rt an d sim p l e o ral an d wri tt en
d es cr i pt iv e t ex ts b y gi vin g a n d as ki n g for in fo rma tio n r e lat ed t o
fam ou s t ou r is t d es ti n a ti on an d his to ri ca l b u i ld in g.
Th e s tu d en t s a r e a b l e to pr e se n t s ho rt an d simp l e o ra l an d wri tt e n
d es cr i pt iv e t ex ts b y gi vin g a n d as kin g for in fo rma tio n r e lat ed t o
fam ou s t ou r is t d es ti n a ti on an d his to ri ca l b u i ld in g.


Activity 1

Below are lists of words related to tourist destinations. Let’s play Odd Man Out game.
Play this game in groups of four. Find the word that does not belong to the same category as
the other words in the same group. That word is the odd word (the odd man). Cross out or
circle the word and explain your reason. Compete with other groups to finish the game.

1 2 3

Wave Savannah Canopy

Trees Botanical garden Leafy

Sandy Wood Green

Breeze Jungle Blue

4 5 6

Cool Coral Dirty

Hot Clear Nice

Cold Sofa Clean

Fresh Fish Comfortable

7 8 9

Ship Fall down Valley

Boat Rock Amusement park

Raft Splash Hot spring

Canoe Waterfall Crater

10 11 12

Sunny Terrible Impressive

Wet Amazing Interesting

Warm Awesome Boring

Hot Marvelous Unforgettable


Activity 2

In this activity, you will watch and listen to the following

description about a famous historical building. Fill in the blanks
with words you have heard from the video. After that, find
nine adjectives in the text then write them in the table
provided. Scan the barcode to have an access to the video.

P r amb an an T e mp l e

Li v in g w it h a ( 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mou n t ain Pra mb an an t em pl e com po u n d s,

M ou n t M e ra p i in t h e c en tra l r eg ion of J a va in In d on esi a has b e en r e v er ed as
a sac r ed m ou n t a in sin c e (2 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ti me s. A t t h e f oo t of t h e
mou n t a in of t h e r em a in s of P ramb an an t em p l e c on s id er ed t o b e on e of t h e
(3 )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hi n d u t em p l es in I n d on e sia.

Pra m b a n a n t em pl e ( 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w a s b u i lt d u rin g t h e 9 t h c en tu ry
an d t hi s fo r ty - s ev en m e tr e h ig h ce n t ra l Sh i va t e mp l e is co n sid er ed as t he
mos t im p o rta n t. In s i d e t h e t em pl e i s a ( 5)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Sh i va. S hi va is
on e of t h e m a in Hi n d u god s r ep r es e n tin g b ot h ( 6 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an d
cr ea ti on .

Th e (7 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fou n d on t h e r oo f of t h e te mp l e i s k n own as a
Ratn a . Th e s e tow e r s a r e t h e e qu i va l e n t of t h e Bu d d h is t stu pa s wh e r e
Bu d d ha ’ s r em a in s a r e ( 8)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . P ramb an a n te mp l e is a fin e ma rr iag e
of Bu d d his t a n d la t e r Hin d u (9 )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Re st ora ti on w or k o n t h e t e mp l e has b e en on g oin g fo r y ea rs. Fo r t h e

Ja van es e p e op l e, M ou n t M er ap i is m or e t han si mp ly an (1 0) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fea tu r e of n a tu r e i t s v ol ca n ic a s h h as mad e t h e s oi l f e rt il e an d ra in wa t er
co ll e ct ed fr om t h e m ou n t a in sl o p es is ( 1 1 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t o t h ei r ri c e f i eld s.

Th e fa r m e rs l i vin g a t f oo t o f M ou n t M e ra pi ( 12 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t hr e e
tim es ea c h y ea r . Bu t Mo u n t M era p i i s an ac ti v e v ol can o a n d in t hi s (1 3 )
_____________ a r ea ea rt h qu a k es oc cu r f rom ti m e t o t im e. T ha t’s o n e of t h e
re ason s f or t h e con tin u in g r es to rat ion wor k on t h e t em pl e wh en it wa s hi t
b y th e q u a ke i n 2 00 6. T h e si t e was al r e ad y u n d e r ( 14 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from
d amag e ca u s ed b y ea rl i er e a r t hqu a k es .

Th e p eo p l e o f J a v a ha v e w or sh i pe d on M ou n t M era p i an d c on sid e r ed it
a sac r ed pla c e for c e n tu r i es. R ep e a te d ear t hqu ak e s h av e pr ofo u n d l y
affe ct e d t h em y et t he y g o on r es to rin g t h ei r ( 15 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an d
re b u i ld i n g th e ir l i v es .


Sacred  Suci

Activity 3

In this activity, you will learn what a descriptive text is, its social function, language
features, and generic structures. You will also learn further about the use of adjectives and
how to order of adjectives.

Descriptive text is a text that is used to describe characteristics of a person/people,

place, animal, or thing in detail.

In this part introduces to the subject of the description.

In this part gives detail of the characteristic features of the
subject. It may describe parts, qualities, characteristics, size
physical appearance, ability, habit, daily life, etc.

Conclusion (optional)


Simple present tense ⟶ if things/people describes are still alive.

Simple past tense ⟶ if things/people described don’t exist anymore.

Using noun

Using adjectives

Action verbs

Opinion Size Shape Age Color Origin Material Purpose

A To To mark To convey To To show the To To define
subjective estimate out any how old describe country an express what an
attitude the forms an something any object/person materials object is
to dimensions object or colors or comes from an object used for
someone of an can have someone tints an e.g. French, can be e.g.
or object or a e.g. is object English, made of dining,
something person round, e.g. can have Italian e.g. hotel,
e.g. nice, e.g. large, triangular antique, e.g. grey, wooden, swimming
perfect huge, young, silver, silk,
narrow two-year- beige woolen

Distribute the adjectives in the correct groups










Make up the sentences

1. Presented / my/ me / white / ball / friend / round / fine / leather / a

2. Old / university / your / can / call / you / Italian / friend ?
3. I’m / need / that / wooden / black / sure / I / this / stylish / chair
4. Martha’s / violet / outfit / Dylan / didn’t / dance / see / bright

Activity 4

In this activity, you will read a descriptive text related to a famous tourism
destination. After you read the text, answer correctly the questions based on the
information you have got from the text.

Tanjung Putting National Park

Tanjung Putting National Park is an internationally famous ecotourism destination,
which is located in the southwest of Central Kalimantan peninsula. Visitors from foreign
countries come to this park because of its amazing nature. This is called a park, but
unlike any park that you have seen in your city, this is a jungle! It is a real jungle, which
is home to the most interesting animal in the world: orangutans.
Though the park is home to many animals, seeing orangutans is usually the visitors’
main reason to visit the park. Orangutans, which literally mean, the man of the forest,
are the largest arboreal animal on the planet. Most of their lives are spent in trees where
orangutans travel from branch to branch by climbing or swinging with their long arms.
To see orangutans, we should go to Camp Leakey, which is located in the heart of
Tanjung Putting National Park. Camp Leaky is a rehabilitation place for ex-captive orang
utans and also a preservation site. It is also a famous center for research about
orangutans which has been conducted by the famous primatologist Dr Birute Galdikas
since 1971. Here visitors can see daily feedings to orangutans at jungle platforms as part
of the rehabilitation process to their natural habitat. This event gives them opportunity
to see orangutans up close.
To reach the place, we should take a boat down Sekonyer river. The boat is
popularly called perahu klotok which is a boathouse that can accommodate four
people. The trip by the boat to Camp Leaky takes three days and two nights. You sleep,
cook, and eat in that klotok, night and day during your journey into the jungle.

The traveling in the boat offers an unforgettable experience. In daylight, on your
way to Camp Leaky, you can see trees filled with pro monkeys that have enormous
snout which can only be found in Kalimantan. The monkeys anxiously await klotok
arrivals. A troop of 30 light-brown monkeys may plunge from branches 10 meters or
higher into the river and cross directly in front of the boat. These monkeys know that
the boat’s engine noise and the threat of its propeller scare crocodiles, which find these
chubby monkeys delicious. The clear sky and the amazingly bright stars as the only lights
for the night. With such exotic nature, no wonder many tourists from foreign countries
who love ecotourism frequently visit Tanjung Puting National Park. What about you?

A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Based on the text, can you guess what ecotourism is. Give some examples of other
ecotourism destinations.

2. As one of ecotourism destinations, what does Tanjung Puting National Park offer
to tourists?

3. How is the park different from the parks in cities?


4. How is Camp Leaky related to Tanjung Puting National Park?


5. What does the word ex-captive tell you about the orangutans in Camp Leaky, which
is a rehabilitation site for orangutans?

6. How can people reach Camp Leaky?


7. What is special about the means of transportation to Camp Leaky.

8. What can tourists enjoy during their trip to Camp Leaky?


9. Which do you think is the most interesting scene in Tanjung Puting National Park?

10. How important is the research by Dr. Birute Galdikas?


B. Rearrange the place of the main ideas in the right column to match it with the purpose
of each paragraph.

Parts of the text Purpose Main idea

Paragraph 1 Opening statement to a. Orangutan is the main reason
introduce the subject why people come to Tanjung
Puting National Park.
Paragraph 2 Supporting paragraph that b. Camp Leaky is where we can see
describes the subject orangutans.
Paragraph 3 Supporting paragraph that c. People from foreign countries
describes the subject come because of its exotic
Paragraph 4 Supporting paragraph that d. Tanjung Putting National Park is
describes the subject an internationally famous
ecotourism destination because
its amazing nature
Paragraph 5 Supporting paragraph that e. To go to Camp Leaky we should
describes the subject take perahu klotok down the
Sekonyer river.
Paragraph 6 Concluding paragraph that f. The travelling by perahu klotok
indicates the end of the text gives interesting experience.


Activity 5

In this activity, you will learn how to write a descriptive text. In the end of this
activity, you will be asked to write about a famous historical building you have known in
Malang City.

One of the keys to writing a descriptive essay is to create a picture in your reading
audience’s mind by engaging all five of their senses – smell, sight, touch, taste and sound. If
you can do this, then your essay is a success, if not, then you have a lot of work to do. The
first steps in writing a descriptive essay will lay the groundwork for the entire piece.

Step 1 : Choose a topic

If you are writing about a person or a place you need to order the paragraphs so
that you start off in a general manner and then write more specific details later.
Your introductory paragraph sets the tone for the rest of the essay, so it needs to
set out all of the main ideas that you are going to cover in your essay. The
introductory paragraph is where you give the name and location of the place or
building and/or the reason for choosing it

Step 2 : Create a description

In this step, you are about to describe the main aspects of the place or building in
detail – for example, when you describe a place you should describe what you can
see and do there. Start a new paragraph for each topic and use a lot of adjectives
and adverbs in order to make your description lively.

Step 3 : Write the conclusion

In this step, you can include your comments/feelings and /or a recommendation


Before you write a descriptive text, try to find appropriate adjectives from the
following pictures. Find adjectives as many as possible in the table provided.


Write a descriptive text about one of the famous historical buildings in Malang city.
You can do some observation or visit to the place you will describe. Don’t forget to take
some pictures to support your writing.



Self Reflection

1. I l ea rn ed ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .
.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

2. I u n d e rst ood t h e f o l low in g v e ry w el l ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .
.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

3. I am ha v in g d iff icu l t y w i t h . ... ... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... . .. .

Be ca u s e .. ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

4 . My pla n fo r d e a l in g w it h t h e d iffi cu lt y I am ha vin g is .. ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ...

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

5. W ha t I li k e m o st a b o u t t h is c ha pt e r i s . ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... ... . ...

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... . .. ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

6. Th e m os t f ru s tr a t in g t hin g ab ou t t hi s c h apt e r is ... ... .... ... ... .. .... ... ... . ... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... . .. ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

7. I n e ed h e lp w i t h . ... .. .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ...

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... . .. ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .

.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . .... ... ... .... ... .


Ability Check

To fin d o u t yo u r a b il it y, pu t t h e c h e ck li st in th e co lu m n pr ov id ed
b e low !

N o. S ta t em en t Yes No

1 Can y ou d is tin g u is h soc ia l fu n ct ion s, t ex t s tru ctu r es,

an d l in gu is ti c el e m en ts of d es cr i pt i ve t ex ts b y g iv in g
an d as kin g f or in f or m a ti on r el at ed t o fa mou s to u r ist
d es tin a t ion a n d hi st or ica l b u i ld in g ?

2 Can y ou a n a l yz e t h e soc ia l fu n ct ion s, t ex t s tru ctu r es,

an d l in gu is ti c el e m en ts of d es cr i pt i ve t ex ts b y g iv in g
an d as kin g f or in f or m a ti on r el at ed t o fa mou s to u r ist
d es tin a t ion a n d hi st or ica l b u i ld in g ?

3 Can y ou d e t er m in e t h e con t ex tu a l m ean i n g r e la te d t o

soc ia l fu n ct ion s, t ex t s tru ctu r es, an d l in gu is ti c
e l em en t s o f d es cr ip t iv e t ex ts b y g i vin g an d as kin g fo r
in fo rm a ti on r ela t ed to fa m ou s tou ris t d e stin at ion an d
hi st or ica l b u i ld in g ?

4 Can y ou m a ke s ho rt a n d si m p l e or al an d wri tt en
d es cr i pt iv e t ex ts b y gi vin g an d as kin g fo r in f orm at ion
re la t ed to fa m ou s to u ris t d e st in at ion an d h is to ri cal
b u ild in g ?

5 Can y ou p r es en t s ho rt a n d s im pl e o ra l an d wr it t en
d es cr i pt iv e t ex ts b y gi vin g an d as kin g fo r in f orm at ion
re la t ed to fa m ou s to u ris t d e st in at ion an d h is to ri cal
b u ild in g ?



C h oo s e t he c o rr e ct an sw e r.

R e ad th e f ol l ow in g d e s cr i pt ion c ar ef u l ly an d t h en an s w er t h e qu es t ion b as ed
o n th e in fo rm a ti on yo u ha v e go tt en f rom t h e t ex t .

The following text type is description. In terms of situation, the text is classified as
PERSONAL INFORMATION TEXT, since it is intended to be read by individuals for
their own interest and information.

African Trek
The Northern Drakensberg Trek: South Africa / Lesotho

Fact file
o The Northern Drakensberg Trek involves crossing the northern Drakensberg
escarpment at high altitudes. The route, which is approximately 40 miles (65km)
long, straddles the border between South Africa and Lesotho, taking 5 strenuous
days to complete. The Trek is filled with highlights, including breath taking views
over the Amphitheatre to the Devil’s Tooth as you make your way to the Chain
Ladder, and sunrise seen from Mponjwane, which is well worth setting your alarm
o Start: The Sentinel car park, Royal Natal National Park.
o Finish: The Cathedral Peak Hotel.
o Difficulty and Altitude: This is a high-mountain walk in one of the more remote
areas of the Drakensberg Range. The going can be quite tough and the days long.
Good navigation skills are essential for safe crossing.


o Best Months to Visit: April, May, June or September, October, November.
o Climate: Summers in the Drakensberg can be very hot and very wet. The winters
are much drier, but there is always a chance of precipitation, which will probably
take the form of snow on the high ground. In spring and autumn the daytime
temperatures are ideal (between 60°F/15°C and 70°F/20°C), but at night will
frequently drop below freezing point.
Temperature and Precipitation
Average daily maximum temperature
(oF) 72 70 70 66 63 60 60 63 66 68 70 70
(oC) 22 21 21 19 17 15 15 17 19 20 21 21
Average daily minimum temperature
( F) 55 55 54 48 46 41 41 43 46 48 52 54
(oC) 13 13 12 9 8 5 5 6 8 9 11 12
Average monthly precipitation
(Inches) 9.3 8.5 7.7 3.1 1.1 0.6 0.5 1.3 2.4 4.0 6.5 7.9
(Milimetres) 237 216 196 78 29 14 12 33 62 101 165 201
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Q u e st ion 1
o A s p e ct : Access and retrieve: Retrieve information
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Closed constructed response

At what altitude is the Sentinel Car Park? Give your answer in feet and metres.

fe e t

m e t r es

Q u e st ion 2
o A s p e ct : Access and retrieve: Retrieve information
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Multiple choice

According to the information provided, where would you stay after the second day of


Q u e st ion 3
o A s p e ct : Reflect and evaluate: Reflect on and evaluate the content
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Open constructed response
Which day of the trek do you think would be the most difficult? Use the information
provided to give a reason to support your answer.

Q u e st ion 4
o A s p e ct : Access and retrieve: Retrieve information
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Multiple choice

On the morning of which day of the trek would you see the sunrise mentioned in the

R e ad th e t wo fi gu r es b el ow ca r efu l ly, t he n an sw e r t h e qu es tio n s b as ed on
t h e in fo rma ti on you h a v e go tt en f rom t he gra p h.

T al l Bu ild in g
―Tall buildings‖ is an article from a Norwegian magazine published in 2006

Q u e st ion 1
o A s p e ct : Access and retrieve: Retrieve information
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Closed constructed response
When the magazine article was published, which of the buildings in Figure 2 was the tallest
completed building?

Q u e st ion 2
o A s p e ct : Integrate and interpret: Form a broad understanding
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Multiple choice
What kind of information does Figure 1 provide?

Q u e st ion 3
o A s p e ct : Reflect and evaluate: Reflect on and evaluate the content
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Open constructed response
The Radisson SAS Plaza in Oslo, Norway is only 117 metres tall. Why has it been included
in Figure 2?

Q u e st ion 4
o A s p e ct : Reflect and evaluate: Reflect on and evaluate the content
o Q u e st ion t yp e : Compl ex mu lt ip l e c ho ic e
Suppose that information about tall buildings was presented again in an article like this in
twenty years’ time.
Listed below are two features of the original article. Show whether or not these features
are likely to change in twenty years’ time, by circling either ―Yes‖ or ―No‖ in the table

Feature of Article Is it likely to change in twenty years?

The title of Figure 2. ☐Yes
The numbers of buildings shown in ☐Yes
Figure 1. ☐No

The following text is for questions number 1 to 4.

The history of the Alhambra is

linked with the geographical place where
it is located: Granada, Spain. On a rocky
hill that is difficult to access, on the
banks of the River Darro, protected by
mountains and surrounded by woods,
among the oldest quarters in the city, the
Alhambra rises up like an imposing castle
with reddish tones in its ramparts that
prevent the outside world from seeing the
delicate beauty they enclose.
Originally designed as a military area, the Alhambra became the residence of royalty
and of the court of Granada in the middle of the thirteenth century, after the
establishment of the Nasrid kingdom and the construction of the first palace, by the
founder king Mohammed ibn Yusuf ben Nasr, better known as Alhamar.
Throughout the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the fortress
became a citadel with high ramparts and defensive towers, which house two main areas:
the military area, or Alcazaba, the barracks of the royal guard, and the medina or court
city, the location of the famous Nasrid Palaces and the remains of the houses of
noblemen and plebeians who lived there. The Charles V Palace, (which was built after
the city was taken by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492) is also in the medina.
The complex of monuments also has an independent palace opposite the Alhambra,
surrounded by orchards and gardens, which was where the Granadine kings relaxed: the

1. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To promote a tourist resort.
B. To describe a historical place.
C. To relate the history of a place.
D. To tell us about a past hsitory.
E. To inform us about a great kingdom.

2. From the text we know that Alhambra is ….

A. a palace and fortress complex
B. a castle and military headquarter
C. an old military headquarter
D. another name of Granada
E. a famous fortress in Granada

3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The Charles V Palace is also in the medina of the fortress.
B. The medina or court city, the location of the famous Nasrid Palaces.
C. The fortress became a citadel with high ramparts and defensive towers.
D. The fortress houses two main areas: the military area and medina.
E. There are the remains of the houses of noblemen and plebeians living there.

4. ―… seeing the delicate beauty they enclose.‖ (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. sturdy
B. smooth
C. delicious
D. exquisite
E. satisfying

The following text is for questions number 5 to 8.

Italy's Amalfi Coast boasts a classic

Mediterranean landscape, a sensual blend of
both natural and cultural wonders. The
breathtaking terrain includes dramatic
coastline topography scattered with terraced
vineyards, orchards, and pastures—often
with enchanting views of the vibrant waters
Kind climate, abundant resources, and natural beauty have drawn people to this
coast for many centuries, and the Greeks, Romans, Normans, Saracens, Arab-Sicilians,
and many others have left their mark. Amalfi communities often cluster along cliffs,
their terraces blending into the rock to add their own picturesque charm to the natural
beauty of the coast. Upon closer inspection, towns like Amalfi and Ravello are home to
many examples of artistic and architectural excellence—not a surprise, since this
stretch of the Sorrento Peninsula has long attracted famous artists of all stripes.
Amalfi itself thrives as a picturesque tourist center but in the 11th and 12th
centuries the city centered the Amalfi Maritime Republic and was a naval power to be
reckoned with throughout the Mediterranean. Amalfi’s ports also saw extensive trade
with North Africa, and the city retains cloisters of Arab-Sicilian architecture
throughout, as well as the Arsenale—a partially preserved medieval shipyard from a
glorious era.
One of the most enjoyable things to do on the Amalfi Coast is to simply find a spot
where you can soak it all in. Among the top locations is Monte Solaro, a B&B in Anacapri
with stunning views of the twin bays Salerno and Naples.

5. What is the text mostly about?
A. The beautiful the Sorrento Peninsula.
B. The breathtaking coastline topography.
C. Italy’s wonderful Mediterranean coast.
D. Places of artistic and architectural excellence.
E. A picturesque resort in the 11th and 12th centuries.

6. A long time ago, Amalfi Coast was popular as ….

A. a maritime country
B. a fish auction center
C. beautiful twin bays
D. extensive trading ports
E. a beautiful tourism spots

7. From the text, it can be concluded that ….

A. Amalfi Coast has a large and flat area
B. one of most favorite hostels is Monte Solaro
C. there is a popular naval base in Amalfi Coast
D. local people build their houses along the coast
E. people mostly visit the coast due to its popular festival

8. ―… a partially preserved medieval shipyard from a glorious era.‖

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Bright.
B. Excellent.
C. Radiant.
D. Valuable.
E. Extraordinary.

The following text is for question number 9 to 12.

The Atomium was designed by a Belgian

engineer André Waterkeyn to represent a
single unit of iron crystal magnified 165 billion
times. There are 9 spheres representing atoms
which are connected by tubes with escalators
and lifts. Each sphere is about the size of a
large apartment (18m diameter).
You may not notice it at first glance, but if you tilt your head sideways, you will see
that the Atomium resembles a cube with an extra sphere in the center.
Created in 1958 for the Brussels World’s Fair, The Atomium is the only structure
left standing after the event ended. World's fair (or World Expo) is an international
event which began as a technology exhibition and later progressed towards national
propagation. Next one will be in Dubai in 2020.
From 2004 to 2007 the Atomium was under reconstruction and was covered with

shiny stainless steel instead of faded aluminium that was there since 1958.
Not all Atomium spheres can be visited. The three outer spheres that are below
the top are the ones. The rests of the spheres contain various attractions and can be
You can see a permanent exhibition about the world's fair 1958 inside the Atomium
building. It is also a temporary exhibition that is changed about once a year and for the
year 2017 it is about a luxury commercial flight of the 20th century.
In the top sphere there is a restaurant with panoramic view. Using the telescopes
that are in the top sphere you can see all the way to the city of Antwerps. This Atomium
restaurant is reachable by an elevator from the bottom of the structure.
The other four spheres open to the public are reachable by escalators only, which
could be difficult for people with reduced mobility. There is also a place reserved for
events, and a kid sphere for school events. However, these are not part of a regular
tourist visit.

9. Where is the building located?

A. In Paris.
B. In Rome.
C. In Dubai.
D. In Bruxelle.
E. In Netherland.

10. How can people recognize the building easily, compared to other buildings’ shapes?
A. It was covered by shiny steel.
B. Four spheres are open to public.
C. It consists of crystals with escalators.
D. There are kids sphere for school events.
E. There are nine spheres representing atoms.

11. People will like to be in the top sphere of this building because they can enjoy ….
A. various attractions
B. panoramic view while having meals
C. an international technology exhibition
D. a luxury commercial flight of the 20th century
E. a permanent display about the world’s fair in 1958.

12. Which of the following titles has the similar purpose as the text?
A. The story of Lake Toba.
B. My favorite tourist spot in Paris.
C. My experience in visiting Singapore.
D. Steps on how to make a chicken nugget.
E. Five reasons why we should protect historical buildings.

The following text is for question number 13 to 15.

With a worldwide reputation, and

recognized by the British Travel Awards as
one of the Best UK Leisure Attractions,
Eden barely needs an introduction, but this
epic destination definitely deserves a day of
your undivided attention. More than just a
huge, tropical garden, Eden is a gateway into
the relationships between plants and people,
and a fascinating insight into the story of
mankind's dependence on plant life.
Not only a mind-blowing visitor attraction, Eden is also fast-becoming a unique resource
for education and knowledge towards a sustainable future.
In this place people can experience the sights, smells and scale of the rainforests in
the Rainforest Biome - the world's largest greenhouse - and discover the tropical plants
that are used to produce everyday products. They can travel to South Africa and
California, as they amble amongst the orange and lemon trees, olive groves and gnarled
vines of the Mediterranean Biome, and in the 30-acre Outdoor Garden see hemp,
sunflowers and other plants that could change your future, flourishing under the
Cornish sun.
A fascinating location, but, more importantly, Eden is a fun and family-friendly day
out. Curious kids can find out where tea, rubber and sugar come from, and travel the
world to the simulated environments of tropical destinations that they dream of
traveling to in the future. There are themed events according to the seasons, workshops
for adults and children, activity days, music concerts and much more besides.
There's no stress about packing up a family survival kit - facilities include on-site
restaurants and cafes, gift shops and well-equipped child- and baby-friendly toilet
facilities. In fact, for a day out you needn't worry about taking much more than
yourselves. Eden also offers easy access to wheelchairs and buggies, and dogs on leads
are welcome in all the outdoor areas of the site.

13. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. Eden is accessible.
B. Eden is a family-friendly day out.
C. Children can enjoy simulated environments.
D. There are themed events according to the seasons.
E. People can enjoy music concerts and attend workshops.

14. Why is the place significant for natural conversation?
A. It consists of various plants.
B. It is clean from water and air pollution.
C. It can be used as a resource for education.
D. It is an interesting place to relax with families.
E. It is a gateway to the relationship among people.

15. ―… for education and knowledge towards a sustainable future.‖ (Paragraph 1)

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Edible.
B. Credible.
C. Continued.
D. Temporary.
E. Dependable.

The following text is for question number 16 and 17.

The Van Gogh Museum is situated in the

Amsterdam's Museum Quarter, between
the Rijksmuseum and the Stedelijk Museum. The
museum entrance is at the Paulus Potterstraat 7.
It can be reached by tram number 2 and 5 from the
Central Station.
Amsterdam Van Gogh Museum maintains the world’s largest collection of the
works of the world’s most popular artist - Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), his paintings,
drawings and letters, completed with the art of his contemporaries. Each year, 1.6 million
visitors come to the Van Gogh Museum, making it one of the 25 most popular museums
in the world. In 2015, the museum added the new glass entrance hall at the back of its
The collection features the works of Vincent van Gogh – more than 200 painting,
500 drawings but also works of other artists, his contemporaries – Impressionists and
Postimpressionists. Van Gogh's work is organized chronologically into five periods, each
representing a different period of his life and work: The Netherlands, Paris, Arles,
Saint-Remy and Auvers-sur-Oise.
Even if you are not a big Van Gogh lover, do not miss this museum. Its modern main
building was designed by Gerrit Rietveld, completed by his partners after his death
(opened in 1973), with later built elliptical exhibition wing by Kisho Kurokawa (opened in
1999). Both give a visitor brilliant space to admire art works, to look and to breathe.
While this is one of the most crowded museums in the world, you will always be able to
find there your private moment to admire Van Gogh’s genius. There is a free wifi in the

16. From the text we know that the museum ….
A. has no online supports
B. is rarely packed with visitors
C. only stores Van Gogh art pieces
D. has been touched by three designers
E. has collections which are divided into four segments

17. What is the main idea of paragraph four?

A. The spaces in the museum.
B. The facilities of the museum.
C. The designers of the museum.
D. The architecture of the museum.
E. The other attractions of the museum.

The following text is for question number 18 and 19.

Mayura Park is the remains of the

once existing Karang Asem kingdom of
Bali. In the middle of a large pond is a
structure called Balai Kambang, which at
the time functioned as a legal court of
justice as well as a hall for important
meetings. Curiously, its architecture
shows both Hindu as well as Islamic
influences, whereas around the place
statues made of stone are found in a Moslem hajji form.
Mayura and Bale Kambang, had built on 1743 by Balinese Hindu's Dynasty; Anak
Agung Gede Karangasem. It's now become a recreational park when seasonally used for
Music Festivals.

18. The text is written ….

A. to describe a tourist destination
B. to describe a traditional house
C. to persuade people to visit the place
D. to amuse the readers about the place
E. to relate an experience when visiting the place

19. the text is useful for ….

A. travelers
B. observers
C. gardeners
D. scientists
E. retailers

The following text is for question number 20 to 22.

In the hot, expansive Karakum Desert in

Turkmenistan, near the 350-person village of
Darvaza, is a hole 230 feet wide that has been on
fire for over 40 years.
Though technically called the Darvaza gas
crater, locals know the crater as ―The Gates of
Hell.‖ Its fiery glow can be seen for miles around.
The Gates of Hell crater was created in 1971 when a Soviet drilling rig accidentally
punched into a massive underground natural gas cavern, causing the ground to collapse
and the entire drilling rig to fall in. Having punctured a pocket of gas, poisonous fumes
began leaking at an alarming rate. To head off a potential environmental catastrophe,
the Soviets set the hole alight. The crater hasn’t stopped burning since.
If you drive up the gas crater during the daytime, it will not impress much and seem
a whole in the ground, but when you come closer you will see thousands of fire pieces
burning in the 20-meter crater. Gas comes out of the hole and inflames more, making the
hot air even hotter.
The Soviet drilling rig is believed to still be down there somewhere, on the other
side of the ―Gates of Hell.‖

20. What is the text mainly about?

A. A mountain crater.
B. A burning hole.
C. A gas cavern.
D. A burning cave.
E. A flaming gate.

21. What causes the Gates of Hell keep burning?

A. The sun.
B. Gas.
C. Hot air.
D. A drilling rig.
E. Poisonous fumes.

22. ―Having punctured a pocket of gas, …‖

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Stemmed.
B. Pierced.
C. Sticked.
D. Pounded.
E. Wrecked.


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