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Journal of Information Engineering and Applications www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-5782 (print) ISSN 2225-0506 (online)
Vol.7, No.9, 2017

Design of the Digital Pressure Meter with Thermohygrometer

Andjar Pudji
Department of Electromedical Engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Indonesia

M.Ridha Mak,ruf
Department of Electromedical Engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Indonesia

Sphygmomanometer is one of the most widely used medical devices for patient diagnosis. This device_ is used to
measure the patient's blood pressure non invasive. To maintain the accuracy of the measurement results
Sphygmomanometer required calibration periodically. Calibration is an activity to determine the truth of a
measuring instrument or measuring material. Tool for calibration tensirneter is Digital Pressure Meter
(DPM).Thermohygrometer is a tool that combines the function of thermometer with hygrometer. In general we
are more familiar with the thermometer and hygrometer, because its function as a temperature gauge is often used
in everyday life. While hygrometer relatively rarely heard for the layman because it is only useful for measuring
the air humidity both inside and outside the room.This thermohygrometer tool can be used to measure the
temperature of air and humidity both in the room and also outsidethe room. In the calibration Sphygmomanometer
must be considered the temperature and humidity of the room because it can affect the measure of pressure on the
Sphygmomanometer.In this study the researchers designed the Sphygmomanometer Calibrator Tool equipped with
thermohygrometer. Based on the measurement and comparison of data made 10 times error rate of 0.2% on the
measurement rises, and meesuremeat of room temperature and 0.2% on the humidity measurement.
Keywords: Calibration sphygmomanometer, Thermohygrometer

Sphygmomanometer is an instrument that used to measure blood pressure that works manually or automatically,
in the pumping or reduce pressure on the cuff with a non-invasive system. In the measurement of the blood, there
are two kinds of blood pressure, the systolic (upper limit) and diastolic (the lower limit). Systolic pressure of 95
up to 140 mmHg, while diastolic pressure sebasar 60 up to 90 mmHg. According with technological development
in the medical devices, sphygmomanometer has been developed ranging from mercury sphygmomanometer,
aneroid sphygmomanometer, and most recently the digital sphygmomanometer.
According to the writer's observation, the results of blood pressure measurement is performed with a mercury
sphygmomanometer results are different from the results of measurement conducted by digital
sphygmomanometer. With the difference of the measuring results it is necessary to identify the blood pressure
measuring devices. The results of blood pressure measurements should be done properly, this is due to concern
health and safety of patients. Errors in the measurement of blood pressure can be caused by human error or the
function of the tool itself that its accuracy has exceeded the allowable threshold (Standart error up to 3 mmHg).
In connection with the global demands in the quality of health services, the ISO 9000 and Law no 8 / 99 on
consumer protection, the necessary measurement and calibration of medical must be scheduled.The procedures of
calibration must be performed on a scheduled basis in order to maintain the safety of the user or operator and
patients as consumers. In this regard needs to be calibrated to determine the truth value of a sphygmomanometer
by comparing it with a standard measuring traceable. It is listed in Health Minister Regulation No. 363 / Menkes
/ PER / IV / 1998 on Testing and Calibration Medical Devices in Health Care facilities. In this case
sphygmomanometer calibration can be done with DPM (Digital Pressure Meter), to obtain a degree of accuracy
and a high degree of precision (Health Minister Regulation NO 363 / Menkes / PER / IV / 1998).
Thermohygrometer is a tool that combine the fuction between thermometer and hygrometer.
Thermohygrometer can be use to measure the air temperature and humidity in indoor and outdoor. Thermometer
is a tool that use to measure the temperature or the changing of temperature. Thermometer come from Latin words
that means heat and meter mean ro measure. The unit of this measure is ussualy using Celcius (0C).
Hygrometer is an instrument used to calculate the percentage of water vapor (moisture) in the air, or simply
a tool to measure the level of air humidity. Unit of measurement is the percentage (%). The larger the percentage,
the higher the humidity.
At the hospital, the tool is used to measure the level of humidity of a room or a device that has a certain
standard operating room, for example, 45-60% moisture is needed, laboratory space, baby care, sterilization is
required 35-60% (Ministry of Health Decree No. 1204 / Menkes / SK / X2004)
Based on the problems above, The Researchers Designed A Chronological Related Devices Such Problems
With The Title Design Of The Spyghmomanometer Calibrator Equipped With Thermohygrometer

Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
ISSN 2224-5782 (print) ISSN 2225-0506 (online)
Vol.7, No.9, 2017

This research was experimental research that was conducted in the field with the design of posttest only control
group. The subject of this research was comparison of Output Sensor. The procedure of this research was compare
output sensor measurement and out sensor calcilation. Dhe data was processed descriptively.


Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure used by the blood at an angle of 900 were punched in the wall of blood vessels,
blood pressure refers to systemic arterial blood pressure, the pressure in the veins or arteries that send blood to
body parts other than the lungs, as the main pulse with respect to the arm (in the arm). Values that are universally
stated in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Illustrates the peak systolic pressure artery pressure and circulatory
kejantung, while diastolic pressure is the lowest blood pressure (Ahmad, Muhlisin.2013). The magnitude of the
blood pressure to heart resting between 120 mmHg as systolic and 80 mmHg as diastolic (written as 120/80 mmHg),
measure blood pressure is not static, but undergo natural variations from one person to another person, depending
on nutrition factors, drugs / toxins, or disease (Ahmad, Muhlisin.2013).

Sphygmomanometer or Blood Pressure Meter is an instrument used to measure arterial blood pressure indirectly
(Non Invasive) with the help of a stethoscope (Booth, J.1977). Sphygmus word of the Greek word meaning pulse,
the scientific term manometer or pressure meter. At first discovered by Dr Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von
Basch.Scipione Riva-Rocci, from Italy, in 1896. And popularized by Harvey Cushing in 1901 (Booth, J.1977).

Thermohygrometer is a device that combines the functions of a thermometer and hygrometer. Thermohygrometer
tool can be used to measure the air temperature and humidity both indoors and outdoors. (Source: Adi R W, 2011)
The Working Principle of Thermohygrometer
a. Temperature
Air temperature is a measure of kinetic energy average of the movement of molecules. Temperature of an
object is a state that determines the ability of objects stretcher, to move (transfer) of heat to other objects or
receive the heat from the other objects. In a system of two objects, objects that heat loss is has a higher
b. Humidity
Humidity can be interpreted in several ways. Relative Humidity is generally capable of representing the sense
of humidity .To know the Relative Humidity, Absolute Humidity should be known first. Absolut Humidity is
the amount of water vapor in a certain volume of air that is affected by temperature and pressure. Relative
Humidity is a percentage ratio of the amount of water vapor contained in the volume compared with the
maximum amount of water vapor that can be contained in the volume (occurs when experiencing saturation).
Relative Humidity is also the percentage ratio of the current vapor pressure measurements were taken and the
water vapor pressure when saturation.

Thermometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature or a change in temperature. The term comes from
the Latin thermometer, thermo means heat and meter means to measure. The working principle of the thermometer
is diverse, the most commonly used is mercury. When thermometer measuring the temperature is using
thermometer, there are several scales which are used, such as the Celsius scale, Reamur, Fahrenheit and Kelvin
scale. The four scales have differences in temperature measurement.

Hygrometer is an instrument used to measure the relative humidity of the air, or the number of invisible water
vapor in a given environment. Lower moisture will prevent the growth of fungus whuch is an enemy on the

The Relations Between Temperature and Humidity

When the temperature increases, the humidity will decrease and the capacity to accommodate the water vapor in
the air will be increase. If the water vapor decreases, the temperature decreases and will lead to increased humidity.

Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
ISSN 2224-5782 (print) ISSN 2225-0506 (online)
Vol.7, No.9, 2017

Pressure Sensor (MPX)

Fugure 1 MPX Sensor

MPX 5100 sensor is a pressure sensor with temperature compensation, signal conditioning and has been calibrated.
The pressure sensor is a monolithic silicon pressure sensor designed for a variety applications, especially using a
microcontroller or microprocessor with input A / D (Sensor Datasheet MPX series).

Humidity Sensor 808 H5V5

Humidity sensor 808 H5V5 is a sensor based capacitive humidity sensor that changes the amount of moisture into
a voltage. This sensor can measure humidity.
This sensor contains a substrate thin film of polymer or metal ocide mounted between two conductive electrodes.

Figure 2 Humidity Sensor 808 H5V5

LM35 Temperature Sensor is one type of sensor that changes the temperature scale electric unit into voltage. LM35
have three pieces of pin legs, pin1 to INPUT positive voltage (+), PIN2 OUTPUT, INPUT pin3 negative voltage
/ GND (-). It can operate at voltages of 4 volts to 30volt

Figure 3 Temperature Sensor LM35

IC Mikrocontroller ATMega 328

ATMega 328 is a microcontroller in a group of AVR 8 bit.

Figure 4 IC Microcontroller
ATmega328 has three main PORT, PORTB, PORTC and PORTD with a total pin input / output 23 pins. That
PORT eventually serves as the input / output function as a digital or other peripherals.

LCD Character 2x16

LCD Character is a dot matrix display is enabled to display the text in the form of numbers or letters as desired

Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
ISSN 2224-5782 (print) ISSN 2225-0506 (online)
Vol.7, No.9, 2017

(according to the program used to control). LCD Module can be easily connected to the microcontroller. LCD to
be used has a wide display 2 rows 16 columns or commonly referred to as character LCD 2 x16

Figure 5 LCD Character circuit

Microcontroller Atmega 8 Circuit

Figure 6 Microcontroller Atmega 8 Circuit

MPX 5100 GP Sensor Circuit

The Specifications of MPX 5100 GP Sensor Circuit required as follows:
1. The input is 5V and ground
2. MPX 5100 GP given the pressure which then entered the PORTC.0 for display to the LCD.
Table 1. The Comparison of Output Sensor Calculation and Measurement
Accuracy Point Output (V)
(mmhg) Measurement Calculation
0 0,36 0,312
50 0,65 0,612
100 0,92 0,912
150 1,27 1,212
200 1,55 1,512
250 1,86 1,812

Figure 7. The comparison of Output Sensor (Calculation and Measurement)

Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
ISSN 2224-5782 (print) ISSN 2225-0506 (online)
Vol.7, No.9, 2017

From the comparison between measurements and calculations, there is a difference of voltage is about 0.1
volts. This is because the sensor has presentese error about 2.5%

a. After measurements obtained sensor output is 0.1 volts between measurements and calculations, this is
because the sensor has a percentage of error of about 2.5%.
b. After measurements on a circuit of PSA there is a voltage difference is about 0.01 volts to the circuit
summing amplifier and an inverting amplifier, this is because the effect of LM358 tolerance and resistance
values used in the circuit is not exactly the same.
c. After making the minimum system, the using of digital pin and analog pin si already matching with the
necessary to LCD Display, button and ADC input.
d. After testing, the pressure sensor can receive pressure of 0-250 mmHg, with an average of 0.091% on the
measurement error up and down 0.083% on the measurement.
e. After testing, the temperature sensor can tolerate temperatures of 10-60 ° C, with an average error of 0.2%.
f. After testing, the humidity sensor can receive humidity 20-85% RH, with an average error of 0.44%

a. Minimizing percentage error values so the result can be more accurate by using components that have little
b. Equipped by the indicator for battery.
c. Can be developed with a connection to a PC (Personal Computer) for data collection.

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