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G5U5L20: Using Blockly to Program Dash
Lesson Plan

Strands Addressed:
1-Collaboration and communication.
2- Computing practice and programming.
3- Computers and communication devices.

Standards Addressed:
1a-Computing as a collaborative endeavor.
1b-Using technology tools and resources for collaboration.
3a-Human vs. Computers.

Benchmarks Addressed:
1aa-Identify ways that teamwork and collaboration can support
problem solving and innovation.
1ba-Use online resources to participate in collaborative problem-
solving activities for the purpose of developing solutions or products.
2aa-Construct a program as a set of step-by-step instructions to be
acted out.
2ab-Implement problem solutions using a block based visual
programming language.
3aa-Recognize that computers model intelligent behavior.

Grade5-Unit5-Lesson20 Plan 1 Using Blockly to Program Dash

Specific Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Recall what Dash is.
2. Use the Repeat block (loop) until the Stop button is tapped.
3. Use the Repeat block (loop) until a clap is heard.
4. Use more command blocks to program Dash (like Look up, Look
down, All Lights on, Eye Pattern, and Set Wheel Speed).
5. Use technology resources for self-directed learning.
6. Develop leadership skills.

Required Materials:

1. Computers with internet access.

2. Data show projector.
3. Dash robots.
4. Android or IOS tablets.
5. MS PowerPoint presentation titled “Using Blockly to Program
6. Video titled “Introducing Kids to Coding with Dash and Dot”.
7. Video titled “Using Loops”.
8. Papers and pens.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

To activate students’ prior knowledge about the subject to be learned,
use the Brainstorming teaching strategy (Refer to appendix A for
details about the chosen strategy).

Organize students into groups of four or five, display slide 2 of the

MS PowerPoint presentation with the picture of Dash showing and ask
them the following questions:

 Who is he? What does he do?

When time is up, collect and read out a few answers then display slide
3 of the MS PowerPoint presentation and explain.

Grade5-Unit5-Lesson20 Plan 2 Using Blockly to Program Dash

(Activity time: 4 minutes)

Step-By-Step Procedures:
1. In order to familiarize students with the “command blocks”,
show them the video “Introducing Kids to Coding with Dash and
Dot”. Choose four or five students; one student at a time to
mention one command they learned from the video. Then, use the
data show projector to display the commands’ table and explain
the function of each.
(Activity time: 7 minutes)

2. To remind students of the definition of loops, use the

Brainstorming teaching strategy (Refer to appendix A for details
about the chosen strategy).

Organize students into groups of four or five and ask them the
following question:
 What is a loop?

When time is up, ask a few groups to read their answers out loud.
Then, show them the video “Wonder Tutorial: Using Loops” if
time allows. After that, display slide 4 of the MS PowerPoint
presentation and explain the definition.
(Activity time: 6 minutes)

3. Inform students that in this lesson, they will learn how to write
programs using loops. Also, they will use loops to create a dance
routine and choreograph Dash to moves to music.
Then, ask students to remain in the same groups. Give each group
one Dash Robot and one tablet.

Using the data show projector, demonstrate to students the

step-by-step instructions on how to “Program Dash the Robot”
and how to “Program Dash to Dance the Loopedy – Loop”.

Grade5-Unit5-Lesson20 Plan 3 Using Blockly to Program Dash

After you demonstrate each step, give each group some time to
(Activity time: 19 minutes)
Assessment Based On Objectives:
Ask students to remain in the same groups and solve the Activity
in the workbook.
(Activity time: 5 minutes)

4. Homework:
Assign the following exercise to students to complete at home:
Test your Knowledge A & B
Unit 5 Project Exercise.
(Activity time: 2 minutes)

5. Closure:
Make a briefing of what has been covered in this lesson
(Activity time: 2 minutes)

Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities):

Students with learning disabilities need to be given more time to

complete the activities and it is not necessary that they complete all
of them. You, as a teacher, can decide which activities to ask them to
complete depending on their cases. It is very important that special
needs students collaborate with mainstream students during group

Extensions (For Gifted Students):

Extension for kids that grasp concepts easily may include, but are not
limited to, helping struggling peers focus by pairing them together 
Also, such students might be asked to solve test your knowledge A and
B in class if they finish their tasks early.

Grade5-Unit5-Lesson20 Plan 4 Using Blockly to Program Dash

21st Century Skills Addressed:
Collaboration, Use of ICT, Communication, Shared Responsibility,
Critical Thinking, Knowledge Construction, Creativity, Self-Learner,

Possible Connections To Other Subjects:

English Language, Math.

Wonder Tutorial: Using Loops
Introducing Kids to Coding with Dash and Dot, Blockly App Tutorial

Grade5-Unit5-Lesson20 Plan 5 Using Blockly to Program Dash

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