2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook InMobi

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Magic of Mobile
The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India


Foreword 1

Understanding the Mobile-first Indian Consumer 2

The Hyperconnected Consumer Dominion 3

Women – The New Mobile Gamers in Town 5

Welcoming the Era of Live Commerce 8

The Evolution of the Non-Urban Connected Consumer 9

The Era of Mobile Marketing Maturity 10

Rekindling the Zeroth P in Marketing 11

Winning with Programmatic Mobile Video 13

Driving Personalization at Scale 17

The Great Indian M-commerce Boom 20

Acing Full-funnel Marketing with Search Advertising 22

The Data Advantage in a Mobile-first World 24

Conclusion 26
01 Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

2021 was a tale of two halves for India’s advertising ecosystem. In the
background of the pandemic, digital channels and more so mobile, became
the lifeline of consumers and marketing organizations alike as they sought to
meaningfully connect with the world around them. Simultaneously, data
streams that helped build rich experiences for users, who have come to
expect immersive and personalized journeys, came under the scanner.

Advertisers across the nation continue to focus on being in lockstep with their
consumers who are now exploring digital avenues at an unprecedented
pace. And while there has been great buzz about the possibility of metaverse,
the truth is that there is an entire generation of consumers who are already
living in a version of this reality. Be it shopping on apps to meet their daily
needs, watching the latest movies in the palm of their hands, or gaming to
connect with the virtual communities – Indians have embraced their digital
lives. Naturally as they spend more time plugged into their phones,
consumer’s expectations from brands have also dramatically risen, who are
now willing to engage in meaningful data exchange provided it enables a
more fulfilling brand interaction.

Today, we are extremely bullish on three key themes for the coming year:
Mobile Gaming, Programmatic Mobile Video, and Personalized Experiences at
Scale. Brands who are cognizant of their consumers' expectations and
maximize the potential of each channel by creating personalized and
immersive experiences are bound to rise on top in 2022.

As organizations continue to pivot, strategize, and scale their mobile

marketing maturity in the next normal, I am reminded of the conversations I
had with leaders across the advertising ecosystem when we discussed what
does it take to build resilience, ultimately it came down to three indisputable
factors: purpose, authenticity and consistency. With that, I hope InMobi’s 2022
Mobile Marketing Handbook will empower you in your tryst towards building Vasuta Agarwal
mobile marketing maturity in the coming year. Senior Vice President and MD, APAC

Happy Reading!

Chapter 1

A New World
Order; Indeed!
40 GB
The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Chapter 1.1

The Hyperconnected
Consumer Dominion 92%

The following article details the far-reaching and lasting implications of the pandemic on the mobile economy and the key
developments that will dominate consumer experiences in the next normal.

Internet Users

222 Mn 600,000 810 Mn 726 Mn 11.5% 17%

new internet users in a average adding India's total internet user India's total internet YoY growth in India's India's share of world
year since October 600,000 new users base as of Q2 20212. user base as of Q2 internet user base2. internet users2.
2020 each day1. 20202.

The App Economy

New App App Store Daily time Mobile ad Venture capital

Downloads Spends spent per user spend to mobile tech

GLOBAL $100B 4.3 hours 368.73 Bn

(Up to Q3 2021)
+73B | +27% YoY
$143B | +20% YoY 4.2 hours | +20% $240B | +26% YoY
GLOBAL 218B | +7% YoY growth
growth growth YoY growth

Sources App Annie App Annie App Annie eMarketer App Annie

India continued to be the largest market after China by combined App Store and Google Play installs, surpassing 7 billion
downloads in a quarter for the fourth time7. India’s downloads reached another peak in Q2 2021 with a 9 per cent Q/Q increase7.

App Store Google Play App Store Google Play

India . India .

U.S. . U.S. .

Brazil .
Brazil .

Indonesia .
Indonesia .

Russia .
Russia .

Mexico .
Mexico .

Turkey .
Vietnam .

Vietnam .
Pakistan .
Pakistan .
Turkey .
Q2 Countries by Downloads Q3 Countries by Downloads
Philippines .

Philippines .

0 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B
0 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B

Source; Sensor Tower

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Time Spent Online

5.4 5.0 Average Daily Hours Spent In Apps Q3 2021
5 4.8 4.8 4.8
Select Markets

4 4.2 4.2
3.6 3.6
3.3 3.2

Indonesia Brazil South Korea India Mexico Japan Canada Russia USA Turkey Australia UK Argentina France Germany China

Source :App Annie Quarterly Digest Note: Android phones

All estimates from App Annie Intelligent

In Q3 2021, Indians collectively spent 20% more time in-app than in Q1 20205 as COVID-19 kept people indoors. In India, the average
daily hours spent per device grew by 37% between 2019 and Q3 of 20216.

Usage Patterns

According to the IAMAI-Kantar ICUBE 2020 Report, 9 out of 10 active internet users
access the internet every day3. The majority – 96% use it for entertainment related
92% activities, followed by communication and social media

7% Source : IAMAI-Kantar ICUBE 2020 Report, June 2021

1% Daily users Weekly users Monthly users

Frequency of Usage

Data Consumption
According to the Ericsson Mobility Report 2021, the average data consumption per smartphone in India was the second highest in
the world at 14.6GB per month4. This is a good 60%+ higher than the global average of 9GB per month4. India witnessed a growth
of over 20% since 2019 when consumption was 12GB per month on average5.

The per month data consumption in India is expected to reach 40GB per month by 20264 fueled by competitive subscription
pricing by service providers, affordable smartphones, and increased time spent online4. The global data consumption is
forecasted to reach 35GB per month by 2026.4

Data Consumption Per Smartphone in India


40 GB 35 GB
12 GB 14.6 GB Global

2019 2026
2021 2026

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Chapter 1.2

Women – The New Mobile

Gamers in Town

This article takes a closer look at the new mobile gamers in India - women. They are serious about their games,
they're competitive and here to play.

Mobile gaming has come a long way since 2014 when consumer spending on mobile games just matched that on PC games. Since
then, spending on mobile games has consistently outperformed those on any other device. And as of 2021, the mobile games market is
on track to surpass $120 billion in spending, growing 20% over $100 billion in 2020 and 3x more than PC games8. Mobile games are now
capable of offering console-like graphics and gameplay experiences along with cross-platform competitive and social gaming

It is no surprise then that mobile game adoption has surged significantly in India in the past 4 years. In 2017, India ranked 2nd behind the
United States in-game app downloads with less than 4 billion downloads8. By 2018, Indians had downloaded 4.5 billion mobile games to
become the leader in this category. Sustaining that lead since, in H1 2021, Indian players installed 4.8 billion games9. That’s one for every
five globally9.

Top Markets by Mobile Game Downloads


2021 H1


Source: Mobile market spotlight on India: A booming mobile economy, App Annie

Just as mobile game adoption has been democratized by mobile in India; the evolution of the gamer persona has been equally
interesting with the rise of Women as the new mobile gamers in town!

Women Mobile Gamers in India Log On

Gaming was long considered to be a niche interest with a high entry barrier in India. But today, Indians - especially women, have
the most powerful gaming console right in the palm of their hands: their smartphones. Women, in fact, constitute over 43% of
smartphone gamers in India today10. With increasing time being spent indoors over the last two years, Indian women drove an
undeniable gaming boom over the past 18 months. In fact, 49% of Indian women started playing mobile games during the
pandemic and it has become increasingly popular among women of all ages, irrespective of their marital status, thereby defying
conventional norms10.

43% 49%
of smartphone gamers are of women gamers are
Indian women started
women above the age of 34
playing mobile games
due to pandemic

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Women Gamers Log On, Stay On!

Indian women consider gaming as a part of their daily entertainment or relaxation – their ‘me’ time, spending 53 minutes a day
on average playing mobile games in snackable bites10. They enjoy playing a wide range of mobiles games and do not stick to a
genre. Action and Casual games attract a significant number of users, while strategy and sports-based games see a significant
amount of time dedicated to them.

Top Motivations for Gaming On Smartphones

Average time spent by Relaxation/Entertainment To compete and win Fight boredom

Indian Women on
gaming apps To improve skills Connecting with friends/family

Time Spent by Genres

Most popular Genres Among Women
(Mins per Day)

Action Casual
88 42 37
Action Board Card

Arcade Sports

Board Fantasy
43 47 56
Casual Sports Strategy

Source: Understanding India's Women Mobile Gamers, InMobi, 2021

Understanding Regional Trends

In a country as diverse as India, each region and city come with its own nuanced behaviour and preferences when it comes to
women mobile gamers.

Made in India’ is the name of the game

52% of the top ten apps downloaded by women are Made in India signifying a shift in both the Indian app ecosystem and the
preferences of female gamers10. Maharashtra tops the ranks as the region with the greatest number of games downloaded by women,
accounting for 16.1% of the nation’s downloads, followed by the National Capital Region and Andhra Pradesh and Telangana10. Nearly 52%
of India’s women gamers live in metros, while 29% live in small towns10.

North and Central India

Share of downloads in Q1 : 21.30%
East India | Share of downloads in Q1 : 20.40%
Top 5 apps with most downloads
Top 5 apps with most downloads • Ludo King • Candy Crush saga
• Ludo King • Garena Free Fire 3volution • Garena Free Fire 3evolution • WinZo • Ludo Gold
• Candy Crush Saga • WinZo • MPL

West India | Share of downloads in Q1 : 25.30% South India | Share of downloads in Q1 : 16.20%
Top 5 apps with most downloads Top 5 apps with most downloads
• Ludo King • Garena Free Fire 3volution • Garena Free Fire 3volution
• Candy Crush Saga • WinZo • PUBG • Candy Crush Saga • WinZo • Ludo King • PUBG

Source: Understanding India’s Women Mobile Gamers, InMobi, 2021

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

While women mobile gamers are spread across the country with Maharashtra, Delhi NCR, and Andhra & Telangana being major gaming
epicentres, it is the folks in West Bengal that spend the most time on mobile games. While some games remain popular across states,
preferences in mobile games differ across state lines. While women in Delhi NCR are busy building their fantasy sports team on Dream11,
those in West Bengal and Karnataka prefer MPL. The mini-metaverse in Among Us has hooked female gamers in Maharashtra and
Garena Free Fire is all the rage in Karnataka. The Nigerian based Aha games, a distribution platform with an unlimited library of mobile
games, is the talk of the town in Andhra and Telangana.

The Top 5 Women Mobile Gaming Epicenters in India

Region Delhi NCR Maharashtra West Bengal Karnataka Andhra &

Share of gamers
in Top City
13.5% 12.7% 6.6% 5.7% 5.6%

Share of national
13% 16.1% 8.5% 8% 12%

Top Genres Action, Board, Casual Action, Casual, Board Action, Casual, Board Action, Casual, Board Action, Casual, Board

Time Spent 45 mins per day 49 mins per day 67 mins per day 49 mins per day 49 mins per day

Ludo King, Subway Candy Crush Saga, Ludo Ninja, Clash of Garena Free Fire, Aha Games,
Popular Games
Surfers, Dream11 WinZo, Among Us Clans, MPL Carrom Pool, MPL mGamer, WinZO

Source: Understanding India’s Women Mobile Gamers, InMobi, 2021

Just as gaming preferences differ from player to player, the types of gamers are just as varied. A recent report from InMobi found three
overarching types of gamers in India: Committed gamers, Regular gamers, and Occasional gamers. 77% of Indian women fit into the first
bucket, playing mobile games every day10! They also spend a significantly higher share of their time on mobile games as they log on to
play several times a day. Women gamers are also very familiar with in-game advertising with 79% of them preferring to watch an ad to
progress in a game or gain benefits10. Moreover, almost 55% of women mobile gamers confirmed their ability to recall the ads that they
saw in mobile games as the ads were either engaging and interactive, related to a topic of interest, or about a relevant brand or

The relative convenience of playing games on smartphones, anywhere, anytime, is an advantage not just for Indian women, but for
marketers trying to connect with them. The demographic profiles of female gamers in India span across age groups – from
professionals playing mobile games in between their workday for a quick break, or squeeze in a game or two to unwind from the stress
of the day to the elderly who want to keep up with technology.

“Today 53 minutes – almost one-fourth of the mobile media consumption in India

is happening on Gaming, and that is not trivial. Gaming used to be known as an
activity for geeks, but today there is democratization of access and content. It is
amazing to see how regional attitudes influence the gaming preferences for
women across India, which will be especially crucial for media planning and the
targeting of audiences as brands try to unlock the maximum ROI from their

Shailesh Varudkar
Chief Business Officer, VTION Digital Analytics

Source: Understanding India’s Women Mobile Gamers, InMobi, 2021

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, 2022

Chapter 1.3

Welcoming the Era of Live

This article decodes the next big trend in mobile shopping - live commerce. We unravel how the need for entertainment and shopping
come together in this unique offering.
The ‘shoptainment’ – or teleshopping – format of the bygone era is currently taking over the digital world. Termed as ‘Live commerce’, it
refers to shopping streamed live. Backed by changing consumer preferences, content consumption patterns & technological
developments, this market is expected to reach $4-5 billion by 2025, in India alone12. A few factors have contributed to its exponential
growth, starting with rising smartphone and internet penetration in India. In 2020, 54% of Indians were reported to be smartphone users, with
the number estimated to reach 96 per cent by 204013.

One common thread between all these users? They are all serial scrollers, with decreasing attention spans and an affinity towards original,
bite-sized video content. No wonder that the Indian short-form video market might see a 3x growth in the next 5 years12. On every social
media channel, influencers creating such snackable videos continue to experience an upswing in their follower count. Monetizing this
following with Live Commerce is the next step, that both brands & creators want to leverage. While E-commerce has always lacked the
intimacy of physical retail, Live Commerce eradicates this gap enabling real-time, two-way interactions for the mobile-first users of India.

Live Commerce: Key growth drivers and opportunities

Below are a few reasons why they shouldn't think twice about being an early adopter of this feature –

Immediate impact – Live Commerce brings with itself a sense of immediacy, driving action in real-time – from likes to actual
purchases. The ephemeral & engaging nature of these videos also creates a sense of exclusivity amongst its viewers, further
driving impulse shopping. Needless to mention, all of this happens without leaving the video stream making the consumer journey

Heightened trust – Authentic narratives & relatable storytelling increases brand trust, positioning a brand firmly amongst its
existing consumers & drawing in potential loyalists. With regional content on the rise, this format can battle the limitations of a
language barrier also, enticing shoppers from India's hinterlands.

Differentiation – Typical product catalogs lack the excitement that live commerce brings to the table. In a highly fragmented
E-commerce market, this feature can position a brand on top of the mind of Millennials and Gen Z on the lookout for innovative
shopping formats.

Versatility – The applications of live commerce are endless – a brand can choose to partner with micro and macro influencers,
promote new launches or get feedback about its products in real-time. Even community building exercises are possible through
interactive initiatives like running contests, AMAs and more. Live commerce creates a unique opportunity for a brand to strike up
a conversation and drive conversions on the same platform, with unprecedented reach, scale and if done well, a great ROI.

Take Roposo, for example. The short video platform from Glance recently pivoted to offer a creator-led live commerce play,
driving product discovery through live streams to its millions of active users. The core idea was to create a virtual mall-like
environment that thrives on the co-existence of creators, content, and commerce.

With the industry poised to break out in the next couple of years, marketers who look beyond the conventional 'Stories' format and invest in live
commerce stand to gain a lot. From high buying intent to long-term consumer trust, the impact of live commerce can be unparalleled.

"Brands across India are actively trying to engage with a new generation - Gen Z who
are truly digital natives. Along with the uncertainty of the pandemic came a shift in the
way this audience shops; Gen-Z loves acting on impulse. This feeling is something that
they are hooked on; in fact, 97% of Gen-Z consumers claim that social media is the
place they go for inspiration. This is where live commerce comes to play, providing
users a unique combination of entertainment with shopping, offering them authentic
and interactive experiences. This is sure to pique Gen Z’s interest, who we want on our
side because they are the generation who are changing things, they are the Gen Now."

Mansi Jain
VP and GM, Roposo

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, 2022

Chapter 1.4

The Evolution of the Non-urban

Connected Consumer

This article showcases the digital evolution in India across urban and rural parts of the country. We take a closer look at the rural digital
The Next Wave in India's Digital Growth
With 810 million internet users, India is home to the
second-largest internet user base in the world, preceded only
by China2. Even though the Internet penetration in urban areas
is more than 2X that of non-urban India, users outside of urban
parts have been growing at a faster pace on a year-on-year
basis2. From a 15% internet penetration in 2015 to 32% in 2020,
non-urban Indians are coming to the digital frontlines fast3.
While internet users grew by only 4% in urban India, reaching
323 million users in 2020, digital adoption continues to be
propelled by non-urban India – which registered a 13% growth in
internet users over the past year3. With a sizable population not
accessing the internet actively in non-urban India, there is huge
headroom for growth in the next few years.

The growth in digital adoption is spurred by the country's top

telcos, who are expanding their mobile user bases outside
urban regions in recent months. Together they added 4.3
million rural subscribers between June and August 202014.
Post-lockdowns, rural mobile data usage for the Big 3 telcos
grew by 30-35% sequentially in the June quarter, which was
much sharper than the estimated 15-20% rise in urban data

The Rise of the Non-urban Connected Consumer

2016 2020
115.06 million rural internet users2 327Mn rural internet users2
17% rural internet penetration 32% rural internet user penetration
48% access the internet daily3 90% access internet daily3
20% alone have an awareness of 80% are aware of the benefits of the
benefits of the internet3 internet3

The purpose of internet access in rural India was By 2020, drivers for internet access are nuanced
very limited in 20163 and growing3

4 / 10 3.5 / 10 3 / 10 0.4 / 10 9.5 / 10 8.7 / 10 8 / 10

entertainment social networking communication entertainment communication social networking

online shopping

5.7 / 10 3 / 10 1.3 / 10

voice and video online gaming online shopping

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Rural Digitalization is THE Priority Now

Multiple initiatives – private and public- are leading to digitizing
Rural India and solving the last-mile challenges. The first amongst
these is the Government of India initiated - 'Digital India Program' in
2015 to bridge the gap between urban and rural internet users. The
aim was to ensure that government services were made available
to citizens electronically by improving online infrastructure and
increasing internet connectivity. Through initiatives such as BHIM UPI,
Digi Locker, Smart Cities, and Government e-Marketplace, the
government is encouraging faceless, cashless, and paperless
governance. The Bharat Net program undertook the task of
connecting 2.5 lakh gram panchayats by fiber-optic network and
has achieved around 1,40,000 connections thus far15.

In 2020, Google announced the $10 billion Google for India

Digitization Fund to invest in the country's digital momentum and
support local efforts that expand the opportunity of connectivity to
more users16. Google has also tied up with Reliance Jio to introduce
the Made-for-India smartphone, JioNext, which is a first-of-its-kind
smartphone based on an optimized version of Android called
Pragati OS, customized to deliver a great smartphone and internet

experience to users in India. Launched in India during Diwali 2021, it will also enable access to millions of apps available on the Play
Store and comes with over-the-air updates support for new features, customization, security updates, and more, which will
continue to enhance the experience over time.

Google has also forged several other exciting alliances with startups such as Glance in areas that have the potential to solve the
opportunities and challenges of the country's diverse internet base16. From fostering the local language content ecosystem,
reimagining the way rural India shops online, or transforming the way small businesses digitize, such partnerships aim to address
issues to enhance the digital experience for users across India.

All Roads Lead to the Non-urban E-commerce Users

On the e-commerce front, exploring tier 2 & tier 3 cities and other rural areas
have always been on every e-commerce company's to-do list. But last-mile
delivery and other logistics issues stood in the way. To combat that,
e-commerce biggies Amazon and Flipkart have floated pilot projects helping
them deliver their products in rural areas. Amazon is roping in local men from
villages to deliver orders in and around remote districts. Flipkart too initiated a
similar plan last year when they got native entrepreneurs to sell Motorola
phones to rural consumers. This unique model reduces delivery times and
enables a higher volume of deliveries than previously possible. E-commerce
companies are also involving rural folks in the e-commerce growth cycle by
employing them, starting training programs, and promoting sellers from small
cities, and outsourcing miscellaneous businesses such as packing & cataloging to rural sellers.

The mobile-led penetration and adoption of the internet in rural areas will blur the divide between urban and non-urban areas in
almost all aspects. And as this ever-growing Indian digitalization story unfolds, all eyes will be on the non-urban connected consumer.

"Our teams used to go and coach rural pockets on particular health and hygiene
issues in-person before the onset of the pandemic. Now, we have technology that
creates AI-enabled virtual bots and avatars of the promoters to communicate
with them."

Niraj Ruparel
Head of Mobile & Emerging Tech, GroupM India, shared how mobile provides
consumers with new and unique experiences today as per their need at InMobi’s Building
Resilient Brands: India Festive Season Summit 2021

Chapter 2

The Era of Mobile

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Chapter 2.1

Rekindling the Zeroth P in


This article showcases how marketers had to rethink traditional strategies to put people first in the new world order. We
discuss how some of the top brands across the globe are addressing this shift.

The Most Essential P for Marketers: Purpose

The four Ps - Price, Place, Product, and Promotion, have long determined how marketers define their strategies and actions. But in today's
rapidly developing world, are they enough? The new normal has given rise to a new 'P' for marketers that comes above all the four Ps we
know and understand – Purpose. When reaching consumers has become more nuanced than ever in today's world, marketers need to
ensure that their brand messaging and campaigns are purpose-driven. In the current situation where we are all learning to navigate
the constantly evolving realities of the new normal, marketers must ensure that purpose takes precedence while driving their strategies.
This will not only help them stay truly relevant but also reach consumers authentically.

Building Resilient Brands in the New Normal

In the post-pandemic era, brands must acknowledge that the
world is not as we knew it before. Thus, the situation requires them
to approach their strategies more sensitively. Brands must take
stock, rethink what is appropriate, and shelve campaigns or
messaging they think aren't suited to the environment at a
particular point in time.

Providing your platform to show solidarity in these dark times is

half the battle won. Brands can use their audience and extensive
reach to amplify the right causes. There are many ways to help
lakhs of people whose lives have been affected, which, if done
right, can leave a strong association about the brand with every
consumer. If brands cannot assist directly, brands can take simple
steps such as leveraging their core competencies – the supply
chain, the product penetration, social media pages, YouTube
channels, and their own apps/websites to talk to their users and
tell them that we are all in this together. For example, brands such
as Asian Paints' Viroprotek and ITC's Savlon launched and

manufactured sanitizers when there was an acute shortage of sanitizers in India. These brands came forward and utilized their
production capabilities to help the nation at the time of dire need. Another example is Ola stepping up to start doorstep delivery of
oxygen concentrators to consumers using their extensive network of cabs and user-friendly app to make bookings. It is important for
brands that provide essential services to celebrate and applaud the real heroes who deliver these services (food, e-commerce delivery,
essentials, medicines, and more).

Some brands even enabled their customers to step up and make it easy and painless for users to step up and contribute, be it
Kingfisher that encouraged Indian masses to stay home and stay safe during the peak of the pandemic, or L'Oréal that inspired and
educated citizens to #StandUp against street harassment. When brands take these purpose-led positions, they see an upsurge of real
connections with consumers. Here are a few examples of how InMobi's partners achieved their purpose-led objectives in 2021:

Asian Paints Help Small Businesses Thrive Amidst The Pandemic

India is home to a burgeoning ecosystem of small and medium-scale enterprises, including the Asian Paints dealer network that saw
immediate impact once the pandemic hit the country. The brand strongly believed in reviving this network by driving footfall to stores
during the pandemic. To promote their initiative, the brand partnered with InMobi and delivered an innovative experience that helped
Indian consumers reimagine the interiors of their homes while simultaneously uplifting their neighborhood retailers. The brand
leveraged the InMobi for Commerce solution and designed an engaging and impactful experience. Connecting potential customers
with nearby retailers, the brand deployed custom-location polygons that enabled footfall tracking and spanned a network of over 800
Asian Paints Colour World Stores across India. With the right targeting capabilities, immersive ads, and location polygons provided by

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

InMobi's mobile-first solutions, Asian Paints sparked joy amongst the community and helped their retail network thrive during the
pandemic. Through the campaign, the Asian Paints retail network received over 15% Q-o-Q increase in call volumes and an astounding
15,000 footfalls in only 20 days17.

Lifebuoy Builds a Personalized C.A.R.E. Score for Citizens

The pandemic has made handwashing more important than ever before. When Lifebuoy identified that 2 out of 3 Indonesians washed
their hands without any soap, the brand decided to launch an educative campaign. Lifebuoy ran a survey on InMobi Pulse across six
regions in Indonesia to understand the handwashing habits as well as the general pandemic preparedness of citizens. The brand also
considered observed behavior by working with InMobi's Audience Intelligence Platform that evaluated footfall in leisure destinations. By
combining these data sources, Lifebuoy developed a C.A.R.E Preparedness Score for each user. Based on the C.A.R.E score, the brand
delivered tailored video ads based on social distancing, handwashing, and overall COVID preparedness, each unique to the on-ground
reality of each consumer. This Personalized Service Announcement influenced Indonesians to make COVID-preventive measures
second nature in their daily lives. As a result, the brand reached 6.8 million users with 72 different ad creatives and recorded over 14.1
million video views18.

Domex Becomes Mumbai's Best Ally in the Fight Against COVID

As the first lockdown restrictions in India eased up, Domex, Hindustan Unilever Limited's clinical disinfection brand, took on the
responsibility of keeping Mumbai train services clean and safe for its 7.5 million daily commuters. The month-long campaign included
disinfecting train platforms and ticket counters at regular intervals with Domex's Disinfectant Floor Cleaner. The product, which had a
minimum of 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, was claimed to destroy viruses and bacteria in just 60 seconds. The brand hoped to spread
awareness about hygiene and sanitation during the pandemic and increase the likelihood of consumers adopting the product for
home use as well. Domex continued this endeavor of disinfecting public spaces and helping Mumbai 'Get Back on Track' well after the
campaign ended.

Leading with Purpose is a Must!

It's imperative for brands to be empathetic and purpose-driven in these difficult times. If this pandemic has taught us one thing, it's to
value our people. This helps brands to be visible with users for the right reasons without bringing the product/services to the front and
center. It helps to build a human connection with users. This is where translating your brand purpose effectively to a campaign
objective makes a world of difference in striking a chord with the right notes.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India
356 MN
Chapter 2.2

Winning with Programmatic

Mobile Video

This article highlights how marketers can create a real impact with mobile video. We discuss the three steps to doing mobile
video right.

Small Screen, Big Impact!

Over the last few years, there has been an unprecedented growth in video consumption across the globe. With video now reaching
users beyond traditional channels such as broadcast television and movies in theaters, there has been a rapid shift in how and what
video content is consumed. Be it short-form video apps or OTT; we are witnessing a content explosion around us. Much of this change
has been heralded by digital channels, especially mobile, making video experiences more up close and personal than ever before.

356 million
7.38 Hrs 7.91 Hrs 8.16 Hrs 62% mobile video
viewers in India

time spent watching of mobile users in

time spent watching time spent watching online
smartphone video in India watch video on
TV globally per week video globally per week
India per week their devices

Source: State of Programmatic Mobile Video Advertising in India, InMobi 2021

The 360-degree of Engagement with Video

Since the lockdown, consumers have spent more time online - 37% higher than the pre-lockdown period6. This has led to a strong
mobile-first video consumption among India's connected consumers. Brands that have leveraged these shifts and invested in
mobile-first campaigns have gained an advantage over other brands. Mobile videos ads witnessed a 112% higher Click Through Rate
(CTR) when compared to other ad formats19. Mobile videos ads have witnessed 194% growth in the last year, offering highly engaging ad
experiences for consumers19. Be it interactive, 360-degree, interstitial, in-feed, rewarded, or outstream, there is a video experience for
every advertiser and their own unique needs.

42% 23% 112% 27%

of all in-app growth year on YoY higher CTR driven by growth in VCR
programmatic in CTR driven by video compared to driven by
spends is accounted in-app video other formats in-app video YOY
by video

Source: State of Programmatic Mobile Video Advertising in India, InMobi 2021

The 3 Steps to Doing Mobile Video Right

Be it choosing between landscape video, the length of the video, or even reaching the right audiences; there are several critical
factors that advertisers need to think of when trying to get mobile video right. We share our top tips for how advertisers should plan
their mobile campaigns.

The first and foremost aspect of Doing Mobile Video Right is to ensure that you understand the orientation and the placement of the
video advertising opportunity and tailor your assets accordingly. Getting mobile video orientation right can make or break the
experience your brand delivers.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

#1 Getting Mobile Video Orientation Right: Landscape Video

As consumers spend more time on video content itself, we see a consistent growth in CTR that is driven by the medium. Top advertisers
have recognized this trend and have invested equally in landscape video. As is expected, it is easy to convert core assets and press play
on any campaign when it comes to landscape video. And the right in-app placements (such as rewarded videos) and usage of mobile
features (gyroscope, location, etc.) mean even better engagement and outcomes.

47% 18%
higher CTR driven on growth in CTR for
landscape video landscape video ads
compared to other YOY

Landscape Video in Gaming


Environment: Gaming

Experience: True HD, buffer-free video

viewing experience on InMobi Exchange

Support for muting and unmuting audio


Measurement: SDK-integrated, MOAT &

OMSDK viewability


Environment: OTT

Experience: True HD, buffer-free video

viewing experience on InMobi Exchange

Support for muting and unmuting audio


Measurement: SDK-integrated, MOAT &

OMSDK viewability


Environment: OTT

Experience: True HD, buffer-free video

viewing experience on InMobi Exchange

Support for muting and unmuting audio


Measurement: SDK-integrated, MOAT &

OMSDK viewability

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

#2 Getting Mobile Video Orientation Right: Vertical Video

While much of the conventional video assets have been built for the landscape mode (due to TV and desktop planning), vertical videos,
when married with the right vertical video format and in-app placements, deliver the much-needed seamless experience for users who
might be holding their phones in portrait mode.

Environment: Gaming
Environment: Gaming
Experience: True HD,
Experience: True HD, buffer-free video viewing
buffer-free video viewing experience on InMobi
experience on InMobi Exchange
Support for muting and
Support for muting and unmuting audio
unmuting audio
Measurement: SDK-integrated,
Measurement: SDK-integrated, MOAT & OMSDK viewability
MOAT & OMSDK viewability

Environment: News/ Social
Environment: Short-form
Experience: True HD,
buffer-free video viewing
experience on InMobi
Experience: True HD, Exchange
buffer-free video viewing
experience on InMobi
Support for muting and
unmuting audio
Support for muting and
Measurement: SDK-integrated,
unmuting audio
MOAT & OMSDK viewability


Environment: News & Content Environment: Utility

Experience: True HD, Experience: True HD,
buffer-free video viewing buffer-free video viewing
experience on InMobi experience on InMobi
Exchange Exchange
Support for muting and Support for muting and
unmuting audio unmuting audio
Measurement: SDK-integrated, Measurement: SDK-integrated,
MOAT & OMSDK viewability MOAT & OMSDK viewability

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India


#2 In Video as In Life, Timing Matters

Based on the goals that you have for your campaigns, choose the right video length. Short, powerful videos can be a great way to drive
a message to your audience, while longer videos can be a great way to help your audience understand your proposition in detail.

22.2% 10.2%
higher VCR driven by higher CTR driven by
short video ads when long video ads when
compared to the compared to the
average average

#3 Leveraging Mobile-Native Technology

By focusing on the technology that is native to mobile, brands can ensure that consumers are able to receive a seamless video ad
experience and translate it into better media effectiveness. The inherent nature of mobile devices makes them perfect for delivering
immersive video messaging with relevant brand actions to a consumer's current location and mobile context. By leveraging the
combined power of sight, sound, and touch, mobile devices can now deliver personalized ad experiences that allow brands to truly
differentiate themselves in a cluttered space. By continuing to run ad campaigns that are not interactive or optimized for mobile-native
environments, advertisers are losing out on the opportunity to truly engage their users and meet their campaign ROI as well as maximize

Source: State of Programmatic Mobile Video Advertising in India, InMobi 2021

*All video creatives in the above article are for illustrative purposes only

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Chapter 2.3

Driving Personalization
at Scale 105

This article unravels how one of India's most dynamic brands innovatively used mobile-first technologies to drive
personalization at scale.

For brands that are not digital-native, the ability to communicate with highly engaged users in a brand-safe environment with
hyper-customized messaging AT SCALE is a game-changer. To top it all, activating first-party data through all this means that brands
can tap into a captive audience eagerly awaiting the personalization they have signed up for.

With the rapid digitization in India, Godrej Consumer Products Limited (GCPL) is increasingly integrating digital capabilities with different
aspects of its business – how it manufactures, markets, and engages with consumers. Its strategic priorities are focused on foraying into
direct-to-consumer (D2C) retailing, building e-commerce capabilities, and leveraging data to strengthen consumer relationships. In
2021, as mobile became the primary screen for millions of Indians across urban and rural India, Godrej aimed to leverage the power of
mobile to identify, and engage, connected consumers intelligently. Godrej Consumer Products Limited partnered with InMobi to deliver
the most effective video communication to the right users and drive full-funnel marketing efficiencies. Here's a peek into how they
achieved personalization at scale!

The Personalization Objective for GCPL

Godrej Consumer Products Limited wanted to build brand
salience in a high-clutter environment. The home insecticide
segment is an extremely low involvement category with the
women in the Indian household as the predominant purchase
influencers or decision-makers. Women, who are constantly on
the vigil for the family's safety, initiate the demand for the
product, purchase, and utilize these products. GCPL wanted to:

1. Breakthrough the existing clutter of COVID-related

communication in this segment

2. Engage meaningfully with the core TG across mobile

3. Ultimately staying on top of the mind and relevant to

consumers for influencing purchase during their moments of

Marrying Data, Creative, and Vision Using Technology

As educating consumers on maintaining an insect-free home became more important than ever during the pandemic, GCPL decided
to launch a mobile-first strategy to execute this mission of getting consumers to use Good Knight and HIT to keep their homes
insect-free and safe.

By adopting full-funnel marketing, GCPL intended to maximize return on investment (ROI) and measure end-to-end effectiveness. GCPL
activated full-funnel efficiencies to drive brand and performance marketing through the right combination of media, data and
creative on the InMobi platforms.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

These 105 video assets

1.5x 2.5x 50%

Recorded a massive 1.5x Delivered an average Drove 50% increased effectiveness

higher completion rates20 engagement rate that was through audience personification
2.5x the industry average20 and dynamic creative
Driving Real Connections through Personalized Mobile Videos

91.2 380,506 ~190,250

Million Hours Times

Unique Personalized Videos of Ads Viewed by the the Length of a Feature

Viewed by NCCS-A Con- Core Target Audience Film Viewed by Core
nected Female Consumers *as measured during Jan-Jun 2021 Target Audience
*as measured during Jan-Jun 2021

121.6 1.46x 2.48X

million higher
impressions better video

Source: Digital Transformation – The GCPL and InMobi Way

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

While Godrej successfully leveraged programmatic to drive awareness, engagement, and consideration, it aimed to validate the
accuracy of its first-party, data-led precision targeting methodology to understand better the perception and preferences of users of
this category. To achieve this, Godrej conducted a survey on InMobi Pulse, the leading mobile consumer intelligence platform. Through
device ID-based programmatic sampling, Godrej captured essential demographic-related information in the form of stated data. This
helped the brand benchmark the quality of their first-party data that was residing in their AI-CDP.

The results showed that personalized online videos delivered a significant 22% higher ad recall for the Kala HIT brand; the Home
Insecticide category saw a 15% growth in revenue during the last fiscal year20. GCPL intends to expand this to various other categories
and double down on real-time consumer intelligence and analytics.

Engaging Mobilizing
The Identifying Validating the
Consumers with First-party data for
Challenge Audiences at Efficacy of Precision
Personalized Precision Targeting
Scale Targeting


InMobi Platform/
Audiences Exchange DSP Pulse
Solution Leveraged

InMobi identified premium,

Delivering a powerful Sequential targeting Brand track study to
high-intent audiences to
The Solution reach users across India.
message to the audience strategies to drive validate the impact of
through mobile-first and precision targeting at programmatic
vernacular video. scale. advertising.

With the right audience The brand track study

Godrej delivered Personalizing the journey
personas in hand, Godrej enabled the brand to
The Outcome could easily target their
brand-safe, highly for users via retargeting
understand the impact of
engaging brand drove higher ROI.
core target groups in the the campaign in the
experiences in a
digital world minds of the consumer.
transparent manner.

"When one is reaching out to a user in Tamil Nadu vs West Bengal vs Gujarat, the
communication needs to be completely different, and not just a mere translation
of a key thematic message at a pan-India level; which is what most brands resort
to. Multiple region-specific content delivered through mobile-first assets are
extremely critical for achieving true PERSONALIZATION AT SCALE.”

Pankaj Singh Parihar,

Vice President and Head Digital Marketing & Transformation, Godrej Consumers Products Limited,
shared how Programmatic helped him reach the consumers with personalized messaging at
scale at InMobi’s Building Resilient Brands: India Festive Season Summit 2021

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Chapter 2.4

The M-commerce App


This article is brought to you by Aditya Maheshwari, Head of Customer Success, AppsFlyer India. It highlights the evolution of
m-commerce in the country and the latest trends grabbing consumers' attention. We discuss the future of shopping and
how brands can stay ahead of the game.

The growing affordability of smartphones and data has given rise to a slew of digital natives who have accelerated India's e-commerce
adoption. This, along with the pandemic, acted as critical factors for pushing consumers towards digital solutions and leapfrogged
India's digital transformation by a few years. The metropolitan cities saw saturation, but it was time for the tier II and III cities to shine.
According to AppsFlyer data, these smaller cities accounted for 86% of all app installs in India in the past year24.

What set the scene for this Shopping explosion?

The pandemic did act as a catalyst for the move from brick & mortar to
online stores; the high penetration rate of smartphones was vital. With
social distancing measures imposed, more and more people turned
towards smartphones for their day-to-day needs. However, the
explosive growth of the Indian startup segment was key in setting the
stage for Shopping's moment in the sun.

Increased investments in this space proved the lure of the Indian

market. Softbank invested $3 billion in Indian ventures in 2021, and this
number is forecasted to grow from $5 billion to $10 billion in 202221.
Zomato has also indicated that it will invest $1 billion into startups
between 2022 and 202322. Increased investments in the startup space
have provided a vast opportunity for innovations in the Shopping

It wasn't only investors that bet on the tremendous potential in the e-commerce potential. With the accelerated shift from brick and
mortar to e-commerce, driving more consumers than ever to research and complete purchases online, brands took to
performance-driven advertising. Digital advertising is expected to grow by a CAGR of 20% in 2021; this number is forecast to grow to
22.47% in 202223.

What do the category-specific trends look like?

From AppsFlyer data, we can see that even though the app business took a slight hit due to the COVID second wave, things picked up
during the latter half of the year and were on an upward trend.

Percentage of NOIs in the specified time frame (Normalized), 2021


While Fintech was the

60 fastest-growing vertical,
shopping non-organic
40 installs (NoIs) also showed
an upswing of 23% from
May to October as people
started preparing for the
0 festive season24.
21-01 21-02 21-03 21-04 21-05 21-06 21-07 21-08 21-09 21-10

Entertainment Finance Food & Drink Shopping

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Percentage of in-app purchases in the specified time frame (Normalized), 2021

And it was not only NoIs that
spiked for Shopping. The
upsurge was seen in in-app
purchases, as well.

Shopping in-app purchases

showed a massive bump as 5%

the festive season began,

and there was an 0%
improvement of 126% from
01-2021 03-2021 05-2021 07-2021 09-2021
April (peak of COVID 2nd
wave) to October24. Finance Food & Drink Shopping

These trends are also expected to continue beyond this year. India is forecasted to be the fastest-growing e-commerce market in the
world in 2021, and retail e-commerce sales are expected to grow by 25% in 202225. 30.3% of the Indian population will have made at least
one purchase via digital channels by 202226. With the rapid growth in smartphone penetration and increasing mobile literacy, India will
soon emerge as the digital shopping powerhouse in the world.

What will drive E-commerce's Growth in 2022 and Beyond

E-commerce as a segment has matured and, hence, faced a

moment of plateaued growth. But as always, the Indian startup
ecosystem has witnessed rapid evolution, and newer
e-commerce formats, such as direct-to-consumer (D2C) and
social commerce, have emerged. Some of the top D2C brands
in India are Bombay Shaving Company, MamaEarth, and

Nowadays, brands are also leveraging live commerce or video

commerce to connect with their customers. Glance, which
owns Roposo, has emerged as a challenger with the acquisition
of social commerce startup Shop101 this year.

Mobile shopping is seeing dramatic changes with these e-commerce formats and will give rise to the new connected shopper in the
coming year. These shoppers crave an authentic and immersive experience provided by their favorite celebrities and influencers.
While traditional shopping is here to stay, most of the growth in the Shopping vertical will be driven by these new digital natives.

With the 'Make in India' movement, there will be an intense focus on local and hyperlocal offerings, and app marketers will be amiss if
they don't use this opportunity to bring the local mom & pop shops online. This will not only create a familial bonding with their
customers but also create alternate revenue streams.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Chapter 2.5

Acing Full-funnel Marketing

with Search Advertising

This article highlights search advertising strategies that brands can focus on to build an engaging experience for the ever-evolving
customers with Microsoft Advertising.

Search advertising in India has witnessed accelerated growth in the past

year. With digital media becoming the forefront of marketing initiatives
lately, recent reports state that Search was the second most invested
digital medium in the country during 2020. Since the lockdown, there has
been a significant increase in search volumes across industries. As more
consumers in India are becoming familiar with digital technologies,
brands can increasingly leverage the opportunity to reach out and
engage with their target audiences much more efficiently than before.

With consumers relying on search for learning, exploring, and buying the
product/service, the ‘Search in India - 2021 Trends Report’ throws light on
the rising search trends in the e-Commerce, Travel, Music and
Entertainment, Home Improvement, Automobile, Finance, e-Learning, and
Personal Well-being industry verticals. With the rise in hyperlocal
searches in these verticals, are brands leveraging “Search Advertising”
right in their marketing efforts? Here’s our take on how advertisers can
rise to the occasion and put ‘Search’ to best use.

Rising to the ‘Search’ Challenge

To meet today’s consumer expectations, brands must be well prepared to understand, identify, engage, and acquire consumers
through enriching and relevant experiences. Marketers who understand driving the full-funnel efficiencies in the moments of truth and
direct their spending and messaging to the touchpoints stand a greater chance of reaching them in the right place at the right time
with the right message.

1. Creating smarter consumer journeys is the key:

Developing a better understanding of consumers is increasingly

becoming a strategic necessity because fast-moving markets, new
technologies, and evolving business models impact consumer
needs/ wants and how they search for them. With advanced
data-led filters such as demographics, location, device filters, and
profile targeting, marketers can truly delve into the granular details
of the evolving consumer needs and create smarter consumer
touchpoints. By focusing on users with high purchase intent and
driving effective remarketing campaigns, marketers can reach out
to users who are more likely to turn into consumers.
2. Harnessing contextual experiences

With the overload of information across the internet, consumers are looking for
meaningful experiences more than ever; something that grabs their attention
and adds value to their lives. Hence, marketers must focus on reaching the
right consumers at the right time with the right message. By creating visual
experiences to the regular search ads, marketers can stand out from the
crowd, making their path to first interaction easier. Images to search ads that
show on sites where users spend most of their time can truly create a
top-of-the-mind recall for consumers. To further benefit from Search
Advertising, brands must pivot to the new-age Shopping ads with a catalogue
display on Bing and custom extensions that make the marketer’s life easy and
the consumer experience meaningful.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

3. Right technology makes the difference:

Technology has unequivocally been the key lever in driving agile

marketing outcomes. An agile Search network must ensure the
marketer’s goal of driving full-funnel efficiencies, right from
awareness to loyalty. For instance, with Microsoft Advertising
Network, brands can access fully automated, best-performing
extensions, create dynamic search ads with the missing
keywords, enable shared bidding to reallocate budgets to
optimize the clicks, and maximize ROI with automated bidding.
Another quintessential example is Smart Shopping ads that
leverage machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to
analyse customer data. These optimise search results and
eliminate human error, thereby delivering a great consumer
In the past few years, brands have been investing in newer capabilities to regain relevance with shoppers and exert greater influence
over how they make purchase decisions. Search plays a crucial role in defining the success of marketers in these moments of truth.

+44% Increase in number of

leads achieved +24% Significant descrese in
cost per lead

Increase in number of

2.2% Highest click-through

rate (CTR) achieved

Increase in ROI during
festive season

10x wakefit achieved

Quarterly revenue
impressive return on ad
ROAS spend (ROAS)

Increase in impressions
from 2019 to 2020 A phenomenal growth

40% Increase in ROI during +24% in the overall

conversion rates in one
the non-sale season

Paving the way for enhanced user engagement with Search

For millions of users in India, the internet starts with Search. Being present on Search can help brands ensure that they are present at
the starting point of any customer journey, right where the users begin their research. It can help brands define touchpoints unique to
each user, thereby enabling brands gain a competitive edge by providing relevant and personalized customer experiences. While
Search has been traditionally used as a performance tool by brands, leveraging it for building brand presence can be a game
changer. With the accelerated digital shift seen across industries in the past year, Search advertising becomes a strong contender for
brands to invest in full-funnel marketing.

Read success stories of the brands which have achieved their marketing objectives with Microsoft Advertising here.

“By partnering with Microsoft Advertising, we could reach the 'highly qualified'
audiences on the Microsoft Network and expand our consumer base. The
campaign turned out to be gratifying, yielding us an increase of 1.8X ROI.”

Akshay Ambardar,
Assistant Director, Digital Marketing, Myntra on expanding customer base and reaching
out to unique audiences with Microsoft-exclusive Audiences

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Chapter 2.6

The Data Advantage in a

Mobile-first World

This article showcases how performance marketers can build a definitive picture with their multiple data sources. We discuss all this and

Mobile performance marketing is an extremely sophisticated sector. This year the

Indian mobile advertising market grew to $1.69 bn, growing 35% year-over-year27. For
mid and large-scale performance marketers, the increased competition introduces
more sophistication and fragmentation of data. This inability to digest and leverage
data slows their ability to rapidly experiment with new channels, creatives, etc.,
ultimately slowing growth. Some of the key challenges for growth marketers are:

Multiple advertising Multiple targeting Multiple creative Multiple data sources

channels options variants for metrics

+ + +

Multiple channels Multiple creative Multiple data sources Privacy regulation(s)


As ROI is throttled, Creative is one of the On average mid and large The third-party identifier is
performance marketers biggest optimization levers advertisers have 4+ data sources. suffering a long and slow
are forced to diversify for a performance Firstly, cost data from multiple death on mobile. Apple made
beyond major channels marketer to pull in a publisher interfaces. Secondly, big moves with the App
into a longer tail of ad maturing market. However, attribution data from an MMP Tracking Transparency (ATT)
networks and DSPs. We see with more creatives comes such as Adjust, Appsflyer, Branch, framework, and Google's
that a mid-sized advertiser more data complexity. or Kochava and now the addition expected to start limiting
now runs on 5+ channels of SKAdNetwork (SKAN) data. third-party identifiers on
and a large advertiser 10+ Thirdly, in-app analytics data Android soon too. This has
channels, each with its own from the likes of Amplitude, smashed apart the user-level
cost data, targeting Google Analytics, and Mixpanel. measurement that mobile
options, and campaign Finally, we see revenue and LTV advertising has grown up with,
structure. data coming from an internal adding a further layer of
data warehouse. This is before complexity to performance
considering additional sources for measurement.
some advertisers, such as
predictive LTV, fraud data, or ad
mediation data.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India

Data, Data Everywhere, But No Big Picture to Paint?

Mid-sized advertisers tend to try and get a complete picture of ROI by hacking all this data together in spreadsheets. The challenge is
that manually getting and matching all this data in a spreadsheet is time-consuming and fraught with error. At best, a single person
can get this data together for a weekly report, and the performance marketers still struggle to trust it when making decisions.

Meanwhile, large advertisers tend to build their own BI setup using one-size-fits-all data warehousing and visualization solutions. This
takes a lot of investment over months, if not years, to deliver a view of ROI. Even then, performance marketers struggle to query data
themselves with overly technical solutions, meaning they still have to wait for BI support to get the right data to make decisions.

This is why many mobile app advertisers in maturing markets are now turning to off-the-shelf intelligence tools like Appsumer by
InMobi, which delivers:

Pre-built connectors with 100+ mobile advertising channels, MMPs, analytics tools, and data warehouses

Automated data normalization and unification across channels

Built on aggregate data from the ground-up with no need for user-level data or SDKs

Creative analytics to understand ROI at a granular level

A complete SKAdNetwork reporting solution

Easy-to-use dashboards and reports that performance marketers can build themselves on-the-fly

With a free three-month trial and ongoing subscription pricing, Appsumer by InMobi can deliver an affordable daily view of ROI for
mobile performance advertisers within seven days.

How can you turn this data to your advantage in a

maturing market?
Once you have this daily view of ROI, there are many key ways you can
put this data to work to give you a competitive advantage in a
maturing market:

Quickly add new channels to your mix and evaluate performance

with an apples-to-apples performance comparison across channels.

Create granular performance alerts to quickly squash

under-performing campaigns, ad groups, ads, keywords,
sub-publishers, and scale overperformers.

Don't just understand the CTR or click-to-install of creatives;

understand down-funnel ROI at a granular level.

Retain complete performance visibility in the fast-accelerating era

of mobile privacy to get the upper hand on competitors.

Leave your BI team to focus more time on building predictive models

to give you a competitive advantage.

“It’s very important to bring data to digital, data empowers Digital as a medium to
unlock possibilities which are yet at the far end of imagination. It helps the brands
to connect with the right consumers with the right messages across the preferred
platforms. In an age where stories are becoming more and more powerful, brands
shall tell personalized and meaningful stories to the right consumer cohorts to
foster deeper connections and persuasion. All of these personalizations and
deeper connections can’t be imagined without amalgamating the power of Data
with Digital.”

Om Jha,
Head of Media and Partnerships, PepsiCo shared his take on how brands really need to
understand data in the popular episode of Marketing Jedis series hosted by InMobi and
Microsoft Advertising.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India


It is without a shadow of doubt we can say that the Indian advertising ecosystem is in the midst of heralding a new era. With the
pandemic having accelerated the digital revolution, expectations across the board – be it from consumers, brands, agencies, and
media owners are at an all-time high today. As we continue to navigate a rapidly evolving ecosystem, marketing organizations will
have to center the strategies around three key pillars to hold them in good stead: people, platforms, and partners. With the right
investments across these three buckets, brands will be able to stand the test of time.

With the average Indian spending almost five hours daily on their smartphones, mobile now forms the backbone of brand strategy
across the region as they try to understand, identify, engage, and acquire audiences. This involves creating valuable mobile
experiences for consumers by focusing on three things: understanding your consumers, meeting them where they are and enabling
them to make informed decisions.

Understand your Consumers with Mobile-first Consumer Intelligence:

Mobile users are always connected, which means they generate a huge amount of data that brands can use to understand
consumer sentiment and create more targeted, personalised experiences, especially with technologies such as polygon-based
location targeting and first-party data-based deterministic audiences.

Meet your Consumers where they are with Mobile Video and Gaming:
With video and gaming taking considerable attention of users, advertisers must meet consumers where they are. Mobile-first
programmatic campaigns across these environments have seen a great upswing in delivering enhanced ROI for brands.

Enable your Consumers with Immersive Experiences that Inform:

Brands must focus on driving personalized experiences at scale that empower consumers. Be it through helping them buy products
instantly on shoppable ads or bridging the gaps between their digital and physical universes with online to offline experiences, or even
reach members across a household with cross-device solutions.

Ultimately brands that do not build on their mobile marketing maturity will be left behind competition and more importantly, will fail to
keep pace with the connected consumer. Resilient brands will focus on leveraging programmatic buying, video, gaming advertising,
and data-driven personalization on mobile in 2022.

The Indisputable Magic of Mobile • 2022 India Mobile Marketing Handbook, India


1. Digital Around the World, Datareportal, 2021

2. Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicators, TRAI, Q2 2021; Q2 2020 Report

3. IAMAI-Kantar ICUBE 2020 Report, 2021

4. Ericsson Mobility Report, June 2021

5. Ericsson Mobility Report, June 2020

6. App Annie Quarterly Digest

7. Q2 and Q3 2021 Quarterly Digest, Sensor Tower

8. DFC Intelligence via Statista, August 2021

9. Mobile market spotlight on India: A booming mobile economy, App Annie, 2021

10. Understanding India's Women Mobile Gamers, InMobi, 2021

11. VTION, Q1 2021

12. Is the era of live commerce set to begin, Redseer, 2021

13. Smartphone penetration in India, Statista, July 2021

14. Rural India beats urban in mobile data usage, Economic Times, Nov 2020

15. 5 Years of Digital India, DQIndia, July 2020

16. Google for India 2021, Google Blog, Nov 2021

17. Asian Paints Royale Teflon Case Study, InMobi, 2021

18. The Power of Real-time data – The Lifebuoy case study, InMobi, 2021

19. State of Programmatic Mobile Video Advertising in India, InMobi 2021

20. Digital Transformation – The GCPL and InMobi Way, InMobi, 2021

21. SoftBank has deployed $3 billion in India this year, TechCrunch, 2021

22. Zomato to invest $1 billion in startups, Mint, 2021

23. Indian advertising statistics for 2021, SME Futures, 2021

24. Appsflyer platform intelligence

25. eCommerce Forecasts 2021, eMarketer

26. Digital Buyers Forecast, India 2021-2025, eMarketer

27. Mobile Ad Spending 2021-2025, India, eMarketer, October 2021




Priyanka Narasimhalu, Art Director

Research & Content

Rajesh Pantina, Director, Marketing, Asia Pacific

Pooja Kalloor, Head of Research

Sreeshna Ravindran Sreekishan, Integrated Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific

Aishwarya Sridhar, Senior Associate, Partner Marketing

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