Mcasc2 Jan2020

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Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Govt. of Karnataka) Accredited by NBA & NAAC with ‘A’ Grade


Program : Master of Computer Applications Semester : V
Course Name : Software Project Management Max. Marks : 100
Course Code : MCASC2 Duration : 3 Hrs

Instructions to the Candidates:

 Answer one full question from each unit.

1. a) Define Software Project Management. How software project differs CO1 (05)
from other types of project.
b) A public library is considering the implementation of a computer-based CO1 (06)
system to help administer book loans at libraries. Identify the
stakeholders in such a project. What would be the main stages of the
project for automation?
c) Explain the following cost-benefit evaluation techniques and discuss CO1 (09)
their advantages and limitations.
i) Net profit ii) Payback period iii) Return on investment.

2. Calculate the net present value for each of the projects X, Y and Z using each of CO1 (20)
the discount rates 8% and 10%. For each of the discount rates, decide which is
the best project. What can you conclude from these results?
Year Project X Project Y Project Z

0 -2,00,000 -2,00,000 -1,50,000

1 20,000 60,000 30,000

2 30,000 60,000 40,000

3 30,000 60,000 40,000

4 40,000 60,000 40,000

5 2,50,000 60,000 85,000

Net profit 1,70,000 1,00,000 85,000

3. a) Suppose you are the manager of a software project. Explain why it CO2 (10)
would not be proper to calculate the number of developers required
for the project as a simple division of the effort estimate
(in person – months) by the nominal duration estimate (in months)
b) Discuss the Scrum model for software development with a neat CO2 (10)

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4. a) A small computer system controls the entry of vehicles to a car park. CO2 (10)
Each time a vehicle pulls up before an entry barrier, a sensor notifies
the computer system of the vehicle’s presence. The system examines
a count that it maintains of the number of vehicles that are currently
in the car park. This count is kept on backing storage so that it will
still be available if the system is temporarily shut down, for example
because of a power cut. If the count does not exceed the maximum
allowed, then the barrier is lifted and the count is incremented. When
a vehicle leaves the car park, a sensor detects the exit and reduces
the count of vehicles. There is a system administration system that
can set the maximum number of cars allowed, and which can be used
to adjust or replace the count of cars when the system is restarted.
Identify the entries, exits, reads and writes in this application.
b) A new project has ‘average’ novelty for the software supplier that is CO2 (10)
going to execute it and is thus given a nominal rating on this account
for precendentedness. Development flexibility is high, but
requirements may change radically and so the risk resolution
exponent is rated very low. The development team are all located in
the same office and this leads to team cohesion being rated as very
high, but the software hours’ as a whole tends to be very informal in
its standards and procedures and the process maturity driver has
therefore been given a rating of ‘low’.
i) What would be the scale factor (sf) in this case?
ii) What would the estimate of effort be if the size of the application
was estimated as in the region of 2000 lines of code?

5. A project consists of the activities as given in the table below. CO3 (20)
Activity Duration (in week) Activity Duration (in week)
A 13 G 7
B 5 H 12
C 8 I 8
D 10 J 9
E 9 K 4
F 7 L 17
• A and B are start jobs
• A controls C, D and E
• B controls F and K
• G depends on C
• H depends on D
• E and F Controls J and M
• L depends on K
• M is also controlled by L
i) Draw the network for the above project using activity or node
ii) Find the critical path and project duration.
iii) Calculate TF and FF for each activity.

6. a) Explain the activity based approach to identify the activities of a CO3 (10)
project using suitable example and diagrams.
b) Discuss Boehm’s top 10 risks and counter measures. CO3 (10)

7. a) Define the following: CO4 (10)
i) Planned value ii) Schedule variance iii) Time variance
iv) Cost variance v) Performance ratios.

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b) How the following can be prevented while using a configuration CO4 (10)
management tool.
i) Two team members overwriting each other’s work
ii) Accidental deletion of work product
iii) Unauthorized modifications to a work product.

8. a) Explain the methods used to visualize the progress of a project. CO4 (10)
b) Explain the different types of contract. CO4 (10)

9. a) Explain the different models of motivation. CO5 (15)
b) What are the points to be used while working in groups. CO5 (05)

10. a) List out the process required in the staff selection. CO5 (05)
b) Give detail description on leadership qualities. CO5 (05)
c) Present the different broadways in software development and point CO5 (10)
out the merits and demerits.


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