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1. Describe any four characteristics of an entrepreneur.
Ans: Entrepreneurs have some special characteristics like creative thinking, imagination, enthusiasm, sincerity etc. The
characteristics of an entrepreneur may be briefly stated as follows: SHORTCODE- (CHITS-RISK-FUTURE VISION)
1) Communication Skills: An entrepreneur needs to communicate with different people like customers, suppliers, creditors,
employees, etc. He must be able to express his ideas and strategies effectively. It is necessary that there is a proper
understanding between the sender and the receiver of the message.
2) Hard Work: An entrepreneur is ready to work hard. It is more necessary when a new venture is started. He has to work
for long hours. Many a times he has to handle the main areas of business independently. This will make him successful.
3) Highly Optimistic: An entrepreneur has to always think positively. He is always hopeful and confident about the market
situations even in failure times. Such positive attitude helps him to run his business successfully.
4) Intellectual Capabilities: An entrepreneur is a creative thinker. He has reasonably good intelligence. He has ability to
analyze business situations. This ability will help him to take proper decisions.
5) Technical Knowledge: An entrepreneur has good technical knowledge about his business. The entrepreneur has the
ability to update himself with the latest knowledge about the product, process and technology.
6) Self Confidence: An entrepreneur has self-confidence. He has positive desires to achieve his goals. Such self-motivation
keeps him strong and confident to face various obstacles.
7) Risk bearing capacity : Successful entrepreneur takes calculated risks. He is ready to face challenges and always seeks
new and more opportunities.
8) Future Vision: The entrepreneur has a good foresight about future market situation. He should also have knowledge
about external business environment. This will help him to take proper decisions according to the situations and changes in
the market. So, he can take timely actions for the same.

2. Explain responsibilities of business towards owners.

Ans: Owners are the persons who own the business and they are responsible for the profits or losses and they contribute
the capital and bear the risks. Following are the responsibilities towards owners. SHORTCODE : (PC FOR ME)
1) Periodic information: Owners should get complete and accurate information about the financial position. Business
should disclose information through reports, circulars etc.
2) Creating Goodwill: Management should develop and maintain good public image. A well reputed company commands a
lot of respect and trust in the market
3) Fair Practices on Stock Exchange: All sorts of unfair practices related to stock exchange like insider trading, providing
wrong and secret information etc. should be avoided. Share prices are artificially increased or decreased which will lead to
loss to common investors.
4) Optimum Use of Capital: Available capital should be used carefully and efficiently. Business risks should be considered.
Management should give attention to the safety of the capital.
5) Reasonable Profit: Business should earn reasonable profit. Profit facilitates growth and expansion. It will bring financial
6) Minimise Wastages: Business organisations can maximise profitability by minimising wastages. Wastage of time, money,
manpower should be minimised.
7) Expansion and Diversification: For expansion and diversification, business should be growing & developing. Business
should undertake R and D (Research and Development) of various projects so that they can face market competition.
8) Efficient Business: Scarce resources should be utilised at optimum level. Efficient use of resources will increase
profitability and productivity so that business can be conducted more efficiently.

9) Effective Use of owners' Funds: Owners' funds must be utilized in the best possible manner. It should give short term
and long term returns in time.
10) Exploring Business Opportunities: Opportunity is the scope available for business unit to expand, grow and diversify the
business. Businessmen should be alert to find such opportunities. For success of the business it is very crucial and so
whenever they arise it should be explored.

3. Explain any four e- banking services.

Ans: E-banking stands for electronic banking it is also called 'Virtual Banking'. E-banking is the result of the development in
the field of electronics and computers. Under E-banking, the banking operations are computerised. Some of the elements of
E-banking are as follows: SHORTCODE: (AC DR N)
1) Automated Teller Machine: The ATMs are electronic machines which are operated by the customer on his own to
withdraw or deposit money. It can be used for other banking transactions also such as balance enquiry, transferring money,
request for cheque book or bank statements etc. Nowadays, ATM also provides facility of cash deposits through CDM (cash
deposit machines.
2) Credit Cards: A credit card is a payment card. It allows the cardholder to pay for different transactions he performs. The
issuing bank creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the customer or user. Credit card offers convenience
to customers as customer need not carry cash.
(3) Debit Cards: Most of the banks nowadays offer debit card as soon as account is opened by account holder. Through
debit card payments, the amount gets deducted from account holder's account. Some banks offer personalised debit and
credit cards as per the requirement of customer.
4) RTGS: RTGS stands for Real Time Gross Settlement. RTGS is a fund transfer system where transfer of funds or money
takes place from one bank to another bank on "real time" and on "gross basis". It is the fastest money transfer system
through the banking channel.
means payment transaction is not subject to any waiting period. The transactions are settled as
soon as they are processed. The receiving bank has to credit the account of the client within 2 hours of receiving the funds
transfer message.
nt means the transactions are settled on one to one basis without bunching with any other transactions.
The minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS is Rs. Two lacs while there is no upper limit for transactions. However,
amount changes from bank to bank.
5) NEFT: NEFT stands for National Electronic Fund Transfer. Under this system, funds are transferred electronically from
one branch to another branch or one bank to another bank in the country. The client has to give details of NEFT code of
branch and account number of beneficiary to whom the money is to be transferred.

4. Explain scope of e-business.

Ans: The scope of e-business is not restricted to only online shopping, it also includes on line stock, transactions and the use
of software. In India, till now business is managed through traditional methods. Now many businesses are becoming aware
of the advantage of e-business and are incorporating this into their strategies. It also helps in better communication
between business house and makes purchasing easier for large organizations. We have mentioned above that the scope of
E-business is quite vast. Almost all types of business functions such as production, finance, marketing and personnel
administration as well as managerial activities like planning, organizing and controlling can be carried out over computer
networks. The other way of looking at the scope of e-business is to examine it in terms of people or parties involved in
electronic transactions. Various business and payment apps popularly used in E-business transactions are phone pay, google
pay, swiggy, ola etc. Viewed from this perspective, a firm, electronic transitions and networks can be visualized as extending
into six directions as follows:
1) Business to Business (B2B)
2) Business to Consumer (B2C)
3) Consumer to Business (C2B)
4) Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
5) Business to Administration (B2A)
6) Consumer to Administration (C2A)

5. State social responsibilities of business towards society.

Ans: Importance of Marketing to the Society : (SHORT CODE: MI PROVIDES DC)
1) Managing Consumer Expectations:
Marketing research helps the organizations to understand the needs of the consumers. It helps in developing the products
which fulfills customer's expectations. Customers' review collected through different sources can help the organizations to
make necessary changes in the products. Businesses use marketing to make consumers aware of major changes, such as
mergers and transfers in ownership that affect product offerings or seek to improve quality. Government regulations
prevent marketers from making false or misleading claims.
2) Increase in Standard of Living:
The prime objective of marketing is to provide goods and services to the customers to satisfy their needs. Paul Mazur
defined marketing as, "The delivery of standard of living to the society". Marketing helps to identify the needs of the
customers and take an initiative to provide the quality goods at the cheaper prices. This will help to increase and maintain
the standard of living of the customers. In the modern times, large scale production of goods and services reduced its prices
due to which even the poorer sections of society can attain a reasonable level of living.
3) Increase in National Income:
Every economy revolves around marketing, production and finance to the industry. The scientifically organized marketing
activities help in the economic development of the country.
Effective marketing of products and services result into industrialization, more job and makes the economy stronger and
stable. Marketing can bring about rapid development of the country by integration of agriculture and industry.
4) Provides Employment:
Modern marketing is a total system which covers almost all functions of organization such as buying, selling, financing,
transport, warehousing, risk bearing, research and development etc. To run this system there is a need of people. Thus,
marketing gives job opportunities to the people. In the modern era of automation, lesser employments are available in
production function and the role of marketing has widened. It gives more opportunities of employment in marketing.
Converse, Huegy and Mitchell have rightly pointed out that "In order to have continuous production, there must be
continuous marketing, only then employment can be sustained and high level of business activity can be continued".
5) Decreases Distribution Costs:
Marketing activities help to provide cheap goods and services to the society. Effective utilization of channel of distribution
can help in reducing the cost prices of the products and services. Reduction of cost will help to increase the potential
consumers for the products or services. It also assures timely availability of the product.
6) Consumer Awareness:
Marketing helps the society by informing and educating consumers. The function of marketing is to fulfil the needs of the
consumers. Marketing helps consumers to know about new product and service available in the market and its usefulness
to the customer.
Marketing provides satisfaction to the society by supplying relevant information, goods, and services to the people of
society according to their demand and taste. Marketing can also include more practical information to assist in making a
purchase, such as addresses, phone numbers, product release dates, store hours and Web addresses.

6. Describe any five characteristics of entrepreneurship development.

Ans: Entrepreneurship is a process of setting up a new business organization. It is the process where one decides to build a
business career by finding the market options and mobilizing the available resources. The following are the characteristics
of entrepreneurship. SHORTCODE: (OCM IS GREat)
1)Organization Building-
It is an activity where various factors of production have to be organized. Place utility, time utility, form utility etc. has to be
considered to collect them under one roof for new production.
2) Creative activity-
Innovation should have a strong support of creativity. Introducing creativity in producing something new is a big challenge
for the entrepreneur. Thus creativity is an essential part of entrepreneurship.
3) Managerial skill and leadership-
A person who wants to be a successful entrepreneur should have more passion of doing something new than just earning
profit. Leadership and managerial skills are the most important facets of entrepreneurship. Other skills can be considered
secondary. An entrepreneur must have the ability to lead and manage.
4) Innovation-
Entrepreneurship is an innovation. The introduction of new combination of various factors of productions is innovation. A
new product arrives in the market, uses new production technology, discovers new source of supply of raw materials and
opens a new market for the specific product. In view of changing taste of consumers from time to time, entrepreneurship
focuses on the research and development to produce goods to satisfy the customers.
5) Skillful management-
The success of any entrepreneurship depends on the management of the organization. With professional management and
skilled managers, entrepreneurship becomes successful activity
6) Gap filling function-
The most significant feature of entrepreneurship is gap filling. It is the entrepreneur's job to fill the gap or make up the
deficiencies which always exist in the knowledge about the production function.
7) Risk Bearing-
Uncertainty is defined as a risk which can not be insured against and is incalculable. Entrepreneur is an agent who buys
factors of production at certain prices, in order to combine them into a product, to sell them at uncertain prices in future.
Thus they too are risk-bearing agents in production.
8) Economic activity-
An entrepreneur produces a new product for the customers as per their needs. He feels the need of this to satisfy human
wants and as well in exchange earn a better livelihood. It is a systematically planned activity as per the skills and knowledge
of entrepreneur. Hence entrepreneurship is an economic activity.

7. Explain any five right of consumers.

Ans: The success of any campaign depends on the consciousness and awareness of the people for whose cause the
movement is organized. Consumer's rights play an important role in their protection and safety. The business aim should be
to meet the needs of the consumers and to provide full satisfaction. Every consumer should be aware of his rights and use
of them in his daily life for protection. Consumers have to fight for their rights and put pressure on business, manufacturer
and traders for safeguarding their rights. SHORTCODE: RIgHtS of Consumer Protection)
1) Right to Represent:

forum. The act allows the consumer to be represented by a person who is not a professional advocate. This provision is in
recognition of consumer's right to represent.
2) Right to Redress:
Along with the right to represent, right of redressal is also given. Only filing of complaint is not enough to give justice to
consumers, so this right implies fair settlement of claims. This right enables the consumer to demand repair or replacement
or compensation for defective products and for poor services. According to consumer protection Act, three tier quasi
judicial consumer dispute redressal machinery is established for settlement of claims such as District Commission at District
level, State Commission at state level and National Commission at national level. Consumers are protected from business
3) Right to Information:
According to this right, consumer should be provided with adequate information about all aspects of goods and services like
price, name of manufacturer, contents used, batch number if any, date of manufacture and expiry date, user manual and
safety instruction etc. This right also enables consumer to select right product or service. It is applicable to food products,
medicines, spare parts or any other consumer products or services.
4) Right to be heard:
Every business organization should listen and solve the complaints of consumers. According to this right, consumers have
opportunity to voice their complaint to the consumer forum. Consumers also give suggestions to manufacturer or trader on
certain matters such as quality, quantity, price, packaging etc. Now a days, consumers can file online complaints through
portal or mobile applications.
5) Right to Healthy Environment:
All consumers have a right to healthy and clean environment. According to this right, consumer can demand actions against
the pollution causing business organisations. All consumers have the right to healthy and clean environment in present and
6) Right to Safety:
This right protects consumers against products, production processes and services which are hazardous to health or life. It
includes concern for consumer's long-term interests as well as their immediate requirements. According to this right,
consumer must get full safety and protection to his life and health. This safety should be in relation to medicines, electrical
appliances, food etc. The GOI has given safety standards in the form of AGMARK, lSI, BIS, Hallmark etc.
7) Right to Choose:
The choices available to Indian consumers across the basket of goods and services have multiplied like telecommunications,
travel and tourism, banking, electronics, fast moving consumer goods(FMCG) etc. According to this right, consumer should
be given full freedom to select an article as per his requirement, liking and purchasing capacity. The to choose is related to
the concept of free market economy. As per this right, the seller cannot compel consumer to buy particular product and
hence monopoly is prevented.
8) Right to Consumer Education:
Every consumer has the right to know about consumer rights and solutions to their problems. This right creates consumer
awareness. An aware consumer can make rational choice of goods and services and protect his rights and interests from the
exploitation of unscrupulous businessmen. Thus, consumer education becomes a priority concern. It is necessary to give
education and training regarding prevailing acts and legal processes. The government, media and NGOs play vital roles in
this regard. E.g. 'Jago Grahak Jago' campaign.
9) Right to Protect from unfair business practices:
As per this right all consumers are protected against unfair business practices such as black marketing, profiteering, faulty
weights and measures, exorbitant prices, adulteration etc.

8. Explain 4ps of marketing mix.

Ans: Marketing Mix is the combination of different marketing variables that the firm blends and controls to achieve the
desired result from the target market. In simple words the marketing mix is putting the right product, at the right time, at
the right price in the right place. It is one of the important tools of the marketing. The 4P's of marketing mix were
introduced by E. Jerome McCarthy in 1960.
It was further extended by Booms & Bitner in 1981 by adding 3 new elements to the 4 Ps Principle. There are two types of
marketing mix-Product Marketing Mix (4Ps) and Service Marketing mix (7Ps). The four Ps are the key factors that are
involved in the marketing of goods or services. They are the product, price, place, and promotion.
1) Product: Product refers to the goods or services that are offered to the customers for sale and are capable of satisfying
the need of the customer. The product can be intangible or tangible, as it can be in the form of services or goods. The
business need to decide the right type of product through extensive market research. Success of the business depends on
the impact of the product in the minds of the customer.
2) Price: The price of the product is basically the amount that a customer pays for the product. Price plays an important
role in creating demand for the product. The business needs to take utmost care to decide the price of the product. Cost of
the product and willingness of the customer to pay for the product play an important role in pricing the product. Too high
price may affect the demand for the product and pricing too low may affect the profitability of the business. While deciding
the prices, the value and utility of the product to its customers are to be considered.
3) Place: Place is also known as distribution channel. Placement or distribution is a very important part of the marketing.
Making a right product at the right price is not enough. Businessman needs to make the product available to potential
customer at the right place too. Business needs to distribute the product in a place that is accessible to potential buyers. It
covers location, distribution and ways of delivering the product to the customer. Better the chain of distribution higher the
coverage of the product in the market.
4) Promotion: Promotion is an important element of marketing as it creates brand recognition and sales. Promotion is a
tool of marketing communication which helps to publicise the product to the customer. It helps to convey product features
to the potential buyer and inducing them to buy it. Promotion mix includes tools such as advertising, direct marketing, sales
promotion, personal selling, etc. Combination of promotional strategies depend on budget, the message business wants to
communicate and the target market.

9. Explain any four principles scientific of management.

Ans: Taylor (1856-1915) was an American who started his career as a machinist in Midvale Steelworks, Philadelphia and
gradually through his hard work and progress, rose to the position of the Chief Engineer. He introduced his observations
and experiments based on scientific data. Taylor's approach towards management is termed as scientific management. For
this contribution in development of management thoughts, he is known as the "Father of Scientific Management"
Principles of Scientific Management: These principles are as follows: SHORTCODE: (MDH SCIENCE & COOPERATION)
1) Mental Revolution: Taylor introduced the concept of "Mental Revolution". This principle focuses on change in the
attitude of employees and management towards each other. Both should realize their equal importance in organization.
They should give full cooperation for achieving goal of organization. This will increase productivity and profits.
2) Division of Responsibility: Proper division of work should always be accompanied with division of responsibilities
between the managers and employees. Major planning is done by the top and middle level management authorities
whereas employees are concentrating on its execution. The reporting is done as per the instructions given by their
superiors. Managers should always help, encourage and guide the employees. It helps for best performances of managers
as well as employees.
3) Development of employer and employees for greater efficiency and maximum prosperity: Best performance of any
organization always depends on the skills and capabilities of its, employees to a great extent. Thus, providing training and
development programmes to the employees whenever required, is very essential. It ultimately affects the profitability of
the, organization. Each employee should be given proper opportunity to attain greater efficiency and maximum prosperity.
4) Harmony, Not Discord: According to this principle, there should be harmony between the employees and management.
This coordination will help in minimizing conflicts between them. Perfect understanding between employees and
management will be helpful in creating healthy work environment for achieving the desired goal i.e. success. Organization
should think about maximum prosperity of employees also.

5) Science, Not Rule of Thumb: In order to increase organizational efficiency, the 'Rule of Thumb' method should be
substituted with the methods developed through scientific analysis of work. Rule of thumb decisions are based on personal
judgments of the manager. Taylor insisted upon scientific method for every small work. This principle is concerned with
selecting the best way of performing a job after scientific analysis of that job and not by trial and error methods. Standard
required time and standard output should be defined by the manager. This will help in saving time and human energy and
will result into expected standard output. According to Taylor, even a small production activity like loading iron sheets into
box cars can be scientifically planned.
6) Cooperation, Not Individualism: This principle emphasizes on mutual cooperation between workforce i.e. employees
and management. Due to cooperation, trust, team spirit etc. internal competition will turn into healthy working
environment. Management should always consider the suggestions given by employees in decision making process.
Employees should be treated as an integral part of organisation in all respects. At the same time employees should resist
themselves from going on strikes and making unnecessary demands from management. They should treat each other as
two pillars of organization.

10. Explain importance of staffing with any Four Points.

Ans: : According to Luther Gullick: "Staffing is the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and
maintaining favorable conditions of work". (SHORTCODE : HELP MIB)
1) Helps Human Resource Development:
Skilled and experienced employee is an asset of a business organization. Staffing helps to inculcate the organizational
culture into employees. It trains and develops the existing workforce. It also ensures smooth functioning of all the
managerial aspects of the business organization.
2) Helps in Effective use of Technology and Other Resources:
Trained employees can use the latest technology, capital, material and methods of work effectively. It helps in building
competitive strength of the organization. It is also helpful in improving standard of work and productivity in terms of quality
and quantity.
3) Effective Managerial Function:
Staffing is the key to effective performance of other functions of management such as planning, organizing, directing and
controlling. Competent workforce can work effectively in different functional areas like
production, sales, finance etc. The outcome of other functions is based on the effectiveness of staffing.
4) Essential Contribution:
Staffing ensures the continuity and growth of the organization through development of employees. Selection
is based on the ability of the prospective employees. So that organization can meet the future challenges
wisely. Therefore, the contribution of the staff in their future roles is taken into account in staffing function.
5)Leads to Effective Utilization of Human Resources:
Staffing function leads to effective utilization of human resources i.e. workforce. Proper care is taken at every stage such as
recruitment, selection, placement, remuneration, training, development etc. Excessive burden of work is avoided. Optimum
utilization of human resources results in improvement in performances and progress of organization.
6) Long Term Effect:
Qualified, efficient and skillful workforce is always an asset of the organization. Proper selection of employees leads the
organization towards the path of success. Naturally, long term positive effects can be observed on the efficiency of an
7)Provides Job Satisfaction:
Employees can be motivated through financial and non-financial incentives. Adequate remuneration increases
job satisfaction and morale of the employees. Training and development programmes, fair remuneration and
job security are the factors which are important in providing job satisfaction.
8) Maintains Harmony:
In staffing process, individuals are recruited, selected and placed as well as their performance is regularly
appraised and promotions are given on the basis of merit. For this, criteria is made and duly communicated
to concerned employees. It brings peace and harmony in organization.
9) Improves Efficiency:
Training and development programmes are offered to the employees for self-development and organizational
development. Through proper selection, the organization gets quality employees and through proper training the
performance level of the employees can be improved.
10) Builds Cordial Relationship:
This function is helpful in building healthy relationships among all levels of employees in
the organization. A smooth human relation is the key to better communication and coordination of managerial efforts in
an organization.

11. Explain importance of coordinating with any Four Points

Ans: Need for co-ordination arises out of the fact that different elements and efforts of an organization are to be
harmonized and unified to achieve the common objectives. Importance of coordination can be discussed as follows:
1) Gives Proper Direction:
Coordination integrates departmental activities for achieving common goal of the organization. The work is arranged in a
very systematic way. The interdependence of departments gives proper direction to the employees.
2) Optimum Utilization of Resources:
Managers try to integrate all the resources systematically. It helps in utilizing all available resources at its optimum level.
Co-ordination also helps to minimize the wastage of resources and control the cost of work.
3) Unity of Direction:
Different activities are performed by different departments. Coordination harmornizes these
activities for achieving common goal of organization. Thus, coordination gives proper direction to all departments of the
4) Specialization:
All departments of the organization are headed by experts in their respective fields. The specialized knowledge of these
departmental heads helps in managerial decisions. It leads organization to march towards growth and success in the
competitive world of business.
5) Achieve Organizational Objectives:
Co-ordination leads to minimize the wastages of materials, idle time of employees, delay in completion of targets,
departmental disputes a great extent. It ensures smooth working of the organization in the process of achieving the
objectives of the organization.
6) Leads to Higher Efficiency:
With the help of optimum utilization of resources and effective integration of resources, the
organization can achieve high returns in terms of high productivity, high profitability as well
as can reduce the cost. Thus, co-ordination leads to higher efficiency.
7)Improves Goodwill:
Higher sales and higher profitability can be achieved due to synchronized efforts of
organizational people, strong human relations and lower costs. It directly results into creating
goodwill for organization in the market. It reflects on market value of shares as well as it helps
in building good image in society.
8) Improves Relation:
Co-ordination develops cordial relations between all the levels of management of an
organization. Every department depends on functioning of other department. For example,
sales department works according to production department, Production department depends
on Purchase department and so on. Coordination helps the employees to build strong relations
among them and achieve the given targets.
9)Facilitates Motivation:
Coordination motivates the employees to take initiative while completing their assigned task. An effective co-ordination
increases efficiency and results into growth and prosperity of the organisation. A prosperous organisation ensures job
security, higher income, promotion and incentives. Such monetary and non- monetary incentives provide job security and
motivate the employees for hard work.
10)Encourages Team Spirit:
In organizations, group of individuals work together. There may be existence of conflicts, disputes between individuals,
departments and employer and employees regarding organizational policies, roles and responsibilities etc. Coordination
arranges the work in such a way that minimum conflicts are raised. It increases the team spirit at work place.

12. Explain any five function of entrepreneur.

Ans: Entrepreneurs are the people who have the courage to offer and to share an idea or a product or a service with the
world. They try to make market a better place where the needs of consumers can be satisfied. (SHORTCODE: GO N DO IT)
1) Good Relations:
It is necessary to maintain healthy working atmosphere in an organization. It depends upon the
efficient relations between subordinates and superiors. Co-ordination among the employees is
the key of success.
2) Organizing Funds:
Entrepreneur needs to find out different financial resources because adequate and continuous finance is always necessary
for business. Good and honest relations with the investors is necessary for every business.
3) New Technology:
In global world, everyday there is an invention of new technology. Introduction of new technology will always result in
growth of business e.g. new machinery, advanced technology, new and scientific methods of production, etc.
4) Determination of Objectives:
An entrepreneur has to determine the aims and objectives of the business. There may be difference between primary and
secondary objectives of the enterprise. He can change these objectives as per the market situations.
5) Development of Market:
The entrepreneur has to find out different ways for marketing the products and services of his enterprise. He can conduct
surveys or research to understand the customer's demand. When the markets are developed constantly, the demands of
the consumers will increase.
6) Innovation:
An entrepreneur is basically an innovator. He introduces new combinations of means of production. He must introduce new
products or brings changes in the existing products. Customers are satisfied with new products or new features in the
existing products. Innovation is also necessary to solve problems that arise in the business.
7) Taking Decisions:
An entrepreneur has to take wise decisions for his enterprise. Timely and correct decisions are also important and necessary
for a proper business plan. He should always consider the pros and cons before taking any business decision.

13. State features of services.

Ans: "A service is an act of performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result
in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product."- Philip Kotler SHORTCODE: (IN
1) Intangibility:
A service is not a physical product that can be touched or seen. A service can be experienced by the buyer or the receiver.
Services lack material form, and therefore they are intangible. Due to intangibility, services cannot be demonstrated like
goods, and therefore service providers must create good impact on the customers by delivering quality services on time.
2) Inseparability:
Unique characteristic of services is that the service and the service provider cannot be separated. The presence of service
provider is there at the time of delivering services to customers. In case of services production and consumption take place
at the same time.
3) Inconsistency:
Services are heterogeneous. There can be no perfect standardization of services. Even if the service provider remains the
same, the quality of the service may differ from time to time. For example, same restaurant can give different experience to
two different customers.
4) Non-transferability:
Unlike goods, all services are non-transferable in nature. The ownership of services cannot be transferred from service
provider to customer. For example, a customer can book hotel room but the ownership of room remains with the hotelier.
5) Perishability:
The production and consumption of services are inseparable because storage of services is not possible. Being an intangible
transaction there can never be an inventory of services. Unlike goods, they cannot be stored for future sale. For example,
the vacant seats of morning flight of an airline cannot be utilized in afternoon flight of the same airline.
6)Consumer participation:
For services, participation of consumer is equally important. Without the participation of consumer, services cannot be
offered. The seller cannot offer service without the presence of customer vice-versa customer cannot accept service, unless
the seller is present to offer a service.

14. Describe importance of controlling with any Four Points.

Ans: Controlling is important in maintaining standards and to achieve desired goals effectively and efficiently. It is a function
of checking the performances of employees at every stage of their work in process. The importance of controlling function
in an organization is as follows:(SHORTCODE: PErFEct MBA)
1) Psychological Pressure:
The performances are evaluated with the standard targets. The employees are very well aware that their performance
will be evaluated and they will be rewarded accordingly. This psychological pressure works as a motivational factor for
empolyees to give their best performance.
2) Ensures Order and Discipline:
Controlling is the function of order and maintaining discipline. It works for reducing unprofessional behavior of the
employees. Discipline is maintened by continuous checking of performances by the superiors and preventive actions are
taken to minimize the gap between actual and standards.
3) Fulfilling Goals of Organization:
Controlling is the function of measuring the performances at every possible stage, finding out the deviations, if any; and
taking corrective actions according to planned activities for the organization. Thus, it helps in fulfilling the organizational
4) Facilitates Co-ordination:
Control is a function in which the roles and responsibilities of all departmental managers and the subordinates are designed
clearly. Coordination between them helps to find out the deviations in their respective departments and to use remedial
measure for desired results of the organization.
5) Ensures Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness:
Factors of control include making managers responsible, motivating them for higher performance and achieving
departmental coordination. It ensures about organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
6) Making Efficient Utilization of Resources:
Various techniques are used by managers to reduce wastage of material and spoilage of other resources. Standards are set
for every performance. Employees have to follow these standards. As the effect of this, the resources are used by
employees in the most efficient and effective manner so as to achieve organizational objectives.
7)Motivates Employee:
After setting standards of checking performance, they are communicated to employees in advance. Due to this, employees
get an idea about what to do and how to do. Performances are evaluated and on that basis employees are rewarded in the
form of increment, bonus, promotion etc. It motivates the employees to perform at their best level.
8) Builds Good Corporate Image:
Controlling function helps to improve the overall performance of the organization. Minimum deviation in predetermined
standards and actual performance results into the progress of business. It can be achieved with the help of proper control.
This builds good corporate image and brings goodwill for the business.
9) Accuracy of Standards:
An efficient control system helps management in judging the accuracy of standards whether they are accurate or not.
Controlling measures are flexible to some extent. So after reviewing them according to changing circumstances, they are
revised from time to time which is beneficial for checking performances accurately.
10) Acts as a Guide:
Controlling function provides set of standard performance. Managers as well as subordinates work to
it. Wherever necessary, they can take the help of these standards and can achieve desired results. Thus, controlling
function acts as a guide for everyone. The steps taken for controlling an activity guide the management while planning the
future activities.

15. Explain any four functions of marketing.

Ans: Success of business is difficult without effective marketing. Marketing deals with exchange of goods and services to
satisfy needs of consumers. Marketing functions help to study the needs of the consumers and facilitate to satisfy it.
Following are some of the important functions of marketing : SHORTCODE: (MBPS)
1) Marketing Research
Effective marketing is possible when business takes initiative to identify the needs and wants of the consumers in the
market. To identify the needs of the consumers, there is a need to collect information from the consumers and analyse the
same is known as Market Research. Analysis of the information helps in the assessment of the need in the market. It helps
to find out what do consumers want to buy, when do consumers buy, in what quantity they want to buy and at what price.
Marketing Research helps to take various decisions regarding successful marketing of products.
2) Market Planning:
After assessing the need of the marketing, business needs to chalk out the marketing plan and strategies to achieve the
desired objective. Market planning is the process of organizing and defining the marketing objectives of the business and
creating strategies to achieve them. It is the comprehensive blueprint that will help to draw outline business's overall
marketing efforts.
3) Buying and Assembling:
It involves collecting raw material from different sources at one place for production. This function is important as quality
and price of raw materials determine cost and quality of the final product.
4)Branding :
Every businessman wants to have special identity in the market for his product. Branding is a process of giving special
identity to a product through unique brand name to differentiate it from competitor's products. In simple words giving of
distinct name to one's product is called as branding. Registered brands are known as Trademarks.
Trademarks can not be copied. Branding helps to get recognition among the consumers. It can help to get new business and
increase brand awareness in the market.
5) Product Development:
Product development and design play an important role in the selling of the product. There is a need to develop the product
that suits the needs of the consumer. Product design includes decision related to quality, standards, shape, design, packing,
colour etc. of the product. Consumer always prefer better and attractively designed product. Good design of the product
gives competitive advantage to the business. Product development is continuous process as the requirements of the
customer change from time to time.
6)Packaging and Labelling:
Package and Label creates the first impression on the consumer about the product. Attractive package and label can help to
make product successful. Packaging means designing the package for the product. It helps to avoiding breakage, damage
and destruction of the product. Packing material includes bottles, container, plastic bags, tin, wooden boxes, jute bags,
bubble bags, packing foam etc.
Label is a slip which is found on the product and provides all the information regarding the product and its producer. The
slip on which all this information is provides is called as label and its process is called as labeling. Packaging and labelling not
only provide protection to the product but also act as an effective tool of marketing.
7)Pricing of Product:
Pricing is one of the most important as well as challenging function of the marketing. Many times price of the product
decides the success or failure of the product. Pricing plays an important role in the market where there is cut throat
competition. While determining the price of the product businessman needs to consider factors like cost, desired profit,
price of the competitor's product, demand for the product, market condition etc. Business needs to change prices as
per the need of the market. If prices are too high, it might lose customers but if prices are too low, it might suffer losses. So
deciding the right price needs extensive market research.
8)Standardisation and Grading:
Standardisation means to determine standards related to process, size, quality, design, weight, colour etc. of the product. It
helps in ensuring uniformity in the quality of the product. It helps in achieving customers' loyalty towards the product.
Grading is the process of classification of products according to similar characteristics and/or quality. Grading is done on the
basis of their features like size, shape quality etc. Generally grading is done in case of agricultural products like wheat, rice,
potatoes etc.


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