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4.1. Potential hazards at Work Place:

A hazard is an agent having the potential to cause harm and hurt to a
target or causes a potential health effect.
Types of Hazards:
1. Physical hazards
 Low light environment causes eye problem
 No adequate ventilation causes respiratory problems and allergies
 Prolonged sitting and continuous working causes back pain, stiffening of neck
and wrist joints
 Poor arrangement of machines, lifting loads- Ergonomics.
Precautions to be taken:
 Always work in right poster
 Keep the stand at a height till bust level and straight wrist position to avoid
bending your neck and back for a long time
 Use wrist rest to avoid strain in the back and wrist joint
 Take short break from long stitching
2. Fire hazards
 Electrical short circuit
 Damage to the equipment
 Spark, ignition
 Deposit of dust
Precautions to be taken:
 Good housekeeping
 Minimum storage in workrooms
 Restricting smoking areas
 Controlling heated work areas
 Storing raw materials and finished goods systematically
3. Biological hazards
 Microbes
 Animals or insects
 Genetically modified agents
Precautions to be taken:
 Adequate ventilation
 Clean environment
 Use of exhaust fans
 Hygienic washrooms
4. Chemical hazards

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 Common at the time of dyeing and printing

 Chemicals used in fabric processing. Example: Sulphuric Acid
Precautions to be taken:
 Must follow special instructions while handling a particular chemical
5. Electrical hazards
 Improper earthing & insolation
 Usage of old wire
 Moisture
 Electrical maintenance
 Looping in the running lane
 Short circuit
Precautions to be taken:
 Avoid improper earthing and loose connection
 All circuit to be enclosed in a proper circuit
 Moisture to be kept in control
 Use of wires as per electrical standards
 Avoid looping
 Need preventive maintenance
6. Electrical hazards while using machines
 Wrong use of equipment
 Use of faulty equipment
 Working near electrical equipment which is in line
 Using equipment without training
Precautions to be taken:
 Critical emergencies such as alarms, evacuation plans, emergency lights and
gathering areas
 Proper training to operate machines
 Demonstration of work techniques
7. Psychological hazards
 Boring, stress, low pay, lack of recognition, production pressure
 Job insecurity, working hours
Precautions to be taken:
 Behaviour therapy like counselling, meditation, yoga, music, occupational
Some common injuries and preventive measures:
 Finger and hand injury during cleaning- machine must be switched off while
 Eye injury form broken parts- safety glasses should be used
 Finger injury from needle- setting of the finger guard
 Injury from tools and equipment- shears and needles should be placed at the
right place after use
 Electrical injury- never use a machine with damaged covers, cable switches

4.2. Benefits of Healthy Life Style

• The safer the work environment, the more productive it is. Productive
employees can produce more output less time, reducing operational costs for
a company.
• Workplace safety promotes the wellness of employees and employers alike.
Healthier employees do tasks more efficiently, and they are happier in
• Damage to industrial equipment creates costs for replacement and repair.
Avoiding workplace injuries and damage to industrial equipment will result
fewer expenses and increase profit.
• If employers are concerned about the safety of their employees, the
employees are more confident and comfortable in general.

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5.1. Impotence of ethics and Values

"Ethics are high-level values and standards of behaviour
for choosing the right thing to do." Therefore, ethics are considered morally right.
Thus, they are not laws but obligations. Furthermore, it is a choice of a person to
follow these ethics or not. The importance of ethic are:
 It creates a good company culture
 Employ Satisfaction
 Decreases misconduct
 Increases productivity
 Maintaining legal compliance
 Improved public reputation
5.2. Policies and Procedures of a company
Company: - A company is a legal entity formed by a group of individuals to engage in
and operate a business in a commercial or industrial capacity. Companies may be
either public or private. For the smooth running of activities a company establish
policies and procedures.
Company Policies and Procedures: - These are basically set in place to establish the
rules of conduct within an organisation, outlining the responsibilities of both employees
and employers. Company policy and procedures aim to protect the rights of workers as
well as business interest of employers.
A policy is a guiding principle that allows all employees to
be consistent in the way in which they work within the organisation. A procedure
explains a specific action plan for carrying out a policy.
Types of Policies:
1. Program Policies
 Used to create an overall security vision of the organisation
 It includes topic and scope, responsibilities, compliance issues
2. Topic Specific Policies
 Address specific issues like email policy, internet usage, physical security etc.
3. Application Specific Policies

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 Design to protect specific applications or system. Eg: Controls established


Most important company policies and their benefits are listed below:
Policies & Procedures Benefits
Employee Attendance:
Include guidelines on - Having a standard way to request a day off or
1 vacation time, sick leave, take vacation leave will help things run more
appointments and paid smoothly in the office. 
volunteer hours.

Code of Conduct: Contains - A clear code of conduct can help employees

2 the vision, ethics and the understand expectations of the company in
mission of the organization. terms of performance and behaviour.

Employee Wages: Details - Ensures that the employee receives the right
3 about salary and managing monthly payment on time and without any
employee payrolls. unnecessary deductions.
- Workplace health and safety violations can
Workplace Healthy and
cause harm to your employees, business money
Safety: Details about the
and damage company’s reputation.
4 health and safety measures
- Health and safety policies protects the
to be followed in the
employers as well as improve their work
- With complete access to the rules and
Employee Disciplinary
regulations of the workplace, disciplinary action
Action: Record of
can be enforced if a situation arises.  
5 expectations in terms of
- A step-by-step list regarding disciplinary action
performance and details of
can make it easy for employees to know what to
disciplinary actions.
expect if they violate a company policy.
- This policy protects not just the employees and
Sexual Harassment in The
6 interns of an organization but also any woman
Workplace Policy:
visiting the company or a woman customer.
- This will help the HR personnel carry out the
Termination of Employment correct procedures according to the federal
7 Policy: laws.
- Helps the employee to be compliant if the
company violate from policies.
- An equal opportunity policy prevents companies
Non-discrimination or from discriminating against job applicants or
8 Policy or Equal Opportunity employees if they are a member of a protected
Policy (EOP) class (e.g., race, gender, age, religion, familial
status, colour).

Grievance Policy: These are - It’s important to outline a formal process for
policies related to handle the resolving complaints within the company so that
formal complaints with an employees know how to handle their concerns in
aspect of their workplace. a professional way.

Performance Management - It gives employees a clear understanding of

and Appraisal: what is expected of them.

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